Theoretical 1: Solution: Conductors in Conducting Liquid

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Theoretical 1: Solution

Conductors in Conducting Liquid

1. Using Gauss law I

E · dA = . (1)
From symetry we know that the electric field only has radial component. Choose a cylinder
(with a line charge as the axis) as the Gaussian surface, we obtain
E.2πrl = .

Simplify to obtain
E = r̂ . (2)
2π0 r
2. The potential is given by
Z r
V =− E · dl
=− E.dr
V =− ln r + K, (3)
so f (r) = − 2π0
ln r. where K is a constant.

3. The potential from both line charges is a superposition of both potential

r1! r2!
! !! x$
! $b! b!
! Figure 1: System with two line charges
! λ λ
! V =− ln r1 + ln r2 (4)
2π0 2π0
! λ
(b − x)2 + y 2
! = ln p
2π0 (b + x)2 + y 2
! λ (b − x)2 + y 2
V = ln . (5)
! 4π0 (b + x)2 + y 2
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Theoretical 1: Solution
Conductors in Conducting Liquid

We can rearrange eq.(5) in to:

  2  2 !
1+β 1 + β
x− + y 2 = b2 −1 (6)
1−β 1−β

where β = exp 4πλ0 V . For an arbitrary potential V , Eq. (6) is an equation of circle.

Figure 2: The equipotential surfaces with b = 1, for β = 12.35 (left) and β = 12.35 (right)

4. From eq.(5) and eq.(6), we see that for any arbitrary potential V , the equipotential surfaces
of these two equal but opposite lines charge, are cylindrical surfaces. From this observation,
we can choose the specific position for each line charge in both cylinders so that the surface of
each cylinder is an equipotential surface.
Consider the following figure

!! !!

Figure 3: Two line charges with its equipotential surfaces

We would like to find a cylindrical equipotential surface enclose one line charge, let say the −λ
(if we could find the surface, by symmetry, we surely can find the identical one that enclose
the line λ). The potential is given by
λ λ
V =− ln r1 + ln r2
2π0 2π0
λ λ
=− ln(l12 + R2 − 2l1 R cos φ) + ln(l22 + R2 − 2l2 R cos φ). (7)
4π0 4π0

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Theoretical 1: Solution
Conductors in Conducting Liquid

Since the surface of the cylinder has to be the equipotential surface, so the potential should
not depend on φ, i.e. ∂V
∂φ = 0.

λ 2l1 R sin φ λ 2l2 R sin φ

− + =0 (8)
4π0 l12 + R2 − 2l1 R cos φ 4π0 l22 + R2 − 2l2 R cos φ
l1 l2
2 2
= 2 2
l1 + R − 2l1 R cos φ l2 + R − 2l2 R cos φ
l12 l2 + R2 l2 − 2l1 l2 R cos φ = l1 l22 + R2 l1 − 2l1 l2 R cos φ
l1 l2 (l1 − l2 ) = R2 (l1 − l2 )

l1 l2 = R2 . (9)

From the data in the problem, we have

l1 + l2 = 10a, (10)
l1 l2 = 9a2 . (11)

Solve this quadratic equation to get

l1 = 5a ± 4a. (12)
However, since l1 > l2 , we have

l1 = 9a, (13)
l2 = a. (14)

Using this results on eq.(5), we have

λ (4a − x)2 + y 2
V = ln . (15)
4π0 (4a + x)2 + y 2

This is the potential in all region except inside both cylinders. For cylinders at x = −5a, the
potential is constant and equal to
λ (4a + 2a)2 + 02 λ
V (x = −2a, y = 0) = ln 2 2
= ln 3. (16)
4π0 (4a − 2a) + 0 2π0
For cylinders at x = 5a, the potential is constant and equal to
λ (4a − 2a)2 + 02 λ
V (x = 2a, y = 0) = ln 2 2
=− ln 3. (17)
4π0 (4a + 2a) + 0 2π0
The potential difference between both cylinders are
∆V = ln 3 ≡ V0 . (18)

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Theoretical 1: Solution
Conductors in Conducting Liquid

Substituting this results in the potential equation, the potential outside the two cylinders are:

V0 (4a − x)2 + y 2
V = ln . (19)
4 ln 3 (4a + x)2 + y 2

And the potential inside the cylinders are:

The potential inside the cylinder centered at (x = 5a, y = 0) is V = −V0 /2.
The potential inside the cylinder centered at (x = −5a, y = 0) is V = V0 /2.

5. From eq.(18), we have

V0 = ln 3, (20)
so we get
q lπ0
C= = (21)
V0 ln 3
6. The electric field produces by both cylinders are
V0 4a + x 4a − x
Ex = + . (22)
2 ln 3 (4a + x)2 + y 2 (4a − x)2 + y 2
V0 y y
Ey = 2 2
− . (23)
2 ln 3 (4a + x) + y (4a − x)2 + y 2

The volume current density is given by

J = σE (24)

To calculate the total current, we may choose to calculate the current that flow through the
x = 0 plane. On this plane, there is no current in the y direction. The total current is given by
I = J · dA (25)
= σEx ldy
8aV0 ∞
= σl
2 ln 3 ∞ (4a)2 + y 2
V0 πσl
I= (26)
ln 3

7. The resistance is given by

V0 ln 3
R= = (27)
I πσl
and therefore
RC = (28)

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Conductors in Conducting Liquid

8. Since the system has a high symmetry, we may use Ampere’s law. The magnetic field should
not have any z dependence, since the current has no z dependence.
Figure 4 shows the current density J flow from one cylinder to the other cylinder. Choose an
Ampere loop on a constant x plane in a symmetrical way, so that the first path is pointing in
the positive z direction with constant y coordinate, the second path is pointing to the negative
y direction with constant z coordinate. The third path is pointing to the negative z direction,
but with constant −y coordinate. The fourth path is pointing in the positive y direction with
constant −z coordinate.
Having this path, we need to calculate the current that flow through the loop
I = J · dA
= Jx ldy
V0 σl y
4a + x 4a − x
= + dy
2 ln 3 −y (4a + x)2 + y 2 (4a − x)2 + y 2
! z$
! 2! x$
! !
! ≈!
1! J"
! 3!
! 4!

Figure 4: The Ampere loop

V0 σl y y
I= arctan + arctan (29)
ln 3 4a + x 4a − x
Using the Ampere’s law
B · dl = µ0 I (30)
µ0 V0 σl y y
2Bz l = arctan + arctan
ln 3 4a + x 4a − x
V0 σ y y
B z = µ0 arctan + arctan (31)
2 ln 3 4a + x 4a − x

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Theoretical 1: Solution
Conductors in Conducting Liquid

µ 0 V0 σ y y
B = ẑ arctan + arctan (32)
2 ln 3 4a + x 4a − x

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