Report 3: Name: Zeina Mohamed ID: 1170273
Report 3: Name: Zeina Mohamed ID: 1170273
Report 3: Name: Zeina Mohamed ID: 1170273
Stranded conductors are very much popular in electrical power system for
transmission and distribution line. A stranded conductor is consists of several
thin wires of small cross sectional area called strands
1] Copper (Cu)
The extensively used, high conductivity material as conductor for electrical
machines or equipment, is copper. Malleability, weldability and solder ability
are most important properties of copper. Copper in pure form is having good
conductivity. But the conductivity of standard grade copper is reduced due
presence of impurities.
Properties of Copper
1. Resistivity: 1.68 µΩ -cm.
Use of Copper
Copper is the most important and much suitable material for conductor of
Transmission line as it having high conductivity and high tensile strength.
More ever it is having good ductility. The only limitation is its cost.
2] Aluminum (Al)
Aluminum is an element which is a silver-white, light weight, soft, non-
magnetic and ductile metal. Aluminum is the third most abundant element
(after oxygen and silicon) and most abundant metal found in earth’s crust.
The main ore of aluminum is bauxite. Aluminum is having low density, high
ductility, good corrosion resistance and good conductivity, which makes it
suitable to use as electric conductor for transmission and distribution of
Properties of Aluminum
8. Resistivity: 2.65 µΩ -cm.
9. Temperature coefficient of resistance at 20oC: 0.00429 /oC.
10.Melting point: 660oC.
11.Specific gravity: 2.70 gm /cm3.
Use of Aluminum
The most extensively used material in transmission line is Aluminum.
Aluminum is having sufficient conductivity. More ever it is light in weight.
The only limitation is its low tensile strength. To overcome this limitation steel
core is used for increasing the tensile strength of aluminum conductor such as
in ACSR (Aluminum conductor steel reinforced) conductor. ACSR conductor
is very much popular for high voltage overhead transmission lines.
3] Galvanized Steel
Pure Iron and steel get rusted or corroded in open whether conditions. To
avoid the corrosion, of sheet and wire etc. made of these metals are coated
with Zinc. For Zinc coating Hot-dip galvanization is used. In this process the
iron or steel in dipped in molten Zinc at a temperature around 449 oC. When
exposed to atmosphere, the zinc reacts with oxygen (O 2) and forms the
substance zinc oxide (Zno), which further reacts with carbon dioxide and
form zinc carbonate (ZnCo3). This zinc carbonate is usually dull grey and
fairly strong material, which protects the iron or steel underneath from
corrosion in open whether conditions.
Use of Galvanized Steel
1.Galvanized steel wire is used for making conductors used in
transmission line where resistance to corrosion to required.
2,Galvanized steel sheets and pipes are used for making poles of