Effective Algorithms of The Moore-Penrose Inverse Matrices For Extreme Learning Machine
Effective Algorithms of The Moore-Penrose Inverse Matrices For Extreme Learning Machine
Effective Algorithms of The Moore-Penrose Inverse Matrices For Extreme Learning Machine
DOI 10.3233/IDA-150743
IOS Press
Abstract. Extreme learning machine (ELM) is a learning algorithm for single-hidden layer feedforward neural networks
(SLFNs) which randomly chooses hidden nodes and analytically determines the output weights of SLFNs. After the input
weights and the hidden layer biases are chosen randomly, ELM can be simply considered a linear system. However, the learn-
ing time of ELM is mainly spent on calculating the Moore-Penrose inverse matrices of the hidden layer output matrix. This
paper focuses on effective computation of the Moore-Penrose inverse matrices for ELM, several methods are proposed. They are
the reduced QR factorization with column Pivoting and Geninv ELM (QRGeninv-ELM), tensor product matrix ELM (TPM-
ELM). And we compare QRGeninv-ELM, TPM-ELM with the relational algorithm of Moore-Penrose inverse matrices for
ELM, the relational algorithms are: Cholesky factorization of singular matrix ELM (Geninv-ELM), QR factorization and Ginv
ELM (QRGinv-ELM), the conjugate Gram-Schmidt process ELM (CGS-ELM). The experimental results and the statistical
analysis of the experimental results both demonstrate that QRGeninv-ELM, TPM-ELM and Geninv-ELM are faster than other
kinds of ELM and can reach comparable generalization performance.
Keywords: Extreme learning machine, tensor product matrix, cholesky factorization of singular matrix, conjugate gram-schmidt
process, QR factorization
1. Introduction
Extreme learning machine (ELM) is one of the most popular neural networks for its simple structure
and powerful approximation capability [1,2]. For function approximation in a finite training set, Huang
and Babri [3] shows that a single-hidden layer feedforward neural network (SLFNs) with at most N hid-
den nodes and with almost any nonlinear activation function can exactly learn N distinct observations.
Different from traditional learning algorithms the ELM not only tends to reach the smallest training error
but also the smallest norm of weights. Bartlett [4] pointed out that for feedforward neural networks, the
smaller the norm of weights and training error is, the better generalization performance the networks
tend to have. Thus, in order to obtain the better generalization performance, we find the minimum norm
least squares solution.
Corresponding author: Shuxia Lu, College of Mathematics and Information Science, Hebei University, Baoding, Hebei
071002, China. E-mail: [email protected].
c 2015 – IOS Press and the authors. All rights reserved
744 S. Lu et al. / Effective algorithms of the Moore-Penrose inverse matrices for ELM
However, when dealing with large datasets, certain problems arise, including the huge amount of
memory required for storing the weights and bias matrix, so a lot of varieties of ELM have been proposed
by researchers for solving both generalization performance and learning speed problems in the past few
years [5–9]. For example online sequential extreme learning machine [10], a structure-adjustable online
learning ELM [11], Bidirectional extreme learning machine [12] is quicker in learning speed. There
have been some studies on the approximation capabilities of SLFNs [13,14]. The number of hidden
nodes is determined in an adaptive way, there are normally two heuristic approaches to modify the
structure of SLFNs: constructive methods (or growing methods) and destructive methods (or pruning
methods) [15–19].
ELM can be simply considered as a linear system. However, the learning time of ELM is mainly
spent on calculating the Moore-Penrose generalized inverse matrices of the hidden layer output matrix.
We focus on effective computation of the Moore-Penrose inverse matrices for ELM. There are several
methods for computing the Moore-Penrose inverse matrices [20]. These may include orthogonal projec-
tion, orthogonalization method, iterative method, and singular value decomposition (SVD) [21–28]. The
orthogonalization method and iterative method have their limitations since searching and iteration are
used. The orthogonal projection method can be used when HT H is nonsingular and H† = (HT H)−1 HT
which is also used. However, HT H may not always nonsingular or may tend to be singular and thus or-
thogonal projection method may not perform well, and matrix decomposition techniques can be used.
The SVD can be used to calculate the Moore-Penrose inverse of the hidden layer output matrix H in
ELM. SVD is very accurate but also time-consuming since it requires a large mount of computational
resources, especially in the case of large matrices.
Also, in the recent work, there are several methods for computing the Moore-Penrose inverse matrices
by matrix decomposition techniques [29–33]. Horata, Chiewchanwattana, and Sunat [29] gave a com-
parative study of pseudo-inverse computing for the extreme learning machine classifier. Katsikis [30]
provided a fast and reliable method to calculate the Moore-Penrose inverse and can be used for large
sparse matrices. P. Courrieu [31] proposed a fast computation of Moore-Penrose inverse matrices based
on Cholesky factorization of singular matrix. Toutounian and Ataei [32] presented the CGS-MPi al-
gorithm based on the conjugate Gram-Schmidt process and the Moore-Penrose inverse of partitioned
matrices, and they concluded that this algorithm is a robust and efficient tool for computing the Moore-
Penrose inverse of large sparse and rank deficient matrices. Katsikis [33] proposed a method based on
QR factorization in order to calculate the Moore-Penrose inverse of singular square matrices and of
rectangular matrices.
In this paper, we focus on effective computation of the Moore-Penrose inverse matrices for ELM,
several methods are proposed. They are QRGeninv-ELM and TPM-ELM. We compare QRGeninv-ELM,
TPM-ELM with the relational algorithm of Moore-Penrose inverse matrices for ELM, the relational
algorithms are: Geninv-ELM, QRGinv-ELM, CGS-ELM.
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 outlined the related work of ELM and Moore-Penrose
inverse matrices. Relational algorithms of Moore-Penrose inverse matrices for ELM are presented in
Section 3. Then the proposed effective algorithms are described in Section 4. Performance evaluation is
presented in Section 5. Conclusions are given in Section 6.
2. Background
This section will briefly describe the ELM and Moore-Penrose inverse matrices.
S. Lu et al. / Effective algorithms of the Moore-Penrose inverse matrices for ELM 745
The extreme learning machine (ELM) is a single hidden layer feed forward network where the input
weights and the biases are chosen randomly and the output weights are calculated analytically [1].
For N arbitrary distinct samples (xi , ti ), where xi = [xi1 , xi2 , . . . xin ]T ∈ Rn and ti = [ti1 , ti2 , . . .
tim ]T ∈ Rm , standard SLFNs with L hidden nodes with activation function g(x) can approximate these
N distinct samples with zero error are modeled as
βi g(wi · xj + bi ) = tj j = 1, . . . , N. (1)
where wi = [wi1 , wi2 , . . . win ]T is the weight vector connecting the ith hidden node and the input nodes,
βi = [βi1 , βi2 , . . . , βim ]T is the weight vector connecting the ith hidden node and the output nodes, and
bi is the threshold of the ith hidden node, wi · xj denotes the inner product of wi and xj . L is the number
of hidden nodes, activation function g(x) is infinitely differentiable in any interval, These N equations
can be written compactly as
Hβ = T. (2)
⎡ ⎤
g(w1 · x1 + b1 ) . . . g(wL · x1 + bL )
H(w1 , . . . , wL , b1 , . . . , bL , x1 , . . . , xN ) = ⎣ ... ... ... ⎦ , (3)
g(w1 · xN + b1 ) . . . g(wL · xN + bL ) N ×L
β = H† T, (4)
Theorem 1. (SVD) Let H ∈ RN ×L and r = rank(H). Then there exist orthogonal matrices U ∈
N ×N L×L T S 0
R and V ∈ R such that H = UΣV , where Σ = and S = diag(σ1 , σ2 , . . . , σr ) with
0 0
σ1 σ2 . . . σr > 0.
The numbers σ1 , σ2 , . . . , σr together with σr+1 = 0, . . . , σL = 0 are called the singular values of H
and they are the positive square roots of the eigenvalues (which are nonnegative) of HT H. The columns
of U are called the left singular vectors of H (the orthonormal eigenvectors of HHT ) while the columns
of V are called the right singular vectors of H (the orthonormal eigenvectors of HT H).
H† = VΣ† UT .
2.1.2. The reduced SVD
Let H ∈ RN ×L and rank(H) = L. Then there exist orthogonal matrices U ∈ RN ×N and V ∈ RL×L
such that
T Σ1
H = UΣV = [U1 U2 ] VT = U1 Σ1 VT .
where U1 ∈ RN ×L and Σ1 ∈ RL×L are nonsingular, this is called the reduced SVD of H.
From above ELM (or SVD-ELM) algorithm, if we want to get good generalization performance, the
most important step is to accurately calculate the Moore-Penrose generalized inverse matrix H† .
Moore defined a new inverse of matrix by projection matrices, which is now called as Moore-Penrose
generalized inverse. Penrose gave an equivalent definition of Moore-Penrose generalized inverse [34].
Definition 1. ([34]) For H ∈ RN ×L , if G ∈ RL×N satisfies the following four equations:
HGH = H, GHG = G, (HG)T = HG, (GH)T = GH.
Then matrix G is called the Moore-Penrose generalized inverse of matrix H, denoted by G = H† .
Theorem 2. ([35,36]) Let there exist a matrix G such that GT is a minimum norm least squares
solution of a linear system Hβ = T. Then it is necessary and sufficient that G = H† , the Moore–
Penrose generalized inverse of matrix H.
Remark 1. Seen from Theorem 2, we have the following property: the special solution β = H† T is
one of the least squares solutions of a general linear system Hβ = T; the special solution β = H† T has
the smallest norm among all the least-squares solutions of Hβ = T; the minimum norm least-squares
solution of linear system is unique, which is β = H† T. For the over-determined linear system Hβ = T,
if H has full rank, least squares solution of linear system would be unique, if H is rank deficient, the
least squares solution of linear system must still exist, it cannot be unique in this case.
In this section, the matrix H† is calculated by matrix decomposition techniques. These methods may
include Singular Value Decomposition (SVD), Cholesky factorization of singular matrix, and QR fac-
torization. The relational algorithms are mainly based on the several methods for computing the Moore-
Penrose inverse matrix [30–33], and we apply these methods to the extreme learning machine (ELM).
They are the Cholesky factorization of singular matrix ELM (Geninv-ELM), QR factorization and Ginv
ELM (QRGinv-ELM), the conjugate Gram-Schmidt process ELM (CGS-ELM).
S. Lu et al. / Effective algorithms of the Moore-Penrose inverse matrices for ELM 747
Geninv-ELM provides a rapid method, which is based on a known reverse order law and Cholesky
factorization of singular matrix. The computation time is substantially shorter, particularly for large least
square systems, and Geninv-ELM can be used for rank deficient matrices. The method of computing the
Moore-Penrose inverse matrix is based on the work of Courrieu [31].
The Geninv-ELM algorithm is described as follows.
Algorithm 1. Geninv-ELM
Given a training set ℵ = {(xi , ti ) | xi ∈ Rn , ti ∈ Rm , i = 1, . . . , N }, activation function g(x), and
hidden node number L, L < N .
Step 1: Randomly assign input weight wi and bias bi (i = 1, . . . , L).
Step 2: Calculate the Moore-Penrose generalized inverse of the matrix H ∈ RN ×L .
(1) HT H ∈ RL×L , rank(HT H) = r L.
(2) Utilize Cholesky factorization of singular matrix of HT H, obtains a matrix S which sat-
isfies HT H = ST S, where S ∈ RL×L is a unique upper triangular matrix with L − r zero
(3) Remove the zero rows from S, obtains a nonsingular upper triangular matrix R ∈ Rr×L ,
rank(R) = r , which satisfies ST S = RT R, thus HT H = ST S = RT R.
(4) Calculate
where T = [t1 , . . . , tN ]T ∈ RN ×m .
Remark 2. The Cholesky factorization ([21]) If the matrix A is symmetric positive definite, then
A = LLT , where L is lower triangular matrix and has positive diagonal entries (but not, in general, a
unit diagonal).
The Cholesky factorization of singular matrix ([37]) Let A be a symmetric, possibly singular, semi-
positive definite matrix of order n × n. Then there is an upper triangular matrix X such that A = XT X,
xii 0, 1 i n, and if for an index i one has xii = 0, then xij = 0, 1 j n. Moreover, the matrix
X with these properties is unique.
The advantage of Geninv-ELM is that computation of the L × L inverse matrix is changed into one of
the r × r inverse matrix (r L).
Matlab code of the “geninv” function can be found in Courrieu [31].
QRGinv-ELM provides a method for computing generalized inverses, which is based on the QR
factorization and ginv function. The method of computing the Moore-Penrose inverse matrix is based on
the work of Katsikis, Pappas, and Petralias [33].
748 S. Lu et al. / Effective algorithms of the Moore-Penrose inverse matrices for ELM
Let H ∈ RN ×L be a matrix, with rank(H) = r > 0. Then there exist matrices M, Q, R such
that M is obtained by H by permuting its columns (M = HP, where P ∈ RL×L is a permutation
R11 R12
matrix), Q ∈ RN ×N is orthogonal, R = ∈ RN ×L , R11 ∈ Rr×r is nonsingular and upper
0 0
triangular and M = QR, this is called the QR factorization.
Algorithm 2. QRGinv-ELM
Given a training set ℵ = {(xi , ti ) | xi ∈ Rn , ti ∈ Rm , i = 1, . . . , N }, activation function g(x), and
hidden node number L.
Step 1: Randomly assign input weight wi and bias bi (i = 1, . . . , L).
Step 2: Calculate the Moore-Penrose generalized inverse of the matrix H ∈ RN ×L .
L×L is a permutation
(1) Using the QR factorization, we have thatHP = QR, where P ∈ R
R11 R12 R1
matrix, Q ∈ RN ×N is orthogonal, R = = ∈ RN ×L , R11 ∈ Rr×r is
0 0 0
nonsingular and upper triangular, R1 ∈ Rr×L .
(2) Calculate R†1 ∈ RL×r by using ginv function, R†1 = ginv (R1 ).
(3) Add N − r zero columns to R†1 ∈ RL×r , and get R† = R†1 0 ∈ RL×N .
(4) We have that H† = PR† QT ∈ RL×N .
Step 3: Calculate the output weight β ∈ RL×m . β = H† T, where T = [t1 , . . . , tN ]T ∈ RN ×m .
Matlab code of the “ginv” and “qrginv” functions can be found in [30,33], respectively.
The CGS-ELM algorithm is based on the conjugate Gram-Schmidt process and the Moore-Penrose
inverse of partitioned matrices (Toutounian, and Ataei [32]). The method is a robust and efficient for
large sparse and rank deficient matrices.
Definition 2. By assuming H ∈ RN ×L has full column rank, the L×L matrix C = HT H is symmetric
positive definite and therefore for two vectors x and y it defines the following C-inner products:
Let zj = ej , j = 1, 2, . . . , L, where e1 , e2 , . . . , eL ∈ RL is the set of unit basis vectors,
(j−1) (j−1)
(j) (j−1) zj , ziC (j−1)
zi ← zi − (j−1) (j−1)
zj , j = 1, 2, . . . , L − 1 and i = j + 1, . . . , L. (10)
zj , zj C
Z = (z1 , z2 , . . . , zL ) is unit upper triangular, where zi = zi , and D = diag(d1 , d2 , . . . , dL ) with
dj = zj , zj C = Hzj 22 > 0. If H has full column rank, then H† = (ZD−1 ZT )HT .
Algorithm 3. CGS-ELM
Given a training set ℵ = {(xi , ti ) | xi ∈ Rn , ti ∈ Rm , i = 1, . . . , N }, activation function g(x), and
hidden node number L, L < N .
Step 1: Randomly assign input weight wi and bias bi (i = 1, . . . , L).
Step 2: Calculate the Moore-Penrose generalized inverse of the matrix H ∈ RN ×L .
(1) If H has full column rank, then H† = (ZD−1 ZT )HT , where the matrix Z =
(z1 , z2 , . . . , zL ) ∈ RL×L is unit upper triangular, which computed by the conjugate
Gram-Schmidt process.
(2) If the matrix H is rank deficient, rank(H) = r < L
a. Utilize the Cholesky of P H HP, one obtains P H HP = R R,
R11 R12 W
where R = = , R11 is r × r upper triangular with positive diagonal
0 0 0
elements, W ∈ Rr×L , rank(W) = r , P ∈ RL×L is a permutation matrix.
b. PT HT HP = WT W.
c. H† = PW† (W† )T PT HT , where the computation of W† is by using theorem 3.
Step 3: Calculate the output weight β ∈ RL×m . β = H† T, where T = [t1 , . . . , tN ]T ∈ RN ×m .
In this section, we propose the effective learning algorithm of Moore-Penrose inverse matrices for
ELM. They are the reduced QR factorization with column Pivoting and Geninv ELM (QRGeninv-ELM),
tensor product matrix ELM (TPM-ELM). The proposed QRGeninv-ELM is based on the reduced QR
factorization with column Pivoting and Geninv method. The TPM-ELM is the revised method (Katsikis,
and Pappas [30]) for computing the Moore-Penrose inverse of rank deficient matrix.
4.1. The reduced QR factorization with column pivoting and geninv ELM (QRGeninv-ELM)
The proposed QRGeninv-ELM method is based on the reduced QR factorization with column Pivot-
ing and Geninv method.
Suppose H ∈ RN ×L and N L with rank(H) = r L. QR with column Pivoting produces
the factorization HP = QR, where P ∈ RL×L is a permutation matrix, Q ∈ RN ×N is orthogonal
matrix, R ∈ RN ×L is an upper trapezoidal
matrix. that P is chosen so that Q and R can be
R11 R12 R1
partitioned as Q = [Q1 Q2 ], R = = , where Q1 ∈ RN ×r is the first r columns
0 0 0
750 S. Lu et al. / Effective algorithms of the Moore-Penrose inverse matrices for ELM
of Q and R1 ∈ Rr×L is the first r rows of R, R11 ∈ Rr×r is nonsingular and upper triangular. Then
HP = QR = Q1 R1 , this is called the reduced (or “economy size”) QR factorization.
β = H† T minimizes Hβ − T2 and has the minimum-norm least squares solution of linear system
Hβ = T.
Algorithm 4. QRGeninv-ELM
Given a training set ℵ = {(xi , ti ) | xi ∈ Rn , ti ∈ Rm , i = 1, . . . , N }, activation function g(x), and
hidden node number L.
Step 1: Randomly assign input weight wi and bias bi (i = 1, . . . , L).
Step 2: Calculate the Moore-Penrose generalized inverse of the matrix H ∈ RN ×L .
L×L is a
(1) Using the reduced QR factorization, we have that HP = Q1 R1 , where P ∈ R
permutation matrix, Q = [Q1 , Q2 ] ∈ RN ×N is orthogonal, R = ∈ RN ×L is an
upper trapezoidal matrix, Q1 ∈ RN ×r is the first r columns of Q and R1 ∈ Rr×L is the
first r rows of R.
(2) Calculate R†1 ∈ RL×r by using the method of calculating the Moore-Penrose generalized
inverse in Geninv-ELM. R†1 = geninv(R1 )
(3) Calculate H† = PR†1 QT1 ∈ RL×N .
Step 3: Calculate the output weight β ∈ RL×m . β = H† T, where T = [t1 , . . . , tN ]T ∈ RN ×m .
Matlab code of the “qrgeninv” function is listed in the appendix.
Katsikis and Pappas [30] provides a fast computational method in order to calculate the Moore-
Penrose inverse of full rank matrices and of square matrices with at least one zero row or column.
However, this method (using ginv function) is invalid when matrix is rank deficient. We revised the
method (Katsikis and Pappas [30]) for computing the Moore-Penrose inverse of rank deficient matrix.
The revised method is called the tensor product matrix ELM (TPM-ELM). TPM-ELM provides a rapid
and reliable method and can be used for large matrices.
Algorithm 5. TPM-ELM
Given a training set ℵ = {(xi , ti ) | xi ∈ Rn , ti ∈ Rm , i = 1, . . . , N }, activation function g(x), and
hidden node number L,
Step 1: Randomly assign input weight wi and bias bi (i = 1, . . . , L).
Step 2: Calculate the Moore-Penrose generalized inverse of matrix H ∈ RN ×L ,
if H has full rank,
if N > L, then H† = (HT H)\HT
if L > N , then H† = (HHT )\H.
if H is rank deficient,
if N > L, then H† = (HT H + eye(size(H, 2))/D)\HT , where D is a parameter
if L > N , then H† = (HHT + eye(size(H, 1))/D)\H.
Step 3: Calculate the output weight β ∈ RL×m . β = H† T, where T = [t1 , . . . , tN ]T ∈ RN ×m .
S. Lu et al. / Effective algorithms of the Moore-Penrose inverse matrices for ELM 751
Remark 3. The operator “\” means matrix left-division (which is an operator in MATLAB7.1). C\H
is the matrix division of C into H, which is roughly the same as inv(C) · H, except it is computed in
a different way. If C is an L-by-L matrix and H is a column vector with L components, or a matrix
with several such columns, then Y = C\H is the solution to the linear system CY = H computed by
Gaussian Elimination. If C is badly scaled or nearly singular. C\eye (size (C)) produces the inverse of
Matlab code of the “TPM” function is listed in the appendix.
5. Performance evaluation
In this section, we compare the performance of the six methods for the computation of Moore-Penrose
inverse matrices used in ELM on a set of random matrices, random singular matrices (Higham [38]) and
the twelve datasets from the UCI machine learning repository [39] and database [40]. All the simulations
are carried out in MATLAB7.1 environment running in Core 2 Quad, 3.09 GHz CPU with 3.16 GB
RAM. In our experiment, the activation function which has better performance is selected from among
the sine, sigmoid, and RBF functions. The sigmoid function g(x) = 1/(1 + exp(−x)) is used as an
activation function for all methods.
In the real-world problems, we preprocess these datasets according to the following procedures.
1) Delete the nominal condition attributes.
2) Fill in the missing attribute values. We use the unsupervised filter named ReplaceMissingValues in
WEKA [42] to fill in all the missing attribute values in each dataset.
3) All the inputs (attributes) have been normalized into the range [0, 1], while the outputs (targets)
have been normalized into [−1, 1].
5.1. Robustness
The robustness performance of the six methods was checked on a set of random matrices, random
singular matrices, Page and Segment datasets. The random matrices are obtained using Matlab rand
function. The random singular matrices (namely Chow, Gearmat and Lotkin) are taken from the function
matrix in the Higham’s Matrix Computation Toolbox (mctoolbox) (Higham [38]). The random singular
matrices are of size 200 × 200 with large condition numbers (ill-conditioned) and rank deficient. The
Page and Segment datasets are taken from the UCI repository of machine learning databases [39]. The
number of Page and Segment sample N is 1155 and 2736 respectively, and the number of hidden nodes
in the hidden layer L is 200 in ELM methods. The hidden layer output matrix H is of size 1155 × 200
and 2736 × 200 respectively. The six methods can be used to calculate the Moore-Penrose inverse of the
hidden layer output matrix H in ELM.
The six methods for the computation of Moore-Penrose inverse matrices are: the QR factorization with
column Pivoting and Geninv (QRGeninv), the tensor product matrix (TPM), the Cholesky factorization
of singular matrix (Geninv), the QR factorization and Ginv (QRGinv), the conjugate Gram-Schmidt
process (CGS), and the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) (Matlab pinv function).
In addition, the accuracy of the results is examined with the matrix 2-norm in error matrices corre-
sponding to the four properties characterizing the Moore-Penrose inverse. The accuracy of the results is
verified using the following four relations which characterize the Moore-Penrose inverse:
HH† H = H, H† HH† = H† , (HH† )T = HH† , (H† H)T = H† H
In Table 1, the accuracy of the six methods is tested based on the 2-norm errors. The worst error and
752 S. Lu et al. / Effective algorithms of the Moore-Penrose inverse matrices for ELM
Table 1
Error and computational time results: Matrices
Matrix Method Time HH† H−H2 H† HH† −H† 2 HH† − H† H−
(HH† )T 2 (H† H)T 2
Rand QRGeninv 0.65625 1.107e-013 1.4508e-016 7.6306e-015 2.9367e-015
(5000 × 200) TPM 0.26563 5.0208e-013 1.3353e-015 8.3997e-016 1.3234e-014
rank = 200 Geninv 0.29688 2.6039e-011 2.979e-015 3.7493e-014 1.1837e-012
cond = 30.60668 QRGinv 28.9844 2.4777e-011 2.7778e-015 4.5354e-014 1.2071e-012
CGS 1.5313 2.0464e-012 1.3386e-015 2.5514e-015 8.7002e-014
SVD 0.875 8.7312e-013 4.5767e-016 4.3165e-014 2.735e-014
Chow QRGeninv 0.0625 3.0915e-013 1.7863e-014 4.1056e-013 2.415e-014
(200 × 200) TPM 0.015625 0.01923 0.073958 2.8981e-015 4.9614e-012
rank = 199 Geninv 0.046875 1.0327e-009 3.4006e-012 4.7847e-012 3.8534e-010
cond QRGinv 0.0625 3.0915e-013 1.7863e-014 4.1056e-013 2.415e-014
= 3.7908e+017 CGS 1.1406 253.5073 3.5192 10.1016 10.1016
SVD 0.09375 5.7239e-013 6.5282e-014 1.712e-013 1.6634e-013
Gearmat QRGeninv 0.0625 3.1255e-015 1.5293e-013 8.3603e-014 1.7612e-014
(200 × 200) TPM 0.015625 0.049911 3.2298 2.4622e-016 1.87e-014
rank = 199 Geninv 0.046875 5.5754e-012 1.8232e-011 3.3859e-012 2.4882e-011
cond QRGinv 0.0625 3.1255e-015 1.5293e-013 8.3603e-014 1.7612e-014
= 5.3667e+016 CGS 1.125 9.2847e-014 4.2644e-013 2.0529e-016 7.4349e-013
SVD 0.10938 1.6939e-014 2.838e-013 6.6898e-014 6.4645e-014
Lotkin QRGeninv 0.015625 8.347e-006 3.5206e-009 0.04629 2.9699e-012
(200 × 200) TPM 0.015625 0.049781 2.7219 1.1881e-015 2.0678e-013
rank = 19 Geninv 0.015625 0.037166 7714.2718 0.00056153 1054.6227
cond QRGinv 0.015625 9.7623e-006 5472091.6085 0.095973 0.0001883
= 9.6941e+020 CGS No results No results No results No results No results
SVD 0.0625 3.0803e-005 119555442.363 0.00065397 0.00037043
Page QRGeninv-ELM 0.29688 7.0864e-010 2.8684e-007 6.9357e-010 1.2828e-010
N = 2736, L = 200 TPM-ELM 0.14063 0.15811 1.0266 8.6231e-015 4.1631e-011
H(2736 × 200) Geninv-ELM 0.21875 2.4706 24.095 0.000525 0.24911
rank(H) = 200 QRGinv-ELM 8.3281 1.2303e-009 5.3354e-007 8.6712e-009 9.9916e-011
cond(H) CGS-ELM 1.6875 0.022683 11.4082 7.1211e-005 0.01641
= 1.4788e+007 SVD-ELM 0.59375 1.7051e-009 3.0629e-007 2.4082e-009 1.2121e-010
Segment QRGeninv-ELM 0.10938 2.7835e-012 1.3133e-011 1.8313e-012 7.2352e-013
N = 1155, L = 200 TPM-ELM 0.0625 1.9471e-010 1.1222e-006 4.1617e-013 2.6133e-008
H(1155 × 200) Geninv-ELM 0.10938 8.1325e-006 5.2527e-007 4.0931e-009 6.1584e-007
rank(H) = 200 QRGinv-ELM 1.1875 2.8998e-007 5.1662e-007 1.1844e-009 1.771e-007
cond(H) CGS-ELM 1.8281 3.0501e-007 3.7765e-007 4.4997e-010 1.4709e-007
= 3.3722e+004 SVD-ELM 0.23438 4.5478e-012 1.0073e-011 6.8231e-012 5.7238e-013
the shortest time are given in boldface in Table 1. It is evident that the six methods are all accurate
on random matrices and Segment dataset, and the TPM method is the fastest algorithm. As observed
from the Table 1, the TPM, Geninv and CGS methods are less reliable than the QRGeninv method on
the random singular matrices and Page dataset. The QRGinv method is faster than the SVD method on
the random singular matrices (namely Chow, Gearmat and Lotkin). The QRGeninv method is fast and
accurate computation of Moore-Penrose inverse matrices on all kinds of matrices.
In this section, we conduct the performance comparison of the six methods for twelve real prob-
lems: Digit, DNA, Letter, Magic, Mushroom, Page, Sat, Segment, Shuttle, Spambase, Usps and Vehi-
cle. Most of the datasets are taken from the UCI machine learning repository [39]. Usps is taken from
S. Lu et al. / Effective algorithms of the Moore-Penrose inverse matrices for ELM 753
Table 2
Specification of the real-world problems
Datasets # Attributes # Classes # Training # Testing # Hidden nodes
Digit 64 10 2810 2810 400
DNA 180 3 3457 1729 400
Letter 16 26 10000 10000 400
Magic 10 16 9510 9510 400
Mushroom 22 2 3762 1882 400
Page 10 5 2736 2737 250
Sat 36 7 3217 3218 400
Segment 19 7 1155 1155 250
Shuttle 9 7 29000 29000 250
Spambase 57 2 2300 2301 400
Usps 256 10 6198 3100 400
Vehicle 18 4 423 423 150
Fig. 1. The testing accuracy of the six algorithms in Digit Fig. 2. The testing accuracy of the six algorithms in DNA
with different number of hidden nodes. with different number of hidden nodes.
database [40]. The numbers of attributes, classes, samples for training and testing, and hidden nodes are
shown in Table 2.
For the QRGeninv-ELM, TPM-ELM, Geninv-ELM, QRGinv-ELM, CGS-ELM, and SVD-ELM
methods, the number of hidden nodes L is searched by means of trial and error method with grid search
technique. L is set to be 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, and 400. The nearly optimal numbers of
hidden nodes for the six methods are then selected based on thirty trials. The testing accuracy of the six
algorithms in twelve datasets with different number of hidden nodes is reported in Figs 1–12. From the
fluctuating curves, we obtain values of L selected for each application. The value of L for Vehicle is 150.
The value of L for Segment is 250. The values of L for Shuttle and Page are 200. The values of L for
Digit, DNA, Letter, Magic, Mushroom, Sat, Spambase, and Usps are 400. The nearly optimal numbers
of hidden nodes for the six methods are shown in Table 3.
Take Shuttle (large number of training samples) and Usps (medium size of dataset with high input
dimensions) datasets as examples:
1) For Shuttle datasets, in Fig. 9, as the number of hidden nodes is gradually increased, the testing
accuracy of the QRGeninv-ELM, Geninv-ELM, QRGinv-ELM, and SVD-ELM methods increases.
However, the testing accuracy of the TPM-ELM and CGS-ELM increases at the beginning and then
starts to decrease. The deviating range is small and relatively stable, ranging from 0.975 to 0.995.
The value of L for Shuttle is 200.
754 S. Lu et al. / Effective algorithms of the Moore-Penrose inverse matrices for ELM
Table 3
Comparison of testing accuracy of the six methods in the real-world problems
Data sets # hidden nodes QRGeninv-ELM TPM-ELM Geninv-ELM QRGinv-ELM CGS-ELM SVD-ELM
Digit 400 0.97943 0.98032 0.98093 0.9822 0.9804 0.97993
DNA 400 0.93031 0.93493 0.93112 0.93245 0.93245 0.93169
Letter 400 0.87231 0.87247 0.87308 0.87151 0.87246 0.87248
Magic 400 0.86145 0.86239 0.8621 0.8639 0.86199 0.8623
Mushroom 400 0.99989 1 1 1 1 1
Sat 400 0.89018 0.88748 0.88943 0.8872 0.8900 0.89068
Spambase 400 0.89535 0.89431 0.8857 0.8905 0.8966 0.89444
Usps 400 0.95271 0.95142 0.95094 0.9552 0.9548 0.95203
Vehicle 150 0.81868 0.81939 0.81135 0.82128 0.81962 0.81915
Segment 250 0.93983 0.94156 0.94338 0.94459 0.94165 0.94277
Shuttle 200 0.99622 0.99588 0.99347 No results 0.99531 0.99628
Page 200 0.95086 0.95301 0.95342 0.95294 0.95411 0.95228
Fig. 3. The testing accuracy of the six algorithms in Letter Fig. 4. The testing accuracy of the five algorithms in Magic
with different number of hidden nodes. with different number of hidden nodes.
Fig. 5. The testing accuracy of the six algorithms in Mush- Fig. 6. The testing accuracy of the six algorithms in Page
room with different number of hidden nodes. with different number of hidden nodes.
2) For Usps datasets, in Fig. 11, as the number of hidden nodes is gradually increased, the testing
accuracy of the six methods increases. The value of L for Usps is 400.
As observed from Figs 1–12, the generalization performance of ELM is relatively stable on a wide
S. Lu et al. / Effective algorithms of the Moore-Penrose inverse matrices for ELM 755
Fig. 7. The testing accuracy of the six algorithms in Sat with Fig. 8. The testing accuracy of the six algorithms in Segment
different number of hidden nodes. with different number of hidden nodes.
Fig. 9. The testing accuracy of the five algorithms in Shuttle Fig. 10. The testing accuracy of the six algorithms in Spam-
with different number of hidden nodes. base with different number of hidden nodes.
Fig. 11. The testing accuracy of the six algorithms in Usps Fig. 12. The testing accuracy of the six algorithms in Vechi-
with different number of hidden nodes. cle with different number of hidden nodes.
756 S. Lu et al. / Effective algorithms of the Moore-Penrose inverse matrices for ELM
Table 4
Comparison of average training time of the six methods in the real-world problems
Data sets # hidden nodes QRGeninv-ELM TPM-ELM Geninv-ELM QRGinv-ELM CGS-ELM SVD-ELM
Digit 400 0.67812 0.21563 0.58281 6.7344 8.9219 1.4484
DNA 400 0.96562 0.34219 0.76406 10.3219 0.76719 1.7891
Letter 400 2.6367 0.68672 1.6195 92.007 10.4383 3.9148
Magic 400 2.7031 0.60781 1.5094 79.8281 10.4375 3.7625
Mushroom 400 0.95781 0.2625 0.70625 12.0625 9.2813 1.7047
Sat 400 0.78281 0.22969 0.63438 8.7813 8.9531 1.5063
Spambase 400 0.65938 0.175 0.50313 4.3750 8.8438 1.1234
Usps 400 1.7938 0.68594 1.3172 37.5156 9.8906 2.9328
Vehicle 150 0.01875 0.010937 0.025 0.046875 0.28594 0.045312
Segment 250 0.095312 0.042188 0.11563 0.71094 1.5922 0.24688
Shuttle 200 3.0438 0.6 1.2813 No results 2.4992 3.3484
Page 200 0.15313 0.059375 0.14531 3.8922 0.87344 0.29531
range of number of hidden nodes although the generalization performance tends to become worse when
too few or too many nodes are randomly generated.
We compare the performance of six methods (QRGeninv-ELM, TPM-ELM, Geninv-ELM, QRGinv-
ELM, CGS-ELM, and SVD-ELM) in the real-world problems. The sigmoid function is used as an activa-
tion function for all methods. For any weights and biases are randomly chosen from any intervals of Rn
and R, respectively, according to any continuous probability distribution in Matlab (using Matlab rand
function). The learning times of the six methods are mainly spent on calculating the Moore-Penrose in-
verse of the hidden layer output matrix. Thirty trials have been conducted for all the ELM algorithms and
the average results are shown in Tables 3 and 4. The best results are given in boldface in Tables. Table 3
shows the performance comparison of testing accuracy of the six methods in the real-world problems.
As observed from the Table 3, general speaking, all of methods obtain similar testing accuracy.
For Shuttle datasets, the QRGinv-ELM algorithm fails to produce a numerical result (Matlab produced
an “out of memory” message), but the other algorithms obtain similar testing accuracy. For Usps datasets,
all of methods obtain similar testing accuracy.
Whenever the activation function is taken as sigmoid, the deduced hidden layer output matrix is of full
column rank; therefore the generalized inverse technique can be efficiently applied to yield the solution
an ELM-like system.
Table 4 shows the performance comparison of average training time of the six methods in the real-
world problems. As observed from the Table 4, the learning speed is significantly different, both TPM-
ELM and Geninv-ELM obtain comparable performance to other methods with much faster learning
speed in all cases. TPM-ELM learns up to 5–7 times faster than SVD-ELM. Geninv-ELM learns up to
2–3 times faster than SVD-ELM. QRGeninv-ELM learns up to 1.5–2.6 times faster than SVD-ELM.
QRGinv-ELM is slower than SVD-ELM.
For Shuttle dataset, QRGinv-ELM algorithm fails to produce a numerical result (Matlab produced
an “out of memory” message). TPM-ELM and Geninv-ELM learn up to 2–5 times faster than the
other ELM methods. For Usps datasets, TPM-ELM learns up to 2 times faster than Geninv-ELM and
QRGeninv-ELM. Geninv-ELM and QRGeninv-ELM learn up to 2–18 times faster than SVD-ELM,
CGS-ELM, and QRGinv-ELM. CGS-ELM is slower than SVD-ELM on all the datasets except for DNA
(medium size of data set with high input dimensions) and Shuttle (large number of training samples)
QRGeninv-ELM, TPM-ELM and Geninv-ELM are fast and accuracy methods on the real word bench-
mark datasets (medium and large datasets).
S. Lu et al. / Effective algorithms of the Moore-Penrose inverse matrices for ELM 757
Table 5
h-value and p-value of the pairwise T -test comparisons between the algorithms on average training time
Datasets QRGeninv-ELM TPM-ELM Geninv-ELM QRGeninv-ELM TPM-ELM
h/p value h/p value h/p value h/p value h/p value
Digit 1/1.6112e-028 1/4.3901e-033 1/6.3310e-030 1/6.5212e-027 1/1.2450e-030
DNA 1/2.8931e-028 1/1.5877e-034 1/7.4455e-029 1/1.7292e-028 1/2.9452e-022
Letter 1/7.8508e-069 1/9.0341e-095 1/3.7301e-086 1/1.0336e-051 1/2.6144e-078
Magic 1/1.8193e-028 1/7.2457e-042 1/4.7787e-039 1/3.1332e-035 1/7.2342e-033
Mushroom 1/4.8115e-027 1/5.8550e-034 1/9.0921e-031 1/3.4780e-028 1/6.6760e-033
Sat 1/5.0753e-037 1/1.3289e-040 1/1.6942e-035 1/3.3145e-034 1/5.0098e-029
Spambase 1/3.0107e-008 1/1.9737e-036 1/9.6126e-033 1/3.5533e-024 1/2.7802e-030
Usps 1/6.0846e-030 1/2.0068e-038 1/1.1900e-037 1/3.7383e-031 1/1.0300e-028
Vehicle 1/4.0465e-010 1/2.9967e-008 1/6.1790e-005 0/0.1285 1/0.0147
Segment 1/1.5293e-020 1/1.3408e-020 1/1.1833e-019 1/3.4446e-009 1/1.8522e-012
Shuttle 1/0.0015 1/1.1383e-040 1/3.0105e-036 1/5.4694e-018 1/1.5850e-029
Page 1/1.4199e-021 1/6.0316e-026 1/3.9005e-020 1/1.5501e-015 1/2.8412e-016
Table 6
h-value and p-value of the pairwise T -test comparisons between the algorithms on testing accuracy
Datasets QRGeninv-ELM TPM-ELM Geninv-ELM QRGeninv-ELM TPM-ELM
h/p value h/p value h/p value h/p value h/p value
Digit 0/0.4449 0/0.5520 0/0.1364 0/0.3271 0/0.4222
DNA 0/0.5801 0/0.1440 0/0.8032 0/0.5802 0/0.0840
Letter 0/0.8064 0/0.9830 0/0.4901 0/0.9830 0/0.4901
Magic 0/0.0190 0/0.8744 0/0.6868 0/0.8637 0/0.6281
Mushroom 0/0.2805 0/0.3293 0/0.3293 0/0.3293 0/0.3293
Sat 0/0.6513 1/0.0029 0/0.2742 0/0.2004 0/0.0566
Spambase 0/0.5522 0/0.9322 1/0.0089 0/0.8657 1/0.0089
Usps 0/0.5537 0/0.6448 0/0.3598 0/0.3810 0/0.7034
Vehicle 0/0.9398 0/0.9686 0/0.1314 0/0.8140 0/0.2323
Segment 0/0.0836 0/0.3764 0/0.6848 0/0.0740 0/0.2034
Shuttle 0/0.6087 1/0.0213 1/2.1572e-010 0/0.2377 1/8.9866e-009
Page 0/0.1046 0/0.4006 0/0.0955 0/0.4320 0/0.6248
To verify whether the improvements are statistically significant, we perform the pairwise T -test (Mat-
lab ttest2 function) [41]. The null hypothesis of the pairwise T -test is that the average training times of
the algorithms come from distributions with equal means, the testing accuracies of the algorithms come
from distributions with equal means. The h-value and p-value of the pairwise T -test are reported as mea-
sures of statistical significance. h = 1 indicates that the null hypothesis can be rejected at the 0.05 or 0.01
significance level (one algorithm is significantly different from the other). A small p-value implies that
one algorithm is significantly different from the other. The pairwise T -test is used as shown in Tables 5
and 6. The bad results are given in Tables 5 and 6. Table 5 shows h-value and p-value of the pairwise
T -test comparisons between the QRGeninv-ELM, TPM-ELM, Geninv-ELM and SVD-ELM algorithms
on average training time. Therefore, it is obvious that the performance of QRGeninv-ELM, TPM-ELM
and Geninv-ELM algorithms on average training time is significantly different from that of the SVD-
ELM. The performance of TPM-ELM algorithms on average training time is significantly different from
that of the Geninv-ELM. Table 6 shows h-value and p-value of the pairwise T -test comparisons be-
tween the QRGeninv-ELM, TPM-ELM, Geninv-ELM and SVD-ELM algorithms on testing accuracy.
758 S. Lu et al. / Effective algorithms of the Moore-Penrose inverse matrices for ELM
6. Conclusions
This paper focuses on effective computation of the Moore-Penrose inverse matrices for ELM, several
methods are proposed. They are QRGeninv-ELM and TPM-ELM. The QRGeninv-ELM is based on
the reduced QR factorization with column Pivoting and Geninv method. The TPM-ELM is the revised
method for computing the Moore-Penrose inverse of rank deficient matrix. And we compare QRGeninv-
ELM, TPM-ELM with the relational algorithm, the relational algorithms are: Geninv-ELM, QRGinv-
ELM, CGS-ELM. The experimental results and the statistical analysis of the experimental results both
demonstrate that QRGeninv-ELM, TPM-ELM and Geninv-ELM are faster than other kinds of ELM and
can reach comparable generalization performance, which could greatly speed up the application running
time in many problem domains, so these three methods will be extensively used for ELM training.
However, QRGeninv-ELM is more robust than TPM-ELM and Geninv-ELM.
This research is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (61170040 and
71371063), by the Natural Science Foundation of Hebei Province (F2015201185, F2013201110,
F2013201220), and by the Key Scientific Research Foundation of Education Department of Hebei
Province (ZD20131028).
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function Y = qrgeninv(H)
[m,n] = size(H); [Q,R,P] = qr(H,0);
r = sum(any(abs(R) >1e-5,2));
if r == n;
Y(P,:)=R(1:n,:)\ Q’;
else % When H is rank deficient.
Y(P,:)=R2* Q(:,1:r)’;