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Sci (2018) 7(10): 3404-3412

International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences

ISSN: 2319-7706 Volume 7 Number 10 (2018)
Journal homepage:

Original Research Article

Estimation of Groundwater Recharge Using Water Table

Fluctuation Method

Nimmi Kuruppath1*, A. Raviraj2, Balaji Kannan3 and K.M. Sellamuthu4

Department of Soil and Water Conservation Engineering, Agricultural Engineering College
& Research Institute, Agricultural University, Coimbatore, India
Department of Soil and Water Conservation Engineering, Water Technology Centre,
Agricultural University, Coimbatore, India
Department of Remote Sensing and GIS, 4Department of Soil Science and Agricultural
Chemistry, Agricultural University, Coimbatore, India

*Corresponding author


The present study attempts to determine groundwater recharge of the two over exploited
Keywords blocks of Karur district in Amaravathy basin viz., Aravakurichi and K. Paramathi by water
table fluctuation method. Rainfall data of eight rain gauge stations for 30 years (1982-
Estimation, Groundwater,
Recharge using water, 2012) and water level data of twenty three stations were collected from the office of State
Fluctuation method Ground and Surface Water Resources Data Centre, Tharamani, Chennai for analysis. The
Article Info rainfall occurs in four distinct season’s viz., NE monsoon, SW monsoon, summer, winter
are 54.1%, 26.58%, 17.57% and 1.73% respectively. The water table fluctuation varied
Accepted: from 0.2 to 3.1 m in SW monsoon, and 0.4 to 6.6 m in NE monsoon in Aravakurichi block,
24 September 2018 whereas in K. Paramathi block groundwater level fluctuation varied from 0.1 to 3.7 m due
Available Online: to SW monsoon, and 0.4 to 5.4 m in NE monsoon. It was observed that the recharge
10 October 2018 percentage in Aravakurichi block varied from 5.25% to 16.74% in Aravakurichi block and
5.69% to 16.20% in K. Paramathi block.

Introduction determination in arid and semiarid areas is

neither straightforward nor easy.
Quantification of the rate of ground water
recharge is a basic prerequisite for efficient This is due to the time variability of
ground water resource management precipitation in arid and semiarid climates,
(Sophocleous, 1991). and spatial variability in soil characteristics,
topography, vegetation and land use (Lerner et
In semiarid areas, where groundwater al., 1990). Accurate quantification of recharge
resources are the key to agricultural rates is imperative to proper management and
development, groundwater quantification is protection of valuable groundwater resources.
very vital issue. The rate of aquifer recharge in A multitude of methods has been used to

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(10): 3404-3412

estimate recharge. Techniques based on over-exploited and rest 8 blocks under saline
groundwater levels are among the most category. The objectives of the study include
widely-applied methods for estimating determining the seasonal groundwater
recharge rates. This is due to the availability recharge of the two over exploited blocks of
of groundwater-level data and the simplicity Karur district viz., Aravakurichi and K.
of estimating recharge rates from temporal Paramathi by water table fluctuation method
fluctuations or spatial patterns of groundwater and empirical formulas.
levels. The present study emphasis on
estimating groundwater recharge based on Details of the study area
knowledge of groundwater levels. This
approach is termed the water table fluctuation Karur district lies between 10º63’N and
(WTF) method, which is the most widely used 11º14’N latitude and 77º90’E and 78º61’E
method for recharge estimation. Due to its longitude. In Karur district, the surface water
accuracy, ease of use and low cost of resources have been utilized fully. The
application in semiarid areas this method is deficient monsoon rainfall has affected the
considered to be one of the most promising flow of surface water into reservoirs, anaicuts,
and attractive (Beekman and Xu, 2003). lakes etc. Hence under these circumstances the
farmers has to totally depend on alternate
The WTF method was first used for ground source, viz. groundwater to meet-out their
water recharge estimation and has since been irrigation requirements. Geologically the
used in numerous studies for the same purpose entire Karur district is underlain by hard
(Leduc et al., 1997; Moon et al., 2004) or rock’s except a few patches of alluvial
groundwater storage changes estimation formation along the river Cauvery. Hard rock
(Ruud et al., 2004). In addition to WTF generally does not contain potential aquifers to
method the study also focuses on various store large quantity of water and to transmit to
empirical formulas viz., Chaturvedi, UPIRI, other areas. According to CGWB 2009 out of
Amritsar, Kumar and Seethapathi and Krishna eight blocks, four blocks (Aravakurichi, K.
Rao formulas for recharge estimation. Paramathi, Thanthoni and Kadavur) are under
over exploited category. Krishnarayapuram
Need for the present study and Karur blocks are under critical and semi
critical category, while only two blocks
Rainfall in Tamil Nadu is dependent largely Kulithallai and Thongamalai are under safe
on the north-east monsoons and demand for category. The location map of the study area is
groundwater is increasing due to frequent shown in Figure 1.
failure of monsoons and depleting surface
water resources and hence the demand for The tasks can basically be divided in to the
groundwater is increasing. It is, therefore, following categories
necessary to have thorough knowledge about
water level fluctuations and groundwater Collection of secondary data (rainfall and
recharge for evolving a system to manage the groundwater) for the study area.
water resources effectively. As per the recent
estimates of groundwater resources by CGWB Estimation of annual recharge for each of the
(Central Ground Water Board, 2011), out of blocks using water table fluctuation method.
385 assessed units (blocks) in Tamil Nadu
38% comes under safe category, 15% under Determination of annual and seasonal
semi-critical, 9% under critical, 37% under recharge using empirical formulas.

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(10): 3404-3412

Materials and Methods recharge using the change in groundwater

levels. The method takes into account the
Analysis of rainfall data response of groundwater level fluctuation and
specific yield, is more scientific, realistic and
The rainfall data observed on eight raingauge is directly measurable, unlike other
stations in Aravakurichi and K. Paramathi approaches where assumptions are to be made
blocks for 30 years (from 1982 to 2012) were for most of the components. The recharge
collected from the office of State Ground and volume is given by,
Surface Water Resources Data Centre,
Tharamani, Chennai. Recharge volume (m3) = Area (m2) *Average
water level fluctuation (m)* Specific yield
The eight raingauge stations covering the two
blocks are listed in Table 1. Recharge assessment by various empirical
Thiessen polygons were imposed on the base
map to arrive at weighted mean rainfall for the Chaturvedi formula
two blocks separately using the analysis tool
in ArcGIS 10.1. The Thiessen polygon method Based on the water level fluctuations and
assumes that the rainfall recorded at a station rainfall amounts in Ganga-Yamuna doab,
is representative of the area halfway to the Chaturvedi in (1936), derived an empirical
stations adjoining it. relationship where recharge is a function of
annual precipitation.
Each station is connected to its adjacent
stations by straight lines, the perpendicular R = 2.0 (P - 15)0.4
bisectors of which form a pattern of polygons.
The weighted average rainfall was calculated Where,
by dividing the sum of the products of station
areas and rainfalls by the total area of all the R = net recharge due to precipitation during
stations. Thiessen polygon with the the year, in inches;
observations well is shown in the Figure 2.
P = annual precipitation, in inches.
Analysis of water level data
The Chaturvedi formula has been widely used
The water level data of twenty three stations for preliminary estimations of groundwater
of Aravakurichi and K. Paramathi blocks were recharge due to rainfall.
collected from the office of State Ground and
Surface Water Resources Data Centre, U. P. Irrigation Research Institute, Roorkee
Tharamani, Chennai and the monthly recharge
was calculated for all stations. Chaturvedi formula was later modified by
further work at the U.P. Irrigation Research
Recharge due to rainfall Institute, Roorkee and the modified form of
the formula is
Water level fluctuation method is the most
widely used method for recharge estimation. R = 1.35 (P - 14)0.5
Healy and Cook (2002) gave detailed
procedure for estimating the groundwater R and P both are measured in inches.

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(10): 3404-3412

Amritsar formula R = 0.25 (P - 400) for areas with P between

600 and 1000 mm R = 0.35 (P - 600) for areas
Using regression analysis for certain doabs in with P above 2000 mm Where,
Punjab, Sehgal developed a formula in 1973
for Irrigation and Power Research Institute, R and P are expressed in millimetres.
The groundwater recharge due to rainfall was
R = 2.5 (P - 16)0.5 calculated by using various empirical
methods. The relationship between rainfall
Where, and recharge was derived and represented
R and P both are measured in inches.
Water table fluctuation method
Kumar and Seethapathi formula
Rainfall is the main source of recharge to
The following empirical relationship (similar groundwater regime. Areal extent and specific
to Chaturvedi formula) was derived by fitting yield of aquifer formation and controlling
the estimated values of rainfall recharge and factors in determination of monsoonal
the corresponding values of rainfall in the recharge. The seasonal recharge in both the
monsoon season through the non-linear blocks are computed using water table
regression technique. fluctuation method (Healy and Cook, 2002)
for both SW, NE monsoon periods separately.
Rr= 0.63 (P - 15.28)0.76 A value of 1.5% was assumed as the specific
yield of the Karur district (TWAD, 2014). The
Where, area under raingauge stations is 43,689 ha and
53,927 ha for Aravakurichi and K. Paramathi
Rr= Groundwater recharge from rainfall in block respectively. As the contribution of
monsoon season (inch) North-east and South-west monsoons to the
annual rainfall is high compared to other
P = Mean rainfall in monsoon season (inch). seasons, those two seasons are taken into
consideration for recharge calculations. The
Krishna Rao formula groundwater level fluctuations in Aravakurichi
block varied from 0.2 to 3.1 m due to SW
Krishna Rao gave the following empirical monsoon, while it was from 0.4 to 6.6 m in
relationship in 1970 to determine NE monsoon, whereas in K. Paramathi block
groundwater level fluctuation varied from 0.1
The groundwater recharge in limited to 3.7 m due to SW monsoon and it was from
climatological homogeneous areas: 0.4 to 5.4 m in NE monsoon. The average
groundwater fluctuation (2.5 m) was higher
R = K (P - X) during NE monsoon period when compared to
that of SW monsoon (1.6 m) in Aravakurichi
The following relation is stated to hold good block, similarly in K. Paramathi block the
for different parts of Karnataka: average groundwater fluctuation was higher
during NE (2.4m) compared to SW monsoon
R = 0.20 (P - 400) for areas with annual (0.9m). The total monsoon recharge
normal rainfall (P) between 400 and 600 mm percentage during 2002 to 2012 varied from

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(10): 3404-3412

5.25% to 16.74% with an average of 11.83% is below 15 inches. The maximum recharge
in Aravakurichi block. Similarly, in K. per cent occurred in the year 1987 as 20.08%
Paramathi block, the total monsoon recharge and the minimum recharge per cent occurred
percentage varied from 5.69% to 16.20% with in the year 1985 as 11.53% for Aravakurichi
an average recharge percentage of 10.14%. block In K. Paramathi block maximum
Seasonal recharge was calculated for two recharge per cent occurred in the year 2007
seasons, viz. SW monsoon and NE monsoon. and 2011 as 20.09% and minimum recharge
Annual recharge percentage calculated for per cent occurred in the year 1986 as 8.74%.
past ten years (2002 – 2012) for Aravakurichi
and K. Paramathi block. Formula developed by U. P. Irrigation
Research Institute
Results and Discussion
According to U.P.I.R.I (modified form of
Recharge assessment by various empirical Chaturvedi formula), the recharge is
formulas calculated based on annual precipitation. The
maximum recharge of 189.82 mm and 159.13
The methods for estimation of rainfall mm occurred in Aravakurichi block and
recharge involve the empirical relationships K.Paramathi block respectively during the
established between recharge and rainfall year 2005.
developed for different regions, Groundwater
Resource Estimation Committee norms, The recharge would be zero when the rainfall
groundwater balance approach, and soil is below 14 inches. The maximum recharge
moisture data based methods. Several per cent of 18.04% occurred in the years 2009,
empirical formulae have been worked out for in Aravakurichi block and minimum recharge
various regions in India on the basis of occurred in the year 1992 as 8.43%.
detailed studies. Some of the commonly used
formulae are: Maximum recharge of 18.01% and minimum
of 10.28% was observed in K. Paramathi
Chaturvedi formula block during the years 1997 and 1986
Formula developed by U. P. Irrigation
Research Institute Amritsar formula

Amritsar formula The results reveals that the maximum recharge

occurred in the year 2005 as 339.85 mm in
Krishna Rao Aravakurichi block and 280.68mm in K.
Paramathi block.
Kumar and Seethapathi formula
Maximum recharge percentage of 31.25%
Chaturvedi formula occurred in the year 2008 and minimum of
9.01% in 2001 in Aravakurichi block.
The recharge was calculated based on the
precipitation for both the blocks separately. In K. Paramathi block maximum recharge
The maximum recharge of 197.07 mm occurred in 1999 as 31.25% and minimum as
occurred in the year 2005 in Aravakurichi 6.23% in 1995.The recharge would be zero
block and 170.17mm in K. Paramathi block. when the rainfall is below 406.4 mm.
The recharge would be zero when the rainfall
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(10): 3404-3412

Fig.1 Location map of the study area

Fig.2 Thiessen polygon map showing the rain gauge stations and observation wells in
Aravakurichi and K. Paramathi block

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(10): 3404-3412

Fig.3 Monsoon rainfall and recharge percentage (Aravakurichi block)

Fig.4 Monsoon rainfall and recharge percentage (K. Paramathi block)

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(10): 3404-3412

Table.1 Location of Raingauge stations in Amaravathy basin

Sr. No. Station name District Block Latitude Longitude

1 Karur Karur 10.87 77.95
2 Karur Aravankurichi 10.77 77.91
3 Karur Aravankurichi 10.95 77.91
K. Paramathi (Karur)
4 Karur Karur 10.95 78.07
5 Dindigul Vedasendur 10.59 77.97
Kodaganar Dam
6 Erode Dharapuram 11.08 77.88
7 Erode Kankeyam 11.00 77.75
Mangal Patti
8 Erode Erode 10.79 77.70

Kumar and Seethapathi formula for Chathurvedi formula, 14 inches for UPIRI
formula, 16 inches for Amritsar formula,
According to Kumar formula, the recharge is whereas in Kumar and Seethaathi formula
based on the monsoon precipitation. The recharge is zero when monsoon recharge is
maximum monsoon recharge occurred in the less than 15.28 inches as it calculates the
year of 2005 as 149.21 mm in Aravakurichi monsoon recharge. For Krishna Rao formula
block and 121.89 mm in K. Paramathi block. the zero recharge is attained when the
The recharge would be zero when the rainfall precipitation is less than 400mm.
is below 400 mm (Fig. 3 and 4).
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How to cite this article:

Nimmi Kuruppath, A. Raviraj, Balaji Kannan and Sellamuthu, K.M. 2018. Estimation of
Groundwater Recharge Using Water Table Fluctuation Method. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci.
7(10): 3404-3412. doi:


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