Flare Gas 1
Flare Gas 1
Flare Gas 1
Flare Gas
A flare gas, also known as the flare stack, is a gas combustion device used in industrial
plants such as petroleum refineries, chemical plants, natural gas processing plants as well
as at oil or gas production sites having oil wells, gas wells, offshore oil and gas rigs and
At an oil and gas production site, when petroleum crude oil is extracted and produced
from onshore or offshore oil wells, raw natural gas associated with the oil is produced to
the surface as well. Vast amounts of such associated gas are commonly flared as waste
gas. The flaring may occur at the top of a vertical flare stack or it may occur in a ground
level earthen pit.
A flare system is required for safety and operational reasons. As such every petroleum
crude oil refinery is provided with a flaring system to continuously burn vent gases
before they are safely discharged to atmosphere. A small quantity of hydrocarbon gas is
kept as purge gas in the flare system which gets burnt continuously in the flare. Also on
occasions during abnormal conditions in the operation, vent-gases are sent to flare.
Recovery of flare gases hence is direct fuel recovery.
Flare Stack
Flare Pit
1.1 Purpose
Kuwait National Petroleum Company (KNPC) is intending to install new Flare Gas
Recovery (FGR) facilities at Mina Abdulla Refinery (MAB). The proposed facilities will
recover any gases vented from the refinery Expansion Units to the Flare system. The
recovered gases are to be treated for return to the Refinery Fuel Gas system for reuse.
The primary objective of the FGR unit is to minimize the release of flared gases from the
flare stacks serving the Refinery Expansion Units. A secondary objective is to capture the
calorific value of these flared gases.
1.3 Background
The Flare system (Unit 49) collects any hydrocarbon gases vented from the Expansion
Units on MAB Refinery. These units include the following:
Crude Distillation
Hydrogen Reformers
Delayed Coker
Gases are collected via two LP flare headers (Low Pressure) and one HP flare header
(High Pressure).All three headers discharge to the two Flare KO Drums (Knockout)
adjacent to the North Flare Stack and the South Flare Stack respectively. Both North and
South Flare KO Drums and Flare Stacks are required to handle the current design flare
load from the Refinery Expansion Units. However, it is possible to take one Flare KO
Drum and associated Flare Stack out of service when a set selection of Refinery
Expansion Units from the list above, are shutdown.
The gas flow in the flare system ranges from a very small flow under normal refinery
operations, essentially purge gas and valve leakage, to a very large flow during major
refinery upset and emergency scenarios.
The FGR facilities are to be sized to recover the gas flow in the Flare system under
normal refinery operations and minor refinery upset conditions. The facilities are not
sized for the flare loads during major refinery relieving scenarios. The selected design
flow rate for the new FGR facilities is indicated in 2.1.
Gas in the flare system will be preferentially routed to the FGR facilities as a
result of the new Flare Seal Drums in the flare lines between each flare KO Drum as
associated flare stack. The water seal depth in the new flare seal drums will provide a
nominal backpressure in the flare headers such that the FGR facilities receive the flared
gas before it reaches Flare Stacks.
If the total flow of the gas in the flare system exceeds the design capacity of the FGR
facilities the Flare system pressure at the inlet to the new Flare Seal Drums will rise to
overcome the water seal and so relieve the excess gas to the flare stacks.
The water seal in the new flare seal drums will be set at a depth to permit satisfactory
operation of the FGR facilities but not to interfere with the operation of the flare system
to handle refinery relieving scenarios.
The FGR facilities will receive gas from the flare lines downstream of the north
and south flare KO drums, to ensure minimum liquid carryover from the flare system to
the FGR facilities. The gas is first cooled in the compressor suction cooler and the liquids
are removed in the downstream compressor suction KO Drum. The gas is then sent to
two 50% trains of FGR Compressors.
The compressors will be dry type screw compressor with two stages of compression. The
two stages of compression in each train are to be driven by common variable speed
electric motor. Each train will therefore consist of a first stage compression, Compressor
interstage coolers, a cooler interstage KO drum and a second stage compression.
The compressed gas from the two trains of FGR compressors is cooled in the compressor
aftercoolers and the liquid removed in the downstream to Amine Absorber inlet KO
Drum. The gas is then sent to the amine absorber to remove the hydrogen sulphide
content before routing to the refinery fuel gas system.
Knock out liquids collected in the compressor interstage KO drums and amine absorber
inlet KO drum will be recycled to the compressor suction KO drum. Liquids collected in
the compressor suction KO drum are pumped to the refinery sour water treatment or wet
slops header.
Lean Mono Ethanol Amine (MEA) is supplied to the top of the amine absorber from the
refinery amine regeneration units. The MEA absorbs hydrogen sulphide in the recovered
flare gas as MEA passes from the top to the bottom of the amine absorber contacting the
counter current flow of the gas in the packed bed. Rich MEA is pumped from the base of
the amine absorber back to the refinery amine regeneration units. The sweet gas from the
top of the amine absorber is passed through the amine absorber outlet KO drum to
remove any carryover of MEA before routing to the refinery fuel gas system. Knockout
MEA collected in the amine absorber outlet KO drum will be drained back to the rich
MEA in the bottom of the amine absorber.An antifoam package is provided to dose the
lean MEA in case of any foaming issues in the amine absorber. This package will consists
of an antifoam tank and dosing pumps, plus drum unloading facilities.
The FGR facilities will normally be operating continuously, regardless of the flow
of the gas in the flare system. Control of the FGR facilities is to be on a fully automated
basis and minimal operator intervention should be required for normal operation.
The speed of the FGR compressors is to be controlled to match the FGR facilities
throughout with the gas flow in the flare system. Recovered flare gas will be recycled
around the FGR compressors if the gas flow in the flare gas system is less than minimum
compressor throughout at minimum speed.
Only one FGR compressor will operate to recover a flare gas flow of less than capacity of
one machine. In the event of flare gas flow nearing the capacity of the operating FGR
compressor, the second FGR compressor will be automatically started and the flare gas
flow then will be equally shared by the two machines.
In the event that the gas flow in the flare system exceeds the capacity of the FGR
facilities, or when the FGR facilities are shut down for maintenance, new pressure control
valves installed in parallel with each new flare seal drum will automatically open to route
the excess flare gas to the flare stacks.
A large gas flow in the system will cause the pressure in the new flare seal drums to rise
until the water seal in the drums is broken and gas relieved to the flare stacks.
The FGR facilities are to be capable of operation over the full range of flare gas flows
from the minimum flare header purge rate up to 10 MMSCFD. This minimum flare
header purge rate is to be derived in conjunction with the design of the design of the FGR
facilities during FEED (Front End Engineering Design).
The composition of the gas in the flare system can vary from a light gas with a
low molecular weight of 5.07 to a heavy gas with a molecular weight of 23.57. The FGR
facilities are to be capable of recovering up to 10 MMSCFD of flare gas with a molecular
weight within this range. For the purposes of the FGR material balances, the following
cases shall be considered as mentioned in Table 1.
The hydrogen concentration of the heavy gas is revised from 47.39 vol % (per reference
2) to 47.69 vol % such that the components total 100% and the gas molecular weight is
closer to 23.58 .
Ethylene 0 0 0.3
Carbon dioxide 0 0 0
Oxygen 0 0 0
Table 1
The operating conditions of the flare system at the tie-in to the FGR facilities are to be
considered as follows:
Operating operating
Pressure (psig) 1 2 50
Table 2
The above pressures in the flare system include the effect of the new flare seal drums.
The following conditions are to be satisfied for the recovered gas from the FGR facilities
at the tie-in to the refinery fuel gas system
Pressure (psig) 70 75 95
Table 3
The FGR facilities are to treat the recovered flare gas such that the hydrogen sulphide
content of the gas returned to the fuel gas system is no more than 100 ppm vol.
Operating operating
Table 4
Rich MEA from the FGR facilities is to be returned with a maximum hydrogen sulphide
loading of 0.35 moles of hydrogen sulphide per mole MEA. Conditions for the rich MEA
at the tie-in to the refinery amine regeneration system are confirmed as follows:
operating operating
Table 5
Condensed water vapor and hydrocarbons removed from the recovered flare
gas are to be sent to the Refinery Wet Slops or Sour Water Treatment system.
The conditions for this aqueous stream from the FGR facilities at the tie-in to the refinery
wet slops system are as follows:
operating operating
Table 6
It is assumed that this tie-in to the wet slops system will be into the existing wet slops
header running to waste water treatment unit.
The conditions at the tie-in to the Sour Water Treatment system are to be confirmed as
operating operating
Table 7
The FGR compressors are to be dry type screw compressors with variable speed
electric motor drivers. Two 50% FGR compressors are to be provided. Plot space is to be
allowed, and piping tie-ins provided, for the future installation of a third 50% FGR
Any carbon dioxide in the recovered flare gas would have a determined effect on the
performance of the amine absorber and therefore any leakage of the relief valves in HT
and LT converter service is no longer tolerable. It is currently not possible to take these
relief valves out of service for maintenance without shutting down the Hydrogen Unit.
As part of the work for the FGR facilities, the arrangement for these relief valves is to be
upgraded to include spare relief valves and isolation valving such that relief valves can be
taken out of service for repair without the need to shut down the Hydrogen Unit.
3.5 Sparing
Only rotating equipment is to be spared for the FGR facilities.The FGR
compressors will be two 50% machines each with dedicated auxiliaries. Equipment
associated with flare gas compression is to be arranged such that it is possible to
shutdown one FGR compressor without affecting the operation of the other compressor
or the FGR facility.Two 100% compressors will be provided for the suction KO drum
pumps, and rich amine pumps.
3.6 Turndown
It will be possible to turndown the FGR facilities to operate with zero recovery of
flare gas i.e. 100% turndown. The facilities recycle line will provide this flexibility and
ensure the minimum flow requirements for the FGR compressors and amine absorber are
satisfied. The minimum flow requirement of the amine.
The process design for the FGR facilities is to be in accordance with Shell DEPs
Version 32 and the document ‘KNPC Variations to Shell DEPs’ Revision 10.
A dedicated closed circuit cooling water system may also be considered for the FGR
facilities, which in turn require cooling with once-through seawater. Cooling options are
to be studied and a final selection made during FEED.
5.0 Abbreviations
Utility Conditions
Pressure (psig) Temperature (F)
LP Steam(60 psig) Minimum 49 355
Normal 49 380
Maximum 60 405
Mech. Design 85 455
Circulating Supply 50 93
Return 20 118
Cooling water
Mech. Design 150 175
Once-through Supply 34 95
Return 0 115
Mech. Design 150 170
Utility Water Supply 40 Ambient
Mech. Design 120 175
Nitrogen Minimum 90 100
Normal 100 105
Maximum 100 130
Mech. Design 150 180
Instrument Air Minimum 60 100
Normal 90 115
Maximum 100 115
Mech. Design 150 175
Plant Air Minimum 70 115
Normal 90 115
Maximum 100 175
Refinery fuel Gas Mech. Design 50-60 Ambient-130
Supply 95 180
Potable Water Mech. Design 30-40 Ambient
Supply 250 122