Effect of Ion Nitriding On Fatigue Behaviour of AISI 4140 Steel
Effect of Ion Nitriding On Fatigue Behaviour of AISI 4140 Steel
Effect of Ion Nitriding On Fatigue Behaviour of AISI 4140 Steel
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Ion nitriding has become a popular thermo-chemical surface treatment, which is being used to develop fatigue and wear
characteristics of steels. Besides the increased strength, the formation of high compressive residual stresses in the case region
causes remarkable improvement in fatigue properties of steels. In this study, the effect of case depth on fatigue performance of
AISI 4140 low alloy steel has been investigated by conducting a series of rotary bending fatigue tests at the frequency of 95 Hz,
on hour glass shaped, 4 mm diameter specimens, which had been ion nitrided at 748 K for 1, 3, 8 and 16 h. Up to 50%
improvement in fatigue strength of the steel has been attained by ion nitriding, depending on the case depth formed during the
process. The comparison of test results between ion and liquid nitrided specimens having the same case and core properties, has
shown that a 12% increase in fatigue strength could be reached by ion nitriding with respect to conventional, salt bath nitriding
process. An attempt was made to establish some empirical relationships between the parameters defining relative case depth, which
consider case depth and specimen size together, and fatigue strength of ion nitrided steel. It was obtained that the subsurface ‘fish
eye’ type crack formation is the dominant fatigue crack initiation mechanism in ion nitrided AISI 4140 steel, and a map has been
constructed to illustrate the locations of crack origins depending upon the case depth and the cyclic stress acting on specimens.
It was also tried to explain the conditions promoting the ‘fish eye’ crack formation by analysing the combined effects of residual
and applied stress patterns as well as inclusion size. © 2000 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Ion nitriding; Fatigue strength; Low alloy steel; Relative case depth; Fish eye crack
0921-5093/00/$ - see front matter © 2000 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 9 2 1 - 5 0 9 3 ( 9 9 ) 0 0 6 8 9 - 9
208 K. Genel et al. / Materials Science and Engineering A279 (2000) 207–216
posed by regarding the strength and residual stress stress patterns as well as the results of fracture surface
distribution in the cross-section of specimens examinations of fatigue test specimens.
[4,5,12,13]. It has been determined that the increase in
fatigue strength by ion nitriding was roughly 25%
higher than conventional gas nitriding [14]. It has also 2. Experimental work
been determined that the subsurface fatigue crack for-
mation is dominant failure initiation mechanism in A standard medium carbon, CrMo low alloy AISI
conventional [4,15], and ion nitrided steels excluding 4140 steel has been used in the study and the chemical
low cycle fatigue regime [11 – 13,16 – 19]. Considering composition of the steel was given in Table 1. The 22 mm
diameter steel bar was received in hot rolled condition
the geometry of test specimens, it has also been re-
and austenitized at 1123 K, for 1 h, quenched in oil, and
ported that the increase in fatigue performance of
then tempered to a hardness of 320 Vickers Hardness
notched specimens is higher than of the smooth speci-
scale (VHN) with ASTM austenite grain size number 9.
men [17].
The hourglass shaped, rotating bending fatigue test
In this study, a series of fatigue tests on ion nitrided specimens were machined to the dimensions given in Fig.
AISI 4140 steel with different case depths were con- 1, and the stress concentration factor Kt was determined
ducted and some efforts were made to construct empir- as 1.02 [20]. The surface of the reduced section was
ical relationships between relative case depth and mechanically polished by using alumina slurry to an
fatigue limit of ion nitrided steel. A comparison of average roughness in the range of 0.01–0.05 mm, then
fatigue performance was also made between ion and ultrasonically cleaned in alcohol and degreased in
liquid nitrided specimens having the same hardness thrichloroethylene.
profiles in their cross-sections. Finally, a special atten- The schematic representation of ion nitriding
tion was given to the crack initiation behaviour of equipment is given in Fig. 2. A 200-mm diameter quartz
nitrided specimens by analysing applied and residual glass tube was used as the vacuum vessel and AISI 304
stainless steel sheet was employed as the anode, while the
Table 1 fatigue specimens were cathode. Temperatures of
The chemical composition of AISI 4140 steel used in the study specimens were measured by thermocouples, which were
embedded in the specimens. A single stage rotary vane
C% Si% Mn% P% S% Cr% Mo% Fe% pump maintained vacuum pressure of 1300 Pa, with the
0.41 0.21 0.83 0.025 0.027 0.91 0.18 Bal.
capacity of 8 l min − 1. The gas mixture of 30% N2 and
70% H2, and the temperature of 748 K were used in ion
nitriding for 1, 3, 8 and 16 h. The process time was
accounted after the completion of a glow discharge of 0.5
h duration with pure H2, which allows the specimens to
reach process temperature. A group of specimens were
liquid nitrided in a KCN salt bath at 848 K for 2 h, in
order to compare the fatigue properties with ion nitrided
specimens. The specimens were quenched in water after
nitriding. In order to investigate the effect of white layer
on fatigue properties, particularly crack initiation
characteristics of the steel, a number of specimens were
Fig. 1. Fatigue test specimen, dimensions in mm. polished further until the complete removal of white layer
was maintained. This procedure was applied to
specimens ion nitrided at 748 K for 16 h and to specimens
salt bath nitrided at 848 K for 2 h.
The hardness profile of the nitrided case was
determined by using Karl Frank microhardness tester
with 0.98 N load in terms of VHN, and the effective case
depth was defined as the distance below the surface,
where the hardness was equal to 400 VHN.
Rotating fatigue tests were performed on a cantilever
bending test machine, at a frequency of 95 Hz (5700 rpm)
in laboratory air atmosphere and carried out until
complete fracture of specimens occurred. There was no
observation of heating effect on specimens during fatigue
Fig. 2. Schematic representation of ion nitriding equipment. testing and pure rotating bending conditions were
K. Genel et al. / Materials Science and Engineering A279 (2000) 207–216 209
Heat treatment Case deptha Relative case (D/D−2t) Relative case Surface residual Core residual Fatigue strengthe Improvement in fatigue
(t, mm) depthb (t/D) areac (AR) stress (srs, MPa) stressd (src, MPa) (sf, MPa) strengthf (%)
For 400 VHN.
Specimen diameter is D= 4 mm.
AR = case area/core area.
Predicted by force balance in the cross-section.
Fatigue limit.
With respect to the quenched and tempered condition.
K. Genel et al. / Materials Science and Engineering A279 (2000) 207–216 211
Fig. 7. Fatigue curves of heat treated, liquid and ion nitrided AISI
4140 steel for various process times.
Table 3
Statistical analysis of fatigue test results
Heat treatment Correlation coefficient R 2 95% confidence limit for 107 cycles (MPa) Mean fatigue strength (MPa)
have been developed by using least square regression The surface compressive residual stress is increased with
analysis. Table 4 presents the results of the analysis for increasing effective case depth in a decreasing rate, and
different mathematical models and it can be accepted the maximum compressive residual stress is obtained
that the relative case depth t/D has enough accuracy in for specimens ion nitrided for 8 h. Prolonged nitriding
predicting the fatigue strength of ion nitrided AISI 4140 time has a tendency to decrease compressive residual
steel. Improvement in fatigue strength of liquid nitrided stresses on or near the surface of specimens, and this
specimens has reached 16%, based on the fatigue per- phenomenon can be explained by the formation of
formance of quenched and tempered steel, while the thicker case and further precipitation in the nitrided
gain was 30% in ion nitrided specimens having the same layer causing relaxation of the stresses in the case [25].
case properties as the liquid nitrided specimens. If the The core counteracts to the expansion of nitrided case
fatigue test results of ion and liquid nitrided specimens and results tensile residual stress in the core. If a linear
are compared with each other, it can be concluded that change of residual stresses through the cross-section is
the fatigue strength increment in ion nitrided specimens assumed, the corresponding tensile stress in the core
is twice as the liquid nitrided specimens having the can simply be calculated by taking the force balance in
same hardness distribution in their cross-sections. In the cross-section of specimens into account. Although,
other words, an improvement of 12% was obtained by the magnitude of tensile residual stresses is much
ion nitriding with respect to liquid nitriding. An experi- smaller than compressive surface residual stresses, the
mental work on medium carbon Cr – Ni – Mo steel has tensile residual stress in the core is increased with
shown that, a relative improvement of 25% was at- increasing case depth. The calculated values of tensile
tained by ion nitriding referring to the results of gas residual stresses in the core are given in Table 2,
nitriding [14]. The difference may be tied up to the
process characteristics of liquid nitriding, in which
quenching is used as a post treatment after nitriding,
lack of information about the relative case depth in
nitrided specimens of cited reference and small differ-
ences in chemical compositions of test materials. The
effect of quenching can be explained by the role of
nitrogen atoms, which are entrapped in iron crystal
lattice producing supersaturated solid solution after
rapid cooling. The growth of metastable nitrides of iron
is also supported by diffusion of interstitial nitrogen
atoms in slow cooling, which naturally reduces the
distortion of the lattice and promotes the formation
and growth of nitrides [3,24]. Since the reduced popula-
tion of interstitial nitrogen atoms have an adverse effect
on fatigue characteristics of steel, fast cooling is pre-
ferred at the end of liquid nitriding process where
applicable [3].
Residual stress distribution has a major effect on
fatigue properties of case hardened steels. Particularly
high compressive residual stresses, which are formed on
the surface of nitrided steels, enhance the fatigue life
accordingly. The results of residual stress measurements Fig. 8. The effect of relative case depth t/D and the parameter
are given in Table 2, and Fig. 9 in graphical manner. D/(D− 2t) on the fatigue strength of ion nitrided AISI 4140 steel.
K. Genel et al. / Materials Science and Engineering A279 (2000) 207–216 213
Table 4
Empirical relationships to determine fatigue strength for ion nitrided AISI 4140 steel as functions of relative case depth t/D, relative case area AR
and parameter D/(D−2t)
depending to the process time in nitriding and resultant nism is changed to mixed type of transgranular and/or
case depth respectively. intergranular cleavage fracture in case region.
In cyclic loading of machine components, the effec- The fatigue life of specimens is strongly affected by
tive stress acting on the specimen is the main con- the stress distribution in their cross-sections. The super-
trolling parameter and it depends strongly on the posed, net stress distributions in the cross-sections of
applied and residual stresses, which are extremely im-
portant for cyclic stressing in bending and/or torsion.
Using the principle of superposition of stresses, the
combination of residual and applied stresses produces a
net, effective stress distribution, which has generally a
maximum value in the case/core transition zone of
smooth specimen [12]. Since the initiation of fatigue
failure occurs primarily in the regions under the influ-
ence of highest cyclic stress, subsurface fatigue crack
formation called ‘fish eye’ is dominated in nitrided
steels with the contribution of inclusions [4,12,13,16,18].
Similar results have also been obtained in this study
and one of typical location of fish-eye crack is given
schematically in Fig. 10, with the hardness profile in the
cross-section of the specimen. It can easily be recog-
nised that the cracks are originated at inclusions in the
core and at positions near the case/core interface. The
fish eye cracks are in circular shape, which is a direct
consequence of pure rotating bending type of cyclic Fig. 9. The change in compressive residual stress on the surfaces of
stressing. On the other hand, the fatigue cracks were specimens with nitriding time and case depth respectively.
developed at inclusions on the surface of specimens in
quenched and tempered martensitic structure.
Scanning electron micrography (SEM) fractograph of
a typical subsurface fish eye crack formation is given in
Fig. 11(a). The specimen was ion nitrided for 8 h and
loaded under 900 MPa cyclic stress up to complete
fracture at the failure cycle of 3.8 × 106. The mi-
croprobe analysis of SEM indicated that the main
constituents in the inclusions, which are acting as the
sources of crack origin in the centre of fish eye crack,
are Al and Ca, and it is also possible to conclude that
they are primarily the particles of calcium aluminate as
seen in Fig. 11(b). The decohesion of inclusion with the
matrix is another important feature of non-metallic
inclusions, which is most probably a result of different
thermal expansion properties of oxides and steel. A Fig. 10. The location of fish-eye crack and hardness profile on the
typical transgranular ductile fracture characteristic is fracture surface of the specimen ion nitrided for 1 h, under the cyclic
dominated in core region of specimens, but the mecha- stress of 794 Mpa, resulting 4.5 ×106 cycles of fatigue failure.
214 K. Genel et al. / Materials Science and Engineering A279 (2000) 207–216
Fig. 11. (a) SEM micrograph of fracture surface of the specimen ion
nitrided for 8 h, exposed to 900 MPa cyclic stress, resulting 3.9 ×106
cycles of fatigue life. (b) SEM image of a non-metallic inclusion at the
nucleation site in core region.
Table 5
The distance of fish eye crack origin to surface, crack origin/case depth ratio, applied cyclic stress and average inclusion size at the center of crack
of some fatigue specimens
Heat treatment Case depth Surface to crack origin distance Crack origin/case Alternating stress Average inclusion size
(t, mm) (mm) depth ratio (MPa) (mm)
complete removal of white layer has prime importance (6) Fish eye crack initiation is one of the main
to obtain best fatigue performance in nitrided steels [2]. characteristics of fractured ion nitrided specimens, par-
On the other hand, it has been emphasised that, there ticularly in high cycle fatigue regime. Depending on the
was no effect of white layer on fatigue properties of level of applied cyclic stress, cleanliness of steel, case
steels for smooth specimens, since the subsurface crack depth and compressive residual stress pattern of ion
formation dominates in nitrided steels under high cycle nitrided specimens, the subsurface crack initiation may
fatigue regime [12]. In this study, some fatigue work has take place in the core region with some multiples of case
also been carried out on the specimens without having depth, from case/core transition interface interior to the
any compound layer on their surfaces, in order to specimen.
investigate the effect of white layer on fatigue behaviour
of nitrided steels. Results of the study have shown that,
the presence of white layer did not have any significant
effect on fatigue life and crack origin characteristics of
The authors are grateful for the help received from Dr
T. Gülmez regarding ion nitriding practices, Professor
Dr O. Addemir for the provision of SEM facilities,
4. Conclusions ASIL Çelik A.Ş. and Demireller A.Ş. for supply and
preparation of test specimens.
The following conclusions can be derived from the
results of this study:
(1) The progress of case depth in ion nitriding can be References
expressed by a power function of process time, up to 16
h. [1] N.E. Dowling, Mechanical Behaviour of Materials, Prentice-
(2) Distinct, fatigue limit characteristics were observed Hall, New Jersey, 1993, p. 339.
for all nitrided and tempered martensitic conditions of [2] Metals Handbook, Vol. 4, Heat Treating, 9th edition, Ameri-
AISI 4140 steel, and enhanced fatigue life has been can Society for Metals, Metals Park, OH, 1991, pp. 387.
[3] K.E. Thelning, Steel and Its Heat Treatment, Bofors Hand-
obtained by the application of ion nitriding. Some book, Butterworths, London, 1975, p. 377.
empirical relationships can be used to express the im- [4] H.J. Spies, Steel Res. 64 (1993) 441.
provement of fatigue strength with increased case depth. [5] E.J. Mittemeijer, J. Heat Treat. 3 (1983) 114.
(3) A linear relationship was obtained between fatigue [6] B. Edenhoffer, Engineering Bookshelf, Source Book on Nitrid-
ing, American Society for Metals, Metals Park OH, 1977, p.
strength of the steel and relative case depth of speci-
mens, which is defined as the ratio of case depth to the [7] J.M. Cowling, J.W. Martin, Met. Technol. 8 (1981) 289.
diameter of specimen in the simplest manner, up to the [8] C.K. Jones, C.W. Martin, Met. Prog. 85 (1964) 94.
value of 0.08 for relative case depth. [9] C.V. Robino, O.T. Inal, Mater. Sci. Eng. 59 (1983) 79.
(4) Approximately 50% improvement in fatigue [10] K. Ozbaysal, O.T. Inal, A.D. Romig, Mater. Sci. Eng. 78
(1986) 179.
strength can be obtained by ion nitriding with the
[11] Y. Sun, T. Bell, Mater. Sci. Eng. A140 (1991) 419.
specimens having the heaviest case depth, regarding the [12] T. Bell, N. Loh, J. Heat Treat. 2 (1982) 232.
tempered martensite specimens. An increase of 12% in [13] B.K. Jones, J.W. Martin, Met. Technol. 5 (1978) 217.
fatigue strength can also be attained by ion nitriding [14] C.K. Jones, S.W. Martin, D.J. Sturges, M. Hudis, Heat Treat-
with respect to the liquid nitrided specimens, which have ment ’73, The Metal Society, London, 1975, p. 71.
[15] J. Erler, Engineering Bookshelf, Source Book on Nitriding,
the same hardness profile as ion nitrided ones.
American Society for Metals, Metals Park, OH, 1977, p. 232.
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