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E-Payment Procedure :: 1

Table of Contents
1. Introduction :

2. Definitions :

3. General Authorities and Responsibilities :

4. Card Issuing Procedure :

5. ATM Acquiring :

6. POS Acquiring Procedures :

1. Introduction :

1.1. Background :

Electronic banking is spreading quickly in

recent years as it leads to much lower costs
and greater competition in the financial
services. Electronic banking helps to attract
unbanked individuals into the banking
system allowing them to improve money
management with enhanced financial
empowerment. For financial institutions, it
draws cash into bank accounts which can be
translated into funds for lending and
investment. The adoption and growth of
E-payment is found very important towards
creating a cashless society with its impact
on bringing economic transparency,
efficiency and growth. From customer
perspective, the most recognized drivers for
growth of e-banking include the
convenience, the reliability, the widely
availability, affordability and usefulness of
the services.

Electronic payment is mostly referred to

automated payment or banking channels
that allows delivery of banking services in
an effective, efficient and convenient way
via electronic channels such as Automatic
Tellers Machine (ATM), Point of Sale (POS)
Terminals, Mobile phones, Internet, and
Personal Computers. The CBE is a pioneer
to introduce electronic payments in the
country when it launched proprietary ATM
system in 2002. However, the bank found it
important to set up a new solution for
electronic payment services which is
capable of supporting its business growth
requirements. Accordingly, the bank has
implemented card payment services, mobile
payment and internet banking,

1.2. Purpose of the Procedure :

The E-payment procedure is intended to

provide bank employees with complete
information and references on in
E-payment services with the objective of
ensuring awareness, uniformity, and
vigilance operations, in areas of E-payment
process. The procedure has also the
purpose to ensure standardization and
uniformity in E-payment process with
clearly delineating duties and
responsibilities of performers.

1.3. Governing Law :

This procedure shall be governed by:-

- The relevant Directive of the National

Bank of Ethiopia;

- The accounting policy of the bank;

- The commercial code of Ethiopia and other

related laws and regulations of the country.

- National Payment System Proclamation

- Visa International Operating Regulations
2. Definitions :

2.1. Acquirer :

Acquirer shall mean a financial institution

that has agreements with merchants to
accept card transactions and offers cash
advance and disbursement services to
cardholders. The acquirer is responsible for
accepting card transaction data from
merchants and bank branches or business
locations. Acquirer can also accept card
transactions via ATMs.

2.2. Acquiring :

Acquiring shall mean the process of

accepting card transactions data from
merchants and bank branches, and ATMs.

2.3. Authorization :

Authorization shall mean a process by which

a card issuer approves or declines card
transactions. Authorization typically occurs
automatically when you swipe the magnetic
stripe of a payment card through a card
reader or dip a chip card in a chip reading

2.4. Automated Tellers Machine (ATM) :

Automated Tellers Machine (ATM) shall

mean an Unattended Acceptance Terminal
that has Electronic Capability, accepts PINs,
and disburses money, and may provide
balance information, fund transfers between
accounts and other services.

2.5. BASE II System :

BASE II System shall mean an electronic

batch transmission system primarily used
for the exchange of Visa interchange
transaction data and settlement for the
value of those transactions between
acquirers and issuers. Base II is a VisaNet
system that provides clearing and
settlement services to member to banks.

2.6. Card :

Card shall mean a valid card used for

payment at Electronic payment terminals
like ATMs and POSs

2.7. Card Security Features :

Card security features shall mean the

alphanumeric, pictorial and other design
elements that appear on the front and back
of all bankcards. . The exact physical
dimensions and placement of the card
security features are specified by the Visa
International Operating Regulations and are
difficult to copy exactly.

2.8. Cardholder :

Cardholder shall mean a person to whom a

card is issued and authorized to use cards.

2.9. Cash Advance Service :

Cash Advance service shall mean a card
transaction involving the payment of cash
or to a cardholder. In general, only financial
institution branches are allowed to make
cash disbursements.

2.10. CBE Cards :

CBE Cards Shall mean card issued with CBE

logo only to be used at CBE ATM terminals
and POS terminals

2.11. Clearing :

Clearing shall mean all of the functions

necessary to collect a clearing record from
an acquirer in the transaction currency and
deliver it to the issuer in the billing
currency, to reverse this transaction, or to
process a fee collection transaction.

2.12. Co-branded Card :

Co-branded Card shall mean a contractual

agreement between an issuer and another
organization to join forces and launch one
card featuring both brands to the potential
mutual benefit of both organizations and
their customers.

2.13. Damaged Cards :

Damaged Cards shall mean cards issued to

customer but through time failed to
transact at POS or ATMs due to negligent
handling of customers.
2.14. Data Capture :

Data Capture shall mean

Point-of-Transaction Capability where the
Transaction Receipt data are electronically
captured for Deposit purposes.

2.15. Domestic Transaction :

Domestic Transaction shall mean

Transaction where the Issuer of the Card
used is located in the Transaction Country.

2.16. Domestic Visa Cards :

Domestic Visa Cards shall mean payment

card issued with CBE logo and Visa logo
which is valid only for domestic use (Valid
only in Ethiopia).
2.17. Dual Message Processing :

Dual message processing shall mean the

two-step process used to perform
authorization through the V.I.P. System at
the time of the transaction, and clearing
and settlement through BASE II at a later

2.18. Edit Package :

Edit Package shall mean Visa-supplied

software that validates and formats
outgoing and incoming BASE II interchange
data and produces summary and error

2.19. Exception :
Exception shall refer to activities made by
variations from this guideline. However, the
nature of the variation should be in the
context of this guideline.

2.20. Faulty Cards :

Faulty Cards shall mean a card issued to

customers but cannot be used at ATMs
and/or POS starting from the first day of its

2.21. Interchange Reimbursement Fee :

Interchange Reimbursement Fee shall mean

a fee reimbursed by an Acquirer to an
Issuer in the Clearing and Settlement of an
Interchange Transaction.
2.22. International Visa Cards :

International Visa Cards shall mean

i. Payment card issued with CBE logo and

Visa logo that can be used at any terminal
that accepts visa cards locally or

ii. Smart Cards (chip cards) which is issued

with CBE and Visa logo that can be used at
any terminal that accepts visa cards locally
or internationally (upon approval of the

2.23. Issuer/Issuing Bank :

Issuer, Issuing Bank -The financial

institution and member of International
Payment System that holds contractual
agreements with, and issues cards to, the

2.24. MAGIX :

MAGIX shall refer to the card payment

system of the bank.

2.25. Magnetic Stripe (Magstripe) :

Magnetic stripe (Magstripe) shall mean a

strip of magnetic tape on the back of all
bankcard that is "read" when a card is
wiped through a POS terminal or ATM. The
stripe is encoded with necessary
information to complete a transaction.

2.26. Merchant Agreement :

Merchant agreement shall mean contractual
agreement between a merchant and an
Acquirer permitting the merchant to accept
cards for payment of goods and services
and requiring that merchants abide by the
certain rules governing the acceptance and
processing of transactions.

2.27. Merchant :

Merchant shall mean an entity that

contracts with an acquirer to originate
transactions and accepts cards for payment.

2.28. National Net Settlement Service :

National Net Settlement Service shall mean

a settlement services that allows members
within a country to settle domestic
transactions through a local settlement
agent bank. The service can be used for
transactions where the merchant, acquirer
and issuer are in the same country and the
transaction currency is the local currency.

2.29. Personal Identification Number (PIN)


Personal Identification Number (PIN) shall

mean a personal identification code that
identifies a cardholder in an authorization
request that originates at a terminal like
POS and ATM for authorization

2.30. Point-of-Sale terminal (POS) :

Point-of-Sale terminal (POS) shall mean the
electronic device used for authorizing and
processing bankcard transactions at the

2.31. Prepaid Card :

Prepaid Card shall mean a card used to

access funds in a Prepaid Account or a card
where monetary value is stored on a Chip.
Prepaid card can be issued in the form of
salary card, Student Card, Tourist/Travel
Card and Gift Card.

2.32. Rejected Cards :

Rejected Cards shall mean cards rejected

by the card personalization machine at the
time of card production.

2.33. Settlement Amount :

Settlement amount shall mean the daily net

amount expressed in a member's
settlement currency resulting from clearing.
These amounts include transaction totals
plus any applicable fees or charges,
expressed in the member's settlement

2.34. Settlement :

Settlement shall mean the reporting of

settlement amounts owed by one member
to another, or to Visa, as a result of
2.35. Single Message Processing :

Single message processing shall mean a

processing methodology where transaction
authorization, clearing, and settlement all
occur through a single exchange of
messages between an acquirer and issuer.

2.36. Smart/Chip Cards :

Smart/chip cards shall refer to a plastic

payment card with an embedded computer
chip that communicates information to a
chip-reading device during the transaction.

2.37. Transaction :

Transaction shall mean the act between a

cardholder and merchant or cardholder and
financial institution which results in the sale
of goods or services.

2.38. Visanet :

The data processing systems, networks,

and operations that support and deliver
authorization services, Exception File
services, clearing and settlement services,
and other services.
3. General Authorities and Responsibilities :

3.1. The President :

a) shall approve the procedure and

forward for implementation

b) shall approve or propose new e Payment

products proposals

c) shall delegate director E Payment on

related Banks E payment matters

3.2. Director E-Payments :

a. Shall represent the bank on matters

related to E-payment

b. Shall set targets and goals of the

e-payment process in line with the strategic
plan of the bank

c. Shall ensure appropriate risk

identification, measurements and
management is in place in operational
activities of the process;

d. Shall identify training needs of

E-payment process

3.3. Manager Operations :

a. Shall ensure that operational transactions

are done in accordance with this procedure
and Bank's Accounting Procedure as well as
settlement of transactional items is in order
on every business days.

b. Shall ensure proper understanding and

implementation of the E-payment Procedure
by all performers within the E-payment
Operation team, shall give the required
assistance and on job training;

c. Shall ensure all performers are

discharging their duties and responsibilities
laid in this procedure and take appropriate
major on performers who contravenes
E-payment procedure;

3.4. Manager Business Solution Team :

a. Shall create awareness of E-payment

services internally and externally.

b. Shall ensure the development and

implementation of E-payment

c. shall engaged in new and existing

product development

3.5. Manager Technical Team :

a. Shall ensure E-payment system stability,

security and maximum uptime;

b. Shall ensure the delivery and provision of

all the software, hardware and network
configuration and deployment for
E-payment system;

c. Shall Ensures Compliance of E-payment

system with Standards and security
d. Shall authorize and monitor users access
to the system and with the type of Privilege
or access rights;

e. Shall ensure a 24 by 7 E-payment


3.6. Branch Manager :

a. Shall ensure E-payment procedure is

complied; and monitoring and control is in
place in accordance with the E-payment

b. Shall create awareness of the E-payment

procedure to the newly recruited staffs;

c. Shall ensure proper understanding and

implementation of the E -payment
Procedure by all performers within the
branch and shall give the required
assistance and on job training;

d. Shall ensure all performers are

discharging their duties and responsibilities
laid in this procedure and take appropriate
measure on performers who contravenes
the E-payment procedure;
4. Card Issuing Procedure :

4.1. Types of Cards issued by the Bank :

The following are the types of cards that are

currently issued by the Commercial Bank of

a. CBE Cards:

b. Domestic Visa Cards:

c. International Visa Cards:

d. Co-Branding Cards:

4.2. Eligibility :

4.2.1. For CBE ATM and VISA Domestic

Cards :
All CBE account holders are eligible to have
ATM and Visa Debit cards.

4.2.2. For International Cards :

The followings are eligible to have an

international Visa Cards (prepaid or Debit).

a. FCY account holders

b. Diaspora Account

c. NRT or NRNT account holders

d. Travelers abroad who are eligible to

purchase FCY as per the directive of NBE.

4.3. Required Documents :

4.3.1. For Domestic Cards :

Renewed Identification Cards or Passports.

4.3.2. For International Debit Cards :

Renewed Identification Cards or Passports.

4.3.3. For International Prepaid Cards :

As per the prevailing regulation of the

National Bank of Ethiopia (NBE) for permit
of foreign currency for travelers abroad and
the following documents are required.

A. Passport

B. Air ticket

c. Medical board certificate (for medical

purpose travelers)
4.4. Card Issuing Fees :

a. Card issuing Fees shall be collected as

per terms and tariffs of the bank.

b. Card replacement fees shall be collected

from any cardholder as per terms and
tariffs of the bank.

4.5. Ceiling for Transactions : 4.5.1.

Domestic Cards :

a. Maximum daily withdrawal limit at CBE

ATMs is Birr 6,000

b. Maximum daily Cash Advance limit at

CBE POS is Birr 50,000

c. Maximum daily payment limit at CBE

Merchants is Birr 100,000

d. Maximum daily fund transfer limit is Birr


4.5.2. International Debit Cards :

a. Maximum daily withdrawal limit at

foreign ATMs is equivalent USD 3000.00

b. Maximum daily payment limit at foreign

Merchants is equivalent USD 10,000.00

4.5.3. International Prepaid Cards :

No maximum daily limit for International

Prepaid Card

4.6. Expiry Date :

a. CBE Card: The expiry date for CBE Card
shall be two years

b. Domestic Visa Cards: The expiry date for

Domestic Visa Card shall be three years

c. International Debit Visa Card: The Expiry

date for International Debit Visa cards shall
be three years

d. International Prepaid Visa Card: The

expiry date for International Prepaid Visa
card shall be two years.
5. ATM Acquiring :

5.1. ATM Management :

a. The ATMs installed within the branch

premises shall be under the custody and
management of specific branches.

b. The ATMs installed at off-branch

premises (commercial centers, hotels
various entities) in Addis Ababa shall be
under the custody and management of
E-Payment Process.

c. The ATMs installed at off-branch

premises in outlying cities shall be under
the custody and management of nearby
d. E-Payment/ Districts defines and
configures the type of notes in each ATM

e. Each ATM shall have ATM cash account

for ease of reconciliations.

f. Transportation of Cash to the ATMs

installed at off-branch premises shall be
done as per the exiting procedure of Cash
and Issue.

g. The ATM managing organs shall be

responsible to facilitate the required
insurance arrangement with Finance.

h. The ATM managing organs (Branches or

E-Payment) shall have arrangement for
cash loading or ATM maintenance even at
times of weekend, holiday and beyond
branch opening hours.

i. Selection of ATMs site shall be the

responsibility of district offices and
E-payment process.

5.2. ATM Definition and Configuration :

The ATM terminal has to be defined in

Magix system and T 24 system before
making the ATMs operational. District
offices and E-Payment process shall work
together to agree on the potentiality of the
ATMs sites. Upon ATM site selections the
following procedures shall be followed to
define and configure the ATMs.
a. The Branch Manager/Operation Manager
E Payment ensures maintenance of ATM
cash account for each ATM to be installed
under its custody.

b. The Branch Manager/Operation Manager

E Payment Communicates the ATM cash
accounts to Manager Technical team
E-payment for ATM definition and
configuration works.

c. The Manager Technical Team /District

Manager secures the required
telecommunication line for the ATMs

d. The Manager Technical Team ensures the

ATMs installation and configurations works
and definition at Magix
e. Technical Support officer /System
Administrator checks/ arranges the required
communication line, and electric power
works for the ATMs

f. Technical Support officer /System admin

makes the necessary ATMs installations and
configurations works (Magix and ATMs).

g. The Manager Technical Team /District

Manager inform Manager Operation E
Payment for Subsequent definition at T24

h. The Manager Operation E Payment

defines and activates the ATM terminal in
T24 system.

i. The Customer Service Manager at E

Payment authorizes ATM terminal definition
in T24 system, and inform Manager
Technical Team for test and activation of

j. The Technical Support officer /System

Administrator tests the ATMs and makes it
ready for service

5.3. ATM Maintenance :

a. The Branch Manager /Manager operation

E Payment reports any technical Problem
to E-Payment/system administrator at
district office immediately

b. The Branch Manager (ATM managing

Organ) arranges Presence of Cash
custodian during weekend, holiday, and
after normal working hours of branches (if
needed for maintenance works that requires
opening of the ATM safe or cash Cassettes).

c. The Technical Support Officer

(E-Payment) provides technical support
whenever there is a technical problem in
any of the ATM.

d. The Technical Support Officer

(E-Payment) monitors centrally, the status
of each ATM and act promptly for any
technical problem encountered.

e. The Technical Support Officer

(E-Payment) informs respective ATM
managing organs for cash status and
consumables replenishment, or any other
non-technical problem.

5.4. ATM Transactions for CBE Card

Holders :

5.4.1. ATM Transactions at Networked

Branches :

a. ATM cash Accounts shall be maintained

for each ATM transactions at online

b. Automatic posting of transactions takes

place for every transactions made on ATM
for cash withdrawal, fund transfer, top up
or bill payment transactions.

5.4.2. ATM Transactions at Non-Networked

Branches :

a. Non-networked Branches shall load cash

and kept the balance under Account
receivables (initial cash loading and
subsequent loading shall be done as
specified under 6.4 and 6.5)

b. E-Payment opens an ATM cash accounts

for non-networked branches where ATM is
associated to this Account and transactions
are undertaken against this account.

c. Non Networked branch shall be

responsible to load respective ATMs when
they are informed by E Payment as to the
status of cash in the ATMs.
d. Non Networked Branches shall receive
ATM transaction reports from E-Payment
and reconcile the ATMs cash.

e. Non Networked Branches shall settle

Account Receivable up on receiving a credit
ticket from E-Payment with a reconciliation

5.5. ATM Transactions for International

Card Holders :

When international cardholder transacts at

CBE ATMs, automatic posting will be made
at T24 affecting the visa settlement account
and ATM cash accounts.

a. Manager Operation/Customer Service

Manager E-Payment maintains a settlement
account i.e. Visa Settlement account for
clearing and settlement of international visa

b. Manager Operation/Customer Service

Manager E-Payment maintains a subsidiary
accounts of Visa charges (expense) and
Reimbursement fees (income).

c. Technical Support Officer generates and

processes incoming Visa Transactions files
from Visa edit packages.

5.6. International Transaction

Reconciliation :

a. The Senior Customer Service Officer

Accounts (E-Payment) makes reconciliation
on daily basis per ATM terminal, with
pertinent reports.

b. The Senior Customer Service Officer

Accounts (E-Payment) identifies and
calculates all charges and commission per
specific ATM per day.

c. The Senior Customer Service Officer

Accounts (E-Payment) prepares and posts
the relevant entries for ATM international

5.7. Forex ATM Reconciliation and

Settlement :

a. The Technical Support officer downloads

foreign exchange rates from T24 and
upload to Magix every morning before
8:00clock (am)

b. The Technical Support officer Processes

batches for foreign exchange transactions
balancing and reconciliations on or before
19hrs (7:00 PM)

c. The Customer Service Officer (maker)/

and Senior Customer Service (Cash)
reconciles the available foreign currency
using the relevant reports, and pass the
relevant entries.

5.8. ATM Transaction Exceptions

Management :
To handle Exception with regard to E
Payment transaction, Networked branches
shall open their respective suspense
account. Suspense transactions shall be
cleared within one month as per the
procedures for ATM cash excess clearing

5.8.1. Cash withdrawal, Top up and Bill

payment without affecting customer
accounts (CBE Cardholder) :

In rare cases, the ATM pays to customers

without affecting (deducting) specific
Customer account. Top up and Bill payment
via the ATM can also be processed without
deducting the amount from customers
5.8.2. Affecting Customer Accounts without
Cash Withdrawal, Top up and Bill Payment
(CBE Cardholder) :

In rare cases the ATMs fails to dispense

cash to customers after deducting the
amount from their accounts. The ATMs may
also deduct from customers account without
making the requested top up or bill
payments. This exception mostly happens
in event of incomplete and time out
transactions. Under normal conditions, such
transactions are automatically reversed. But
there are exceptional cases where such
transactions fail to be automatically
adjusted, which requires manual
5.8.3. Cash Withdrawal Without Affecting
Customer Accounts (International
Cardholder) :

In rare cases, the ATM pays to customers

without affecting ATM cash account or Visa
settlement account.

5.8.4. Affecting Customer Account Without

Cash Withdrawal (International Cardholder)

In rare cases the ATMs fails to dispense

cash to customers while deducting the
amount from their accounts. This exception
mostly happens in event of incomplete
transactions and time out transactions.
Under normal conditions, such transactions
are automatically reversed. But there are
exceptional cases where such transactions
fail to be automatically adjusted, which
requires manual intervention.

5.9. Co-branding Cards :

Co-Branding cards can be issued in the

form of Debit card or prepaid card. Hence,
depending on the Card Type all the
procedure for Debit or Prepaid Card shall
also apply here.

5.10. Handling Un-collected Cards :

In some cases, customers may not collect

their personalized cards and PINs from
Branches even if they are informed.
Keeping personalized cards and PINs for
longer time is a risk for the branch and the
bank. Thus in event of customer's failure to
collect their cards and PINs for more than 3
months after the branch receives the cards;
the branch shall destroy the cards.
6. POS Acquiring Procedures :

6.1. Eligibilities to Maintain POS Terminal :

a. Individual trade operators (sole


b. Financial institutions (micro-finance

institutions, Insurance companies, etc.);

c. Organizations legally incorporated in the

form of partnership, share company, etc.;

d. Federal and regional governments as well

as city administrations;

e. Public schools;

f. Institutions of higher learning;

g. Private schools and colleges;

h. International/foreign organizations;

i. Cooperative societies;

j. Labor unions;

k. Embassies;

l. Foreign diplomats;

m. Non-governmental organizations

n. Exporters;

o. Any other legal entities that engage in

sale and purchase of goods and services,
fund transfer.
6.2. Requirement to Maintain POS :

The applicant shall maintain accounts at


6.3. Merchant Acceptance Procedures :

Merchants can be accepted (acquired) by

the branches where the accounts of the
merchants are held. The merchants can
approach branches for the service request
or the branches can lodge the request to
the potential merchants. The E-Payment
process also recruits potential merchants
and forwards their list to the respective
branches. The branches and E-Payment
process shall work together to agree on the
potentiality of merchants for POS acquiring
services before the merchants fill any

6.4. Changing Merchant Profile :

Merchants can request for profile change for

many reasons like changes of accounts,
merchant name, currency of transactions
etc, in such cases the merchants shall
deliver a written request to its branch. For
change of merchant legal name, the request
shall be entertained as new request with
new contract. While for change of accounts,
currency etc, a merchant can deliver his
request to branches with completing the
respective forms.

6.5. Additional POS Terminal Request :

Merchants can lodge request for additional
POS terminal directly to E-Payment or
branches, which shall be approved based on
business viability of the merchants.
Additional POS request shall be governed by
the existing Merchant agreement.

6.6. Termination of Merchant Agreement :

As stipulated in the contract, the bank has

reserves the right to terminate the
merchant agreement for any reason at any

6.7. Cash Advance Services :

For networked Branch/ Forex Bureau, POS

Cash Advance Account shall be opened at
specific branch/Forex Bureau which shall be
used for association of POS terminal. For
non-networked Branches a specific "POS
Cash Advance Account (Branch name)"
shall be opened for the branch at
E-Payment which shall be used to associate
the POS terminal. In addition to this, a,
"POS Cash Advance account", shall be
opened at the branch for settlement and
reconciliation of transaction. Cash advance
service like the ATM service is based on a
single message processing where by the
Magix system will send the authorization
and financial clearing messages in a single
message which resulted in automatic
posting in Customers Account or visa
settlement and POS cash advance account.

6.8. Payment Transactions at Merchant

Outlets :

For networked branches, the merchant

opens a specific account at her/his branch
whereby the association of the POS terminal
shall be made. Whereas for non-networked
branches, the merchant opens a specific
account at her/his branch (non-networked)
for settlement of the proceed. The
E-payment also opens internal type
customer account "POS Merchant (name)
Account" for each merchants, whereby the
association of the POS terminal shall be
made with this account. Payment
(purchase) transactions at merchant's
outlet is based on a dual message
processing where by the authorization is
sent at the time of transactions while the
financial clearing and settlement is done at
a later time (end of day processing).
Automatic posting in customers account and
merchants accounts in this case will be at
end day after clearing message is sent.

6.9. Payment/Purchase Transactions

Acceptance at Merchant's Outlets :

The point of interface for customers

(cardholders) in here is the merchants. The
Business support officer shall train and
create the relevant awareness to merchants
on how to accept card and sends end of day
transactions (data capture). After the
merchants successfully accepts and
performs end of day transactions, the
following procedures shall be followed by
E-payment process for clearing and

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