Tranexamic Acid: Generic Name

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Nursing Responsibili

Drug Name Action Indication Contraindication Side Effects

Generic name:
 Inhibits activation of  Treatment for  Hypersensitivity  CNS: Dizziness  Observe the 15 right
Tranexamic plasminogen, thereby excessive bleeding  Active intravascular drug administration.
Acid reducing conversion resulting from Clotting.  EENT: Visual  Do the Skin Testing
of plasminogen to systemic or local  Acquired defective Abnormalities  Tell patient to inform
Brand Name: plasmin (fibrinolysin), hyperfibrinolysis. color vision health care provider
an enzyme that  Treatment of  Subarachnoid  CV: Hypotension, color blind, have a hi
 Cyklokapron degrades fibrin clots, excessive bleeding Hemorrhage. thromboembolism, of stroke, and blood
 Hemostan fibrinogen, and other resulting from thrombosis or bleeding in your b
 Lysteda plasma proteins, systemic or local  Caution patients to a
including the hyperfibrinolysis. Precautions:  GI: Diarrhea, products containing
procoagulants Use cautiously with nausea and aspirin or NSAIDs
Pregnancy Category factors. renal impairment, vomiting  Do not use this drug
Risk: B hematuria originating in without telling the do
the urinary tract, and if you are breastfeed
conditions associated baby.
Drug classes with increase thrombus  Unusual change in
formation. bleeding pattern sho
 Antifibrinolytic be reported to the
 Report severe allerg
reactions such as ras
Dosage/Frequency: hives, itching, dyspn
tightness in the ches
o 500mg swelling of the mouth
o Every 8 hr. face, lips or tongue.
Nursing Responsibilit
Drug Name Action Indication Contraindication Side Effects
Generic name:
 Softens the cervix  The practice of  Allergy to misoprostol  Body as whole  Drug is extensivel
Misoprostol and stimulates obstetrics and  Women with uterine Aches/pain, asthenia, absorbed and
uterine gynecology, including infections, severe fatigue, fever, chills, distributed.
Brand Name: contractions. medication abortion, anemia, rigors, weight  Drug is desterified
 Cytotec medical management cardiovascular and changes. misoprostol acid,
of miscarriage, then to prostaglan
cerebrovascular  Skin: rash,
induction of labor,
diseases, dermatitis, alopecia, F analogs.
cervical ripening
before surgical coagulopathy, and pallor, breast pain.  Inform patient abo
Drug classes procedures hypertension.  Special senses: drug’s mechanism
abnormal taste, action and effect t
o Endocrine abnormal vision, the baby.
Metabolic Agent conjunctivitis,  Inform patient that
o Prostaglandin deafness, tinnitus, diarrhea may occu
earache. Health care
professional shoul
Dosage/Frequency: be notified if diarrh
persist for more th
o 1 tablet 1 week. Also advis
o Per orem patient to report
onset of black, tar
stools or severe
abdominal pain.
Drugs Study

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