The Root Canal Biofilm PDF
The Root Canal Biofilm PDF
The Root Canal Biofilm PDF
Luis E. Chávez de Paz
Christine M. Sedgley
Anil Kishen Editors
The Root
Springer Series on Biofilms
Series Editors
Mark E. Shirtliff, Baltimore, USA
Paul Stoodley, Southhampton, United Kingdom
Thomas Bjarnsholt, Copenhagen, Denmark
More information about this series at
Luis E. Chávez de Paz • Christine M. Sedgley •
Anil Kishen
Volume 9
Luis E. Chávez de Paz Christine M. Sedgley
The Swedish Academy for Advanced Department of Endodontology
Clinical Dentistry Oregon Health & Science University
Gothenburg Portland
Sweden Oregon
Anil Kishen
Department of Clinical Sciences
Discipline of Endodontics
University of Toronto
Faculty of Dentistry
Biofilms are recognized as one of the earliest ecosystems on earth. They are
composed of aggregates of microbial cells enclosed in a self-produced matrix
adherent to a surface. Root canal biofilms are complex polymicrobial structures
adherent to the root canal surface that are formed by microorganisms invading the
pulpal space of teeth. Important histopathological studies published several decades
ago first noted the presence of adherent cells on root canal surfaces. However, it was
not until the introduction of advanced microscopy and molecular biology tech-
niques that they were recognized to be the dominant form of microbial life in the
root canal system. Similarly, it was only in the past decade that root canal infections
were acknowledged to be biofilm infections. Subsequently, recent studies have
shown that root canal biofilms are associated with persistent endodontic infections
and as such are likely to be significant contributing factors determining the outcome
of endodontic treatment.
Concerted efforts to study root canal biofilms have been made in the past decade
resulting in the publication of observational and experimental studies that detail the
morphology and biology of these structures in infected root canals. In addition to
confirming that bacteria in root canals do not exist in free-floating planktonic states
as previously assumed, this new information on root canal biofilm infections has
provided an opportunity to reevaluate conventional clinical protocols and improve
endodontic therapeutic measures.
The aim of this volume is to provide a current understanding of the basic
scientific aspects of root canal biofilm biology within a clinically applicable
context. This volume is divided into three sections. Part I discusses the basic
biology of root canal biofilms and addresses key questions about the ecological
and physiological aspects that play a role in the formation and resistance of biofilms
in root canals (chapter “Ecology and Physiology of Root Canal Microbial Biofilm
Communities”). The last two chapters of this section review the general mecha-
nisms of biofilm adhesion (chapter “Molecular Principles of Adhesion and Biofilm
Formation”), and the mechanisms of antimicrobial resistance in endodontic-related
pathogens (chapter “Antimicrobial Resistance in Biofilm Communities”). In Part II,
viii Preface
It has been a fascinating journey since we started with the idea to edit a book
dedicated to microbial biofilms formed in root canals. First of all we wish to thank
all the authors for providing their excellent contributions, without their dedication
and involvement in this project it wouldn’t have been possible to complete it. We
wish to give a special acknowledgement to Dr. William Costerton, former book
series editor, for proposing that it is timely to publish a book on root canal biofilms.
The editors assembling the root canal biofilm project at a coffee shop at the Hynes Convention
Center in Boston, during the American Association of Endodontists Annual Session, April 2012
ThiS is a FM Blank Page
xii Contents
Abstract Microbial communities formed in root canals of teeth constitute the heart
of the infected root canal ecosystem, and yet their establishment and development
remains challenging to measure and predict. Identifying the ecological and physi-
ological drivers of microbial community colonization, including resistance (insen-
sitivity to disturbance) and resilience (the rate of recovery after disturbance), is
important for understanding their response to antimicrobial treatment. This chapter
will provide an overview of the ecological and physiological factors that are
relevant for root canal microbial communities in terms of their establishment and
endurance in root canal ecosystems. Initially, insights from ecological and physi-
ological parameters that are useful for defining and measuring activities in root
canal biofilm communities will be reviewed. The ecological progress of root canal
infections will be discussed in terms of three ecological processes: (1) selection of
successful root canal colonizers by habitat filtering, (2) selection of resistant
bacteria to major disturbances in the environment (e.g., provoked by antimicrobial
therapy in endodontics), and (3) resilience of the community after the disturbance.
Finally, current methods for analyzing these ecological processes will be described,
as these are key elements for identifying the biological features of individual
microorganisms and of root canal microbial communities.
1 Introduction
Our current understanding of the microbiota of infected root canals is based on the
findings from classical culture-based studies (M€oller 1966; Bergenholtz 1974;
Sundqvist 1976; Baumgartner and Falkler 1991) and in recent years from studies
that have applied modern culture-independent molecular technologies (Munson
et al. 2002; Spratt 2004; Rocas and Siqueira 2010; Chugal et al. 2011). The
accumulated information from both these approaches has led to the characterization
of species diversity in different clinical situations from the necrotic tooth to the
chronically infected root-filled tooth. Notwithstanding this increase in valuable
information on the identification of members from root canal microbial communi-
ties in different clinical scenarios, there are still significant limitations in explaining
the fundamental ecological and physiological basis by which these microbial
communities form in root canals. In particular, we still lack a clear understanding
of the basis of ecology community-level functions and the potential physiological
role that key members of the microbial communities play to maintain stability and
structure after antimicrobial treatment. While studies based on 16S rRNA identifi-
cation have characterized communities of bacteria in root canals with tens to
hundreds of species (for a review see chapter “Bacterial Biofilms and Endodontic
Disease: Histo-Bacteriological and Molecular Exploration”), it is usually not pos-
sible to experimentally establish which species actively take part in the community
and perform pivotal functions. The development of root canal microbial commu-
nities might also depend on the nature of the primary root canal infection, as well as
on environmental selection and physiological adaptation, the effects of which
would be difficult to control or characterize under laboratory conditions.
Furthermore, the influence of each of the ecological drivers on the composition
of a community established in root canals can vary according to the temporal scale
of observation. For example, untreated necrotic root canals are found to be domi-
nated by proteolytic anaerobic organisms, while treated root canals seem to be
dominated by a less diverse community with species that can persist for long
periods of time under harsh conditions, e.g., facultative anaerobic Gram-positive
organisms (Sundqvist 1992, 1994; Figdor and Sundqvist 2007). The low numbers of
such facultative anaerobic species detected in untreated necrotic cases using
sequencing approaches create a further challenge in establishing the relation
between community composition and dynamics from one clinical state to the other.
In this chapter, an ecological concept is presented, focusing on three main
ecological processes. These will introduce an ecological and physiological inter-
pretation of the role of microbial biofilm communities in the pathobiology of root
canal infections. The first of these processes occurs after the invasion of bacteria
from the oral cavity into the root canal, in which the root canal environment acts as
a habitat filter to select for specific microorganisms. The second process occurs
after or during root canal treatment. It will be proposed that the application of
antibacterial solutions, dressings, etc., will cause a simplification in the root canal
microbiota, where stressful environmental changes will select for more resistant
microorganisms. Finally, the third process comprises the resilience of the
remaining community, where the multiple ecological adaptive factors by which
microorganisms will establish as a post-disturbance community are examined.
Insights obtained from studying the ecology of microbial communities in root
canals can be used to improve the management of endodontic infections.
Ecology and Physiology of Root Canal Microbial Biofilm Communities 5
A general consensus is that the growth and survival of microorganisms invading the
pulpal space is controlled by a variety of environmental factors occurring at the
time of the infection. These factors, of physical and chemical nature, constitute the
habitat filter that will limit the growth of certain organisms compared to others
(Fig. 1). To be able to define the factors included in this ecological filtering process,
it is important to first define the status of the pulp at the time of the microbial
invasion, i.e., the presence of a responsive or necrotized pulp. Clearly, the main
difference between these two states of the pulp is the capacity to exert an inflam-
matory reaction in response to the bacterial invasion (Bergenholtz 2001). In the
case of a responsive pulp that is exposed to the oral microbiota due to trauma as
well as in a pulp that is undergoing an acute inflammatory reaction due to a deep
carious process, the invading organisms must face an environment characterized by
the infiltration of neutrophils. In this case, the chemical composition of the envi-
ronment is represented by the tissue-destructive elements released by neutrophils,
including oxygen radicals, lysosomal enzymes, and high concentrations of nitric
oxide (NO).
Nitric Oxide (NO) NO is a small, lipophilic, and freely diffusible radical that has
strong cytotoxic properties due to its high reactivity. NO directly affects the activity
of enzymes in bacteria by the reaction with bound free radicals or with metal ions
(Kim et al. 2008; Zagryazhskaya et al. 2010; Pearl et al. 2012). NO has been found
to affect bacterial respiration and amino acid biosynthesis, thereby causing cell
growth arrest and suppression of DNA synthesis (Jyoti et al. 2014; Kolpen
et al. 2014; Liu et al. 2015). Although the molecular interaction of NO with root
canal bacteria has not been clarified, the ability of bacteria to adapt their phenotype
in order to survive NO environments may be a crucial characteristic of oral
microorganisms for colonization in the root canal ecosystem.
Oxygen Oxygen is the terminal electron acceptor in aerobic respiration that is by
far the most efficient type of energy metabolism. Oxygen levels in the pulpal
ecosystem may play an important role in selection and in determining functional
interactions and spatial structures of root canal microbial communities. Studies on
the dynamics of root canal infections have shown that the relative proportions of
anaerobic microorganisms increase with time and that the facultative anaerobic
bacteria are outnumbered when the canals have been infected for 3 months or more
(M€oller et al. 1981; Dahlán et al. 1987; Fabricius et al. 2006). In the infected root
canal environment, there are concentration gradients in oxygen that can vary from
low to complete anoxia. Although the oxygen gradients can be relatively stable over
time, oxygen seems to be a major ecological factor in the root canal milieu and one
that promotes the development of an anaerobic or microaerophilic microbiota
(Sundqvist 1992, 1994).
Nutrients All organisms must scavenge nutrients and then coordinate central
metabolism, monomer synthesis, and macromolecule polymerization for biomass
synthesis and growth (Chubukov et al. 2014). Thus, one of the most important
environmental factors that will determine the selection of root canal bacteria is the
principal source of nutrient available to the microbiota for growth. The invading
oral microorganisms are usually influenced by saliva, its components, and the diet
of the host, but would be exposed in root canals primarily to serum constituents,
including glycoproteins from the inflamed pulp and periapical tissues (Svensäter
and Bergenholtz 2004).
The large and densely connected network of metabolites, enzymatic reactions,
and regulatory interactions makes it challenging to understand the metabolic and
regulatory network taking place at the time of colonization of the pulpal space in its
totality (Sundqvist 1992, 1994). However, by means of specific laboratory models,
it is possible to define in vitro individual regulatory circuits that will provide
specific information on the nutritional demands of individual members or groups
of the root canal microbial community (for a review see Sundqvist and Figdor
It is of great interest, however, that some of the actual molecular components
and mechanisms that control the nutritional demands of root canal bacteria are
determined by phenotypic adaptation to the environment. As the prime energy
Ecology and Physiology of Root Canal Microbial Biofilm Communities 7
In ecology, disturbances are causal events that alter the immediate environment and
have possible repercussions for a community of organisms (Gonzalez et al. 2011;
Shade et al. 2012). Ecological disturbances may also directly alter a community by
8 L.E. Chávez de Paz and P.D. Marsh
killing their members or change their relative abundances (Shade et al. 2012).
Disturbances occur at various spatial and temporal scales with different frequen-
cies, intensities, extents, and periodicities. Communities have nonlinear responses
to disturbances that are mainly determined by their levels of resistance and resil-
ience. Resistance is defined as the degree to which a community is insensitive to a
disturbance (Ding and He 2010; Wardle and Jonsson 2014), and resilience is the
rate at which a community returns to a pre-disturbance condition (see below
resilience process). A related concept, sensitivity, is the inverse of resistance and
defined as the degree of community change following a disturbance.
In endodontics, mechanical instrumentation in combination with chemical anti-
microbial agents is a good example of an ecological disturbance. In this example,
shear forces applied through direct contact of machine-driven files on the surfaces
of the root canals aim to achieve physical removal of biofilm communities. Root
canal biofilm control is further accomplished by the use of antimicrobials that aim
to kill bacteria. Recently, microbiological research in endodontics has focused on
evaluating the killing effect of chemicals with antimicrobial properties for disin-
fection (Kobayashi et al. 2014; Wang et al. 2014; Xhevdet et al. 2014). According
to such studies, however, it is apparent that a portion of the microbial biofilm
communities in root canals may tolerate and remain viable after treatment (see an
schematic depiction of selection in Fig. 2). For example, a recent study showed that
a) Environmental
25 25 25
20 20 20
10 10 10
5 5 5
0 0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 0 50 100 150 200 250 0 50 100 150 200 250
Fig. 2 Selection of resistant root canal bacteria. (a) Schematic depiction of the selective process
in a root canal community by environmental disturbances. Environmental disturbances in end-
odontics are the shear forces by mechanical instrumentation, irrigation with antimicrobials, and
intracanal medication. Affected cells are shown in red and the resistant bacteria selected after
disturbance are shown in light green. (b) 3D reconstructions show microscopic structure of
biofilms formed by oral bacteria grown on polystyrene surfaces and exposed to 2.5 % NaOCl
and stained with the LIVE/DEAD stain (green (viable cells) and red (damaged cells)). The units on
the axes are micrometers
Ecology and Physiology of Root Canal Microbial Biofilm Communities 9
it was not possible to eradicate wild strains of bacteria of endodontic origin grown
in vitro using ampicillin, doxycycline, clindamycin, azithromycin, or metronida-
zole (Al-Ahmad et al. 2014).
Clinical studies have also confirmed the tolerance of selected members of
microbial communities to endodontic procedures and that these organisms are likely
to play a role in treatment failures (Engstr€om et al. 1964; Gomes et al. 1996;
Molander et al. 1998; Sundqvist et al. 1998; Sunde et al. 2002). Not surprisingly,
bacteria that are tolerant to endodontic treatment are normal inhabitants of the oral
cavity, with some exceptions like E. faecalis (Sedgley et al. 2004). Gram-positive
facultative anaerobic bacteria from the genera Streptococcus, Lactobacillus, and
Actinomyces are frequently recovered from root canals of teeth after treatment
(Engstr€om et al. 1964; Molander et al. 1998; Sundqvist et al. 1998; Chávez de Paz
et al. 2003). The higher tolerance of Gram-positive bacteria may be related to
different structural and physiological factors, for example, in cell-wall structure,
innate resistance to antimicrobials, and phenotypic plasticity that allows them to
adapt and endure harsh environmental conditions (Dessen et al. 2001; Berger-Bachi
2002). However, the information about the mechanisms involved specifically in
tolerance to environmental disturbances in root canals is scarce. There have been
few studies that have tried to model the influence of environmental conditions on
microbial physiological responses and microbial community composition changes
(Chávez de Paz 2007, 2012). In this section, the hypothesis will be introduced that a
sudden change in the root canal environment will create conditions that are stressful
for microorganisms and to which they are obliged to adapt for survival. Under such a
selective ecological pressure, root canal microbes must have physiological adaptive
mechanisms to survive and remain active in the face of this stress or they will die.
Adaptive Mechanisms of Resistance The main mechanisms of microbial resis-
tance to survive disturbances in the environment rely on their ability to adapt their
phenotype in the form of a rapid physiological response. In general, the cellular
machinery of bacteria is prepared to change in response to various types of
environmental threats such as shifts from aerobic to anaerobic conditions and
rapid fluctuations of pH, temperature, and osmotic conditions (Bowden and Ham-
ilton 1998; Marsh 2003). In the case of changes provoked by antimicrobials,
immediate responses can often be achieved by regulation of the activities of
preformed enzymes (Svensäter et al. 2001). In the case of mechanisms of tolerance
by root canal bacteria, a recent study analyzed the survival of a selected group of
root canal bacteria in biofilms under alkaline stress. In this study, it was observed
that biofilm bacteria resisted by releasing specific enzymes out into the environment
(Chávez de Paz et al. 2007). Cytoplasmic housekeeping enzymes, such as
phosphocarrier HPr, the heat-shock chaperone DnaK, FBA, and GAPDH, were
the most frequently identified proteins. Although the physiological role of these
housekeeping enzymes outside the cell is presently unknown, most of these
enzymes have also been found to be associated with the bacterial response to
other similar environmental stresses such as acid challenge. Hence, it is not
unreasonable to consider that the molecular mechanisms of stress response are
10 L.E. Chávez de Paz and P.D. Marsh
orchestrated concomitantly from a main general stress response with the interplay
of various regulatory processes taking place at the same time.
In the case of continual changes in the environment, for example, with the
application of intracanal medicaments over a period of time, resistance may be
also accomplished by alterations in the pattern of gene expression. This can be
accomplished via an operon, where all related genes are located adjacent to each
other in the chromosome and transcribed as a single transcript controlled by a single
promoter site, or by means of regulatory units that utilize genes situated in different
locations on the chromosome (Ghazaryan et al. 2014; Raivio 2014). Unfortunately,
for most of the root canal microorganisms, we do not even have a minimal view of
these fundamental molecular adaptive processes. Even in general medical micro-
biology there are actually not many microorganisms whose physiology is thor-
oughly understood and little is known about conditions prevailing in biofilms
comprised of multispecies communities such as those in the root canals of teeth.
Recent studies on the whole genomes of a number of oral microorganisms have
shown that there are more similarities than differences in the way bacteria handle
stress (Jenkinson 2011; Zaura 2012; Wade 2013). As discussed above, an important
feature of adaptation and survival of bacterial cells in stressful environments seems
to be the expression of a range of proteins that promote the survival of the cells
(Hamilton and Svensäter 1998). To understand how a single microbial cell is able to
cope with an ecological disturbance within a multispecies community is an over-
whelming challenge since adaptation or response to stress may take place at
different levels in the community and vary in intensity among its members.
Tolerance to Antimicrobials by Biofilm Communities The physiology of a
microbial community, like the one established in root canals, is certainly distinct
from the physiology of individual members as the community lifestyle provides
advantages compared to those of the component populations. In a multispecies
community, the ranges of potential habitats for colonization are extended, resis-
tance to stress and host defenses increase, and cooperative degradation of complex
substrates can take place (Marsh 2003). Elucidating the physiologies of biofilm-
associated communities is necessary for our understanding of infection and survival
of bacteria in a changing environment.
In endodontics, there is an increasing interest in studying the effect of antimi-
crobials on multispecies biofilm communities. Studies have shown that mixed root
canal microbial communities are variably “resistant” to disturbances, as measured
by viability of the biofilm cells (Chávez de Paz 2012; Stojicic et al. 2013; Shrestha
and Kishen 2014). Generally, these ex vivo studies that explored the effect of
antimicrobials on multispecies communities are observational and typically involve
large-scale antimicrobial disturbances or nutrient starvation (e.g., sodium hypo-
chlorite, chlorhexidine, glucose starvation, etc.).
In a recent study, the phenotypic response of a multispecies biofilm model using
four root canal bacterial isolates to the absence of glucose was determined (Chávez
de Paz 2012). The results of this study showed a significant variation in the
Ecology and Physiology of Root Canal Microbial Biofilm Communities 11
This third ecological process addresses the concept of resilience of root canal
microbial communities that have been selected by environmental disturbances
(see above) and that have resisted antimicrobial endodontic treatment. The resil-
ience of a microbial community focuses on its capacity to surmount ecological
disturbances and still preserve viability and physiological function. But there is also
another aspect of bacterial resilience that concerns the capacity for regrowth,
reorganization, and development, which in the case of endodontic infections is
essential for maintaining chronic inflammatory periapical lesions (Fig. 3).
In a resilient root canal microbial community, ecological disturbances may
cause important physiological consequences in cells. For instance, it is likely that
in the resilient community, stress-adapted cells may differentiate into low physio-
logical states or dormancy. In these states of low metabolism, bacteria are implicitly
driven to stasis to thrive in environments where nutrient resources may be scarce.
Dormancy and Adaptation to Starvation Bacteria under the stress of starvation
have developed efficient adaptive regulatory reactions to shift their metabolic
balance away from biosynthesis and reproduction, toward the acquisition of energy
for essential biological functions (Matin 1992; Nystr€om 1999). Under nutrient
limitation, bacteria rapidly reallocate cellular resources by stopping the synthesis
of DNA, stable RNAs, ribosomal proteins, and membrane components (Potrykus
Ecology and Physiology of Root Canal Microbial Biofilm Communities 13
Phenotypically adapted
Persister cells
Fig. 3 Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) image of a resilient root canal microbial community
in the apex of an infected root canal. The SEM image show false colors of green, yellow, and blue
representing cells that are phenotypically adapted, persister, and dormant, respectively
and Cashel 2008). This effective responsive process to nutrient stress, termed “the
stringent response,” is characterized by the production of factors that are crucial for
stress resistance, glycolysis, and amino acid synthesis (Dalebroux and Swanson
2012). The stringent response is accomplished in part by a massive switch in the
transcription profile, coordinated by an effective alarmone system that includes the
nucleotides guanosine tetraphosphate (ppGpp) and guanosine pentaphosphate
(pppGpp). (p)ppGpp plays an important role in low-nutrient survival of
E. faecalis, an organism that is known to withstand prolonged periods of starvation
and remain viable in root-filled teeth for at least 12 months (Molander et al. 1998;
Sundqvist et al. 1998). Furthermore, the alarmone system (p)ppGpp has also a
profound effect on the ability of E. faecalis to form, develop, and maintain stable
biofilms (Chávez de Paz et al. 2012). These improved understandings of the
alarmone mechanisms underlying biofilm formation and survival by E. faecalis
may facilitate the identification of pathways that could be targeted to control
persistent infections by this organism.
From a physiological perspective, nutrient deprivation causes bacteria to revers-
ibly switch to a state of metabolic arrest (dormancy) (Nystr€om 1999). In the
dormant phenotype, bacteria will survive a wide range of environmental threats,
in addition to deprivation of nutrients, such as temperature shifts and extreme pH
changes, as well as exhibiting decreased sensitivity to antimicrobial agents (Stewart
and Franklin 2008). When the nutrient supply is favorable again, the stress response
is released and the bacteria resume metabolic activity and cell division. A large
amount of RNA and protein appears to be degraded rapidly at the onset of
starvation, which is believed to be part of a general stress response (GSR) that is
14 L.E. Chávez de Paz and P.D. Marsh
Atto 488 5’ -TAG CCG TCC CTT TCT GGT -3’ Streptococcus (STR405)
Atto 565 5’ -YCA CCG CTA CAC ATG RAG TTC CAC T-3’ Lactobacillus & Enterococcus (LAC722)
Pacific blue 5’ -GCT ACC GTC AAC CCA CCC -3’ Actinomyces (JF201)
Atto 425 5’ -CCC TCT GAT GGG TAG GTT -3’ Enterococcus (EFS129)
Fig. 4 Identification of bacteria by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). 16S rRNA fluores-
cent probes used to identify four root canal bacteria on multispecies biofilms cultures, Strepto-
coccus gordonii (green), Lactobacillus salivarius (red), Actinomyces naeslundii (blue), and
Enterococcus faecalis (violet). The red probe for Lactobacillus targeted also Enterococcus;
hence, the addition of an additional blue probe for Enterococcus shows labeling results in violet
fluorescence. Bar ¼ 10 μm
18 L.E. Chávez de Paz and P.D. Marsh
With the aid of the FISH technique, the identification of individual bacterial cells
within a community will represent an important advantage in order to understand
the organization of microbial ecosystems. Oligonucleotide probes that are designed
to target specific regions of the 16S rRNA gene are then labeled with specific
fluorescent dyes. Different probes can be generated: for example, one that recog-
nizes the Lactobacillus, another for Streptococcus, and successively more specific
probes for particular groups of bacteria right down to individual species. Figure 4
illustrates an example of four-species biofilm targeted with a cocktail of fluorescent
oligonucleotide probes to detect L. salivarius (red), S. gordonii (green),
A. naeslundii (blue), and E. faecalis (violet) to map the diversity of a root canal
microbial population.
In conclusion, with the FISH technique, a nondestructive identification of a
complex microbial population could be accomplished.
6 Concluding Remarks
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22 L.E. Chávez de Paz and P.D. Marsh
Abstract Oral bacteria are responsible for oral health and disease, including
caries, periodontal disease, and endodontic infections. The development of oral
diseases is intimately linked with the ability of oral bacteria to form and reside in an
adherent multispecies consortium named biofilm. The oral biofilm provides a
protective environment for the bacterial community and its formation is a geneti-
cally controlled process. In this chapter, we present a general overview of devel-
opmental mechanisms employed by individual members of the oral biofilm. The
species composition of the oral biofilm and the oral microbiome is discussed
historically and in the context of newly developed next-generation sequencing
techniques. Furthermore, biofilm-specific regulatory mechanisms and phenotypic
traits are explained to provide the reader with a comprehensive overview of oral
biofilm formation and its role in health and disease.
1 Introduction
J. Kreth (*)
Department of Microbiology and Immunology, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences
Center, Oklahoma City, OK, USA
e-mail: [email protected]
M.C. Herzberg
Department of Diagnostic and Biological Sciences, School of Dentistry, Mucosal and Vaccine
Research Center, Minneapolis VA Medical Center, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis,
counterparts. The definition of biofilms has changed over time to include relevant
new discoveries in biofilm research and to appreciate their structural and develop-
mental complexity. An early definition as microbial aggregates attached to a living
or nonliving surface embedded within extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) of
bacterial origin has been extended to include aggregated cell masses floating in a
liquid phase and cell aggregates in air–liquid interfaces.
One of the defining steps in biofilm development is the production of extracel-
lular polysaccharides (EPS) (Flemming and Wingender 2010). In nature, what we
term EPS actually consists of bacterial polysaccharides, proteins, nucleic acids, and
lipids. The EPS contributes to the architecture of the biofilm community. In
medically relevant biofilms, host-derived components play an important role in
the initiation of biofilm development and should be considered a part of the EPS.
For example, a conditioning saliva-derived film (the acquired salivary pellicle) is
essential for the attachment of the initial oral biofilm forming bacteria (Hannig
et al. 2005). Hall-Stoodley et al. therefore suggested that biofilm with EPS exists as
“aggregated, microbial cells surrounded by a polymeric self-produced matrix,
which may contain host components” (Hall-Stoodley et al. 2012).
diffusion would be more limiting as the size of the antimicrobials increases. For
example, fluorescent probes of varying molecular weights—surrogates for antimi-
crobial compounds—penetrated into a preformed in vitro biofilm consortium with
different efficiencies. The diffusion limitation reflected molecular sieving, which
could be predicted by the molecular weight of the fluorescent probes. The pore
diameter for the particular biofilm EPS was estimated to be between 2.6 and 4.6 nm
(Thurnheer et al. 2003). The pore size of EPS is expected to vary with the microbial
species composition in the biofilm and the structure of the synthesized EPS, but
little is known. In some conditions, diffusion limitation is not achieved by the EPS.
For example, the antibiotics vancomycin and rifampin can effectively penetrate the
biofilms of S. epidermidis, but fail to eradicate the biofilm-dwelling bacteria
(Dunne et al. 1993), suggesting another mechanism responsible for the reduced
Biofilms, including the EPS and the compact colonies of cells, also limit
diffusion of components required for the growth of the resident cells and removal
of secreted metabolic end products. The EPS and cell colonies function generally as
a constraint on diffusion and as a molecular sieve. As shown for ex vivo oral
biofilms, oxygen availability is limited in deeper parts of the biofilm (von Ohle
et al. 2010), repressing the respiratory activity of oral biofilm bacteria (Nguyen
et al. 2002). The cells grow slower because of suboptimal conditions for metabolic
activity. The microbial heterogeneity in segments of the biofilm community is both
a cause and consequence of regional differences in metabolic activity. Heteroge-
neous metabolic activity in biofilms leads to reduced cellular content of RNA and
proteins in some regions of the biofilm, while growth occurs elsewhere (Sternberg
et al. 1999; Xu et al. 1998). Regions with slow growth may show greater antibiotic
resistance. Mature subgingival ex vivo biofilms with limited nutrient supply are less
susceptible to chlorhexidine and other antibiotics when compared to newly formed,
metabolically active biofilms (Sedlacek and Walker 2007; Shen et al. 2011).
During biofilm development, specific traits can be expressed that confer antibiotic
resistance, which is not observed in planktonic cells. For example, a glucosyl-
transferase (encoded by ndvB) in P. aeruginosa is responsible for the production of
cyclic periplasmatic glucans. The expression of ndvB is specific for biofilm cells
and seems to be absent in planktonic cells. Inactivation of ndvB leads to the loss of
high-level, biofilm-specific antibiotic resistance (Mah et al. 2003). The cyclic
glucans produced by NdvB can interact with antibiotics, thus sequestering antibi-
otics away from their cellular targets (Beaudoin et al. 2012; Mah et al. 2003).
Similarly, during biofilm development, cells of S. aureus and Salmonella enterica
serovar Typhimurium upregulate specific multidrug efflux pumps that transport
antimicrobial compounds out the cell (He and Ahn 2011). Candida albicans also
upregulates drug efflux pumps during biofilm formation, which may increase
resistance to antifungal components during oral candidiasis (Ramage et al. 2002).
Molecular Principles of Adhesion and Biofilm Formation 27
The first ever description of bacteria by Antonie Philips van Leeuwenhoek was
based on his own dental plaque samples. Visualized through his primitive com-
pound microscope, the initial drawings reported in 1683 suggested that the oral
biofilm is a multispecies consortium (Hall 1989). As technology has advanced in
the last several decades, our knowledge of the species composition of oral biofilms
has exploded in healthy subjects and others with oral diseases. Our understanding of
disease development has increased and potential pathogenic species have been
associated with caries and periodontal disease.
A new concept of disease development has been developed (Beighton 2005;
Kleinberg 2002; Marsh 2003; Takahashi and Nyvad 2008; van Houte 1994). Today,
the events leading to caries and periodontal disease are better explained by shifts in
bacterial ecology and disturbances in biofilm homeostasis than the presence of a
specific pathogen. The ecological plaque theory as defined by Marsh suggests that
environmental pressures like low pH cause a shift in the bacterial ecology of the
dental biofilm from health-promoting bacteria to primarily acidogenic, aciduric,
and cariogenic species (Marsh 2003, 2009). Furthermore, the polymicrobial syn-
ergy and dysbiosis (PSD) model acknowledge that the presence and biofilm-specific
activities of “keystone” species like Porphyromonas gingivalis and Tannerella
forsythus are required to fully promote the pathogenic potential of the biofilm
(Hajishengallis and Lamont 2012). Healthy microbial homeostasis is usually pro-
moted by the interplay between host behavior, host defense mechanisms, and
biofilm intrinsic mechanisms. Excessive intake of fermentable carbohydrates can
perturb dental plaque homeostasis by lowering the pH. Higher proportions of
conditional pathogens are selected, whereas under healthy conditions the compo-
sition of the dental plaque would not cause any problems for the host.
More than 300 years after the first visualization of the life-forms in dental
plaque, new techniques and approaches are used to study oral microbial composi-
tion. Improvements in sensitivity and the development of high-throughput sequenc-
ing allow us to estimate that the oral biofilms contain up to 19,000 species/
phylotypes (Keijser et al. 2008). The complexity of oral biofilms is far greater
than previously realized. Reflecting the complexity of these communities, the
composition of oral biofilms is now called the microbiome. By use of informatics
approaches and continued technological advances, new understanding of the oral
microbiome in health and disease and breakthrough discoveries are to be expected.
30 J. Kreth and M.C. Herzberg
The microbial composition of dental plaque has been characterized using culture-
dependent and culture-independent approaches (Aas et al. 2005, 2008; Becker
et al. 2002; Kroes et al. 1999; Kumar et al. 2003; Paster et al. 2001, 2006). The
culture-independent method uses amplification of the species-specific 16S rRNA
gene, followed by cloning of the respective amplicons and sequencing. When
plaque was sampled from five subjects at nine different healthy intraoral sites
using this method, 141 predominant species were detected (Aas et al. 2005). The
genus Streptococcus is the most abundant, including the species Streptococcus
sanguinis, S. gordonii, S. mitis, S. oralis, and S. salivarius (Aas et al. 2005). The
streptococci constitute over 80 % of initial biofilm formers and 20 % of mature
plaque biofilms (Rosan and Lamont 2000). Because of their interactions with other
genera and species, the presence of certain species of streptococci specifies the
initial species succession of successful biofilm formation as discussed below.
Among the five subjects, several genera were identified to be in common including
Streptococcus, Veillonella, Granulicatella, and Gemella (Aas et al. 2005). The nine
intraoral plaque sites each showed distinct microflora. Interestingly, Streptococcus
mitis was isolated from all intraoral sites and was present in all 5 individuals.
Consistent with the absence of clinically detectable dental diseases, “red complex”
species associated with periodontal disease were not found including
Porphyromonas gingivalis, Treponema denticola, and Tannerella forsythia
(Socransky et al. 1998). Similarly cariogenic species like S. mutans, Lactobacillus
spp., and Bifidobacterium spp. were not isolated (Aas et al. 2005).
Using a more sensitive method in species detection, 16S rRNA amplification,
cloning, and sequencing, the bacterial diversity of the oral cavity was determined in
10 healthy subjects (Bik et al. 2010). Overall, 247 species-level phylotypes were
identified, including “red complex” species in three of the subjects. Periodontal
pathogens seem to be present in subjects with periodontal health, although at low
levels. All 10 subjects shared a core set of 15 bacterial genera, with subject-specific
differences at the species and strain level (Bik et al. 2010). Several species were
only found in 1 or 2 subjects, suggesting that the interindividual environment,
behavior, and genetic background contribute to the species composition of the
oral biofilm. These studies provided important contributions to our understanding
of the overall composition of normal bacterial flora of the oral cavity.
To understand bacterial ecology during caries development, the microbial com-
position of healthy enamel in 30 subjects was compared with caries lesions of
increasing severity in 30 subjects with childhood caries (Becker et al. 2002). The
23 most prominent bacterial species were investigated. As expected, cariogenic
S. mutans was identified in relatively high abundance in subjects with clinical signs
of caries development, and significantly fewer were recovered on sound enamel
surfaces and in subjects without any sign of caries. Actinomyces gerencseriae and
Bifidobacterium spp. were also more prevalent in caries than in healthy sites.
Molecular Principles of Adhesion and Biofilm Formation 31
Clearly, the HMB project has given us a high-resolution overview of the species
composition of the human oral biofilm with novel insights into the microbial
collaborations needed for full metabolic capabilities of the community. The appre-
ciation of the diversity at different oral sites begs the question of how colonization
and metabolic activity reflects the health or disease potential of the biofilm in caries,
for example. To address this question, it is feasible to determine the functional gene
expression of dental plaque bacteria from different oral sites using RNA-seq. The
actual metabolically active proportion of the consortium can be identified in terms
of gene expression at any given oral site. RNA generation requires active metab-
olism and inactive or dead bacteria would be excluded from such an analysis. This
meta-transcriptomic approach has been used only recently, but the actively tran-
scribed gene sets and the resulting metabolic profile of the consortia were clearly
defined (Benitez-Paez et al. 2014; Peterson et al. 2014). By ascribing functions to
genes expressed in dental plaque and other oral communities, activities can be
characterized. Further exciting discoveries will increase our understanding of oral
biofilms at a different level.
The crucial steps in the initial development of biofilms have been well documented.
For example, the spatiotemporal pattern of early oral biofilm formation has been
traced in the human host using specific removable appliances harboring dental
enamel chips (Diaz et al. 2006). After 4 and 8 h of chip placement, oral streptococci
were the predominant initially colonizing species. Indeed, the initial colonizers
generally belong to the genus Streptococcus; some species are constant members
representing a core group of initial biofilm formers (Diaz et al. 2006; Rosan and
Lamont 2000).
Initial attachment is considered a reversible process. Initial or pioneer colonizers
adhere and detach from the tooth surface, and the cycle repeats until permanent
attachment is achieved. This irreversible attachment stage is typically mediated by
high-affinity binding between proteins and polysaccharides on the bacterial cell
surface to specific receptors on the tooth or cell. Within the bacteria, adhesion is
controlled by a genetic program associated with a change in the expression of
biofilm-related genes (Cowan et al. 1987; Hasty et al. 1992; Nobbs et al. 2009).
Biofilm development progresses with the formation of small micro-colonies of
streptococci and a few non-streptococci (Diaz et al. 2006). This newly formed
biofilm matures into a complex mature biofilm community by intrinsic growth and
recruitment of other species into the developing biofilm. The growth and accrual of
a complex community of microbial cells is accompanied by EPS production.
To discuss the molecular principles of biofilm formation, we will concentrate on
oral streptococci as the best-studied oral bacterial species and initial biofilm former.
Molecular Principles of Adhesion and Biofilm Formation 33
The molecular principles of adhesion are based on successive steps. First, oral
streptococci adhere to macromolecular complexes found on the saliva-coated tooth
or mucosal cells. This salivary film is commonly called pellicle. Although oral
streptococci are able to adhere directly to hydroxyapatite (Tanaka et al. 1996), the
major mineral found in dental enamel, the initial attachment process involves the
pellicle since the teeth and oral surfaces are consistently bathed with saliva and
naked enamel occurs rarely in the oral cavity. All evidence indicates that the
streptococcal surface interacts with salivary components including salivary
Salivary proteins solubilized in the liquid or gel fractions of saliva are able to
attach avidly to the tooth surface via negatively charged residues and electrostatic
interactions through the hydrophilic regions; when tightly bound to hydroxyapatite,
hydrophobic domains buried within the three-dimensional structure of the salivary
proteins can become exposed and facilitate additional interactions (Lamkin and
Oppenheim 1993; Lindh 2002). This adsorbed complex of proteins and other
macromolecules constitutes the acquired salivary pellicle, which immediately
forms on the emerging tooth or after tooth cleaning by bathing in the constant
flow of saliva. Components in saliva and in the pellicle known to interact with the
adhering microorganisms include proline-rich proteins, alpha-amylase, secretory
IgA, mucin glycoproteins, and glycoprotein (gp) 340 (for comprehensive reviews,
see Jenkinson and Lamont 1997, Nobbs et al. 2009, Nobbs et al. 2011).
Binding to salivary pellicle proteins is mediated by protein–protein or protein–
carbohydrate interactions between the pellicle surface and the streptococcal sur-
face. Amylase is the most abundant salivary protein and is present in the salivary
pellicle and dental plaque (Aguirre et al. 1987; Orstavik and Kraus 1973). Amylase
can complex with sIgA in the salivary pellicle to form a binding receptor for certain
oral streptococci (Gong et al. 2000). Several oral streptococci bind amylase alone.
S. gordonii and S. mitis encode specific amylase binding proteins (Li et al. 2002a;
Vorrasi et al. 2010). Amylase binding protein B, AbpB, contributes to biofilm
formation based upon the inability of an AbpB mutant to colonize starch-fed rats
(Tanzer et al. 2003). For initial biofilm formation, binding to amylase is of greater
physiological significance than the physical attachment process. After streptococcal
binding, amylase retains about 50 % of its enzymatic function to catalyze the
hydrolysis of α-1,4-glucosidic linkages in dietary starch (Scannapieco
et al. 1990). Ingestion of starch enzymatically produces glucose, maltose, and
maltodextrins in close proximity to the streptococcal surface. These hydrolysis
products of starch can be immediately transported into streptococci by
carbohydrate-specific transporters. Adhesion is therefore linked to a metabolic
advantage, which illustrates the complex nature of the oral biofilm.
34 J. Kreth and M.C. Herzberg
Several other surface adhesins have been identified in oral streptococci mediat-
ing the binding to salivary components, including SsaB, FimA, Hsa, GspB, SspB,
and SpaA (Holmes et al. 1998; Nobbs et al. 2011). Streptococcus gordonii adhesins
Hsa and GspB recognize carbohydrate moieties of glycosylated salivary compo-
nents. Both proteins mediate adhesion to the salivary pellicle through lectin-like
recognition of sialic-acid-containing salivary mucin MG2 and salivary agglutinin.
It is not surprising that oral streptococci have evolved several surface proteins with
redundant function to ensure proper binding to their specific niche in the oral cavity.
The oral cavity contains the only ecological niches allowing long-term survival of
oral streptococci and these microorganisms must adhere or die. Interestingly, the
genetic regulatory circuit of adhesin expression can compensate for imbalances in
surface protein display, suggesting a fail-safe mechanism of adherence
(unpublished data).
Streptococcal surface proteins also bind the bacteria to host cellular components
and salivary proteins that form a pellicle on mucosal epithelial cells. About 80 % of
the oral cavity surface consists of soft tissue, providing a large area for bacterial
attachment (Nobbs et al. 2011). Attachment to oral epithelial cells requires multiple
S. gordonii adhesin proteins (Davies et al. 2009). Certain oral streptococci bind to
mammalian fibronectin, a structural glycoprotein involved in cell–matrix interac-
tions (Labat-Robert 2012; Nobbs et al. 2011), which facilitates adhesion to cells
(Okahashi et al. 2010). S. gordonii Hsa mediates binding to sialic acid, which is
found on the N-linked glycans of fibronectin and other glycoproteins. Binding to
fibronectin is probably an important biological target evolutionarily since
S. gordonii adhesins CshA and CshB also bind to fibronectin peptide domains
present in the backbone. Similarly, the adhesins SspA and SspB also recognize
fibronectin (Jakubovics et al. 2009).
Oral bacteria employ other host components as binding receptors including the
integrin family of cell surface receptors responsible for cell–cell attachment (Nobbs
et al. 2009, 2011). For example, the S. mutans multi-ligand antigen I/II family
adhesin SpaP mediates interaction with α5β1 integrins (Engels-Deutsch
et al. 2011), other host components, and bacterial cells of other species. Antigen
I/II also mediates binding to fibronectin, collagen, salivary glycoproteins, glyco-
protein 340, platelets, integrins, and A. naeslundii (Brady et al. 2010). To confer
different binding capabilities, heterologous protein targets can bind distinct protein
domains in the antigen I/II protein. For example, the alanine-rich repeat domain
(A-region) found on the N-terminus binds to collagen type I. The C-terminal region
is responsible for interactions with P. gingivalis (Brady et al. 2010), whereas the
central variable domain (V-region) interacts with surface ligands of Actinomyces
naeslundii. The A-region and the V-region each interact with salivary
Molecular Principles of Adhesion and Biofilm Formation 35
After initial attachment of bacterial cells, the next step in biofilm formation is
defined by the production of EPS. The best investigated EPS in the oral cavity is
glucans produced by streptococcal glucosyltransferases (Gtfs) from monomeric
sugars. If dietary sucrose is available in excess, glucosyltransferase activity is
intimately linked to caries development. Several oral species express Gtfs, but
S. mutans appears to synthesize the majority of the glucans in oral biofilms. All
using sucrose as substrate, three different Gtfs (GtfBCD) have been identified in
S. mutans. GtfBCD each synthesize a chemically distinct glucan. GtfB synthesizes
primarily insoluble α-1,3-linked glucans, GtfC produces a mixture of soluble
(α-1,6-linked glucans) and insoluble glucans, and GtfD forms predominantly
soluble glucans. Of special interest is the ability of the secreted enzymes to
36 J. Kreth and M.C. Herzberg
associate with the salivary pellicle. GtfC and GtfD can both bind to the pellicle,
GtfD through the association with alpha-amylase. The S. gordonii glucosyl-
transferase GtfD also binds to alpha-amylase. GtfB remains bound to the strepto-
coccal surface and is able to bind to surfaces of other bacterial species. On bacterial
surfaces and the pellicle, the adsorbed Gtfs actively synthesize the respective
glucan polymers, effectively rendering non-Gtf encoding species into glucan pro-
ducers (Koo et al. 2013).
Adherence of streptococci to the preformed glucan polymers is facilitated by
specific S. mutans glucan-binding proteins, mainly GbpC and GbpB. GbpC and
GbpB bind cells of S. mutans to the mesh of glucan polymers and associated
proteins forming an EPS superstructure important for morphogenesis and the 3D
architecture of the oral biofilm. Subsequently, other species are able to bind to the
glucans and increase the species richness of the biofilm.
The role of S. mutans in the oral biofilm has mainly been investigated in the
context of caries development. The role of S. mutans in healthy conditions, how-
ever, has not been defined. S. mutans is found in low abundance in healthy subjects,
and yet its ability to provide a mesh-like structure for attachment of several species
might contribute to initial biofilm development for healthy communities. The
transition from a healthy to a pathogenic cariogenic biofilm community would
occur if excess dietary sucrose selects for increased abundance of S. mutans.
Another EPS component present in oral biofilms is extracellular DNA (eDNA),
but its role in oral biofilm formation is less well studied. Several oral streptococci,
including S. mutans (Klein et al. 2010), are able to release DNA into the extracel-
lular environment through an autolytic process, which contributes to biofilm for-
mation. When treated with DNase I to hydrolyze extracellular DNA, S. mutans
biofilms grown in the presence of sucrose and starch showed a significant reduction
in biomass. Growth in sucrose and starch upregulates the autolysin lytT gene, which
correlates with presence of eDNA. Another mechanism of DNA release in
S. mutans involves a newly identified auto-active bacteriocin, which induces cell
death and release of eDNA from the bacteriocin producer (Perry et al. 2009).
Release of eDNA appears to be a highly conserved activity and other strepto-
cocci have evolved corresponding mechanisms. S. gordonii and S. sanguinis pro-
duce eDNA during aerobic growth closely associated with the production of H2O2
(Kreth et al. 2008). Both species release high molecular weight DNA of chromo-
somal origin (Kreth et al. 2009). Deletion of the gene encoding pyruvate oxidase
dramatically reduced H2O2 production and eDNA release (Kreth et al. 2009). When
H2O2 production is limited by growth in oxygen-limited conditions, eDNA is also
reduced (Zheng et al. 2011a, b). Unlike S. mutans, S. gordonii and S. sanguinis only
require H2O2 to induce the DNA release process. In S. gordonii, however, the major
autolysin AtlS can also be involved in DNA release (Liu and Burne 2011). Deletion
of AtlS in S. gordonii prevented autolysis and production of eDNA under aerobic
conditions (Liu and Burne 2011). In contrast, under anaerobic conditions, eDNA
release can be induced by H2O2 addition without any obvious bacterial cell lysis
(Itzek et al. 2011). Streptococci may, therefore, have several mechanisms to trigger
eDNA release in response to different internal and/or external stimuli.
Molecular Principles of Adhesion and Biofilm Formation 37
community since new members must be able to cope with oxidative stress.
A. naeslundii is inhibited by H2O2 produced by S. gordonii, but in co-aggregation
cultures both species grow together in close proximity (Jakubovics et al. 2008a, b).
S. gordonii in coculture grows more readily than A. naeslundii, becoming the
dominant species at a ratio of about 9 to 1. Why do S. gordonii need
A. naeslundii in the community? A. naeslundii provides the H2O2-degrading
enzyme catalase, which can reduce oxidative damage to surface proteins inflicted
by H2O2 produced by S. gordonii (Jakubovics et al. 2008b). This example of
interspecies cooperation compliments S. gordonii’s own mechanism to maintain
the reduced state and function of the adhesins by using the oxidative repair activity
of methionine sulfoxide reductase, MsrA (Lei et al. 2011). The low ratio of
A. naeslundii to S. gordonii would, therefore, allow for sufficient production of
H2O2 to inhibit susceptible species competing for the same niche. Like
A. naeslundii, some strains of Veillonella also produce catalase, which would
also protect S. gordonii. The interactions between streptococci, veillonellae, and
actinomyces occur in vivo given the spatial proximity of the three species in human
plaque samples (Valm et al. 2011), suggesting that the mutualisms actually occur in
A striking and seemingly antagonistic relationship exists between S. gordonii
and P. gingivalis. Both are aggregation partners and P. gingivalis can be found
together during initial biofilm formation at 8 h (Diaz et al. 2006). During initial
plaque formation, the environment shifts from oxygen-rich to microaerophilic. Yet,
P. gingivalis is a strictly anaerobic species (Naito et al. 2008). During initial biofilm
development, P. gingivalis is susceptible to oxidative stress resulting from the
relatively high oxygen tension produced by inspired air and H2O2 produced by
S. gordonii.
The initial interaction between oral streptococci and P. gingivalis is most likely
mediated by P. gingivalis FimA and the streptococcal surface located glyceralde-
hyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (Maeda et al. 2004a, b, c). The binding increases
in strength through the subsequent interaction between S. gordonii SspAB with the
P. gingivalis short fimbrial protein subunit, Mfa (Demuth et al. 2001). During
biofilm community development with P. gingivalis, several required S. gordonii
genes were identified in a genetic screen (Kuboniwa et al. 2006). Among them is
spxB, which encodes the pyruvate oxidase responsible for the production of H2O2.
Why is this S. gordonii gene important for the interaction with P. gingivalis when
the gene product generates a toxic by-product? One important feature could be the
metabolic function of the pyruvate oxidase. The metabolic activity of streptococcal
cells appears to create an anaerobic environment by rapidly consuming oxygen. As
a consequence, H2O2 production declines. It is tempting to speculate that the initial
association of P. gingivalis with S. gordonii is not accompanied by growth of
P. gingivalis; but once the anaerobic environment is created, P. gingivalis can
The initial in vivo oral biofilm microbial community is not restricted to
P. gingivalis and S. gordonii but includes other streptococci and species like
Veillonella and Actinomyces. Over time, the complexity of the community
Molecular Principles of Adhesion and Biofilm Formation 39
The oral biofilm is a competitive environment. Even during initial biofilm forma-
tion when colonization space is ample, competition exists. For example, the initial
colonizers S. sanguinis and S. gordonii express specific cell surface adhesin mol-
ecules with similar binding specificities. Hence, they compete to bind similar sites
in the salivary pellicle (Nobbs et al. 2007b). Yet, S. sanguinis has a greater natural
prevalence in plaque and saliva, but fails to outcompete S. gordonii completly.
S. gordonii apparently survives because it competes to adhere to the saliva-coated
tooth more effectively with S. sanguinis than any other tested oral streptococci
(Liljemark et al. 1979, 1981). The competitive advantage of S. gordonii was
attributable to expression of the sialic-acid-binding protein Hsa based upon muta-
tional analysis (Nobbs et al. 2007b). This surface adhesin enables S. gordonii to
successfully compete for binding to the tooth surface with the genetically similar,
but more abundant S. sanguinis. Hence, the efficiency of adherence to certain
salivary components is crucial in the competitive oral environment.
Several oral bacteria can also express antimicrobial peptides (bacteriocins) to
antagonize competing species. Interspecies antagonism of S. sanguinis or
S. gordonii with S. mutans has been modeled with a specific deferred antagonism
assay, and the outcome is determined by the sequence of colonization, nutritional
availability, and environmental pressures (Kreth et al. 2005a, 2008). All three
streptococcal species produce small chromosomally encoded bacteriocins (Deng
et al. 2004; Fujimura and Nakamura 1979; Schlegel and Slade 1972). Bacteriocins
of S. mutans have been well characterized (84, 99), and a recent review highlights
the sophisticated regulation of their production (Merritt and Qi 2012; Qi et al. 2000,
2001). The production of certain bacteriocins by S. mutans is controlled in a cell-
density-dependent manner by the ComCDE system that controls competence
development and biofilm formation (Heng et al. 2007; Kreth et al. 2005b). One of
the distinctive features of bacteriocins is the target range of susceptible bacteria.
The bacteriocins produced by S. mutans are able to inhibit S. sanguinis and
S. gordonii among other oral streptococci (Kreth et al. 2005a). Conversely, the
bacteriocins produced by S. gordonii and S. sanguinis do not target S. mutans.
Nonetheless, S. gordonii and S. sanguinis are able to inhibit the growth of S. mutans
by generating an alternative antimicrobial compound, H2O2 (Kreth et al. 2005a), as
described above in Sect. 4.
Molecular Principles of Adhesion and Biofilm Formation 43
During initial colonization when the cell density is relatively low, H2O2 pro-
duction might be ecologically advantageous relative to bacteriocin production,
which requires high cell density to trigger bacteriocin gene expression. H2O2
production is oxygen dependent (Kreth et al. 2008), and the oxygen tension in
saliva is sufficient to allow for aerobic respiration and hydrogen peroxide produc-
tion during initial colonization (Marquis 1995). In addition, both S. sanguinis and
S. gordonii are only weakly inhibited by their own H2O2 production. Once the
biofilm reaches a critical thickness and cell density, diffusion becomes limited and
the oxygen tension declines. The decline in oxygen tension might decrease H2O2
production to a non-inhibiting level. Under these biofilm conditions, S. mutans
might use bacteriocins to inhibit S. sanguinis and S. gordonii, since bacteriocin
production is oxygen independent (Kreth et al. 2008). In high-cell-density condi-
tions, S. mutans becomes an aggressive competitor for S. sanguinis and S. gordonii,
which may explain why it is able to initiate a shift in composition to the community
to create a caries-promoting environment.
Bacteriocins target the membrane of the susceptible species and cause leakage of
the cell contents (Oppegard et al. 2007). To effectively compete with S. sanguinis
and S. gordonii, S. mutans coordinates bacteriocin production with another impor-
tant cell function, competence development (see below) (Kreth et al. 2005b; van der
Ploeg 2005). Competence is the natural ability of some oral streptococci to incor-
porate extracellular DNA from the environment (Cvitkovitch 2001). Under the
control of the S. mutans competence system, mutacin IV is produced before
inducing the expression of genes required for DNA uptake. In this way, S. mutans
uses mutacin IV to kill the target organism and release the cellular contents,
including DNA. Subsequently, S. mutans cells become competent and take up the
released DNA (Kreth et al. 2005b). Although not beneficial for the lysed bacterial
species, this interspecies genetic exchange tends to promote evolutionary survival
of traits of the target species in the daughter cells of competent S. mutans.
including CSP and the TCS ComDE, which senses and provides transcriptional
response to the environmental peptide. Secreted CSP binds to the membrane-
spanning ComD sensor kinase (a receptor). Binding of CSP induces a conforma-
tional change in ComD, which activates the intracellular kinase domain and pro-
motes subsequent ComD autophosphorylation (P-ComD). ComE is the response
regulator and the recipient of the transferred phosphoryl group from P-ComD.
P-ComE is able to bind to chromosomal DNA to an imperfect direct repeat
(ComE-box) (Ween et al. 1999). This specific binding motif (ComE-box) is
found in the promoter region of several genes considered to be early competence
genes. The early genes include the comCDE operon itself and the comAB operon.
The comAB operon encodes the CSP-specific transporter ComAB, which processes
and exports the pre-peptide CSP as the CSP. The secreted CSP, therefore, signals an
increase in its own expression and production, secretion, and sensing via ComDE
(Claverys et al. 2006; Johnsborg et al. 2007).
Another early competence gene, the gene encoding the alternative sigma subunit
ComX of the DNA-dependent RNA polymerase, is transcribed. ComX is essential
for competence development and regulates other genes required for the synthesis of
the DNA uptake system and recombination. ComX recognizes a unique DNA
element named cin-box important for the activation of late competence genes
(Lee and Morrison 1999).
Competence development in S. sanguinis and S. gordonii seems to follow this
blueprint first described in S. pneumoniae. After CSP is added to non-competent
cell cultures, S. gordonii develops transient competence peaking at 10 to 20 min
(Vickerman et al. 2007). After 5 min of exposure, the initial responsive genes are
comCDE, comAB, and the comX homologue comR. Regulated by ComR, late genes
are expressed including genes encoding proteins required for uptake and DNA
recombination. Competence declines about 30 to 40 min after CSP addition
(Vickerman et al. 2007).
In S. sanguinis, the ComAB homologues are not encoded to transport and
process CSP. The pre-peptide lacks the double glycine processing site in the
N-terminal leader sequence as found in ComAB processed CSPs of other strepto-
cocci (Rodriguez et al. 2011; Xu et al. 2007). The usage of DNA microarray
technology enabled the identification of other genes not initially identified in the
competence developmental circuit. Addition of CSP to S. sanguinis induced about
122 genes and downregulated about 83, compared to S. gordonii with 162 induced
and 89 downregulated genes. However, the number of genes belonging to the early
competence genes was considerably lower in S. sanguinis with only five genes
compared to 28 for S. pneumoniae and 35 for S. gordonii. The group of early genes
in S. sanguinis contained comDE, comX, and two uncharacterized open reading
frames, suggesting that this constitutes a minimal set of early competence genes
(Rodriguez et al. 2011; Xu et al. 2007).
The high-cell-density oral biofilm seems to be a favorable environment for
genetic exchange (Li et al. 2002b). Several active mechanisms are employed by
oral bacteria to ensure the availability of eDNA. S. gordonii and S. sanguinis release
homologous and heterologous DNA in a H2O2-dependent process, and S. mutans is
Molecular Principles of Adhesion and Biofilm Formation 45
able to release its own DNA and DNA from closely related species in a bacteriocin-
dependent process (Kreth et al. 2005b, 2008, 2009; Perry et al. 2009). The biofilm
matrix contains eDNA, which might be a source for competent bacteria (Flemming
and Wingender 2010). Oral bacteria are able to take up DNA during competence
development, including the abundant oral biofilm genus Streptococcus and the
periodontal pathogen P. gingivalis. Interestingly, a recent study with P. gingivalis
demonstrated that natural competence is the dominant form of chromosomal DNA
transfer in this perio-pathogen (Tribble et al. 2012). Indeed, eDNA is found in
P. gingivalis biofilms, further indicating that this EPS compound might have
multiple functions during biofilm development. Since competence development is
density dependent, the high-cell-density conditions in biofilms favor genetic
S. mutans, S. sanguinis, and S. gordonii each show a competence-influenced
biofilm phenotype (Bizzini et al. 2006; Li et al. 2002b; Zhu et al. 2011). Although
the biofilm community seems to be better protected from outside environmental
perturbation than planktonic cells, the biofilm cannot afford to be evolutionarily
idle. Competence allows for a long-term adaptation due to the incorporation of new
genetic traits via horizontal gene transfer (Roberts and Kreth 2014). Not only is
horizontal gene transfer important in the evolution of bacterial genomes, it also
allows bacteria to repair DNA damage via homologous recombination, a mecha-
nism to swap and replace damaged segments of DNA with correct versions. Uptake
of eDNA, therefore, appears to promote species diversity and adaptation using
information stored in the DNA of any targeted bacterial species in the oral cavity.
S. sanguinis and S. gordonii control the expression of several other genes not
involved in the uptake of DNA in a CSP-dependent manner. For example, contact
with antibiotics can induce competence development. Consequently, it is now
widely accepted that the competence system is part of a general stress response
for oral streptococci to adapt to changing environmental conditions.
Acknowledgments Research in the authors’ labs that is referred to in this chapter was supported
by NIH-NIDCR R01DE021726, R00DE018400 and R03DE022601 (JK) and R01DE08590
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Antimicrobial Resistance in Biofilm
1 Introduction
C. Sedgley (*)
Department of Endodontology, School of Dentistry, Oregon Health & Science University,
Portland, OR, USA
e-mail: [email protected]
G. Dunny
Department of Microbiology, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA
obstacle to successful endodontic treatment (Siqueira et al. 2010). This chapter will
discuss factors and mechanisms that contribute to the decreased susceptibility of
biofilm communities to antimicrobial agents.
The role of the EPS matrix, or “glycocalyx,” was initially described in terms of
functioning to provide intercellular adhesion and adherence to surfaces (Costerton
et al. 1981). It is now understood that the EPS matrix has a broader range of
functions that also includes aggregation of bacterial cells, water retention, protec-
tion, energy sink, ionic exchange, sorption of organic and inorganic compounds,
nutrient source, and exchange of genetic information. The EPS matrix can account
for more than 90 % of the dry mass of most biofilms and provides a “scaffold” for
the biofilm, as well as a physical barrier to antimicrobial agents (Sutherland 2001;
Flemming and Wingender 2010). The structure and specific components of the EPS
matrix are highly heterogeneous and depend on species, strains, and the different
environmental conditions. For example, components of the matrix can be cationic
or anionic, hydrophilic or hydrophobic (Donlan and Costerton 2002; Flemming and
Wingender 2010).
The major component of the EPS matrix is water which moves around, and not
through, cell clusters (Stewart 2012). Water channels allow the inflow of nutrients
and the outflow of waste materials (Lawrence et al. 1991). Fluid flow plays an
important role in the movement of nutrients and metabolic products in and out of
the biofilm. Slow moving fluid adjacent to the biofilm limits diffusive transport of
solutes into and out of the biofilm and decreases opportunities for biofilm detach-
ment and dispersion (Stewart 2012; McDougald et al. 2012). The percentage of
58 C. Sedgley and G. Dunny
water will depend on the specific system under examination but can be as high as
97 % in reactors (Zhang et al. 1998). In addition to water, major components of the
highly hydrated EPS include exopolysaccharides, extracellular proteins, and extra-
cellular DNA (eDNA) (Fig. 2).
Food Waste
eDNA Fay acid
Protein Amyloid fiber
Exopolysaccharide Bacteriophage
Fig. 2 Structure of microcolony in a mature biofilm. Microcolonies in the mature biofilm are
characterized by an EPS matrix, composed of water, eDNA, polysaccharides, and proteins, among
other components. The EPS matrix functions as a shield to protect the bacterial community or
population from predators such as protozoa or lytic phages as well as from chemical toxins (e.g.,
biocides and antibiotics). The EPS matrix may help to sequester nutrients and, along with the
underlying microorganisms, is also responsible for the establishment of gradients (e.g., oxygen and
nutrients diffusing inward and waste products as well as signals such as nitric oxide diffusing
outward) [Adapted by permission from Macmillan Publishers Ltd: Nature Reviews in Microbiol-
ogy (McDougald et al. 2012), ©2012]
Antimicrobial Resistance in Biofilm Communities 59
2.1.1 Exopolysaccharides
Extracellular proteins in the EPS matrix provide important structural and enzymatic
functions. Matrix proteins are involved in maintaining biofilm architecture by
linking bacteria and exopolysaccharides seen, for example, with the glucan-binding
60 C. Sedgley and G. Dunny
proteins in Streptococcus mutans (Lynch et al. 2007) and the protein Lec-B of
P. aeruginosa (Tielker et al. 2005). Disruption of the biofilm-associated surface
proteins (Bap) found in S. aureus (Cucarella et al. 2001) completely impaired
biofilm formation (Trotonda et al. 2005). In Bacillus subtilis biofilms, an amphi-
philic biofilm-surface layer protein, BslA, responsible for the hydrophobic surface
layer, may play a role in antimicrobial resistance by facilitating liquid repellency
(Kobayashi and Iwano 2012). Enzymes within the EPS matrix also digest polymers
to provide carbon and energy sources for the biofilm (Flemming and Wingender
2010). In addition, enzymatic degradation of the EPS matrix allows dispersion of
cells to form new biofilms (Sauer et al. 2004).
2.1.3 eDNA
Fig. 3 Ultrastructural analysis of eDNA distribution in early biofilms. (a and b) Long intercellular
strands (yarn structures) visible in early (4-h) E. faecalis OG1RF biofilms (arrows) (bar, 5 μm). (c)
Strong punctate labeling of the strands visualized by using an anti-dsDNA monoclonal antibody
conjugated to an immunogold particle (asterisks). The image shows the significant eDNA com-
ponent (the central area is magnified in panel d). Bar, 250 nm. (e) Surface morphology can be
appreciated in the corresponding secondary electron image. Bar, 1 μm [Reprinted from (Barnes
et al. 2012), with permission]
Changes in EPS
composion Morphological
Quorum sensing
Spaal resistance to
distribuon anbiocs
Metabolic interacons
Cooperaon Compeon
Fig. 4 Individual and social processes occurring within biofilm communities. Microorganisms
within a mixed biofilm interact via quorum sensing and/or metabolically. Interactions can be
synergistic or antagonistic and result in phenotypic changes, such as increased resistance to
antimicrobial agents or to host defense systems, spatial distribution, or emergence of variants.
Nutritional interactions can be either competitive or cooperative [Adapted by permission from
John Wiley and Sons: FEMS Microbiology Reviews (Elias and Banin 2012) ©2012]
Antimicrobial Resistance in Biofilm Communities 63
Horizontal gene transfer (HGT) allows the movement of genetic information both
within and between species. The horizontal gene pool includes plasmids, bacterio-
phages, transposons, insertion sequences, and pathogenicity islands. These are
particularly important from a clinical perspective because of their involvement in
the dissemination of antibiotic resistance (Clewell and Francia 2004; Salyers
et al. 1995).
HGT occurs by three basic methods: transformation, transduction, and conjuga-
tion. Extracellular DNA acquired by natural transformation includes fragments of
DNA that can recombine with homologous regions of the recipient genome or with
plasmids (Lorenz and Wackernagel 1994). The most efficient HGT process in
bacteria is conjugation, with the requirement for cell-to-cell contact distinguishing
conjugation from transduction and transformation. Elements similar to the
conjugative transposon Tn916 have been detected in tetracycline-resistant bacteria
(Streptococcus mitis and Neisseria sp.) isolated from root canals (Rossi-Fedele
64 C. Sedgley and G. Dunny
et al. 2006). Some plasmids conjugatively transfer copies of themselves from one
bacterial cell to another using small peptides called pheromones as essential signals
in the process. Conjugative plasmids that make use of pheromones were first
observed in an oral E. faecalis strain recovered from a patient with acute periodon-
titis (Dunny et al. 1978, 1979). Specifically, when conjugation functions are
activated, there is a dramatic “clumping response” mediated by the appearance of
a surface adhesin (“aggregation substance” or “AS”) that facilitates the attachment
of the donor cells to enterococcal binding substance (EBS) which is present on the
surface of recipients as well as donors (Dunny et al. 1979). Even though the
probability of random meetings of cells in suspension is greater than in biofilms,
the relative spatial stability of bacteria in biofilms should favor conjugation
(Hausner and Wuertz 1999). Recent data have shown that growth in biofilms alters
the induction of conjugation by a sex pheromone in E. faecalis, resulting in
increased plasmid copy number and heterogeneity under biofilm compared to
planktonic growth conditions; however, it is likely that this process occurs only
when donor cells are in extremely close proximity, or direct contact, with recipient
cells (Cook et al. 2011).
Biofilm growth has also been shown to enhance genetic exchange via transfor-
mation, as exemplified by several streptococcal species naturally competent for
transformation. In a series of seminal studies, Li et al. showed that peptide-
mediated intercellular signaling actually co-regulates both biofilm formation and
expression of competence in S. mutans (Li et al. 2001a, b, 2002). They also found
that biofilm growth represents an efficient ecological niche for transformation; in
fact their studies suggest that this may be where the process generally occurs in
nature. A similar situation applies in the case of biofilm formation and competence
in S. pneumoniae (Claverys and Havarstein 2007; Claverys et al. 2007; Havarstein
et al. 2006). In this case, the fratricidal activities of the “early responder” cells to the
competence stimulating peptide pheromone seem to cause lysis and eDNA release
by neighboring cells. This likely contributes to the structural integrity of the biofilm
matrix as well as providing a DNA substrate for uptake and genome incorporation
by the highly competent cells in the population.
Biofilms are uniquely suited for DNA exchange since they sustain high bacterial
density, and DNA can be trapped within the extracellular matrix (Sorensen
et al. 2005; Kolenbrander et al. 2010). Open channels and pores may enable more
frequent cell collisions, leading to rapid spread of plasmid-borne genes by
conjugative gene transfer (Sorensen et al. 2005). It has been hypothesized that
gene transfer takes place within biofilms with “bottlenecks” in the process due to
the density of the biofilm structure increasing the likelihood of plasmid transfer
(Molin and Tolker-Nielsen 2003). Nonetheless, when bacteria are dispersed from a
“resistant” biofilm, they usually rapidly become susceptible to antibiotics (Spoering
and Lewis 2001), which suggests that bacterial resistance in biofilms is not acquired
via mutations or mobile genetic elements (Stewart and Costerton 2001).
The significance of these findings regarding gene transfer between microorgan-
isms in root canal infections remains to be established. However, in enterococcal
isolates recovered from dental patients in Sweden, phenotypic studies showed that
Antimicrobial Resistance in Biofilm Communities 65
(Kim et al. 2010) and quorum sensing (Belitsky et al. 2011). The above diverse
responses to stress have been described as “insurance effects” (Boles et al. 2004)
and are likely to provide the biofilm with a greater chance of surviving environ-
mental stresses such as exposure to antimicrobials.
The availability of nutrients and electron acceptors can vary throughout the biofilm.
Subsequently, since the metabolic activity, growth status, and gene expression
pattern of individual strains are heterogeneous, the growth of cells can range
from rapidly growing to dormant (Stewart and Franklin 2008). This has been
observed in P. aeruginosa biofilms using fluorescent reporter gene constructs;
mature P. aeruginosa biofilms were shown to simultaneously harbor active, grow-
ing cells as well as large numbers of cells that were inactive and not growing
(Werner et al. 2004). The high level of activity on the surface and limited or absent
growth deeper in the biofilm reduce the susceptibility to antibiotics (Mah and
O’Toole 2001) and are considered to contribute to the poor response of biofilm
infections to antimicrobial chemotherapy (Borriello et al. 2004). For example, slow
growth and dormancy by microbial cells provide protection against antibiotics such
as the beta-lactams that are active on rapidly growing bacteria.
Similarly, cells located more deeply in the biofilm are exposed to decreased
oxygen tension resulting in altered phenotypes in terms of growth rate and gene
transcription. In P. aeruginosa biofilms, oxygen limitation and consequential low
metabolic activity have been shown to contribute to antibiotic tolerance (Walters
et al. 2003; Borriello et al. 2004). Oxygen depletion locally within the biofilm could
cause bacteria in the anoxic zone to enter a stationary-phase state in which they are
less susceptible to an antibiotic (Walters et al. 2003). Indeed, compared with cells at
or near the surface, both oxygen levels and metabolic rates are reduced at the center
of a microcolony (Sternberg et al. 1999; de Beer et al. 1994).
Oxygen dynamics in biofilms also depend on complex interactions between fluid
flow, the distribution of the biomass and mass transfer resistance, or mass transport
limitation occurring external to the biofilm subsequent to diffusion limitation
occurring internally (Staal et al. 2011). An increase in external mass transfer
resistance is thought to have multiple effects including exacerbation of oxygen or
nutrient limitations in biofilms, an increase in the concentration of metabolic
products in the biofilms, the development of tall, fingerlike biofilm clusters, and
possible effects on quorum sensing (Stewart 2012). It is likely that these factors are
also critical in the movement of antimicrobial agents throughout the biofilm matrix.
Antimicrobial Resistance in Biofilm Communities 67
Efflux systems can actively pump toxic substances and antibiotics out of cells
(Li and Nikaido 2009). For example, in P. aeruginosa grown under planktonic
conditions, increased efflux pump activity resulting from mutations is a major
resistance mechanism against aminoglycosides, fluoroquinolones, and tobramycin
(Ciofu 2003; Jalal et al. 2000; Islam et al. 2009). Multidrug resistance efflux pumps
may also contribute to antibiotic resistance in biofilms (Li and Nikaido 2009; Kvist
et al. 2008; Zhang and Mah 2008). In addition, antibiotics at subinhibitory
68 C. Sedgley and G. Dunny
Costerton and colleagues hypothesized that some cells in a biofilm adopt a distinct
and protected biofilm phenotype that is a biologically programmed response to
growth on a surface (Costerton et al. 1999). This hypothesis has been supported by
observations of distinct protein expression patterns at different stages of biofilm
growth shown by P. aeruginosa in proteomic studies (Sauer et al. 2002) and the
existence of a regulatory protein (PvrR) that controls the conversion between
antibiotic-susceptible and antibiotic-resistant forms (Drenkard and Ausubel
2002). It was proposed that antibiotic treatment and biofilm growth selected for
the high frequency of antibiotic-resistant phenotypic variants of P. aeruginosa and
contributed to chronic colonization of lungs in CF patients (Drenkard and Ausubel
2002). Further support was provided by DNA microarray analyses of biofilms and
planktonic cultures grown under similar environmental conditions, where gene
expression differed by only 6 % in B. subtilis (Stanley et al. 2003) and 1 % in
P. aeruginosa (Whiteley et al. 2001). However, when P. aeruginosa biofilms were
exposed to high levels of tobramycin, differential expression of 20 genes occurred,
70 C. Sedgley and G. Dunny
suggesting that existence in the biofilm mode induces moderate levels of resistance
to antimicrobial treatments by inducing genes specific to that antibiotic (Whiteley
et al. 2001).
Phase variation, or the random on–off switching of phenotypes identified in
several bacterial species (Henderson et al. 1999), is thought to play an important
role in the formation of diverse phenotypes in the biofilm community (Stewart and
Franklin 2008; Tormo et al. 2007). Phase variation involves two general properties:
reversible and inheritable gene mutations for inducing a phenotypic change and
internal genome rearrangements that can utilize mobile genetic elements that have
inserted into, or recombined with, the host genome (Chia et al. 2008). Pathogenic
bacteria can utilize phase variation strategies to avoid detection by the host immune
system by switching on the expression of proteins when they are needed and
switching them off when they are likely to trigger an immune response. For
example, in S. aureus biofilms a phase variation process controls expression of
the ica genes involved in exopolysaccharide synthesis (Valle et al. 2007). Similarly,
in S. epidermidis, biofilm-negative variants can be produced by the reversible
inactivation of ica (Ziebuhr et al. 1999), staphylococcal accessory regulator sarA,
and sigmaB regulator gene rsbU by the insertion sequence IS256 (Conlon
et al. 2004).
Genetic variation occurs through mutations or recombinations that result in
changes to the DNA sequence. Mutagenicity and efficient acquisition of resistance
genes via HGT within biofilms (Molin and Tolker-Nielsen 2003) are both involved
in the development of antibiotic resistance (Hoiby et al. 2010). Variants can
comprise as much as 10 % of a mature biofilm population (Kirisits et al. 2005;
Boles et al. 2004). Mutations in either the DNA oxidative lesion repair system
(Oliver et al. 2002) or the mismatch repair system (Mandsberg et al. 2009) have
contributed to the emergence of antibiotic-resistant strains of P. aeruginosa. For
example, in CF patients administered repeated doses of antibiotics for lung infec-
tions, the hypermutability of P. aeruginosa in biofilms promotes the selection of
mutants conferring resistance to multiple antibiotics such as beta-lactams because
of mutations in the regulatory genes of beta-lactamase production (Ciofu 2003).
Intraradicular biofilms (Fig. 5) have been attributed as the primary cause of root
canal infections and longstanding pathologic processes such as large periapical
lesions and cysts (Ricucci et al. 2009; Ricucci and Siqueira 2010). Genera that have
been frequently cultured from infected root canals and periapical abscesses include
Prevotella, Porphyromonas, Fusobacterium, Peptostreptococcus, Streptococcus,
Lactobacillus, Enterococcus, Actinomyces, Propionibacterium, and Candida. Ana-
lyses of endodontic infection samples using molecular techniques have shown a
highly diverse flora composed of a large proportion of unidentifiable and
unculturable species (Siqueira and Rocas 2005), and recent investigations using
pyrosequencing have revealed a flora even more diverse than shown with tradi-
tional Sanger sequencing (Li et al. 2010; Ozok et al. 2012; Siqueira et al. 2011).
The antimicrobial activity of root canal irrigants, intracanal medicaments, and
root filling materials have for the most part been evaluated using strains (predom-
inantly E. faecalis) grown under planktonic conditions, although more recent
studies have included biofilms. These studies will be further discussed in chapter
72 C. Sedgley and G. Dunny
Fig. 5 Mesial root tip of an infected human lower molar tooth showing multispecies biofilm. (a)
Semi-thin histologic section showing part of isthmus that communicates between the mesiobuccal
and mesiolingual root canals. (b) Transmission electron microscopic examination of boxed area in
(a) showing varied multispecies biofilm. (c) Higher magnification of small insert area from (b)
showing multiple phenotypes within a complex biofilm. (d) Higher magnification of larger insert
in (b) showing complex biofilm community [Reprinted from Journal of Endodontics, Vol 35(9),
Carr GB, Schwartz RS, Schaudinn C, Gorur A, Costerton JW. Ultrastructural examination of failed
molar retreatment with secondary apical periodontitis: an examination of endodontic biofilms in an
endodontic retreatment failure, 1303–9, ©2009, with permission from Elsevier]
Clinical features Species (strains) Antibiotics testeda Resistance (% where provided) Country Reference
Primary and F. nucleatum (44) AMC, AMX, CLI, ERY, MTZ, PEN CLI, ERY, PEN Brazil Gomes
symptomatic et al. (2011)
Collected 2000– P. intermedia/nigrescens (35) Increased CLI and PEN resis-
2008 P. oralis (23), P. micra (34) tance over time
Primary and DNA from 45 samples Resistance genes to beta-lactams, Preoperative: blaTEM-1 (33), USA Jungermann
retreatment (blaTEM-1, cfxA, and blaZ), TET blaZ (2), cfxA (11), tetM (18), et al. (2011)
(tetM, tetQ, tetW), VAN (vanA, tetW (18), tetQ (9)
vanD, vanE) Preobturation: blaTEM-1 (9),
blaZ (0), cfxA (0), tetM (22),
tetQ (0), tetW (2)
Root canal and pus aspirates
Primary and Mixed (66) AMC, AMP, AMX, CLI, ERY, MTZ (~50), TET (~40) Lithuania Skucaite
retreatment, apical MTZ, PEN, TET, VAN et al. (2010)
abscess aspirates
Root canals and saliva
Retreatment E. faecalis (19) AMP, CHL, ERY, GEN, MTZ, MTZ (100), STR (100) China Zhu
PEN, STR, TET, VAN et al. (2010)
Pus aspirates
Acute apical Mixed (118) AMC, AMX, CLI, CLR, MTZ, PEN AMX (15), CLI (11), MTZ Thailand Khemaleelakul
abscess aspirates (12), PEN (19) et al. (2002)
Apical abscess Mixed (98) AMC, AMX, CLI, CLR, MTZ, PEN AMX (9), CLI (4), MTZ (55), USA Baumgartner
aspirates (12) PEN (15) and Xia (2003)
From abscess Prevotella spp. (139) cfxA and cfxA2 (beta-lactamase cfxA and cfxA2 (31) Japan Iwahara
(72), root canal (15) genes) Production of lactamase (31) et al. (2006)
Production of lactamase
C. Sedgley and G. Dunny
Periradicular tissues
22 periapical Mixed (53) CLI, CTX, ERY, FOX, MTZ, PEN, CLI (6), CTX (11), ERY (4), USA Vigil
lesions TET FOX (15), MTZ (25), PEN et al. (1997)
(19), TET (6)
Method used was Etest® for all studies except Reynaud Af Geijersstam et al. (2007), agar dilution plus Etest®; Iwahara et al. (2006), real-time PCR;
Jungermann et al. (2011), PCR
AMX amoxicillin, AMC amoxicillin–clavulanic acid, AMP ampicillin, AZM azithromycin, CEC cefaclor, CTX cefotaxime, FOX cefoxitin, CHL chloram-
phenicol, CIP ciprofloxacin, CLR clarithromycin, CLI clindamycin, DOX doxycycline, ERY erythromycin, FUS fusidic acid, GEN gentamicin, KAN
kanamycin, LZD linezolid, MTZ metronidazole, MOX moxyfloxacin, PEN penicillin, Q-D quinupristin–dalfopristin (Synercid), RIF rifampin, STR strepto-
mycin, TEC teicoplanin, TET tetracycline, VAN vancomycin
Antimicrobial Resistance in Biofilm Communities
76 C. Sedgley and G. Dunny
reduced, while of cfxA, blaZ, and tetQ was eliminated. No specimens contained
vanA, vanD, or vanE (Jungermann et al. 2011).
It is reasonable to expect that the close proximity of microorganisms in infected
root canals (Fig. 5) would facilitate interspecies communication, although support
is limited. In an ex vivo tooth model, the bidirectional transfer of a conjugative
plasmid carrying antibiotic resistance determinants was demonstrated between two
endodontic infection-associated species, S. gordonii and E. faecalis (Sedgley
et al. 2008). While considerable advances have been made in the identification of
the microflora associated with endodontic infections, presently there are no avail-
able data on antibiotic resistance in clinical root canal biofilms in situ. Future
studies using metaproteomic, metagenomic, and metabolomic methods should
provide greater insight. However, obstacles to overcome include the absence of
standardized methods for determining the antibiotic sensitivity of cells in
multispecies biofilms as well as challenges in recovering and analyzing intact
root canal biofilms using nondestructive methods.
5 Concluding Remarks
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84 C. Sedgley and G. Dunny
1 Introduction
The landmark study by Kakehashi et al. (1965) demonstrated the cause and effect
relationship between infection of the root canal system and apical periodontitis. The
aim of endodontic treatment is to eliminate infection in the root canal system and
create an environment that allows healing of apical periodontitis. However, despite
appropriate treatment procedures, healing of apical periodontitis is not always
predictable (Ricucci and Langeland 1998; Ørstavik et al. 2004). Further, new
treatment modalities have had only limited success in influencing the healing of
apical periodontitis (Ng et al. 2008a, b).
The probable cause of reduced healing has been attributed to biofilm infections
rather than an infection with planktonic microorganisms (Costerton et al. 1999).
Persistent infection has also been strongly associated with the biofilm state (Parsek
and Singh 2003; Costerton et al. 2005). It therefore follows that an enhanced
understanding of root canal infections must include the study of endodontic
biofilms. However, demonstration of biofilms in the root canal system presents
challenges because few techniques are capable of simultaneously imaging both the
extracellular matrix and microorganisms within biofilm communities (Schaudinn
et al. 2009; Bridier et al. 2013).
In this chapter we focus on the use of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to
visualize and describe biofilms associated with infected root canals and dentinal
tubules and extraradicular biofilms associated with persistent infections.
Fig. 1 Comparison of ESEM (a) and SEM (b) images demonstrating differences in resolution.
(a) Fusobacterium nucleatum species (arrows) in mixed culture with Enterococcus faecalis;
(b) Colonies of F. nucleatum and E. faecalis. Both species could clearly be distinguished
(5000, Fe-CSEM) [Reproduced with permission of John Wiley & Sons, Inc from Bergmans L,
Moisiadis P, van Meerbeek B, Quirynen M, Lambrechts P. Microscopic observation of bacteria:
review highlighting the use of environmental SEM. International Endodontic Journal 38(11):775–
88 ©2005]
In light and electron microscopy studies, Nair described the dense plaque in the root
canal that harbored large numbers of bacteria and polymorphonucleocytes that were
90 L.B. Peters et al.
Fig. 2 Biofilm within the root canal lumen. SEM apical section through dentine (D) and biofilm
(B) within the canal lumen (L) (μ bar represents 60 μm) [Reproduced with permission of
John Wiley & Sons, Inc from Richardson N, Mordan NJ, Figueiredo JA, Ng YL, Gulabivala
K. Microflora in teeth associated with apical periodontitis: a methodological observational study
comparing two protocols and three microscopy techniques. International Endodontic Journal
42(10):908–921 ©2009]
invading the bacterial plaque on the root canal wall (Nair 1987). SEM studies have
demonstrated biofilms within the canal lumen (Richardson et al. 2009) (Figs. 2 and
3) and adhering to the root canal wall surface in teeth with associated periapical
pathology; these biofilms may have contained various cellular morphotypes such as
cocci, rods, filaments, and spirochaetes (Molven et al. 1991; Richardson et al. 2009;
Siqueira and Lopes 2001; Baldasso et al. 2012) (Figs. 4 and 5). These investigators
also reported that more bacteria were found on the root canal wall when extensive
carious lesions were present (Baldasso et al. 2012) (Fig. 6) and that the apical part
of the root canal was more heavily infected than the coronal part (Molven
et al. 1991; Richardson et al. 2009). Also, yeastlike structures and fungal hyphae
have been observed under SEM to colonize infected root canals (Sen et al. 1995;
Baldasso et al. 2012) (Fig. 7).
The Use of Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) in Visualizing the Root Canal. . . 91
Fig. 3 Biofilm within the root canal. (a) Radiograph showing maxillary left first premolar. Crown
delivered 3 years previously. Patient presented with intermittent pain, particularly upon chewing,
and absence of deep probing. Diagnosis: necrotic pulp and symptomatic apical periodontitis. Patient
elected extraction. (b) SEM image of middle section of the root canal wall showing necrotic pulp
tissue and debris covering dentinal tubules; (c) Close-up of circled area in (b); (d) Close-up of circled
area in (c) showing dentinal collagen fibers and bacteria inside the dentinal tubule; (e) Close-up of
circled area in (d) showing bacteria inside dentinal tubule. (Images from David Jaramillo)
Fig. 4 Biofilm within the root canal. (a) Radiograph showing mandibular left second molar.
Patient presented with no symptoms and absence of deep probing. Diagnosis: necrotic pulp and
asymptomatic apical periodontitis. Patient elected extraction. (b) SEM image of middle section of
the root canal wall showing dentinal wall as a niche for biofilms; (c and d) Close-up images of left
circled area labeled in (b) showing dentinal collagen fibers and bacteria inside dentinal tubules;
(e and f) Close-up images of right circled area in (b) showing multi-species biofilms with cocci,
rods, and long filaments (Images from David Jaramillo)
92 L.B. Peters et al.
Fig. 5 Microorganisms observed in biofilms on root canals walls of teeth with primary endodontic
infections. Cocci (a), spirochetes (b), filaments (c), and bacilli (d) could be observed, although a
direct correlation between bacterial morphological differences and clinical/radiographic findings
was not established by means of SEM evaluation (Reproduced with permission of John Wiley &
Sons, Inc from Baldasso FE, Stürmer CP, Luisi SB, Petruzzi MN, Scarparo RK, de Figueiredo
JA. Microflora associated with primary endodontic infections: correlations among SEM evalu-
ation, clinical features, and radiographic findings. Microscopy Research and Technique 75(11):
1557–63 ©2012)
Using light microscopy and culture techniques, investigators have shown that
bacteria enter the dentinal tubules (Peters et al. 2001; Nair et al. 2005; Vieira
et al. 2012). SEM imaging has also demonstrated invasion of the dentinal tubules
(Richardson et al. 2009) (Fig. 8) with cocci, rods, and yeasts invading to depths of
up to 150 μm (Sen et al. 1995). Richardson et al. (2009) showed that the dentinal
tubules in the coronal and middle section of the root were most heavily infected,
while Sen et al. (1995) also observed heavily infected tubules in the apical area.
The Use of Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) in Visualizing the Root Canal. . . 93
Fig. 6 Bacteria forming dense biofilms on the root canal walls of a lower canine with extensive
caries and a periapical lesion. Biofilm, mainly comprised of cocci and rods (*), can be observed at
cervical (a), middle (b), and apical (c, d) thirds of the canal. In some areas, bacteria could also be
detected into dentinal tubules (~). (DC refers to defense cells.) (Reproduced with permission of
John Wiley & Sons, Inc from Baldasso FE, Stürmer CP, Luisi SB, Petruzzi MN, Scarparo RK, de
Figueiredo JA. Microflora associated with primary endodontic infections: correlations among
SEM evaluation, clinical features, and radiographic findings. Microscopy Research and Technique
75(11):1557–63 ©2012)
94 L.B. Peters et al.
Fig. 8 Invasion by
microorganisms into dentinal
tubules of infected root
canal. SEM of apical section
showing bacteria (arrows)
within the dentine tubules
(μ bar represents 10 μm)
(Reproduced with permission
of John Wiley & Sons, Inc
from Richardson N, Mordan
NJ, Figueiredo JA, Ng YL,
Gulabivala K. Microflora in
teeth associated with apical
periodontitis: a methodological
observational study
comparing two protocols and
three microscopy techniques.
International Endodontic
Journal 42(10):908–921
The Use of Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) in Visualizing the Root Canal. . . 95
Fig. 9 Resected distal root apex of a failed endodontically retreated lower left first molar showing
biofilm surrounding the apical foramen and external radicular surface. (a) Uninstrumented apical
foramen (200); (b and c) Bacterial colonies adhering to external radicular surface (1500 and
3300). (Reprinted from Journal of Endodontics, 37(12), Signoretti FG, Endo MS, Gomes BP,
Montagner F, Tosello FB, Jacinto RC (2011) Persistent extraradicular infection in root-filled
asymptomatic human tooth: scanning electron microscopic analysis and microbial investigation
after apical microsurgery, 1696–700 ©2011, with permission from Elsevier)
96 L.B. Peters et al.
Fig. 10 Biofilm on extruded gutta-percha cone recovered from previously treated tooth with
refractory periapical periodontitis. (a) Radiograph of tooth. Filling material (gutta-percha point) is
observed outside the palatal root canal; (b) SEM image of gutta-percha specimen after removal.
The apically extruded material (arrows) is approximately 2 mm in length (original magnification
50; bar ¼ 500 um); (c) SEM image of extruded gutta-percha (original magnification 350;
bar ¼ 50 um); (d) High magnification of arrowhead area in (c). Glycocalyx structure is present
in the upper right area but not in lower left area. Filamentous or spirochete-shaped bacteria are
observed in lower left (original magnification 3500; bar ¼ 5 um) (Reprinted from Journal of
Endodontics, 28(10), Noiri Y, Ehara A, Kawahara T, Takemura N, Ebisu S. Participation of
bacterial biofilms in refractory and chronic periapical periodontitis,679–83, ©2011, with permis-
sion from Elsevier)
irregularities. Fibrillar forms were also seen mainly attached to cocci, and the
bacteria were held together by an extracellular material. These findings were
supported by Rocha et al. (2008) who observed biofilm on the external surfaces
of the apical one third of roots of primary teeth with necrotic pulps and radiographi-
cally evident apical pathosis (Fig. 11); in contradistinction, teeth with vital pulps
showed no evidence of apical infection, and normal collagen fibers were seen on the
root surface. These findings are also supported by Wang et al. 2013 who reported
the presence of extraradicular biofilm in all samples with persistent periapical
periodontitis and in three samples with chronic periapical periodontitis. The cases
with vital pulps were covered by fibers, with no extraradicular microorganisms
present. Leonardo et al. (2002) also reported that teeth with pulp necrosis without
radiographic signs of apical periodontitis harbored bacteria but the infection was
confined to the lumen of the main root canal. When radiographic breakdown was
clearly visible, the root surface was covered by different bacterial cells. The
resorptive lacunae mainly harbored cocci and bacilli but spirochetes and filaments
were also present on the outer surface of the root (Fig. 12). Lacunar resorptive zones
The Use of Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) in Visualizing the Root Canal. . . 97
Fig. 11 Extraradicular biofilm associated with the apical one third of roots of primary teeth with
necrotic pulps and radiographically evident apical pathosis (Reproduced with permission of John
Wiley & Sons, Inc from Rocha CT, Rossi MA, Leonardo MR, Rocha LB, Nelson-Filho P, Silva
LA. Biofilm on the apical region of roots in primary teeth with vital and necrotic pulps with or
without radiographically evident apical pathosis. International Endodontic Journal 41(8):664–9
Fig. 12 External surface of the root apex of tooth with pulp necrosis and chronic periapical lesion.
(a) Morphological changes in the radicular cementum close to the apical foramen showing areas of
intact cementum (arrowhead) between areas of resorption (arrow) (400). (b) Higher magnifi-
cation of cementum resorption in (a) with areas of microorganisms (arrow) (1650); (c) Higher
magnification of (b) (arrow), showing the presence of cocci forming apical biofilm (6000)
(Reprinted from Journal of Endodontics, 28(12), Leonardo MR, Rossi MA, Silva LA, Ito IY,
Bonifácio KC, EM evaluation of bacterial biofilm and microorganisms on the apical external root
surface of human teeth, 815–818, ©2002, with permission from Elsevier)
98 L.B. Peters et al.
close to the apical foramen on the outer surface of the root have also harbored yeasts
according to another SEM study (Lomçali et al. 1996).
In contrast to the above studies, no evidence of extraradicular infection asso-
ciated with periapical periodontitis in 26 out of 27 cases visualized by SEM was
found by Siqueira and Lopes (2001). Although bacteria could be observed close to
the apical foramen, they were confined to the canal lumen.
5 Concluding Remarks
Fig. 13 Evaluation of root canal biofilm architecture using a combination of different microscopic
techniques. (a) Overview of root canal of tooth extracted due to failed endodontic treatment.
Certain parts of the canal surface were covered with a thick matrix layer (encircled areas 1, 2),
whereas other regions showed only sparse and comparatively thin islands of matrix (encircled area
3). (b) The size and shape of some structures of the matrix suggested the presence of bacteria
(arrows 1, 2), but without conclusive evidence. (c) Other areas of the matrix consisted of so
densely composed material that no traces of bacterial presence could be found. (d) After labeling
the split tooth with the EUB338 (Cy3) probe, distinct parts of the canal showed a strong red
fluorescence signal in the cLSM (arrow 1). The red signal was also clearly present at a lateral spot
at some distance from the main root canal (arrow 2). (e) The overlay of corresponding SEM and
FISH/cLSM (Fig. 1a, d) images of the same regions revealed matching areas of the FISH signal
and the amorphous matrix, suggesting the presence of bacterial biofilm. The laterally located FISH
signal was within a lateral canal in the root (arrow 1). (f) Higher magnifications of the FISH-
labeled root canal surface with cLSM indicated a biofilm, composed of bacteria with short rod or
coccus-like morphology (arrow 1) (Reprinted by permission from John Wiley and Sons from
Schaudinn C, Carr G, Gorur A, Jaramillo D, Costerton JW, Webster P. Imaging of endodontic
biofilms by combined microscopy (FISH/cLSM—SEM). Journal of Microscopy 235(2):124–127
100 L.B. Peters et al.
Richardson N, Mordan NJ, Figueiredo JA, Ng YL, Gulabivala K (2009) Microflora in teeth
associated with apical periodontitis: a methodological observational study comparing two
protocols and three microscopy techniques. Int Endod J 42:908–921
Ricucci D, Langeland K (1998) Apical limit of root canal instrumentation and obturation, part
2. A histological study. Int Endod J 31:394–409
Rocha CT, Rossi MA, Leonardo MR, Rocha LB, Nelson-Filho P, Silva LA (2008) Biofilm on the
apical region of roots in primary teeth with vital and necrotic pulps with or without radio-
graphically evident apical pathosis. Int Endod J 41:664–669
Schaudinn C, Carr G, Gorur A, Jaramillo D, Costerton JW, Webster P (2009) Imaging of
endodontic biofilms by combined microscopy (FISH/cLSM - SEM). J Microsc 235:124–127
Sen BH, Piskin B, Demirci T (1995) Observation of bacteria and fungi in infected root canals and
dentinal tubules by sem. Endod Dent Traumatol 11:6–9
Signoretti FG, Endo MS, Gomes BP, Montagner F, Tosello FB, Jacinto RC (2011) Persistent
extraradicular infection in root-filled asymptomatic human tooth: scanning electron micro-
scopic analysis and microbial investigation after apical microsurgery. J Endod 37:1696–1700
Siqueira JF Jr, Lopes HP (2001) Bacteria on the apical root surfaces of untreated teeth with
periradicular lesions: a scanning electron microscopy study. Int Endod J 34:216–220
Stewart PS, Costerton JW (2001) Antibiotic resistance of bacteria in biofilms. Lancet 358:135–138
Tronstad L, Barnett F, Cervone F (1990) Periapical bacterial plaque in teeth refractory to
endodontic treatment. Endod Dent Traumatol 6:73–77
van Leeuwenhoek A (1684) Letter to the Royal Society of London, 17 Sept 1683
Vieira AR, Siqueira JF Jr, Ricucci D, Lopes WS (2012) Dentinal tubule infection as the cause of
recurrent disease and late endodontic treatment failure: a case report. J Endod 38:250–254
Wallace PK, Arey B, Mahaffee WF (2011) Subsurface examination of a foliar biofilm using
scanning electron- and focused-ion-beam microscopy. Micron 42:579–585
Wang J, Chen W, Jiang Y, Liang J (2013) Imaging of extraradicular biofilm using combined
scanning electron microscopy and stereomicroscopy. Microsc Res Tech 76:979–983
Webster P, Wu S, Webster S, Rich KA, Mcdonald K (2004) Ultrastructural preservation of
biofilms formed by non-typeable hemophilus influenza. Biofilms 1:165–182
Bacterial Biofilms and Endodontic Disease:
Histobacteriological and Molecular
1 Introduction
periodontal disease or was removed for previous root canal therapy. Primary
endodontic infection is the one that develops in the necrotic root canal and repre-
sents the prime cause of primary apical periodontitis. Secondary or persistent
infections occur in treated teeth with posttreatment apical periodontitis. Microor-
ganisms (generally bacteria) colonizing the root canal space are usually members of
the normal oral microbiota. Once the root canal infection advances and reaches the
apical part of the root canal, bacteria elicit inflammatory changes in the tissues
surrounding the root apex, giving rise to the development of apical periodontitis.
It has been shown by morphological studies that the root canal microbiota in
untreated (primary infection) and treated (persistent/secondary infection) teeth is
usually organized in structured communities resembling typical biofilms (Nair
1987; Molven et al. 1991; Siqueira et al. 2002a; Ricucci et al. 2009; Ricucci and
Siqueira 2010a). These findings permitted to include apical periodontitis in the list
of human diseases associated with biofilm infections. Actually, estimates indicate
that about 80 % of the human infections in the developed world have been ascribed
to biofilms (Costerton 2004). In the oral cavity, apical periodontitis joins caries,
gingivitis, and marginal periodontitis as typical biofilm-associated diseases. In
certain aspects, multispecies biofilm communities can behave as a multicellular
organism, which can result in collective pathogenic effects on the host. This
community-as-pathogen concept may well be applied to the etiology of apical
periodontitis (Siqueira and Rôças 2009b). The recognition of apical periodontitis
as a biofilm-associated disease has significant clinical implications, because
biofilms are recognizably resistant to several antimicrobial agents and may require
special strategies to be eliminated (Chávez de Paz et al. 2010; Kishen 2010; Kishen
and Haapasalo 2010; Alves et al. 2013; Stojicic et al. 2013).
This chapter highlights the findings from histobacteriological and molecular
biology identification studies evaluating diverse aspects of endodontic biofilms,
including prevalence, morphology, association with clinical and histopathological
conditions, and species diversity.
multilayered and can be up to 300 (or even more) cell thick (Socransky and
Haffajee 2002).
The EPS matrix that embeds bacterial populations in biofilms is hydrated bio-
polymers (generally polysaccharides but also DNA, proteins, and lipids) (Costerton
2007). They are secreted by the biofilm cells and are of vital importance to the
community. EPS mediates adhesion to surfaces; traps and concentrates essential
nutrients for the community members; keeps biofilm cells in close proximity
favoring intercellular interactions such as quorum sensing, genetic exchanges,
and pathogenic synergism; and also provides protection against phagocytosis and
antimicrobial agents (Flemming and Wingender 2010).
Biofilm communities are characterized by a great genetic and phenotypic diver-
sity. The bacterial transcriptional profile radically changes after transition from the
planktonic to the sessile (biofilm) state. Genes expressed by cells in biofilms can
differ by 20–70 % from those expressed by the same cells occurring in a planktonic
state (Oosthuizen et al. 2002; Sauer et al. 2002; Beloin et al. 2004). This leads to a
different biofilm phenotype that is usually more resistant to antimicrobial agents,
stress, and host defenses when compared to counterparts living in planktonic state.
Of especial therapeutic interest is the gradient of metabolic activity that can be
observed throughout the biofilm structure. Bacteria present in the bottom of the
biofilm, and thereby close or directly attached to the host surface, are usually in a
low metabolic state and are more resistant to antimicrobial agents (Lewis 2007;
Rhoads et al. 2008). In contrast, those bacteria present in the most superficial areas
have increased metabolic activity and are generally more vulnerable to the effects
of antimicrobial agents (Rhoads et al. 2008). Therefore, a gradient is formed so that
bacteria in diverse metabolic states are distributed throughout the biofilm structure.
Biofilm communities have the ability to reconstitute themselves even after an event
that resulted in dramatic ecological and structural changes by destroying a large
proportion of the community (Wolcott et al. 2010; Wolcott and Dowd 2011). Such
an event may consist of treatment procedures that eliminated a large portion of the
community but did not succeed in completely eradicating it. The remaining biofilm
left behind over a host surface may reconstitute itself, reactivating its metabolism
and orchestrating the reconstruction of the community by means of quorum-sensing
systems and other mechanisms (Wolcott and Dowd 2011), provided there is still
space available for recolonization.
In summary, the most important features and strengths of the biofilm lifestyle are
metabolic and genetic heterogeneity, interspecies cooperation, protection against
exogenous threats, enhanced pathogenicity, and ability to reconstitute after drastic
events (Costerton et al. 1987, 1995; Donlan and Costerton 2002; Socransky and
Haffajee 2002; Stoodley et al. 2002; Marsh 2003, 2005; Hall-Stoodley et al. 2004;
Percival et al. 2010).
Actually, most endogenous infections have been shown to be caused by mixed
biofilm communities, which is in contrast to the “single-species etiology” concept
established since Koch’s classic studies. Therefore, it has been proposed that the
microbial community as a whole is indeed the unit of pathogenicity for these
endogenous diseases, including apical periodontitis (Jenkinson and Lamont 2005;
106 J.F. Siqueira Jr. et al.
Kuramitsu et al. 2007; Siqueira and Rôças 2009b). The concept of the community
as pathogen is based on the principle that “teamwork is what eventually counts.” By
this, the community behavior and the outcome of the host/bacterial community
interaction will ultimately depend upon the community membership and the myriad
of associations within the community. Virulence usually differs for a given bacte-
rial species when it is living in pure culture, forming pairs with other species, or
taking part of a large bacterial “society” coexisting with several other species
(community) (Sundqvist et al. 1979; Baumgartner et al. 1992; Siqueira
et al. 1998; Socransky et al. 1998; Kuramitsu et al. 2007; Siqueira and Rôças
This concept holds that the pathogenesis of apical periodontitis is resultant of the
concerted action of bacteria in a multispecies community. Bacterial virulence
factors involved in the pathogenesis of apical periodontitis consist of a summation
of structural cellular components, antigens, and secreted substances that accumu-
late in the biofilm (Siqueira and Rôças 2007). The concentration and virulence of
this bacterial “soup” will depend upon the population density, species composition,
and bacterial interactions in the community. Once the biofilm forms in the apical
canal, this “soup” of antigens and virulence factors becomes in constant and direct
contact with the periradicular tissues to cause damage and stimulate/modulate the
host immune responses (Siqueira 2011).
The first report on the occurrence of biofilm-like structures in infected root canals is
claimed to be from Nair (1987), who described those structures as “bacterial
condensation on the surface of the dentin wall, forming thin- or thick-layered
bacterial plaques.” Similar observations were subsequently reported by in situ
morphological investigations of teeth with primary or posttreatment apical perio-
dontitis (Molven et al. 1991; Siqueira et al. 2002a; Carr et al. 2009; Ricucci
et al. 2009; Schaudinn et al. 2009). In addition to the main root canal, bacterial
biofilms have also been disclosed in anatomical variations of the root canal system,
including apical ramifications, lateral canals, and isthmuses (Nair et al. 2005;
Ricucci and Siqueira 2008, 2010b). Biofilms adhered to the apical root surface
(extraradicular biofilms) have also been described in some teeth evincing
posttreatment apical periodontitis (Tronstad et al. 1990; Ferreira et al. 2004;
Ricucci et al. 2005).
Bacterial Biofilms and Endodontic Disease: Histobacteriological and. . . 107
Fig. 1 (a) Distobuccal root of a maxillary first molar in a 55-year-old man. Repeated abscesses
were reported. Overview of a section passing through the main foramen. No epithelium could be
observed in this section and in the rest of the serial sections, leading to the diagnosis of
non-epithelialized granuloma (Taylor’s modified Brown & Brenn, original magnification 16).
(b) Detail of the apical canal. A thick biofilm fills completely the canal lumen just short of the
foramen, while the most apical canal is occupied by granulation tissue (100). (c) High power
view of the biofilm showing high density of filamentous bacterial forms (400). (d) Magnification
of the area indicated by the arrow in (b). The biofilm structure is faced apically with a concen-
tration of polymorphonuclear leukocytes (400)
Bacterial Biofilms and Endodontic Disease: Histobacteriological and. . . 109
Fig. 2 (continued)
110 J.F. Siqueira Jr. et al.
Fig. 2 (a) Palatal root of a maxillary first molar in a 48-year-old woman. The tooth was
asymptomatic at the moment of extraction and no symptoms were reported previously.
(b) Section passing through the main foramen. The lesion is a “pocket cyst” (Taylor’s modified
Brown & Brenn, original magnification 16). (c) High magnification of the most coronal area
indicated by the arrow in (b). The thick biofilm is composed mainly by filamentous forms (400).
(d) Section taken at a considerable distance from that shown in (b), passing through the canal but
not encompassing the foramen (16). (e) Detail of the root canal. A biofilm is present on the
opposite root canal walls, with inflammatory tissue in between (100). (f) High power view of the
area of the left canal wall indicated by the upper arrow in (e). The biofilm is composed mainly by
coccoid forms. Bacterial density is higher in the deepest part, while superficially the extracellular
matrix is abundant (1000). (g, h) Progressive magnifications of the area of the canal wall
indicated by the middle arrow in (e). Few filamentous and coccoid forms in an abundant
extracellular matrix (400 and 1000). (i–j) Progressive magnifications of the area of the canal
wall indicated by the lower arrow in (e). The biofilm appears thinner at this level and composed by
a high density of filamentous forms and reduced extracellular matrix (400 and 1000).
Considerations. The morphology of the biofilm observed in different areas of the same canal
may vary consistently. In this case, cocci were present in some areas, while filamentous forms
dominated in others. Also the concentrations of bacterial cells may be different. In some areas,
bacteria may appear more concentrated in the deepest parts, while in others they can be more
numerous superficially, and an apparently bacteria-free extracellular matrix is attached to the
canal wall
Bacterial Biofilms and Endodontic Disease: Histobacteriological and. . . 111
Fig. 3 (a) Mandibular premolar with long-standing pulp necrosis and apical radiolucency in a
32-year-old woman. An abscess with severe pain and swelling was present before extraction.
(b) Transition between the middle and apical third. A biofilm is present on the root canal wall
(Taylor’s modified Brown & Brenn, original magnification 100). (c) Detail from (b) (400).
(d) High power view of the area indicated by the arrow in (b). Some tubules are colonized by
bacteria (400). (e) Area of the root canal wall where dentin tubules were cut transversally. Some
tubules are colonized by bacteria (400). (f) Apical canal wall. Severe bacterial colonization of
some dentinal tubules (400)
112 J.F. Siqueira Jr. et al.
Fig. 4 (a) Mandibular first molar in a 39-year-old woman. The tooth had been root canal-treated
10 years before. A radiolucency is present on the mesial root apex. (b) Retreatment was performed.
It was not possible to negotiate mesial canals for their full length. After more than 4 weeks of
calcium hydroxide medication, the canals were filled. (c) 2 years later the patient presented with a
flare-up. The radiolucency had remained the same size. (d) Apicoectomy was scheduled and a
cone beam computed tomography scan was performed to ascertain the relationship of the root apex
with the mandibular nerve. (e) Crosscut sections of the removed mesial root apex, taken approxi-
mately at the level of the line in (d). An isthmus connecting the two main canals is present, with an
expansion (Taylor’s modified Brown & Brenn, original magnification 16). (f) The expansion is
clogged with a thick biofilm (100). (g) High power view from the area indicated by the left arrow
in (f). Condensations of filamentous bacterial forms and accumulation of inflammatory cells
(400). (h) High power view from the area indicated by the right arrow in (f). The lumen is
occupied by a thick bacterial biofilm at this level (400)
Bacterial Biofilms and Endodontic Disease: Histobacteriological and. . . 113
Fig. 5 (a) Maxillary third molar with a history of repeated abscess episodes in a 40-year-old man.
Several “soft tissue lesions” can be seen attached to the root apex after extraction. (b)
Section encompassing the middle and bigger soft tissue lesion. A cyst cavity completely lined
by epithelium and containing necrotic tissue can be observed (H&E, original magnification 16).
(c) After approximately 120 sections, a communication can be observed between the cyst lumen
and the root canal space, and the diagnosis of “pocket cyst” is made (16). (d, e) Sections stained
with the modified B&B technique confirm that the lesion is a pocket cyst (Taylor’s modified
Brown & Brenn, original magnification 16). (f, g) Consecutive magnifications of the apical canal
show the presence of a thick bacterial biofilm faced with a concentration of polymorphonuclear
leukocytes (100 and 400)
114 J.F. Siqueira Jr. et al.
Fig. 6 (continued)
Bacterial Biofilms and Endodontic Disease: Histobacteriological and. . . 115
Fig. 6 (a) Symptomatic maxillary third molar in a 50-year-old man. At presentation, no sinus tract
could be seen. The bridge had been decemented for long time (years). Endodontic treatment was
recommended, but the patient opted for an alternative treatment plan including extraction of the
tooth. (b, c) After extraction, calculus was noted at the tip of the mesiobuccal root, located
concentrically around its foramen. (d) Sections passing through the mesiobuccal canal. Severe
apical resorption (Taylor’s modified Brown & Brenn, original magnification 16). (e) Magnifi-
cation of the area indicated by the arrow in (d). A dense biofilm extends uninterruptedly from the
apical root canal wall to the external root surface (100). (f) High power view of the external root
surface indicated by the arrow in (e). The biofilm is composed of two layers (400). (g) Detail of
the apical canal in (d) (50). (h) High magnification of the area of the left canal wall indicated by
the left arrow in (g). Bacterial biofilm with a higher bacterial density in the deepest area (400).
(i) High magnification of the area of the right canal wall indicated by the right arrow in (g).
The bacterial biofilm exhibits a reduced bacterial density at this level (400)
8. Bacteria were also seen in the lumen of the main canal, ramifications, and
isthmuses as flocs and planktonic cells, either intermixed with necrotic pulp
tissue or possibly suspended in a fluid phase. Bacterial flocs may exhibit many of
the same characteristics as biofilms and probably originate from growth of cell
aggregates/coaggregates in a fluid, or they may have detached from biofilms
(Hall-Stoodley et al. 2004; Hall-Stoodley and Stoodley 2009).
In 2003, Parsek and Singh (2003) proposed 4 criteria to determine whether a given
infectious disease can be classified as a disease caused by biofilm communities.
Later, a 5th criterion was suggested by Hall-Stoodley and Stoodley (2009), and a
6th criterion was added by Ricucci and Siqueira (2010a). The six criteria are as
116 J.F. Siqueira Jr. et al.
demonstrated, but culture studies demonstrate that a better treatment outcome can
be achieved when the bacterial load in the root canal is reduced to levels that are
undetectable by the culture approach (Engstr€om et al. 1964; Sj€ogren et al. 1997;
Sundqvist et al. 1998; Waltimo et al. 2005). Since biofilms are the main form in
which endodontic infections are organized, then one may infer that biofilms were
eliminated or substantially disrupted when culture yields negative results. In addi-
tion, the frequent observation of biofilms in treated canals with posttreatment
disease (Ricucci and Siqueira 2008, 2010a; Ricucci et al. 2009) adds further
potential for meeting this 6th criterion.
The traditional method using paper points to sample infected root canals in the
clinical setting does not allow specific sampling of bacteria present in biofilms.
Bacteria also present in a planktonic state in the main root canal are conceivably the
most accessible to sampling by this method. To improve detection of bacteria
present in biofilms adhered to the root canal walls, it is important to use instruments
to gently file the root canal walls circumferentially previously to sampling so as to
dislodge bacteria from biofilms and suspend them in the root canal fluid. Even so,
biofilms present in ramifications and isthmuses are highly likely to remain not
sampled. Cryogenic pulverization of root fragments from extracted teeth improves
detection of bacteria from the entire root canal system, but still it is not selective to
biofilms as cells floating in the main canal can also be included in analysis. Thus far,
no single study has selectively identified bacteria in endodontic biofilms. A possi-
bility for further research is using fluorescence in situ hybridization for detection of
target species in the endodontic biofilm or using a combination of paraffin-
embedded samples and broad-range PCR for open-ended identification of bacteria
in endodontic biofilms.
Even considering the limitations of the sampling approaches currently available
to selectively detect bacteria from endodontic biofilms, one may consider that many
of the floating bacteria suspended in the main canal can be conceivably cells that
detached from the biofilms adhered to the root canal walls. However, the possibility
also exists that they are bystanders, latecomers, or individuals that did not succeed
in taking part of the community because of lack of competitivity. Anyway, all
species present in the main canal allegedly assume importance as to the patho-
genesis of apical periodontitis and whether or not they are or were members of the
biofilm may have more implications in terms of resistance to treatment.
The diversity of the endodontic microbiota has been unveiled by numerous
culture and molecular microbiology studies. As for the identification of microbial
species, molecular methods have been directly used in clinical samples to detect the
unexpected (open-ended analysis) or to target-specific taxa (closed-ended analysis).
Examples of open-ended molecular techniques used for microbial identification in
samples taken from infected canals include polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
118 J.F. Siqueira Jr. et al.
Table 1 (continued)
Species staining Phylum Type of infection
Pseudoramibacter Gram- Firmicutes Primary; persistent/secondary
alactolyticus positive
Streptococcus anginosus Gram- Firmicutes Primary; persistent/secondary
Streptococcus Gram- Firmicutes Primary; persistent/secondary
constellatus positive
Streptococcus Gram- Firmicutes Primary; persistent/secondary
intermedius positive
Streptococcus mitis Gram- Firmicutes Primary; persistent/secondary
associated with treated teeth (Rôças et al. 2004, 2008; Siqueira and Rôças
2004; Blome et al. 2008; Sakamoto et al. 2008; Li et al. 2010; Chugal
et al. 2011), which had been previously regarded as being composed of only
one or two species on the basis of culture studies.
(b) There is a great interindividual variability in the composition of endodontic
bacterial communities in teeth with the same clinical disease (Rôças
et al. 2004; Siqueira et al. 2004; Machado de Oliveira et al. 2007; Li
et al. 2010; Chugal et al. 2011; Santos et al. 2011; Hong et al. 2013). This
means to say that every individual has its unique endodontic microbiota in
terms of species diversity. This finding indicates that apical periodontitis has a
heterogeneous etiology.
(c) Bacterial community structures follow specific patterns according to the
clinical condition (asymptomatic apical periodontitis, acute apical abscesses,
and posttreatment apical periodontitis) (Rôças et al. 2004; Siqueira et al. 2004;
Sakamoto et al. 2006; Santos et al. 2011). Disease severity, as determined by
the intensity of signs and symptoms, or response to endodontic treatment may
be affected by the bacterial community composition. This finding indicated
that some bacterial communities are more related to certain forms of the
disease than others (Siqueira et al. 2004; Sakamoto et al. 2006; Santos
et al. 2011);
(d) Community profiles also seem to follow patterns related to the geographic
location of the individuals. Despite interindividual variability in the commu-
nity structure, individuals from the same location share more similarities
among them when compared to individuals from distant geographic locations
(Rôças et al. 2004; Siqueira et al. 2004, 2008; Machado de Oliveira
et al. 2007). This may have implications in terms of effectiveness of anti-
microbial treatments in different countries.
(e) In addition to the high interindividual variability, there is also an intra-
individual variability. Differences have been reported for the bacterial com-
munity profiles in different teeth from the same individual or even for
communities living in different regions of the same tooth (apical versus
cervical root canal) (Alves et al. 2009; Rôças et al. 2010).
Bacterial Biofilms and Endodontic Disease: Histobacteriological and. . . 121
5 Concluding Remarks
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Laboratory Models of Biofilms: Development
and Assessment
1 Introduction
A. Kishen (*)
Department of Endodontics, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
e-mail: [email protected]
M. Haapasalo
Division of Endodontics, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada
The antimicrobial resistance observed in biofilm bacteria is not largely due to the
classic genetic mechanisms; instead this arises due to certain peculiarities associ-
ated with the biofilm growth. The types of resident bacterial species, nature of
bacterial adherence to substrate, physicochemical characteristics of the substrate,
thickness of the biofilm, bacterial cell density, amount of EPS, and phenotypical/
genotypical modification of the resident bacteria are all features that could contrib-
ute to antimicrobial resistance in biofilm bacteria. Typically, different antimicrobial
resistance mechanisms may act concurrently or synergistically in a biofilm. Under-
standing some of these mechanisms is key in developing biofilm model systems for
different applications in endodontics (Baumgartner et al. 2008; Handley
et al. 1985). In general, different factors associated with bacterial type, bacterial
adherence, bacteria-substrate interaction, and biofilm ultrastructure should be stan-
dardized to develop useful biofilm models for in vitro experiments (Baumgartner
et al. 2008). There is currently no universally accepted in vitro model that repro-
duces biofilm infection in endodontics.
Two types of microbial interactions occur at the cellular level during the formation
of biofilm. One is the process of recognition between a suspended cell and a cell
already attached to substratum. This type of interaction is termed coadhesion. In the
second type of interaction, genetically distinct cells in suspension recognize each
130 A. Kishen and M. Haapasalo
other and clump together. This type of interaction is called coaggregation. This
association is highly specific and occurs between coaggregating partners only.
Interestingly, most oral bacteria recognize each other as coaggregating partners.
Fusobacterium nucleatum, a gram-negative filamentous anaerobe, can coaggregate
with all oral bacteria tested and can act as a bridging bacterium that binds together
even non-aggregating bacteria (Baumgartner et al. 2008). The association of long-
filamentous bacteria and surface-adsorbed spherical-shaped cocci produces the
characteristic corncob structure of oral biofilms (Rosan et al. 1999). The attachment
of cocci to filamentous bacteria is mediated via fimbriae of oral streptococci.
Although the genetic makeup of bacteria is the chief determinant of coaggregation,
the physicochemical characteristics of the environment also play a crucial role
(Rosan et al. 1999). Bacteria in a coaggregated suspension are significantly more
resistant to antimicrobials when compared to planktonic suspension, while bacteria
in a biofilm mode showed the highest resistance to antimicrobials (Upadya and
Kishen 2010). Hence antimicrobials selected on the basis of traditional suscepti-
bility methods such as broth-based minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) may
not be very appropriate to eliminate coaggregated or biofilm bacteria.
During biofilm development, the resident bacteria proliferate with further
accrual of EPS, leading to the expansion of biofilm structure. In this stage, the
monolayer of microbes (primary colonizers) attracts the secondary colonizers
forming the microcolonies, and the collection of microcolonies gives rise to the
final structure of biofilm. A biofilm ultrastructure consists of bacterial cell
populations attached irreversibly on a substrate and encased in a hydrated,
polyanionic matrix of EPS, proteins, polysaccharides, and nucleic acids (del Pozo
and Patel 2007; Vakulenko and Mobashery 2003). Typically, bacteria themselves
account for 5–35 % of the total biofilm volume (Costerton and Stewart 2001). A
mature biofilm will be a metabolically active community of microorganisms, where
individuals share duties and benefits (Vakulenko and Mobashery 2003). For
instance, some microorganism in the community helps in adhering to the solid
surface, while some others create bridges between different species. This signifies
the relevance of a polymicrobial biofilm over a monospecies biofilm. The physio-
logical characteristics of the resident microorganisms in a biofilm offer an addi-
tional resistance to antimicrobial agents (Costerton and Stewart 2001; Sun
et al. 2005). (Sun et al. 2005; Stoodley et al. 1994; Lim et al. 2009). The above
facts further signify the relevance of developing multispecies biofilm models over
monospecies biofilm models.
It is reported that biofilms formed in pure cultures of bacteria under laboratory
conditions and the mixed-species biofilms formed in natural ecosystems showed a
basic organization, in which the cells grow in a matrix-enclosed microcolonies
separated by a network of open-water channels (Shen et al. 2010a). The thickness of
EPS will influence the permeability of substances through the biofilm and provides
a significant degree of protection or “barrier effect” against physical and chemical
threats. Each step in the development of biofilm, starting from the adherence of
bacteria to the final formation of a matured biofilm structure, as well as protein
expression/slime production, is all modulated by a large number of variables. Some
Laboratory Models of Biofilms: Development and Assessment 131
Laboratory (in vitro) models are used to obtain standardized biofilms for different
experimental purposes. Conventional biofilm models range from monocultures in
static growth conditions to diverse mixed cultures in dynamic growth conditions.
The static biofilm models used different substrates (e.g., glass, polycarbonate,
silicon, hydroxyapatite, nitrocellulose, enamel, dentin) to grow biofilms, while
the dynamic biofilm models used reactors or fermenting systems to grow biofilms
on a substrate. Both aerobic and anaerobic environments can be employed for
in vitro biofilm development. Figures 1 and 2 show different in vitro biofilms
grown on different substrates. Given that the in vivo environmental conditions
are commonly dynamic, studies evaluating biofilm formation under static condi-
tions might be somewhat misleading, depending on the research question (McBain
2009). These in vitro bacterial biofilm models are routinely applied to (1) examine
the adherence of specific bacterial species to any biomaterial surface (Kishen
et al. 2008), (2) study the nature and pattern of early microbial biofilm formation
on a particular substrate (George et al. 2010), (3) study the interaction between
different biofilm bacteria and host immune cells (Mathew et al. 2010), and test the
efficacy of antimicrobial agents or antimicrobial treatment strategies (Pratten and
Ready 2010; Merritt et al. 2005).
Currently in endodontics most in vitro biofilms are utilized for testing antimi-
crobials and root canal irrigation strategies (Table 1). As a result, the activity of
disinfectants showed noticeable discrepancies between in vitro and in vivo exper-
iments. This discrepancy in antimicrobial efficacy may be attributed to the diversity
of microbes, bacterial growth phase, type of biofilm models, and methods employed
for analysis. So a number of parameters have to be considered in designing a
biofilm model for applications in endodontics (Fig. 3).
If laboratory strains are used for bacterial adherence assays, it is imperative that
they are representative of clinical isolates. In addition, assays that do not take into
account the presence of saliva may be unsuitable to study adhesion and early
132 A. Kishen and M. Haapasalo
biofilm formation (George et al. 2010). Although there is little doubt that the results
from planktonic killing studies must be interpreted with caution, a comparison of
the planktonic and biofilm tests in a study indicated that planktonic killing tests may
be useful for the preliminary screening of new disinfectants before proceeding into
more complex biofilm models (Merritt et al. 2005).
Several in vitro devices are used to develop biofilms. Some of these devices irrigate
fresh culture medium, which allows the growing biofilm to experience a continuous
flow of medium supplemented with fresh nutrients. These in vitro devices are used
to grow dynamic biofilm models. The flow cell system is one of the most utilized
Laboratory Models of Biofilms: Development and Assessment 133
Fig. 2 (a) A multispecies biofilm grown anaerobically for 3 weeks on glass cover slip conditioned
with media for 24 h. The biofilm was sparse and not uniform. (b) High-magnification image of the
previous SEM picture showing mixed bacterial flora with abundant extracellular matrix (Kishen
and Haapasalo 2010)
Table 1 List of literature using in vitro biofilm models for different endodontic applications
Preparation of
Authors Type of model Purpose biofilm
Torabinejad In vitro The antimicrobial Extracted human
(2003) E. faecalis effect of MTAD: an teeth contaminated
in vitro investigation with E. faecalis for
4 weeks
Dentinal shavings
and CFU-based
method were used
for the analysis
Duggan and In vitro Biofilm formation of 96-well plates for
Sedgley E. faecalis strains oral and endodontic 24 h
(2007) recovered from root E. faecalis Crystal violet assay
canals, oral cavity, and used for assessment
non-oral sources (optical density at
570 nm)
George and In vitro Methylene blue Two-day-old
Kishen E. faecalis (gram- (MB) dissolved in biofilms in multiwell
(2007) positive), Actinobacillus different formula- plates (polystyrene)
actinomycetemcomitans tions: water, 70 % Four-day-old
(gram-negative) glycerol, and 70 % biofilms in human
polyethylene glycol, teeth
and a mixture of CFU-based method
water (30:20:50) was
George and In vitro This study aimed to Human teeth
Kishen E. faecalis investigate the effect (10-week-old bio-
(2008) of including an oxi- film)
dizer and oxygen CFU-based method
carrier in photosensi-
tization formulation
to disinfect a matured
endodontic biofilm
by light-activated
McGill et al. (2008) In vitro The efficacy of A collagen-based
E. faecalis dynamic irrigation “biomolecular film”
using a commercially formed on extracted
available system human teeth
(RinsEndo®) Digital image analy-
sis of the canal sur-
faces (ipWin4)
Sainsbury Ex vivo DIAGNOdent laser Extracted teeth with
et al. (2009) fluorescence assess- endodontic pathol-
ment of endodontic ogy
infection Fluorescence emis-
sions in the near-
infrared range was
Laboratory Models of Biofilms: Development and Assessment 135
Table 1 (continued)
Preparation of
Authors Type of model Purpose biofilm
Shen et al. (2009) In vitro Evaluation of the Collagen-coated
Multispecies effect of two chlor- hydroxyapatite
hexidine preparations (CHA) and uncoated
on biofilm bacteria hydroxyapatite
in vitro: a three- (HA) disks
dimensional quantita- Confocal laser scan-
tive analysis ning microscopy
was used for the
analysis of dead ver-
sus viable cells
Williamson In vitro Antimicrobial sus- Glass substrate
et al. (2009) E. faecalis ceptibility of mono- CFU-based method
(clinical isolate) culture biofilms to
6 % NaOCl, 2 %
CHX, <6 % NaOCl
with surface modi-
fiers (Chlor-XTRA),
and 2 % CHX with
surface modifiers
Lim et al. (2009) In vitro biofilms The efficacy of an Two different
E. faecalis improved light- biofilms were tested:
activated disinfection (1) four-day-old
technique utilizing a (immature) and
specific photosensi- (2) four-week-old
tizer formulation, liq- (mature) human
uid optical conduit, teeth
oxygen carrier, and CFU-based method
light energy of
appropriate wave-
length was tested
Shahriari In vitro The study the effect Dentin tubes pre-
et al. (2010) E. faecalis of hydrogen peroxide pared from maxil-
on the antibacterial lary central and
effect of lateral incisors
chlorhexidine CFU-based method
was used
Kishen et al. (2010) In vitro Efflux pump inhibitor Microwell plates
E. faecalis potentiates antimi- CFU-based method
crobial photodynamic and confocal laser
inactivation of scanning
Enterococcus microscopy
faecalis biofilm
Hiraishi In vitro Antimicrobial effi- Membrane filters
et al. (2010) E. faecalis cacy of 3.8 % silver CFU-based method
diamine fluoride
136 A. Kishen and M. Haapasalo
Table 1 (continued)
Preparation of
Authors Type of model Purpose biofilm
Shrestha In vitro Nanoparticulates for Microwell plates/
et al. (2010) E. faecalis antibiofilm treatment saliva
and effect of aging on CFU-based method
its antibacterial and confocal laser
activity scanning
Liu et al. (2010) In vitro Biofilm formation Human dentin and
E. faecalis capability of Entero- polystyrene blocks
coccus faecalis cells CFU-based method
in starvation phase and SEM
and its susceptibility
to sodium
Chávez de Paz In vitro (clinical iso- The effects of anti- 24-hour biofilm
et al. (2010) lates) microbials on end- within a miniflow
E. faecalis odontic biofilm cell system
L. paracasei bacteria Confocal micros-
S. anginosus copy and image
S. gordonii analysis
Su et al. (2010) In vivo This study explored Resected root-end
the effect of surgical samples
endodontic treatment
of refractory
periapical periodonti-
tis with extraradicular
Soares et al. (2010) In vitro Effectiveness of Human teeth
E. faecalis chemomechanical (21-day-old biofilm)
preparation with SEM and
alternating use of CFU-based method
sodium hypochlorite
and EDTA in elimi-
nating intracanal
faecalis biofilm
Bhuva et al. (2010) In vitro The effectiveness of Human teeth
E. faecalis passive ultrasonic SEM-based image
irrigation on analysis
intraradicular Entero-
coccus faecalis
biofilms in extracted
single-rooted human
Shen et al. (2010a) In vitro The synergistic anti- Collagen-coated
Multispecies biofilm microbial effect by hydroxyapatite
(subgingival plaque) mechanical agitation (CHA) disks
and two chlorhexi- (3 weeks old)
dine preparations Confocal laser scan-
ning microscopy
Laboratory Models of Biofilms: Development and Assessment 137
Table 1 (continued)
Preparation of
Authors Type of model Purpose biofilm
Pappen et al. (2010) In vitro To investigate the Collagen-coated
Multispecies biofilm antibacterial effect of hydroxyapatite
(subgingival plaque) Tetraclean, MTAD, (CHA) disks
and five experimental (2 weeks old)
irrigants using both Confocal laser scan-
direct exposure test ning microscopy
with planktonic cul-
tures and mixed-
species in vitro bio-
film model
Shen et al. (2010b) In vitro The aim of this study Collagen-coated
Multispecies biofilm was to enumerate hydroxyapatite
(subgingival plaque) viable bacteria at dif- (CHA) disks
ferent growth stages Confocal laser scan-
of a multispecies oral ning microscopy and
biofilm and to com- CFU-based method
pare results obtained
with the LIVE/
DEAD BacLight Kit
with those from cul-
turing and plate
Lundstrom In vitro (multispecies) Bactericidal activity Permanent bovine
et al. (2010) Streptococcus sanguinis, of stabilized chlorine incisors coated with
Actinomyces viscosus, dioxide as an end- mucin and inocu-
Fusobacterium odontic irrigant in a lated with standard-
nucleatum, Peptostrep- polymicrobial biofilm ized suspensions of
tococcus micros, and tooth model system bacteria (anaerobi-
Prevotella nigrescens cally for 14 days)
CFU-based method
Hope et al. (2010) In vitro A direct comparison Human teeth
E. faecalis between extracted CFU-based method
tooth and filter-
membrane biofilm
models of endodontic
Upadya and Kishen In vitro To evaluate the effi- Monospecies
(2010) E. faecalis and cacy of light- biofilms in 24-well
P. aeruginosa activated disinfection polystyrene plates
(LAD) using methy- (4 days)
lene blue (MB) and a CFU-based method
non-coherent light Confocal laser scan-
source on gram- ning microscopy
positive and gram-
negative bacteria in
different growth
modes. The influence
of different
138 A. Kishen and M. Haapasalo
Table 1 (continued)
Preparation of
Authors Type of model Purpose biofilm
(PS) formulations in
the MB-mediated
LAD of biofilms was
also evaluated
George et al. (2010) In vitro This study examined Gutta-percha condi-
E. faecalis the biofilm-forming tioned with saliva or
capacity of serum (2, 4, and
E. faecalis on gutta- 12 weeks)
percha points under Biofilm growth for
different nutrient sta- 2 weeks
tuses and surface CFU-based method
conditioning with and SEM
saliva and serum
Badr et al. (2011) In vitro A laboratory evalua- Grown on cellulose
E. faecalis tion of the nitrate membrane
antibacterial and filters
cytotoxic effect of CFU-based method
licorice when used as
root canal
Shen et al. (2011) In vitro The aim of this study Collagen-coated
Multispecies biofilm was to examine the hydroxyapatite
(subgingival plaque) susceptibility of (CHA) disks (2 days
multispecies biofilms to months)
at different phases of Confocal laser scan-
growth to root canal ning microscopy and
irrigants (2 % chlor- CFU-based method
hexidine (CHX) or
end of an overnight incubation. The key feature of this system is that numerous
biofilms can be handled at any given time. It does not require time-consuming
sterilization and setting up procedures, allowing it to be used as a high-throughput
system for biofilm analysis (Merritt et al. 2005). This system provides a basis for the
rapid screening of biofilm mutants (Kulasekara et al. 2005), biomass development,
and biofilm-forming capacity (Watnick and Kolter 1999), as well as extracellular
matrix composition (Friedman and Kolter 2004). However, this system is incom-
patible with CLSM, which is the preferred methodology to study the structure of
biofilms. Structural evaluation of biofilm requires an irrigated or flow-through cell
system, which allows the examination of biofilm development over a period of
time. This system can be used to analyze the temporal and spatial expressions of
selected genes and the complete life cycle of biofilm formation and dispersal.
Laboratory Models of Biofilms: Development and Assessment 139
Fig. 3 Different features influencing the structure and development of in vitro biofilm
Several findings on the unique behavioral responses by biofilm cells that cannot be
obtained using static systems are studied with the flow cell systems (Davey and
O’Toole 2000).
5 Biofilm Assays
Biofilm assays are used to characterize (1) the number and type of microorganism,
(2) the vitality (dead/living cells) of the resident microbial population, (3) the age,
(4) the thickness (monolayered or multilayered), (5) the structure (homogeneous,
irregular, dense, porous), and (6) the surface topography (peaks and valleys) of
biofilms. Currently different techniques such as (1) microbiological culture method,
(2) colorimetric techniques, (3) microscopy, (4) physical methods, (5) biochemical
methods, and (6) molecular methods are used as biofilm assays. The basic steps
required to assess the antibacterial efficacy of endodontic antimicrobials is shown
in Fig. 4.
Enumerating the colony-forming units (CFU) is an easy method for the quantifica-
tion of biofilm bacteria. The CFU measurement provides information on the amount
of viable bacteria present within a biofilm. However, the CFU-based method may
detect only bacteria that are able to initiate cell division at a sufficient rate to form
colonies, and their growth requirements are supported by the culture medium used.
Several protocols recommend the removal of biofilm bacteria from the substrate by
sonication or centrifugation process and use the supernatant to determine the CFU.
The recovery of viable microbes is an important step in these experiments, and the
bacteria can be sensitive to the procedures used for their removal from substrate. An
in vitro study showed that in older, starved biofilms, bacteria are viable based on
140 A. Kishen and M. Haapasalo
· Bacterial strains: Choose appropriate bacterial strain(s): Gram positive, Gram negative
Fig. 4 The basic steps for assessing antimicrobial efficacy using in vitro biofilm model
green staining pattern as observed under CLSM, but over 99 % of these bacteria
could not be grown when removed from the biofilm and grown using a culture
method (Shen et al. 2010a). Ultrasonic vibrations and enzymes are suggested to
remove bacterial biofilms before quantification. It is imperative in these cases to use
the appropriate energy level of ultrasonic vibration and concentration of enzymes,
since few studies have highlighted their possible lethal effect on bacterial cells
(Johansen et al. 1997).
7 Colorimetric Techniques
Fig. 5 A multiwell plate showing E. faecalis biofilms quantified using a calorimetric (crystal
violet) assay (Kishen and Haapasalo 2010)
Fig. 7 A fluorescence
microscopy image of
bacterial colonies stained
fluorescent stain
8 Microscopic Techniques
microbial biofilm from the substrate, while more complex dehydration procedures
such as critical point drying caused almost complete disappearance of the EPS
matrix. Although proper fixation processes were applied, the collapse of the biofilm
structure upon dehydration is mainly due to the lack of a self-sustaining scaffold in
the EPS matrix. Yet, after fixation bacterial cells maintained their shape and size in
vacuum and could be identified by SEM. In the ESEM mode, the semitransparent
appearance of EPS and the low signal-to-noise ratio at high pressures result in a
limited resolution of images. In brief, ESEM represents an effective technique for
detecting highly hydrated bacterial biofilms by preserving the substantial EPS
component. On the contrary, conventional high-vacuum SEM allowed detailed
examination of cellular components and favored the detection of the three-
dimensional hollow structures, but failed to show the actual biofilm architecture
consisting of a large volume of EPS matrix surrounding the cells. The combined use
of conventional SEM and ESEM techniques can therefore provide complementary
information on different biofilm components, bacterial cells, and extracellular
matrices (Sutton et al. 1994).
The epifluorescence microscope is used to study the microstructure of bacterial
biofilm. Biofilms grown on biomaterial surfaces are usually stained with a fluores-
cent dye and viewed under an epifluorescence microscope. In a study, binary-
species biofilms were stained using two different fluorescent probes for each
microorganism and observed under an epifluorescence microscope using two exci-
tation wavelengths. Two different images and background biofilms are captured
with appropriate wavelengths. The images are then combined to construct a new
image that simultaneously showed both microorganisms (Trachoo and Frank 2002).
Epifluorescence microscopy is used to determine the viable cells, cell arrangement,
microcolony formation, biofilm pH, and distribution of chemicals in a biofilm
structure (Wolfaardt et al. 1993).
Laboratory Models of Biofilms: Development and Assessment 145
Physical parameters such as biofilm thickness, area, weight (wet and dry), and
density estimates are used to quantify biofilm growth. Thickness measurement by
light microscopy is usually effective in thin biofilms; however it may not work with
thick biofilms. In this method, the biofilm is placed on the stage of a microscope,
which has calibration scales on the fine control. The objective is lowered until the
biofilm surface is in focus and the fine adjustment dial setting of the microscope
recorded. The microscope objective is then focused on the substrate surface,
preferably in an area with no biofilm (Stewart 1990). The difference in the fine
adjustment setting can be used to calculate the thickness. A simple, manual-gauge
needle method (Walker et al. 1994) and an electronic probe have also been used to
measure biofilm thickness (Marshall et al. 1971). A properly prepared SEM sample
or cryosection enables the estimation of biofilm thickness and also revealed
layering of embedded bacterial cells (Marshall 1997). Biofilm wet weight is a
useful measure of the biomass especially on tared substrates. This is a very simple
and quick procedure. The substrate is weighed before biofilm growth and then
weighed again in order to record the dry biofilm weight. In this case, assumption is
made that no substrate solubilization has occurred during biofilm growth. If both
wet and dry weight measurements on the same biofilm sample were measured, the
approximate density may be determined. For comparative purposes, physical
parameters such as film density and weight can be calculated per unit area of the
substratum (Marshall et al. 1971; Marshall 1997).
The microbial biomass denotes the total number of microbes in a given area. The
measurements of (1) microbial biomass are considered to be a rapid method and
include measurements of wet or dry weight of the whole biofilm, (2) measurements
of the cell contents (3) measurements of cellular activities or viable cells. In this
line, adenosine triphosphate (ATP) bioluminescence is widely used to determine
the metabolic activity of bacterial population. This technique requires a cell lysis
step to release ATP, which is determined by a luciferin-luciferase reaction (de Beer
et al. 1994). However, it should be noted that the rate of lysis and the ATP content
vary depending on the microorganism. Hence, the ATP assay cannot be correlated
Laboratory Models of Biofilms: Development and Assessment 147
with the initial number of microbial cells. Genetically modified strains containing
genes for bioluminescence have also been developed (McAllister et al. 1994) and
applied for some in vitro analysis. All these methods present advantages and
disadvantages. Except for the microscopy-based techniques, most other methods
require an optimum number of viable cells with the ability to multiply to a
significant number in a brief period of time. Further research is required before
employing rapid biochemical methods more routinely for the detection of viable
bacteria in biofilm assays.
cells in a biofilm. This measurement would not provide signals from the specific
cell population in a biofilm. Further, there are several factors in an in vivo envi-
ronment, which may influence biofilm formation, and questions are raised whether
the assessment of gene expression in vitro is really an indicative of gene expression
in vivo.
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a method that allows exponential amplifi-
cation of short DNA sequences. The method relies on thermal cycling and enzy-
matic replication of the DNA. Primers, which consist of short DNA fragments/
sequences complementary to the target region and a DNA polymerase are key
components to enable selective and repeated amplification. As PCR progresses, the
DNA generated is used as a template for replication, setting up a chain reaction in
which the DNA template is exponentially amplified. This method of analysis is
mostly used as a qualitative tool for detecting the presence or absence of a particular
bacterial DNA. A real-time polymerase chain reaction, also called quantitative
real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR), is based on PCR and is employed to
amplify and simultaneously quantify a targeted DNA molecule. RT-PCR enables
both detection and quantification of one or more specific sequences in a DNA
sample. The key feature in RT-PCR is that the amplified DNA is detected as the
reaction progresses in real time (Wimpenny et al. 2000). This is a new approach
compared to the standard PCR, where the product of the reaction is detected at the
end. Two common methods for detection of products in real-time PCR are:
(1) nonspecific fluorescent dyes that intercalate with any double-stranded DNA
and (2) sequence-specific DNA probes consisting of oligonucleotides that are
labeled with a fluorescent reporter which permits detection only after hybridization
of the probe with its complementary DNA target. RT-PCR can be used to estimate
the number of copies of a target gene in a sample and is reported to be more
sensitive than conventional qualitative PCR. This method has been used to detect
and quantify bacterial population in a biofilm. Often, the RT-PCR is combined with
reverse transcription to quantify messenger RNA and noncoding RNA in cells or
tissues. Quantitative reverse transcriptase real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) can be used
effectively to quantify the number of RNA transcripts of specific genes from
bacteria growing in biofilms. qRT-PCR has a large dynamic range and may be
used to verify gene expression data obtained from microarrays. In addition,
qRT-PCR is sensitive and therefore may be used to quantify gene expression
from biofilm samples where only a small amount of biological material is available
(Wimpenny et al. 2000; Thurnheer et al. 2004).
Atomic force microscopy (AFM) has been applied to study the forces of interaction
between bacterial cells and between bacterial cell and substrate (Postollec
et al. 2006) (Fig. 9). In order to use AFM to determine bacteria-substrate interac-
tion, the bacterial cell or substrate particle is attached to an AFM tip and the forces
Laboratory Models of Biofilms: Development and Assessment 149
of interaction are studied. Briefly, as the AFM tip approaches the substrate and the
gap between the two interacting bodies closes to nanometer range, the interacting
forces developed are registered by the AFM tip (Razatos et al. 1998). The AFM
force curves can be used to estimate the adhesion events and interaction forces in
the interaction between the bacteria and substrate (Gaboriaud and Dufrene 2007). In
an AFM analysis, positively charged polymers, such as polyethyleneimine and
poly-L-lysine, are necessary to securely attach bacteria onto the cantilever tips.
Based on this concept, an investigation was aimed to study the effects of endodontic
irrigants on the adherence of E. faecalis to dentin (Sum et al. 2008). This study
highlighted that chemicals that altered the physicochemical properties of dentin
might influence the nature of bacterial adherence and adhesion force to dentin. The
physical attachment of bacterial cells using positively charged polymers might
promote structural rearrangements in bacterial cell surface structures (Vadillo-
Rodriguez et al. 2004), which in turn may affect the value of forces measured.
Recently micromanipulators are employed to study individual cells or biofilm
compartments. Laser-based optical tweezers are a noninvasive and noncontact
tool that can probe interaction between microscopic objects such as bacteria and
collagen with sub-pN sensitivity. The optical tweezers technique gives more quan-
titative information about the forces of interaction between bacteria and substrate
(Sum et al. 2008).
Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy is used to characterize the
chemical composition of biofilm structures. In an FTIR spectroscopic analysis,
infrared radiation is interacted with a test sample. During this interaction, some
of the infrared radiation is absorbed by the sample. The resulting spectrum repre-
sents the molecular-level absorption/transmission, which is a molecular fingerprint
of the sample. The FTIR spectroscopy can be used for the qualitative and quanti-
tative analyses of the chemical constituents on a biofilm structure (Kishen
et al. 2006). Similarly, biophysical techniques such as solid-state nuclear magnetic
resonance (NMR) are a powerful analytical tool to study the chemical constituents
of a biofilm structure (Grivet et al. 2003). NMR spectroscopy is useful to obtain
metabolic information in planktonic cells, adherent bacterial cells, and in situ
biofilm bacteria (Majors et al. 2005).
13 Concluding Remarks
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154 A. Kishen and M. Haapasalo
Abstract The primary goals of endodontic treatment are to disinfect and to seal the
root canal system as effectively as possible, aiming to establish or maintain healthy
periapical tissues. Treating complex and anomalous anatomy requires knowledge
of the internal anatomy of all types of the teeth before undertaking endodontic
therapy. Recently, three-dimensional imaging using micro-computed tomography
has been used to reveal the internal anatomy of the teeth to the clinician, bringing
new perspectives on the overall quality of the endodontic treatment and confirming
the inability of shaping tools in acting within the anatomical complexity of the root
canal. Furthermore, the disinfecting effects of instruments and irrigants may be
additionally hampered in the presence of accessory canals, ramifications, intercanal
connections, fins, isthmuses, and apical deltas, which can be ideal sites for micro-
bial biofilm formation and cannot be properly assessed by conventional techniques.
Apart from biofilms, these hard-to-reach areas may also be packed with dentin
debris generated and pushed therein by endodontic instruments, interfering with
disinfection by both preventing the irrigant flow into them and by neutralizing its
efficacy. This chapter provides an overview of recent information on the complex-
ity of root canal anatomy and discusses its relationship to the understanding of the
principles and problems of microbial biofilm elimination.
1 Introduction
The goal of endodontic therapy is the removal of all vital or necrotic tissue,
microorganisms, and microbial by-products from the root canal space (Siqueira
2005; Hargreaves and Cohen 2011). Among the treatment steps, chemomechanical
procedures play a pivotal role in eliminating or reducing bacterial populations from
the main root canal, but the disinfecting effects of instruments and irrigants may be
somewhat hampered in cases with complex anatomy and the resistance of microbial
biofilms (Siqueira 2005; Shen et al. 2012; Siqueira et al. 2013). Thus, a thorough
understanding of the canal morphology and its variations in all groups of teeth is a
basic requirement for the success of the endodontic therapy.
The concept of a “single” root canal with a “single” apical foramen is mistaken
(Siqueira 2005; Hargreaves and Cohen 2011). The root canal space is often
complex, with canals that divide and rejoin, isthmuses, fins, anastomosis, accessory
canals, and apical deltas. For this reason, it has been referred as a system. The
complexity of the root canal system has been demonstrated by several authors since
nineteenth century. Carabelli (1842) was probably the first author to provide a
comprehensive description of the number and location of root canals. Some years
later, the first systematic study on the root canal anatomy using sectioned teeth was
published by Mühlreiter (1870). After a few decades, Black (1890) systematized the
dental terminology and detailed the internal and external anatomy of the teeth, and
in 1894, Gysi and R€ose published pictures of histological sections of human teeth,
demonstrating the complexity of the root canal. In the early twentieth century,
Preiswerk (1903) introduced the “modeling technique” and obtained metal replicas
of the internal anatomy of all groups of teeth by injection of molten metal. Fischer
(1908) and Dewey (1916) improved this method and obtained full replicas of the
canal ramifications and lateral branches by injection of collodion solution or
paraffin into the root canal system. Hess (1917) and Hess and Zurcher (1925)
used the demineralizing method to study the canal morphology of approximately
3000 teeth, after injection of natural rubber within the root canal space. At this time,
diaphanization (clearing technique) was also used for several authors to the study of
the root canal anatomy (Adloff 1913; Fasoli 1913; Moral 1915; Okumura 1927). In
this method, hard tissues of the teeth were rendered transparent through deminer-
alization after injecting fluid materials, such as molten metal (Adloff 1913), gelatin-
containing cinnabar (Fasoli 1913), and different types of ink (Moral 1915;
Okumura 1927), into the root canal system.
In the following decades, the morphology of the root canal system was described
by using several in vivo and ex vivo methods such as three-dimensional wax models
(Meyer and Scheele 1955), conventional (Mueller 1933; Barker et al. 1969; Sykaras
1971; Pineda and Kuttler 1972; Kaffe et al. 1985; Fabra-Campos 1989; Pécora
et al. 1991; Pécora et al. 1993a; Estrela et al. 1995; Sousa Neto et al. 1998; Ferraz
et al. 2001; Baratto-Filho et al. 2002) and digital radiography (Nattress and Martin
1991; Burger et al. 1999; Schäfer et al. 2002), resin injection (Barker et al. 1973,
1974a, b), macroscopic (Green 1955, 1973; Baratto-Filho et al. 2002) and micro-
scopic evaluation (Green 1956; Burch and Hulen 1972; Kerekes and Tronstad
1977a, b, c), tooth sectioning on different planes (Green 1955; Green 1958;
Weine et al. 1969; Kerekes and Tronstad 1977a, b, c; Mauger et al. 1998), clearing
techniques (Robertson et al. 1980; Vertucci 1984; Pécora et al. 1992a, b; Pécora
et al. 1993b, c; Rocha et al. 1996; Guerisoli et al. 1998; Sharma et al. 1998; Venturi
et al. 2003; Weng et al. 2009), radiographic methods with radiopaque contrast
Root Canal Anatomy: Implications in Biofilm Disinfection 157
media (Naoum et al. 2003), and scanning electron microscopy (Gilles and Reader
The aforementioned techniques have been used successfully over many years for
the study of the root canal anatomy (Bergmans et al. 2001); however, their
destructive nature produced irreversible changes in the specimens (Grover and
Shetty 2012) and many artifacts (Perrini and Castagnola 1998) which, therefore,
may not accurately reflect the canal morphology (Versiani et al. 2011a, 2012).
Furthermore, these techniques did not allow for the three-dimensional analysis of
the external and internal anatomy of the teeth at the same time (Grande et al. 2012).
These inherent limitations have encouraged the search for new methods with
improved possibilities (Bergmans et al. 2001).
Computer-assisted imaging was introduced in the field of endodontic research in
1986 by Mayo et al. . By combining different radiographic views of the tooth, a
mathematically determined three-dimensional representation of the canals was
obtained (Pao et al. 1984; Gullickson and Montgomery 1987; Dobo-Nagy
et al. 2000). Some years later, an improved computerized method for visualization
of the canal, based on the cross-sectional images of the root, was also introduced
(Berutti 1993; Blašković-Šubat et al. 1995; Lyroudia et al. 1997a, b; Hegedus
et al. 2000; Lyroudia et al. 2002). These methods allowed the development of 3D
models as well as the quantitative measurements of some morphological parameters
of the root canal; however, they were still destructive methods and the thickness of
sections and material loss were found to influence the accuracy of the results
(Hegedus et al. 2000).
In 1990, Tachibana and Matsumoto (1990) suggested the use of computed
tomographic (CT) imaging in endodontics, but they concluded that CT had only a
limited usefulness because of its low spatial resolution. Further improvements in
the digital image systems allowed the study of the root canal anatomy using
conventional medical CT (Gambill et al. 1996; Robinson et al. 2002; Cimilli
et al. 2005; Reuben et al. 2008; Garg et al. 2013; Nayak and Singh 2013), magnetic
resonance microscopy (Baumann et al. 1993; Baumann 1994; Baumann and Doll
1997; Appel and Baumann 2002; Tanasiewicz 2010; Idiyatullin et al. 2011;
Sustercic and Sersa 2012), tuned-aperture computed tomography (Nance et al. 2000;
Barton et al. 2003), optical coherence tomography (Shemesh et al. 2007), and cone-
beam CT (Matherne et al. 2008; Huang et al. 2010; Michetti et al. 2010; Wang
et al. 2010; Bauman et al. 2011; Lee et al. 2011; Neelakantan et al. 2011; Zhang
et al. 2011a, b; Zheng et al. 2011; Han et al. 2012; Hassan et al. 2012; Kim et al. 2012;
Seo et al. 2012; Shenoi and Ghule 2012; Szabo et al. 2012; Tian et al. 2012; Yu
et al. 2012). These methods hindered their use for the detailed study of the internal
anatomy mainly because of their insufficient spatial resolution and slice thickness
for detailing the small size of the root canal structures (Nielsen et al. 1995; Dowker
et al. 1997).
A few years later, high-resolution X-ray micro-computed tomography (micro-
CT) was suggested to be used as an advanced tool for detailed endodontic research
(Nielsen et al. 1995). This is a nondestructive reproducible accurate technique that
could be applied quantitatively as well as qualitatively for two- and three-
158 M.A. Versiani and R. Ordinola-Zapata
dimensional assessment of the root canal system (Peters et al. 2000; Versiani
et al. 2011b; Siqueira et al. 2013; Versiani et al. 2013b; Keleş et al. 2014;
Ordinola-Zapata et al. 2014; Marceliano-Alves et al. 2014; Versiani et al. 2015).
Nowadays, despite the impossibility of employing micro-CT for in vivo human
imaging, it has been considered the most important research tool for the study
of root canal anatomy (Peters et al. 2000; Versiani et al. 2011a, 2012, 2013a).
Morphological studies on the pulp canal space using this new technology have
shown a wide variety of shapes and configurations of the root canal system (Peters
et al. 2000; Peters et al. 2001; Versiani et al. 2011a, c; Villas-Boas et al. 2011;
Versiani et al. 2012; Ordinola-Zapata et al. 2013; Versiani et al. 2013a, c; Ordinola-
Zapata et al. 2014). Thus, the purpose of this chapter is to discuss the complexity of
root canal system and understand its implications in biofilm disinfection.
Didactically speaking, the root canal system may be divided into two parts: the pulp
chamber, located within the anatomic dental crown, and the root canal, found inside
the radicular portion of the tooth (Fig. 1a) (Woelfel and Scheid 2002; Hargreaves
and Cohen 2011; Nanci and Ten Cate 2013).
The pulp chamber is a single cavity that occupies the center of the crown and
resembles the shape of the crown surface (Bjørndal et al. 1999). In anterior teeth,
the pulp chamber is contiguous with the root canal, but in posterior teeth it usually
presents a square shape with six sides: the floor, the roof, and the axial walls. The
walls are located in the four axial surfaces of the pulp chamber, and they are
identified as mesial, distal, buccal, or lingual (palatal) walls. The pulp-chamber
roof is located just below the occlusion or incisal ridge and usually presents pro-
jections or prominences associated to the cusps or mamelons, occupied by pulpal
tissues, the so-called pulp horns (Woelfel and Scheid 2002). The floor of the pulp
chamber is nearly flat in young teeth, later becoming convex. The natural anatomy
of the pulp-chamber floor frequently indicates the location of the entrances of the
root canals (orifices). The orifice is an opening leading from the pulp chamber
into a root canal, especially in a tooth with multiple canals (AAE 2012) (Fig. 1b).
However, the size of the pulp chamber may be reduced and changed in shape by
apposition of secondary or tertiary dentin because of aging physiological process or
as a pathological response to pulpal irritation such as caries, restorative treatment,
occlusal loading, or abrasion (Peiris et al. 2008). As a consequence, calcifications
may hide the canal orifices by altering their original configurations, blocking the
access to the root canals (Hargreaves and Cohen 2011).
Accessory canals that connect the pulp chamber to the periodontal ligament in
the furcation region of a multi-rooted tooth (Vertucci and Williams 1974) may also
Root Canal Anatomy: Implications in Biofilm Disinfection 159
Fig. 1 (a) The root canal system is divided into the pulp chamber, located in the anatomic crown
of the tooth, and the root canals, within the root. (b) Other important anatomical endodontic
landmarks are the pulp horns (1), the pulpal roof (2), the pulpal floor (3), the canal orifice (4), the
anatomic apex (5), the furcation (6), the apical foramen (7), the accessory foramina, and furcation
canals (arrows in c and d)
occur. Furcation canals are derived from entrapment of periodontal vessels during
the fusion of the parts of the diaphragm, which will become the floor of the pulp
chamber (Cutright and Bhaskar 1969). They represent a through communication
between the pulp canal space and the periodontal tissues and may be the cause of
primary endodontic lesions in the interradicular region of multi-rooted teeth
(Seltzer et al. 1967). Vertucci and Williams (1974) observed the presence of
furcation canals in 13 % of mandibular first molars. In most of them, the canal
extended from the center of the pulpal floor, but also from the mesial and distal
aspects of the floor. Later, Vertucci and Anthony (1986) observed the presence of
foramina on both the pulp-chamber floor and the furcation surface in 36 % of
maxillary first molars, 12 % of maxillary second molars, 32 % of mandibular first
molars, and 24 % of mandibular second molars. Recently, micro-computed tomo-
graphic studies have demonstrated the presence of furcation canals in two-rooted
mandibular canines (Fig. 1c) (Versiani et al. 2011a) and three-rooted mandibular
premolars (Fig. 1d) (Ordinola-Zapata et al. 2013).
Missed anatomy is one of the main causes of endodontic failure. In this way,
special attention needs to be addressed to the anatomy of the pulp chamber in order
to locate all the root canal orifices. After evaluating 500 pulp chambers of extracted
teeth, Krasner and Rankow (2004) proposed some laws for aiding in the determi-
nation of the pulp-chamber position and the exact location and number of root
canals in any individual tooth. They demonstrated that specific and consistent pulp-
chamber floor and wall anatomy exist and proposed laws for assisting clinicians
identify canal morphology. These laws are:
160 M.A. Versiani and R. Ordinola-Zapata
• Law of centrality: The floor of the pulp chamber is always located in the center
of the tooth at the level of the cementoenamel junction (CEJ).
• Law of concentricity: The walls of the pulp chamber are always concentric to the
external surface of the tooth at the level of the CEJ, i.e., the external root surface
anatomy reflects the internal pulp-chamber anatomy.
• Law of the CEJ: The distance from the external surface of the clinical crown to
the wall of the pulp chamber is the same throughout the circumference of the
tooth at the level of the CEJ—the CEJ is the most consistent, repeatable
landmark for locating the position of the pulp chamber.
• Law of symmetry 1: Except for maxillary molars, the orifices of the canals are
equidistant from a line drawn in a mesial-distal direction, through the pulp-
chamber floor.
• Law of symmetry 2: Except for the maxillary molars, the orifices of the canals lie
on a line perpendicular to a line drawn in a mesial-distal direction across the
center of the floor of the pulp chamber.
• Law of color change: The color of the pulp-chamber floor is always darker than
the walls.
• Law of orifice location 1: The orifices of the root canals are always located at the
junction of the walls and the floor.
• Law of orifice location 2: The orifices of the root canals are located at the angles
in the floor-wall junction.
• Law of orifice location 3: The orifices of the root canals are located at the
terminus of the root developmental fusion lines.
The root canal is the portion of the pulp space within the root of the tooth that tapers
toward the apex, following the external outline of the root. The main root canal
usually has a funnel shape and is ovoid in its cross section, having the greatest
diameter at the orifice level. In general, canals are wider buccolingually than in the
mesiodistal plane in longitudinal section. As previously mentioned, the anatomy of
the root canal system is often complex, and the presence of a tapering canal and a
single foramen is the exception rather than the rule (Vertucci 2005). Considering
the large amount of dissimilarities in the classification of canal configuration,
avoiding the comparison of the results among the reports, different classification
systems have been proposed (Weine et al. 1969; Vertucci et al. 1974; Weine 1996;
Gulabivala et al. 2001; Ng et al. 2001; Gulabivala et al. 2002; Sert and Bayirli 2004;
Al-Qudah and Awawdeh 2006; Peiris et al. 2008; Gu et al. 2011; Kim et al. 2013;
Leoni et al. 2013). These systems are based on the number of root canals that begin
at the pulp-chamber floor, arise along the course of the canal, and open through an
apical foramen (Vertucci 2005).
Root Canal Anatomy: Implications in Biofilm Disinfection 161
Together with diagnosis and treatment planning, the knowledge of common root
canal morphology and its frequent variations is a basic requirement for endodontic
success (Vertucci 2005). Its significance is also highlighted by studies demonstrat-
ing that variations in the preoperative canal geometry, such as the presence of
oval-shaped canals or isthmuses, had a greater effect on the changes that occurred
during preparation than the instrumentation techniques themselves (Peters
et al. 2001).
Weine et al. (1969) provided the first clinical classification of more than one
canal system in a single root. He studied mesiobuccal roots of extracted maxillary
first molars by the sectioning and radiographic methods and classified the canal
configuration into four categories:
• Type I: a single canal from the pulp chamber to the apex (1 configuration)
• Type II: two separate canals leaving the chamber but merging short of the apex
to form a single canal (2–1 configuration)
• Type III: two distinct canals from the pulp chamber to the apex (2 configuration)
• Type IV: a single canal leaving the chamber and dividing into two separate
canals at the apex (1–2 configuration)
Vertucci et al. (1974) studied 200 cleared maxillary second premolars which had
their pulp cavities stained with dye and found a much more complex systems,
identifying eight different configurations:
• Type I: a single canal from the pulp chamber to the apex (1 configuration)
• Type II: two separate canals leaving the chamber but merging short of the apex
to form a single canal (2–1 configuration)
• Type III: a single canal that divides into two and subsequently merges to exit as
one (1–2–1 configuration)
• Type IV: two distinct canals from the pulp chamber to the apex (2 configuration)
• Type V: a single canal leaving the chamber and dividing into two separate canals
at the apex (1–2 configuration)
• Type VI: two separate canals leaving the pulp chamber, merging in the body of
the root, and dividing again into two distinct canals short from the apex (2–1–2
• Type VII: a single canal that divides, merges, and exits into two distinct canals
short from the apex (1–2–1–2 configuration)
• Type VIII: three distinct canals from the pulp chamber to the apex
(3 configuration)
Despite the efforts to systematize the diversity of canal configurations, authors
studying other groups of teeth in different racial groups observed additional types of
root canal morphology (Gulabivala et al. 2001; Ng et al. 2001; Gulabivala
et al. 2002; Sert and Bayirli 2004; Al-Qudah and Awawdeh 2006; Peiris
162 M.A. Versiani and R. Ordinola-Zapata
Fig. 2 Diagrammatic representation of root canal configurations, organized by the number of root
canals at the apex, found by (a) Weine et al. (1969), (b) Vertucci et al. (1974), (c) Sert and Bayirli
(2004), (d) Gulabivala et al. (2001), (e) Al-Qudah and Awawdeh (2006), (f) Gu et al. (2011), (g)
Kim et al. (2013), (h) Leoni et al. (2014), (i) Ng et al. (2001), (j) Peiris et al. (2008), and (k)
Gulabivala et al. (2002)
et al. 2008; Gu et al. 2011; Kim et al. 2013; Leoni et al. 2013). Figure 2 summarizes
the varieties of root canal configurations found by different authors, organized by
the number of root canals at the apex.
With the improvements of the imaging methods to evaluate the root canal
anatomy, such as the micro-CT technology and the magnification approach in
clinical practice, an increase in the reporting of complex anatomy is expected. To
the clinician, it is important to be aware of the variability in the root canal
configuration, because it calls the attention to their existence so that the anatomy
may be properly recognized and treated (Vertucci 2005).
Fig. 3 Frontal and lateral views of molar (a) and premolar (b) taurodont teeth presenting a large
pulp chamber with apical displacement of the pulpal floor and furcation of the roots; (c) frontal and
lateral views of the roots of a mandibular first molar presenting a curved radix entomolaris
anomalous anatomy may lead to misdiagnosis and a treatment plan that could cause
permanent damage and tooth loss (Vertucci 2005). In this way, the clinician must be
aware of the existence of some anatomical anomalies in order to implement an
appropriate treatment plan. The most common anomalies with impact on endodon-
tic practice include taurodontism, dens invaginatus, radix entomolaris, radix
paramolaris, and C-shaped canals.
2.4.1 Taurodontism
malocclusion with the opposing tooth may cause abnormal wear or fracture of the
tubercle, and this is how pulp exposure occurs (Levitan and Himel 2006). Subse-
quent pulpal inflammation or infection will most likely ensue. It is important for the
clinician to be able to recognize and treat the entity soon after the affected teeth
have erupted into the oral cavity in order to avoid the development of pathological
conditions (Levitan and Himel 2006).
of Hertwig’s epithelial sheath to develop or fuse in the furcation area during the
developing stage of the teeth (Woelfel and Scheid 2002; Nanci and Ten Cate 2013).
Failure on the buccal side will result in a lingual groove, and the opposite cases
would be possible (Nanci and Ten Cate 2013). In such teeth, the floor of the pulp
chamber is frequently situated deeply and may assume an unusual anatomic
appearance (Fan et al. 2008). Below the orifice level, the root structure of a
C-shaped tooth can harbor a wide range of anatomic variations (Jafarzadeh and
Wu 2007), which make it a challenge with respect to disinfection (Fig. 4a)
(Solomonov et al. 2012). This variation may occur in different types of teeth
(Boveda et al. 1999; Yilmaz et al. 2006; Cleghorn et al. 2008; Fan et al. 2008;
Fan et al. 2012; Gu et al. 2013b); however, it is most commonly found in mandib-
ular second molars (Fig. 4b) (Yang et al. 1988b; Manning 1990; Min et al. 2006;
Rahimi et al. 2008; Zheng et al. 2011) with a reported prevalence ranging from 2.7
(Weine et al. 1988) to 44.5 % (Jin et al. 2006). There is significant ethnic variation
in the frequency of C-shaped molars, being much more common in Asians than in
Caucasians (Vertucci 2005). In Asian population, the reported prevalence was
Root Canal Anatomy: Implications in Biofilm Disinfection 167
furcation area, which commonly makes the mesial and distal canals
Based on the shape of the pulp-chamber floor and the location of the dentin
fusion, Min et al. (2006), using micro-CT technology, classified the pulp floor and
orifice into four types:
• Type I: A peninsula-like floor with a continuous C-shaped orifice.
• Type II: A buccal, strip-like dentin connection exists between the peninsula-like
floor and the buccal wall of the pulp chamber that separates the C-shaped groove
into mesial and distal orifices. Sometimes the mesial orifice was separated into a
mesiobuccal and a mesiolingual orifice by another strip-like dentin between the
peninsula-like floor and the mesial wall of the pulp chamber.
• Type III: Only one mesial, strip-like dentin connection exists between the
peninsula-like floor and the mesial wall, which separates the C-shaped groove
into a small mesiolingual orifice and a large mesiobuccal-distal orifice. The
mesiobuccal-distal orifice was formed by the merging of the mesiobuccal orifice
and the distal orifice.
• Type IV: Non-C-shaped floors. One distal canal orifice and one oval or two
round mesial canal orifices are present.
The presence of C-shaped canal anatomy has also been reported in third molars
(Sidow et al. 2000), lateral incisors (Boveda et al. 1999; Gu 2011), mandibular first
premolars (Cleghorn et al. 2008; Fan et al. 2008; Gu et al. 2013a, b; Ordinola-
Zapata et al. 2013), mandibular first molars (Rice and Gilbert 1987), and maxillary
first (Newton and McDonald 1984; De Moor 2002; Martins et al. 2013) and second
(Yang et al. 1988a) molars. In maxillary molars, C-shaped canal configuration is a
rare condition resulted from the fusion of the roots, and its prevalence appears to be
below 1 % (De Moor 2002; Cleghorn et al. 2006; Martins et al. 2013). When the
radicular fusion does not involve the mesiobuccal root, an additional canal in this
root, the so-called MB2, can also be present (Fig. 4b). A recent review has identified
three types of C-shaped configuration in maxillary molars, based on the fusion of
the roots (Martins et al. 2013):
• Type A: fusion between palatal and distobuccal canals
• Type B: fusion between mesiobuccal and distobuccal canals
• Type C: fusion between two palatal canals
Mandibular first premolars present a variety of root canal configurations that
include the presence of a C-shaped configuration system (Fig. 4c) (Vertucci 1984;
Ordinola-Zapata et al. 2013). As in mandibular molars, C-shaped canal systems in
mandibular first premolar vary among different ethnic groups with its prevalence
being reported to range from 1 % (Yu et al. 2012) to 18 % (Lu et al. 2006) in
different ethnic populations. This configuration has been highly associated with the
presence of groove or concavity on the external root surface and Vertucci’s type V
configuration (Fan et al. 2012), i.e., a single canal that bifurcates at the middle third
(Fan et al. 2008; Ordinola-Zapata et al. 2013). Radicular grooves in mandibular first
Root Canal Anatomy: Implications in Biofilm Disinfection 169
premolars usually began 3 mm from the CEJ on the proximal lingual area of the
middle root, not always extending to the root apex (Lu et al. 2006; Fan et al. 2008).
Preoperative diagnosis of C-shaped canals is complex, mainly because these
unique anatomic features are not easily recognized on a traditional two-dimensional
periapical radiograph (Solomonov et al. 2012). With the increased use of CBCT
scanning, clinicians may be able to detect C-shaped canals before endodontic
treatment. Nevertheless, even when recognized, the disinfection procedure will
remain a challenge, mostly because of the isthmus areas. Irregular areas in a
C-shaped canal that may house soft-tissue remnants or infected debris may escape
thorough cleaning and may be a source of bleeding and severe pain (Fan
et al. 2009). In this way, the use of dental microscope associated with sonic or
ultrasonic instrumentation techniques may make treatment outcome more predict-
able (Vertucci 2005). Because of its challenging morphology, the C-shaped canal
anatomy would increase the difficulty in root canal therapy and may account for the
frequent occurrence of endodontic treatment failure (Lu et al. 2006).
2.5 Isthmuses
Fig. 5 (a) Lateral, (b) frontal, and (c) cross-sectional views of the mesial (m) and distal (d) roots
of a micro-CT model of a mandibular first molar showing the presence of isthmuses (*) and
a lateral canal (LC)
170 M.A. Versiani and R. Ordinola-Zapata
between two main canals (Weller et al. 1995). Studies in posterior teeth have shown
the presence of necrotic pulp tissue and biofilms after chemomechanical prepara-
tion indicating that conventional disinfection methods have limited results in these
hard-to-reach areas (Adcock et al. 2011; Endal et al. 2011). If surgery becomes
necessary, the natural anatomy of the root canal is altered, and additional anatomic
features such as an undebrided isthmus may become exposed and need to be
addressed (Leoni et al. 2013). In this case, surgical microscopy and ultrasonic
root-end preparation would help the clinician to better visualize the apex, incorpo-
rating both canals and the isthmus into the root-end preparation to ensure a proper
debridement and sealing of the root canal system (Weller et al. 1995; Hsu and Kim
1997; Mauger et al. 1998; Adcock et al. 2011).
The knowledge about the morphology and prevalence of root canal isthmuses in
posterior teeth is relevant for nonsurgical and surgical endodontic treatment (Hsu
and Kim 1997). A summary of the isthmus prevalence in mandibular and maxillary
molars found in laboratory studies using cross-sectioning and micro-CT methods is
shown in Table 1.
Isthmuses may present different configurations, and its prevalence is dependent
on the type of teeth, the root level, and the patient’s age. Hsu and Kim (1997)
classified the isthmus configuration into five types:
• Type I: Two canals with no notable communication.
• Type II: A hair-thin connection between the two main canals.
• Type III: Differs from type II because of the presence of three canals instead
of two.
• Type IV: An isthmus with extended canals into the connection.
• Type V: There is a true connection or wide corridor of tissue between two main
Fan et al. (2010), using micro-CT technology, described the configuration of the
isthmuses in the mesial roots of mandibular molars into four categories:
• Type I (sheet connection): Narrow sheet and complete connection existing
between two canals from the top to bottom of the isthmus. Sometimes, one or
more small dentin fusions were discerned in the isthmus area.
• Type II (separate): Narrow but incomplete connection existing between two
canals from the top to bottom of the isthmus.
• Type III (mixed): Incomplete isthmus existing above and/or below a complete
• Type IV (cannular connection): Narrow cannular communication between two
Isthmuses connecting multiple canals are the type of anatomical configuration
that presents a clinical challenge directly related to the irrigating protocols because
all preparation techniques often leave behind accumulated hard- and soft-tissue
remnants as well as microorganisms in these hard-to-reach areas. The recognition
and treatment of root canal isthmuses may be one factor that reduces the failure rate
of endodontic treatment (Hsu and Kim 1997). Usually, a large amount of the
Root Canal Anatomy: Implications in Biofilm Disinfection 171
Table 1 Summary of laboratory studies on the prevalence and position of isthmuses in the mesial
root canal system of mandibular molars and mesiobuccal (MB) root canal system of maxillary
Authors Methodology Conclusion
Weller Transverse serial 1-mm-thick sections The mean frequency of isthmuses was
et al. (1995) from the apical 6 mm of 50 MB roots of 30, 65, 90, 100, 82, and 81 % from 1-
maxillary first molars were examined to 6-mm levels from the apex
under surgical operating microscope
Teixeira Transverse serial 1-mm-thick sections Maxillary molars: the mean frequency
et al. (2003) from the apical 6 mm of 50 MB roots of of isthmuses was 11.4, 20, 31.5, and
maxillary molars and 50 mesial roots of 23.6 % from 3 to 6 mm from the apex;
mandibular first molars were examined mandibular molars: the mean % fre-
through a light microscope quency of isthmuses was 6.6, 11.9,
20.5, 30.3, 33.3, and 32.4 % from 1 to
6 mm from the apex
Mannocci 800 cross sections from the apical 5 mm The mean frequency of isthmuses was
et al. (2005) of 20 mesial roots of mandibular first 17.2, 36.7, 50.2, 33, and 34.7 % from
molars were investigated by means of 1 to 5 mm from the apex
micro-CT technology
Jung Transverse serial 1-mm-thick sections Maxillary molars: the mean frequency
et al. (2005) from the apical 5 mm of 47 MB roots of of isthmuses was 52.7, 52.6, 63.2, and
maxillary first molars and 50 mesial 44.7 % from 2 to 5 mm from the apex;
roots of mandibular first molars were mandibular molars: the mean fre-
examined through microscope quency of isthmuses was 60, 80, 82.5,
and 70 % from 2 to 6 mm from the
Degerness Transverse serial 0.44-mm-thick sec- The mean percentage of sections with
and Bowles tions from the apex of 153 MB roots of isthmus up to 5 mm from the apex was
(2008) maxillary first and second molars were 8.5 (0.64 mm), 35.3 (1.62 mm), 43.8
examined through stereomicroscope (2.15 mm), 51.6 (3.12 mm), 60.2
(3.64 mm), 66.7 (4.58 mm), and
76.5 % (5.1 mm)
Fan Cross-sectional images from the apical The frequency of isthmus in the apical
et al. (2010) 5 mm of mesial roots of mandibular 5 mm of the mesial roots was 85 %.
first (n ¼ 70) and second (n ¼ 56) Mandibular first molars had more
molars, respectively, were investigated isthmuses with separate and mixed
by means of micro-CT technology types, whereas second molars had
more isthmuses with sheet connections
Villas-Boas 1.0-mm increment cross-sectional The mean frequency of isthmuses was
et al. (2011) images from the apical 4 mm of mesial 45, 55, 71, and 68 % from 1 to 4 mm
roots of 60 mandibular molars were from the apex
investigated by means of micro-CT
Harris 0.5-mm increment cross-sectional Isthmuses were found along the length
et al. (2013) images from the apical 6 mm of mesial of all mesial roots. On average, isth-
roots of 22 mandibular molars were mus started at 4-mm level and ended
investigated by means of micro-CT 8.1 mm from the apex
172 M.A. Versiani and R. Ordinola-Zapata
isthmus area is left unaffected by the endodontic procedures (Siqueira et al. 2013).
Besides, the dentin debris created during canal preparation may prevent the
antibacterial activity of irrigant solution such as sodium hypochlorite or chlorhex-
idine because they do not have a significant effect against inorganic compounds.
These findings support the clinical observation that isthmuses in failure cases were
not adequately filled, probably because of the presence of debris or organic tissue in
these areas (von Arx 2005). Currently, with the advent of microscopic endodontic
techniques, it is possible to visualize, identify, and treat most of the isthmus areas
with thin ultrasonic tips in both surgical and nonsurgical endodontic procedures.
Accessory canal is referred here as any branch of the main pulp canal or chamber
that communicates with the external surface of the root, while a lateral canal is
defined as an accessory canal located in the coronal or middle third of the root
(Fig. 5b, c) (AAE 2012). They are formed after a localized fragmentation of the
epithelial root sheath develops, leaving a small gap, or when blood vessels running
from the dental sac through the dental papilla persist (Ricucci and Siqueira 2010;
Nanci and Ten Cate 2013). Accessory canals comprise potential pathways through
which bacteria and/or their products from the necrotic root canal might reach the
periodontal ligament and cause disease, and likewise, bacteria from periodontal
pockets might reach the pulp, being difficult to reach, clean, disinfect, and fill
during the endodontic treatment (Ricucci and Siqueira 2010). De Deus (1975)
studied the frequency, location, and direction of the accessory canals in 1140
teeth using the diaphanization technique and showed that 27.4 % of the sample
(n ¼ 330) had accessory canals, mostly in the apical area (17 %) and less frequently
in the middle (8.8 %) and coronal (1.6 %) thirds. Vertucci (1984) evaluated 2400
teeth and also observed lower occurrence of canal ramifications in the middle
(11.4 %) and coronal (6.3 %) thirds compared to the apical level (73.5 %). On the
other hand, using histological sections, Ricucci and Siqueira (2010) observed a
much higher overall frequency of canal ramifications (75 %). This may be
explained due to differences in the sample origin and evaluation methods; however,
in all of these studies (De Deus 1975; Vertucci 1984; Ricucci and Siqueira 2010),
premolars and molars have showed the highest frequency of accessory canals.
Recent micro-CT studies on the root canal anatomy of mandibular anterior teeth
showed that lateral canals are rare and were observed only in 4 % of the canines
(Leoni et al. 2013; Versiani et al. 2013a).
Lateral canals are not usually visible in preoperative radiographs, but its pres-
ence can be suspected when there is a localized thickening of the periodontal
ligament or a lesion on the lateral surface of the root. Morphological studies have
demonstrated that the largest diameter (10–200 μm) of the accessory foramina was
up to three times smaller than the mean diameter reported for the main apical
foramen in permanent maxillary and mandibular molars (Dammaschke et al. 2004).
Root Canal Anatomy: Implications in Biofilm Disinfection 173
While this difference might explain why apical periodontitis is observed far more
than lateral periodontitis (Ricucci and Siqueira 2010), the presence of accessory
foramina with large diameters may imply that an inflammatory process can spread
from pulpal to periodontal tissues and vice versa (Dammaschke et al. 2004). Large
and patent lateral foramina might allow a higher amount of bacteria to reach and
contact a larger area of the lateral periodontal ligament to cause disease, while the
quantity of bacterial irritants in small ramifications might be insufficient to induce
significant disease to be radiographically discernible (Ricucci and Siqueira 2010).
According to Weine (1996), lateral lesions can be radiographically classified
into three types:
• Type I: Lateral lesion with no apical lesion: as the infection progresses apically,
it might reach a sufficiently large lateral canal to allow a substantial amount of
bacteria and bacterial products to reach the lateral periodontium to cause
• Type II: Separate lateral and apical lesions: if the pathological process advances
without professional intervention, an apical periodontitis lesion can also be
• Type III: Coalescence of lateral and apical lesions: in some cases, the type II
condition can progress to the so-called “wraparound” lesion.
Actually, these types might represent different stages of the disease progression
within the root canal space once the conditions of the tissue within lateral canals
and apical ramifications reflect the conditions of the pulp in the main root canal
(Ricucci and Siqueira 2010). Clinically, it is also relevant that lateral canals cannot
be instrumented. In this way, its content can only be neutralized by means of
effective irrigation with a suitable antimicrobial solution or with an additional use
of an intracanal medication.
A hallmark of the apical region is its variability and unpredictability, which have
fed considerable controversy concerning the termination point for endodontic pro-
cedures and for the final size of enlarging instruments (Bergenholtz and Spångberg
2004; Vertucci 2005). The main root canal ends at the apical foramen (major
foramen), which usually opens laterally on the root surface at a distance of between
0.2 and 3.8 mm from the anatomic apex (Gutierrez and Aguayo 1995). The apical
foramen is the main apical opening in the root structure that communicates with the
dental pulp and generally contains neural, vascular, and connective elements, while
the anatomic apex is the tip or the end of the root as determined morphologically
(AAE 2012). Apical foramen has been observed to coincide with the anatomic apex
in a frequency that ranged from 6.7 to 46 % (Green 1956; Burch and Hulen 1972;
Pineda and Kuttler 1972; Vertucci 1984; Mizutani et al. 1992). Its mean size varied
from 0.21 to 0.39 mm (Morfis et al. 1994) and its shape can be asymmetrical
174 M.A. Versiani and R. Ordinola-Zapata
Fig. 6 Three-dimensional micro-CT models of root and root canals of different groups of teeth
showing the presence of (a) apical constriction (AC), apical foramen (AF), and (b) apical delta, as
well as, a gradual (c) and abrupt (d) apical curvature of the root canal
(Blašković-Šubat et al. 1992). The mesial root of mandibular molars, the maxillary
premolar roots, and the mesiobuccal root of maxillary molars present the highest
frequency of multiple apical foramina (Morfis et al. 1994). A previous study on the
root apexes of all groups of permanent teeth has also demonstrated that the number
of foramina on each root may vary from 1 to 16 (Gutierrez and Aguayo 1995).
The apical portion of the root canal having the narrowest diameter is called
apical constriction (minor foramen) (AAE 2012). From the apical constriction, the
canal widens as it approaches the apical foramen (Fig. 6a). The topography of the
apical constriction is not constant (Dummer et al. 1984; Versiani et al. 2013a) and,
when present, is usually located 0.5–1.5 mm from the center of the apical foramen
(Vertucci 2005). The cementodentinal junction (CDJ) is the point at which the
cemental surface terminates at or near the apex of a tooth and meets the dentin
(AAE 2012). At this highly variable histological landmark that usually does not
coincide with the apical constriction, pulp tissue ends and periodontal tissues begin
(Ponce and Vilar Fernandez 2003). Despite canal cross sections have shown
different shapes in different levels of the root in the same tooth, at the apical
third, the canal used to be more round or slightly oval in shape in comparison
with the middle and cervical thirds (Wu et al. 2000; Versiani et al. 2013a).
Another important configuration of the root canal at or near the apex is the apical
delta, defined as a morphology in which the main canal divides into multiple
accessory canals (Fig. 6b) (AAE 2012). In maxillary teeth, the percentage fre-
quency of apical delta ranges from 1 % (central incisors) to 15.1 % (second
premolars), while in mandibular teeth its frequency varies from 5 % (central
incisors) to 14 % (distal root of first molars) (Vertucci 1984). Clinically speaking,
the complex anatomical configuration of the apical delta, with several portals of exit
which may harbor biofilms and infected dentinal tubules, makes disinfection
procedure more challenging.
Knowledge of the root canal curvature is also an important factor for testing
newly developed instruments and choosing the appropriate protocol for the
cleaning and shaping procedures. Accidents reported after preparation of curved
canals with different instruments including zip, separate instruments, ledge, and
Root Canal Anatomy: Implications in Biofilm Disinfection 175
Dentin has been defined as a mineralized tissue that forms the bulk of the crown and
root of the tooth, and its composition is approximately 67 % inorganic, 20 %
organic, and 13 % water. It surrounds coronal and radicular pulp, forming the
walls of the pulp chamber and root canals presenting porous irregularities known as
dentinal tubules. Dentinal tubules are circular ducts in the dentin matrix that
contains an odontoblastic process and fluid. A typical dentinal tubule has a diameter
of 3–4 μm at its pulpal end and about 1 μm at the dentinoenamel or dentinocemental
176 M.A. Versiani and R. Ordinola-Zapata
Fig. 7 Confocal laser scanning microscopy of biofilm-infected dentin. The images show the
adherence of several morphotypes to the dentinal tubules and peritubular dentin. Dentin was
labeled with the live/dead fluorescence kit: green represents live cells and red dead cells. (a, b)
Deep and superficial layer of the attached biofilm (scanned area: 275 275 μm). Magnification of
the infected dentin (c) shows a dense infection of bacteria organized in colonies of different
Fig. 8 Necrotic teeth of experimentally induced apical periodontitis in an animal model. The
sample was stained using the acridine orange dye; the microbial RNA is usually stained in
red/orange. (a) Panoramic view of the root canal content showing a large mass of necrotic tissue
and organic structures attached to root canal walls (arrows). (b) Magnification of the dentin
showing a dense infection within dentinal tubules. (c) Biofilm/dentin interface. A complex
microbial amorphous structure heavily stained attached to the root canal wall (square). (c)
Magnification of the dentin/biofilm interface (shown in b) revealing microbial cells invading the
predentin and several dentinal tubules (arrow)
junction. The number of dentinal tubules ranges from 20,000 to 75,000 per square
millimeter of dentin from the apex to the coronal level, respectively (AAE 2012;
Nanci and Ten Cate 2013).
The dentin is usually exposed to the oral cavity by caries or fracture. These
conditions expose dentin to the oral microorganisms, which may adhere to its
surface, colonize, and invade the dentinal tubules (Figs. 7 and 8). Some factors
Root Canal Anatomy: Implications in Biofilm Disinfection 177
can influence the infection of the dentin; basically, colonization is limited by dentin
permeability and the bacteria ability to adhere to dentin substrate (Love and
Jenkinson 2002). Morphological analysis of the dentinal tubules in the apical area
showed that fine (300–700 mm in diameter) and micro (25–200 mm diameter)
tubular branches, which run at 45 and 90 to the main tubules, respectively, were
also frequently present. On the other hand, in some areas no tubules were observed
(Mj€or 2009). Additionally, in the presence of apical periodontitis, exposure of the
dentinal tubules in the apical region may occur due to the development of external
apical root resorption, which may favor the spreading of microorganisms, compli-
cating the disinfection procedures at this level (Vertucci 2005).
4 Concluding Remarks
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Root Canal Anatomy: Implications in Biofilm Disinfection 187
The picture of the intraradicular microbiota is under continual review and improve-
ment through new scientific insight, but it still remains relatively crude. The picture,
at present, is synthesised from a variety of data sources that may be divided into two
main streams of knowledge: microscopy (sometimes with in situ hybridisation) and
diversity determination (through culture-dependent and culture-independent or
molecular techniques). The distribution and diversity of the microbiota within the
root canal system and dentine is unique to the individual tooth and notably variable.
The state at any given time may represent the stage of infection with the bacterial
biofilm extending up to and only sometimes beyond the apical canal terminus.
Bacteria may proliferate beyond the apical foramina and into the periapical lesion,
but this seems rare. The depth of penetration into dentine is also variable but
confined to the area close to the root canal lumen.
Assuming all root canal infections originate from coronal breaches in tooth
structure or exposure of natural communications, such as lateral canals, periapical
lesion development would seem to be dependent upon initial microbial contamina-
tion of dentinal surfaces (root canal wall and dentinal tubules), successful initial
A similar model is proposed for the root canal microbiota: coronal leakage may
allow salivary ingress and facultative organisms to grow in the coronal part of the
canal, whereas serum from the apical part of the canal may favour the growth of
proteolytic bacteria at the root apex. The difference in the root canal system is that
the nutritional sources are separated by a much greater distance in relative terms at
15–25 mm apart. This, therefore, also raises the question of what sustains biofilm
progression in the mid-root. Evidence for different patterns of bacterial growth
found in root canal systems comes from morphological and diversity studies
(Richardson et al. 2009; Ozok et al. 2012).
The root canal environment has a unique natural history from the perspective of
a nutritional source for bacteria in the human body, though it has not been
characterised adequately in its necrotic, infected state from an ecological point of
view. The pulp may provide a very rich supply of vital tissue and serum exudate
during the stages of pulpal inflammation, but once it becomes necrotised, the
nutritional supply is presumably rapidly exhausted as the environment is secluded
by the dentine shell. The key fluid-based nutritional resources such as saliva, serum,
blood and inflammatory exudate from pulpal tissues may dwindle. Where even
minimal nutritional streams are available in the form of salivary leakage coronally
and inflammatory exudate apically, bacterial communities may become established
and reach maturity. As the initial habitat is altered by the primary colonisers,
secondary invaders join and may replace them. According to classical ecological
theory, succession ends when a relatively stable assembly of populations, called a
climax community, is achieved. This concept has been difficult to apply to micro-
bial communities in the general environment as random disturbances prevent the
community from ever-reaching equilibrium although this may well be achieved in
the secluded root canal environment in chronic cases. In the later stages (or perhaps
throughout the process) of an enclosed root canal infection therefore, the bacteria
presumably enter some sort of a starvation or dormant phase, although there is little
published literature on this aspect in root canal sites. Although in animal models,
periapical lesions may be induced in relatively short spans of time by direct
inoculation of the pulp space (Gulabivala 2004), the actual amount of time taken
may presumably vary enormously given the time taken for pulps to succumb from
clinical evidence. The ‘slow-burning’ nature of a biofilm infection with starvation
and dormancy states may play a significant part in the sustenance of chronic
periapical disease (Costerton et al. 2003).
The overall ecological picture is one of a complex polymicrobial community
that may function as one in response to its environment and presumably to treat-
ment as well. The biofilm has a patchy and variable distribution through the root
canal system. Depending upon the stage of infection, the colonisation may be
dominant coronally, apically or in the middle (Fig. 1). The biofilm may have
variable thickness from a few cells to hundreds (Fig. 2); the groups of organisms
within each niche may vary and certainly each tooth will have its own unique
diversity signature. Teeth with gross carious exposures may exhibit almost com-
plete biofilm coverage of the root canal wall with prolific thickness (Fig. 3). Whilst
it is tempting to speculate that enclosed root canal systems may exhibit restricted
194 K. Gulabivala and Y.-L. Ng
Fig. 1 Patchy distribution of the root canal biofilm, (a) radiographic image of root, (b) extracted
split root, (c) composite SEM image of root, (d) composite CLSM image of root canal with
fluorescent in situ hybridisation using bacterial probes, (e) SEM and CLSM superimposed images
microbiota with minimal diversity and teeth with open pulp chambers, wide
microbial diversity, the truth is that such correlation is not proven.
The relative amount and composition of extracellular matrix (ECM) in biofilms
within root canal systems (Fig. 4) are likely to be dictated by bacterial diversity and
the microbiota’s nutritional sources. However, insight about the ECM in root canal
biofilms is currently lacking. It is important to determine these properties because
they would presumably play a major role in biofilm eradication.
Where the resident infection propagates to the apical canal terminus with
evidence of periapical suppuration, it is probable that PMNs will be found in the
canal system, often lining the bacterial biofilm (Fig. 3) and indeed attempting to
phagocytose the cells (Fig. 5). The extravascular life span of such cells is regarded
as being 2–3 days, implying a very dynamic and nutritionally rich environment, in
stark contrast to the notion of a stable ecosystem with minimal shift and disturbance
(Richardson et al. 2009).
When the biofilm front extends beyond the confines of the root canal system
apically, the bacteria involved are often mainly anaerobic, perhaps associated with
foreign or dead (cellular or dentinal) material, to which defence cells have no or
limited access. Given the richer nutritional source in this location, the biofilm may
Biofilm-Associated Infections in Root Canals: Treatment and Outcomes 195
pulp ssue Biofilm
Pre-denne Denne
Fig. 2 Variable thickness of biofilm adherent to the root canal predentine with moribund pulp
tissue towards the canal lumen
pulp ssue
Pre-denne Denne
Fig. 3 Thick and rich biofilm layer coating canal wall in a cariously exposed tooth, with a PMN
layer covering the biofilm towards the canal lumen aspect
196 K. Gulabivala and Y.-L. Ng
exhibit a richer and thicker extracellular matrix covering and extending over the
external surface of the root. Bacterial occupants of such plaques have been
observed to be mainly coccal and rod forms, but fibrillar structures may also be
present. Those implicated in periapical tissue invasion include Actinomyces species
and Propionibacterium propionicum. Many others from the root canal microbiota
have also been implicated, but their genuine presence as invaders of periapical
tissues remains controversial because of the difficulties of obtaining
uncontaminated samples. By definition, chronic periapical lesions without suppu-
ration do not contain bacteria, whereas suppurative lesions must exhibit bacterial
invasion of the periapical tissues. The problem inherent in such clinical classifica-
tion lies in the difficulty of clinical discrimination between the two states. Whilst
suppuration may be evident at a tissue level, it may not yet have manifested
The variations in the nature of intra- and extra-radicular infections, together with
variations in host responses, probably result in the diverse clinical presentations of
apical periodontitis. Given the association between infection and root canal treat-
ment outcome, it is not surprising that clinical presentation (pain, swelling and
sinus) might predict outcomes of treatment (Ng et al. 2011).
Biofilm-Associated Infections in Root Canals: Treatment and Outcomes 197
The efficacy of root canal treatment has been evaluated using in vitro, ex vivo
and in vivo study models. The outcome measures tested are diverse and include
shaping efficacy and efficiency together with the maintenance of centring ratio,
presence of residual root canal debris, extent of predentine removal, presence of
smear layer, presence of residual biofilm, bacterial load reduction, altered bacterial
diversity, periapical healing (radiographic or histological), tooth survival and
patient reported outcomes. These measures may individually or collectively indi-
cate the potential effectiveness and variability of the procedure, as well as any
ceiling thresholds that may exist.
3.1 Rationale
Based on the fact that periapical lesions develop as a result of the interaction
between bacteria (and their products) and the host defences, it is clear that their
prevention or resolution depends upon preventing or terminating this interaction.
Given the relatively long history of root canal treatment and the relatively recent
establishment of biological rationale (Gulabivala and Ng 2009), a series of different
conceptual frameworks have been used over the decades and centuries to justify the
approach used. Curiously, the principles of the approach have not altered for a very
long time (Hall 1928), whilst technological advancements have made the proce-
dures more efficient and amenable to the technical achievement of shaping and
filling the root canal systems.
The treatment rationale for teeth without clinical evidence for apical periodon-
titis and for those with associated apical periodontitis is biologically different. In
the former case, depending upon the precise clinical reason (elective, restorative,
endodontic) for treatment, the main goal will be to prevent introduction of micro-
bial infection into the apical anatomy, either from the environment or from the
coronal part of the root canal system. The focus is therefore on prevention of
microbial contamination/infection spread. On the whole, root canal treatment
under such circumstances may have slightly different technical and biological
challenges and is accompanied by evidence that a wide variety of protocols may
suffice, giving high success rates with a relatively narrow range, as judged by
continued clinical absence of apical periodontitis (Fig. 6).
Once the periapical lesion has become established, variations in the technical
aspects of the chemomechanical protocol appear to have a greater impact on
outcome (Fig. 7). Overall, the challenge is a different one because the purpose
under these circumstances is not merely to prevent new contamination/infection but
to eradicate the established bacterial biofilm and effect switching off of the host
immune response coupled with accelerating wound healing. The challenge seems to
200 K. Gulabivala and Y.-L. Ng
Peak 1994
Cheung 2002
Aqrabawi 2006
Ng et al. 2011
0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 1
Probability of success for primary root canal treatment on teeth with vital pulp
Fig. 6 Forest plot of clinical outcome data on presence/absence of apical radiolucency following
treatment of teeth without prior apical periodontitis
Auerbach 1938
Buchbinder 1941
Castagnola & Orlay 1952
Heling & Tamshe 1970
Cvek 1972
Werts 1975
Adenubi & Rule 1976
Heling & Shapira 1978
Jokinen et al 1978.
Barbakow et al 1980.
Cvek et al 1982.
Boggia 1983
Pekruhn 1986
Bystrom et al 1987.
Halse & Molven 1987
Safavi et al 1987.
Akerblom & Hasselgren 1988
Sjogren et al 1990.
Murphy et al 1991.
Friedman et al 1995.
Calisken & Sen 1996
Peretz et al 1997.
Sjogren et al 1997.
Lilly et al 1998.
Weiger et al 2000.
Cheung 2002
Hoskinson et al 2002.
Peters & Wesselink 2002
Chugal et al 2003.
Huumonen et al 2003.
Khedmat 2004
Chu et al 2005.
Aqrabawi 2006
Doyle et al 2006.
Conner et al 2007.
Molander et al 2007.
Sari & Duruturk 2007
Chevigny et al 2008.
Cotton et al 2008.
Penesis et al 2008.
Siqueira et al 2008.
Hsiao et al 2009.
Mente et al 2009.
Tervit et al 2009.
Ng et al 2011.
Ricucciet al. 2011
.1 .3 .5 .7 .9 1
Fig. 7 Forest plot of clinical outcome data on presence/absence of apical radiolucency following
treatment of teeth with prior apical periodontitis
Biofilm-Associated Infections in Root Canals: Treatment and Outcomes 201
The first step involves creation of access to the root canal system by drilling a cavity
from the occlusal surface to the root canal system: the coronal access cavity.
Historically, mechanical preparation of the entire wall of the root canal system
had been considered the most important means of bacterial biofilm removal.
However, there has been a paradigm shift in the way this phase is now viewed,
since it is now regarded as no more than an extension of the coronal access cavity
into the root, that is, a radicular access cavity (Gulabivala and Stock 1995). This is
principally because up to half of the surface of the root canal system surface
remains uninstrumented, requiring the remainder to be cleansed of biofilm by
means other than planing with metal instruments.
It has traditionally been held that canals should be prepared by controlled
dentine removal so as to produce a regular taper with the minimum diameter at
the apical constriction or canal terminus and the maximum diameter at the coronal
end. The central axis of the canal should remain undeviated regardless of curvature,
whilst the taper should be the minimal compatible with the delivery of irrigant and
root filling material, so that root strength and integrity are preserved.
The apical diameter size and degree of taper selected as optimal have been the
subject of much debate. The choice is usually based on personal preference and
individual clinical experience rather than on sound scientific rationale. Widely
202 K. Gulabivala and Y.-L. Ng
tapered canals may allow better irrigant penetration, debridement and obturation,
but these benefits are achieved at the expense of root strength and, possibly, long-
term survival of the tooth. Advocates of narrowly prepared canals argue that a
taper that allows irrigant penetration using narrow needles is sufficient for debride-
ment and that obturation of such canals can be satisfactorily achieved with
thermoplasticised gutta-percha techniques. Narrowly tapered preparations, if they
allow adequate cleaning and obturation, are more desirable as they do not compro-
mise root strength. Based on the irrigation requirements of the root canal system,
teeth may be divided into those with simple or complex canal systems.
In simple canal systems with narrow circular cross sections (Type A), preparation to
a regularly tapered radicular access cavity may entirely (Fig. 8) encompass the
original canal system. In such cases, biofilm removal may be achieved almost
wholly by mechanical preparation with little reliance on the irrigant.
In contrast, in simple canal systems with wide non-circular but regular cross
sections (Type B), such as canines, some premolars, distal and palatal roots of
molars and teeth with ‘C’-shaped canals, even preparation to a regularly tapered
radicular access cavity may not allow complete biofilm debridement solely by
mechanical preparation (Fig. 9). Access for irrigation is excellent in such teeth
making canal enlargement by filing, redundant.
In further contrast, in simple canal systems with narrow circular cross sections
and fins and ramifications extending off them (Type C), mechanical preparation
would remove biofilms from the accessible walls but not from the uninstrumented
accessory anatomy (Fig. 10). Examples of such anatomy may be drawn from all
tooth types.
In teeth with more morphologically complex and irregular canal systems, the
prepared radicular access cavity remains encompassed or surrounded by the orig-
inal irregular canal system to a greater or lesser degree and may only be partly
discernible or not at all. Examples may be drawn from mesial roots of mandibular
or maxillary molars, mandibular incisors and some premolars, usually only when
viewed proximally though (Fig. 11).
204 K. Gulabivala and Y.-L. Ng
In order for the chemical fluid agent to reach all surfaces of the root canal system, a
sufficient path must exist and the flow of the fluid irrigant must be facilitated. This
requires that obstructions in the path have to be cleared of pulp tissue, dystrophic
pulp calcification, pulp stones and bacterial biofilm. The mechanical shaping
process may disrupt and displace such contents; any dentine chips generated from
the shaping process would add a further element to the canal content. This hetero-
geneous mass of organic and inorganic tissue should ideally be flushed out of the
canal system.
Pure flushing action is restricted by the viscously dominated environment of the
root canal system, so an understanding of fluid dynamics is mandatory (Gulabivala
et al. 2010). Strategies for delivering, mixing and replacing the irrigant must be
effective. In addition, pure flushing action is only effective for loose debris; most of
Biofilm-Associated Infections in Root Canals: Treatment and Outcomes 205
Fig. 11 Complex canal system whose overall wall geometry would remain predominantly
unaltered by mechanical instrumentation and that would preclude debridement of the majority
of the canal wall surface without the aid of chemical irrigation means: two separate examples, (a)
unprepared and (b) root filled
the contents are likely to be attached or adherent and must therefore be loosened by
agitation or chemical solvent action. Therefore, the act of flushing must exert a wall
shear stress, be prolonged or repetitive and preferably also occur during mechanical
preparation, although post-mechanical flushing is also considered advantageous.
The process of bacterial biofilm disruption by antibacterial fluids is complicated
by the challenge of delivering the irrigant to the narrow, confined and distant apical
anatomy and to the deepest layers of the multilayered microbial biofilm with its
polysaccharide matrix protection. The first problem is overcome by enlarging and
shaping the radicular access sufficiently to allow the irrigant to be delivered to the
apical anatomy using an appropriately sized, narrow-gauge ‘endodontic’ needle,
together with some form of agitation. The second problem is overcome by using a
high enough concentration and/or sufficient volume of irrigant through continuous
replenishment to provide sustained chemical potency. The combined action of
mechanical and chemical cleaning is more efficient than either method alone in
biofilm removal.
Once the mechanical shaping is completed, a final effort is made to reach all
instrumented and, particularly, uninstrumented surfaces to allow chemical ‘scrub-
bing’ of the entire root canal wall to remove biofilm from the uninstrumented
surface and any contaminated smear layer from the instrumented surface
(Fig. 12). The strategies for delivering, agitating and mixing the irrigant into the
complex anatomy from the prepared radicular access have increased multifold in
recent years as this need became better understood. The approaches may be
classified into (Gulabivala et al. 2010):
206 K. Gulabivala and Y.-L. Ng
Fig. 12 (a) Unprepared complex root canal system, (b) instrumented root canal system revealing
uninstrumented surfaces, (c) green uninstrumented area requires debridement by chemical irrigant
delivered via the radicular preparation
transportation. Preliminary data on debris and smear layer removal was promising
(Ruddle 2007). Vibringe consists of a sonically activated device attached to a
syringe, which creates agitation as the irrigant is delivered.
Much higher frequencies of vibration of the working tip (in the ultrasonic range,
20–40 kHz) are achieved with either magnetostrictive or piezoelectric devices.
Magnetostrictive transducers produce an elliptical motion at the working tip, whilst
piezoelectric transducers produce longitudinal or transverse linear motions. In
either case, the oscillations are damped by contact of the file with the canal wall,
also reducing the acoustic micro-streaming. Acoustic micro-streaming is enhanced
by higher power output and greater flexibility of the file; therefore a small size is
better. To maximise acoustic micro-streaming, it is best to use the ultrasonically
energised file without contacting the canal walls; this is achieved by precurving the
instrument and using it after canal preparation is complete, that is, the so-called but
miss-labelled passive ultrasonic irrigation.
EndoVac® is a simple but ingenious device that delivers the irrigant into the
coronal chamber but sucks the irrigant down into the canal through an attachment
that passes to the apical end of the radicular preparation. There are two sizes of
attachments; the smaller of the two is liable to blockage if the instructions are not
followed. So far, the research has proved positive. Another device, the NIT®, also
uses simultaneous delivery and suction, but this time through a single needle
allowing separate flows in the inner and outer casings.
RinsEndo is an automated device operated by attachment to a handpiece cou-
pling. It uses alternating positive and negative pressure changes to drive irrigant
into the root canal system. It is moderately effective.
Apart from agitation, the exchange of irrigant relies on diffusion along a
concentration gradient from the main radicular access, where the bolus is deposited
towards the peripheral anatomical aspects. The efficacy of this also demands a
higher delivered concentration, which could damage the dentine in the radicular
preparation. If the antibacterial agents reach the bacteria in subinhibitory doses,
there is a high chance of inducing resistance to them. This has been demonstrated
not only for antibiotics but also for the antiseptic agents mentioned above.
In the majority of cases, these efforts are sufficient to eradicate the microbiota
from the coronal aspects of the canal and also mostly from the middle aspects of the
root canal system. However, the challenge lies in complete eradication from the
apical part, where the bacterial biofilm usually remains virtually intact in the apical
anatomy (Nair et al. 2005). It is therefore useful to use additional antibacterial
measures that continue to work in the inter-appointment period (Vera et al. 2012).
Overenthusiastic efforts to deliver the irrigant to the apical anatomy could result in
irrigant extrusion. The consequences may range from minimal exacerbation of
irritation to a severe sodium hypochlorite accident with tissue destruction.
208 K. Gulabivala and Y.-L. Ng
The healing process after root canal treatment has not been deeply researched but
can be conceptualised using the ‘zones of Fish’ in a chronic inflammatory lesion
(Fish 1939). The removal of bacteria and their products should result in the
reduction, if not (ideally) elimination, of the zones of infection and contamination.
This allows the macrophages in the zone of irritation to invade the areas previously
occupied by the zones of infection and contamination in order to remove dead cells
and debris. This process also makes way for the osteoblasts and fibroblasts, together
with new in-growing blood vessels and nerve fibres from the outermost and active
zone of stimulation to proliferate into the zone of irritation. In this way, gradual
healing may take place from the boundary of the lesion inwards until a normal
periodontal ligament is established. Provided that the pluripotential cells in the
periodontal tissues, in particular, have not been irreversibly damaged, ideal healing
would eventually result in regeneration and the formation of cementum over the
apical terminus, isolating the root canal system completely from the periapex, but
this is not an inevitable end result. Incomplete removal of the infection would
reduce but not eliminate the inflammatory area, resulting in suppression of the
impetus for wound healing.
Biofilm-Associated Infections in Root Canals: Treatment and Outcomes 209
Studies conducted over many decades provide some insight about the relative
efficacy of the various aspects or steps of the root canal treatment procedure(s).
Tx Percentage of samples with bacterial presence/mean bacterial load
type After
Study and year M/I/D Sample size RD Decont At baseline preparation irrigation Next visit (after dressing) Persistent species (frequency)
Goldman and M/I 563 patients ? ? – NaOCl: 24 % – 242 organisms identified:
Pearson (1969) (133/563) Enterococci (most common),
streptococci (64 %), staphylo-
cocci (17 %), Neisseria, Lacto-
bacillus, Micrococcus,
Corynebacteria, AnO2 G +ve
Myers ? 214 Txed ? ? – – r culture: S. faecalis (21 %), streptococci
et al. (1969) teeth After 1 –ve: 26 % (28/108) (52 %), staphylococci (8 %),
After 2 –ve: 13 % (14/106) Corynebacteria (4 %), unclassi-
Reversal rate after 1 –ve fied G +ve rods (8 %)
culture ¼ 26 %, after 2 –ve
cultures ¼ 13 %
Bence M/I 33 teeth ✓ ✓ 100 % (33/33) Pre-irritation: No dressing: Not analysed
et al. (1973) 1st file: 93 %, enlarge- 8 % dentine, 12 % pp samples
ment with # 3 ¼ 14 %, of teeth with negative culture
#4 ¼ 11 %, #5 ¼ 21 % after irrigation
(32 % of instruments
showed +ve culture,
regardless of size)
5.25 %NaOCl
48 h culture: 4 % den-
tine, 10 % pp
5 day culture: 8 %
dentine, 26 % pp
Tsatsas M/I/D 205 teeth ? ? – – Cresatin, CMCP, or Streptococci (82 %), Bacillus
et al. (1974) with a –ve polyantibiotic paste: (33 %), staphylococci (8 %),
culture after 2nd culture: 24 % (49/205) Candida (3 %), Pseudomonas
K. Gulabivala and Y.-L. Ng
Tx Percentage of samples with bacterial presence/mean bacterial load
type After
Study and year M/I/D Sample size RD Decont At baseline preparation irrigation Next visit (after dressing) Persistent species (frequency)
Bystrom and M/I 15 teeth ✓ ✓ 100 % (15/15); 0.5 % NaOCl: 87 % No dressing: 20 % (3/15) (5th None of the species were more
Sundqvist 169 strains iso- (13/15) visit) resistant to Tx
(1983) lated; 1–11 Streptococci, Peptostrep-
strains/canal; tococcus, Arachnia, Eubacte-
2/canal if 105 rium, Lactobacillus,
cells and 8 if Actinomyces spp.,
more cells Fusobacterium, Bacteroides,
Wolinella recta,
Capnocytophaga, Enterobacter
agglomerans, Veillonella
Bystrom and M/I 60 teeth ✓ ✓ 100 % (60/60) 0.5 % NaOCl: no data No dressing 44 strains recovered at 3rd visit;
Sundqvist Load ¼ 105 5 % NaOCl: no data 0.5 % NaOCl: 12/20 (2nd 80 % AnO2. No indication that
(1985) 5 % NaOCl + 15 % visit); 8/20 load ¼ 105 (3rd specific bacteria were resistant to
EDTA: no data visit) Tx
5 % NaOCl: 10/20 (2nd visit); Streptococci, Peptostrep-
6/20, load ¼ 106 (3rd visit) tococcus, Arachnia, Eubacte-
5 % NaOCl + 15 % EDTA: rium, Lactobacillus,
11/20 (2nd visit); 3/20, Actinomyces spp.,
load ¼ 105 (3rd visit) Fusobacterium, Bacteroides,
Wolinella recta,
Capnocytophaga ochracea,
Veillonella parvula
Bystr€om M/I/D 65 teeth ✓ ✓ 100 % (65/65) 0.5 % NaOCl: no data CH: 0/35 (1 month), 1/35 (2–4 Mostly AnO2 G +ve bacteria
et al. (1985) Load: 5.0 % NaOCl: no data days) Bacteroides, Fusobacterium,
CH gp: 102–107 CP/CMCP (2 weeks): 10/30, Propionibacterium, Peptostrep-
CP/CMCP gp: load ¼ 105 tococcus, Eubacterium, Strepto-
103–107 coccus, Actinomyces,
K. Gulabivala and Y.-L. Ng
Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium,
Enterococcus spp.
Sj€ogren and M/I 31 teeth ✓ ✓ 100 % (31/31) 0.5 % NaOCl plus No dressing: Fusobacterium nucleatum,
Sundqvist Load ¼ 104 ultrasonic debride- 29 % (9/31) at 2nd visit Arachnia propionica, Actinomy-
(1987) ment: no data 23 % (7/31) at 3rd visit ces, Streptococcus intermedius,
Peptostreptococcus, Streptococ-
cus milleri
Koontongkaew M/I/D 15 teeth ✓ ✓ 100 % (15/15) 3 % H2O2/5.25 % CMCP: Not analysed
et al. (1988) NaOCl: no data 1 day dressing: 40 % (2/5)
3 day dressing: 20 % (1/5)
7 day dressing 10 % (1/10)
No dressing:
60 % (3/5) after 1 day, 20 %
(1/5) after 3 or 7 days
Reit and M/I/D 35 teeth ✓ ✓ 91 % (32/35) 0.5 % NaOCl: no data CH: After 21-day CH dressing:
Dahlén (1988) 1–7 strains/ After 14 days: 23 % (8/35) 12 strains were isolated from
canal After 21 days: 26 % (9/35) 9 canals
Species included G +ve AnO2
rods, Enterococcus,
Cavalleri M/I 10 teeth ✓ ? – 5 % NaOCl: no data – Persistent species: Streptococcus
et al. (1989) epidermidis (40 %), Aerococci
(30 %), Bacteroides fragilis
(20 %)
New species: Klebsiella
rhinoscleromatis (20 %),
S. faecalis (20 %), Acinetobacter
Biofilm-Associated Infections in Root Canals: Treatment and Outcomes
type After
Study and year M/I/D Sample size RD Decont At baseline preparation irrigation Next visit (after dressing) Persistent species (frequency)
ogren M/I/D 30 teeth ✓ ✓ 100 % (30/30) 0.5 % NaOCl: CH: Fusobacterium, Bacteroides,
et al. (1991) Load: 50 % (15/30) 10 min: 50 % (6/12) at 1 week E. faecalis, Actinomyces,
10 min samples, Load: 102–103 later Peptostreptococcus, Eubacte-
3 2 8
10 (10 –10 ) 7 day: 0 % (0/18) (none after rium, Lactobacillus, Wolinella
7 day samples, 1–5 weeks later without recta
104 (102–106) dressing)
Ørstavik M/I/D 23 teeth ✓ ✓ 96 % (22/23) NaCl irrigation and CH: 34 % (8/23); load ¼ 104 Not analysed
et al. (1991) enlarged to #35/40: 40 % (6/15)
#20–25: 87 % (20/23); # > 40: 25 % (2/8)
load ¼ 104
further to #35–80. No
Yared and Bou M/I/D 60 teeth ✓ ✓ 100 % (60/60) 1 % NaOCl, CH: 0 % (0/60) Not analysed
Dagher (1994) enlarged to #25, 73 %
enlarged to #40, 23 %
Gomes M/I 42 root ✓ ✓ 95 % (40/42); 2.5 % NaOCl: no data Empty canal (7–10 days): After instrumentation and dress-
et al. (1996) canals 1–9 strains/ 73 % (29/40); 1–8 strains/tooth ing, Oblig AnO2 (52 %), facul-
Primary Tx tooth tative AnO2 (64 %); G +ve
(n ¼ 15) (74 %); G ve (36 %) were
Secondary found
Tx (n ¼ 27) In 1 cases, no significant quali-
tative change in microbiota
In 2 cases: prevalence com-
pared with initial samples
Decreased ¼ Peptostreptococcus
Increased ¼ Veillonella,
Porphyromonas, Propioni-
bacterium, Enterococcus
K. Gulabivala and Y.-L. Ng
Same ¼ staphylococci,
Bacteroides, Fusobacterium
ogren M/I 55 teeth ✓ ✓ 100 % (55/55) 0.5 % NaOCl: 40 % – After instrumentation 1–6 spe-
et al. (1997 (single (22/55) cies per canal. Surviving species
canal) included:
Enterococcus, Streptococcus,
Peptostreptococcus, Eubacte-
rium, Actinomyces, Propioni-
bacterium, Bacteroides,
Prevotella, Fusobacterium,
Siren ? 80 +ve canal ✓ ✓ – – – Enteric gp; E. faecalis
et al. (1997) samples 24 (8 monoinfections),
(40 with Enterobacter cloacae 5(2),
enterics, Enterobacter agglomerans 1(1),
40 with Enterobacter sakazakii 1, Kleb-
non-enterics) siella oxytoga 1, Acinetobacter
spp. 1, Pseudomonas aeruginosa
1(1) brackets ¼ pure cultures.
These occurred with Streptococ-
cus, Actinomyces, Micrococcus,
Staphylococcus, Neisseria,
P. micros, Fusobacterium,
Prevotella, Campylobacter and
Non-enteric gp; Streptococcus,
Actinomyces, Micrococcus, Lac-
Biofilm-Associated Infections in Root Canals: Treatment and Outcomes
Fusobacterium, Prevotella,
Capnocytophaga, Actinomyces,
Propionibacterium acnes,
Veillonella, Peptostreptococcus
Table 1 (continued)
Tx Percentage of samples with bacterial presence/mean bacterial load
type After
Study and year M/I/D Sample size RD Decont At baseline preparation irrigation Next visit (after dressing) Persistent species (frequency)
Card M/I 40 mandibu- ✓ ✓ 95 % (38/40) 1 % NaOCl No data Not analysed
et al. (2002) lar teeth/ Profile instrumentation
canals (.04 taper):
0/13 of cuspids and
bicuspids, 5/27 of
mesio-buccal canals
Further LightSpeed
instrumentation to size
57.5–65: 3/27 mesio-
buccal canals of molars
Only 1/16 of those
mesio-buccal canals
with detectable com-
munication with the
mesio-lingual canals
had +ve culture after
the first preparation
using ProFile
Chávez de Paz M/I/D 200 teeth ✓ ✓ Initial samples Type: unknown. No CH or IKI: 54 % (107/200) After instrumentation and dress-
et al. (2003) were not taken data Tooth type, crown and pulpal ing, 235 strains isolated with
status had no significant asso- 2 strains per case. Surviving
ciation species included:
Size of lesion, persistent pain, non-mutant or mutant group
type of medication had signif- streptococci, Enterococcus,
icant association coagulase-negative staphylo-
cocci, Peptostreptococcus, Lac-
tobacillus, Bifidobacterium,
Propionibacterium, Actinomy-
ces, Eubacterium, Clostridium,
Veillonella, Prevotella,
K. Gulabivala and Y.-L. Ng
Fusobacterium, Enterobacter
(lactose positive),
Kvist M/I/D 96 teeth ✓ ✓ 98 % (94/96) 0.5 % NaOCl: 63 % CH (7 days): 36 % (16/44) After instrumentation and dress-
et al. (2004) (60/96) IPI (10 min): 29 % (15/52) ing, 59 strains isolated. Surviv-
Number of treatment visits, ing species included:
bacterial load, number of fusiform rods, Prevotella, Acti-
strains in the initial samples nomyces, Other G+ anaerobic
had no significant effects rods, Peptostreptococcus, Pro-
teus, Lactobacillus, G+ aerobic
spore-forming rods, Streptococ-
cus, Enterococcus,
Chu M/I/D 88 canals ✓ ✓ 99 % (87/88) 0.5 % NaOCl: no data CH, Septomixine forte, or After instrumentation and dress-
et al. (2006) Ledermix: 36 % (32/88) ing, 88 strains isolated. Surviv-
All canals showed significant ing species included:
reduction of bacterial load Campylobacter, Fusobacterium,
Exposure of pulp, tooth type, Porphyromonas, Wolinella,
acute vs. chronic condition, Capnocytophaga, Kingella,
size of lesion and type of Suttonella indologenes, Actino-
medication had no significant myces, Bifidobacterium, Clos-
effect tridium subterminale,
Actinobacillus, Corynebacte-
rium, Lactobacillus, Veillonella,
Neisseria, Peptostreptococcus,
Gemella, Leuconostoc, Staphy-
lococcus, Streptococcus
Paquette M/I/D 22 teeth ✓ ✓ 100 % (22/22) 2.5 % NaOCl: 68 % 2 % CHX: 45 % (10/22) Not analysed
Biofilm-Associated Infections in Root Canals: Treatment and Outcomes
Tx Percentage of samples with bacterial presence/mean bacterial load
type After
Study and year M/I/D Sample size RD Decont At baseline preparation irrigation Next visit (after dressing) Persistent species (frequency)
Siqueira M/I/D 11 teeth ✓ ✓ 100 % (11/11) 2.5 % NaOCl: 45 % CH: 18 % (2/11) After instrumentation and irri-
et al. (2007b) (single Load ¼ 103–108 (5/11) Load ¼ 1–105 gation: 7 isolates (amongst them
rooted) Load ¼ 1–10 streptococci and staphylococci).
After instrumentation and dress-
ing, only 2 strains
(Fusobacterium nucleatum,
Lactococcus garvieae) isolated
Vianna M/I/D 24 teeth ✓ ✓ 100 % (24/24) Saline + 2 %CHX gel: 2 %CHX, CH or mixture: 54 % After instrumentation and dress-
et al. (2007) (single root) Load ¼ 105 33 % (8/24) (13/24) ing, 30 strains isolated. Surviv-
Load ¼ 102 (in positive Load ¼ 102 (in positive cases) ing species included:
cases) Type of medication had no Aerococcus, Gemella,
significant effect. Peptostreptococcus, Neisseria,
Veillonella, Capnocytophaga,
Actinomyces, Bifidobacterium,
Clostridium, Lactobacillus,
Wang M/I/D 43 canals ✓ ✓ 91 % (39/43) Saline + 2 %CHX gel: 2 %CHX + CH: 8 % (3/36) Not analysed
et al. (2007) Load ¼ 105 8 % (4/39), Load ¼ <10
Load ¼ <10 Size of apical preparation
(40 vs. 60) had no significant
Markvart M/I 24 teeth 88 % (21/24) 2.5 % NaOCl: 63 % Further 17 % EDTA irrigation After instrumentation and dress-
et al. (2012) (15/24) and 10 min 5 % IKI medica- ing, surviving species included:
tion: 50 % (12/24) Fusobacterium, Prevotella,
Box preparation (#60): 67 % Gram +ve anaerobic rods, Lac-
(8/12) tobacillus, Streptococcus,
Cone preparation (#25–30): Enterococcus, Staphylococcus
33 % (4/12); no significant
K. Gulabivala and Y.-L. Ng
Xavier M/I/D 48 teeth ✓ ✓ 100 % (40/40) 1 % NaOCl: 75 % CH: 75 % (18/24) Not analysed
et al. (2013) (single (9/12)
canal) 2 % CHX: 75 % (9/12)
No significant differ-
ence between NaOCl
and CHX
Rolph M/I/D 41 teeth ✓ ✓ UnTx: 75 % 4 % NaOCl and 15 % CH: Not analysed
et al. (2001) 15 unTx (6/8) culture/ EDTA: no data UnTx: 43 % (3/7) culture,
26 RTxed PCR 71 % (5/7) PCR
RTx: 45 % RTx: 27 % (4/15) culture,
(5/11) culture, 47 % (7/15) PCR
91 % (10/11)
Sakamoto M/I/D 15 teeth ✓ ✓ 100 % (15/15) 2.5 % NaOCl and 17 % CH/CMCP: After instrumentation and dress-
et al. (2007) qPCR EDTC: 67 % (10/15) ing, surviving species included:
Load ¼ 107 67 % (10/15) Load ¼ 104 Streptococcus, Fusobacterium,
Load ¼ 104 Neisseria, Prevotella, Propioni-
bacterium, Rothia, Veillonella,
uncultured Lautropia
Rocas and M/I/D 24 teeth ✓ ✓ 100 % (24/24) 2.5 % NaOCl: 54 % CH or CH/CMCP: After instrumentation and dress-
Siqueira (2011) qPCR (13/24) 38 % (9/24) ing, 18 taxa isolated in the CaOH
No significant difference group and 3 in the CaOH/CMCP
between CH and CH + CMCP group (the finding may be con-
founded by the difference in the
initial samples). Surviving spe-
cies included:
Biofilm-Associated Infections in Root Canals: Treatment and Outcomes
Selenomonas, Propioni-
bacterium, Porphyromonas,
Actinomyces, Bacteroidetes,
Filifactor, Dialister,
Parvimonas, Streptococcus,
Enterococcus, Pyramidobacter,
Treponema, Prevotella,
Fusobacterium, Tannerella,
Peptostreptococcus, Campylo-
bacter, Solobacterium,
Eikenella, Olsenella
Table 1 (continued)
Tx Percentage of samples with bacterial presence/mean bacterial load
type After
Study and year M/I/D Sample size RD Decont At baseline preparation irrigation Next visit (after dressing) Persistent species (frequency)
Paiva M/I/D 14 teeth for ✓ ✓ 100 % (12/12) 2.5 % NaOCl, 17 % CH/CHX: After instrumentation and dress-
et al. (2013) PCR, qPCR EDTA/2 % CHX: 42 % (5/12) ing, 13 taxa isolated. Surviving
12 teeth Load ¼ 106 50 % (6/12) Load ¼ 103 (included –ve species included:
qPCR Load ¼ 104 samples) Eubacterium, Fusobacterium,
Campylobacter, Prevotella,
Corynebacterium, Clostridium,
Hydrogenophilus, Massilia,
uncultured actinobacterium and
2 uncultured bacteria
Provenzano M/I 12 teeth ✓ ✓ 100 % (12/12) 2.5 % NaOCl: 67 % – Not reported
et al. (2013) PCR (4/6)
2 % CHX: 83 % (5/6)
M mechanical preparation, I irrigation, D dressing, RD rubber dam, NV non-vital, V vital, Tx treatment, UnTx untreated, CH calcium hydroxide, NaOCl sodium
hypochlorite, PP paper point sample, RTx retreated, G ve Gram negative, Rfed root filled, r culture culture test before obturation, CFU colony forming unit, ve no
growth after culture, +ve growth after culture, Oblig obligate, CP camphorated phenol, CMCP camphorated monochlorophenol
K. Gulabivala and Y.-L. Ng
Biofilm-Associated Infections in Root Canals: Treatment and Outcomes 225
were not implicated in persistent infections during primary (first attempt) root canal
treatment. In contrast, data from secondary (second attempt) root canal treatment
(Table 2) showed that certain species were more prevalent after biomechanical
procedures than others suggesting that they may be more resistant to treatment
protocols, contrary to the previous view. The persistent species often included
Enterococcus faecalis, Streptococcus species, Staphylococcus species, Lactobacil-
lus species, Propionibacterium species, Actinomyces species, yeasts and other
Gram-positive bacteria.
Even though most longitudinal studies of the root canal microbiota do not
definitively show resistance of particular species, other studies suggest that
Gram-positive bacteria are found with an unexpectedly high frequency in
posttreatment cultures. In further monkey-model experiments from M€oller’s
group (M€ oller et al. 2004), facultative bacteria were found to be more resistant to
chemomechanical treatment than anaerobic species from a 4-strain infection (Strep-
tococcus milleri, Peptostreptococcus anaerobius, Prevotella oralis, Fusobacterium
nucleatum). In addition, the survival rate of a 5-strain infection including Entero-
coccus faecalis was higher.
The role of the root filling appears to be a subsidiary one in helping to control
residual infection, since absence of a root filling makes no apparent difference to
the healing (Klevant and Eggink 1983; Sabeti et al. 2006). Obturation of infected
but already prepared canals resulted in some degree of effect in controlling the
remaining infection, presumably by incarcerating residual microbiota (Katebzadeh
et al. 1999, 2000). Apart from aiding reduction of the bioburden, the root filling may
also serve to help control periapical wound healing and regeneration of the normal
anatomical architecture of the periodontal ligament.
Numerous studies (Table 3), mostly historical, have analysed the effect of
preobturation culture test on root canal treatment outcome. The original rationale
for the test was established at the beginning of the last century following the demise
in root canal treatment procedures due to the focal infection debate (Gulabivala and
Ng 2009). In essence, given the obsession with potential systemic complications
putatively due to residual root canal infection, the culture test was introduced to
reassure the clinician and patient alike that the treatment had in some demonstrable
way eliminated the infection. This proved a sufficiently effective quality control
Table 2 Summary of studies evaluating the microbiota in root-treated teeth with periapical disease. For information on terms used within the table, refer the KEY at
the end of the table
et al. (2001) within 4 mm of apex; files 2 mm from apex; 14 cases 2 spp., 2 cases 3 spp., 1 had 4 spp.);
21 had good, 28 had LDTM and PP 57 strains recovered E. faecalis (10 with 6 as
inadequate, 5 had + 4 mm of last 3–5 F pure culture), Peptostreptococcus (9), Acti-
poor restorations nomyces (8), Streptococcus (7), Prevotella
(4), Staphylococcus (3), Corynebacterium
(3), Fusobacterium (3), Lactobacillus (2),
Eubacterium (2), Porphyromonas (2)
Table 2 (continued)
Sample Previous treatment details Harvest method Microbial findings
Study and Size/Pa/Pain/RF RF removal Bacterial load and species recovered from
year quality and exposure I/D time to RTx Mechanical Solvent Canal sampling +ve samples more than 2 samples and other findings
Time to RTx: 3+ years 4 had (33/54 by PP) F: mean 1.5 spp./tooth (17 cases 1 sp.; 8 cases
fracture diagnosed after 2 spp.; 3 cases 3 spp.); 42 strains recovered
sampling with predominance of G +ve AnO2 (88 %):
E. faecalis (9 with 6 as pure culture), Acti-
nomyces (9), Streptococcus (6), Corynebac-
terium (3), Staphylococcus (2), Lactobacillus
(2), Peptostreptococcus (2), Eubacterium
(2), Prevotella (2), Porphyromonas (2)
(28/54 by F) RF ended > 2 mm from apex; Pa lesions
exceeding 5 mm were significantly associ-
ated with increase in bacterial recovery
Cheung and 24 teeth/Pa/No pain/ I/D: none given GG and H ✗ Filed to #25 at 0.5– 12/18 Bacterial load: 100 – 105
Ho (2001) RF quality files 1 mm from apex, (6 excluded) (median ¼ 103 CFU/mL)
and exposure to Time to RTx:4+ years RTF and PP 22 species recovered (1–3 spp./tooth):
oral cavity not Streptococcus (6), Pseudomonas (4), coagu-
standardised lase –ve staphylococci (4), Gemella
morbillorum (2), Neisseria (2), Peptostrep-
tococcus (3), Candida albicans (2)
Poor RFs were associated with highest
counts (103–105) and spp./canal (3–6)
Egan 25 teeth/Pa/Pain?/RF I/D: none given H files CHCl3 Filed to WL, NaCl 4/25 +ve for Yeasts were 14 more likely to be present in
et al. (2002) quality and exposure Time to RTx:? in and PP yeasts canals if already present in saliva
to oral cavity not 3 cases
K. Gulabivala and Y.-L. Ng
Pinheiro 60 teeth/Pa/6 with I/D: none given GG and ✗ NaCl and PP 51/60 1–9 spp./canal (28 cases 1 sp., 8 cases 2 spp.,
et al. (2003) pain/38 with poor RF files 15 cases 3+ spp.)
and 60 with poor Time to RTx:? 118 isolates belonging to 37 species: 57 %
restoration were facultative anaerobes, 43 % were obli-
gate anaerobes; Gram +ve species (83 %)
Bacterial species included Enterococcus
(27 with 18 as pure culture), Streptococcus
(17), Peptostreptococcus (13), Actinomyces
(10), Prevotella (10), Propionibacterium (5),
Gemella (4), Veillonella (4), Fusobacterium
(3), Lactobacillus (2), Staphylococcus (2),
Candida (2)
Significant associations were found between
history of pain and polymicrobial infection
and anaerobes (Prevotella, Fusobacterium);
spontaneous pain and Peptostreptococcus;
tenderness to percussion and P. intermedia/
P. nigrescens; sinus and Streptococcus and
Actinomyces; coronally unsealed and Strep-
tococcus and Candida; suboptimal RF and
polymicrobial infections
Kalfas 2 teeth (anterior)/Pa I/D: none given NA NA Filed, NaCl and PP 2 reports of The isolates which were similar to each other
et al. (2001) in one case/pain/no persistent were identified as Actinomyces radicidentis
Biofilm-Associated Infections in Root Canals: Treatment and Outcomes
Time to RTx:?
RF but dressed with infection by 16S gene sequencing; cells had a coccoid
CH for 7 years in one morphology
Hashimura 12 teeth/6 with I/D: none given ? ? Debris from F 7/12 (specific Species specific PCR: Slackia exigua (3),
et al. (2001) Pa/3 with pain/RF Time to RTx:? species) Mogibacterium timidum (3), Eubacterium
quality? saphenum (2)
Table 2 (continued)
Rocas and 42 teeth/Pa/no pain/ I/D: none given Same as Sakamoto et al. (2008) 34/34 (Taxa) 24/28 of target taxa identified with 1–12 per
Siqueira RF within 4 mm of Time to RTx:2+ years sample; only 5 cases harboured 5 target taxa;
(2008) apex and had no most frequently detected taxa included:
direct exposure to Propionibacterium acnes (22),
oral cavity. Fusobacterium nucleatum subspecies
nucleatum (10), Streptococcus (7),
Propionibacterium acidifaciens (6),
Pseudoramibacter alactolyticus (6), Entero-
coccus faecalis (5), Tannerella forsythia (5)
Anderson 21 teeth/Pa/no I/D: none given GG, NiTi ✗ File #35 at 0.5–2 mm 7/21 (culture) Culture: 14 species (1–7 per sample)
et al. (2012) pain/RF within 4 mm and K files from apex (Enterococcus, Faecalis*, Parvimonas
of apex and had no micra, Proteus hauseri/vulgaris, Streptococ-
direct exposure to cus oralis, S. salivarius, Lactobacillus
oral cavity fermentum, Actinomyces oris, Neisseria
elongata, Dialister invisus, Streptococcus
mutans, S. parasanguinis, Propioni-
bacterium acnes*, Rothia dentocariosa,
Corynebacterium minutissimum, Rummelii-
bacillus stabekisii) with the *species recov-
ered in 2 samples
Time to RTx:2+ years NaCl and PP 7/21 (DNA) Cloning: 14 taxa (Enterococcus gallinarum/
different casseliflavus, Candida parapsilosis, Lacto-
subsets bacillus gasseri, Proteus hauseri/vulgaris,
Streptococcus mutans, Peptostreptococcus
stomatis, Selenomonas sp., Olsenella
Biofilm-Associated Infections in Root Canals: Treatment and Outcomes
Study and Success with Success with Qualifying comments and other
year Sample size RD Decont Treatment details ve culture +ve culture findings
Rhein 340 ve; ? ? Electrolytic medication 94 % 85 % Data from Zeldow and Ingle (1963)
et al. (1926) 152 +ve
Buchbinder 1930–1936: ✓ ? Mechanical preparation; Dakin’s solu- 1930–1936: Strict criteria; overall success rate 69 %;
(1941) 94 ve tion, creosote–iodine and eugenol; 63 % reports result with negative (ve) and
1936–1940: 1930–1936 obturated by clinical criteria; 1936–1940: without (?) culture test; initially single –
76 ve 1936–1940 obturated by culture test 78 % ve required and then 2 –ve cultures
All with Pa required
Morse and 265 ve ✓ I2 tincture Mechanical preparation; chlorinated 93 % – All RFed after –ve culture; loose criteria
Yates 237 pa soda Dakin’s solution; 2–3 visits followed; positive cultures had single or
(1941) mixed flora: Streptococcus (α,β,γ),
Staphylococcus, Lactobacillus, Bacillus
subtilis, yeasts
Abramson 97 ve; 38 +ve ✓ ? ? 97 % 84 % Data from Zeldow and Ingle 1963
Ingle (1961) 162 ve ? ? ? 95 % – Data from Zeldow and Ingle (1963)
Oliet (1962) 31 ve, 67 +ve ✓ Metaphen No details; RF single cone or lateral 84 % 55 % Loose criteria
condensation; some silver points
Glick - 819 ve ? ? ? 96 % – Data from Zeldow and Ingle (1963)
Zeldow and 14 ve; 42 +ve ? Aseptic Mechanical preparation and irrigation 93 % 83 % Loose criteria; 2+-yr follow-up; +ve
Ingle (1963) single canals regimen with sterile water; RF at 2nd visit; cultures reduced success rates by 10 %
regardless of culture test if no clinical
S/S; no AnO2
Seltzer 1835 ve, ? ? Mechanical preparation and irrigation? Overall 84 % Overall 82 % Loose criteria and 6-month follow-up.
et al. (1963) 500 +ve Single cone or lateral condensation No pa 93 % No pa 92 % Microbes in teeth when cultures +ve
Pa 76 % Pa 75 % Bacillus subtilis, yeasts, diphtheroids,
E. coli, Flavobacterium, Micrococcus,
Neisseria, Proteus, Pseudomonas
K. Gulabivala and Y.-L. Ng
aeruginosa, Staphylococcus,
Frostell 138 ve, ✓ 30 % Reaming and 1 % cetylpyridinium chlo- 85 % 69 % Strict criteria; 4–5-year follow-up; per-
(1963) 114 +ve, H2O2 ride; if narrow canals, EDTA; widened centage failures by residual bacterial
252 including 10 % I2 to H file 2–3; irrigation with chloroform; species (1-year outcome): staphylococci
RFed teeth tincture EtOH, Dakin’s solution; dressing with (6/22, 28 %); enterococci (6/11, 55 %);
5 % I2 in 10 % KI; sampled at every visit streptococci (18/20, 90 %)
Residual bacteria: Staphylococcus,
Streptococcus (α,β,γ), Enterococcus,
Veillonella, Lactobacillus, diphthe-
roids, coliform organisms, yeasts
Bender 493 ve, ? ? Mechanical preparation and irrigation? @ 6 m 84 % @ 6 m 82 % Loose criteria, 6-month and 2-year fol-
et al. (1964) 213 +ve Single cone/lateral condensation; no No pa 93 % No pa 92 % low-up; subset of data shows that at
details of microbiological procedures Pa 76 % Pa 75 % 6 months and lat cond, signif diff
@ 2 years @ 2 years between +ve (73 %) and ve (83 %)
82 % 82 % cultures; but after 2 years no difference;
No pa 88 % No pa 91 % suggests that this was due to slower
Pa 77 % Pa 77 % healing
Engstrom 169 ve, ? ? Details not given Overall 83 % Overall 69 % Strict criteria, 4–5-year follow-up
(1964) 137 +ve Txed No pa 95 % No pa 81 % residual bacteria: Staphylococcus,
by students Pa 73 % Pa 59 % Streptococcus (α,β,γ), Enterococcus,
1956–1959 Veillonella, Lactobacillus, diphthe-
roids, coliform bacteria, yeasts, Pseu-
Failure associated with Streptococcus,
Veillonella, uncertain healing associ-
ated with AnO2Streptococcus, Entero-
coccus, yeasts
Biofilm-Associated Infections in Root Canals: Treatment and Outcomes
Engstrom 80 ve, 49 +ve ✓ Aseptic Pulp extirpation with Hedstrom files; @ 4 years @ 4 years Strict criteria, 3.5–4-year follow-up;
and No pa technique irrigation with Biosept or Iodopax 85 % 61 % bacteria not identified
Lundberg (0.02 % I2); dressing with 2 % I2 in 10 %
(1965) KI; RF at 2nd visit; culture before RF
Oliet and 195 ve, ✓ Tincture Mechanical preparation, irrigation, Overall 94 % Overall 81 % Criteria: healed or retrogressed;
Sorin 165 +ve of medication and absence of S/S; culture No pa 95 % No pa 83 % 6-month to 1-year follow-up; results
(1969) metaphen taken at preceding visit +ve; final sample Pa 91 % Pa 80 % analysed by tooth type, age, RF material
taken and root canals filled with GP and and duration of follow-up; analysis
Study and Success with Success with Qualifying comments and other
year Sample size RD Decont Treatment details ve culture +ve culture findings
influenced by diagnosis, tooth type, age,
RF material, duration after Tx; culture
test was the most significant factor
Heling and 60 ve, 20 +ve ✓ 2.5 % I2 Chemomechanical preparation with Overall 80 % Overall 70 % Strict criteria, 1–5-year follow-up
Shapira 118 teeth tincture 15 % EDTA, irrigation with 5 % NaOCl @ 1–3 years @ 1–3 years Other results:
(1978) & 3 % H2O2, CPC dressing and Obtura- 74 % 73 % By culture –ve/+ve for: overfilled 60 %/
tion with GP and AH26; 2 –ve cultures @ 4–5 years @ 4–5 years 50 %; underfilled 90 %/80 %; flush
before RF; Sample just before RF 86 % 60 % filled 89 %/60 %; with restoration 83 %/
No Pa 82 % No Pa 80 % 75 %; without restoration 71 %/67 %
Pa 78 % Pa 67 %
Eggink 1007 ve, ✓ Xylene Extirpate pulp or RF; initial culture at 40 % 36 % Strict criteria, 1–3-year follow-up;
(1982) 144 +ve 6 % I2 WL; medication with CPC; 2nd visit: evaluated relation between initial cul-
Previously tincture reaming and irrigation with saline; no ture (no. of bacteria) and size of pa
UnTxed and Rf without –ve culture result; follow-up lesion; the pattern in ReTxed teeth less
ReTxed teeth; at 1, 2, 3 years regular; found a relation between initial
classified by infection and healing but did not find a
size of Pa relation between r culture and healing;
suggested the relation may be between
no. of bacteria and outcome
Sjogren 33 ve, 22 +ve ✓ Moller’s Narrow canals enlarged to size 20 to 94 % 68 % Strict criteria, 5-year follow-up
et al. (1997) All with Pa; protocol WL; endosonics in coronal portion with Number of persistent bacteria; 1–6;
53 teeth recalled 0.5 % NaOCl, NaS2O3 and culture test; 93 % AnO2; number of bacteria low
then sample just before RF 102–103; number and diversity of
remaining bacterial cells; no indication
that certain species were resistant to Tx;
most common persistent bacteria:
Fusobacterium, Peptostreptococcus,
Eubacterium, Prevotella, Actinomyces
K. Gulabivala and Y.-L. Ng
Peters and 30 ve, 8 +ve ✓ 80 % Chemomechanical preparation to 35–60 @ 4–5 years @ 4–5 years Strict criteria, 4–5-year follow-up;
Wesselink All with Pa ethanol apical size, 2 % NaOCl irrigation; sam- 74 % 88 % residual bacterial load: <102 to 104
(2002) ples before canal enlargement, after Single visit Single visit
debridement, after removal of dressing 79 % 86 %
material, and before RF. Multi-visit Multi-visit
69 % 100 %
Waltimo 44 ve, 6 +ve ✓ 0.12 % Chemomechanical preparation with 2 % @1 year: @1 year: At completion of Tx, 4/20 (20 %) of
et al. (2005) All with Pa CHX NaOCl irrigation, Ca(OH)2; samples 1.53 0.79 single visit group, 0/18 (0 %) of two
before canal enlargement, after debride- change in change in visits with Ca(OH)2 group, and 2/12
ment, and after removal of dressing PAI PAI (17 %) of two visits with no dressing
material before RF group still had bacteria. Gram-positive
facultative rods were the most domi-
nant; bacteria identified: Streptococcus
(α), Peptostreptococcus, Veillonella,
Prevotella, E. faecalis, Bacteroides
Molander 61 ve, 27 +ve ✓ Moller’s Chemomechanical preparation with @ 2 years @ 2 years Strict criteria, 2-year follow-up; culture
et al. (2007) All with protocol 0.5 %NaOCl irrigation, dressed with 80 % 44 % result did not have significant associa-
asymptomatic 5 %IKI for 10 min or CaOH for 1 week. tion with periapical healing
pa Samples after medication before RF
Tervit 7 ve, 10 +ve ✓ Moller’s Chemomechanical preparation with @ 2 years @ 2 years Strict criteria, 2-year follow-up; resid-
et al. (2009) All with pa protocol 2.5 % NaOCl irrigation, dressed with 86 % 100 % ual bacterial load before RF: 103–104
2 %CHX for 1–2 weeks. Samples before
and after canal enlargement, after
Biofilm-Associated Infections in Root Canals: Treatment and Outcomes
medication before RF
RD rubber dam, Pa periapical lesion, Tx treatment, UnTx untreated, RTxed root treated, ReTx retreated, CaOH calcium hydroxide, H2O2 hydrogen peroxide,
NaOCl sodium hypochlorite, ? unknown, EtOH alcohol, PP paper point sample, I2tinc iodine tincture, NaS2O3 sodium thiosulfate, S/S signs and symptoms,
Appt appointment, lat cond lateral condensation, RFed root filled, GP gutta-percha, Ag silver point, AnO2 anaerobic, KI potassium iodide, r culture
before obturation, CHX chlorhexidine gluconate, loose criteria reduction in size of periapical lesion accepted as success, strict criteria complete healing only
238 K. Gulabivala and Y.-L. Ng
measure for the antimicrobial aspect of the treatment for that time period, and it
gained acceptance.
The test was performed following completion of the chemomechanical phase of
root canal treatment. It involved the deposition of a sampling fluid into the canal
and filing of the dentinal surface to release dentine shavings. The canal fluid,
together with any dentine shavings and bacterial biofilm, was soaked up using
paper points. The paper points were immediately transferred to a sterile bottle
containing bacterial culture broth, which was incubated at 37 C. The root canal
system would be sealed with an antibacterial agent until the next visit, when a
negative culture result would signal readiness for obturation and a positive result,
further debridement with another culture test. The data from such tests are diverse
because of variations in protocols tested, as well as the sampling procedures, yet
some interesting findings emerge.
Taken collectively, a preobturation negative culture result may increase treat-
ment success (as judged by radiographic reduction/elimination of the periapical
lesion) by an average of 12 % (range 0–26 %). Despite this, a number of factors led
to the gradual abandoning of the culture test in clinical practice. One criticism was
that numerous factors could have potentially accounted for the treatment outcome
but were not all considered in these studies. One large study (Seltzer et al. 1963) in
particular contributed to the demise of the culture test, but even their study showed
a 10 % difference in success in favour of the negative culture test when periapical
disease was present. The outcome is even worse when a positive culture test result
combines with the presence of a periapical lesion (Fig. 13).
Appleton 1932
Buchbinder 1941
Seltzer et al.1963
Frostell 1963
Storms 1969
.041568 10 20 30 40
In favour of negative culture
Fig. 13 Effect of negative vs. positive culture on root canal treatment outcome (included studies
with retreatment cases) (OR ¼ 1.9: 95 % CI 1.4, 2.6)
Biofilm-Associated Infections in Root Canals: Treatment and Outcomes 239
Fig. 14 (continued)
242 K. Gulabivala and Y.-L. Ng
Fig. 14 Forest plots of root canal treatment outcomes, stratified by decades, showing a lack of
improvement in outcomes
When guideline standard root canal treatment is performed, the failure rate is
17–28 %. When the treatment is technically below guideline standard, as described
for a high proportion of root canal treatments performed in general practice across
the world (Fig. 15), the success rates are lower. The causes of root canal treatment
failure (persistent periapical inflammation) may be summarised as follows
according to Nair (2004):
Biofilm-Associated Infections in Root Canals: Treatment and Outcomes 243
• Intraradicular (persistent or new infection)
• Extra-radicular (pre-existing or precipitated by treatment)
Non-microbial (persistent periapical inflammation/pathosis or new inflamma-
• True cyst
• Foreign body reaction
• Fibrous healing
• Initial misdiagnosis
Mixed biofilm on GP
Fig. 16 Correlative images of root-treated tooth with persistent disease (images of split tooth), in
situ hybridisation of bacterial presence by EUB probe (red fluorescence, and SEM images
confirming bacterial morphotypes)
In summary, root canal treatment is nothing more than the microbicidal control of
an infected wound, albeit a wound secluded within the dark depths and reaches of a
volume and space restricted root canal system in a tooth. Reaching the infection,
specifically the infected wound, involves some technical skill. Indeed, there is some
correlation between the technical standard of treatment and biological outcome;
however, the relationship is not absolute. This must be because the technical
manipulation does not have a direct and sole bearing on changing the nature of
the resident microbial infection. The survival or demise of the resident microbial
population is probably dependent upon the fundamental laws of biofilm physiology.
It is a community of cells with inter-reliance and interdependence amongst its
constituent members. Interference with the environment, even in a nonspecific
way, may therefore facilitate the demise of the more fastidious species, triggering
a chain reaction akin to a ‘domino effect’, which by deprivation of nutrients and
stimulants (such as quorum sensing) from their neighbouring partner species allows
a more global killing effect. Root canal treatment therefore probably works by a
combination of direct and indirect killing effects. The importance of indirect killing
is underestimated in modern root canal treatment and that is why knowledge of
biofilm physiology may be therapeutically highly advantageous.
Conversely, biofilm existence also confers a range of defensive survival strate-
gies. If a sufficiently effective attempt is not made to eradicate the biofilm, then its
Biofilm-Associated Infections in Root Canals: Treatment and Outcomes 247
innate tendency would be to detect the changes and adapt to facilitate survival.
Recognition that root canal infection is a collection of ECM-enclosed bacteria that
behaves in the manner of an ‘intelligent’, multicellular organism (biofilm) is
important in devising strategies for treatment because bacteria in biofilms are
more resistant to killing. This is attributed to different factors including the obser-
vations that:
• The exopolysaccharide in which the bacteria are embedded may restrict diffu-
sion of the antibacterial agents to the cells.
• Different layers of cells may similarly act as barriers to diffusion.
• Slower-growing bacterial cells, persister cells, metabolically inactive cells or
dormant cells are more resistant to killing.
• Cells may exhibit specific resistance mechanisms.
• Biofilm phenotypes may be inherently more resistant.
The interdependence amongst different bacterial species with their environ-
ment must be the key to the success of root canal treatment as we know it. The
treatment procedures (mechanical and chemical) essentially interfere with the
environment, killing some bacteria and, by a domino effect, indirectly killing
other species by altering the nutritional, physiological and toxic balance. The
surviving bacteria are usually those physiologically ‘hardy’ enough to resist or
adapt to changes in the environment induced by the treatment and capable of
living independently of other species in the unique nutrition-depleted conditions.
The organisms are described as ‘hardy’ because of their capacity to adapt. This
means that a half-hearted first attempt at root canal treatment may result in a more
recalcitrant infection to eradicate at the next attempt. It is therefore biologically
most sensible to launch the most comprehensive effort at eradicating the infection
at the first attempt.
Table 4 Relative efficacy of root canal irrigant agents in their different properties
Action/agent Sodium hypochlorite Iodine Chlorhexidine EDTA
Bacterial killing +++++ +++++ +++ +
Dissolution +++++ +
Biofilm penetration +++++ ++++ ++ ++
Biofilm break-up +++++ ++++
+ relative degree of potency, no potency
Perhaps the most significant action of the irrigant must be its ability to kill all
elements of the root canal microbiota. A number of different antibacterial agents
have been used, which exhibit a range of actions against the various bacteria
(Table 4).
It is a view that since biofilm exhibits multiple mechanisms of resistance or
survival, multiple avenues of attack need to be used to facilitate its optimal
eradication (Wolcott et al. 2009), known as multiple concurrent therapies. How-
ever, the approach of using multiple chemical agents against root canal isolates has
not proven effective. The temptation to use multiple agents should be avoided
because whilst at best they may potentiate each other (although the literature does
not currently support this suggestion) or at worst they may neutralise each other. An
example of the latter is the precipitate formed by mixing chlorhexidine with sodium
hypochlorite. The latter combination has been shown to reduce the success rates of
root canal treatment. The conceptual approach makes sense, but the right combi-
nation of therapies needs to be found.
Optimal conditions for root canal treatment, as far as possible based on available
best evidence, have been grouped into guidelines for root canal treatment by
various organisations (European Society of Endodontology 2006; Canadian Acad-
emy of Endodontics 2006). Under such conditions of operation, it may be stated
that using appropriate instruments in conjunction with adequate technical skill, the
canals may be enlarged and predictably shaped, maintaining their original curvature
and patency of the apical termini. Using appropriate concurrent irrigation regimens,
the coronal and middle parts of root canal system are amenable to relatively
effective and predictable debridement, whilst the peripherally extending fins and
complex anatomy may remain contaminated to varying extents. Likewise, the
apical and more complex anatomy is the most difficult to debride predictably.
Under less than optimal conditions of debridement (non-guideline standards), the
Biofilm-Associated Infections in Root Canals: Treatment and Outcomes 249
coronal and middle parts of the root canal system may remain at least partly
contaminated, whilst the apical part will remain predictably contaminated. Despite
such residual apical contamination by biofilms (Nair et al. 2005), clinical success
rates, as measured by radiographic detection of residual periapical lesions, remain
relatively high (Ng et al. 2007, 2011). It can only be surmised that total bacterial
eradication in the apical anatomy is fortunately unnecessary in the majority
of cases.
The studies by Nair et al. (2005) and Vera et al. (2012) confirm the trends in
residual apical infection during contemporary root canal treatment procedures.
This implies that residual infection in the apical anatomy is the norm following
completion of root canal treatment and that an ongoing interaction beyond the end
of treatment, between the residual infection, root filling material and host
defences, plays a definitive role in determining the final biological outcome.
This explains several clinical observations about periapical healing outcomes. It
explains why, despite variations and changes in the technical aspects of the
chemomechanical protocol, the success rates of root canal treatment have not
improved over the last century (Fig. 14). It also explains why the success rates are
so sensitive to the apical length of root canal debridement (Fig. 17). It further
explains why the periapical lesion can take so long to heal after termination of the
treatment procedure (Fig. 18).
Matsumiya and Kitamura (1960) made very interesting observations from
an animal study, in which artificially infected root canal systems were
chemomechanically debrided and dressed with calcium hydroxide. Over the course
of time, they observed that periapical healing occurred in parallel with a concurrent
reduction in the bacterial presence. Their interpretation was not that periapical
healing was facilitated by a gradual bacterial demise but that the bacterial demise
was facilitated by periapical healing. This insightful statement probably indicates
part of the truth. The nature of infection and its activity (expressed genes), the
nature of host response and its activity (expressed genes) and any ongoing effect of
the root canal filling (and prior chemomechanical treatment) collectively and
interactively determine the final outcome over time. The outcome per individual
tooth is therefore unpredictable save that we know about 70–80 % will ultimately
result in regeneration to various degrees. Future challenges to improving success
rates therefore depend upon effective research along the lines of residual biofilm
physiology, host response and genetics, treatment effects on microbiota and host
and the physics of fluid dynamics.
250 K. Gulabivala and Y.-L. Ng
Kerekes 1978
Kerekes 1978
Peak 1994
Aqrabawi 2006
Ng et al. 2011
0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 1
Probability of success in teeth with "flush" root fillings
Kerekes 1978
Kerekes 1978
Peak 1994
Aqrabawi 2006
Ng et al. 2011
0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 1
Probability of success in teeth with "short" root fillings
Kerekes 1978
Kerekes 1978
Boggia 1983
Cvek 1992
Peak 1994
Aqrabawi 2006
Ng et al. 2011
0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 1
Probability of success in teeth with "long" root fillings
Fig. 17 Forest plots of root canal treatment outcome data (based on strict criteria) partitioned by
apical extent of root filling
Biofilm-Associated Infections in Root Canals: Treatment and Outcomes 251
Fig. 18 (continued)
252 K. Gulabivala and Y.-L. Ng
Fig. 18 Forest plots of outcomes of root canal treatment data partitioned by duration after
Biofilm-Associated Infections in Root Canals: Treatment and Outcomes 253
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Root Canal Irrigation
Luc van der Sluis, Christos Boutsioukis, Lei-Meng Jiang, Ricardo Macedo,
Bram Verhaagen, and Michel Versluis
Abstract The aims of root canal irrigation are the chemical dissolution or disrup-
tion and the mechanical detachment of pulp tissue, dentin debris and smear layer
(instrumentation products), microorganisms (planktonic or biofilm), and their prod-
ucts from the root canal wall, their removal out of the root canal system. Each of the
endodontic irrigation systems has its own irrigant flow characteristics, which should
fulfill these aims. Without flow (convection), the irrigant would have to be distrib-
uted through diffusion. This process is slow and depends on temperature and
concentration gradients. On the other hand, convection is a faster and more efficient
transport mechanism. During irrigant flow, frictional forces will occur, for example,
between the irrigant and the root canal wall (wall shear stress). In this chapter the
irrigant flow and wall shear stress produced by different irrigation systems will be
described. Furthermore, the effect of the flow on the biofilm and the chemical effect
of irrigants on the biofilm will be discussed.
1 Introduction
Root canal irrigation can be defined as the procedure to deliver a liquid or irrigant
in the root canal system before, during, and after instrumentation of the root canal.
The aims of this procedure are the chemical dissolution or disruption and the
mechanical detachment of pulp tissue, dentin debris and smear layer (instrumenta-
tion products), microorganisms (planktonic or biofilm), and their products
(all together hereafter named substrate) from the root canal wall and their removal
out of the root canal system. The objectives of irrigation are to induce a flow of
• Which ensures an adequate delivery throughout the root canal system and a close
contact with the substrate
• That can achieve frequent refreshment and mixing of the irrigant, in order to
retain an effective concentration of the active chemical component(s) and com-
pensate for its rapid inactivation
• That carries away the substrate and provides lubrication for the instruments
• That applies a force on the root canal wall (wall shear stress), in order to detach/
disrupt the substrate
• Which is restricted within the constraints of the root canal, thus preventing
irrigant extrusion toward the periapical tissues
Each of the irrigation systems has its own flow characteristics, which should
fulfill these objectives. Without the flow (also termed convection), the irrigant
would have to be delivered throughout the root canal system by diffusion, which
is the result of the random movement of individual particles (molecules/ions) in the
fluid. This process is slow and depends, for example, on temperature and concen-
tration gradients. On the other hand, convection is a faster and more efficient
transport mechanism in which molecules are transported by the motion of fluid
(Incropera and de Witt 1990) which contributes to effective delivery, refreshment,
and mixing of the irrigant. The flow of irrigants is also affected by their physical
properties, which will be discussed in section 5.2.
Within the irrigation procedure, two phases can be distinguished: the flow phase,
during which the irrigant is delivered and flows in and out of the root canal, and a
rest phase, when the irrigant is at rest in the root canal. Irrigant activation systems
introduce an additional activation phase, to enable an energy source to enhance the
streaming of the irrigant. The flow and activation phase assists the mechanical and
chemical activity through convection and diffusion of the molecules/ions of the
irrigant and the rest phase mostly through diffusion.
Because both the mechanical and chemical aspects are determined by the
irrigant flow, the main goal of this chapter is to describe in detail this flow provoked
by the different irrigation systems (syringe, negative pressure, manual dynamic
activation (MDA), (ultra)sonics, laser) (Fig. 1) combined with its chemical or
mechanical effects. Recently, a new irrigation system, the Multisonic Ultracleaning
System (Sonendo Inc., Laguna Hills, CA, USA), has been introduced onto the
market (Haapasalo et al. 2014). Although the manufacturer claims the working
mechanism relies on “a wide frequency range of acoustic energy” (oral communi-
cation), they were not willing to share the working principles with us. Therefore, it
is not possible to critically analyze this system within this chapter.
Unfortunately, only one randomized controlled trial (RCT) is available on the
effect of root canal irrigation on the endodontic outcome (Liang et al. 2013).
Root Canal Irrigation 261
Fig. 1 Sketches of the flow induced by different irrigation systems: a) positive pressure, b)
negative pressure, c) MDA, d) sonic activation, e) ultrasonic activation, and f) laser activation.
The images are not to scale
Therefore, we have to rely on ex vivo and in vitro research, which mostly provides
information on a certain predefined effect of different irrigation procedures, with
the exception of some studies which provide data on the irrigant flow. Because
often different methodologies are used, it is not always possible to compare the
results. Furthermore, we excluded debris and smear layer studies conducted by
SEM and studies with planktonic microorganisms or paper point analysis and only
included biofilm studies. It is important to realize that the success of cleaning of the
root canal system depends on many factors that are intertwined and interact with
each other and that the exact contribution of each one of them is not known.
2 Irrigation Systems
Conventional irrigation with a syringe and needle remains widely accepted (Dutner
et al. 2012; Savani et al. 2014; Willershausen et al. 2015). However, motivation to
improve irrigation efficacy and safety led to the development of other systems
(Gu et al. 2009). The mechanism of energy transfer determines the specific flow
characteristics of the irrigation systems and consequently their efficacy. A
non-instrumentation technique would still be the ideal method, preventing instru-
mentation of the root canal with its related disadvantages like smear layer and
262 L. van der Sluis et al.
dentin debris production, iatrogenic errors, weakening of the root structure, and
apical crack formation (Şen et al. 1995; Gorni and Gagliani 2004; Wu et al. 2004;
Shemesh et al. 2010). Such a system has been proposed by Lussi et al. (1993)
however, establishing an alternating negative and positive pressure which would
enable an effective irrigation procedure and prevent extrusion of the irrigant
without introducing instruments/devices in the apical part of the canal seems, for
the moment, to be the major limitation. Combinations of syringe irrigation to
deliver the irrigant in the root canal and various ways to activate/energize the
irrigant have established a rich variety of irrigation techniques (Table 1).
Gutta-percha No No Int Huang et al. (2008), Jiang et al. (2012)
Brush No No Int Keir et al. (1990)
Rotary brush Yes No Int Weise et al. (2007)
Oscillating Sonic Yes No Int Jiang et al. (2010a, b)
tip Ultrasonic Yes No Int van der Sluis et al. (2006)
Laser Yes No Int Blanken and Verdaasdonk (2007),
de Groot et al. (2009)
UltrasonicP Needle Oscillating Yes No Cont Castelo-Baz et al. (2012), Jiang
needle et al. (2012)
Handpiece Oscillating Yes No Cont van der Sluis et al. (2006)
File Yes Yes Cont/int Guerisoli et al. (1998)
NITP,N No Yes Yes Cont Lussi et al. (1993)
Quantec-EP No Yes Yes Cont Walters et al. (2002)
SAFP No Yes Yes Cont Metzger et al. (2010)
RinsEndoP No Yes No Cont Hauser et al. (2007)
Safety No Yes No Cont Jiang et al. (2012)
IAC No Yes No Cont Fukumoto et al. (2006)
EndoVacN No Yes No Cont Nielsen and Baumgartner (2007)
P ¼ positive pressure; N ¼ negative pressure
Table 2 Irrigation technique characteristics, assuming a root canal of size #35/.06 filled with water
et al. 1993)
Laser-activated Transmission of laser energy into 1–10 m/s Apical pressures not available in 1000 N/m2
irrigation irrigant (Blanken and Verdaasdonk 2007; literature, but irrigant extrusion is (de Groot et al. 2009)
• Laser type: Er:YAG or Er,Cr: de Groot et al. 2009) reported (George and Walsh 2008)
• Laser energy: < 250 mJ/pulse
• Pulse repetition rate: 1–25 Hz
(de Groot et al. 2009)
266 L. van der Sluis et al.
Fig. 2 (1) Time-averaged contours of velocity magnitude (left) and vectors (right) along the z-y
plane in the apical part of the root canal for flat (A), beveled (B), and notched (C) open-ended
needles and side-vented (D), double side-vented (E) and multi-vented (F) closed-ended needles.
The reverse flow toward the canal orifice was noted mainly near the canal wall. (2) Streamlines
indicating the route of massless particles released downstream from the needle inlet and colored
according to time-averaged velocity magnitude. Particle trajectories provide visualization of the
fresh irrigant main flow in three dimensions. Both presence and density of the streamlines are
important to indicate the degree of irrigant penetration. (3) Time-averaged distribution of shear
stress on the root canal wall. Only half of the root canal wall is presented to allow simultaneous
evaluation of the needle position. Needles are colored in red. Reprinted from Boutsioukis et al.
(2010b) with permission from Elsevier.
(flow structures where the fluid is rotating) extending to the apical terminus of the
canal are formed apically to the tip. Their size, position, and number may differ
according to needle insertion depth, root canal size and taper, and flow rate. The
velocity of the irrigant inside each vortex decreases significantly toward the apex.
When a double side-vented needle is used, 93.5 % of the irrigant flows out of the
Root Canal Irrigation 267
outlet proximal to the tip (Boutsioukis et al. 2010b). The apical irrigant refresh-
ment/mixing of the closed-ended needles is limited and does not exceed 1–1.5 mm
beyond the needle tip for flow rates up to 0.26 mL/s, even in large root canals
(Boutsioukis et al. 2009; Boutsioukis et al. 2010b, c, d, e; Verhaagen et al. 2012b),
in contrast to what is reported in earlier studies (Kahn et al. 1995), probably
depending on the limitations of the study design. The jet formation and the
differences between open-ended and closed-ended needles have also been identified
in moderately curved root canals (Šnjarić et al. 2012).
A reverse flow toward the canal orifice occurs near the canal wall for both needle
types. Regardless of type, small-diameter needles seem to be more effective even
when positioned at the same depth (Chow 1983). Keeping the variables constant,
the use of a larger needle would directly result in a decrease of the space available
for the reverse flow between the needle and the root canal wall and consequently
increase apical pressure for open-ended needles and decrease irrigant refreshment/
mixing apically to the tip for closed-ended needles (Boutsioukis et al. 2010d, e). As
expected, an increase in the preparation size or taper leads to a more efficient flow in
the apical root canal (Chow 1983; Falk and Sedgley 2005; Hsieh et al. 2007; Huang
et al. 2008; Bronnec et al. 2010a; Boutsioukis et al. 2010d, e). Effective irrigant
refreshment/mixing starts from apical size 30, 0.06 taper, allowing refreshment/
mixing 2 mm apically to an open-ended needle and 1 mm apically to the tip of a
closed-ended needle (Boutsioukis et al. 2010e). The increase of size or taper results
in a significant increase in irrigant refreshment/mixing for open-ended needles but
not for closed-ended needles (Hockett et al. 2008; Boutsioukis et al. 2010d, e).
Surprisingly, a minimally tapered root canal preparation (size 60, 0.02 taper) may
present a significant advantage over the tapered ones in terms of irrigant refresh-
ment/mixing (Boutsioukis et al. 2010e); however, a decision on the optimal instru-
mentation strategy should also take into account the possibility of iatrogenic errors,
weakening of the root structure, and obturation technique requirements. A larger
volume of irrigant has been associated with improved canal cleanliness (Baker
et al. 1975) and irrigant refreshment/mixing (Sedgley et al. 2004, 2005; Bronnec
et al. 2010b). An increase in the volume of irrigant can be translated in increased
duration of irrigation, assuming a constant flow rate, which allows for improved
irrigant refreshment/mixing and chemical effect. Root canal curvature doesn’t seem
to create additional obstacles for irrigant flow, provided that the needle is placed
within 1 mm of working length (WL) (Nguy and Sedgley 2006). Small-size (30G)
flexible irrigation needles available nowadays can facilitate irrigant delivery near
WL even in severely curved canals, provided that the canal is enlarged at least to
size 30 or 35. Tooth orientation (mandibular, maxillary, horizontal) has only a
minor influence on the resulting irrigant flow (Boutsioukis et al. 2009, 2010a;
Boutsioukis 2010). In a single-phase system, such as a root canal completely filled
with irrigant, gravity affects the flow through hydrostatic pressure. The latter is very
low compared to the dynamic pressure developed due to the flow of the irrigant.
When considering root canal irrigation, it should be emphasized that the root canal
is closed at the apex (Hockett et al. 2008; Boutsioukis et al. 2009; Parente
et al. 2010; Tay et al. 2010). The apex being closed results in a more complicated
flow pattern compared to a canal open from both sides.
268 L. van der Sluis et al.
The term passive ultrasonic irrigation (PUI) has been used in the past to describe
ultrasonic activation of irrigants (Jensen et al. 1999; van der Sluis et al. 2007);
however, recent findings suggest that this term may be inaccurate and confusing
(Boutsioukis et al. 2013b).
During sonically and ultrasonically activated irrigation, instruments like files
(cutting or non-cutting), plastic, or NiTi tips or needles oscillate while being driven
at one end with a specific frequency, which is below 20 kHz for sonic devices and
above 20 kHz for ultrasonic devices. For the relatively new sonic devices, like
EndoActivator or Vibringe, the frequency was found to be in the range of 160–
190 Hz (Jiang et al. 2010a); for systems like SONICflex (KaVo), the frequency goes
up to 6000 Hz; for most ultrasonic devices, the frequency is approximately 30 kHz.
The oscillation patterns of sonically and ultrasonically driven files are very distinct
(Lumley et al. 1991), with sonically driven files having only one node and one
antinode (Lumley et al. 1991; Jiang et al. 2010a), while ultrasonic files have around
six nodes with a spacing of approximately 5 mm (Fig. 1) (Ahmad et al. 1993;
Verhaagen et al. 2012a). The oscillation amplitude, measured outside the root
canal, was around 1 mm for the EndoActivator tip (Jiang et al. 2010a) and around
50 μm for ultrasonically activated instruments (Ahmad et al. 1987; Lea et al. 2010;
Verhaagen et al. 2012a). Oscillating instruments act as a mixer producing
microstreaming of the irrigant that enhances delivery of the irrigant throughout
the root canal system and refreshment/mixing of the irrigant. The ultrasonically
oscillating instruments can generate acoustic streaming, contrary to the sonically
driven systems (Duck and Smith 1979; Lumley et al. 1991; Jiang et al. 2010a;
Verhaagen et al. 2014b). The induced flow consists of an oscillatory component that
follows the oscillation of the instrument and dominates the flow near it and a steady
component that always moves away from the file; the latter dominates the flow
further away from the instrument (Fig. 3). The characteristics of each flow compo-
nent are determined by the oscillation characteristics of the instrument together
with the presence of a wall or confinement which affects the formation of steady jets
and increases the oscillatory velocities and associated pressure and shear stress
(Verhaagen et al. 2014b) (Fig. 4). The lateral component of the flow is relatively
strong in comparison to the apical or coronal component. This lack of the reverse
flow should be compensated by syringe irrigation after the activation of the irrigant
or the use of ultrasonically activated needles allowing a continuous flow in the
apical root canal and an effective reverse flow of the irrigant. A continuous flow
directed into the pulp chamber does not result in an effective refreshment/mixing of
irrigant in the apical root canal (van der Sluis et al. 2009). The lateral flow
component can enhance irrigant flow and tissue dissolution in side canals
(De Gregorio et al. 2009; Al-Jadaa et al. 2009a), isthmuses (Burleson
et al. 2007), or oval extensions (Jiang et al. 2010b). The oscillation perpendicular
to the main oscillation direction is less than 25 % of the main oscillation direction
270 L. van der Sluis et al.
Fig. 3 Two-dimensional (cross section) view of the velocity vectors and pressure magnitudes
induced by a file oscillating ultrasonically next to a wall (a) or inside a root canal (b). The radius of
the file is 100 μm. The results are obtained with a computational fluid dynamics code and are
shown at one instant of time (top row) and the time average over 5 cycles (bottom row). Reprinted
with permission from Verhaagen et al. (2014b). Copyright 2014, Acoustic Society of America.
Fig. 4 Visualization of a laser-generated vapor bubble inside a glass root canal model. The laser
energy was 60 mJ per pulse. Image sequence is from left to right; the interframe time is 140 Âμs.
The first panel shows a sketch of the setup, with 1) the root canal model, 2) the laser fiber tip (outer
diameter 280 lm), 3) the laser-induced cavitation bubble, and 4) a stable cavitation bubble at
the apex. Reprinted with permission from Verhaagen et al. (2014b). Copyright 2014, Acoustic
Society of America.
Root Canal Irrigation 271
(Lea et al. 2010; Verhaagen et al. 2012a). For ultrasonic activation of the irrigant,
an increase of the power setting results in an increase in the oscillation amplitude
which enhances the irrigant flow and the cleaning efficacy mostly in the oscillation
direction of the file (Lumley et al. 1993; Jiang et al. 2010b, c). The coronal-to-apical
component of the flow extends beyond the tip of the instrument decreasing after
2 mm (Malki et al. 2012). It is assumed that the fluid dynamics is not affected by a
curvature, as the typical streaming length scale is smaller than the curvature (Malki
et al. 2012). However, it has been reported that in curved canals, the cleaning
efficacy of sonic or ultrasonic files is affected by the curvature (Amato et al. 2011).
Damping of the oscillatory movement by placing the ultrasonically activated
instruments to WL (Boutsioukis et al. 2013b) could have been the reason for this
effect. Pre-bending the instrument could bring it closer to WL and reduce contact
and possible canal transportation (Al-Jadaa et al. 2009a); however, bending signif-
icantly changes the oscillation pattern (Ahmad et al. 1992; Lumley and Walmsley
1992; Verhaagen et al. 2012a). During ultrasonic activation of the irrigant, cavita-
tion may be induced (Ahmad et al. 1988; Jiang et al. 2010c), which is the formation,
behavior, and collapse of bubbles under an applied changing/oscillating/alternating
pressure. The collapse of these bubbles close to a wall can generate a high-velocity
jet directed toward the wall (a process called transient cavitation) (Brennen 1995),
enhancing its cleaning (Ohl and Wolfum 2003). If present, soft material (like
biofilm) might be pulled from the wall toward the bubble (Brujan et al. 2001).
Gas-filled bubbles might be stable for a relatively long time and oscillate together
with the oscillating pressure field induced by the oscillating file. This stable
cavitation might enhance the streaming and consequently the cleaning locally,
through unsteady oscillations of the bubble shape (Brennen 1995). Both transient
and stable cavitations have been observed in a number of studies; the location of
transient cavitation occurrence seemed to coincide with oscillation antinodes on the
file (Ahmad et al. 1988; Lumley et al. 1988; Felver et al. 2009; Jiang et al. 2010c;
Macedo et al. 2014a). Although stable cavitation was seen throughout the root
canal, transient cavitation occurred closely to the file (Macedo et al. 2014a). Pre-
vious work has ruled out cavitation as a significant contribution to root canal
cleaning (Ahmad et al. 1988; Lumley et al. 1988), but a recent study showed that
it is not that clear-cut; its contribution depends on different factors (Macedo
et al. 2014b). A non-tapered instrument will produce cavitation at all antinodes
alongside the instrument, whereas tapered instruments only produce cavitation at
the tip; in addition, a smaller confinement (root canal) leads to an increase in
cavitation (Macedo et al. 2014a). More research is needed to clarify the role of
cavitation in cleaning procedures.
Laser-activated irrigation (LAI) employs laser energy to activate the irrigant and
relies primarily on cavitation. Normally, Er:YAG or Er,Cr:YSGG lasers are used
272 L. van der Sluis et al.
with a wavelength in the infrared region (2796–2940 nm) which is well absorbed by
water (Robertson and Williams 1971). The dynamics of LAI have been studied
using high-speed imaging (Blanken and Verdaasdonk 2007; de Groot et al. 2009;
Matsumoto et al. 2011). The working mechanism of LAI is believed to be related to
the growth and collapse of a laser-induced cavitation bubble; its collapse causes
shock waves and a fluid flow in the coronal, lateral, and mainly apical direction with
velocities of a few meters per second (de Groot et al. 2009), resulting in a high
cleaning efficacy (de Groot et al. 2009; de Moor et al. 2010). The effect of the
implosion of the bubble seems to be directed to the apical root canal because of its
smaller dimension. The size of the laser-induced bubble and consequently the
collapse velocity depend on the energy output, pulse duration, and frequency, and
its absorption by the irrigant; up to a certain extent, more energy means a larger
bubble. However, the influence of the different parameters on the cleaning efficacy
of the flow has not yet been clarified. Recently, good results have been published
applying laser energy in the pulp chamber just above the canal orifice with specially
developed tips (PIPS) (Peters et al. 2011; Lloyd et al. 2014; Ordinola-Zapata
et al. 2014). It is believed that irrigant streaming in the complete root canal can
be induced by shock waves. The mechanisms have not yet been clarified.
Irrigant flow into lateral canals (Al-Jadaa et al. 2009a; de Gregorio et al. 2010),
isthmuses (Burleson et al. 2007), or oval extensions (Jiang et al. 2010a) is limited
for irrigation systems producing a flow parallel to the root canal wall and for sonic
activation of the irrigant. The flow in the main canal will drive the flow in the lateral
canal, and penetration of the irrigant is limited to a few times the diameter of the
canal entrance (Shankar and Deshpande 2000). It has been confirmed that syringe
irrigation is not very effective in isthmuses and oval extensions (Burleson
et al. 2007; Ricucci and Siqueira 2010) contrary to ultrasonic or laser-activated
irrigation, which produces a lateral flow component, improving irrigant penetration
and tissue dissolution in side canals (Al-Jadaa et al. 2009b; de Gregorio et al. 2009,
2010; Castelo-Baz et al. 2012), isthmuses (Burleson et al. 2007) or oval extensions
(de Groot et al. 2009; de Moor et al. 2010; Jiang et al. 2010c). Recently, a modified
apical negative-pressure technique was used to clean the isthmus between the
mesial roots of mandibular molars. Irrigant was delivered near WL in one of the
root canals by a syringe and needle, while a suction tip was positioned near WL in
the second root canal, forcing the irrigant through the isthmus. The new technique
showed improved removal of dentin debris from the isthmus, compared to syringe
irrigation, a traditional apical negative-pressure system, and ultrasonic activation
(Thomas et al. 2014).
The geometry of the dentinal tubules (typical diameter 0.5–3.2 μm, length 1–2 mm)
poses a serious difficulty for the irrigant to penetrate (Haapasalo and Orstavik 1987;
Orstavik and Haapasalo 1990). Diffusion through the small opening in the root
canal lumen is slow (Zou et al. 2010), whereas convection is limited to a few
micrometers from the entrance, provided that the tubule is filled with liquid
(Verhaagen et al. 2014a). Advanced treatment strategies specifically aimed at the
tubules might be necessary to enhance the cleaning of the tubules (Shrestha
et al. 2009).
During root canal irrigation, part of the irrigant may be extruded toward the
periapical tissues (Boutsioukis et al. 2013a). Irrigant extrusion does not seem to
take place in vital cases, provided that root canal instrumentation has been limited
within the root canal (Salzgeber and Brilliant 1977). The presence of a pulp stump
274 L. van der Sluis et al.
An in vivo study demonstrated that when the laser tip is placed in the pulp chamber
just above the root canal entrance, no extrusion of irrigant is to be expected (power
setting 1 W and 35 Hz) (Peeters and Mooduto 2013). Furthermore, using PIPS,
irrigant extrusion seems to be related with the power setting (Arslan et al. 2014).
It must be emphasized that irrigant extrusion of any amount of irrigant doesn’t
necessarily result into an extrusion accident with pronounced symptomatology. The
minimum amount of extruded irrigant that can cause such accidents has not been
elucidated (Boutsioukis et al. 2013a). For instance, passive extrusion of minute
amounts of irrigant may continuously occur very slowly even during the rest phase
(Chu 2010; Psimma et al. 2013a), but this has not been linked to an accident yet.
During irrigant flow, frictional forces occur within the irrigant and between the
flowing irrigant and solid bodies at rest (e.g., root canal walls) or between a moving
solid body (ultrasonically oscillating file) and irrigant at rest (Mott 1999; Tilton
1999; White 1999). The magnitude of such friction between the irrigant and the root
canal wall is described by wall shear stress and is proportional to the difference of
the velocity between adjacent “layers” of irrigant close to the wall. Irrigants with
higher viscosity will develop higher wall shear stress; however, they will also resist
flow and require more energy to be delivered or activated. Wall shear stress is of
particular interest to irrigation because it determines the mechanical effect on the
biofilm, tissue remnants, dentin debris, or smear layer attached to the root
canal wall.
Similar to the developed irrigant flow, two basic wall shear stress patterns can be
distinguished for the open- and closed-ended needles. Regarding the open-ended
needles, an area of increased shear stress (~200 N/m2) with an approximately
uniform circumferential distribution is developed apically to the needle tips, in
the region where the unsteadiness, due to jet breakup, is strongest (Fig. 2). On the
other hand, the closed-ended needles lead to higher maximum shear stress
(~500 N/m2); however, the areas are limited near the tip, on the wall facing the
needle outlet (the proximal outlet for the double side vented) (Boutsioukis
et al. 2010b; Chen et al. 2014). Therefore, optimum debridement is expected near
the tip of the needle, as reported by Huang et al. (2008), and continuous displace-
ment of the needle tip is necessary during syringe irrigation, to increase the area
affected by high wall shear stress.
276 L. van der Sluis et al.
Needle depth, canal size, and taper do not seem to affect the overall distribution
of wall shear stress (Fig. 2). The maximum shear stress decreases as needles move
away from the working length or with increasing size or taper, because more space
is available for the reverse flow of the irrigant. This reduces the irrigant velocity
gradients, but the area affected by high shear stress becomes larger (Boutsioukis
et al. 2010c, d, e). No data are available on the flow rate, but, as long as the flow
characteristics are unchanged, a higher flow rate will lead to a higher shear stress.
During negative-pressure systems, the flow that is aspirated toward the apex
induces shear stress on the wall. The shear stress appears to have an approximately
equal circumferential distribution along the main root canal walls, with highest
values (50–100 N/m2) occurring near the apex and decreasing magnitude toward
the coronal part (Chen et al. 2014), as the flow velocity and shear stress are related
to the increasing cross-section area between the micro-cannula and root canal wall.
As irrigant velocities produced during positive-pressure irrigation (like syringe
irrigation) are higher in certain areas (Boutsioukis et al. 2010a; Verhaagen
et al. 2012b), negative-pressure systems seem to be inferior to syringe irrigation
regarding the shear stress produced on the root canal wall (Table 2). This has been
recently verified by computer simulations (Chen et al. 2014).
The GP cone that is moved up and down in the root canal creates a flow and
therefore a shear stress on the wall, whose magnitude depends on the reflux space
available (Bronnec et al. 2010b; Jiang et al. 2012). With the help of a simple model
based on two concentric cones, the shear stress can be estimated and seems to be on
the order of 1 N/m2, which is much lower than for other systems.
The oscillating flow induced by the sonic and ultrasonic devices gives rise to a
nonuniform shear stress on the wall of the root canal and is highest where the
oscillation amplitude is highest, i.e., near the antinodes of the file. This shear stress
during ultrasonic activation has been estimated by computer simulation to be in the
order of 500 N/m2 (Chen et al. 2014), but the model lacked experimental validation.
The influence of the oscillatory component of the flow on the pressure and shear
stress is two or three orders of magnitude higher than the steady component, and
the shear stress was calculated to be 3000 N/m2 for the oscillatory and 2 N/m2
for the steady component. The steady jets are known to exert a constant shear stress
Root Canal Irrigation 277
on the wall, which is highest at a location slightly off axis in the direction of
oscillation (Deshpande and Vaishnav 1982; Phares et al. 2000) (Fig. 4). The
oscillatory shear stress and pressure result in a loading cycle on the biofilm on the
wall. Being a viscoelastic material, a biofilm will lose energy through a loading
cycle (Guelon et al. 2011); therefore, the oscillation can lead to fatigue of the
biofilm, which in turn leads to biofilm failure. In sonic irrigation, the frequency is
much lower than in ultrasonic irrigation; therefore, biofilm fatigue is less likely to
occur with sonic irrigation.
During LAI, the shear stress is expected to be induced by the flow produced by the
formation and collapse of a laser-induced bubble. The observed flow is similar to
negative-pressure systems, except that for LAI, the magnitude of the shear stress is
one order of magnitude higher (1000 N/m2).
Wall shear stress could mechanically disrupt biofilm. Biofilms are structured by a
matrix of extracellular polymeric substance (EPS), which can reach up to 90 % of
the biofilm. This matrix provides the biofilm its viscoelastic properties, facilitates
nutrition, and acts as protection from chemical and mechanical attacks imposed by
cleaning procedures and disinfectants (Stewart and Franklin 2008). Therefore, the
viscoelastic properties can be seen as a virulence factor (He et al. 2013). Under
small stresses, a biofilm can deform elastically, whereas under large stresses, it can
flow viscously (K€ orstgens et al. 2001; Flemming and Wingerder 2010). Forces on
the biofilm exerted by irrigant flow could cause absorption of energy into the
biofilm leading to volumetric expansion (Busscher et al. 2003). Deformation
beyond the yield point could disrupt the top layers of the biofilm, or its EPS matrix
(cohesive failure), or could completely remove the biofilm (adhesive failure). If
deformation is in the plastic range but below the yield point, the biofilm is expanded
but not removed (Busscher et al. 2003). However, disruption of the top layers or
EPS matrix or expansion of the biofilm facilitates irrigant penetration in the biofilm
and could already enhance the chemical effect of irrigants (He et al. 2013). Fur-
thermore, a disruption of the biofilm matrix could leave “footprints” in the
remaining biofilm, facilitating adhesion of microorganisms, thereby influencing
reorganization of the biofilm (Busscher et al. 2003). However, not much informa-
tion is available in the literature on the effect of fluid flow on a biofilm, mainly
because of a large variety of biofilm constituents and associated physical properties.
Moreover, measurement of the mechanical properties should take place on a short
time scale (within minutes), because the biofilm is a living organism and will adapt
to its environment (Flemming et al. 2011). In addition, the time scale of irrigant
278 L. van der Sluis et al.
Weak forces (low pressures and shear stresses) or a high EPS matrix stability causes
only an elastic deformation of the biofilm that reverses as soon as the stress is
removed. Repeated loading of the biofilm structure with a periodic stress, as is the
case with sonic, ultrasonic, and laser activation, may result in cohesive failure or
fatigue of the biofilm (Flemming et al. 2011); however, the threshold (force and
number of loading cycles) for damage due to fatigue is unknown. At increased force
(or lower EPS matrix stability), viscous deformation of the biofilm may occur. The
biofilm deforms and is displaced in order to distribute and minimize the applied
stresses (Klapper et al. 2002). When a steady force is applied, for example, in the
case of a steady flow, the biofilm will attain a steady state, and no further defor-
mation or removal will take place. Therefore, it may be advantageous to generate a
nonsteady flow, for example, by unsteady oscillations of the ultrasonic file or by
Root Canal Irrigation 279
The gradients associated with the time scales and length scales of the exerted stress
are important with regard to the behavior of a viscoelastic material. Cavitation
bubbles, such as those created by fast irrigant vaporization with a laser device,
typically exhibit large velocities and accelerations on a small time scale, making
them efficient in plastic deformation of the biofilm. For transient cavitation, veloc-
ities of 100 m/s are feasible at micrometer scales (Brujan et al. 2001). To clean
larger areas such as the entire root canal system, many cycles (laser pulses) may be
Biofilm models that allow for effectively screening the efficacy of irriga-
tion systems are not available yet; therefore, it is difficult to determine the real
impact of irrigation procedures on biofilms. To evaluate the effect of irrigant flow
on the viscoelastic behavior of a biofilm, a standardized hydrogel of gelatine and
hyaluronan has been used. When a hydrogel with a density of 1.07 0.07 · 103 kg/
m3 and a Young’s modulus and adhesive strength of 101 Pa was used, the flow
induced by an ultrasonically oscillating file at a distance of 100 μm from the
hydrogel always removed the hydrogel, except at the lowest power setting. The
visualizations confirmed that acoustic streaming consisted of a steady and oscilla-
tory component of the flow and that the former is dominant for viscous deforma-
tion of the hydrogel and the latter induces an elastic deformation (Macedo
et al. 2014b). More research is needed to study the interaction of a fluid flow with
a biofilm in the typical endodontic environment.
5 Chemical Effect
5.1 Introduction
with the second Damk€ohler number, which is defined as the ratio of typical irrigant
transport time to reaction time. The reaction time will be directly influenced by the
reaction rate (RR) or speed of reaction, which is the change in concentration of the
reactants or the change in concentration of the products of a given chemical reaction
per unit time. The transport time can be determined from the local flow velocity
U and vorticity Ω (measure of circulation of a fluid) scaled with a typical length L.
For areas with low velocity, diffusion (with coefficient D) may also play a role.
The second Damk€ohler number (Da) is then given by
Uflow þΩflow Lþ D2
Da ¼ L
A high efficacy against biofilms is only possible when the irrigant has the ability
to diffuse through or break down the EPS matrix of the biofilm; without this
capacity, the irrigant cannot exert its antimicrobial action. This aspect is important
when the biofilm is still intact but also when the top layers have been removed by
instrumentation or irrigation because the structure of the remaining basal layer is
characterized by high adhesion and cohesion forces. In this section we focus on the
most frequently used irrigants in endodontics which are sodium hypochlorite
(NaOCl), ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), and chlorhexidine (CHX)
(Dutner et al. 2012; Willershausen et al. 2015).
NaOCl is widely used as the primary root canal irrigant (Dutner et al. 2012;
Savani et al. 2014; Willershausen et al. 2015) due to its unparalleled action against
microorganisms (McDonnell and Russell 1999), and biofilm (Bryce et al. 2009;
Chávez de Paz et al. 2010; Stojicic et al. 2013), and its unique capacity to dissolve
pulp tissue (Naenni et al. 2004; Sirtes et al. 2005) and organic components of the
smear layer (Baumgartner and Mader 1987). In spite of its low clinical toxicity
(Zehnder 2006), NaOCl has been shown to be extremely caustic when in contact
with organic tissue in vitro (Pashley et al. 1985), even at concentrations lower than
0.1 % (Chang et al. 2001; Heling et al. 2001; Barnhart et al. 2005). The choice of the
NaOCl concentration to be used is generally considered a trade-off between
cleaning efficiency and tissue damage in the case of inadvertent extrusion (Spencer
et al. 2007). Clinically, the use of concentrations between 0.5 % and 6 % is
suggested; however, the optimal clinical concentration is still a subject of contro-
versy (Zehnder 2006). A recent systematic review reported that higher concentra-
tions appear to improve the outcome of root canal treatment, but the evidence was
weak (Fedorowicz et al. 2012).
Once delivered inside the root canal, NaOCl reacts with its organic content such
as pulp tissue, biofilm, or dentin (canal wall, smear layer, or debris) causing
depletion of the free available chlorine (Baker 1947) and resulting in protein
degradation, rise of temperature (Baker 1947), and changes in pH (Jungbluth
et al. 2011; Macedo et al. 2014d). Even though this reaction occurs faster during
the first minute, it evolves with time being limited by the amount of free available
chlorine on the irrigant and/or the amount of organic substance available for the
irrigant to react with. A stagnant (non-agitated) NaOCl solution can retain a
considerable amount of available chlorine (0.1 %) inside a root canal ex vivo
even after 100 min (Ragnarsson et al. 2015), but this amount of chlorine may not
actually be available near the substrate. A recent optical method to measure the
NaOCl concentration in human root canals ex vivo was introduced in the endodon-
tic literature (Rechenberg et al. 2014). The authors reported that NaOCl at clinically
relevant initial concentrations (1 %) remains chemically active (above 0.1 %) for
more than 10 min (Ragnarsson et al. 2015). Nonetheless, such a method has a
reduced accuracy to quantify concentrations higher than 0.1 %; therefore, such
information has limited clinical value. The speed of the reaction between chlorine
and substrate will be increased by the initial concentration of the irrigant, ultrasonic
or laser activation (Macedo et al. 2010), frequent irrigant refreshment (Macedo
et al. 2014c), and temperature (Sirtes et al. 2005). It should be noted that the
282 L. van der Sluis et al.
5.1.1 EDTA
5.1.2 Chlorhexidine
CHX bis-guanide has a broad antimicrobial spectrum and is widely used in den-
tistry for chemical plaque control mostly in a 0.2 % concentration (Mohammadi and
Abbott 2009). It is a positively charged hydrophobic molecule with high affinity to
negatively charged molecules present in cell membranes (R€olla et al. 1970) and/or
to the organic component of hard tissues (Carrilho et al. 2010). CHX penetrates the
Root Canal Irrigation 283
outer cell wall layers of the microorganisms and attacks the cytoplasmic membrane
(Shaker et al. 1988; Russell and Day 1993). It has the ability to coagulate intracel-
lular organelles of the microbial cells (McDonnell and Russell 1999). CHX does not
have the capacity to dissolve organic tissues (Naenni et al. 2004), which impedes its
use as a main root canal irrigant in endodontics (Zehnder 2006). As root canal
irrigant, a high concentration (2 %) is mostly used. CHX presents a dose-dependent
cytotoxic effect (Lee et al. 2010). It inhibits osteoblastic cells growth, proliferation,
and collagen synthesis; therefore, its extrusion toward the periapical tissues should
also be avoided.
important for the irrigant flow. However, routine entrapment of air bubbles in the
apical part or side canals of the root canal during endodontic treatment still
remains a speculation (see also the section 3.6).
Because microorganisms in the root canal function in a biofilm state, they are
consequently protected by the matrix structure (EPS). Chemical agents should
diffuse or break through the EPS matrix before they can affect the microorganisms.
Disruption or poration of this matrix will enhance an antimicrobial effect. There-
fore, the potential of EPS penetration, disruption, and killing of the microorganisms
are all inherently related. Disruption of the top layers or EPS matrix or expansion of
the biofilm induced by shear stress on the biofilm during irrigation procedures
facilitates irrigant penetration into the biofilm and could therefore enhance the
chemical effect of irrigants (He et al. 2013). Furthermore, chemical agents can
alter the mechanical properties of the EPS, which may be explained by an influence
of these agents on the EPS network formation (K€orstgens 2003). This alteration can
directly influence the removal of the biofilm (Brindle et al. 2011). Mass transfer
inside a biofilm occurs by convection and (mainly) diffusion processes (de Beer
et al. 1994a, b). It has been described that the surface-averaged relative effective
diffusion coefficient (Drs) decreases from the top of the biofilm toward the bottom.
The Drs profiles differ for biofilms of different ages and generally decrease over
time; furthermore, different biofilms tested showed similar Drs profiles near the top
of the biofilm but different Drs profiles near the bottom of the biofilm (Renslow
et al. 2010). This bottom layer also determines the attachment to the surface, in our
case dentin, and is normally the most difficult to remove (Derlon et al. 2008). There
are no data available on the diffusion through a biofilm for endodontic irrigants.
5.3.1 NaOCl
The EPS consists mainly of polysaccharides and different proteins (Flemming and
Wingerder 2010). NaOCl reacts strongly with proteins (Baker 1947). Therefore,
probably, NaOCl will react stronger with the proteins in the EPS than the poly-
saccharides which seems to be confirmed in the study of Agarwal and colleagues
(Agarwal et al. 2012). If so, the distribution of proteins and polysaccharides in the
EPS and the polysaccharide bonding structures will determine the penetration or
disruption of the matrix and consequently its antimicrobial capacity. NaOCl reacts
with proteins producing chloramines in the form of gas bubbles, which can be
imprisoned in a polysaccharide matrix (unpublished data). Furthermore, the strong
reactivity of NaOCl could hamper its diffusion in the biofilm. De Beer et al. (1994a,
b) studied the penetration of chlorine through a Pseudomonas aeruginosa/Klebsi-
ella pneumoniae biofilm and concluded that the diffusion into the biofilm is slow,
Root Canal Irrigation 285
the diffusion rate depends on the concentration, the chlorine is reduced in the
matrix, there is a diffusion–reaction mechanism, and there is a large variation due
to local differences (highly resistant spots). These highly resistant spots show a
higher cell density with subpopulations with higher reducing capacity per cell.
Furthermore, these spots have a higher density of EPSs with a higher reducing
potential. Combined with the phenomenon of rapid regrowth after biocide treat-
ment, these highly resistant spots are serious threats for our antimicrobial treat-
ments. A NaOCl solution with a lower pH contains more HOCl which is more
antimicrobial in relation to planktonic bacteria (Bremer et al. 2002). It is not
completely clear if the same is true for biofilm (Bremer et al. 2002). However, it
has been shown that the buffer capacity of dentin is such that a low pH solution of
NaOCl will probably not result in a higher antimicrobial effect (Macedo
et al. 2014d). More recent studies using biofilm models show an increasing
antibiofilm effect when the concentration of the NaOCl solution increases (Arias-
Moliz et al. 2009; Retamozo et al. 2010; Jiang et al. 2011; del Carpio-Perochena
et al. 2011). We find contradictory results on the effect of lower concentrations of
NaOCl on the biofilm. Some authors claim that a 1 % NaOCl solution can partially
disrupt and decrease the viability of a biofilm (Chávez de Paz et al. 2010; Carpio-
Perochena et al. 2011), whereas Ordinola-Zapata and coauthors (2012) show that
5-min application of 1 % NaOCl cannot disrupt or decrease the viability of a
biofilm. On the other hand, it was still more effective than water. Retamozo and
coauthors concluded that a 1.3 % NaOCl solution did not have any antibiofilm
effect at all (Retamozo et al. 2010). It is reported that both 2.5 % and 5.25 % NaOCl
solutions have an antibiofilm effect (disruption and decrease of viability)
(Retamozo et al. 2010; del Carpio-Perochena et al. 2011). The antibiofilm effect
seems to be time dependent; a 5.25 % solution was significantly more effective after
40 min compared to 15 min. Furthermore, a 1 % and 2.5 % NaOCl solution was
almost as effective after 30 min as a 5.25 % NaOCl solution after 5 min (Retamozo
et al. 2010; del Carpio-Perochena et al. 2011). In the study of del Carpio-Perochena,
the irrigant was refreshed every 5 min in the 15- and 30-min group. Two different
volumes of NaOCl were used, 500 μL and 1 mL, but there was no difference in the
results indicating that under these circumstances, 500 μL already produced the
maximum chemical effect for that typical concentration. The biofilm is more
resistant against NaOCl when it is in the starvation phase (Liu et al. 2010). From
these results we can conclude that the chemical antibiofilm effect of NaOCl
increases with its concentration and the time of application provided an excess of
available chlorine. Lower concentrations like the 1 % and 2 % are significantly less
effective, and the reaction rate is lower, which could be a problem for the disruption
for the apical biofilm, where fresh irrigant is only available when the root canal has
enough space for the irrigant penetration. Furthermore, we have to realize that in all
these studies, the biofilm was in direct contact with an excess of NaOCl. In the root
canal, direct contact and excess of NaOCl will be difficult due to the morphology of
the root canal system, as mentioned earlier.
286 L. van der Sluis et al.
5.3.2 EDTA
The generally anionic, negatively charged, nature of EPS encourages the interaction
with positively charged, polyvalent ions, for instance, Ca2+ or Mg2+ (van der Waal
and van der Sluis 2012). These calcium bonds strengthen the structure of the EPS.
Calcium is present in the oral environment including the root canal and could
therefore be incorporated in the EPS. Consequently, chelators could help disrupt
the EPS by breaking the cationic bonds (van der Waal and van der Sluis 2012). In
the biofilm literature, it has been reported that EDTA can decrease biofilm mass
(Turakhia and Characklis 1989; Chen and Stewart 2000; Kite et al. 2004; Percival
et al. 2005; Shanks et al. 2006; Devine et al. 2007), adhesion (Dunne and Burd
1992; Ramage et al. 2007), and formation (Rose and Turner 1998; Sherertz
et al. 2006; Shanks et al. 2006). Additionally, a reduction of viscosity of the biofilm
has been described (Chen and Stewart 2002). Also complete eradication of in vivo
generated biofilms was observed after 24-h treatment with EDTA (Kite et al. 2004).
The longer the application time, the better the chelating effect although it starts
right from the first contact. A higher concentration results in higher chelation
efficacy, and biofilm formation decreases when the EDTA concentration increases
(Ramage et al. 2007; Ang et al. 2006). In the study of Ang and coworkers, the
influence of pH, temperature, and flow velocity of the EDTA application on biofilm
removal was evaluated. A higher pH and temperature were associated with
improved cleaning (pH 4.9 and 11 and 20 C and 40 C); a higher flow velocity
(volume, refreshment) did not make a difference. Most studies were performed
without refreshment of the EDTA. It is important to realize that the contact time in
the abovementioned studies varied from 1 to 24 h and the concentration from 10 to
100 mM which are both different from the endodontic literature. The application
time is shorter and the concentration is higher (580 mM). The endodontic literature
shows somewhat contrasting results on the biofilm disruption or antimicrobial
effect of chelators on the biofilm and roughly varies from no effect to some effect,
but always less effective than NaOCl (Ordinola-Zapata et al. 2012; Chávez de Paz
et al. 2010; Arias-Moliz et al. 2009). This could be related to the short application
time. A synergistic effect of EDTA with antimicrobials like antibiotics has been
reported (Sherertz et al. 2006; Banin et al. 2006). Weakening the biofilm structure
encourages diffusion of antimicrobials into the biofilm (Gordon et al. 1991). There-
fore, a synergistic effect with NaOCl could be envisaged, which has already been
reported in the endodontic literature (Soares et al. 2010; Ozdemir et al. 2010).
However, more research is necessary to draw conclusions for the clinical
5.3.3 Chlorhexidine
5.4.1 NaOCl
In general we can say that NaOCl will remove mostly the organic component and
chelators the inorganic component of dentin. Thus, after contact with EDTA, the
inorganic component will be removed from the intertubular dentin to a depth of 1–
5 μm and from the peritubular dentin up to 20 μm (Lottanti et al. 2009), leaving the
288 L. van der Sluis et al.
5.4.3 Chlorhexidine
Although CHX binds to dentin (Kim et al. 2010), the typical effects on the mineral
or organic components of dentin are not well described except for the formation of a
layer of debris (Perdigao et al. 1994). When CHX is mixed with NaOCl, a brown
precipitate containing parachloroaniline (PCA) will form on dentin (Rossi-Fedele
et al. 2012) leading to its discoloration. PCA has been suggested to be a toxic and
carcinogenic substance; hence, its accumulation inside the canal or at the periapical
tissues should be avoided.
5.5.1 NaOCl
There is no available data to support that either EDTA or CHX dissolves pulp
Among the irrigant activation systems discussed in this chapter, ultrasonic and laser
activation contributes positively to both the mechanical and the chemical aspects of
the irrigation procedure. However, it is not exactly known to what extent this will
contribute to the disinfection procedure in vivo and if this eventually will improve
the outcome of the treatment. Both systems have the potential to disrupt or remove
biofilm, but it is not known to what extent they can remove biofilm from the root
canal wall and from more remote regions such as oval extensions, lateral canals,
and tubules. No reliable endodontic biofilm models are currently available for
research. Apical periodontitis is a multifactorial disease, and therefore, its healing
also depends on a range of aspects, not only on the irrigation during the endodontic
treatment. From clinical research, it is clear that the length and the quality of the
root canal filling are risk factors. However, the influence of the irrigation procedure,
complex canal anatomy (apical delta and dentinal tubules), structure of the biofilm,
and extraradicular biofilm around the root apex on the endodontic outcome is not
known. Recently, it was demonstrated in an RCT that an ultrasonic-assisted irriga-
tion protocol did not improve significantly the endodontic outcome compared to
syringe irrigation alone (Liang et al. 2013) although the improvement of the
mechanical and chemical aspects of the irrigation procedures by ultrasound has
convincingly been demonstrated in in vitro research. This could indicate that either
we need a more significant improvement of the mechanical and chemical aspects of
the irrigation procedure or that other influential factors are more important in
determining the endodontic outcome.
290 L. van der Sluis et al.
7 Concluding Remarks
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Inter-appointment Medication with Calcium
Hydroxide in Routine Cases of Root Canal
1 Introduction
For over 100 years inter-appointment antiseptic dressings have been considered an
important adjunct to root canal infection control. Over this period of time, many
medicaments and compounds were used for this purpose, with ebbs and flows in the
consensus as to which was considered best. In recent decades, a paste of calcium
G. Bergenholtz (*)
Department of Endodontics, The Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg,
Gothenburg, Sweden
e-mail: [email protected]
C. Torneck • A. Kishen
Department of Endodontics, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
hydroxide has been used as a treatment dressing and has been viewed as a valuable
adjunct to control infection and subsequently improving treatment outcome. By
virtue of its tissue-dissolving property, calcium hydroxide has also been used to
necrotize pulp tissue remnants left on the canal walls after pulpectomy, remnants
that can be more readily removed with sodium hypochlorite irrigation at a subse-
quent treatment session. Additionally, calcium hydroxide has been used in the long
term in cases of teeth with a necrotic pulp and a large periapical lesion, symptom-
atic apical periodontitis, advanced root resorption, and root perforation (for reviews
see, e.g., Fava and Saunders 1999; Mohammadi and Dummer 2011).
The lack of convincing scientific evidence in support of calcium hydroxide
treatment, augmented by the recent introduction of advanced options for root
canal irrigation, has challenged the use of calcium hydroxide and the concept of
inter-appointment dressings in general. The use of rotary root canal instrumentation
in combination with super-flexible Ni–Ti files currently allows the clinician to
complete root canal preparation for most teeth within a relatively short time.
Thus, to many endodontists, in such instances, it seems impractical to extend the
treatment time unless there is compelling evidence to the contrary. In addition,
patients often appreciate a single-visit treatment when they have to spend as little
time in the chair as possible, if the same result can be achieved. However, concerns
have been raised by clinicians and dental researchers alike as to whether it is
possible to effectively inhibit persistence of bacterial aggregates and biofilms in
an infected root canal in one treatment session and thereby minimize persistent or
recurrent periapical disease (Trope and Bergenholtz 2002; Bergenholtz and
Spångberg 2004). This philosophy also has been voiced in numerous clinical and
in vitro observational studies, where the total removal of infected tissue from the
root canal systems, whether by hand or rotary instrumentation, has been deemed to
be an unachievable goal (Walton 1976; Wu and Wesselink 1995). All too often,
tissue remnants, debris, and bacteria are left behind in the root canal, especially in
oval canals and “c”-shaped canals, and in intercanal isthmuses of multirooted teeth.
This provides the bacteria that survive the initial treatment with both substrate and
an environment necessary to develop virulent characteristics that may lead to
treatment failure. This concept has been supported by clinical studies and case
reports, which have found that the intracanal biofilm remains intact, even after the
conscientious completion of treatment (Nair et al. 2005; Carr et al. 2009; Vera
et al. 2012).
This chapter will discuss the value of inter-appointment medication in the
endodontic management of teeth with an infected root canal and will focus mainly
on the use of calcium hydroxide and calcium hydroxide-based medicaments for that
purpose. Their use today will be supported by historical perspectives and a narrative
review of the studies that provide us with what has been termed “scientific evi-
dence.” It will be obvious to the reader that despite the publication of numerous
clinical and laboratory reports, strong scientific evidence in support of inter-
appointment dressings with calcium hydroxide is not yet available and that the
current “best scientific evidence,” which is drawn upon to formulate clinical
protocol, is based upon only on a small number of relatively weak clinical studies.
Inter-appointment Medication with Calcium Hydroxide in Routine Cases of Root. . . 305
2 Historical Perspectives
The need for an inter-appointment dressing in root canal therapy has been a topic of
debate for more than a century. In the late nineteenth century, an ongoing debate
between Drs. C. Edmund Kells Jr. and J. Smith Dodge Jr. regarding the appropri-
ateness of immediate root canal filling was published in the Dental Cosmos (1887).
Dr. J. Smith Dodge Jr. (Dodge 1887) argued that immediate root filling was suitable
only for teeth with vital pulp tissue, while Dr. C. Edmund Kells Jr. stated (Kells
1887): “I believe that dentists all over the country are filling at one sitting, pulpless
roots, roots in all stages of inflammation, as well as those in which the pulps are
wholly or partly alive; and not only filling them, but doing so successfully. Any root
may be cleaned as well in one sitting as in a dozen.” It should be noted that this
debate took at a time, when the role of microbes in the etiology of the pulp and
periapical inflammation was poorly understood. Willoughby D Miller’s hallmark
textbook Microorganisms of the Human Mouth(1890) introduced the possibility of
a causal relationship between microorganisms and oral disease. This information
had a great impact on the profession and supported the view that effective elimi-
nation of bacteria from the infected root canals was a necessary component to its
treatment, which required the use of bactericidal chemicals in addition to mechan-
ical debridement and root filling. Onderdonk (1901) (cited by Coolidge 1960) went
further and proposed the routine bacteriological culturing of the root canals to
assess the efficacy of antimicrobial treatment. This step not only supported but
also mandated the concept of multiple treatment appointments in root canal treat-
ment. A virtual hunt was subsequently initiated in search for an effective antimi-
crobial for root canal treatment. In that context, numerous drugs and compounds
were clinically tested in a more or less trial and error type of studies over the
ensuing years with the patient as the test subject!
During the early 1900s, strong antiseptics were used for root canal disinfection,
and little attention was given to their potential harmful local and systemic effects.
Creosote, called oil of smoke, and phenol were in common use, having been used
earlier to control oral malodor (Grossman 1976). Compounds based on parafor-
maldehyde including formalin, tricresolformalin and formocresol were also advo-
cated. Paraformaldehyde, used earlier along with arsenic to devitalize pulps that
had been exposed by caries (so-called mortal treatment), became a popular disin-
fection agent to avoid pain experienced during pulp extirpation, when profound
local anesthetics were not as yet available. Because these were all highly toxic
agents, concerns were expressed by several opinion leaders in the profession, such
as G.V. Black (Grossman 1971) and Carl Grove (1913), that they had a potential to
severely injure periapical tissue, when placed in a root canal. Formaldehyde and
formaldehyde compounds nevertheless gained widespread popularity and remain in
common use today as a root canal disinfectant. They are also an active component
of some root filling materials such as N2, Endomethasone, and SPAD. It is
noteworthy to mention that Strindberg, in his classic thesis on treatment outcomes
(1956), used tricresolformalin as a root canal disinfectant in 35 % of the teeth
306 G. Bergenholtz et al.
Although proposed earlier, routine use of culture tests was not incorporated into
clinical endodontic practice until the late 1930s, when follow-up studies highlight-
ing the use of bacteriological controls to improve treatment outcomes were
published (Coolidge 1960). Subsequently, culture tests and inter-appointment liq-
uid medicaments became a standard component of endodontic practice and a
protocol recommended in contemporary textbooks (e.g., Sommer et al. 1966).
The protocol, however, had several shortcomings. One limitation was the volatility
of most liquid antimicrobials that resulted in their antibacterial effectiveness being
rapidly depleted in the root canal environment (Messer and Chen 1984). This meant
that the root canals medicated with these agents remained virtually unmedicated
between appointments, which allows residual microorganisms to repopulate the
root canal prior to the placement of root canal filling. This was later confirmed in
reports published by Bystr€om and Sundqvist in 1983and 1985. Another reason was
the need to schedule at least three sessions to complete the endodontic treatment to
comply with the protocol (Molander 2000). Mechanical and chemical cleansing of
the root canal and the placement of the liquid disinfectant into the root canal for a
period of days was done at the first treatment session. The second treatment session
was devoted to bacterial sampling of the root canal and the placement of another
antimicrobial dressing, and filling of the root canal was done at the third treatment
session, if the tooth was asymptomatic and no growth of bacteria was noted in the
culture sample. A positive culture sample on the third visit would prompt repetition
of the disinfection procedure necessitating even more appointments to be sched-
uled. Needless to say this approach was inconvenient to both practitioner and
The lack of scientific validation for this protocol in subsequent clinical follow-up
studies and the doubts that some researchers had about the reliability of the culture
test finally led to the elimination of bacteriologic control in endodontics at many
dental schools. Seltzer and Bender in a classic debate article (1965) pointed out the
inherent risk of false-positive and false-negative results in the culture testing and
stated: “the possibilities of obtaining false negative cultures are so numerous that
the credibility of a negative culture is constantly in doubt. All we hope for is a
reduction in the number of microorganisms.” Their paper contributed not only to
the abandonment of the culture concept in clinical practice but unfortunately helped
de-emphasize the singular role of microorganisms in the development of primary
periapical disease. Their philosophy was quickly adopted in North America and
prompted a shift in the direction of endodontic research from infection control to
endodontic technology. A widely read chapter in a textbook authored by Schilder
(1974) supported this technical perspective and stated that only technical excel-
lence, that is, proper root canal preparation and filling of the canal space in all its
dimensions, was decisive in predicting a favorable outcome of treatment.
The belief that elimination of bacteria from the root canal prior to filling was
critical to a favorable treatment outcome remained firm in the minds of clinicians in
other parts of the world, particularly in Scandinavia. Investigators there lacked
confidence in the ability of a mechanical approach to adequately eliminate bacteria
from the root canal and the ability of contemporary root filling materials to provide
308 G. Bergenholtz et al.
an effective seal against their ingress and egress from the root canal. No medica-
ment appeared to be available at that time, to ensure safe and effective infection
control, until it was realized that calcium hydroxide might be an answer to that
problem. This breakthrough occurred when it was noted that calcium hydroxide,
placed in the root canal of teeth with a suppurating periapical lesion, could initiate
remission in the suppurative process. An important contributing factor to this effect
was the ability of the calcium hydroxide to effectively block the apical foramen. By
eliminating seepage of inflammatory exudate into the root canal from the periapical
tissue, a nutrient source for the proteolytic microorganisms, which was responsible
for the infection, was thus eliminated. Subsequently bacterial activity was lessened
and the apical inflammation reduced leading to an abatement of the clinical
symptoms. It was reasoned that if this was an effective approach to curb active
signs of root canal infection, why not place calcium hydroxide into all teeth
receiving root canal therapy to act as a “space holder” after instrumentation,
regardless of the presenting clinical symptoms. It was also speculated that the
high pH of the material (>12) might suppress the growth of bacteria that remain
in the root canal after it had been mechanically debrided. Hence a two-appointment
approach to endodontic treatment was adopted by some clinicians. The concept of a
two-appointment approach using calcium hydroxide as an inter-appointment dress-
ing gained wider recognition after the publication of case series reports by Bystr€om
and Sundqvist in 1981, 1983, 1985 and Bystr€om et al. (1985) that demonstrated that
mechanical instrumentation, irrigation with different strengths of sodium hypo-
chlorite, or inter-appointment medication with paramonochlorophenol or phenol
camphor could not predictably eliminate cultivable bacteria from the infected root
canal. This, they claimed, could only be achieved over time with an intracanal
dressing of calcium hydroxide.
3 Scientific Evidence
Over the years numerous in vitro studies were carried out to evaluate the effect of
calcium hydroxide on bacterial cells and bacterial byproducts. Various strains of
Enterococcus faecalis were often employed as the test organism, due to their ability
to survive in the presence of many antimicrobial drugs and the harsh nutritional
conditions present in a mechanically prepared root canal. Stevens and Grossman
(1983) concluded from a combined series of in vivo and in vitro experiments that
calcium hydroxide, in a water-based slurry, had a limited ability to destroy this
microbe. Using an agar diffusion test, they noted, that there were only small zones
of inhibition around calcium hydroxide suggesting that the slurry needed close
contact with the microbes in order to exert a killing effect. Haapasalo and Ørstavik
(1987) confirmed this observation using a dentin model infected with E. faecalis.
Inter-appointment Medication with Calcium Hydroxide in Routine Cases of Root. . . 309
Systematic reviews have examined the strength of the scientific evidence for and
against the use of a calcium hydroxide dressing in teeth with vital and non-vital
pulps (Sathorn et al. 2005, 2007; Figini et al. 2008; SBU 2010). Primarily two
clinical outcome parameters were used for the assessment: culture-negative sam-
ples (Sathorn et al. 2007) and an absence of clinical and/or radiographical signs of
Inter-appointment Medication with Calcium Hydroxide in Routine Cases of Root. . . 311
others such as species in the phyla Synergistetes and Spirochaetes have been
classified as putative endodontic pathogens (Foschi et al. 2006; Vianna
et al. 2007; Montagner et al. 2010). Other factors such as variances in collection
methods, specificity of the growth media used, and variances in sample handling
could also skew results and lead to false conclusions.
The systematic review undertaken by Sathorn et al. (2007) was also weakened
by the fact that only one of the studies they included, Kvist et al. (2004), was a
randomized controlled study. The others had variable designs and small patient
numbers. Therefore, it could be argued that even with a meta-analysis, these studies
were too weak to scientifically support or refute the efficacy of intracanal calcium
hydroxide in altering the outcome of treatment. Its impact was also weakened by
the fact that only studies that used cultivation identification of bacteria were
included in the systematic review. From what we have already noted, this would
overestimate the incidence of a negative culture result (Siqueira and Rôcas 2005). It
is nevertheless interesting to note that in several studies that used the cultivation
method to identify bacteria in the root canal, a positive relationship was found
between the incidence of apical and the absence of bacteria in the culture test
ogren et al. 1997; Waltimo et al. 2005; Fabricius et al. 2006). In a case series that
included 55 single-rooted teeth with pulp necrosis and apical infection, Sj€ogren
et al. (1997) reported complete healing in the radiograph 5-year after treatment in
94 % of teeth with a negative culture test prior to root canal filling, while the healing
rate for those with a positive culture test was only 68 %. The difference proved to be
significantly lower. In a randomized controlled study based on the cases included in
the Kvist et al. (2004) study, Molander et al. (2007) found no difference in the
treatment outcomes for teeth medicated between appointments with calcium
hydroxide or 5 % iodine potassium iodide, but did find there was a significantly
more favorable healing outcome in teeth where prefill culture was negative as
compared to those that were positive.
There have been only three published studies that meet the requirements neces-
sary for a proper systematic review (Sathorn et al. 2005). These were Trope
et al. (1999), Weiger et al. (2000), and Peters and Wesselink (2002). The Cochrane
Institute rated only two of these studies, Trope et al. and Weiger et al. low risk for
bias, but neither was classified as a strong study (Figini et al. 2008). Another study
concerned with the outcome of calcium hydroxide use after pulpectomy was also
rated as low risk for bias (Gesi et al. 2006), but this study was not concerned with
non-vital, infected root canals. In summary then, it is not possible to take a
scientifically defensible position on the positive use of calcium hydroxide dressings
in the endodontic treatment of teeth with a necrotic pulp and apical disease. The
evidence as we have seen is controversial and weak by Cochrane standards, and we
will have to wait until stronger evidence is available to conclusively answer that
In a recent survey conducted by SBU (Swedish Council on Health Technology
Assessment, a Swedish Governmental Agency for the critical evaluation of
methods for preventing, diagnosing, and treating health problems), it was reported
that only two studies satisfied their criteria for a moderate level of evidence (Weiger
Inter-appointment Medication with Calcium Hydroxide in Routine Cases of Root. . . 313
et al. 2000; Molander et al. 2007). Both studies reported similar incidences of
periapical healing regardless of whether the teeth received an inter-appointment
dressing of calcium hydroxide or were prepared and root filled in one session. SBU
also concluded that there is a lack of scientific evidence to verify that root canal
medication with calcium hydroxide has a positive effect on the outcome of
The significance of a negative prefilling culture test on apical healing has been
investigated in an animal model (Fabricius et al. (2006). In that study, the healing of
lesions created by exposure to specific groups of bacteria placed into the root canals
of monkeys was correlated with the absence of the very same bacteria at the time
the root canal filling was placed. An assessment of healing of lesions induced was
made 2–2.5 years after the completion of treatment. They found that when bacteria
were recovered from the root canal prior to filling, 79 % of the apical lesions failed
to heal. By contrast, when bacteria were not recovered, 28 % of the lesions failed to
heal. It was a reverse way of showing that the presence of cultivable bacteria at the
time of root canal filling had a negative impact on the treatment outcome. An
interesting finding in that study was the relationship of the technical quality of the
root canal filling to the presence of recoverable bacteria. It appeared that quality of
the root canal filling only was a significant factor in treatment outcome, when
bacteria were present at the time of the filling. It was not a factor when the filling of
the canal met what they stated to be “an acceptable standard.”
To date, clinical outcome studies appear to be the best and most practical way to
assess the clinical impact of residual bacteria in the root canal. A radiographic and
clinical assessment of endodontically treated teeth over time can determine whether
a new periapical lesion has emerged and whether an existing lesion has persisted,
enlarged, or resolved, either in total or in part. They can also determine whether
symptoms of apical disease have appeared, abated, or persisted. While the assess-
ment of the clinical status is relatively straightforward, the accuracy of an intraoral
radiograph to assess the periapical status is more challenging. In a large cohort of
888 consecutive patients, Estrela et al. (2008) compared the ability of intraoral
radiography to cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) in their ability to depict
periapical bone loss. They found that many more areas of bone loss could be
detected when CBCT was used. In view of CBCT’s greater sensitivity, Wu
et al. (2009) suggested that future outcome studies of endodontic treatment should
utilize CBCT, rather than intraoral radiography, which had been used in the past.
However, it was pointed out that, to date, CBCT results have not been measured
against a proper reference standard and may, by virtue of the greater ability to show
minor bone tissue changes, lead to false conclusions when healing assessments are
made (Petersson et al. 2012; Pope et al. 2014). Furthermore, the increased radiation
necessary to generate a CBCT image cannot be justified, especially when dealing
with a young patient, when a standard intraoral radiograph can in most cases supply
the same information (European Society of Endodontology 2014).
To conclude, there is as yet no clinical study that gives convincing and unequiv-
ocal support to the premise that an inter-appointment dressing with calcium
hydroxide is important to the outcome of root canal therapy. Currently published
314 G. Bergenholtz et al.
reports are often based upon relatively small numbers of patient, and only, but in a
few instances, have they followed a rigid, well-controlled, experimental protocol.
There is also a lack of convincing scientific evidence to show that the use of a
calcium hydroxide intracanal dressing impacts upon the short-term incidence of
postoperative symptoms and flare-ups during treatment. This implies that despite
the publication of numerous studies concerned with calcium hydroxide use in the
management of root canal infection, the clinician has relatively weak evidence to
support the choice of protocol. Some evidence does exist to indicate that a reduced
bacterial presence at the time of root canal filling may lead to a better treatment
outcome. Reducing the presence of bacteria at a site of injury is in keeping with the
general philosophy of wound management and seems a reasonable course to follow
for root canal therapy. However, we will have to wait until better scientific evidence
is presented before a valid answer to the question “to dress or not to dress” is
non-vital incisors with immature roots, dressed with calcium hydroxide for 3–54
months, reported that 19 % of the teeth sustained a cervical root fracture during the
3.5–5 years follow-up period. He reported a relationship between the potential for
root fracture and the stage of root development.
Calcium hydroxide, also known as slaked lime, is made by adding water to
calcium oxide. It has a molecular mass of 74.093 g/mol and a low solubility index
of approximately 0.185 g/100 cm3 at room temperature (25 C). Unlike many
substances, calcium hydroxide solubility is exothermic, meaning that it becomes
less soluble as the temperature rises. It has a pH of 12–12.5. In vitro experiments
have shown that the hydroxyl ions released, when calcium hydroxide is placed into
the root canal, diffuse throughout the root dentin. Nerwich et al. (1993) using
microelectrodes buried in small cavities in the apical and coronal parts of the
root, as well as the lumen of the root canal, and the exterior surface of the root,
found that when calcium hydroxide was placed into the root canal, the pH of dentin
rose to 10.8 in the cervical portion of the tooth and 9.7 near the apex. The pH of the
dentin near the root surface rose rapidly from day 1 to day 7 and dropped to 9.3 at
the cervix and 9 near the apex 2–3 weeks later. They noted that the carrier medium
used with the calcium hydroxide and the duration of calcium hydroxide played an
important role in the degree of pH change that occurred. Hosoya et al. (2001)
suggested that water was an important carrier medium, while Alaçam et al. (1998)
suggested that water in combination with glycerin facilitated ionic diffusion and
therefore was better than water alone. It is highly probable, that the degree of pH
change observed in dentin exposed to calcium hydroxide is sufficient to alter the
organic content of its matrix. In addition, since calcium hydroxide can also denature
and hydrolyze the other extracellular matrix proteins, it can also disrupt interactions
between collagen fibrils and the hydroxyapatite crystals. Collectively the effect can
undermine the mechanical integrity of the dentin (Andreasen et al. 2002; Grigoratos
et al. 2001).
The Grigoratos et al. (2001) study evaluated the effect of sodium hypochlorite
solutions (3 % and 5 %) and saturated calcium hydroxide solution, individually and
consecutively, on the flexural strength and elastic modulus of a standardized dentin
specimen. The flexural strength represents the highest stress experienced within a
material at the moment of fracture, and elastic modulus represents the stiffness of a
material. The higher its stiffness, the higher its elastic modulus. Their investigation
revealed that 3 % and 5 % sodium hypochlorite significantly decreased the modulus
of elasticity and the flexural strength of dentin. Calcium hydroxide, on the other
hand, significantly reduced flexural strength but had no effect on its elastic modu-
lus. Dentin treated with sodium hypochlorite, followed by calcium hydroxide, had a
significantly different elastic modulus and flexural strength than those treated with
sodium hypochlorite alone.
In light of the decrease in mechanical strength of dentin noted when calcium
hydroxide is placed into the root canal, it is not surprising to find that a similar effect
occurs in dentin when it is exposed to mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) (White
et al. 2002). After 5 weeks of exposure the decrease was similar and reached 32%
for calcium hydroxide and 33% for MTA. A most notable decrease in mechanical
316 G. Bergenholtz et al.
strength, 59%, was noted with sodium hypochlorite (White et al. 2002). In a later
study, Doyon et al. (2005), demonstrated a significant decrease in peak load at
fracture in human dentin exposed to calcium hydroxide for 180 days as compared
with dentin exposed for 30 days. He reported that a 10–20 % decrease in dentin
strength was sufficient to significantly increase the likelihood of fracture in teeth
that were already structurally compromised.
Changes in the fracture resistance of human root dentin treated with calcium
hydroxide over different time intervals were also the topic of investigation by Zarei
et al. (2013). In this study, the root canals of single-rooted decoronated human
premolars were endodontically prepared to a standard size. Half of the roots were
treated with aqueous calcium hydroxide, the remainder was left untreated, and both
groups were incubated at body temperature for periods of 1 week, 1 month,
3 months, or 6 months before testing. A significant reduction in compressive
strength to fracture was found to be present in roots treated with calcium hydroxide
after 1, 3, and 6 months, leading them to conclude that the extended use of a calcium
hydroxide intracanal dressing significantly reduces the physical and mechanical
characteristics of the dentin and therefore should be avoided when possible.
4 Clinical Perspectives
Current scientific evidence does not support the choice of single or multiple visits as
an approach to the endodontic management of apical periodontitis. Furthermore,
controlled clinical trials do not confirm an enhanced treatment outcome with the use
of calcium hydroxide or, for that matter, any other intracanal medicament. How-
ever, while reviewing the details of many of the studies used as a basis, one must
bear in mind that these studies, especially those advocating single-visit treatment,
did not take into account the presence of situations, other than those that were
bacteria related, that might preclude the use of a one-visit approach. Examples of
such situations might be (a) the extended time required to adequately find and
prepare the root canals of teeth with complicated root canal anatomy and (b) cases
with suppuration or bleeding from the apical lesion that cannot be arrested within in
the time period available to the clinician. In addition, since properly controlled
clinical trials require proper case selection to avoid bias between test and control
groups, teeth that presented extraordinary challenges were most likely excluded
from some or all of the outcome studies. In face of the realities of endodontic
practice, decisions on the number of appointments necessary to complete the
treatment must be based on factors other than scientific evidence, even when the
strength of that evidence is even higher. Hence, they have to take into account all
the features specific to a case and its clinical presentation. This means that some
situations will lend themselves to completion in one visit, while others will require
multiple sessions, if all the criteria for a favorable treatment outcome are to be met.
What are the reasonable clinical considerations that lend some teeth to be treated
in a single visit while others require more? The health status of the pulp is certainly
Inter-appointment Medication with Calcium Hydroxide in Routine Cases of Root. . . 317
an important criterion. Teeth with inflamed and infected pulps and no evidence of
apical periodontitis generally can be viewed as good candidates for preparation and
filling in one appointment. During the early phases of pulp infection, much of the
pulp is still intact, and the inflammation present is likely to be caused only by
bacterial byproducts from infected dentin and superficially located planktonic
bacteria. It is highly likely that all bacteria will be removed from the root canal in
these cases. Immediate filling and sealing of the access opening will reduce the
chances of new bacterial ingress. Certainly from a clinical perspective, such teeth
are more easily managed than teeth with advanced infection, where the entire pulp
tissue is necrotic and the root canals is replete with dense bacterial biofilm.
On the other hand, calcium hydroxide medication has long been seen as a
valuable adjunct in treatment after pulpectomy. One advantage of calcium hydrox-
ide is its ability to necrotize pulp tissue remnants that are inadvertently left on the
root canal walls after the instrumentation procedure (Hasselgren et al. 1988; Ander-
sen et al. 1992). These necrotized tissue remnants are removed more easily at a
second appointment by sodium hypochlorite irrigation in that state. The use of
calcium hydroxide in such instances theoretically renders the root canal cleaner and
thereby optimizes the potential of filling the root canal space more completely in
the final phase of treatment (T^urkün and Cengiz 1997). It also removes a potential
source of nutrients in the event that bacteria remain in the root canal after instru-
mentation and irrigations or gain access to the root canal after treatment has been
completed. The efficacy of this regimen was not substantiated in a randomized
clinical trial, where instrumentation and filling of the root canal of pulpectomized
teeth completed in one session was compared to a two-session treatment in which
calcium hydroxide was employed as an inter-appointment dressing (Gesi
et al. 2006). Both treatment regimens resulted in similar and highly favorable
outcomes clinically and radiographically, 2–3 years after treatment was completed.
It should be stressed that in this study a rigid aseptic approach to treatment was
followed leading the authors to also conclude that when bacterial contamination of
the root canal system is effectively prevented during pulpectomy, predictable,
uneventful wound healing is likely to take place, if the material used to fill the
root canal is biocompatible as demonstrated by Engstr€om and Spångberg (1967).
Teeth with non-vital pulps and no obvious clinical signs of root canal infection,
viz., painful symptoms, and displaying radiographic evidence of apical periodon-
titis are also candidates for one-visit treatment. Teeth in this category include those
with ischemic pulp necrosis caused by trauma and previously root-filled teeth with
technical deficiencies that require retreatment for restorative reasons. In both
instances, the endodontic treatment could be considered prophylactic in nature,
aimed at preventing infection, due to a compromised clinical state, than in treating
it. Despite a high probability for a successful treatment outcome, some teeth in this
category may offer a high risk for misadventure and special care, and extra time
may be required to minimize the risk. Teeth that have a prior root filling or teeth that
have been previously post restored present a risk of root fracture. Extrusion of
material into the apical tissue and perforation of the root canal wall during
retreatment are examples of some of the misfortunes that might occur. These events
318 G. Bergenholtz et al.
can establish a pathway for the ingress of bacteria from the oral cavity or provide
nutrients for dormant microorganisms present in the root canal system, leading to a
persistence or initiation of apical disease. Clinical follow-up studies of teeth
retreated due to a technically poor root canal filling have shown that overinstru-
mentation of the root canal leads to an increased risk of posttreatment disease
(Bergenholtz et al. 1979). While some clinicians have recommended the use of a
calcium hydroxide dressing, when the root canal is overinstrumented, to allow time
to clinically assess the effect of a complication over time, currently there is no
convincing scientific proof to support its efficacy.
The approach to teeth with necrotic infected pulps or previously treated teeth
with an apical lesion may vary. When there is seepage of inflammatory exudate
from an apical lesion into the root canal that cannot be stopped, attempting to
complete the treatment in a single visit is fraught with risk. A wet root canal implies
wet dentin, and this is likely to undermine the ability of the clinician to properly
“seal” the root canal system. As previously cited, clinical case reports have indi-
cated that an inter-appointment calcium hydroxide dressing or a series of dressings
can be helpful to suppress the exudate production in these cases and improve the
chances for a proper seal and decrease the risk of a poor treatment outcome
(Heithersay 1975; Calişkan 2004).
In teeth with non-suppurating apical lesions, the complexity of the root canal
anatomy and the time necessary to achieve all the treatment goals often dictate the
strategy used in treatment. It is generally understood that the more difficult it is to
access the root canal and the more complex the root canal anatomy, the longer it
will take to complete its preparation and disinfection. It may be more convenient
and more practical for both patient and clinician to schedule more than one
treatment session. In fact, it is practical to view the treatment in such teeth as
consisting of two critical and separate steps, (1) the preparation and antimicrobial
treatment of the root canal system and (2) placement of a filling of a root canal,
where every attempt has been made to reduce its content of necrotic and bacterial
contents. In teeth that present no anatomical or technical complications and canal
preparation, in all aspects, has been uneventful, completion of the treatment in one
session can most likely be completed in one treatment session without an impact on
the treatment outcome (Weiger et al. 2000; Molander et al. 2007).
In instances where the clinician chooses to postpone the placement of a root
filling for another session, a question arises as to whether it is necessary to place a
root canal dressing and if so which one. While randomized clinical trials have not
supported either choice, there are compelling theoretical reasons to support the use
of an interim dressing rather than allowing canal(s) to remain “empty” between
patient visits. Several studies that have used bacteriological controls during the
various stages of treatment have demonstrated that elimination of all cultivable
bacteria from an infected root canal is rarely possible (Bystr€om and Sundqvist
1983; 1985; Bystr€ om et al. 1985; Sj€ogren et al. 1997; Dalton et al. 1998; Shuping
et al. 2000; Sundqvist et al. 1998; Siqueira et al. 2007). This means that without a
long-acting antimicrobial in the instrumented root canal space between treatment
visits, bacteria, although greatly reduced in number at the completion of the
Inter-appointment Medication with Calcium Hydroxide in Routine Cases of Root. . . 319
preparation phase, continue to grow and can achieve amounts comparable to those
that were originally present. It is also possible that some of the surviving strains can
emerge as a more virulent and resistant strain and thereby make their subsequent
removal more difficult (Chávez de Paz et al. 2003).
Calcium hydroxide, particularly in a paste-like form, possesses several impor-
tant properties that make it particularly useful as an intracanal dressing between
treatment visits. Its alkaline capacity not only helps destroy bacteria in the main
portions of the root canal but also serves as an important deterrent to the growth of
bacteria in the noninstrumented sites of the root canal and in dentinal tubules
adjacent to the main canal. It produces contact killing of most planktonic bacteria
species, wherever it is placed, and its physical presence occupies space, limiting
that available for bacterial regrowth. As pointed out previously, the dressing will
also deprive surviving organisms of a nutritional supply by separating them from
residual tissue within the root canal and limiting the seepage of apically derived
exudate into the root canal. Hence, when the entire instrumented root canal space is
properly filled with a calcium hydroxide dressing, microbial–host interaction in the
periapex is reduced to a minimum. While we have advocated caution with regard to
the deleterious effect on dentin with long-term use, it is less likely to do so when
used in the short term.
Convenient scheduling to allow assessment of the effects of infection control on
the signs and symptoms of periapical disease is another clinical reason for the inter-
appointment use of a calcium hydroxide dressing. Not all cases are straightforward,
and a period of time is at times required to determine whether additional and/or
different approach to treatment is necessary. Examples of this are teeth with large
periapical lesions, teeth with apical–marginal communications, teeth with root
perforations, teeth with open or grossly overinstrumented apices, and teeth with
long-standing clinical symptoms. Disappearance of painful symptoms and sinus
tracts and a reduction in the size of a periapical lesion are positive signs of
successful infection control, and it offers encouragement that with completion of
the treatment, that is, after filling the root canal, a successful outcome can be
expected. This insight is of practical value, when the patient’s treatment plan
includes complex and costly restorations. In such cases the increased risk of
adversely changing the physical properties of the dentin also has to be considered.
Support for a calcium hydroxide inter-appointment dressing’s ability to suppress
growth of bacteria in the endodontically prepared root canal appeared in a recently
published study by Vera et al. (2012) and is worthy of mention. They examined the
postoperative microbiological status of the endodontically treated mesial roots of
mandibular molars with primary apical periodontitis. Teeth were treated in either
one or two visits. A dressing of calcium hydroxide mixed in saline was placed into
the prepared root canals for 1 week prior to the completion of treatment in the teeth
that were treated in two visits. This represented the only difference in treatment
between the teeth in the two groups. After treatment, teeth were extracted and
prepared histologically using H&E and a modified Brown and Brenn stain, to
identify the presence of bacteria. Microscopic examination revealed a reduced
bacterial presence in the root canals of teeth in the medicated (2 visit) group,
320 G. Bergenholtz et al.
especially in areas where calcium hydroxide had been placed. The root canals in
2 of the teeth in the two-visit group were found to be free of bacteria. In the root
canals of the remaining 5 teeth in this group, bacterial concentrations appeared
markedly reduced in the main portion of the root canal and in the adjacent dentinal
tubules. The root canals in the nonmedicated teeth (1 visit) all had bacteria present
in the main portion of the root canal and in their ramifications and isthmuses as well
as the dentinal tubules adjacent to it. Since there are limitations associated with the
identification of bacteria by Brown and Brenn stain and since this was only a short-
term study, it is difficult to predict whether the differences found between the two
groups would impact on the future expression of disease. It was, however, a visual
endorsement of the value of a calcium hydroxide dressing in endodontic treatment.
It was also in agreement with the general principles of wound management, the
elimination of bacteria from the injured site to the extent that is possible.
5 Concluding Remarks
Over the years, total disinfection of the root canal has been, and still remains, an
important goal to achieve in endodontic treatment. Disinfecting agents are still used
for root canal irrigation and as an intracanal dressing for short and long periods of
time to reduce its microbial concentrations. In recent years, calcium hydroxide has
been accepted by many clinicians as a preferred inter-appointment dressing. While
subject to limitations, its antimicrobial efficacy has been demonstrated in laboratory
and clinical studies. There is, to date, no convincing scientific evidence to indicate
that its use enhances the eventual outcome of treatment. Clinical, as well as
experimental evidence, nevertheless suggests that the absence of demonstrable
bacteria in the root canal prior to root canal filling is a strategic goal in treatment
and that the intracanal placement of calcium hydroxide between appointments is an
easy and appropriate adjunct in achieving it. As with all the choices made by the
clinician, the advantages of its use must be balanced by the potential risk in its use,
and like all wise choices, it should always be “what is best for the patient” that
becomes the deciding factor.
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Advanced Therapeutic Options to Disinfect
Root Canals
Anil Kishen
Abstract Bacterial biofilms in the root canals are challenging targets for conven-
tional antimicrobial irrigants and medicaments. Advanced endodontic disinfection
strategies are tested to enhance the antibiofilm effectiveness during root canal
treatment. The primary goal of different advanced theraputic options is to eliminate
intracanal biofilms from the anatomical complexities and uninstrumented portions
of the root canal system, without producing deleterious effects on the host tissues.
This chapter describes the challenges offered by bacterial biofilm as a therapeutic
target and discusses the current antibiofilm options in root canal disinfection.
The infected root canal harbors a diverse population of aerobic, anaerobic, gram-
positive, gram-negative, spiral, and filamentous bacteria often existing as a struc-
tured community, known as a biofilm (Nair et al. 1990; Nair 1987, 2006; Sundqvist
and Figdor 2003; Baumgartner et al. 2008). Gram-positive and gram-negative
bacteria manifest significant differences in the structure of their cell wall (Denyer
and Maillard 2002). The susceptibility of bacteria to antimicrobial agents depends
upon the nature of their cell wall and the capsule that at times surrounds it. Bacteria
present in a biofilm demonstrates a considerably higher degree of resistance to
antimicrobial agents than those that are planktonic (free floating) (Costerton
et al. 1994). The increased antimicrobial resistance of biofilm bacteria can generally
be attributed to (1) the presence of extracellular polymeric substance (EPS), a
polysaccharide and protein matrix that surrounds and embeds the bacteria, (2) an
increased rate of growth and nutrient availability, and (3) the evolution of resistant
phenotypes due to horizontal transfer of resistance genes. In general, biofilm
bacteria do not rely on a single resistance mechanism, but utilize different
A. Kishen (*)
Department of Endodontics, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
e-mail: [email protected]
Fig. 1 Schematic diagram showing different methods by which bacteria in a biofilm gain
resistance against antimicrobials (Kishen 2010)
mechanisms that act in concert, to evade destruction (Dunne et al. 1993; Gilbert
et al. 2002) (Fig. 1).
In the root canal, mature biofilm consists of multiple layers of bacteria embed-
ded in EPS, which often accounts for over 50 % of the biofilm content. EPS has the
potential to alleviate the response of the resident bacteria to antimicrobial agents by
acting as a diffusion shield and reaction neutralizer. This is because of its highly
charged and interwoven structure (Anderl et al. 2000; Vrany et al. 1997; Prince
2002). The chemical components in a biofilm matrix further enhance its barrier
effect since certain constituents in the matrix posses a potential to react chemically,
and subsequently neutralize, some antimicrobials, such as iodine, iodine-
polyvinylpyrrolidone complexes, chlorine, and peroxygens (Nichols et al. 1989;
del Pozo and Patel 2007). The antimicrobial resistance associated with biofilm
bacteria is also linked to the slow growth and starvation of the bacteria that exist in a
biofilm. The spatial arrangement of bacterial species within a biofilm, allows those
that inhabit the deeper layers to receive lesser nutrients and have a lower redox
potential than those closer to the surface. This makes antimicrobial agents that use
penetration, as a vector, less effective. Since nutrient and gas gradients increase
with the thickness and maturity of a biofilm, the resistance of deeply located
bacteria becomes even more marked in a matured or aged biofilm (del Pozo and
Patel 2007; Al Cunningham et al. 2011).
Certain bacteria when exposed to environmental stress or low-level antimicro-
bial develop as survivor cells called persister cells (Lewis 2005). These persister
cells are nongrowing phenotypic variants of their general cell population. Follow-
ing the removal of environmental and chemical stresses, persister cells can grow
rapidly if an adequate nutrient supply is available. Biofilm population that are rich
in persister cells, therefore, have a greater potential to survive antimicrobial treat-
ment and restore robustness to the biofilm once antimicrobial treatment has been
Advanced Therapeutic Options to Disinfect Root Canals 329
terminated (Al Cunningham et al. 2011). In addition, bacteria that exist in biofilm
can upregulate the expression of stress-response genes, shock proteins, and
multidrug pumps (efflux pumps) and develop into a more antimicrobial-resistant
phenotype (Al Cunningham et al. 2011). In general it can be stated that the nature of
biofilm structure and the physiological characteristics of the resident bacteria offer
the community a high degree of resistance to many types of antimicrobials
(Costerton 1999; Rosan et al. 1999).
Endodontic disease, that is apical periodontitis, has recently been categorized as
a biofilm-mediated infection (Ricucci and Siqueira 2010). The pattern of arrange-
ment of bacterial community in root canal is consistent with the criteria that were
originally used to classify periodontitis as a biofilm-mediated disease. Numerous
studies have revealed a high prevalence of bacterial biofilms in the root canal and
on the root surface of teeth with apical periodontitis (Ricucci and Siqueira 2010). A
significant reduction of biofilm during endodontic treatment and prevention of its
reestablishment subsequent to treatment are essential goods for root canal treat-
ment. Clinical studies have shown that even after meticulous
chemomechanical preparation and obturation of the root canal, a significant amount
of biofilm is often present in the anatomical complexities of the root canal system
and on the wall of main canal that was not engaged by the root canal file. (Ricucci
and Siqueira 2010; Nair et al. 2005). While a favorable treatment outcomes using
these protocols still occurs in 73–90 % of the teeth that are treated, the level of
favorable outcomes has shown little change over the past 50 years (Friedman 2002).
It appears that new antibiofilm strategies will have to be introduced into clinical
practice if a rise in favorable treatment outcomes is to be realized. These novel strat-
egies should routinely capable of not only disrupting biofilm but also doing so
safely throughout the entire root canal system. At present several new strategies
have been developed and are currently being tested in endodontics. These, as well
as those in current use, will be discussed in the following sections.
the prevention of bacterial cell adherence, which is the first step in biofilm forma-
tion. This particular strategy involves the use of chemically or ultrastructurally
modified biomaterials that resist bacterial adherence (Kishen et al. 2008a;
An et al. 1996).
The newer antimicrobial strategies adapted for endodontic should be directed at
disrupting biofilm structure and destroying resident and persister bacteria in a
highly irregular environment such as a root canal system. They have to do so in a
manner that does not cause detrimental physical, mechanical, and/or chemical
damages to the root dentin and periodontal tissues. In the next section, several of
the new and advanced therapeutic approaches designed to manage endodontic
biofilm will be reviewed and discussed.
Nanoparticles are microscopic particles with one or more dimensions in the range
of 1–100 nm. They possess unique physico-chemical properties that are very
different from their bulk or powder counterparts. Nanoparticles that are antimicro-
bial, for example, possess a broad spectrum of antimicrobial action and possess a
Advanced Therapeutic Options to Disinfect Root Canals 331
In summary, most of the nanoparticles that have been tested have shown a higher
antibacterial potential than their powder counterpart. Their higher reactivity and
their ability to resist aging have also proven to be a clinical advantage. Most
cationic antibacterial particles show excellent interaction with biomaterials, bacte-
ria, and biofilms. In root canal therapy, nanoparticles may be introduced into the
root canal as slurry or in combination with a root canal sealer. Though they have the
ability to diffuse deep into the dentin, additional research is needed to assess their
ability to inactivate biofilm in the anatomical complexities of the root canal system.
Their interaction with the host tissues/immune cells also requires further investi-
gation. Their acceptance for routine clinical use will depend upon both their
antimicrobial effectiveness and a simple and practical method of delivering them
into the root canal.
Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is based on the concept that a nontoxic dye, termed a
photosensitizer (PS), can be preferentially localized in a tissue and subsequently be
activated by light of an appropriate wavelength to generate cytotoxic singlet oxygen
and other reactive oxygen species to create a desired therapeutic effect. A success-
ful outcome with PDT is dependent upon optimal interaction among three ele-
ments—light, PS, and oxygen. Light-activated disinfection (LAD) has been known
by a variety of names such as photodynamic antimicrobial chemotherapy (PACT),
photoactivated disinfection (PAD), light-activated therapy (LAT), and antimicro-
bial photodynamic therapy (APDT).
The emitted light should have a specific wavelength, one that corresponds to the
maximum wavelength absorption property of a photosensitizer. A photosensitizer
molecule in its ground state is at a spectroscopic singlet (S0). After the absorption of
a photon (light), it passes from the ground state to its first excited state (S1). In this
state, the photosensitizer can return again to a ground state, or it can pass into a
triplet excited state (T1) via intersystem crossing. The photosensitizer in the triplet
state is extremely reactive and can interact along either one or both of the following
pathways to destroy a bacterial cell: (1) type I reaction: the photosensitizer triplet
state can react with a target, other than oxygen, through hydrogen or electron
transfer, to form radical ions that can react with oxygen, to produce a cytotoxic
species, such as hydrogen peroxide, superoxide anion, and/or lipid derived radicals;
(2) type II reaction: the photosensitizer triplet state can transfer excitation energy to
ground state molecular oxygen to produce excited state singlet oxygen (1O2) (Dai
et al. 2009).
Singlet oxygen is a strong oxidizing agent. They are highly reactive within a
radius of action of less than 0.02 μm and has a lifetime of less than 0.04 μs in a
biological environment (Moan and Berg 1991). The reaction of singlet oxygen with
a cellular target leads to cell death. Two basic mechanisms that have been proposed
to account for the lethal injury sustained by bacteria exposed to APDT are DNA
334 A. Kishen
vehicle could be constructed that would effectively kill gram-positive and gram-
negative microorganisms (Soukos et al. 1997). They tested their hypothesis against
selected species of these microorganisms, by preparing a conjugate of chlorin
(e6) and a poly-L-lysine chain (20 lysine residues) and illuminating them after
1 min of incubation with red light. This produced a killing rate of >99 % for
gram-positive Actinomyces viscosus and gram-negative Porphyromonas gingivalis
(Soukos et al. 1997). Later, Polo et al. used a conjugate of poly-L-lysine and
porphycenes and reported a significant killing of gram-negative microorganisms
(Polo et al. 2000) and Hamblin et al. used a poly-L-lysine-ce6 conjugate with a chain
length of lysine, to kill selected gram-positive and gram-negative species (Hamblin
et al. 2002). Nanoparticles are ideal carriers for photosensitizer molecules in APDT.
The combination of nanoparticles and photosensitizer molecules has led to a new
and expanding field of interdisciplinary research. Nanomaterials, such as TiO2,
ZnO, as well as fullerenes and their derivatives, can generate the singlet oxygen
necessary for killing bacteria. Nanoparticles are also combined with photosensitizer
molecules to enhance their action. Different strategies used with this technology are
shown in Fig. 3. Basically they are (1) photosensitizer supplemented with
nanoparticles; (2) photosensitizer encapsulated within nanoparticles, (3) photosen-
sitizer bound or loaded to nanoparticles, and (4) nanoparticles that serve as a
photosensitizer. The effectiveness of APDT against E. faecalis biofilm and
human dental plaque bacteria has been investigated in vitro using methylene
blue-loaded poly(lactic-co-glycolic) (PLGA) nanoparticles, activated with red
light (665 nm). These cationic methylene blue-loaded nanoparticles exhibited
bacterial phototoxicity against planktonic and biofilm forms of the bacteria. The
nanoparticles were found to be concentrated on the bacterial cell walls at all test
time points. It was concluded that the methylene blue-loaded PLGA nanoparticles
displayed a potential for use in APDT disinfection of the root canal (Klepac-Ceraj
et al. 2011; Pagonis et al. 2010).
Light sources used in APDT can be coherent (lasers) or noncoherent (lamps).
The choice of light source is determined by the nature of the site, the required light
dose, and the choice of photosensitizer. Lasers provide monochromatic, coherent,
and collimated light, and a wide range of output power. Laser light can be easily
coupled into a fiber optic cable, which can serve as a delivery system (probe) for
irradiating complex anatomy, such as that found in the root canal. Nd:YAG, KTP,
HeNe, GaAlAs, and diode lasers, light emitting diodes, and xenon arc lamps have
all been employed in APDT. To date, none has shown superiority over the other
(Prasad 2003).
336 A. Kishen
Nanoparticles as photosensitizer
There have been numerous in vitro studies reported in the literature regarding the
use of APDT in root canal disinfection. Meire et al. (2009) and George and Kishen
(2007b, 2007b, 2008b) showed that E. faecalis could be effectively killed by APDT
using methylene blue and TBO as a photosensitizer and red light as an activator.
Soukos et al. tested APDT using methylene blue as a photosensitizer on a broad
range of endodontic pathogens and reported it was effective in eliminating all the
test organisms with the exception of E. faecalis, which in part survived (Soukos
et al. 2006). In another study, Williams et al. used TBO and red light and reported a
significant reduction in the bacterial load for suspensions of S. intermedius,
P. micros, P. intermedia, and F. nucleatum (George and Kishen 2007b). The
application of this technology in clinical endodontics still has to overcome several
The effective use of APDT in root canal disinfection is limited by several tissue-
specific factors. These factors are (1) the penetration of the activating light energy
into the infected tissue, (2) the penetration of optimum photosensitizer
Advanced Therapeutic Options to Disinfect Root Canals 337
concentration into the infected tissue, (3) the limited availability of environmental
oxygen in the infected tissue, and (4) the ability of excess photosensitizer to
produce dentin discoloration. Light propagation through tissue is influenced by
processes dealing with reflection, absorption, scattering, and transmission. In gen-
eral, approximately 4–6 % of light is lost to reflection. Light is also absorbed by
tissue. This is mainly due to the presence of free water molecules, proteins,
pigments, and other macromolecular constituents of the tissue. Different tissues
have different absorption coefficients, which is a reflection of its transparency per
unit of length. This creates a gradient, where intensity light at the surface is greater
than in deeper areas of the tissue. Since different wavelengths of light possess
different abilities to penetrate the tissue “transparency,” is also influenced to a great
extent by the wavelength of the incoming light/laser irradiation. Light is also
scattered in tissue. Scattering has a marked effect on light intensity and direction-
ality. Scattering and refraction causes widening of the light beam, a change in its
directionality and a proportional loss in its fluence rate (power per unit area) (Prasad
2003). A loss of light energy in tissue such as dentin can compromise the antimi-
crobial action when APDT is used. In an attempt to overcome this, George and
Kishen dissolved methylene blue in different solutions—water, 70 % glycerol,
70 % polyethylene glycol (PEG), and a mixture of glycerol, ethanol, and water
(MIX) in a ratio of 30:20:50—and analyzed their photophysical, photochemical,
and photobiological characteristics in a dentin substrate (George and Kishen
2007b). They found that aggregation of methylene blue molecules was significantly
higher in water as compared to the other solutions. The MIX-based methylene blue
formulation demonstrated effective penetration into dentinal tubules, enhanced
singlet oxygen generation, and in turn improved overall bactericidal action. It
also proved to be significantly better than methylene blue in causing bacterial cell
wall impairment and chromosomal DNA damage (George and Kishen 2008a).
George and Kishen also showed that an oxidizer and oxygen carrier was incorpo-
rated with the photosensitizer formulation to form an emulsion; it produced a
significant increase in the photo-oxidation capabilities and facilitates the compre-
hensive disruption of a mature endodontic biofilm structure (George and Kishen
Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells possess a family of membrane proteins termed
efflux pumps. The efflux pumps remove amphiphilic molecules from cell cytosol.
Since many drugs, such as chlorpromazine, azithromycin, and tetracaine, are
amphiphilic in nature, efflux pumps can effectively clear them from that location.
Efflux is the process by which bacteria transport potentially toxic compounds from
the cytosol to outside of the cell (Ryan et al. 2001). Many of these efflux systems
have broad substrate profiles that allow structurally diverse drugs, chemicals, and
compounds to be extruded to the surface making its expression a virulence charac-
teristic. Efflux pump expression has been shown to be enhanced when bacteria exist
as a biofilm bacteria as compared its planktonic state. This makes bacteria in a
biofilm potentially more resistant to certain types of antimicrobial treatment. It was
speculated that the use of an efflux pump inhibitor (EPI) could overcome this
resistance. Tegos and Hamblin showed that phenothiazinium dyes, which are
338 A. Kishen
Table 1 Summary of relevant in vivo studies carried out using antimicrobial photodynamic
Objective and
No Author/date materials Methodology Conclusion
1 Bonsor Aimed to evaluate the Irrigation with 20 % Cleaning and shaping
et al. (2006a) antimicrobial efficacy citric acid and 2.25 % resulted in complete
of root canal disinfec- sodium hypochlorite bacterial killing in
tion by combining PDT with TBO and 86.7 % of samples
PDT with conven- diode laser (12.7 mg/L- Combination of
tional endodontic 1, 100 mW, 120 s) cleaning and shaping
treatment Samples collected by + PDT resulted in
Clinical study: 32 root filing complete bacterial
canals from 14 patients killing in 96.7 % of
2 Bonsor Aimed to compare the Procedure similar to Combination of 20 %
et al. (2006b) effect of a combination previous study citric acid + PDT
of 20 % citric acid resulted in complete
+ PDT with the use of bacterial killing in
20 % citric acid + 25 % 91 % of samples
sodium hypochlorite 20 % citric acid
on bacterial load in + 2.25 % sodium
prepared root canals hypochlorite resulted
Clinical study: in complete bacterial
64 patients killing in 82 % of
3 Garcez Aimed to analyze the Irrigation with 2.5 % First session produced
et al. (2008) antimicrobial effect of sodium hypochlorite, 98.5 % bacterial
PDT in association 3 % hydrogen perox- reduction (1.83 log
with endodontic treat- ide and 17 % EDTA reduction)
ment PDT with polyethy- Second session pro-
Clinical study: leneimine (PEI) duced 99.9 % bacte-
20 patients chlorin (e6 [ce6]) con- rial reduction (1.14
First session of jugate (2 min, 9.6 J, log reduction)
cleaning/shaping 240 s) Second session PDT
+ PDT; at the end of Paper point sampling was more effective
the first session, the than the first session
root canal was filled
with Ca(OH)2, and
after 1 week, PDT was
also performed in the
second session
4 Garcez Studied the antimicro- PDT used Endodontic therapy
et al. (2010) bial effect of PDT polyethylenimine- alone produced a sig-
combined with end- chlorin (e6) as a pho- nificant reduction in
odontic treatment in tosensitizer and a numbers of microbial
patients with necrotic diode laser (40 mW, species (only 3 teeth
pulp, infected with 4 min, 9.6 J) were free of bacteria)
microflora resistant to The combination of
antibiotic therapy endodontic therapy
Clinical study: 30 teeth with PDT eliminated
from 21 patients with all drug-resistant
periapical lesions that
340 A. Kishen
Table 1 (continued)
Objective and
No Author/date materials Methodology Conclusion
had been treated with species and all teeth
conventional endodon- were bacteria free
tic treatment and anti-
biotic therapy
density), (c) rate and duration of laser irradiation (pulse repetition), and (d) mode of
energy delivery (continuous/pulsed energy; direct/indirect tissue contact)
(Miserendino and Robert 1995).
Lasers have been primarily used in root canal treatment to enhance elimination
of microorganisms from the root canal system, subsequent to its conventional
biomechanical enlargement, as the parameters of laser use for disinfection do not
produce ablative effects on dentin (Miserendino and Robert 1995; Moshonov
et al. 1995). Infrared lasers such as CO2, Nd:YAG, diode, and erbium lasers have
been the lasers of choice for disinfection. The bactericidal effect of laser depends
upon the wavelength and energy level of the laser used, as well as its thermal effect.
The laser-induced thermal effect produces an alteration in the bacterial cell wall
that changes its osmotic gradient, causing swelling and cell death. It is interesting to
also note that gram-negative bacteria have shown a higher resistance to destruction
by laser irradiation than have gram-positive bacteria. This may be due to differ-
ences in the cell wall structure (Miserendino and Robert 1995).
When used in the root canal, the depth of penetration of the laser into the dentin
will depend upon the other parameters, such as wavelength and power density. As
previously mentioned, the depth of penetration generally decreases with an increase
in the degree of tissue absorption. The delivery of laser energy throughout the root
canal system and absorption of laser energy by the dentin are important consider-
ations in laser root canal disinfection, since they influence not only the degree to
which biofilm can be destroyed but also the degree to which dentin may be
structurally and physically altered.
Laser killing of biofilm bacteria was investigated in an in vitro study by Rooney
et al. in which an energy absorber, either black Indian ink or 38 % silver ammonium
solution, was placed into an infected root canal before irradiating with it with a
pulsed Nd:YAG laser (1064 nm). They reported bacterial killing rates in the main
root canal in a range of 80–90 % (Rooney et al. 1994). Schoop et al. in another
in vitro study compared the antibacterial potential of two lasers, the Nd:YAG and
the Diode laser (810 nm). They found that the Nd:YAG laser reduced the bacterial
load by 85 % to a depth of 1 mm in the dentin, while the diode laser (810 nm)
reduced the load by only 63 % and to a depth of 750 μm in the dentin. The
difference in laser penetration and bacterial killing was attributed to differences
in the degree of absorption of the wavelengths emitted by the two laser types
(Schoop et al. 2004). Bergmans et al. studied the effect of Nd:YAG laser irradiation
on several endodontic pathogens in vitro. They found that biofilms containing these
pathogens were difficult to eradicate, even with direct exposure to laser light. This
Advanced Therapeutic Options to Disinfect Root Canals 341
led them to conclude that Nd:YAG laser irradiation should be a supplement and not
an alternative to existing root canal disinfection protocols (Bergmans et al. 2006).
Stabholz et al. studied the bactericidal potential of an erbium laser in a root canal
model and found it to be inferior to that of Nd:YAG laser. Thermal energy produced
by the erbium laser has a high affinity for water molecules; therefore, most of its
energy is absorbed on the surface making it less active below it (Wang et al. 2007).
There are several limitations associated with the intracanal use of high-power
laser energy. The emission of laser energy from the tip of an optical fiber or laser
guide is directed downwards into the root canal and not laterally toward the root
canal walls where biofilm is also present. Thus, it is almost impossible to obtain
uniform killing throughout the entire root canal let alone in its anatomical com-
plexities (Goodis et al. 2002; Stabholz et al. 2003). Safety is another limitation,
particularly in regard to the potential for thermal damage to the dentin and the
periapical tissues. This effect can be dangerous in teeth with close proximity to vital
structures such as the mental foramen or the mandibular nerve (Stabholz
et al. 2003). A modified beam delivery system has been tested for Er:YAG laser
to deflect direct transmission of laser energy from the laser tip or fiber optic to the
apex. This system consists of a hollow tube that permits lateral emission of Er:YAG
laser radiation (side firing), rather than straight-line emission through the single
opening at its terminal end, that was previously used (Stabholz et al. 2003). This
new endodontic side-firing spiral tip was designed to comply with the shape and
volume of root canals prepared by rotary nickel–titanium instrumentation. The tip
is also sealed at its distal end, to prevent transmission of irradiation to and through
the apical foramen (George and Walsh 2011). This design was introduced to
enhance the ability of the laser to penetrate into and destroy microbes on the lateral
walls of the root canal and in the dentinal tubules. Its clinical effectiveness is yet to
be reported.
Noiri et al. investigated the antibiofilm effect of Er:YAG laser on in vitro
monospecies biofilm of A. naeslundii, E. faecalis, L. casei, P. acnes,
F. nucleatum, P. gingivalis, and P. nigrescens grown on hydroxyapatite disks for
21 days (aerobically for 7 days and anaerobically for 14 days). They reported that
despite significant reductions in the numbers of viable cells in most of the biofilms
tested, complete elimination of biofilm structure/bacteria did not occur with any of
the Er:YAG laser irradiation energy densities tested. Interestingly, during growth,
the L. casei decalcified the HA disks to a depth of approximately 200 μm and then
invaded the porous decalcified layer, where they remained protected for the laser
irradiation (Noiri et al. 2008). It has already been noted that the antibiofilm potential
of the Er:YAG laser is influenced by the water content, components of extracellular
matrix, cell density, and the absorption coefficient of the dentin. The temperature
increase during irradiation can range from 7.3 C at 20 mJ to 40.2 C at 80 mJ.].
Yavari examined the ability of high-power settings of Er,Cr:YSGG laser irradiation
(2 W and 3 W output powers for 16 s) to eradicate monospecies biofilm of
E. faecalis (48 h) in vitro. He concluded that though 2- and 3-W of Er,Cr:YSGG
laser could kill E. faecalis in root canal models, its effect was less remarkable than
that produced by NaOCl (Yavari et al. 2010). It is important to realize that surface
342 A. Kishen
degradation, microbial penetration into the dentin, as well as the presence of biofilm
in inaccessible site are common occurrences in root canal infection and that if this
technology is to have clinical applicability, it must be safe and effective under those
Earlier studies have studied potential changes in the ultrastructure of root canal
dentin as a concomitant/adverse effect to root canal disinfection using different
lasers. It was noted that when lasers were used in a dry root canal, both near- and
mid-infrared lasers produce characteristic thermal injury to the dentin. Human
dentin has low absorption coefficients in the near-infrared range; nonetheless, Nd:
YAG laser irradiation is still capable of melting the dentin surface (Fried
et al. 1995). Moriyama et al. showed morphological changes could be produced
on the dentin of endodontically prepared root canals by Nd:YAG laser irradiation.
The changes were thermally related and appeared as cracks in the dentin, partial
removal of smear layer, and sealing of many dentinal tubules due to melting of the
dentin. Longer pulses of laser delivery caused more severe and more extensive
melting. While the thought of eventually creating a more regular surface with
sealed tubules by increasing the number of pulses appeared desirable, there were
fears that the high number of thermal cycles necessary to achieve this effect could
lead to deeper dentin cracks (Moriyama et al. 2004). During the photothermal
interaction, tissue molecules absorb photons and generate heat that is dissipated
through the tissue. Since tissue needs time to propagate the heat, longer laser pulses
result in the production of higher temperatures in deeper regions of the tissue. With
shorter pulses that use the same average energy, the higher temperatures develop at
the surface (Armon and Laufer 1995). Thermal damage to tissue is a temperature/
time-dependent process. The resultant confinement of thermal stress depends upon
the laser pulse duration and the tissue absorption coefficient (μa). The use of longer
pulses leads to longer interaction times and results in more evidence of a thermal
effect (van Leeuwen et al. 1995). In separate studies, Marchesan et al. and Gurbuz
et al. showed that the presence of water or irrigation solution in the root canal limits
thermal interaction of laser beam from a diode laser (2.5 W, 15 Hz) and Nd:YAG
laser (1.5 W, 100 mJ, 15 Hz) with the dentin on the root canal wall (Marchesan
et al. 2008; Gurbuz et al. 2008). It has also been shown that the presence of water in
root canal space prevents dentin damage when an erbium laser is used (Yamazaki
et al. 2001). Several relevant clinical studies that examined the antimicrobial
efficacy of high-power laser in endodontics are summarized in Table 2 (Koba
et al. 1999; Dostálová et al. 2002; Leonardo et al. 2005). At present there is no
strong evidence available to support the use of high-power lasers in endodontic
Application of the fundamentals of liquid –laser interaction has created a new
area of research. This principle is the basis for laser-activated irrigation (LAI) and
photon-initiated photoacoustic streaming (PIPS) as an approach to root canal
irrigation and disinfection (Kimura et al. 2011; Blanken et al. 2009; De Moor
et al. 2009). The interaction of Er,Cr:YSGG laser with liquid irrigant in the root
canal has been attributed to the efficient absorption of the mid-infrared wavelength
light by water. This leads to the vaporization of irrigant and formation of vapor
Advanced Therapeutic Options to Disinfect Root Canals 343
Table 2 Summary of relevant in vivo studies carried out using laser-assisted disinfection
Objective and
No: Author/date materials Methodology Conclusion
1 Koba Evaluated the postop- Nd:YAG (1 W, 15 pps No significant differ-
et al. (1999) erative symptoms and for 1 s) ences was found
healing after root canal 5 % NaOCl and 3 % between the groups
treatment with pulsed H2O2 used to disinfect regarding
Nd:YAG laser (control) periapical healing
44 teeth from
38 patients
Radiological evalua-
tion used to assess the
reduction of periapical
lesions at 3 and
6 months
2 Dostálová Studied the ability of 5.25 % NaOCl used to Conventional treat-
et al. (2002) Er:YAG laser radiation disinfect (control) ment was effective in
with a movable wave- Er:YAG (100 mJ, 60 % of the root canal
guide to disinfect root 30 pulses, repetition Application of cal-
canals rate 4 Hz) cium hydroxide was
Root canal of 44 pre- Before and after treat- effective in 80 % of
molars and molars ment, the colony- the root canal
were treated using a forming units were Er:YAG laser irradia-
step-back technique; counted to determine tion via movable
10 teeth were then 21 different waveguide was effec-
treated with calcium microorganisms tive in 100 % of the
hydroxide, and 22 teeth root canal
were irradiated with
the waveguide
3 Leonardo Evaluated the antimi- Group I –cleaning and Er:YAG laser applied
et al. (2005) crobial effect of Er: shaping only after cleaning and
YAG laser applied Group II –cleaning and shaping did not reduce
after cleaning and shaping and Er:YAG microorganisms in the
shaping of root canals laser application root canal system
of dog’s teeth with (63-mJ output/15 Hz)
apical periodontitis After coronal sealing,
40 root canals of dogs’ the root canals were
premolar teeth with left empty for 7 days
periapical lesions were before microbiological
used analysis
bubbles, which expand and implode with secondary cavitation effects that induce
high-speed fluid motions into and out of the root canal. The thermal component of
this interaction is moderate in intensity. The creation of bubbles is similar in both
water and sodium hypochlorite solution. If the liquid does not absorb radiation,
there are no bubbles, cavitation, pressure buildup, or fluid motion. At the beginning
of the laser pulse, the laser energy is absorbed in a 2 mm-thick layer on liquid,
which is instantly superheated to a boiling temperature at high pressure and
converted into vapor. This vapor, at high pressure, expands at high speed and
provides an opening in front of the fiber transmitting the laser light. As the laser
344 A. Kishen
continues to emit energy, the light passes through the bubble and evaporates the
water surface in front of the bubble, driving a channel through the liquid, until the
pulse ends (Kimura et al. 2011; Blanken et al. 2009).
The laser system used for PIPS/LAI is equipped with a novel 400 mm diameter
radial and stripped tip. Subablative parameters (average power 0.3 W, 20 mJ at
15 Hz) are used to produce photomechanical effects, when light energy is pulsed in
liquid. When activated in a limited volume of fluid, the high absorption of the Er:
YAG wavelength in water, combined with the high peak power derived from the
short pulse duration that is used (50 μs), results in a photomechanical phenomenon
(De Moor et al. 2009). Earlier it was demonstrated that middle-infrared laser energy
when delivered with conical modified fibers influences the configuration of the
shock wave and subsequently improves the photomechanical effect in the root canal
(George and Walsh 2011). Peters et al. studied the efficacy of laser-activated and
ultrasonically activated root canal disinfection with conventional irrigation, specif-
ically its ability to remove in vitro 3-week-old bacterial biofilm formed on root
canal walls. This study showed that the laser-activated disinfection did not
completely remove bacterial biofilms from the apical third of the root canal or
from infected dentinal tubules. However, the fact that laser activation generated
more bacteria-free samples and left less bacteria/biofilm in the apical canal than
ultrasonic activation warrants further investigation (Peters et al. 2011).
Thus it could be concluded that the current evidence is insufficient to recom-
mend laser therapies as an adjunct to chemomechanical disinfection of infected root
canals. This does not imply that lasers should not be used as an adjunct to
conventional chemomechanical preparation, but instead emphasize the need for
future high-quality research in this field before it acts as a “frontline” protocol.
2.4 Ozone
Recent trends in antibiofilm research point toward the possible use of natural
extracts from plants in the treatment of biofilm-mediated infection. Polyphenols
are naturally present in a variety of plants (Bravo 1998; Duthie and Crozier 2000).
They are characterized by the presence of more than one phenol units per molecule
(Bravo 1998). These substances are well known for their antimicrobial activity. For
example, anacardic acid found in the liquid extract of cashew nut shell has been
shown to exhibit antimicrobial activities against Streptococcus mutans and Staph-
ylococcus aureus (Kubo et al. 1992, 2003). Other polyphenols have been used for
the preservation of food against microbial contaminants. Many factors such as
bacterial species/strains, type of polyphenol, concentration of polyphenol, micro-
bial cells density, temperature, and synergistic and inhibitive effect when used with
other antimicrobials can influence their antimicrobial potential.
Advanced Therapeutic Options to Disinfect Root Canals 347
Table 4 Summary of the major class of antimicrobial compounds from plants [164]
No Class Example(S) Mechanism
1 Phenolics Catechol Membrane disruption
Hypericin Bind to adhesins, complex with cell wall,
inactivate enzymes
Warfarin Bind to adhesins
Interaction with eukaryotic DNA (antiviral
2 Terpenoids, Capsaicin Membrane disruption
essential oils
3 Alkaloids Berberine Intercalate into cell wall and/or DNA
4 Lectins and Mannose-specific Block viral fusion or adsorption
polypeptides agglutinin
et al. 2007; Sadovskaya et al. 2006). These studies have shown that rinsing the
implant surface with these enzymes can prevent formation of staphylococcal
biofilms. Yet, applying these enzymes in an in vivo environment that is home to
multispecies pathogenic biofilms may pose some challenges due to the specificity
of their action. Further studies are required to evaluate whether these enzymes work
synergistically or additively with other antibiofilm strategies. In addition, the effect
of these enzymes on a biological substrate and their mechanism of action have to be
better understood before implementing such treatment strategies clinically.
3 Concluding Remarks
the coming years will herald a new and effective approach to treat biofilms in
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T Wall shear stress
TA. See Toxin–antitoxin (TA) systems biofilm disruption, 277–279
Tannerella forsythia, 29, 30 LAI, 265, 277
Taurodontism, 163 MDA, 264, 276
TCSs. See Two-component systems (TCSs) negative-pressure system, 264, 276
TEM. See Transmission electron microscopy sonic and ultrasonic devices, 265, 276–277
(TEM) syringe irrigation, 264, 275–276
Tetracycline, 71, 76 Water, in EPS matrix, 57–58, 104