5 Photography Lighting Secrets
5 Photography Lighting Secrets
5 Photography Lighting Secrets
1. Split Lighting
You need to position the light source should be positioned 90 degrees to the
left or the right of the subject.
2. Butterfly lighting
Although there are several ways of achieving butterfly lighting, one of the
ways you can make this happen is by positioning the light source slightly
above the head level of the subject and behind the camera.
3. Loop lighting
4. Rembrandt lighting
The light source should be above the subject’s head and the subject must
turn away slightly from the light so the nose’s shadow falls towards the
cheeks. This may require a bit of experimenting since not every persons face
is ideal with this technique.
5. Short lighting
The subject’s face should be turned towards the light source to achieve the
short lighting effect. It’s important that you take note of your subject’s face’s
shadow. An important tip to remember when using this technique is that most
of the subject’s face should be in shadows.
6. Broad lighting
To achieve this kind of technique, the subject’s face should be turned away
from the light source. The majority of the subject’s face should have the most
light and should be facing the camera.