Pipes and Tubes Process Flow
Pipes and Tubes Process Flow
Pipes and Tubes Process Flow
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Table of Contents
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Electro-slag Vacuum arc
Charging Oxygen re-melting re-melting Hot hollow
scrap blow forged
seamless pipe
Iron ore Sintering plant
Torpedo car
Electric furnace AOD VOD Ingot Forging
Converter Vacuum degassing Continuous
Charging equipment casting
Coal Coking plant Blast furnace molten iron
pipes & tubes
Hot extrusion
Soaking pit Blooming mill Billet mill Non-destructive inspection Billet
(Round CC)
SAWL pipe
by UOE
Continuous process
heating furnace Roughing mill Continuous hot-rolling mill
Heating Roughing rolling Finish rolling Controlled cooling Plate
SAWH pipe
by Spiral
Hot-rolled coil Welded
Skin-pass rolling mill Pickling line Pipe
Hot electric
Hot-rolled welded
pickled coil pipes & tubes
Cold-rolled coil
Cold-rolling mill
Steel sheet coil Electric
Hot-dip galvanizing line (aluminum line and zinc line) resistance-
Electrolytic cleaning line welded pipes
& tubes
Skin-pass rolling mill bonderized steel sheet
Electrogalvanizing line Silver alloy
Annealing furnace
Sheet steel coil
Planishing mill (skin-pass mill) Coil grinding line Stainless steel coil
2 3
34.0 175.0
Kyushu Works Oita area
(Hot finish) (Hikari Pipe & Tube Div.) 6.0 168.3
Ugine-Sejournet Hot
exfrusion process 36.0 275 Carbon steel, alloy steel, and Hot-extruded
3.0∼35.0 stainless pipes & tubes shape steel
(Cold finish)
Kansai Works Amagasaki area 60,000
6.0 219.1 ● Casing & Tubing ● Industrial
● Green tube for drill pipes machine parts
165.2 952.5 ● Line pipes ● Construction
(Hot finish) 15.0∼160
● Pipes for boilers and nuclear power
and civil work
Seamless pipes & Ehrhardt Push Bench materials
Kansai Works Amagasaki area 14,400
tubes Hot hollow forging process 219.1 508 ● Pipes & tubes for heat exchangers
12.7∼40.0 ● Pipes & tubes for
(Cold finish) ● Pipes & tubes for mechanical general structure
(Hot finish / 168.3 426.0
600,000 4.5∼50.0 ● Mechanical tube
● Pipes & tubes for pressure vessels
Mannesmann (Hot finish / 73.0 182.0
Kainan West)
350,000 4.5∼46.0 ● Pipes & tubes for the chemical
Hot hollow forging industry
Kansai Works Wakayama area
mandrel mill process (Hot finish / 31.8 141.3
250,000 2.5∼40.0
Kainan East)
(Cold finish / 15.0 127.0
Kainan) 60,000 1.7∼23.5
400 1625.6
Kyushu Works Yawata area 102,000 4.5∼19.0 ● Line pipes
Spiral Welded Pipe (SAWH) ● Pipes & tubes for water supply
400 2500 (coated pipes & tubes)
East Nippon Works Kimitsu area 168,000 6.0∼25.4
Arc-welded pipes & ● Pipes & tubes for general structures
400 1422 ● Sludge draining pipes
tubes UOE process (SAWL) East Nippon Works Kimitsu area 480,000 6.4∼40.0
● Pipe piles
400 6000 ● Pipe sheet piles
Press Bend process Kansai Works Amagasaki area 120,000 6.5∼127 ● Pipes & tubes for marine structures
High frequency resistance welding Kyushu Works Oita area 318.5 609.6
460,000 3.0∼22.0
process (24") (Hikari Pipe & Tube Div.)
4 5
Stress corrosion crack-resistant Ferrite stainless steel pipes with excellent stress corrosion crack resistance and grain boundary corrosion resistance; these are used for water heaters,
YUS®190 Seamless 15.9∼57.1mm
Stainless pipes & tubes stainless pipes & tubes etc.
for boilers and heat
exchangers High-corrosion-resistant stainless YUS 170, YUS 270 Stainless pipes & tubes with excellent corrosion resistance against a chloride environment and against sulfuric acid/organic acid environments; these
Seamless 15.9∼139.8mm
pipes & tubes DP3W, HR3C are suitable for refuse incineration boilers, seawater desalination plants, etc.
transfer Seamless, arc
Sulfuric acid-resistant pipes & This exhibits excellent sulfuric acid resistance for boilers, heat exchangers, air preheaters, and various exhaust gas pipes, etc., which may cause
Low-alloy pipes & tubes S-TEN®1, CR1A welding, electric 21.7∼4,000mm
tubes sulfuric acid dew-point corrosion due to sulfurous acid gas.
resistance welding
Superheater tubes HCM2S®, NF616 Pipes & tubes with excellent steam oxidation resistance, high-temperature strength, and weldability; these contribute to the improved efficiency of
Pipes & tubes for boilers Seamless 6∼950A
Reheater pipes, main steam pipes SUPER304H® thermal power generation boilers.
Polyethylene is coated on the outside surface of the pipe & tube by extrusion forming. This is effective for problematic potential corroded areas such as
Heavy-duty anti-corrosion pipe Arc welding, electric
NS-PAC® Max. 1524.0mm the splash zones of pier piles. It has a better price and a longer life compared to conventional coating. It also has an advantage in eliminating electrolytic
piles resistance welding
Outside coated pipes &
A urethane elastomer is spray-coated on the outside surface of the pipe & tube. This is effective for problematic potential corroded areas such as
Heavy-duty anti-corrosion pipe
NS-PAC® Arc welding 406.4∼2,250mm the splash zones of pier piles or embankments. It has a better price and a longer life compared to conventional coating, as well as an advantage in
sheet piles
eliminating electrolytic protection.
Pipes & tubes for Tapered pipes & tubes for Electric resistance
NS-TPP Max. φ318.5mm Tapered pipes & tubes with excellent freedom of shape; these are used for lighting poles, sign poles, etc.
construction structures construction structures welding
Shaped steel for Hot extrusion shaped steel for Hot extrusion shaped steel supported by a small lot with free design; this is suitable for achieving an architectural space with originality by using these
NSNO-COR-TENO Hot extrusion Max. φ215mm
construction structures construction structures pipes & tubes as a construction material with design capability.
Hot electric
Pipes & tubes for civic SGP-MD, NSDP400N Steel pipes with a large stepped area that increases friction force with the ground and that features large supporting power; these are the most suitable
Stepped pipes & tubes resistance-welding, 48.6∼165.2mm
work projects STK400-MD for the application of house foundations or tunnel reinforcements.
Seamless, arc
COR-TEN® With the function of alloy elements, a fine and hard oxide layer is formed on the surface. This prevents the further progress of corrosion. The
Weather-resistant pipes & tubes welding, electric 21.7∼4,000mm
SMA-W maintenance of the coating is not required. This is suitable for iron towers or buildings.
resistance welding
Low-alloy pipes & tubes Arc welding, electric Pipes & tubes with excellent weldability and seawater corrosion resistance by adding alloy elements; these are suitable for seawater piping, gas coolers
Seawater-resistant pipes & tubes MARILOY®S-400 25∼900A
resistance welding using seawater, cooling piping, and marine structures.
WEL-TEN® Pipes & tubes with high tensile force, excellent weldability, corrosion resistance, wear resistance, and notch toughness; these are suitable for strong
Weldable high-tensile pipes & tubes Seamless 17.3∼426mm
SUMISTRONG construction members or industrial machines such as crane booms.
Electric resistance Pipes & tubes developed for automobile exhaust gas treatment; these are excellent in machine processing and heat resistance at high-temperature
Aluminum-plated pipes Al sheet steel pipes for automobiles ̶ 25.4∼114.3mm
welding zones.
Original pipes for KSKM, KSHT, KSBE, Seamless, electric Pipes used for automobiles or industrial machines through the cold processing of a drawing tube or joint (elbow); various production methods and steel
Material pipes 21.7∼609.6mm
drawings/joints KSS, KEG, KEH resistance welding types for each application are available.
Electric resistance
ZINKOTE steel pipes Exhaust pipes for automobiles ̶ 21.7∼114.3mm This is suitable for low-temperature exhaust tubes in automobile exhaust gas systems.
YUS®731 Pipes & tubes developed for automobile exhaust gas treatment; austenite type (YUS 731) with excellent heat resistance and oxidation resistance at a
Stainless pipes & tubes Heat-resistant stainless pipes & Seamless, electric
YUS 490D, 180, 180S 27.2∼139.8mm high-temperature zone and ferrite type (YUS 490D, 180, 436S) are available. Also, stainless Al sheet steel pipes that have aluminum plating for salt
for mechanical structures tubes for automobile exhaust gas resistance welding
YUS 410W, 436S damage protection are available (YUS 490D Al sheet, etc.).
Pipes & tubes for drilling Pipes & tubes for drilling STMR-M Seamless 17.3∼130mm Pipes & tubes with the strength and ductility of JIS and ASTM-R80 or more to meet increasing drilling depth; these are suitable for very deep drilling.
Oil & Gas ®
SM series Seamless, electric 60.3∼406.4mm Oil well pipes for the development of oil, natural gas, and geothermal heat with excellent characteristics regarding strength, crush resistance, and low-
Pipes & tubes for oil wells Tubing, casing
NT series resistance welding 114.3∼508mm temperature toughness.
* COR-TEN is the registered trademark of United States Steel Corporation in the United States, Japan, etc. We are allowed to use the trademark.
6 7
Applications Pipes & tubes for piping Pipes & tubes for mechanical structures
Fire-extinguishing pipe
8 9
Transmission tower
10 11
Pipe sheet piles for earth-retaining structures Pipe piles for large offshore platforms
LNG pipe
12 13
Pipes & tubes for boilers/heat exchangers Pipes & tubes for high pressure hydrogen
Superheater tubes and main steam pipes Nuclear power plant Stick elbow
Hollow piston
Inside view of a thermal power generation boiler under construction Heat exchanger tubes for steam generators (SG)
14 15
Offshore line pipes for receiving crude oil Seabed oil/gas production equipment
16 17
■ Hot process
◎ Mandrel mill process
After heating the round steel billet, hollow pipes are made with a piercer with toe angle. Then, elongating rolling is performed
by a mandrel mill, which consists of a multi-step continuous rolling machine, to thereby produce the mother pipe. This mother
pipe is reheated and is then finished by stretch reducing mill to a specified outside diameter and thickness for the final product.
◎ Cold-rolling process
When higher dimensional accuracy and mechanical properties are required compared to pipes produced by the hot-rolling
process, cold drawing subsequent to hot rolling is performed for the final product.
Heat treatment
Lubrication process Cold forging Heat treatment Straightner
18 19
Seamless pipe pipes & tubes (hot extrusion . hot hollow forged)
Cutting Inner/outer
Heating surface cutting
Ingot Vertical piercing press Horizontal push bench Cutting Heat treatment Non-destructive inspection
Heat treatment
Hot extrusion process (Ugine-Sejournet process) Pickling Lubrication treatment Cold forging Heat treatment Straightner
Pilger rolling
Pipe material Heating Horizontal Cutting
extrusion press
20 21
Electric resistance-welded pipes & tubes are produced by forming the coil into a cylindrical form with top/bottom and left/right
forming rolls while continuously rewinding the coil to be electric resistance welded.
For a hot-finish electric resistance-welded pipe & tube (SR pipe), a long-size electric resistance welded pipe & tube is heated
in a continuous heating furnace and drawn and finished by a stretch reducer. It is used to produce small-diameter pipes. Fur-
thermore, NIPPON STEEL produces PIC (Pipe in Coil) in which the pipe is formed into a coil as a long-size pipe, in particular.
Heat exchanger tubes by cold drawing are also produced.
Hydraulic test Bending inspection Outside diameter Threading Coupling Drifting test Hydraulic test Product
roundness inspection attachment
Seam UST Chamfering Flattening Weighing/measurement Marking Rust protection
Small-diameter pipe
Hot spinning Product
Uncoil Coil joining Forming Welding Bead removal Cooling Sizing Traveling cutting Heating
Flying saw
Drawing Straightner Chamfering Non-destructive Galvanizing Threading Inspection
Hydraulic test
22 23
Forming and welding machine for hot electric resistance welding Stretch reducer Cooling floor
Uncoil Coil joint Heating Forming and welding (SW) Pipe soaking Stretch reducer Rotary hot saw
Dividing saw
Pre-treatment, flux treatment Drying Plating, cooling Threading Identification, painting, Product
with water binding Inspection
24 25
■ SAWL pipe (by UOE process) ■ SAWL pipe (by Bending roll process) ■ SAWH pipe (by Spiral Welded Pipe)
Manufacturing process of UOE pipe starts from edge Bending rolled pipes have two processes: A press bend Spiral welded pipes are produced by bending and forming
milling of its substrate (steel plate) and forming it into process for finishing pipes & tubes into a cylindrical shape a coil into a spiral with a forming roll while continuously
cylindrical shape through U-ing and O-ing press.Then, with a forming press and a bending roll process to firstly rewinding the coil, and by welding the joints from the inside
inside/outside welding will be applied to linear joints with make a circular shape at both edges of the steel sheet and outside.
SAW(Submerged Arc Welding)method, followed by me- with a bend press, and then to make a perfect cylinder
chanical expansion process. shape by rolling. The linear joints of a formed shape are
arc welded (submerged arc welding) from the inside and
U press O press Production of large-diameter press forming welded pipes & tubes Spiral pipe production equipment
UOE pipe
Plate Groove machining Edge bending press U press O press Tack welding Inside welding Outside welding Expansion
Bending pipes
Plate Groove machining Edge bending Roll bending Tack welding Inside welding Outside welding Hydrostatic test Non-destructive inspection
Spiral-welded pipes
Press forming Edge cutting Joined sheet pile machining Product
Welding for coil joining
Outside welding
Non-destructive inspection
Side trimmer
Groove machining
26 27
1 East Nippon Works Kashima area Hot electric resistance-welded pipes & tubes
2 East Nippon Works Kimitsu area Electric resistance-welded pipes & tubes,
SAWH pipe (by Spiral Welded Pipe), SAWL pipe (by UO process)
3 Nagoya Works Electric resistance-welded pipes & tubes
4 Kansai Works Amagasaki area Seamless pipes & tubes
(hot extrusion process, hot hollow forging process)
5 Kansai Works Wakayama area Seamless pipes & tubes (Mannesmann process)
6 Kyushu Works Oita area Electric resistance-welded pipes & tubes,
(Hikari Pipe & Tube Div.) seamless pipes & tubes (hot extrusion process)
7 Kyushu Works Yawata area SAWH pipe (by Spiral Welded Pipe)
28 29