June Lunch Menu

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Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 Bologna and Cheese 2 Corn Dogs 3 Pasta w/ Meat 4 Chicken Tenders 5 Tacos
sandwich French Fries Corn Mac and Cheese Rice
Pretzels Peas Applesauce Green Beans Carrots
Mixed Veggies Peaches Bread Mixed Fruit Pears
Apple Slices Milk Milk Milk Milk
8 Chicken Nuggets 9 Pizza Roll 10 Sweet and Sour 11 Fish Sticks 12 French Toast
Buttered Noodles French Fries Meatballs Tater Tots Sausage
Carrots Mixed Veggies Rice Corn Hash brown
Pears Peaches Pineapple Applesauce Mixed Fruit
Milk Milk Peas Milk Milk
15 Corn Dogs 16 Cheese 17 Pasta w/ Meat 18 Ham and Cheese 19 Chicken Nuggets
French Fries Quesadilla Green Beans Sandwiches Mac and Cheese
Peas Rice Applesauce Pretzels Corn
Pears Mixed Veggies Bread Carrots Mixed Fruit
Milk Pineapple Milk Mandarin Oranges Milk
Milk Milk
22 Hot Dogs 23 Tacos 24 Pizza Roll 25 Corn Dogs 26 Sub Sandwich
Baked Beans Rice Tater Tots Smiley Fries Pretzels
Peas Mixed Fruit Corn Carrots Green Beans
Peaches Mixed Veggies Bananas Apple Slices Pineapple
Milk Milk Milk Milk Milk
29 Rib Sandwich 30 Grilled Cheese
Mac and Cheese Alphabet Soup
Applesauce Mixed Veggies
Bread Pears
Milk Milk

June 2020 Lunch Menu

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