Chart The Differences and Similarities Between English and Spanish Vowels

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The differences and similarities between English and

Spanish vowels.

A vowel is a speech sound produced without obstructing

or stopping the flow of air from the lungs

Spanish and English vowel sounds are not very similar;
however, both groups are always voiced. When you produce the sound there is a vibration in
the vocal cords.

The differences

Spanish Vowels. English Vowels.

19 vowel sounds 15 vowel sounds.

5 pure vowel sounds. 12 pure vowel sounds or monopthongs.

14 diphthongs. 8 diphthongs.

Are represented for only one sound. Represents different sounds.

Example: /a/ Example: /a/

Mañana /ma 'ɲa na/ Hat /Hæt/

Ala /'a la/ All /ɔːl/
Manzana /man̪ 'θa na/ Hate /heɪ0t/

All vowels are usually pronounced in a word.

(Vowel u can be an exception when it follows Some vowels can be reduced or disappear in a
the q, combinations gue and gui or when is word.
used with dieresis)
Interesting /ˈɪntrəstɪŋ/
Interesante /in̪ te re 'san̪ te/
Novel /ˈnɑvəl/
Novela /no 'βe la/
The position of Vowels (refers to the position of the tongue
when we produce the sound).

Front vowels Central vowels Back Vowels

The body of the tongue They are produced with The body of the tongue is
is raised towards the the tongue in its neutral raised towards the back of
front of the oral cavity position. the mouth (velar or uvular
(palatal region) region)

Spanish English Spanish English Spanish English

Vowels Vowels Vowels Vowels Vowels Vowels

/i/ /i:/ /ᴧ/ /u/ /u:/

Hilo /'i lo/ Green /gri:n/ Hung /hᴧŋ/ Uso /'u so/ Food /fu:d/
Hizo /'i θo/ Heed /hi:d/ Done /dᴧn/ Mujer /mu Root /ru:t/

/e/ /a/ /ʊ/

Day /deI/ Mañana Foot /fʊt/
Paid /peId/ /ma.’ŋ /3/ /o/ Could/kʊd/
Frase /'fra Campana
se/ /kam.’ Third /θɜːrd/ Oso /'o so/
/Ԑ/ /ɑ:/
Exito /ek 'si Head/hԐd/ Curse /kɜːrs/
to/ Bed/bԐd/ Hombre /'om /hɑːt/
bre/ /stɑːp/
/ æ/

Bad /bæd/ /ɔ:/

Can /kæn/ All /ɔːl/

/I/ Dawn /dɔ:n/

In /In/
Idea /aɪˈdiːə/

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