Arabic Grammar - Level 01 - English Book

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Quranic Arabic

Level 1: Basic Arabic Language
Muhammad Mubashir Nazir

At end of this level, you will be able to understand the

religious Arabic used in the routine life.
This book is the beta version. Quality review is in progress. Certain spelling, grammar or language
mistakes are possible in this book.
Table of Contents

Description Page
Introduction 3
Level 0 6
Lesson 1: Arabic Alphabets 7
Lesson 2: Half Alphabets 14
Lesson 3: Arabic Vowels 21
Lesson 4: Long Vowels 25
Lesson 5: Two Special Sounds 30
Lesson 6: The Sound of ‘N’ (Tanween) & Some Special Characters 34

Lesson 7: Double Letters (Tashdeed) 45

Lesson 8: Read Sentences 52

Lesson 9: Start Writing Arabic 63

Lesson 10: Practice Yourself 64

Level 1: Learn the Basic Arabic Language 65

Lesson 1A: Parts of Speech 66

Lesson 1B: Basic Hymns 70

Lesson 2A: Gender     75

Lesson 2B: The Prayer 80

Lesson 3A: Case 


Lesson 3B: What is Piety? 92

Lesson 4A: Number 


Lesson 4B: Allah, There is no god except Him! 105

Lesson 5A: Pronouns  113

Lesson 5B: Intentions, Begging & Praising Others 130

What’s next? 135

Bibliography 136

Quranic Arabic Program 2 Level 01


Dear Reader:
Assalam o alaikum!
Thanks for selecting “Quranic Arabic Program” to learn the Arabic Language. We will take you through a
series of lessons. At the end, you will be able to understand the Arabic Language Insha Allah. This program
contains an easy approach to learn the Arabic Language. This program covers the language of Islamic
Literature but it is name the “Quranic Arabic Program” because the Quran resides at the central position in
this program.
People learn Arabic Language due to two reasons: To understand the Quran, the Hadith and classic Arabic
Literature; or to speak and write in the modern Arabic to communicate with Arabs. This course is targeted
towards the former objective. Although people with the second objectives can also get benefit of this
Due to its systematic nature, Arabic is one of the easiest languages of the world. It has well-defined rules
and a developed language structure. If you are familiar with these rules, you can learn this language in a few
To understand the Quran and the Hadith, it is essential to learn the Arabic Language used in the Quran, the
Hadith and the Islamic literature. We will focus on its linguistics, philology and figurative speech.

Study Methodology
Study Methodology is very simple. Study one lesson daily. Solve all the exercises provided under “Test
Yourself”. Do not read the answers before attempting the questions. Once you solve the exercises, compare
your answers with the answers provided to you. In a few weeks, you will find that your Arabic Language
skills are improving.

The Boxes
Following boxes are provided to you for your ready reference. They contain very important information for

Rule of the Day

Build Your Personality Grammar and language rules will be
Objective of our course is not only provided in this box.
teaching the Quranic Arabic. We are
also concerned about transforming our Do you know?
personalities according to Quranic Facts about the Arabs, their Language,
teachings. This box will provide you the Islamic literature and history will be
tips for Personality Development. provided in this box.

Face the Challenge! Worth Reading

This box will challenge you which will help Links to good articles will be provided in
you in developing your language skills this box.

Quranic Arabic Program 3 Level 01


The Program is organized as follows:

• Level 0: The objective of this level is to enable you to read the Arabic script.
• Level 1: The objective of this level is to enable you to understand the religious Arabic used in the
routine life.
• Level 2: This level is designed to improve your language skills. You learn basic grammar and enhance
your vocabulary. After completing this level, you become able to understand 30-40% of the Islamic
literature in Arabic by using a dictionary.
• Level 3: This level enhances your skills further. You read advanced concepts of grammar. Your
vocabulary becomes vast. After completing this level, you become able to understand 75-80% of the
Islamic literature in Arabic by using a dictionary.
• Level 4: You complete your studies of Arabic Grammar at this level. At completion of this level, you
become able to read 100% of the Islamic literature in Arabic by using a dictionary.
• Level 5: This is the last level of this program. You study the advanced concepts of “Arabic Eloquence”
at this level. At the end of this level, you become able to appreciate the fine rhetorical concepts in the
Arabic language. It enables you to understand the Islamic literature in Arabic without consulting a
dictionary frequently.

Level 1 – 5 are also divided into two streams. “A” series deal with the rules of Arabic Grammar &
Eloquence. Enough exercises are provided to you to learn the Grammar & Eloquence rules.
The objective of “B” Series is to build your vocabulary. Passages from the Quran, the Hadith and selected
writings of Arab scholars are provided to you. You have to learn the words and styles and then translate the
passages into English. You need not to cram these words. The lessons and the exercises are designed in a
way that you will automatically learn the grammar rules, words and Arabic styles. At this level, we shall not
provide you the answers for the B Series.
This program is not designed to teach you day-to-day conversation in the Arabic language. This program is
also not designed to teach you how to write in Arabic language. But this program will help you in achieving
these two objectives. You need an Arabic speaking environment as well as a teacher to achieve these two
objectives. Nevertheless, the program is basically designed to teach you comprehension in the Arabic

Ask Your Questions

If you are facing difficulty in any lesson, feel free to ask your questions. Send an email at
[email protected]. Feel free to share your views and valuable comments. Scholars of Arabic
language are strongly requested to please identify any mistakes in this book. Any constructive criticism will
be highly welcomed.

Important Note
This book is the beta version of this program. Quality review is in progress.
Certain spelling, grammar or language mistakes are possible in this book.

Quranic Arabic Program 4 Level 01


Set-up Your Resources

Enable the Arabic Language in your computer. Follow these steps:
For Windows Vista Users
• Open "Regional and Language Options" from Control Panel
• Press “Keyboards and Languages” tab.
• Press “Change keyboards…” button
• Press “Add” button
• Select “Input Language: “Arabic“
For Windows XP Users
• Open "Regional and Language Options" from Control Panel
• Choose Language tab.
• Check the "Install files for Complex Script and right-to-left languages (Including Thai)".
• Press Apply to proceed
• Press Details button.
• Press Add button.
• Select the “Arabic (Saudi Arabia)” in Input Language drop down list.
• Select the default “Arabic (102)” keyboard.
• Press “OK” and then “Apply”.
The system may ask you to provide Windows CD during this process.
Warning: If you are using an unlicensed version of Windows, it may corrupt.
Download the following resources from this link to continue this program:
• The Holy Quran
• Arabic Font
• A Dictionary: Download the Sakhr Arabic-English Dictionary and install it in your computer. After
that, do the following steps:
• Open "Regional and Language Options" from Control Panel
• In Regional Options change the standard format to Arabic (Saudi Arabia), and the location to be
Saudi Arabia
• Press the 'Advanced' card (The third card up) and then change the language to Arabic (Saudi
Arabia), then ok and restart your computer.
• Check that Sakhr Dictionary is working.
• Go back to the Regional Settings and change the settings to your normal settings.

Quranic Arabic Program 5 Level 01

Level 0

Level 0: Learn the Arabic Script

At end of this level, you will be able to read the

Arabic script. If you already read the Arabic
script, you can directly start with the Level 1 but
it will be useful reading boxes in Level 0.

Quranic Arabic Program 6 Level 01

Lesson 1: Arabic Alphabets

All languages consist of alphabets. Each alphabet

is a sound coming out of a specific part of our Build Your Personality
mouth. These alphabets combine each other to
Make it your habit to start all your tasks
form a word. Different words are arranged in a
by provoking the name of your God.
specific sequence to form sentences and sentences
make the speech. Therefore, study of all
languages start with the alphabets. Carefully look
at the shape of each letter and listen its sound.
Arabic has 29 alphabets which are as follows:

Letter Name Description

 Alif Its sound is like ‘A’ as in ‘CAR’.

% Ba
Equivalent to ‘B’ as in ‘BOOK’. It has one dot under the dish-like

$ Ta
Similar to ‘T’ but it is a lighter sound produced with the tip of the
tongue between the front teeth. It has two dots above the dish-like

# Tha
It does not have an exact equivalent in English. It is produced with
the tip of the tongue between the front teeth. It has three dots above
the dish-like shape.

" Jeem
Equivalent to ‘J’ as in ‘JAPAN’. It has one dot inside the duck-like

! Ha
It has no equivalent in English, but comes closest to the ‘H’ sound. It
is produced by narrowing the middle of the throat. It has no dot.

It has no equivalent in English, but comes closest to the ‘KH’ sound

as in “KHAN”. It has one dot above the duck-like shape.

Face the Challenge! Face the Challenge!

Tell the difference between the shape of Tell the difference between the shape of

Note: These lessons are based on the work of Qari Fateh Muhammad Pani Pati.

Quranic Arabic Program 7 Level 01

Lesson 1: Arabic Alphabets

Letter Name Description

& Daal
Similar to ‘D’ but in a lighter sound with the tip of the tongue
between the front teeth. The sound is like ‘TH’ as in ‘THAT’.
It has no dot.

' Zaal
It has no equivalent in English. Its sound is like ‘Z’ produced
with the tip of the tongue between the front teeth. It is written
by putting one dot above ‘Daal’.

 Ra Equivalent to ‘R’ as in ‘ROAD’. It has no dot.

( Za
Equivalent to ‘Z’ as in ‘ZIG Zag’. It is written by putting a dot
above ‘Ra’.

) Seen Equivalent to ‘S’ as in ‘SAY’. It has no dot.

* Sheen
Equivalent to ‘SH’ as in ‘SHALL’. It is written by putting
three dots above ‘Seen’.

+ Swaad
It has no exact equivalent in English. Its sound is like ‘S’ by
making lips slightly rounded. It has no dot.

, Dwaad
It has no exact equivalent in English. Its sound is like ‘D’ by
making lips slightly rounded. It is written by putting a dot
above ‘Swaad’.

Rule of the Day

Alphabets are different sounds produced by
different parts of your mouth.

Face the Challenge!

Tell the difference between the shape of  . Compare
it with the difference between other letters

Quranic Arabic Program 8 Level 01

Lesson 1: Arabic Alphabets

Letter Name Description

- Twa
It has no exact equivalent in English. It is produced like ‘T’ by
touching the tongue tip to the back of the upper teeth, The lips
are somewhat rounded. It has no dot.

It has no exact equivalent in English. It is produced like ‘Z’ by
touching the tongue tip to the back of the upper teeth, The lips
are somewhat rounded. It is written by putting a dot above

/ A’in
It has no equivalent in English. It is produced from the middle
of the throat. We will denote it by putting an inverted comma
after a vowel like A, I or U.

0 Ghain
It has no equivalent in English. It is produced from the upper
part of the throat. Its sound is like that of gargling. We will
denote it by ‘GH’. It is written by putting one dot above A’in.

3 Fa
Equivalent to ‘F’ as in ‘FAT’. It has one dot. It is written in a
long dish-like shape with round head.

2 Qaaf
Almost equivalent to ‘Q’ as in ‘QUICK’. It is produced with
the back of the tongue touching the back of the mouth. It has
two dots. It is written like ‘Fa’ but in a round shape.

1 Kaaf Equivalent to ‘K’ as in ‘KICK’.

Face the Challenge!

Tell the difference between the
shape of

Do you know?
People of different areas speak the same language
differently. The difference exists in pronunciation,
words, phrases and styles.

Quranic Arabic Program 9 Level 01

Lesson 1: Arabic Alphabets

Letter Name Description

9 Laam Equivalent to ‘L’ as in ‘LONG’.

8 Meem Equivalent to ‘M’ as in ‘MORNING’.

7 Noon Equivalent to ‘N’ as in ‘NICE’.

4 Ha Equivalent to ‘H’ as in ‘HOLIDAY’.

 Waow Equivalent to ‘W’ as in ‘WINDOW’.

6 Hamzah
It has no equivalent in English. It is produced with inner part of
throat with a small break.

5 Ya Equivalent to ‘Y’ as in ‘York’.

Face the Challenge!

Listen the sounds of  .
What is the difference?
Face the Challenge!
Listen the sounds of  . What
is the difference?
Face the Challenge!
Listen the sounds of . What
is the difference?

Quranic Arabic Program 10 Level 01

Lesson 1: Arabic Alphabets

Test Yourself
Now solve the following exercise. You have to write the name of each alphabet against its name.
Along with writing, also pronounce the letter as you have already listened from the downloaded
sounds. Each letter contains one mark. After doing the exercise, check the answers with previous
pages and then calculate your score. If your score is less than 80%, do the exercise again.

Letter Name Letter Name Letter Name Letter Name

 2 ) 

8 3 7 7

 8 ! 9

0 !  ,

 !  7

4 - 

# + , +

8 , . ,

3 9 / /

) 0 & 6

Quranic Arabic Program 11 Level 01

Lesson 1: Arabic Alphabets

Letter Name Letter Name Letter Name Letter Name

%  % :

" - ) 6

9 ( % '

2 $ * :

1 ! #

# & " *

3 ! # #

'  * %

' 0 / &

4 + * 2

) ( $ .
* 6 1 '

Quranic Arabic Program 12 Level 01

Lesson 1: Arabic Alphabets

Letter Name Letter Name Letter Name Letter Name

( / .

0 % $ 0

/ & 9

- $ 6

 - . ,

: ) 7 4

 3 2 "

( . 9 

 : 8 

(  4 +

6 + 1 1
' 1 : 7

Quranic Arabic Program 13 Level 01

Lesson 2: Half Alphabets

As English Alphabets have capital and small letters, most of Arabic

Build Your
Alphabets are written half when joined with other alphabets.
Unlike English Alphabets, Arabic alphabets are joined with each other.
Meet your God!
They are not written in full form. Unlike English, Arabic is written
Performing prayer is
from right-to-left. Read this table from right-to-left.
not only a physical
Look at the following tables to recognize the form of alphabets in the exercise, it is visiting
beginning, middle or end of each word. We have added a letter % in your Lord.
red color at the start and end of each letter to display different forms of
each letter. Original letter is displayed in black color, so concentrate on
the black letter.

End of the Word Middle of the Word Start of the Word Letter

| B; | ; %B; | %;
C; %C; |
;  @; ; %
; | I;  ?;  $
;  ; E #
H; >  "
G; =  !
F; < D
; %; %& &
; %; %' '
Quranic Arabic Program 14 Level 01
Lesson 2: Half Alphabets

End of the Word Middle of the Word Start of the Word Letter

; %; % 
R; %R; %( (
d; Q; [ )
c; P; Z *
b; ; Y +
a; ; X ,
`; O; W -
_; N; V .
; M; U /
^; L; T 0
]; K;  3
\; J; S 2
Quranic Arabic Program 15 Level 01
Lesson 2: Half Alphabets

Start of the
End of the Word Middle of the Word Letter

v; j;  1
u; i;  9
t; ; n 8
s;  ;  7
h; %h; % 
r; g; m 4
| B; |6% %B; | %6%
| e; | C; | %C; | %l 6
q; f; |%e;
p; | o;  ; k 5
Face the Challenge! What Face the Challenge! What are
happens to : when it is joined with different forms of 4 when it is
other letters? What happens to 6 ? joined with other letters?

Quranic Arabic Program 16 Level 01

Lesson 2: Half Alphabets

From above, we can derive the following rules:

• When letters are joined, they change their form.
• The beginning letter is usually written in half. Do you know?
• Letters in middle of a word are also written in half but they are Arabic letters in joining
joined with their preceding word. form are compressed
• Letter at the end of a word is usually written in full but it is and stretched to form an
joined with its preceding word. excellent art. See the
• Most of the letters are written in half form if they come in a photo of an artistic
combination. masterpiece and identify
the alphabets used.
• Few exceptional letters change their shape when they come in a
word. These letters are following:

•  which can carry a small 6 as l or w

• $ which sometimes changes to x at end of the word
• 1 which can come as 5 or y Rule of the Day
Each language is developed by its
• 4 which can come as rm or 4 native people. They follow certain rules
in their language. Sometimes, they
• : which can come as 5 or y break a rule. While learning that
language, a non-native person has to
•  which can come as z follow the native people whether they
follow a rule or break it. For example,
• Some letters do not change their form at all: They are: in English, ‘but’ is read as ‘batt’

• & whereas ‘put’ is read as ‘put’. We have

to follow the native people.

• '
• ( Do you know?
A text editor like MS
• 6 Word can automatically
select the half or full
form while typing

Quranic Arabic Program 17 Level 01

Lesson 2: Half Alphabets

Test Yourself
Now solve the following exercise. The table is from right-to-left. Identify the alphabets used in
the following words. Each word contains one mark. After doing the exercise, check the answers
and calculate your score. If your score is less than 80%, do the exercise again.

Letter Letter Letter Letter

Word Word Word Word
Used Used Used Used

  uM xK[ &% ;l

\[ x?S K‚Y l
S u?S Y Dl
 S \@W 7'l
m yS J@W nl
xRm tQS €hW l
€m @~ d@U u<
sn ?~ 9U x;
€l Q~ \iU uM
 K~ U \iD
]l hK~ @ U ~'
skl @ x}T 
r; xR| Qn @S
6 g x{ [

Quranic Arabic Program 18 Level 01

Lesson 2: Half Alphabets

Letter Letter Letter Letter

Word Word Word Word
Used Used Used Used

ti[ \& r  6
&Z mZ 9S m
;Z ;U 9hS 
;hY …†U 7 D
8MW \[T   &&
;U Y ]  k
6OU  !h hX
6T 'hUl d  9 
;?  l ‡n vin
n 3„ 3hD q Z
[@ 4k 6n oLW
Q 9Jk uk hLW
;n ; 8hk W
U?n ;Q 4k &U
/On @[ [ oiU
ZMn  [ _ ƒU

Quranic Arabic Program 19 Level 01

Lesson 2: Half Alphabets

Letter Letter Letter Letter

Word Word Word Word
Used Used Used Used

kS M; o 'Kn

Š cO; t gn
 ‰ oM[ t?@ @
` ˆ I  l 
t M IQ D h@E
 ?k 7S }Y 9h[
Qk &; }Y &hgZ
v' kn Qk &hMS
ckS   @iT 4h 
P U ;w dMQU t El
x&6hn n %Pk t l
UhXhn OS \m ;
r k(hn )WS IOP @D
fnhk &Yn 7hiDk \ 
Il S 7h Y  gZ
m sn $Mn t NU

Quranic Arabic Program 20 Level 01

Lesson 3: Arabic Vowels

Dear Reader!
Now you know the different forms of Arabic Letters very well. In
this lesson, we will discuss the Arabic Vowels. It is an interesting Build Your Personality
fact that there are some special characters used as vowels. They are Develop the sense that your
called “Harakaat” ($). Arabic has four vowels named Fathah God is monitoring you and
( ‚?), Kasrah (xQ), Dhammah ( X) and Jazm (8R ). These you will be accountable for
your deeds.
vowels are used with other characters. When a vowel is used with a
letter, it is said that the letter is carrying that vowel. For example, if
the letter, MEEM has a FATHAH, we will say that MEEM is
carrying a FATHAH.

• The sound of Fathah is like ‘U’ as in ‘But’, ‘O’ as is ‘SOME’, ‘U’ as in ‘SHUT’, ‘U’ as in ‘CUT’. It is
written as a small bar over its carrying letter as in $
 . While writing Arabic words in English, we will
denote it by ‘A’.
• The sound of Kasrah is like ‘I’ as in ‘IN’, ‘I’ as in ‘DISCUSS’, ‘I’ as in ‘IT’ or ‘E’ as in ‘ENABLE’. It is
written as a small bar under its carrying letter as in $
 . While writing Arabic words in English, we will
denote it by ‘I’.
• The sound of Dhammah is produced by round the lips. Its sound is like ‘U’ as in ‘PUT’, ‘U’ as in
‘BULL’, ‘U’ as in ‘PULL’. It is written by a diagonal 9-like shape written on its carrying letter as in $
 .
While writing Arabic words in English, we will denote it by ‘U’.
• When a letter carries a Jazm, that letter is silent. Its sound will be like ‘T’ as in ‘PUT’, ‘S’ as in ‘DISK’
etc. It is written as $
 or simply without writing anything on the letter. Jazm is not allowed on the first

letter of a word. It can come on subsequent letters. We have written Ž somewhere and omitted in at
many occasions to display the both options.

Do you know? Rule of the Day

Many people do not pronounce certain letters Unlike other languages, Arabic words
correctly. For example, most of Egyptians also contain a vowel at the end. As a
cannot pronounce " correctly, some Arab tribes result, there are certain rules in Arabic
do not pronounce 2, Pakistanis & Indians do not to join a word with the next one.
pronounce ! and /, Indonesians do not
pronounce 3. There are certain people who are Face the Challenge!

trained to recite the Quran correctly. They are Type Arabic letters (if you can) and try
called “Qaree (Reciter)”. to put all four vowels over them by

Quranic Arabic Program 21 Level 01

Lesson 3: Arabic Vowels

Read the table from right-to-left. Also download the sounds and listen. The sounds are also written in
English. As you have learnt that a letter carrying a Jazm cannot come at start of a word, therefore, we
have added a letter ‘Ba’ is written before the original letter to produce the Jazm sound. It is written in
red color. You have to concentrate on black letters.

With Jazm With Dhammah With Kasrah With Fathah Letter

ba  ; uu l| ii w |  aa * l |  
bab  ; bu % bi %  ba %  %
bat I
 ; tu $
 ti $ ta $
bath  ; thu #| thi #  tha #  #
baj H ; ju "
 ji  " ja " "
bah G ; hu ! hi  ! ha ! !
bakh F
 ; khu  khi  kha 
bad  ; du & di & da & &
badh Ž ; dhu ‘' dhi ' dha ' '
bar  ; ru  
baz R ; zu ( zi  ( za ( (
bas d
 ; su )
 si  ) sa )
bash c
 ; shu * shi  * sha * *
basw b
 ; swu + swi  + swa + +

Quranic Arabic Program 22 Level 01

Lesson 3: Arabic Vowels

With Jazm With Dhammah With Kasrah With Fathah Letter

badw a
 ; dwu ,
 dwi , dwa ,
batw Ž `; twu ‘ - twi  - twa  - -
bazw Ž _; zwu ‘ . zwi  . zwa  . .
baa’  ; a’u /
 a’I  / a’a /
bagh ^ ; ghu ‘ 0 ghi  0 gha  0 0
baf ]
 ; fu 3
 fi 3 fa 3
baq \ ; qu 2
 qi 2 qa 2
bak v
 ; ku 1 ki 1 ka 1 1
bal u ; lu 9| li 9 la9 9
bam t ; mu 8  mi  8 ma 8  8
ban s ; nu 7| ni  7 na 7 7
bah r ; hu 4 hi 4 ha 4 4
baa B ; au l| ii w aa l 6
bau h ; wu  wi  wa  
bai “
 yu 5
 yi 5 ya 5

Quranic Arabic Program 23 Level 01

Lesson 3: Arabic Vowels

Test Yourself
Try to read the following words. Write these words in English. Focus on all four vowels.

Word Word Word

u M  d
 @U  D l

 S  9  U 7 ' l
u ?S u M   n l
 ?~| l

 m  u ?S| u M 
     S \ i D
 M ;  K ~|  ~ '
 Q   u M |   
  M l s n    n
  M l l S s n
u g n l  P  l‘ t   
 g P  k  @U l  @Y  
  P    @M    l

Quranic Arabic Program 24 Level 01

Lesson 4: Long Vowels

Dear Reader!
You are now aware about four vowels or Harakaat of Arabic i.e. Build Your Personality
Fathah, Kasrah, Dhammah and Jazm. Sometimes, the sound of Backbiting involves discussing
first three vowels becomes long. It is like using ‘OO’ as in
other’s weaknesses in his / her
‘FOOL’. Jazm cannot be stretched long. Arabs have developed
absence. Quran describes it as
special characters for these long vowels.
heinous as eating the flesh of
Like short vowels, long vowels also are also carried by your dead brother.
alphabets. These vowels are called long fathah, long kasrah and
long dhammah.

• The sound of Long Fathah is like ‘AA’ as in ‘BAAN’. It is written as an Alif  after the letter carrying

a short Fathah e.g. ;. In the books published in India & Pakistan, it is denoted by a small vertical bar

over its carrying letter as in ”%. While writing Arabic words in English, we will denote it by ‘AA’.

• The sound of Long Kasrah is like ‘EE’ as in ‘FEET’. It is written as a silent 5 after letter carrying a
short Kasrah e.g. p. In the books published in India & Pakistan, it is denoted by a small vertical bar
under its carrying letter as in $. While writing Arabic words in English, we will denote it by

• The sound of Long Dhammah is like ‘OO’ as in ‘SHOOT’, ‘UI’ as in ‘FRUIT’, ‘OO’ as in ‘BOOT’. It
is written a silent  after the letter carrying short dhammah e.g. h;. In the books published in India &

Pakistan, by a single inverted comma, diagonal 6-like shape written on its carrying letter as in ‘%.
While writing Arabic words in English, we will denote it by ‘OO’.

• If two Alif come together, it is written as .

Rule of the Day
Face the Challenge! The sound of long vowels is stretched double
Try to write all three long vowels on as compared to short vowels.
the words. Also try alternative styles to
write the long vowels.

Worth Reading
Personality Development Program. A series of tools to
develop your personality.

Quranic Arabic Program 25 Level 01

Lesson 4: Long Vowels

Read the table from right-to-left. Also download the sounds and listen. The sounds are also written in
English. As you have already learnt that a letter carrying a Jazm cannot be stretched, so we are not including
it here.

With Dhammah With Kasrah With Fathah Letter

‘Uoo  | |l Eee | 5w | Aaa ” |  

Boo ‘% | h; Bee % | p;| Baa ”% | ; %
‘Too $ | h Tee $ | p | Taa ”$ |  $
‘Thoo # | h|E Thee # | pE Thaa ”# | E #
‘Joo " | h Jee " | p
| Jaa ”" |  "
Hoo ‘! | h Hee ! | p| Haa ”! |  !
Khoo ‘ | hD Khee | | pD Khaa ” | D
‘Doo & | & Dee & | 5& | Daa ”& | & &
Dhoo ‘' | |' Dhee ' | 5' | Dhaa ”' | ' '

Do you know?
All languages change over a long period of time. New words and styles are added. Some old
words and styles become obsolete. Common Arabic is not an exception to this rule.
The distinguishing feature of Arabic is that the language of 1400 years ago is still alive. The
Quran is recited everywhere. Its words are used in day-to-day conversation. Muslims have
preserved the poetry and prose of the period in which the Quran was revealed in order to
preserve the Quranic Arabic. Any Arab or Non-Arab having a good literary sense can become
an expert in the Quranic Arabic.

Quranic Arabic Program 26 Level 01

Lesson 4: Long Vowels

With Dhammah With Kasrah With Fathah Letter

Roo ‘ |  Ree  | 5 | Raa ” |  

Zoo ‘( | ( Zee ( | 5( | Zaa ”( | ( (
Soo ‘) | h[ See ) | p[
| Saa ”) | [ )
Shoo ‘* | hZ Shee * | pZ
| Shaa ”* | Z *
Swoo ‘+ | hY Swee + | pY
| Swaa ”+ | Y +
Dwoo ‘, | hX Dwee , | pX
| Dwaa ”, | X ,
Twoo ‘- | h|W Twee - | pW | Twaa ”- | W -
Zwoo ‘. | h|V Zwee . | pV | Zwaa ”. | V .
A’oo ‘/ | hU A’ee / | pU | A’aa ”/ | U /
Ghoo ‘0 | h|T Ghee 0 | pT | Ghaa ”0 | T 0
Foo | ‘3 | h| Fee 3 | p
| Faa ”3 |  3
Qoo ‘2 | h|S Qee 2 | pS | Qaa ”2 | S 2
Koo ‘1 | h| Kee 1 | p
| Kaa ”1 |  1
Koo ‘9 | h| Kee 9 | p | Kaa ”9 | ‡ 9

Quranic Arabic Program 27 Level 01

Lesson 4: Long Vowels

With Dhammah With Kasrah With Fathah Letter

Moo ‘8 | hn Mee 8 | pn

| Maa ”8 | n 8
Noo ‘7 | h Nee 7 | p
| Naa ” 7 |  7
Woo ‘ |  Wee  | 5
| Waa ”  |  
Hoo ‘4 | hm Hee 4 | pm
| Haa ” 4 | m 4
Uoo ‘6 | ‘6 Aee 6 | 56
| Aaa ” 6 | 6 6
Yoo ‘: | hk Yee : | pk
| Yaa ” : | k :
Test Yourself
Try to read the following words. Write these words in English. Focus on all four vowels.

Word Word

s n ” s n  | s n l
:”” : | :”l
 …kw ]
 ” 

| r; r ;
&   & & ‘&
u  U [w u M”[ w
Quranic Arabic Program 28 Level 01
Lesson 4: Long Vowels

Word Word

t  ?  Q
  Q   ;”n
 ' v
9 S u|S
& h M S|  M ”S
 [   Q  ”
|   _
| K ”
 m Z  g ”Z
 ;U  @”U
   ”
     ”gn
& h g Z     ;
&  &    @D
& h M Y  ‡ h [ 

Quranic Arabic Program 29 Level 01

Lesson 5: Two Special Sounds

Dear Reader!

In previous lessons, you have learnt the use of short and

long vowels. Long vowels were three i.e. :  . The Build Your Personality
Being envious or jealous kills a
two letters :  are used in another special form of person. An envious person does
not harm anyone except him.
vowels. If the letter before either of these two letters,
carries a fathah, a special sound is generated.

• The sound of  coming after a letter carrying fathah is like ‘OU’ as in ‘SOUND’, ‘OW’ as in

‘BOWL’, ‘OU’ as in ‘SCOUT’. On the contrary, if the letter before  carries a dhammah, it
becomes a long vowel producing a sound like ‘OO’ as in ‘FOOT’, ‘OO’ as in ‘SHOOT’.
While writing Arabic words in English, we will denote it by ‘AU’.

• The sound of : coming after a letter carrying fathah is like ‘I’ as in ‘SITE’, ‘IE’ as in ‘DIET’,

‘I’ in ‘GRIND’. On the contrary, if the letter before : carries a kasrah, it becomes a long
vowel producing a sound like ‘EE’ as in ‘FEET’, ‘EE’ as in ‘SHEET’. While writing Arabic
words in English, we will denote it by ‘AE’.

Rule of the Day

Sometimes, native people do not follow Face the Challenge!
rule. It is called ‘Shaz’ or ‘Exception’. Try to use these two letters by placing
In Arabic, it is very rare. A rule has different letters carrying a fathah on
only one or two exceptions whereas in them.
English, number of exceptions is too

Do you know?
The language to read the Quran is standard around the globe. Arabs in different
regions speak Arabic in different ways. They have different pronunciation, different
vocabulary, different styles etc. But while reciting the Quran, all of them read it in a
standard way. Muslims from other countries also learn the standard accent to recite the
Quran in the standard accent.

Quranic Arabic Program 30 Level 01

Lesson 5: Two Special Sounds

Read the table from right-to-left. Also download the sounds and listen. The sounds are also
written in English.

With : With  Letter

Aae5l l
Bae p; Bau h; %
Tae p Tau h $
Thae pE Thau hE #
Jae p Jau h "
Hae p Hau h !
Khae pD Khau hD
Dae 5& Dau & &
Dhae 5' Dhau ' '
Rae 5 Rau  
Zae 5( Zau ( (
Sae p[ Sau h[ )
Shae pZ Shau hZ *
Swae pY Swau hY +
Quranic Arabic Program 31 Level 01
Lesson 5: Two Special Sounds

With : With  Letter

 pX  hX ,
 pW  hW -
 pV  hV .
 pU  hU /
 pT  hT 0
 p  h 3
 pS  hS 2
 p  h 1

 h 9
 pn  hn 8
 p  h 7
 pm  hm 4
 56  6 6
 pk  hk :
Quranic Arabic Program 32 Level 01
Lesson 5: Two Special Sounds

Test Yourself
Try to read the following words. Write these words in English. Focus on all four vowels.

Word Word

 hXhn s kl
8 hk 
 D
 kS| k
x| & ‘6hn 3
 hD
7 h?k( W

 gY  ƒ
 U

  U 9| hS
u| k ]
8 hS !
 h

Worth Reading
Treasure’s Map: A treasure is available to all of us and we are in search of it. How to find it.
Read this article at

Quranic Arabic Program 33 Level 01

Lesson 6: The Sound of ‘N’ (Tanween) & Some Special Characters

Dear Reader!
Build Your Personality
In this lesson, we will introduce a special sound. By
Focusing on minor religious issues and
default, Arabic Nouns end at a sound of ‘N’ or 7. This ignoring major religious commandments
7 is not written. It is denoted by double fathah bars, is an unbalanced attitude which must be
double kasrah bars and double dhammah.

• Double Fathah – produces a sound like ‘NE’ as in ‘DONE’, ‘UN’ as in ‘SHUN’, ‘ON’ as in ‘TON’.
While writing Arabic words in English, we will denote it by ‘EN’. An Alif is added after double

• Double Kasrah — produces a sound like ‘IN’ as in ‘BIN’, ‘IN’ as in ‘TIN’. While writing Arabic words
in English, we will denote it by ‘IN’.

• Double Dhamma ‘’ or  produces a sound like ‘UN’. While writing Arabic words in English, we
will denote it by ‘UN’.
Face the Challenge!
Some Special Characters Try to use three forms of tanween by
Arabic also has some letters which are as follows: placing it at three or four letters.

• z | y: It sounds like 6. There is a small shock in the voice

• : It sounds like double alif i.e. ‘Aaa’. ~ is called “Maddah”. When it is carried by any letter, its sounds
is long. If there is a 6 or a silent letter after it, the sound becomes very long e.g. five times long.

• x: is in a round format. Its sound is like $ but if it is silent, it sounds like 4.

•  and 6 have the same sound. In Arabic, an Alif is always considered silent. It is not possible to have any
movement on it. If there is a movement on an Alif, it is not a real Alif, it is a Hamzah. In the books
published in Arab countries, a Hamzah with fathah or dhammah is sometines written as and that with

kasrah is written as . If there is a tanween before Alif, the Alif will be silent. If a Silent Alif is at the
beginning of the first word of a sentence, it will give sound, otherwise it will be silent and the last letter
of its previous word will be directly joined with the letter coming after it. It is called a “Hamzah Wasli”
piY xRm.
• 5 | :: Sometimes, a : without two dots is written at end of a word but it is silent. It sounds like an
Alif. The 5 with two dots is read as normal. For example, oiU
 will be pronounced as “A’la” while piU
will be pronounced as “A’li”.

Quranic Arabic Program 34 Level 01

Lesson 6: The Sound of ‘N’ (Tanween) & Some Special Characters

Read the table from right-to-left. Also download the sounds and listen. The sounds are also
written in English.

With Dhammah With Kasrah With Fathah Letter

Un In— š
Bun % ™ Bin %— Ben ˜; %
Tun $ ™ Tin $— Ten ˜ $
Thun # œ Thin #— Then šE #
Jun "™ Jin — " Jen ˜ "
Hun !™ Hin — ! Hen ˜ !
Khun ™ Khin — Khen ˜D
Dun›& Din &— Den ˜& &
Dhun ›' Dhin ' — Dhen š' '
Run ™ Rin —  Ren ˜ 
Zun (™ Zin — ( Zen ˜( (
Sun )
™ Sin )— Sen ˜[ )
Shun *™ Shin *— Shen ˜Z *
Swun +™ Swin — + Swen ˜Y +

Quranic Arabic Program 35 Level 01

Lesson 6: The Sound of ‘N’ (Tanween) & Some Special Characters

With Dhammah With Kasrah With Fathah Letter

Dwun ,
™ Dwin —, Dwen ˜X ,
Twun ›- Twin — - Twen šW -
Zwun ›. Zwin — . Zwen šV .
U’n /
™ I’n — / E’n ˜U /
Ghun ›0 Ghin — 0 Ghen šT 0
Fun 3
™ Fin 3
— Fen š 3
Qun 2
™ Qin —2 Qen šS 2
Kun 1™ Kin 1— Ken š 1
Lun 9
œ Lin — 9 Len š 9
Mun 8 ™ Min — 8 Men ˜n 8
Nun 7œ Nin — 7 Nen ˜ 7
Wun  ™ Win —  Wen ˜ 
Hun 4™ Hin 4— Hen ˜m 4
Un 6
› In 6
— En –6 6
Yun 5
™ Yin — 5 Yen ˜k 5
Quranic Arabic Program 36 Level 01
Lesson 6: The Sound of ‘N’ (Tanween) & Some Special Characters

Test Yourself
Now solve the following exercise. The table is from right-to-left. Some vowels may not be
displayed by the computer. Use your judgment at such occasions. Read the following words.
Each word contains one mark. After doing the exercise, check the answers by listening and
calculate your score. If your score is less than 80%, do the exercise again.

Word Word

›‫ ة‬K [ ˜;
Kš ‚ Y  ™  
™  Y   D 
\™ @W 7 ' 
Jš @W  n 
: is like Alif €”hW| l
 @U u   ;
9œ  U ‫;   —ة‬
— \i U u M 
—  U \ i D
@˜ U ™ ~ '
Rule of the Day
Majority of Arabic nouns have a tanween by default.

Quranic Arabic Program 37 Level 01

Lesson 6: The Sound of ‘N’ (Tanween) & Some Special Characters

Word Word

   xœ  @T
\ [  ‫?  ›ة‬S

 S  u ?”S

 m  y
  S|
‫ —ة‬R  m t™ Q  S
: is silent €˜ m ™ @~
s n ” 
™ ?~|
: is like Alif €”” 
 Q  ~
– ”  K ~
— ”  is silent h˜ K| ~|
s k  is silent ˜ @|
|r; ‫ —ة‬R  |
Do you know?
The Quran is the only book in the world which is memorized by millions of people. Almost
every Muslim memorizes some parts of the Quran to recite it in his / her prayer. There are
people who memorize the complete Quran. They are called Haafizw _.

Quranic Arabic Program 38 Level 01

Lesson 6: The Sound of ‘N’ (Tanween) & Some Special Characters

Word Word

r   6 ž 
9 S q 
9œ h S ˜ 
7  ˜  D
˜   &‘&
   ˜ k 
— !h h X  
   9œ   
‡š n v
 i ”n
™ h D — q Z
6— žn o”LW
uœ k hL W
8™ h k ˜  W
‘4k &— U

Quranic Arabic Program 39 Level 01

Lesson 6: The Sound of ‘N’ (Tanween) & Some Special Characters

Letter Used Word Letter Used Word

t™ ”i[ — \&
˜&Z ™ m Z
˜;Z ˜;U
;hY  …
š †U
8™ MW \™ [ T
˜;U ™ Y  
6– OU ™ 
6– T| ‘ 'hU l
˜;?    l
˜n 3
 k
˜[@ 4  k
˜Q 9| Jk
˜;”n ˜;
˜U?n ˜;Q

Quranic Arabic Program 40 Level 01

Lesson 6: The Sound of ‘N’ (Tanween) & Some Special Characters

Letter Used Word Letter Used Word

™ k S š'Kn
tk  ˜”gn
™ Ÿn ˜@
›` ‚n ˜
t™ M ˜h @E|
˜ ?k 9œ h[
˜Q  k &™ hgZ
 ”' &™ hMS|
™ kS| 4™ h 
› P U t—  El
›x&‘6hn t—  l
› UhXhn ˜  ;
r k(hn 
™ @D
— fn hk \—   

Quranic Arabic Program 41 Level 01

Lesson 6: The Sound of ‘N’ (Tanween) & Some Special Characters

Letter Used Word Letter Used Word

o”  M;
t  w c
t ?@  w oM[
  l I
  |

™ D I
 Q
 @Y   7œ ”|S
˜}Y  ˜&;

™Q  k — k n
˜@i T|    w
 M Q  U — ;w
  P  k    n
\ m  — O S
 O P  | ˜[WS
7 h|iD  k &— Yn

Quranic Arabic Program 42 Level 01

Lesson 6: The Sound of ‘N’ (Tanween) & Some Special Characters

Letter Used Word Letter Used Word

xœ  @T   
 Q  n œ @S 
6 ž  
˜@i| T| —  [
™ [  o”iU
œ   s™  U
— /On ˜@[
˜ZMn ˜ [
 l ™ gZ
 m w t™ NU
7œ h Y œ S 
— Mn s n
p Lk ˜ S
˜hL ˜@  S

Quranic Arabic Program 43 Level 01

Lesson 6: The Sound of ‘N’ (Tanween) & Some Special Characters

Letter Used Word Letter Used Word

› KO v
™ Qn
s O[ …
š 
 T šOP
7 h — dK
7 hJQk ˜MJ
7 h|iM K ˜Qk
7 h|j‚  k o”J;
l 7— U
›xY  en — PU
 MO?[w :gk
An exception,
m Ÿn
| — \iU
 M n 3
— … D
‘ U J a
 J l
6‘   y
  @k

Quranic Arabic Program 44 Level 01

Lesson 7: Double Letters (Tashdeed)

Dear Reader! Build Your Personality

Sometimes, a letter comes twice in a word. In Arabic Ostentation is doing some good
deeds with an intention to show
script, instead of writing that letter twice, it is written once others. The good deeds with

ostentation are not acceptable
and a symbol is placed over the letter. It is called by God.

“Tashdeed”. These letters are pronounced by pressing

your voice. Face the Challenge!

Some Rules about Tashdeed Try to combine fathah, kasrah &

dhammah with tasheed.
Arabic also has some letters which are as follows:

• The sound of Meem 8 and Noon 7 is produced from inner part of your nose, if they carry a

• The sound of Ra  and Laam 9 is produced with full mouth, if it carries a tashdeed with
fathah or dhammah.

• Sometimes, two letters alif and laam 9 are added before a word. If there is a tashdeed on a

9, then the 9 is ignored and sound is directly attached to the next letter. It is in
letter after

case of 14 alphabets. They are called “Huroof Shamsi”. For example, d   ¢P will be
pronounced as d
  P
 Z .
• In case of other 14 alphabets, is clearly pronounced. They are called “Huroof Qamari”. For
example,   J  will be pronounced without any merger as   J . The detail of these letters is
as follows:


$ Shamsi



% Qamari

Do you know?
The Quran is neither poetry nor prose. It has its own style. Quranic recitation is a separate art. It
generates excellent acoustics. Some people make it as their full time career. Many people listen
Quranic Recitation instead of listening music. These reciters are called “Qaaree”.

Quranic Arabic Program 45 Level 01

Lesson 7: Double Letters (Tashdeed)
Read the table from right-to-left. Also download the sounds and listen. The sounds are also
written in English. We are adding a in the beginning to produce tashdeed.

With Dhammah With Kasrah With Fathah Letter

No tasheed No tasheed No tasheed 

Abbu ¡% l Abbi £%l Abba ¢%l %
Attu ¡ $
 l Atti £$l Atta ¢$l $
Aththu ¡ #
| l Aththi ¥#l Aththa ¤#l #
Ajju ¡ "
l Ajji £"l Ajja ¢"l "
Ahhu ¡ !l Ahhi £!l Ahha ¢!l !
Akhkhu ¡ l Akhkhi £l Akhkha ¢l
Addu¡ & l Addi £&l Adda ¢&l &
Adhdhu ¡ ‘ 'l Adhdhii ¥'l Adhdha ¤'l '
Arru ¡ 
l Arri £l Arra ¢l 
Azzu ¡ (
l Azzi £(l Azza ¢(l (
Assu ¡ )
 l Assi £)l Assa ¢)l )
Ashshu ¡ *  l Ashshi £*l Ashsha ¢*l *
Aswswu ¡ +  l Aswswi £+l Aswswa ¢+l +

Quranic Arabic Program 46 Level 01

Lesson 7: Double Letters (Tashdeed)

With Dhammah With Kasrah With Fathah Letter

Adwdwu ‘ ,l Adwdwi £,l Adwdwa ¢,l ,

Atwtwu ‘ ¦-l Atwtwi ¥ -l Atwtwa ¤ -l -
Azwzwu ‘ ¦.l Azwzwi ¥ .l Azwzwa ¤ .l .
A’’u ‘ /l A’’i £/l A’’a ¢/l /
Aghghu ‘ ¦0l Aghghi ¥ 0l Aghgha ¤ 0l 0
Affu ‘ 3l Affi £3l Affa ¢3l 3
Aqqu ‘ 2l Aqqi £2l Aqqa ¢2l 2
Akku ‘ 1l Akki £1l Akka ¢1l 1
Allu ‘ ¦9l Alli ¥9l Alla ¤9l 9
Ammu ‘ 8l Ammi £8l Amma ¢8l 8
Annu ‘ ¦7l Anni ¥7l Anna ¤7l 7
Awwu ‘ l Awwi £l Awwa ¢l 
Ahhu ‘ 4l Ahhi £4l Ahha ¢4l 4
Aaau ‘ ¡6l Aaei ¥6l Aaaa ¤6l 6
Ayyu ‘ 5l Ayyi £5l Ayya ¢5l 5
Quranic Arabic Program 47 Level 01
Lesson 7: Double Letters (Tashdeed)

Test Yourself
Now solve the following exercise. The table is from right-to-left. Some vowels may not be
displayed by the computer. Use your judgment at such occasions. Read the following words.
Each word contains one mark. After doing the exercise, check the answers by listening and
calculate your score. If your score is less than 80%, do the exercise again.

Word Word

x— ¢hS| ( £;
›x¢ u £
  £M[ 2
 n ¢S & ¢U
 ;¤  ¢S
  £( %
  £Ÿ[ t ¢M
  £Ÿ| §sN| k
  £ [ §a‚  k
 i ¥OU — ¢ 
  £h| ¢tE|
Rule of the Day: Note that in case of tashdeed with fathah, both are written above the letter
but fathah is above tashdeed. In case of tashdeed with kasrah, both are written above the
letter but kasrah is under the tashdeed. In the Arabic books published in India & Pakistan, the
kasrah is written below the letter.

Quranic Arabic Program 48 Level 01

Lesson 7: Double Letters (Tashdeed)

Word Word

7 h ¡i|  k ¢sg k kl

‘ p@  ¢sg  i U
› U t m  £Q 
o¤h  ›  £ @
˜;¢h › £ S
˜ ¢ŸE ›  £PU
šS¢QT ™ ¥ n
– K n 7 ¢kl
‘ ¦9' l 1 £kw
¢?M n o¤iŸ  
x— & ¢ n 5

 †¢? — n ¢j n
 OP¢  ¢ n
Do you know?
Like English, Arabic is also written in many fonts. In some fonts, tashdeed with kasrah is
written in a style that the tashdeed is above the letter whereas kasrah is under the letter. In
Times New Roman, tashdeed and kasrah both are written above the letter.

Quranic Arabic Program 49 Level 01

Lesson 7: Double Letters (Tashdeed)

Word Word

  ¢P $
 ‚;Q
›¦uO  $
 J;¢Q
¢H©  $
 ¢; n
‘ 5 n [ ›p Ÿ  U l6
¢pD     ; ›p;U
 s £?  u¢gn
u—  £Ÿ[  d¢ ª |
›s £Ÿ[  d¢ j| 
£t  ‘ -£
¤7w I
 ¢ ¨ ‘ IOl
£‚   o¢Q  n
 ¤JP  w ‘ s 
 UR  6‘ ž¢Q
t Ÿ ¢  G
 @ §
Quranic Arabic Program 50 Level 01
Lesson 7: Double Letters (Tashdeed)

Word Word

 S ¤ $
 E¦K¢ 
£Z 9| ¢M
 ¢ ª  – ¦‡žX
:¦¢Rk – ¢;&
 ¤¤k v
 ¢ ž
 ¥E¢n 1 h§ ž
u| £n¢Rn 7 h «ž
o h § ‚l s  ¥ž
7 h §Xž‚ 7 h § ¥iU
 ¥Y ¤7l
— žn s k¤
‘ ¢D¢ ¤‡w

Rule of the Day

If there is a tashdeed after the long alif , its sound becomes 5 times longer.

Quranic Arabic Program 51 Level 01

Lesson 8: Read Sentences

Dear Reader!

Congratulations! Now you can read most of the words used in

Build Your Personality
Quranic Arabic. It is the time to start reading sentences. Like all Inheritance Law is defined by
other languages, Arabic sentence is a combination of words. the Quran. Those who do not
give the women their share
Each word in a sentence is pronounced as it were single.
trespass the limits imposed by
But unlike other languages, there are some rules in Arabic to Allah.

join words with each other. It is not in case of all words.

Rules about Joining Words

• Sometimes, two letters alif and laam 9 are added before a word. If that word is the first word in a

sentence, we will assume that there is a fathah on . For example, G?K  will be read as Al-Fath. Alif is
considered silent in all cases. If it is appearing at start of a sentence, some movement is used over it,
otherwise it is always silent. If an Alif carries a movement, it is considered a Hamzah. It is written l in
case of a fathah or a dhammah. In case of a kasrah, it is writtten as w.

• If a word with 9 is in middle or end of a sentence,  will be ignored and the previous word will be

directly joined with 9. For example G?K  s n will be read as Minal-Fath.

• Two silent words cannot be read. In that case, the first one will be given a movement.

• If there is a silent 7 or tanween at the end of a word, in some cases, it will be merged with the first letter
of next word. The rules are as follows:

• If the first letter of next word after a silent 7 is one of these four letters 7


: the
silent7 will be merged in them with a sound produced by inner part of your nose. See the
examples: I
 Jk s n (Main-Yaqnut not Man Yaqnut), n s n (Mimmaa not Min Maa), —  s n
(Miun Waladin not Min Waladin), — ¬KO   s n (Minnutfatin not Min Nutfatin). v
 ¬£; s ¬n
(Mirrabbika not Min Rabbika), v   s n (Milladunka not Min Ladunka). For memorizing, you
can call them 7hink 3.
• If the first letter of next word after a silent 7 is any other letter, the silent 7 will not be merged.

Quranic Arabic Program 52 Level 01

Lesson 8: Read Sentences

Rules about Joining Words

• If there is a tanveen at the end of a word and there is an 9 at the start of the next word, it will be read as
in the example: :¤ x— R
  | (Lumazati Nillazi not Lumazatin Allazi), o”|‡ &˜ U (A’ada Nilaulaa not
A’aadan Alaulaa). In the Arabic books published in India & Pakistan, usually a small 7 is place between

such words to denote this change. So the words are written as :¤ 7 x R   | , o”|‡ 7 & U while it is
not placed in case of books published in the Arab countries.
• If there is tanveen or a silent 7 at the end of a word and there is a % at the start of the next word, the 7
will be converted into . For example  M ; s n will be read as Mim Ba’di not Min Ba’di.
• The last letter of the last word of a sentence will be silent. If there is an 5   just before the last letter

of the last word, the sound 5   of will be very long. For instance 7 will be Al-Rahmaaaaan,

7 h|i Mk will be Ya’maloooooon, s  M will be Al-A’alameeeeen. In this case, the last letter is made
• There is a: (without dots) placed at the end of a word. It is read as . If the word is joined with some
other word, it is written as  e.g. 4 X
4 M n
o M   etc. It is called “Alif Maqsoorah”.
Listen and Practice!
Now listen the following passages of the Holy Quran again and again while keeping the written text in front
of you and observe the rules mentioned above. After listening, recite yourself. Try to memorize these

‚K xh[
t   ¢  s”O  ¢P s n ­
 ; ‘ 'hUl
t   ¢ s” ¢ ­
   tQ;
(3) s k£ 8 h k v
 n (2) t ¢ s   ¢ (1) ƒ   M £% r ¤i   ‚  
s k¤ -
 (5) t J?Q    -
 £  m  (4) ƒ  M ?Q   1 ¢kw  @M  1 ¢kw
(7) ƒ  ¥¢ ‡ t g  i U %
 hL     T (6) t g  i U I   M l

Quranic Arabic Program 53 Level 01

Lesson 8: Read Sentences

o‚ xh[
t   ¢ s” ¢ ­
   tQ;
(3) oiS n v  §; v  U ¢& n (2) oŸ[ 'w u  ¤i (1) o‚§
t l (5) oX ? v  §; v OM k 3
 h Q
  (4) o‘² s n v
  ™  D x|  D ³
o T B … š †U 1     (7) :g  ·‡X 1     (6) :ž š ?k 1  Ÿ  k
  M ; ¢nl (10)  g   … u †¢Q ¢nl (9)  g J  … t ?  ¢nB (8)
(11) #  £‚   v  £;

!P xh[
t   ¢ s” ¢ ­
   tQ;
1  g V a
 J l 5¤ (2) 1  (  v  U  M X    (1) 1   Y v   !   P   t l
šQk  Q  M   n ¤7w (5) šQk  Q
 M   n ¤7C (4) 1   ' v   M    (3)
 T   v
 £; ow (7)      I  T   'C (6)

Worth Reading
How to get rid of Poverty? Read this article at

Quranic Arabic Program 54 Level 01

Lesson 8: Read Sentences

ƒ? xh[
t   ¢ s” ¢ ­
   tQ;
 J i D  J  (3) ƒ  n ²   i @ m  (2) ƒ   [  h|W (1) 7 h?k¢R ƒ  £?
s k¤ ¤‡w (5) ƒ  i  [ u K [ l 4 & &  ¢tE| (4) Š— h J  s Q   l p 7 Q»
 M ; v  ;¥j k  (6) 7— h  n   T ™  l t g i  $  ‚¢ h|i U  h n 
(8) ƒ    ‚ t j  B; r ¤i d
  l (7) s k£;

\iM xh[
t   ¢ s” ¢ ­
   tQ;
v §;  l S  (2) \— i U s n 7 Q» \ i D (1) \ i D 5¤ v  £; t [ ; l S 
¤7w ¤… (5) t i M k t  n 7 Q» t ¤iU (4) t i J ; t ¤iU 5¤ (3) 8   ² 
(8) oM  § v  £; ow ¤7w (7) o L ?[  4  7 l (6) oLO  7 Q»
:g  oiU 7  7 w I  kl l (10) o¤iY  'w š@U (9) og  k 5¤ I  kl l
¤7B; t i M k t l (13) o¤h  %  ¤ 7 w I  kl l (12) :hJ ¢?;  n l  l (11)
— ;'  — Y  (15)  Y  ¢ ;  K Q
  r ?  k t  s f ¤… (14) :k r ¤i
r M O  ‡ ¤… (18)  ;¢R /   [ (17) rk&  /   i  (16) — fW D
(19) %   ?S   Ÿ
 [ 

Quranic Arabic Program 55 Level 01

Lesson 8: Read Sentences

J xh[
t   ¢ s” ¢ ­
   tQ;
  J  | i   (2)   J  | i   n 1 & l n (1)   J   i   p 4  R l ¢w
¥u| s n t g £; 7 ' C; g  !  § | j †… 9| ¢R  (3) — g Z ]  l s n ™  D
(5)  Ÿ  K   i O n o¢? p m 8™ …[ (4) — n l

@ xh[
t   ¢ s” ¢ ­
   tQ;
t g B  o¢? ƒ ¥jK n ƒ   P   %  ?j  u m l s n K  s k¤ s j| k t 
(3) œ  £ S  ™ ?| g  (2) xš  ¢gO n šK‚Y  h|i? k r ¤i s n 9œ h[ (1) | £ @
n (4) | £ @ t g 6  n  M ; s n ¤‡w %  ?j  h|l s k¤ 2  ¢K  n
he k x …¢ h Jk 6 K  s k£ r  ƒ   i 
 n r ¤i @M  ¤‡w n l|
% ?j  u m l s n K  s k¤ ¤7w (5)   £ J  s k& v  '  x ¢R
¤7w (6)  ¢k @ §Z t m v  f l| g  s kD t ¢ g    p ƒ    P
  
  U t m z R  (7)  ¢k @   D t m v f l| $
 ‚¢ h|i U  h n  s k¤
r ¤i p X   š;l g  s kD  g²  g?‚   s n 5Ÿ   7—  U $  ¢  t g £;
(8) r ¢; p P  D s   v
 ' r  U hX  t g  U

Quranic Arabic Program 56 Level 01

Lesson 8: Read Sentences

RR xh[
t   ¢ s” ¢ ­
   tQ;
9 S (2) gJEl ,   ²  I    D l (1) gR( ,   ²  I  R ( 'w
(5) g o l v  ¢; ¤7B; (4) m @D l # | £‚   — fn h k (3) g n 7| Q»
š D x— ¢' 9 J n u  M k s   (6) t g U l   š?Z l )
 ¢    
 k — fn h k
(8) 4k šZ x— ¢' 9 J n u  M k s n  (7) 4k

$k&M xh[
t   ¢ s” ¢ ­
   tQ;
(3) š‚@Y  $  L   (2) šS $  k h (1) š‚@X  $  k& M
(6) &™ h j  r £;  7 Q» ¤7w (5) šM  r ; s O [ h  (4) šMJ r ; 7  EB
'w t i M k …l (8) ™ kP     
  £‚
  r ¢w (7) ™ gP
 ' oiU r ¢w
— fn h k t g ; t g ¢; ¤7w (10)  § p n u £  (9)  h@J|  p n  M ;
(11)  ™ @ 

Quranic Arabic Program 57 Level 01

Lesson 8: Read Sentences

UJ xh[
t   ¢ s” ¢ ­
   tQ;
 ¢  7| h|jk 8 h k (3) | U  J n 1 & l n (2) | U  J n (1) | U  J
I i J| E s n ¢nB (5) *  h|K  s g M  9| @Ÿ
  7| h|j (4) #  h|@   *
 K 
œ k m r §nB| (8) r k(hn I
 ¤KD s n ¢nl (7) — X   — P U p h g  (6) r k(hn
(11) œ n  ™  (10) r m n 1 & l n (9)
Ej? xh[
t   ¢ s” ¢ ­
   tQ;
¤… ¢tE| (3) 7 hi M  3 h [ ¤… (2)  ;J  t  ( o¢? (1)  E|j¢? t | gl
¢tE| (6) t ‚Ÿ
  7   ? (5) ƒ J  t i U 7 hi M  h  ¤… (4) 7 hi M  3  h [
(8) t M¢  s U — fn h k ¢s|BQ
 ? ¢tE| (7) ƒ
 J  s  U g  ?
Do you know?
There are some differences in the Arabic Scripts used in the Indian Sub-Continent (South Asia) and
that used in the Arab Countries (Middle East). Some of them are as follows:

• In the Middle East, the Hamzah with Fathah or Kasrah is written as “ w

l” while that in South Asia
is written as “
”. For example, in the Middle Eastern script 7
œ Qw
u| M  l while in the South
Asian script, it will be 7œ Q
u| M  .
• In South Asia, straight fatha & kasrah and reversed dhamma is used while in the Middle East, it is
not used. For example, in South Asia, words & &
u M”[ 
t m”; are written in this format
while in the Middle East, they are written as &
   &
u U[w
t m ;w.

• The symbol of silence in the South Asia is

  while that in the Arab Countries is “%
Quranic Arabic Program 58 Level 01
Lesson 8: Read Sentences

M xh[
t   ¢ s” ¢ ­
   tQ;
h|i U  h n  s k¤ ¤‡w (2) — Q  D pK 7 Q» ¤7w (1)    M 
(3)  @ ¢; hY
 h £\‚
 ; hY
 h $
 ‚¢

xR¾ xh[
t   ¢ s” ¢ ­
   tQ;
r n ¤7l 
 Q‚  k (2) 4 & ¢U  ‡š n    5¤ (1) x— R  | x— R  m ¥uj|  uœ k
  (5) |  O ‚
  n 1 & l n (4)   O ‚   p ¤7 @   ¤… (3) 4  i D l
(8) xœ  Y hn t g  i U g¢w (7) x  f ²  oiU  i ¤O p?¤ (6) x|  S h r ¤i
(9) x— & ¢ n —  U p

u K xh[
t   ¢ s” ¢ ­
   tQ;
p t m    u M Ÿ
 k t l (1) u K %  ‚Y  B; v §; u M  ]    : t l
u— £Ÿ[ s n x—  Ÿ‚  ; t g n  (3) u ;;l š W t g  i U u [  l (2) u— i  
(5) 9— h|B n ] —  M  t g i M Ÿ

Quranic Arabic Program 59 Level 01

Lesson 8: Read Sentences

ckS xh[
t   ¢ s” ¢ ­
   tQ;
¢% @M i  (2) ]   ¢ 6 ?£P  i   t g  …kw (1) c — k S| 3
 …k»
(4) 3 — h D s n t g n  /
— h s n t g  M W l 5¤ (3) I   @ m

7hU  xh[
t   ¢ s” ¢ ­
   tQ;
§a‚  k ‡ (2) t ?  §/ k 5¤ v
   (1) s k£; %  ¥j k 5¤ I  kl l
t g …Y s U t m s k¤ (4) ƒ  ¥i  i  uœ kh  (3) ƒ
 j Q
   8 MW oiU
(7) 7 hU 7 hM  k (6) 7 ‘6k t m s k¤ (5) 7 hm[

Ehj xh[
t   ¢ s” ¢ ­
   tQ;
 ?;²  h m v
 fZ ¤7w (2)  ‚
 £;  ¥u
  (1)  Eh j  1   O U l ¢w

Quranic Arabic Program 60 Level 01

Lesson 8: Read Sentences

7j xh[
t   ¢ s” ¢ ­
   tQ;
n 7 ;U t ?l ‡ (2) 7 @M  n  @U l ‡ (1) 7  j g§kl k u S|
t j|  (5)  @U l n 7 ;U t ?l ‡ (4) t §@U n ™ ;U l ‡ (3)  @U l
(6) s k& p  t j| k&

t   ¢ s” ¢ ­
   tQ;
š h l r ¤i s k& p 7 h|iD  k )
 ¢  I
 kl  (1) G  ? K  r ¤i  
  6  'w
(3) š;¢h 7  r ¢w 4  K L ?[  v
 £;   ‚; G  £@Q

¾ “ xh[
t   ¢ s” ¢ ­
   tQ;
oi [ (2)   Q  n r |n r  U o T l n (1) ¢  — g  p;l k I
s n uœ @  m  p (4)   O ‚    ¢ r l n  (3) 
— g  $  ' š
(5) — Q  n

Quranic Arabic Program 61 Level 01

Lesson 8: Read Sentences

+…D» xh[
t   ¢ s” ¢ ­
   tQ;
r  s j| k t  (3)  hk t   i k t  (2)   ¢ r ¤i (1) ™  l r ¤i h m u S|
(4) ™  l šh|K|

\iK xh[
t   ¢ s” ¢ ­
   tQ;

 S  'w \— [ T £Z s n  (2) \ i D n £Z s n (1) \ i K  £% ; '| hUl u S|
(5)  Q   'w — [  £Z s n  (4)  J M  p $
 E¤K¢  £Z s n  (3)

)  xh[
t   ¢ s” ¢ ­
   tQ;
£Z s n (3) )  ¢  r w (2) )
 ¢  v  i n (1) )  ¢  £% ; '| hUl u S|
 ¢ Ÿ
  s n (5) )
 ¢   Y  p )
 h [ h k 5¤ (4) )  ¢ 
  )
 h[ h 
(6) )  ¢ 

Quranic Arabic Program 62 Level 01

Lesson 9: Start Writing Arabic

Dear Reader! Build Your Personality

Congratulations! Now you can read many sentences of The Quran asks us to be just
and fair in our dealings. While
Arabic language. This is the time to start writing in Arabic dealing with other people,
language. The Microsoft Arabic Keyboard is as follows: always ask yourself whether you
have dealt fairly and justly?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 À = <-
, + # 2 3 0 / 4 ! " & \
* ) 5 % 9  $ 7 8 1 - Enter
y 6 z  ‡ : x  ( . Shift
' Space
With Shift
! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + <-
 – ‘ › » w ‘ ÷ × Ð > < |
 — [ ] ² l ¬
/ : ” Enter
~ Ž { } Ä  ’ , . È Shift

¡ Space
• Keep your left-hand fingers at * ) 5 %. Also type 9 with your pointing finger.
• Keep your right-hand fingers at $ 7 8 1. Use your pointing finger to type . Type - with
your little finger.
• Now start your typing with the middle line.
• Keep your fingers at the middle line and try to type the upper line.
• Keep your fingers at the middle line and try to type the lower line.
• Once your fingers are familiar with each letter, start typing the letters in an alphabetical
• Start typing different Arabic words used in this book and then start typing passages.

Quranic Arabic Program 63 Level 01

Lesson 10: Practice Yourself

Dear Reader! Build Your Personality

Try to develop the love of Allah. Think
This is the last lesson regarding reading the Arabic script. about His blessings e.g. air, water,
After that, you will start learning the Arabic language. To eyes, hands etc. and be thankful to
improve your Arabic reading skills, do the following:

• Download the Holy Quran.

• Download the complete recitation of the Holy Quran along with English Translation.
Recitations of many reciters are available on the internet. Simply search ‘Quran Recitation
with English’ on any search engine and you will find many recitations. You can select the
recitation of your favorite Qaaree.
• Daily listen a passage of the Holy Quran along with reading the text. After that, recite it
yourself. Then listen again that passage. It will rectify your mistakes and improve your
reading skills.

Do you know?
The art of reciting the Holy Quran is called xœ l
 S . Reciting it according
to the defined rules in correct pronunciation is called ™ khŸ
 . This
course provides you only the fundamentals of Tajweed. If you want to
learn more, listen more and more recitation and join a class conducted
by an expert Qaaree.

Rule of the Day

The Quran was not revealed with an objective of reciting without
understanding. It is obligatory on the Muslims to understand the
Quran which is the last version of the Guidance provided to us by the
Almighty Allah. Continue to next levels of this course to learn the
Quranic Language.

Do you know?
Quranic Translation is a human work which may be subject to the
element of human error. Learn the Quranic Arabic yourself so that you
can differentiate between the right and the wrong translations of the
Holy Quran.

Quranic Arabic Program 64 Level 01

Level 01

Level 1: Learn the Basic Arabic


At end of this level, you will be able to

understand the religious Arabic used in the
routine life.

Quranic Arabic Program 65 Level 01

Lesson 1A: Parts of Speech

Dear Reader!
Build Your Personality
All languages have certain rules. Languages are
developed by its native people. Based on their speech, Love the creatures of Allah because
experts of grammar derive the language rules. Allah also loves His creatures. Do
Language always precede the rules. It never happened not tease any human being or a
that a nation decided its rules first and then developed living organism.
a language.
Arabic is not an exception. Arabic has well-defined rules which are applied consistently to all of its
words and sentences. As you will see in next levels that these rules are so established that a spread sheet
program can automatically derive hundreds of word from a single word.
Al-Hamdulillah you are now able to read the Arabic sentences. From this part, we are starting the
Arabic language. We shall work in two dimensions i.e. the Grammar and the Language. We shall
discuss the grammar in the A series. The language will be discussed in the B Series. This is a modern
technique of learning the Arabic language. The exercises are designed in a manner that you will
automatically learn the language by solving these exercises.
This lesson belongs to the A Series, therefore, we are starting with the fundamentals of Arabic
Sarf & Nahv (hÜ  3Y)
Arabic grammar is divided into two parts i.e. 3Y and hÜ. Sarf contains the rules for deriving words
from a single source word whereas Nahv consists of the rules for structuring sentences. The concepts
from both areas are arranged in an easy-to-complex sequence. Our study methodology is ‘learn through
practice’. We do not insist on memorizing the rules. We focus on practicing the rules which
automatically results in learning the rules.

Arabic Parts of Speech

In Arabic, a word is called _K or i which can be classified under three basic parts of speech i.e.
nouns, verbs and other words.
• Noun (t[): Noun is the name of a person, thing, city, etc. For example
7O Z

%? etc.
• Verb (uM): Verb describes an act of doing something. For example oiY (blessing be upon), ul
(He ate), %Z (He drank) etc.

• Other Words (3): These words join nouns and verbs. For example % (with), 9 (for), sn
(from), ‡ (except) etc.
Instead of using English terms, we will use the Arabic terms i.e. 3
t[ to describe these
We are providing a diagram depicting different types of these parts of speech. Next lessons will be
based on this classification.

Quranic Arabic Program 66 Level 01

Lesson 1A: Parts of Speech


&U 9hYhn xZw X

 Special Nouns t[

¢en ¤ n Classification 1

    Classification 2

xj Mn Classification 3

n \?Pn Classification 4

IKY u K 9hMKn uU Classification 5

L@n 3V 

  n T 3
  n %Mn p @ n Classification 6

kRn pU; &¢Ÿn pU; kRn pE…|E &¢Ÿn pE…|E Classification 1

og nl / n pXn Classification 2

 n 8h|iM n Classification 3

9n ]Un (hgn G ‚Y

 Classification 4

] K bS 3h l

Others ]OU   3

Quranic Arabic Program 67 Level 01

Lesson 1A: Parts of Speech

Our Course Plan to discuss the parts of speech is mentioned here. The sequence of our next
lessons is from easy to difficult. Level & Lesson No. is written on the right side.

Face the ¢en ¤ n t[ Level 01 / 2A


p @ n %Mn t[
Compare Arabic
parts of speech Level 01 / 3A
with English
parts of speech.
    t[ Level 01 / 4A

Level 01 / 5A
&U 9hYhn xZw X
 t[ Level 02 / 3A – 8A

Rule of the Day

xj Mn t[ Level 02 / 1A
All languages
From Easy to Difficult

consist of nouns,
verbs and Others ]OU   3 Level 02 / 9A – 14A

n \?Pn t[ Level 03 / 1A

kRn pU; &¢Ÿn pU; kRn pE…|E &¢Ÿn pE…|E uM Level 03 / 2A

og nl / n pXn uM Level 03 / 3A – 10A

Level 04 / 1A – 5A

Level 03 / 3A – 10A
 n 8h|iM n uM Level 04 / 1A – 5A

IKY u K 9hMKn uU t[ Level 03 / 11A – 12A

L@n 3V 

9n ]Un (hgn G ‚Y

 uM Level 04 / 6A – 12A

] K bS 3h l

Quranic Arabic Program 68 Level 01

Lesson 1A: Parts of Speech

Test Yourself
Read each word in the following table and classify them to 3
t[. Freely consult the
vocabulary table.

Category Word Category Word

9 ­
(I seek refuge) ‘ 'hUl (Great)  @ l
(with) %
 (Exalted) 7 ‚@ [
(from) s n (The) 9
(Satan) s”O  ¢P (Praise) ™ 
(Damned) t  ¢ (for) 9
(Name) t[ (No) ‡
(Beneficent) s ” ¢ (god) r ”
(Eternally Merciful) t   ¢ (except) ¤‡w
(One) ™ l  ¢‚
(and)  (Prophet) 9| h [ ¢
(Self-Sufficient)   ¢ (associate) v
 k Z
(on, upon) o”iU (your, you) 1 
(Progeny, followers) 9 (O Allah!) ¢tg ”¦i
oiU (Bless!) ¥uY

Quranic Arabic Program 69 Level 01

Lesson 1B: Basic Hymns

Dear Reader!
Build Your Personality
In B Series, we shall provide you a series of
Arabic sentences. You have to translate them into Suspicion is forbidden by the
English. Vocabulary sheet is provided below. Almighty Allah. It develops a
Arabic sentences are provided on the next pages. negative personality. Avoid
Rule of the Day

In almost all languages, each non-living item

is considered either male or female.

Explanation Word
Allah, the Arabic name of God ­
The greatest, the biggest, the magnificent  @ l
Free from immorality and all types of physical and moral
filths 7 ‚@ [
These two letters are added to a noun at the beginning in
order to specify it. It is a synonym of English word ‘THE’ 9
9 means ‘the’ and Ý means praise and thanks. Meanings Ý 9
 ©

of this phrase are ‘the praise’.

These are also two words. 9 means ‘for’ and ­ is the

Arabic name of God. Meanings of this phrase are ‘for ­
   9

No, not ‡
A god, a superior being r ”
Except ¤‡w
Muhammad, the last Prophet of God. ti[ ‫ﮦ‬9” ‫ﮦ‬ÞiU ‫ﮦ‬u ÞiY  ¢‚

Quranic Arabic Program 70 Level 01

Lesson 1B: Basic Hymns

Explanation Word
Prophet, Messenger 9| h [ ¢
Partner, an equivalent entity v
 k Z
These are two words. As discussed above 9 means ‘for and
1 means you. Overall meanings ‘for you’. 1  9
I seek refuge, I seek protection ‘ 'hUl
These are two words. % means ‘with’ or ‘from’. Overall
meaning ‘from God’.
 %
From s n
Two words i.e. 9 as discussed ‘the’ and 7O Z means
‘Satan’. Overall meaning ‘The Satan’. The entity who s”O  ¢Z 9
 s”O  ¢P
spreads evil.

Two words i.e. 9 means ‘the’ and t  means ‘rejected

one’. Overall meaning ‘the rejected one’.
t  ¢ 9
t  ¢
Two words i.e. % means ‘with’ or ‘from’, t[ means
‘name’. Overall meaning ‘with name’ or ‘in the name’.
t[ %
Two words i.e. 9 and 7Ý. Rahmaan is a name of God
which means ‘beneficent, gracious, kind, loving, caring’.
 s” ¢ 9
s” ¢
Two words ie. 9 and t . Raheem is another name of God
which means ‘eternally merciful’.
t   ¢ 9
t   ¢
One ™ l
Face the Challenge! Do you know?
What is the use of 9 in Arabic? Quran is not only the Book of Guidance. It is
also the benchmark for the Arabic language.

Quranic Arabic Program 71 Level 01

Lesson 1B: Basic Hymns

Explanation Word
Again two words. 9 you already know. Y means an
entity who is eternally independent from everything.
  ¢Y 9
 ¢
O Allah!, O God! ¢tg ”¦i
Bestow your blessings ¥uY 
On o”iU
The progeny, this word is also used for the followers. 9
These are three words. % means ‘with’ or ‘from’. Ý means
‘praise’ and stands for ‘his’. Overall meaning, ‘with His |4    %
|4 ‚

Shower blessings, bestow o¤iY

Two words. oiU means ‘on’ and 4 means ‘him’. Overall
meaning ‘on him’. This word is used for both ‘his’ and ‘him’.
4 oiU
r  i U
Two words, 9 means progeny, children. It also includes the
followers. 4 means ‘his’. Overall meaning ‘his progeny’.
4 9
Salute, peace be upon him. t ¤i[

Face the Challenge! Rule of the Day: :

x at end of a noun
Identify some masculine & feminine nouns indicates that it is a feminine noun.
in Arabic from the vocabulary you learned.

Quranic Arabic Program 72 Level 01

Lesson 1B: Basic Hymns

Now write your translation in the “English” column.

English Arabic
t   ¢ s ” ¢ ­   t Q  ;
 @ l ­‘
  7 ‚@ [
   ‚  
  ¤‡w r ” ‡
  9| h [ ¢  ¢‚  n
  v k Z ‡
 s”O  ¢P s n ­  ; '| hUl
 t  ¢
  ¢ ­ ‘ 
™l ­ ‘
 — ¢‚  n o”iU ¥uY  ¢tg ”¦i
— ¢‚ n  9 o”iU
|4 ‚  ;  ­   7 ‚@ [
ti[ r r iU ­ oiY

Quranic Arabic Program 73 Level 01

Lesson 1B: Basic Hymns

Reverse the Translation

Now translate the English sentences into Arabic. Freely consult the vocabulary table. Compare
your result with the previous page. Calculate your score. Repeat the test, if your score is below

English Arabic
(I start) In the name of Allah, the beneficent, the
eternally merciful.

(O Allah!) There is no partner for You.

Allah is free from all evils and filths.

Allah is free from all evils and with His praise ….

Allah is one. Allah is eternally independent.

Allah is the greatest.

Blessings of Allah be upon him (Muhammad) and

his progeny. Salute and peace be upon him.

I seek refuge in Allah from the rejected Satan.

Muhammad is Allah’s Prophet.

O Allah! Shower Your blessings upon Muhammad

and the progeny of Muhammad.

The praise is for Allah.

There is no god except Allah.

Quranic Arabic Program 74 Level 01

Lesson 2A: Gender    

Dear Reader! Build Your Personality

Most of the languages contain different words for Beware of insincere religious
masculine and feminine. In Arabic, separate words
are used for both genders.
and political leaders. They try to
manipulate you. Always trust on
In Arabic, the ‘masculine’ is called ¤ n your own judgment, not that of
(Muzhakkar) and the ‘feminine’ is called ¢e n your leaders.
(Muannath). By default, all nouns are considered
¤ n except the following:
• Real en: The nouns which are en in reality, for example › xln w (woman), › k  (girl), 8™ ‘ l
(mother), I
™ D l| (sister), I
™  ; (daughter) etc.
• Words with x at their end: The words carrying a x are considered en , for example xh”iY

› (prayer), › ¢  (garden), ›  Q
  (good). There are some exceptions to this rule e.g. › K iD
(Caliph), › n¤…U  (a big scholar). A masculine can be converted into feminine by putting a x at its

• Words with 6 at their end: The words carrying a  at their end are also considered en ,
for example 6‘ &h [
 (a black woman), 6‘ ž  ; (a white woman).
• Words with :”at their end: The words carrying  at their end are considered en , for
example :”@ 
| (big), :”L Y
 (small), o”N U (great).
• Non-Living Items: There is a large number of nouns related to non-living matter which is
neither male nor female. Native people used either of masculine or feminine words for such
things by assuming that a specific thing is masculine or feminine. For example, in Arabic, %
™ ?
(book) is considered masculine whereas › xŸ
 Z (tree) is considered feminine. Similarly d
™  Z
(sun) is feminine. We have to follow the native people to determine which items are ¤
 n and
which ones are en. Gender of various items is considered differently in different languages.

• Remember that the following words will always be en: ,

™  l (Earth), %
™   (war), ™ 
(fire), 6› ž[
 (sky), G
™ k (air), d
™ K  (living organism).
• Countries’ names will also be en. For example  
 n (Egypt), 8 Z (Syria)
• Human organs in pairs will also be considered . For example 
™ k (hand), uœ   (foot), '‘ l
7œ ‘ (ear), s™  U (eye) etc.

Quranic Arabic Program 75 Level 01

Lesson 2A: Gender    

Test Yourself (1)

Write down against each words in the table below whether it is a masculine or a feminine. The
nouns for non-living matter, which are en, are already mentioned.
Gender Meaning Word
Brother › l
Sister I
™ D l|
Father ™ 
Mother ›x
Father %
™ l
Mother ›8|
Brother of mother 9œ D
Sister of mother › D
Brother of father ›tU
Sister of father › ¢U
™ ¤ n A man with bad character \™ [ 
›¢e n A woman with bad character › J[ 
A good / handsome man s™ Q  
A good / beautiful woman ›  Q  

Quranic Arabic Program 76 Level 01

Lesson 2A: Gender    

Gender Meaning Word

An ugly ____ G
™  @S
An ugly ____ › ‚  @S
A big _____ ™  @
A big _____ ›x  @
A short _____ ™  L Y

A big _____ ›x  L Y
This _____ ”m
¢e n This _____ 4  ”m
Paradise, Garden › ¢ 
¢e n Hell t™ ¢ g 
Bridegroom d
™ k U
Bride (In old Arabic, it is
used for both male & female)
™   U
Hard, tough, difficult____ ™ k Z
Hard, tough, difficult____ ›xk Z
¢e n Market 2
™ h [
A long ______ › ikh W

Quranic Arabic Program 77 Level 01

Lesson 2A: Gender    

Gender Meaning Word

Yellow _____  K Yl
Yellow _____ 6‘ KY
Green ______   D l
Green ______ 6‘ D
Red _____    l
Red _____ 6‘  
Blue ______ 2
  ( l
Blue ______ 6‘ žS (
The most beautiful man s Q  l
The most beautiful _____ o Q  
Truthful ____ 2
™ & Y
Truthful _____ › S& Y
Witness _____ ™ m Z
Witness _____ ›xm Z
A liar _____ %
™ ' 
A liar _____ › ;' 

Quranic Arabic Program 78 Level 01

Lesson 2A: Gender    

Test Yourself (2)

n are provided to you in the following table. Write down their en in the next column

en n en n

(Black)& h [ l (Good) s™ Q 
 D l (Father) ™ 
(White) a
 ;l (Yellow)  K Yl
(Brother) ™l (Ugly) G™  @S
(Blue) 2
  ( l (Observer) ™ m Z
) 9
(Maternal Uncle œ D (Red)    l
(Big) ™  @ (Good) s™Q  
(Father) %l (Small) ™  L Y

(This) ”m (Handsome) s Q
(Hard) ™ k Z (Uncle) tU 
™ m ( (Truthful) 2
™ & Y
(Immoral) \ ™ [  (Liar) %
™ ' 
(Merciful) t™  d
™ k U

(Leader)  t U(  (Worshipper) ™ ;U

(Respected) Š ™   (Helper)  ™ 

Quranic Arabic Program 79 Level 01

Lesson 2B: The Prayer

Dear Reader!
Build Your Personality
In the previous lesson, we have learnt the basic hymns. In this Perform your prayers in a
lesson, we will learn the Arabic Language of our prayers.
way that you are watching
Mostly, our people perform their prayers without understanding it. your God. If it is not possible,
It is a very serious matter. We must learn the meanings of our then at least develop the
prayer. Without that, we will not be able to develop the sense that sense that your God is
we are meeting our Lord. In this lesson, we are including only the
watching you. Prophet
commonly read hymns of our prayer.
Translate the following sentences. The vocabulary is available here. You can read the vocabulary and
join the words to make sentences. Do not see the answers before attempting. Each sentence carries five
mark. After completing the exercise, see the answers.

Explanation Word
The greatest, the biggest, the magnificent  @ l
These are two words. 7‚@[ means “Free from immorality and
all types of physical and moral filths”, 1 means “You”. Overall 1 7‚@[
v‚@ [
meaning, “You are free from all types of filths & weaknesses.”

O Allah! O God tgi

These are three words. % means ‘with’ and Ý means praise
and thanks, 1 means ‘you or your’. Meanings of this phrase 1   %
1  ‚
are ‘with Your praise’.

Face the Challenge! Rule of the Day

In Arabic, why words are written in In Arabic, fathah, dhammah and kasrah are
joined form? Compare it with English. used at the last letter of a word to indicate
different positions of a noun.

Quranic Arabic Program 80 Level 01

Lesson 2B: The Prayer

Explanation Word
Blessed 1@
Again two words. t[ means name and 1 means ‘you or
yours’. So the full phrase is ‘your name’.
1 t[
High, exalted ßM
Two words i.e.  means highness, majesty and 1 means
‘you or yours’. SO the full phrase is ‘Your majesty’.
1 
No, not, never ‡
A god, a superior being r
Two words i.e. T means ‘other than’ and 1 means ‘you or
your’. So the phrase means ‘other than you’.
1 T
1 T
These are also two words. 9 means ‘for’ and ­ is the Arabic
name of God. Meanings of this phrase are ‘for Allah’.
­  9
Lord, Sustainer, Upholder %
These are two words. 9 means ‘the’ and ƒ Umeans all s   M
worlds or universes.

Two words i.e. 9 and 7Ý. Rahmaan is a name of God

which means ‘beneficent, gracious, kind, caring’.
Two words ie. 9 and t . Raheem is another name of God
which means ‘eternally merciful’.
Do you know?
Arabs of 6th and 7th century (time of Quranic revelation) were fond of poetry and speeches. A poet
or a speaker used to enjoy a high rank in the society. There were poetry & speech competitions in
their major gatherings. Poetry master pieces were hanged with the Holy Ka’aba.

Quranic Arabic Program 81 Level 01

Lesson 2B: The Prayer

Explanation Word
Owner vn
Day 8hk
Judgment. The complete phrase sk
8hk means ‘the day of sk& 9
For You only 1kw
We worship @M
We seek help ƒM?Q
Two words i.e. mw means ‘guide’ and  means ‘us’. So the
phrase means ‘guide us’.
The path -
The straight or the right. Full phrase
‘the straight path’ or ‘the right path’.
t J?Q  - means
t J?Q 
These two words are added to a noun at the beginning in order
to specify it. It is a synonym of English word ‘THE’ or “Those

You favored, You blessed I

Two words i.e. oiU means on and tm means them. Phrase
means, ‘on them’ or ‘upon them’.
tm oiU
tg iU
Other than, not those who T

Quranic Arabic Program 82 Level 01

Lesson 2B: The Prayer

Explanation Word
Who earned anger of Allah, damned, cursed %hL
Who got astray, who got away from the right path. ƒ¦ž
Please accept it. ƒn
Two words i.e. % means ‘Lord, Sustainer’ and 5 stands for
‘my or me’. Phrase means ‘My Lord’.
5 %
The great t NM
He listened   [
Two words i.e. 9 means ‘for’ and sn means ‘who’. Phrase
means ‘for whom’.
s n  9

Two words, Ý means praise and thanks and 4 means ‘his or
him’. Phrase means ‘His praise’.
4   
Two words i.e. % means ‘Lord, Sustainer’ and  stands for
‘our or us’. Phrase means ‘Our Lord’.
These words, ‘for You’. 1 9
The highest, the greatest. oiU‡
The greetings, the salutations $ ‚?
The prayers xhi
Purified things or purified emotions $@ O

Quranic Arabic Program 83 Level 01

Lesson 2B: The Prayer

Explanation Word
Peace 8…Q
Two words, oiU means ‘on’ whereas 1 means ‘you or your’.
Phrase means ‘on you’.
1 oiU
v iU
O (person)! To address someone. gk
The Prophet, here it means Prophet Muhammad. à 
Blessings Ý
Two words i.e. $; means benedictions, blessings, whereas
4 means ‘his or him’. Phrase means ‘His blessings’. 4 $;
Two words, oiU means ‘on’ and  means ‘our or us’. So the
phrase means ‘on us’.
Slaves of Allah. ­ &@U
Pious ĩ
Bestow blessings uY
Progeny, also includes the followers 9
Two words, 1 means ‘like’. n stands for ‘what, which etc.’.
Phrase means ‘like which’
n 1

You bestowed. The word is linked with uY. I iY

Quranic Arabic Program 84 Level 01

Lesson 2B: The Prayer

Explanation Word
Prophet Abraham 8…Q ‫ة‬hi ‫ﮦ‬ÞiU t m;w
Admirable  Ý
Great, high, glorified, exalted  ‰
Give prosperity, bestow blessings 1;
You bestowed. The word is linked with 1;. Compare
I; with I iY

Again two words, t means ‘you or your’. Phrase means ‘on
you’. 1 is used for singular and t is plural.
t oiU
tj iU

Rule of the Day Face the Challenge!

Normal form of a noun is its “Subjective” How do you describe the subjective,
case. When a task is done on a specific noun, it objective and possessive cases in the
is its “Objective” case. If a noun belongs English grammar?
something, it is its “Possessive” Case. They
are called 

 respectively in Arabic.

Do you know?
The Quran challenged the Arabs to produce a chapter like that of Quran. The challenge was never
accepted by the best poets and speakers. All Arabs, whether Muslims or not, agreed that they were
not able to produce a single verse comparable to the Quran.
Labeed, one of the great poets of Arabia, left poetry after his conversion to Islam. Someone asked
him the reason. He said, “How can I do poetry after the Quran?”

Quranic Arabic Program 85 Level 01

Lesson 2B: The Prayer

Now write your translation in the “English” column.

English Arabic
 @l ­

vá 1@  1=  ¢tg ”¦i v‚@ [

 T r ” ‡  1 §  o”M 

. t  ¢  s”O  ¢P s n ­

 ; '| hUl

.t   ¢ s ” ¢ ­

  t Q

.ƒM £% ­
  ©

.s k£ 8 h k v
 n .t ¢ s   ¢

 M ?Q
  1 ¢kw  @M  1 ¢kw

.t J?Q
   -
 £  m 

t g  i U I
  M l s k¤ -
ƒn .ƒ
 ¥¢ ‡ t g  i U %
 hL     T
.t NM  ¢p£; 7‚@[
.4    s   ­
‘    [
.© v
.o”iU² ¢p£; 7‚@[

Quranic Arabic Program 86 Level 01

Lesson 2B: The Prayer

English Arabic
 @£ ¤O  x| h ”i¢  ­
 $
 ¢ ‚
 ¢?
 ‘    §p@¢  g§k v
 iU 8 …¢Q

‘r ;

‚  ­
  & @U o”iU   iU 8 …¢Q

  ¤‡ r ” ‡ 7   g Zl

.‘r|h[  ‘4@U ˜¢‚

 n ¤7l  g Zl 

ˆ 9  oiU  — ‚n oiU o¦iY
 ¢tg i
9 oiU  t m;w oiU I

t m;w
.™ Ÿn ™  v

ˆ 9 oiU  ˆ oiU 1  ; ¢tg i
9 oiU  t m;w oiU I
   ; 

t m;w
.™ Ÿn ™  v

 ‘ Ý  t|j  i U 8 …¢Q

Quranic Arabic Program 87 Level 01

Lesson 2B: The Prayer

Reverse the Translation

Now translate the English sentences into Arabic. Freely consult the vocabulary table. Compare your
result with the previous page. Calculate your score. Repeat the test, if your score is below 80%.

English Arabic
Allah is the greatest.

O Allah! You are free from all weaknesses. With

Your praise (I say that) Your name is blessed.

Your majesty is high and there is no god other than


I seek refuge in Allah from the rejected Satan.

Allah in the name of, the most Beneficent, the

eternally Merciful.

Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds, the most

Beneficent, the eternally Merciful.

Owner of the day of judgment. (O Allah!) You alone

we worship and You alone we ask for help.

Guide us towards the right path.

The path of those whom You have favored.

Neither the path of who earned Your anger nor of

those who astray.

My Lord the great is free from all weaknesses.

Allah has listened who has praised Him.

O our Lord! Praise is for You.

Quranic Arabic Program 88 Level 01

Lesson 2B: The Prayer

English Arabic
My Lord, The High, is free from all weaknesses.

The greetings, the prayer and the purified things are

for Allah.

O Prophet! Salutations and Allah’s blessings and His

benedictions be upon you.

Peace be upon us and on all pious slaves of Allah.

I declare that there is no god except Allah.

And I declare that verily Muhammad is His slave

and His messenger.

O Allah! Bless Muhammad and the progeny

(followers) of Muhammad.

As You blessed Abraham and the progeny

(followers) of Abraham.

Verily You are praised and exalted.

O Allah! Give benediction to Muhammad and the

progeny (followers) of Muhammad.

As You gave benediction to Abraham and the

progeny (followers) of Abraham.

Verily You are praised and exalted.

Peace and blessings of Allah be upon you.

Quranic Arabic Program 89 Level 01

Lesson 3A: Case 


Dear Reader!
As in English, there are three states of a noun which Build Your Personality
is called the ‘case’ i.e. subjective, objective and
possessive cases. Similarly in Arabic, there are three Think from other’s point of view.
cases which are called 

 . It will broaden your intellectual
horizon and will help you
In English, different cases are denoted by changing
the sequence of words or adding words to it. In
understand and tolerate other’s
Arabic, it is denoted by a change in the %Ul of point of view.
the last letter of a word. Look at the following table.

Possessive Objective Subjective Noun

— sQ ˜ Q
  s™ Q
  s™ Q
 h h  h  h
— ? ˜;? %
™ ? %
™ ?
• The Form (%Uw) of Last letter of 80-85% of Arabic Nouns change as per following detail.

• The  (subjective case) is normally denoted by putting a › ‘ rX at the last letter of a noun. It
is the default case. If the default case has a single dhammah, a single fathah and kasrah will be
placed in other cases. If the default case has a double dhammah, a double fathah and kasrah will be
placed in other cases.

• The  (objective case) is normally denoted by putting a –  r‚? at the last letter of a noun.
Usually an Alif is added after the two fathah, if the last letter is not a round x or a hamzah 6.

• The  (possessive case) is normally denoted by putting a —  xQ at the last letter of a noun.
• If an 9 is placed before a noun, its double movements are converted into single movements.
• A few nouns (appx. 1-2%) do not change their form. They remain the same in all cases. They are called
â@n. For example m (this) will remain the same in all forms
• Some nouns (apprx. 14-15%) change their form, but they are the same in  and  . They are called
3 n T. For example t m;w will be t m;w in its  and  form. They carry a rX in  but
carry either a r‚? or a xQ in both  and  . They also do not carry a tanveen. You will learn
them by experience

Quranic Arabic Program 90 Level 01

Lesson 3A: Case 


Test Yourself
The default case  is given to you in the right column. Determine the  and  case for
these nouns.

  o” Mn   
Possessive Objective Meanings Subjective

Muhammad ™ ¢‚ n
A Prophet 9œ h[
The prophet 9| h[
A thing qœ Z
The thing q| P
A sign, a verse › k
The sign, the verse ‘ kÄ
A garden › ¢ 
The garden ‘ ¢ ¨

A girl, a daughter I
™  ;
The girl, the daughter I
 @
A sky, a heaven 6› ž[
The sky, the heaven 6‘ ž¢Q
Note that by adding an Alif-Laam 9 before a noun results in a single dhammah at the last letter.
If an 9 is not placed before a noun, it has double dhammah.

Quranic Arabic Program 91 Level 01

Lesson 3B: What is Piety?

Dear Reader!
Build Your Personality
From this lesson onwards, we will read the selected passages If we have the right to accept
from the Holy Quran, the Hadith and selected writings of Arab
a point of view based on
scholars. Look at the styles used in these passages and develop
some arguments, other
your language skills by translating these styles into English
language. people also have the same
right. Try to convince others
In addition to learning the language, also try to develop your
in a positive manner. Do not
personality in light of the attributes mentioned in these verses
and Ahadith. impose your views on others.
Tolerate the different views.
Translate the following sentences. The vocabulary is available here. You can read the vocabulary
and join the words to make sentences. Do not see the answers before attempting. Each sentence
carries five marks. After completing the exercise, see the answers.

Explanation Word
It is not d
The piety, righteousness ¢@
That 7 l
You turn (towards some direction) h«h 
Two words, 4h  is the plural of r  which means ‘face’.
t means ‘yours’. Overall meaning ‘your faces)
t 4h 
tj| m h 
Towards u @S
The East 2
  P
And, if  is repeated several times, you can translate is as a
‘comma’ instead of repeating and, and, and

Quranic Arabic Program 92 Level 01

Lesson 3B: What is Piety?

Explanation Word
The West %
  L  
But ¢sj 
The piety, righteousness ¢@
Who s n
Believed, had faith in s n 
Two words, % means ‘with’ and ­ is ‘God’. Overall
meaning ‘with Allah’ or ‘in Allah’.
­ %
Two words, 8hk means ‘day’ and D means ‘the last’.
Overall meaning ‘the day of judgment’.
 D Ä 8 h 
The angels  j †…
The book, the divine law. Usually this word is used for the
divine books i.e. the Torah, the Gospels and the Quran.
 ?j 
Prophets. ƒ @ or 7h @ is the plural of ã. ƒ
 £ @¢ 
Gives o
Wealth 9 
Two words,  means ‘love’. 4 means ‘his or him’.
Overall meaning ‘in His (Allah’s) love’.
r £@

Quranic Arabic Program 93 Level 01

Lesson 3B: What is Piety?

Explanation Word
Relatives o; J|  5'
Orphans on? 
Poor people ƒ
  Q 
Two words, s; means ‘son’, u @[ means ‘way’. Overall
meaning ‘the son of the way’. This idiom is used to describe u @¢Q s ;
a ‘traveler’.

Poor people who ask for help ƒ

 i †¢Q
Two words, ä means ‘in’ and ‘%S’ means ‘slavery’.
Overall meaning ‘in slavery’.
 S£ p
He established, He performed regularly and collectively 8 Sl
Prayer x …¢
Give o
Zakat (the mandatory charity imposed by Islam on rich
x ¢R
Those people who fulfill (their promises or contracts) 7 h|h
Three words, % means ‘with’, gU means ‘promise or
contract’, tm means, ‘their or them’. Overall meaning ‘with tm gU %
tm  g M ;
their contracts’.

When 'w

Quranic Arabic Program 94 Level 01

Lesson 3B: What is Piety?

Explanation Word
They promise m U
People who are firm and patient s k;¢
Pain, suffering 6 [B @
Adversity, loss 6 ¢¢
At the time of ƒ
War )
 B @
They are v
 f l|
Those who s k¤
Are truthful h|S Y

When these two words are combined, the make an exclusive
sense i.e. “Only those are the people who….”
t m v
 f l|
God fearing, careful about right and wrong. It is plural. Its
singular is pJ?n.
7 h|J¢? 

Face the Challenge! Rule of the Day

What is singular and plural? How do In Arabic, there are special nouns used to
you make a noun plural in English? describe pairs. It is called r .

Worth Reading
Pure Monotheism! What is the difference between Monotheism and Polytheism? Read this
article at

Quranic Arabic Program 95 Level 01

Lesson 3B: What is Piety?

Now write your translation in the “English” column.

English p;U
¢@ d

  L   2
  P
   u @S t j| m h  h«h  7 l

¢@ ¢sj 

 j †…  D Ä 8 h  r ¤i; s n  sn
 £ @¢  %  ?j 
:r £@ oiU 9  o
s ; ƒ
  Q  on?  o; J|  5'
 S£ p ƒ  i †¢Q u @¢Q
x ¢R o x …¢ 8 Sl

m U 'w t m  g M ; 7 h|h

 B @ ƒ
   6 ¢¢ 6 [B @ p s k;¢
.7 h|J¢?  t m v
 f l| h|S Y
 s k¤ v
 f l|
(2:177 xJ@)

Do you know?
Arabic is the most structured language of the world. If you know the rules of deriving words, you
can produce hundreds of words from a single word. These rules will be described in detail at
Level 3 & 4.

Quranic Arabic Program 96 Level 01

Lesson 3B: What is Piety?

Reverse the Translation

Now translate the English sentences into Arabic. Freely consult the vocabulary table. Compare your
result with the previous page. Calculate your score. Repeat the test, if your score is below 80%.

English p;U
It is not righteousness (or piety)

That you turn your faces towards the East or

the West

But the (behavior of) righteousness is:

(That of a person) who believes in Allah, the

Day of Judgment, the angels, the divine
books and the Prophets.

And gives his wealth due to His (Allah’s)

love to:
(the poor) relatives, orphans, poor, (needy)
traveler, those who ask for financial help, and
those in slavery.

And establish the prayer and pay the Zakat.

And (the people) who fulfill their

responsibilities when they enter into a
Those who are firm and patient during
suffering, adversity and at the time of war.

These are the people who are truthful and

these are the people who are righteous (and

Quranic Arabic Program 97 Level 01

Lesson 4A: Number 

Dear Reader!
All languages have separate words for singular and Build Your Personality
plural nouns. Normally, plural nouns are derived Building a nation is a long process. If you
from the singular nouns. As in English, we add ‘s’ or want to build your nation, don’t expect the
‘es’ at end of each singular noun to derive its plural results of your effort in days.
In Arabic, the situation is not different. But the difference between the Arabic and other languages is that
there are three words are used to describe the number of a noun. They are called  ™  

• : means singular. For example uœ   (a man), ›xlnw (a woman), › ¢  (a garden) etc.
•  : is used for two items, usually used to describe persons or things in pairs. For example 7…  (two
men), 7nw (two ladies), 7? (two gardens) etc. The simplest way to make  is to add an Alif +
Noon 7 at end of a noun, if the noun is in subjective case (). If the noun is in objective () or
possessive ( ) case, a Ya + Noon sk is added and the 5 is followed by a fathah. For example ƒi  
(two men), ƒnw (two ladies), ƒ? (two gardens) etc

• å: means plural. In Arabic, plural means three or more. For example 9œ   (3 or more men), $ ™ lnw (3
or more ladies), $ ™ ¢  (3 or more gardens).
There are certain rules to make a noun plural.
• For most of nouns, plural can be made by adding Wa + Noon 7 at the end of a masculine noun and Alif
+ Ta $ at the end of feminine noun. For example, 7
 hi Qn (many Muslims), 7 h n en (many believers),
7 ;U (many worshippers), $
™ i Qn (many Muslim ladies), $
™  n en (many believer women), $
™ ;U
(many worshipper women) etc.
• This is applicable in the subjective case (). If a masculine noun is in objective () or possessive
( ) case, a Ya + Noon sk is added and the 5 is followed by a kasrah. For example ƒ   i Qn (many
Muslims), ƒ n en (many believers), s k;U (many worshippers).
• If a feminine noun is in objective () or possessive ( ) case, the last letter of the word will have a
kasrah in both cases. In , it will carry a kasrah instead of a fathah. For example $ — i Qn (many
Muslim ladies), $ —  n en (many believer women), $ — ;U (many worshipper women) etc.
Do you know?
Rule of the Day
The Quran changed the lives of Arabs. It
sk \ 7 is the symbol of r  whereas sk \ 7 transformed unorganized and insurgent Arabs
is the symbol å. into the world’s largest super power of its

Quranic Arabic Program 98 Level 01

Lesson 4A: Number å

There are many nouns, whose plural is not made by following these rules. It is called ¢Qj
 n å.They are
derived from the speech of native people. For example, 
™ ?| (many books), 9œ   (3 or more men) etc.
They have fathah in objective () case and kasrah in possessive case ( ) at their end. There plural is
learnt by studying the dictionary or the Arabic Literature.
They are used at certain structures. The benefit of learning these structures is that you will consider the
word at anyone of these structure will usually be a plural word. Just put the letters instead of 9
3 and
get the ¢Qj
 n å.

 9œ M l
™    &™ ‡l  
™ S     $
™ Sl  
™ kZ   
™ Zl  
 ™ O n    ™ Onl 

 9œ h M | 
™ i n    1™ h|in   
 ™ m Z !   &™ hgZ   
™ iS    
™ h|iS|   
 r™     4™ h    
 ™   "  &™ h  

 9œ M 
™ hE 
™  E  
 uœ     9œ     
™ @ #   ™ @   

™ L Y
   ™ LY
 ™ i ; "  &™ …; 

 uœ M | 
™ ? #

™ ?|   
 œ  K[ #
  s™ K| [   
 œ K ‚Y

™ ‚
 œ J kW !"  2
™  W|   
 œ kn "  7œ  n 

 6‘ …M| 
™ k(    6‘ (    
™ n l     6‘ n l|  
 t™ U 
6‘ i U   
 r™ K[ 

  6‘ gK [   
 ™ gZ !   "   6‘ g Z 

 uœ M  l
™ g Z 
  ™ g Z l  
 uœ   

  uœ   l  
™ K  
™ K| l
™ U     s™ Ul  
 ™ ‚
 ;   $   ™ ‚
 ; l 

 6‘ …M l
™ @ 
   6‘  @l  
™ @ # 
$   6‘ ¢@ l  
™ kS   
$   6‘ ;
 S l  
 æp T    6‘  Tl  
 §p     6‘  l 

 7œ …M| 
™       7œ [ |   
 ™ i ; "  7œ i;  
™ S #  
7œ @
Quranic Arabic Program 99 Level 01
Lesson 4A: Number å

 u| M 
™  U       Y
  U   
 œ R (   %   9| ( ‡(  
™  h
  h   
 ™ m h  
    m h  

 u| M 
œ k  S   u| k& S   
 7œ Oi [    ƒ
 W …[  
™  Y #

 k& Y
 ™ kçD     k( D   
 7œ ?Q;      ƒ
 Q; 

 œ i M 
œ ?[|l     xœ  [l  
 œ i    xœ  n …  
™ i n   
œ j †…n  &     

 u| U Kn 
™Ÿ Qn 
%     Qn   
 œ @?j n 
  #  "  
 jn   

™ N  n   "   V  n   
 uœ ?Jn 
       u| Jn   &      

 u| UKn 
™ ?K n  "  G
 Kn   
 ™ i Jn  "   Jn   
™ h?jn    
 jn  &      

Note that certain structures are 3 n T. It means that a skh  cannot be used at their last letter. When
they are in possessive or objective case, their last letter will always carry a fathah. They are
|u M
6‘ …M l
|u UKn
|uU Kn :
Plural of some nouns can be used at more than one structures. For example, the plural of ™ ‚; is
™ ‚;
 ;l. For words having more than one meaning, plural in one meaning is used at one structure
while that in the other meaning is used at another structure. For example  ™ @U means a slave of a man or a
slave of God. In first meaning its plural is 
™ @U while in the other meaning its plural is &™ @U .

Face the Challenge! Rule of the Day

Describe the difference between normal 7 \ 7 denotes  whereas sk is the symbol
plural and Qjn å?

Quranic Arabic Program 100 Level 01

Lesson 4A: Number å

Test Yourself (1)
You are provided with singular nouns. Make  and å for these nouns. Qjn å is already
provided wherever applicable, Fill in the blanks. Each line carries 6 marks.

™   œ    o Mn ™  

Plural Two / Pair Meanings Singular
 |    |  
  i Qn 7 hi Qn  ƒi Qn  7i Qn Muslim t™ i Qn

— ?| | 
˜ ?| 
™ ?| Book %
™ ?
7  J?n Pious person pJ?n
Believer s™ n hn
t V Ul t V Ul Greatest t N Ul
6› gK [ Foolish
›r K[
Reformer G
™ i 
 ƒW Z ƒ
 W  Z Satan, devil 7œ O Z
One who
make disorder
™ Q
 Kn
— i| V| | $
— i| V| $
› i| V| Darkness › i|V
Lightening on
\™ U hY
 the sky › JU Y
during rain

™ ¢  Garden › ¢ 

Quranic Arabic Program 101 Level 01

Lesson 4A: Number å

™   œ    o Mn ™  

Plural Two / Pair Meanings Singular
 |    |  
Person who
goes astray
™ hi Y
 Prayer ›xh”iY

™ h|iS| Heart 
™ iS
™ nl Disease ,
™  n
™ h [ A chapter of
Worshipper ™ ;U
™ gl River, canal ™ g 
7œ ' Ear 7œ ‘ '|
9œ nl Example uœ n
Punishment %
™ U
™ LY
 Small 
™ L Y

Covering ›xPT
Person with
bad character
\™ [ 
Light ™ h

Quranic Arabic Program 102 Level 01

Lesson 4A: Number å

Test Yourself (2)

You are provided with feminine nouns. Make their    and 
   in all three forms.
™   œ    o Mn ™  
Plural Two / Pair Meanings Singular
 |    |  
— i Qn | $
— i Qn $
™ i Qn  ƒ? i Qn  7? i Qn Muslim
› i Qn
›x [
› †Y
›  n en
› @£ E
› ?S
Pious female › ‚Y
› S& Y
A female
protecting › N 
› MZ D

Quranic Arabic Program 103 Level 01

Lesson 4A: Number å

Test Yourself (3)
You are provided with feminine nouns. Make their masculine nouns with their    and  
 in all
three forms.

™   œ    n en

Plural Two / Pair Masculine Feminine
 |    |  
  i Qn 7 hi Qn  ƒi Qn  7i Qn t™ i Qn › i Qn
›x [
› †Y
›  n en
› @£ E
› ?S
› ‚Y
› S& Y
› N 
› MZ D

Quranic Arabic Program 104 Level 01

Lesson 4B: Allah, There is no god except Him!

Dear Reader!
Build Your Personality
This lesson contains Quranic verses about Always remember that we have to meet our
Allah and His attributes. Allah is only one and
Lord. We will be accountable for our deeds.
He is actively controlling entire universe.
Translate the following sentences. The vocabulary is available after the sentences. You can read
the vocabulary and join the words to make sentences. Do not see the answers before attempting.
Each sentence carries five mark. After completing the exercise, see the answers.

Explanation Word
No, never, not ‡
God r w
Except ¤‡w
He, Him h m
Living, self-subsisting §p‚
Eternal 8 h§ J 
Two words, DB means ‘seize’ and 4 means ‘his or him’.
4 | D B 
4 | D B 
Overall meaning, ‘seize him’.

Slumber œ [
Sleep 8™ h 
Two words, 9 means ‘for’ and 4 means ‘his or him’. Overall
4 9
meaning, ‘for him’.

Which, what, that n

In, inside, p

Quranic Arabic Program 105 Level 01

Lesson 4B: Allah, There is no god except Him!

Explanation Word
Skies, heavens. Its singular is 6žá which means a single sky or
 h ¢Q

The Earth ,
  ² 
Three words, sn means ‘who, which’, ' means ‘that’, 5 means
‘that’. The full phrase 5 ' sn means that ‘who is the person that 5¤ ' s n

Intercede, recommend  K P
Two words,  U means ‘near’, 4 means ‘his or him’. Overall
4   U
meaning ‘near him’ or ‘in front of him’.

Three words, % means ‘with’, 7'w means ‘permission’ and 4 means

4 7'w %
r ' C;
‘his or him’. Overall meaning ‘with his permission’.

He knows t i M k
Between s  ;
Two words, 5kl means ‘two hands’. tm means ‘them or their’.
Overall meaning ‘their two hands’. tgkkl ƒ; n is an idiom which tm 5kl
t g kkl
means “whatever is in front of them”.

Two words, ]iD means ‘behind’. tm means ‘them or their’. Overall

tm ]iD
t g K i D
meaning ‘behind them’.

They can get access to….., they can comprehend to …. 7 h|O ‚k
Two words, % means ‘with’ and 6pZ means ‘thing’. Overall
6pZ %
6— p P
meaning ‘with any thing’.

From s n
Two words, tiU means ‘knowledge’. 4 means ‘his or him’. Overall
4 tiU
r  i U
meaning ‘his knowledge’.

Quranic Arabic Program 106 Level 01

Lesson 4B: Allah, There is no god except Him!

Explanation Word
Three words, % means ‘with’, n means ‘what or whatever’
and 6Z means ‘he likes’. Overall meaning ‘whatever He 6Z n %
6Z ;

Extends  [ 
Two words, p[ means ‘throne or chair’. It stands for the
controlling point of this universe. Overall meaning ‘His 4 p[
r § [  |

Two words, &hfk means ‘fatigue’. 4 means ‘his or him’.

4 &hfk
4& h|fk
Overall meaning ‘fatigue him’.

Two words, _K means ‘protection’ or ‘guarding’. è means

è _K
g N| K 
‘both of them’.

The most high, the exalted §pi M 

The greatest, the supreme t NM 

Compulsion, religious persecution 4  w

Religion s k£
Verily, this word is added to make a sentence empathetic.
With past tense, it gives the sense of Present Perfect Tense.

Made it clear, made it distinctive s ¢ @

Guidance, the tight path  Z §

From s n

Quranic Arabic Program 107 Level 01

Lesson 4B: Allah, There is no god except Him!

Explanation Word
Error, the wrong path £pL 
Two words, 3 means ‘so’, sn means ‘whoever, that’. Overall
meaning ‘so whoever’.

Denounce  K| j k
Two words, % means ‘with’. $hTW means ‘force of evil’.
$hTW 9 %
 h|T¤O;
In translation, the preposition % will be ignored.

Believe s n e k

Two words, 3 means ‘so’ whereas S means ‘verily’  J 

Hold firmly v

Hand hold xU 9 %

x   M ;

Firm, strong oJEh 

Break, split 8 K 

Two words, 9 means ‘for’ and m means ‘it’. Overall meaning
m 9
‘for it’.

Listener ™ [

Knower t™ iU

Protector, friend §p

Quranic Arabic Program 108 Level 01

Lesson 4B: Allah, There is no god except Him!

Explanation Word
Two words, sk means ‘those who’, h n means ‘believed’.
h n  s k¤
Overall meaning ‘those who believed’.

Two words, "„ means ‘He brings out’, tm means ‘them or

tm "„
t g   
their’. Overall meaning ‘bring them out’.

Darkness $
 i| N« 

Towards ow

Light  h§ 

Two words, ‘those who disbelieve’ or ‘unbelievers’. K  s k¤

Two words, 6 l is plural of é means ‘protectors’ or
‘guardians’. tm means ‘them or their’. Overall ‘their tm 6 l
t m z   l

Two words, 7h „ means ‘they bring out’. Overall meaning,

tm 7h „
t g h  
‘they bring out them (unbelievers)’

They v
 f l|
%‚Yl means ‘friends or companions’.  means ‘fire’.  ¢  %
 ‚Y
Overall meaning ‘companions of fire’.

They t m
Two words, ä means ‘in or inside’. m means ‘it’. Overall
m ä
g 
meaning ‘in it’.

Forever 7 D

Quranic Arabic Program 109 Level 01

Lesson 4B: Allah, There is no god except Him!

Now write your translation in the “English” column.

English p;U
h m ¤‡w r w ‡ r ¤i

8 h§ J  §p‚

8™ h  ‡ œ [ 4 | D B  ‡

  ²  p n $
 h ¢Q p n r 

r ' C; ¤‡w 4   U  K P

 k 5¤ ' s n

t g K i D n t g kkl s  ; n t i M k

6 Z ; ¤‡w r  i U s n 6— p P

 ; 7 h|O ‚k ‡
4 & h|fk ‡ ,
  ²  $ h ¢Q r § [  |  [
t NM  §pi M  h m  g N| K 
s k£ p 4  w ‡

£pL  s n  Z § s ¢ @  S

Face the Challenge! Rule of the Day

What is a pronoun? If the name of a noun is used in a sentence, it is
not repeated again and again. Instead of name,
certain words e.g. he, she, they, you, I, we are
used. Search the name of these words in the
English Grammar.

Quranic Arabic Program 110 Level 01

Lesson 4B: Allah, There is no god except Him!

English p;U
 J  r ¤i; s n e k $
 h|T¤O;  K| j k s 
g 8 K  ‡ oJEh  x   M ; v
 Q   ?[ 
t™ iU ™ [ r ¤i
 i| N«  s n t g   
 k h n  s k¤ §p r ¤i
 h§  ow
 h|T¤O t m z   l K  s k¤
 i| N«  ow  h§  s n t g h  
.7 D g  t m  ¢  %
 ‚Y
 l v
 f l|
(2:255-257 xJ@)

Do you know?
When Prophet Muhammad ti[ r r iU ­ oiY presented the message of Quran, the Arabs rejected
it. He continued his struggle to convey God’s message. At last, entire Arab nation accepted his
message. Within a period of 10-15 years, two super powers of the time i.e. Roman & Persian
empires surrendered and the Muslim empire was stretched from present-day Pakistan to Morocco.
Interesting fact is that there was a completed religious freedom in that empire.

Worth Reading
Character of Ancient Religious Scholars at Jerusalem. Read this article at

Quranic Arabic Program 111 Level 01

Lesson 4B: Allah, There is no god except Him!

Reverse the Translation

Now translate the English sentences into Arabic. Freely consult the vocabulary table. Compare your result
with the previous page. Calculate your score. Repeat the test, if your score is below 80%.

English p;U
Allah, there is no god except Him.

The living, the eternal.

He neither slumbers nor sleeps.

Whatever is in heavens and the earth belongs to Him.

Who can intercede in front of Him without His permission.

He knows what is in their hands and what is behind them (i.e. an

idiom which means that He knows all of their deeds)
They cannot compass anything from His knowledge except what
He likes (to disclose).
His throne (control of universe) is more vast than the heavens and
the earth. Guarding of both of them (heavens & earth) does not
fatigues Him. He is the exalted, the supreme.

There is no persecution in the religion.

Verily, the true path has been made clearly distinctive from error.

Whoever renounces the forces of evil and believes in Allah, has

grasped the firm hand-hold which will never break.

And Allah hears all and knows all.

Allah is the protector of believers. He brings them out of darkness

and leads them into the light.
Evil forces are the guardians of those who do not believe. They
bring them out of the light and lead them into the darkness.
(As a result) they become the companions of the Hellfire. They
will live there forever.

Quranic Arabic Program 112 Level 01

Lesson 5A: Pronouns 

Dear Reader!
Pronoun is a word used instead of a noun. For Build Your Personality
example, we use the words ‘he, she, it, they, I, Develop the love of Allah. Think about His
we’ instead of the name of a person. blessings upon us. Also develop the love of
Like English, in Arabic, we have three positions His prophets. Think about our moral
of a pronoun. Either we are talking about a condition that would have been without the
person, or talking with that person, or a person is prophets.
talking about himself.
They are called the third, second and first person in English grammar. In Arabic, they are called
†T respectively. These cases have separate words for masculine and feminine
and for different number of people. The total number of pronouns should be 18 i.e. 3 x 3 x 2, but
thanks to Arabs, that they use only two pronouns for the first person tij?n.

Masculine and feminine does not necessarily mean human beings. If a non-living matter is
considered masculine or feminine, its pronoun will also be of the same gender. It is opposite to the
English language. We use the pronoun ‘it’ for non-living matter in the English. But in Arabic, we
use the masculine / feminine pronouns.
This is one of the most important topics in learning the Arabic language. We will conduct a lot of
exercises to clarify the concepts of pronouns. Look at the table on the next page.

Face the Challenge! Rule of the Day

What is the difference between “he, his, There are three possibilities to describe a
and him”? What is the difference noun: The person may be talking about himself
between “I, my and me”? (first person), talking about the audience
(second person) or talking about someone else
(third person).

Do you know?
The basic message of the Quran is to live a God-oriented life based on the ethical principals. We
are required to submit ourselves to Allah. The person who violates ethical principles does not live
a God-oriented life.

Worth Reading
Examining Others with Suspicion. Read this article at

Quranic Arabic Program 113 Level 01

Lesson 5A: Pronouns 

   L Y ] Y &U
Subjective Case Person Gender Number

He h m †T n 

They both (male) m †T n 
They all (male) t m †T n å
She p m †T en 
They both (female) m †T en 
They all (female) ¢sm †T en å
You (male) I
 l X n 
You both (male) ?l X n 
You all (male) t ?l X n å
You (a female) I
 l X en 
You both (female) ?l X en 
You all (female) ¢s?l X en å
I (male or female) l tij?n en|n 
We (male or female) s ‚
  tij?n en|n å

Quranic Arabic Program 114 Level 01

Lesson 5A: Pronouns 

Test Yourself (1): Subjective Case

Complete the table. Frequently consult the table on the previous page.

English p;U
He is a Muslim man. t™ i Q
 n h m
Both of them are Muslim men.

All of them are Muslims men.

She is a Muslim woman.

Both of them are Muslim women.

All of them are Muslim women.

He is a Muslim man.

Both of them are Muslim men.

All of them are Muslim men.

She is a Muslim woman.

Both of them are Muslim women.

All of them are Muslim women.

I am a Muslim man.

We are Muslim men.

I am a Muslim woman.

We are Muslim women.

Quranic Arabic Program 115 Level 01

Lesson 5A: Pronouns 

Test Yourself (2) : Subjective Case

Complete the table. Frequently consult the table on the previous pages.

English p;U
He is a pious man. G
™ Y h m
Both of them are pious men.

All of them are pious men.

She is a pious woman.

Both of them are pious women.

All of them are pious women.

He is a pious man.

Both of them are pious men.

All of them are pious men.

She is a pious woman.

Both of them are pious women.

All of them are pious women.

I am a pious man.

We are pious men.

I am a pious woman.

We are pious women.

Quranic Arabic Program 116 Level 01

Lesson 5A: Pronouns 

Test Yourself (3) : Subjective Case

Complete the table. Frequently consult the table on the previous pages.

English p;U
He is a believer man. s™ n en h m
Both of them are believer men.

All of them are believer men.

She is a believer woman.

Both of them are believer women.

All of them are believer women.

He is a believer man.

Both of them are believer men.

All of them are believer men.

She is a believer woman.

Both of them are believer women.

All of them are believer women.

I am a believer man.

We are believer men.

I am a believer woman.

We are believer women.

Quranic Arabic Program 117 Level 01

Lesson 5A: Pronouns 

Objective & possessive case of pronouns will be slightly different.

     L Y
Possessive Objective Subjective Person

His 4 Him 4 He h m †T n 

m Both of
m They
m †T n 

Their t m Them t m They t m †T n å

Her m Her m She p m †T en 

m Both of
m They
m †T en 

Their ¢sm Them ¢sm They ¢sm †T en å

Your 1 You 1 You I

 l X n 
| Both of
| You
?l X n 

Your t | You all t | You all t ?l X n å

Your 1 You 1 You I

 l X en 
| Both of
| You
?l X en 

Your ¢s| You all ¢s| You all ¢s?l X en å

My ê
: Me ê
: I l tij?n 

Our  Us  We s ‚
  tij?n å

Quranic Arabic Program 118 Level 01

Lesson 5A: Pronouns 

Test Yourself (4) : Possessive Case

Complete the table. Frequently consult the table on the previous pages.

English p;U
His book r ;?
Their book (two men)

Their book (3 or more men)

Her book

Their book (two women)

Their book (3 or more women)

Your book (a single man)

Your book (two men)

Your book (3 or more men)

Your book (a single woman)

Their book (two women)

Their book (3 or more women)

My book

Our book

Quranic Arabic Program 119 Level 01

Lesson 5A: Pronouns 

Test Yourself (5) : Possessive Case

Complete the table. Frequently consult the table on the previous pages.

English p;U
His house r ? ;
Their house (two men)

Their house (3 or more men)

Her house

Their house (two women)

Their house (3 or more women)

Your house (a single man)

Your house (two men)

Your house (3 or more men)

Your house (a single woman)

Their house (two women)

Their house (3 or more women)

My house

Our house

Quranic Arabic Program 120 Level 01

Lesson 5A: Pronouns 

Test Yourself (6) : Possessive Case

Complete the table. Frequently consult the table on the previous pages.

English p;U
His talk r n …
Their talk (two men)

Their talk (3 or more men)

Her talk

Their talk (two women)

Their talk (3 or more women)

Your talk (a single man)

Your talk (two men)

Your talk (3 or more men)

Your talk (a single woman)

Their talk (two women)

Their talk (3 or more women)

My talk

Our talk

Quranic Arabic Program 121 Level 01

Lesson 5A: Pronouns 

Test Yourself (7) : Objective Case

Complete the table. Frequently consult the table on the previous pages.

English p;U
Said to him r S
Said to both of them (male)

Said to all of them (male)

Said to her

Said to both of them (female)

Said to all of them (female)

Said to you (a single man)

Said to both of you (male)

Said to all of you (male)

Said to you (a single female)

Said to both of you (female)

Said to all of you (female)

Said to me

Said to us

Quranic Arabic Program 122 Level 01

Lesson 5A: Pronouns 

Test Yourself (8) : Objective Case

Complete the table. Frequently consult the table on the previous pages.

English p;U
Helped him 4  
Helped both of them (male)

Helped all of them (male)

Helped her

Helped both of them (female)

Helped all of them (female)

Helped you (a single man)

Helped both of you (male)

Helped all of you (male)

Helped you (a single female)

Helped both of you (female)

Helped all of you (female)

Helped me

Helped us

Quranic Arabic Program 123 Level 01

Lesson 5A: Pronouns 

Test Yourself (9) : Objective Case

Complete the table. Frequently consult the table on the previous pages.

English p;U
Listened him r M  [
Listened both of them (male)

Listened all of them (male)

Listened her

Listened both of them (female)

Listened all of them (female)

Listened you (a single man)

Listened both of you (male)

Listened all of you (male)

Listened you (a single female)

Listened both of you (female)

Listened all of you (female)

Listened me

Listened us

Quranic Arabic Program 124 Level 01

Lesson 5A: Pronouns 

Test Yourself (10) : Comprehensive

Fill in the blanks by putting the correct pronoun. Frequently consult the table on the previous pages.

English p;U
_____ is the One Who has created for _____
whatever is in the earth.
  ²  p n t j|  \ i D 5¤ h m
The Satan tempted _________. 7| O  ¢P g ¤( B
So they used to learn (the art) from ______ 6    s  ; r ; 7 h|S£K k n g  n 7 h¤iM ? 
r   ( 
by _____ they used to discord between a
husband and _____ wife.

You blessed upon _____, not those You were

angry upon ______.
t g  i U %
 hL     T t g  i U I
  M l
They ask _____ about the intoxicants and the g  u S|  Q
      
  s U v

™ @ t™ Ew
gambling. Say, “In ______, there is a great
Verily, only ____ is the one Who accepts
repentance, the merciful.
t ¢ %
 ¢h¢? h m r ¢w
So there is no harm on ______ if they revoke
the divorce.
M  ?k 7 l g  i U !
   …
And on the hereafter, _____ believe. 7 h S hk t m x  Dč;
That is the fire _____ fuel is men and stones. x|  Ÿ‚
  )
 ¢  m& h|S p?¤  ¢ 
And for _____, there will be purified spouses
in _____.
™ ( l g  t g 
xœ  ¢gO n "
And what is revealed before _____. v
 i @ S s n 9 R l| n
Do you want to exchange ______ is superior
for ______ is inferior.
™  D h m 5¤; o& l h m 5¤ 7 h| @ ?Q
So there is no harm on _____, if one goes
around _______ (i.e. Safa & Marwah).
g ; 3
 ¢h¤Ok 7 l r  i U !
   …
They said, “Are you appointing a viceroy in
___, who will cause mischief in ___ g   Q
 K k s n g  u| M Ÿ
 l h|S

Quranic Arabic Program 125 Level 01

Lesson 5A: Pronouns 

English p;U
Verily, ______ are one perfect in knowledge
and wisdom.
t j‚
  t iM  I  ¢w
 l v
O Adam! Dwell ______ and ______ wife in
the garden.
 ¢ Ÿ
  v
   (  I
 l s j| [  8 &  k
So pray _____ Lord for ______. v
 ¢;   /
 & 
He said, “O Mary! From where did this came
for _____.
m v
  o¢l t k n k 9 S
And _____ is the truth testifying what is with
t g M n  šS£   h m 
 n §\‚
In ______ hearts, there is a disease. ,
™  n t g ;h|iS| p
_____ throne is more vast than the heavens ‡ ,
  ²  $
 h ¢Q r § [  |  [ 
g N| K  4 & h|fk
and the earth and protection of ______ does
not fatigue ______.

Which the earth produces, such as ___ green- g†¤S  gi J ; s n ,

  ²  I  @   ¢n
gi  ; g[  U  gn h|
herbs, ____ cucumbers, _____ garlic, ____
lentils and _____ onions.
Thus We made _____ fate an exemplary
‡š j m i M Ÿ
And ____ sing Your praises and glorify
 £J  1   ‚
 ; G
 £@Q
  s ‚
Certainly, the guidance provided by Allah,
_____ is the true guidance.
:g  h m r ¤i :m ¤7w
Allah has put a seal on _____ hearts, on t g M  [ oiU  t g ;h|iS| oiU r ¤i t ?D
_____ ears and on ______ eyes. t m  ;l oiU 
O Mary! Surely Allah has exalted _____, 1  ¢gW  1 KO Y   r ¤i ¤7w t k n k
  M 6 Q oiU 1 KO Y  
purified _____, and selected _____ (for His
service) over all the women of the world.

Remember when two parties from ____ r ¤i …PK  7 l t j|  n 7 ?K †W I
 ¢m ' w
g § 
meditated cowardice, but Allah was the
protector for ______.

Quranic Arabic Program 126 Level 01

Lesson 5A: Pronouns 

English p;U
Certainly, Allah provides _____ with a good news G
 Q  r  [  r  n —  i j ; 1  £P@k r ¤i ¤7w
t k n s ; oQ U
of a word from _____. _____ name will be
Messiah, Jesus the son of Mary.

O Lord! How can there be a son for _____. ™  p 7| h|jk o¢l £%
He said, “_____ give life and cause death. I
 nl| p  l| l 9 S
He leaves ____ alone in ____ trespasses, so they
wander to and fro like a blind person.
7 hg M k t g  L W| p t m § k
From ____, whoever will commit an open
indecency …..
— £ @n — P
  K; ¢sj|  n $
 B k s n
_____ will live in _____ forever. 7 D g  t m
And from ______, He spread countless men and
6– Q š ‡š   g  n ¤;
Verily, _____ are the One who has knowledge of
the unseen.
 h L  8 ¤…U I
 l v
_____ are Muslim women. $
™ iQn ¢s?l
_____ is the listener (everything) and
knowledgeable for everything.
t iM   ¢Q h m
_____ are _____ attire and ____ are ____ attire. ¢sg  )
™ @ t ?l t j|  )
™ @ ¢sm
_____ are a woman. ›xlnw I
 l
Beware! Surely _____ are those who cause
7 Q
 K   t m t g ¢w ‡l
And stay at _____ home. ¢sj| h ; p 7  S 
For each one of _____, 1/6 part (will be given as
  §Q g  n —   ¥uj| 
And do not conduct a sexual intercourse with p 7 h|K U t ?l ¢sm Z @ ‡
  Q 
_____ while _____ stay (for 10 days in) the

Quranic Arabic Program 127 Level 01

Lesson 5A: Pronouns 

English p;U
And the divorced women must keep _______ 6— S|  E…E ¢sg Q
 K| B; s  ¢; ?k $
 J¤iO  
waiting for three menstrual cycles. And it is
not lawful for _____ that they hide what ever
p r ¤i \ i D n s  ?j k 7 l ¢sg  u« ‚
 k ‡
Allah has created in _____ wombs. ¢sg n  l
____ will not be stretching ____ hand
towards you (to slay you).
  w 5 k `
— [ @; l n
Surely, _____ are a test, so do not disbelieve.  K| j  … œ ?  s ‚
O Adam! Inform _____ about _____ names. t g †[ B; t g f @l 8 &  k
_____ are submitting for Him. 7 hi Q
 n r  s ‚
And they did not harm ____, but they were
causing harm to ______.
7 hi N k t g Q
 K| l h s j  hi V n
Guide ____ towards the straight path. t J?Q  £  m 
   -
_____ should help ______. ¢sg  
 l
The disciples said, “_____ are the helpers for
Allah’s (cause).”
r ¤i  l s ‚
  7 h§k h‚
  9 S
And the two from ____, who commit ____, ; 7 C m |'ž t j|  n g B k 7 ¤i
g  U hX U B ‚i Y  l
punish ______. So if they repent and
improve, then leave _____.
And ____ was not the one from those who
are rightly guided.
s k?g   s n l n
So keep away from women during the ‡ a
 ‚  p 6 Q£  h|R ?U 
7  g O k o¢? ¢sm h; J 
menstrual cycles and do not approach ____
until they are clean.

Verily, it is one of ____ tricks. Surely, ____

trick is mighty indeed.
t™ NU ¢s|    ¤7w ¢s|    s n r ¢w

Quranic Arabic Program 128 Level 01

Lesson 5A: Pronouns 

English p;U
And ____ am not the one from the
ƒ    s n l n
   P
And ____ are not a follower of ____
direction for prayers.
t g ?i @ S — ;?; I
 l n
And if you have a doubt about what We have
revealed on _____ slave
 @ U oiU  ¢R ¢n 
— k p t ? | 7 w
Surely, _____ are the reformers. 7 h‚i    ¢w
 n s ‚
This is the (food) which was given to ____
u| @ S s n  S (  5¤ m
Then come, I give ____ the wealth and let
____ go in an honorable way.
š   š[ ¢sj|  £[ l| ¢sj| M £?n l| s  M?
O ____ Lord! Do not make ____ accountable
if we forget or commit a mistake.
B O D l  l  Q 7 w  D e ‡  ¢;
And do not place a burden on ____ as You oiU r ?i    šYw   i U u  ‚   ‡
 i @ S s n s k¤
have placed ____ on those who were before

O ____ Lord! Do not place a burden on ____

for which there is no strength in ___ to bear.
r ;    S W ‡ n  i £‚
  ‡  ¢;
And pardon ____, forgive ____, have mercy  l         K T  ¢ U ]
‡hn I  U 
s k j 8 h J  oiU  
on ___, _____ are ____ Protector, so help
____ against the unbeliever group.

How can ____ be the king on _____? §\ l s ‚

    i U v
 i   r  7| h|jk o¢l
r  n v
 i  ;
Whereas ____ deserve more the power than

So ____ and ____ Lord go to fight them. …J v

 §;  I
 m ' 
Thus, Allah promises the generous women š l ¢sj|  n $
  Q
‚  i  ¢U l r ¤i ¤7C
among _____ the great reward. š NU

Quranic Arabic Program 129 Level 01

Lesson 5B: Intentions, Begging & Praising Others

Dear Reader! Build Your Personality

From this lesson, we shall start studying the Spend a percentage of your wealth in
Hadith of Prophet Muhammad ti[ r iU ­ oiY. Allah’s way.

Translate the following sentences. The vocabulary is available here. You can read the vocabulary
and join the words to make sentences. We are not providing %Uw on repeated words to develop
your habit of reading without %Uw. Do not see the answers before attempting. Each sentence
carries five mark. After completing the exercise, see the answers.

Explanation Word Explanation Word

What he intended :h n He described Hadith to us.  E¢
So whoever s   He said. 9 S
Was I
  He informed me. p @D l
His migration r  Ÿ  m That definitely he r ¢l
This world, worldly matters  & He listened from s U   [
He finds it / he will find it. g@    k He says / he will say, he is
9| h|Jk
Woman (feminine of ynw) x— ln  I listened I
 M  [
He marries her / he will marry
g‚  j  k Definitely only this ¢w
He migrated   m Acts, deeds 9| U ²
The upper hand  i M    With intentions $
 ¢ £ ;
Better, the best ™  D For each ¥uj| 
Lower oiK Q   Man, person 6 :n 

Quranic Arabic Program 130 Level 01

Lesson 5B: Intentions, Begging & Praising Others

Explanation Word Explanation Word

So he proceeded   M  Start! l;
Miqdad r U ­ oX, one of oldest
& J    With whom s  ;
So he bent Ÿ  Who belongs to your family 9| h M 
His both knees r  ?@  The charity  S  ¢
He was 7  Back, after doing something  g V
Fat ˜ X  Rich o˜ T
He poured dust upon h|‚  k He avoids / will avoid
 K M ?Q  k
His face r g   He protects / will protect him r ¤KM k
Pebbles 6 @ ©  He dispenses with / will
dispense with
s L ?Q  k
What happened to you? Èv
 BZ n He satisfies / will satisfy him r L k
When 'w The word _
| K¤i
You saw, (with 'w it means
“when you see”)
t ?kl Both of them said ‡ S
People who praise, plural of !n ƒ
     Verily that ¤7l
So pour dust upon h| A man …
š  
Their faces (plural of r ) t g m h  He made, he put u M 
Dust %
 §? He praises / will praise !
   k

Quranic Arabic Program 131 Level 01

Lesson 5B: Intentions, Begging & Praising Others

Now write your translation in the “English” column.

English p;U
:9 S 5   ©
|   E¢

:9S 7|  K [  E¢

:9S 5²  M [ s ; o ‚
 k  E¢

:§p  ? t  m ;w s ;  ¢‚

 n p @D l

:9| h|Jk p ¥i +

— S s ;   J i U   [ r ¢l
 @     oiU r  U ­
‘  p X
  %
 ¤Oª
  s ;   U I
 M  [
:9| hJk ti[ r iU ­ oiY ­
  9 h [  I
 M  [

:h n 6 :n  ¥uj|  ¢w
$¢ £ ; 9| U ² ¢w”

 k  & ow r  Ÿ
 m I
“.r w   m n ßw r  Ÿ
 j  k x— ln  ßw  l
oh %?

Face the Challenge! Rule of the Day

Describe in a paragraph what have you Subjective pronouns () are used as a separate
learnt during Level 1?
word while objective / possessive pronouns \ )
( are attached at the end of a word.

Quranic Arabic Program 132 Level 01

Lesson 5B: Intentions, Begging & Praising Others

English p;U
:u Uáw s; o[hn  E¢

™  m   E¢
pX 8 R s ; t  j  s U
r ;l s U
8Pm  E¢
:9 S ti[ r iU ­ oiY £p@  sU
r U ­

oiK Q
    s n ™  D  i M   ”

|9h M  s  ; l;

o˜ T  g V s U  S  ¢   D 

‘­ r K M k ]
 K M ?Q
 k s n 

xhR %?
:<) “.­
‘  r L k s L ?Q
 k s n 

Do you know?
Arabic of 6th & 7th century is preserved in the Quran, the Hadith which are narrated to us in the
words of Prophet ti[ r r iU ­ oiY and the poetry and speeches of the period before /after Islam.

Worth Reading
The Problem of Aurengzeb Alamgir regarding the educational system of his time. Read this
article at

Quranic Arabic Program 133 Level 01

Lesson 5B: Intentions, Begging & Praising Others

English p;U
| K¤i) — ¢P; s;  ˆ o¢   s ;  ˆ  E
:‡ S (o¢   s ;‡
:— K M  s ;  ˆ  E
s ; 8 ¢m sU
t m;w sU
—h n sU | @MZ  E
.7  U !
   k u M  …
š   ¤7l
š   7  .r  ?@  oiU Ÿ
  .& J      M 
.˜ X 
.6 @
  r g   p h|‚
 k u M Ÿ
  9 h[ ¤7w :9J ÈvBZ n :7| U r 9 J
:9S ti[ r iU ­ oiY
 §? t g m h  p h|
ƒ    t ?kl 'w"
\†S  mR %?

Quranic Arabic Program 134 Level 01

What’s Next?

In Level 1, you have learnt the Arabic script and the religious Arabic language used in routine life. At
next level, you will start learn Intermediate Arabic. Some highlights are as follows:

• Proper & Common Nouns

• Arabic Phrases
• Pointing Nouns
• Arabic Sentences
• Linking Pronouns
• Arabic Numbers
• Fractional & Adjective Numbers
• Prepositions, Conjunctions, Interrogations, Exclamations and Other Huroof
• Directions & Relations

In addition to that, you will also see some advanced passages from the Quran, the Hadith, some
speeches and writings of ancient scholars and more.
So continue Level 2 for learning the Intermediate Arabic.

Worth Reading
Personality Development Program. A series of articles at

Quranic Arabic Program 135 Level 01


Following sources are consulted during preparation of this book:

;M Li t iM k‚  7J

xh   k; n…[» Mn
;M Li t iM  t k j 7| |J 
t m;w s; s ¢ @U h?&
vkk s  ; | ¢ ; M   dl s; v
  We 
@U ˆ
ƒQ mO ?n h?&
7(hK 5< 8nì
G ‚ nŸ 
u ˆ \
tiQn 8nì
G ‚¢  n Ÿ 
.3 h?
g; s  J W     L  ¢ ; M   L i|  )
 & 
n s; p†Q  5n  && “l s [ 
t    @U
p;M %&² h‚   3 tiU
ÞhQ ][hk s; ˆ
  M    m( l  pmK sk  
h‚  2@[l 
p; M  £b¢  6 hX p  ¢ ; M    T …@ | [ &  7D s ]O
ní p;U 7[ 
)OM l s; ­@U 7D ?Q@U 5hhn
tiMn  p;U 
r iU ­ piY 9h[¢   O| D p n…U»   hŸ
   5Qnl s ¢@U _
3¢ %
 ? 
I;E piU s;  M[
ti[  MQ ] Oi @U
OQ@  ;M Li UhS 
p Q‚  piU s Q
‚  h;l
  M  %
 & l sn $?
 n  h?&
U ?n  l h?&
p[[² h ‚  
5  [ ˆ h?&
7m( )‚  oKOn
Il s  @U h?
;‚¢ x  sn hY
  ] Oi@U
Z; s nl oKOn  8Ÿ piU
GXh h ‚  
tm T  )hnS pZ g l  Q
| ¢ ; M   L i|  | [[²  U hJ  
pj@i M ; p h?
5R ijw p;U )hnS &  h  T…@ tiU
[‚ H
 n@ Y P )hnJ  s nl oKOn  8Ÿ piU
 h | T …@ 
5 ;R p Q‚  on ˆ  Q
)M "   Q
k@  7  @  pM  p T…@ mh 
pZ g l
ê Ÿi
T…@ [l 

Quranic Arabic Program 136 Level 01

Other Writings of the Author (Available at

Quranic Arabic Program 137 Level 01

Other Writings of the Author (Available at

Quranic Arabic Program 138 Level 01

Other Writings of the Author (Available at

Quranic Arabic Program 139 Level 01

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