S M S T: Takeholder Anagement Trategy Emplate

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The key takeaways are that effectively managing stakeholders is important for project success, stakeholders must be identified regardless of how major or minor they are, and the power/interest matrix will be used to determine the management strategy for each stakeholder.

The methodology that will be used to identify stakeholders is to conduct a brainstorming session including the project team and sponsor to identify internal and external stakeholders.

Stakeholders B and E, who are in the upper right quadrant of the power/interest matrix, require the most management effort as they are key players that must be involved in all levels of project planning and change management.




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1. INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................................3
2. IDENTIFY STAKEHOLDERS................................................................................................................3
3. KEY STAKEHOLDERS.......................................................................................................................4
4. STAKEHOLDER ANALYSIS................................................................................................................5


This section should introduce and discuss the goals and objectives of the Stakeholder
Management Strategy for the project. Effectively managing stakeholders is a key
component of successful project management and should never be ignored. Proper
stakeholder management can be used to gain support for a project and anticipate
resistance, conflict, or competing objectives among the project’s stakeholders.

The Stakeholder Management Strategy for FiberTech’s LightWave Cable Project will be used
to identify and classify project stakeholders; determine stakeholder power, interest, and
influence; and analyze the management approach and communication methodology for
project stakeholders. This will allow us to identify key influential stakeholders to solicit
input for project planning and gain support as the project progresses. This will benefit the
project by minimizing the likelihood of encountering competing objectives and maximizing
the resources required to complete the project.

Early identification and communication with stakeholders is imperative to ensure the

success of the LightWave Project by gaining support and input for the project. Some
stakeholders may have interests which may be positively or negatively affected by the
LightWave Project. By initiating early and frequent communication and stakeholder
management, we can more effectively manage and balance these interests while
accomplishing all project tasks.

This section should discuss the methodology the project team will use to identify
stakeholders and how stakeholders are defined. It is imperative that all stakeholders are
identified regardless of how major or minor they are. This is because they will be
categorized after they’re identified. If stakeholders are omitted there is a likelihood that
they may become evident at some point during the project’s lifecycle and introduce delays
or other obstacles to the project’s success. Great care and effort should be dedicated to
this step of the Stakeholder Management Strategy.

The LightWave Project Team will conduct a brainstorming session in order to identify
stakeholders for the project. The brainstorming session will include the primary project
team and project sponsor. The session will be broken down into two parts. The first part
will focus on internal stakeholders within FiberTech. These stakeholders may include
functional managers, operations personnel, finance personnel, warehouse and material
handlers, and any other FiberTech employee who will be affected by the LightWave project.
The second part of the session will focus on external stakeholders. These may include


suppliers, trial customers, partner organizations, or any other individuals who reside outside
of FiberTech.

The following criteria will be used to determine if an individual will be included as a


1) Will the person or their organization be directly or indirectly affected by this project?
2) Does the person or their organization hold a position from which they can influence the
3) Does the person have an impact on the project’s resources (material, personnel,
4) Does the person or their organization have any special skills or capabilities the project
will require?
5) Does the person potentially benefit from the project or are they in a position to resist
this change?

Any individual who meets one or more of the above criteria will be identified as a
stakeholder. Stakeholders from the same organization will be grouped in order to simplify
communication and stakeholder management.

This identifies the sub-set of stakeholders who have been identified as key stakeholders and
the reasoning for determining that they are key stakeholders. Key stakeholders are often
those who potentially have the most influence over a project or those who may be most
affected by the project. They may also be stakeholders who are resistant to the change
represented by the project. These key stakeholders may require more communication and
management throughout the project’s lifecycle and it is important to identify them to seek
their feedback on their desired level of participation and communication.

As a follow on to Identify Stakeholders, the project team will identify key stakeholders who
have the most influence on the project or who may be impacted the most by it. These key
stakeholders are those who also require the most communication and management which
will be determined as stakeholders are analyzed. Once identified, the Project Manager will
develop a plan to obtain their feedback on the level of participation they desire, frequency
and type of communication, and any concerns or conflicting interests they have.

Based on the feedback gathered by the project manager, the determination may be made
to involve key stakeholders on steering committees, focus groups, gate reviews, or other
project meetings or milestones. Thorough communication with key stakeholders is


necessary to ensure all concerns are identified and addressed and that resources for the
project remain available.

This section describes how the project team will analyze its list of identified stakeholders.
This discussion should include how stakeholders will be categorized or grouped as well as
the level of impact they may have based on their power, influence, and involvement in the
project. There are several tools and techniques that can be used to help quantify
stakeholders. A description of these tools and techniques should also be included in this

Once all LightWave Project stakeholders have been identified, the project team will
categorize and analyze each stakeholder. The purpose of this analysis is to determine the
stakeholders’ level of power or influence, plan the management approach for each
stakeholder, and to determine the appropriate levels of communication and participation
each stakeholder will have on the project.

The project team will categorize stakeholders based on their organization or department.
Once all stakeholders have been categorized, the project team will utilize a power/interest
matrix to illustrate the potential impact each stakeholder may have on the project. Based
on this analysis the project team will also complete a stakeholder analysis matrix which
illustrates the concerns, level of involvement, and management strategy for each

The chart below will be used to establish stakeholders and their levels of power and interest
for use on the power/interest chart as part of the stakeholder analysis.

Key Organization Name Power (1-5) Interest (1-5)

A Operations A. White 2 2
B Operations B. Brown 4 5
C Supplier C. Black 1 1
D Supplier D. Green 1 2
E Trial Customer E. Day 3 5
F Engineering F. Knight 4 1
G Engineering G. Smith 2 4


Below is the power/interest chart for the LightWave Project stakeholders. Each letter
represents a stakeholder in accordance with the key in the chart above.





1 5
Based on the power and interest analysis and chart above, stakeholders A, C, and D will
require minimal management effort as they reside in the lower left quadrant of the matrix.
Stakeholder F, in the upper left quadrant, must be kept satisfied by ensuring concerns and
questions are addressed adequately. Stakeholder G, in the lower right quadrant, must be
kept informed through frequent communication on project status and progress.
Stakeholders B and E, in the upper right quadrant, are key players and must be involved in
all levels of project planning and change management. Additionally, stakeholders B and E
should be participatory members in all project status meetings, gate reviews, and ad hoc
meetings as required.

The stakeholder analysis matrix will be used to capture stakeholder concerns, level of
involvement, and management strategy based on the stakeholder analysis and
power/interest matrix above. The stakeholder analysis matrix will be reviewed and updated
throughout the project’s duration in order to capture any new concerns or stakeholder
management strategy efforts.


Stakeholder Concerns Quadrant Strategy

A Ensuring proper handover Minimal Effort Communicate project
of project to operations specifications as required
B Resource and scheduling Key Player Solicit stakeholder as member of
constraints for production steering committee and obtain
once project is feedback on project planning.
transitioned to operations Frequent communication and
addressing concerns are
C Ensuring on time delivery Minimal Effort Communicate project schedule
of materials and material requirements
ahead of time to ensure delivery
D Possible union strike may Minimal Effort Solicit frequent updates and
impact material delivery develop plan for alternative
supply source
E Product performance must Key Player Communicate test results and
meet or exceed current performance specifications and
product obtain feedback on customer
requirements or any changes.
Provide frequent status reports
and updates.
F Concerns regarding Keep Satisfied Communicate resource
resources to assist project requirements early and ensure
team with product design resources are released back to
engineering when they’re no
longer required
G Questions regarding Keep Informed Allow technical staff to work
design of LightWave with stakeholder to answer
product questions and address concerns
and provide test results for


Sponsor Acceptance

Approved by the Project Sponsor:

___________________________________________ Date:____________________
<Project Sponsor>
<Project Sponsor Title>

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