Anchoring To Concrete PDF
Anchoring To Concrete PDF
Anchoring To Concrete PDF
ACI 318-02 Appendix D introduced a new design allowable load information based on mean values
method into the world of anchoring to structural concrete. divided by a global safety factor. Both the older ACI
Commonly known as the concrete capacity design (CCD) load factors and the factored load combinations found in
method, it is actually much more; the concrete capacity Chapter 16 of the IBC® 2003 and Chapter 35 of the
being just one aspect of this method. We shall take a brief NFPA 5000TM are accommodated with two sets of
look into the overall concept including some important strength reduction factors corresponding to a variety of
details, and the data that is to be used with this new failure modes (steel failure, concrete cone failure, etc.).
method. Both the IBC® 2003 and the NFPA 5000™ codes Design strengths predicted by the method are generally
reference ACI 318-02, so whichever code is adopted, the based on the 5 percent fractiles of test results. (I’ll revisit
same anchor design method applies. this subject later.) The design strength of anchors must
equal or exceed the largest required strength calculated
WHAT ANCHORS ARE COVERED? from the given load combinations, including seismic
ACI 318-02 Appendix D contains provisions for loads for cast-in-place anchors and post-installed
cast-in-place headed bolts, L-bolts, and J-bolts, as well as anchors that have been qualified for seismic resistance.
the common “welded-stud” anchors. But new in the 2002 The resistance provided by the anchors is determined
version are provisions for post-installed (drilled-in) from the lowest of the calculated resistances in tension
mechanical anchors, specifically undercut anchors (like and shear (determined separately) for performance in
the Hilti HDA), torque-controlled expansion anchors cracked concrete, which include:
(including the Hilti HSL-3 and Kwik Bolt II and Kwik For tension;
Bolt 3 anchor systems), and displacement-controlled the steel strength of the anchor in tension,
expansion anchors (drop-in anchors such as the Hilti HDI concrete breakout strength in tension,
anchor system). The design method does not apply to pullout strength of the anchor in tension,
adhesive anchors, nor does it cover screw anchors at this concrete side-face blow-out in tension (only for
time. cast-in-place anchors).
ACI Committees 318 and 355 will be addressing both For shear;
adhesive anchors (and grouted anchors) and some of the steel strength in shear,
newer post-installed anchor systems not yet addressed by concrete breakout strength in shear (near an
Appendix D. However, it could take as long as two years edge),
(or longer) to develop design provisions and anchor concrete pryout strength in shear.
prequalification criteria for these other systems. These resistances are further reduced for other
influences, including proximity to an edge, eccentric
loading, and spacing for groups of anchors (2 or more).
The resistance can be increased by use of a Ψ3-factor if
The new anchor strength design provisions are found
the anchor is to be placed in a location that is not
in Appendix D of ACI 318-02. In that most recent edition
expected to crack under service loading. Strength
of that excellent companion document prepared by the
reduction factors (φ) are given to account for seismic
Portland Cement Association Notes on ACI 318-02
Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete, loading (φ = 0.75), whether the anchor is governed by a
eighty-one pages are devoted to Appendix D, including ductile (higher φ) or brittle (lower φ) failure, or whether
reference materials and eight detailed design examples. I there is additional reinforcement present that will tie the
highly recommend it (even though it won’t make the N.Y. concrete failure prism back into the concrete (Condition
Times best seller list). A, higher φ), or not (Condition B, lower φ).
There are several important changes in the approach Second, as introduced in the preceding paragraphs,
to anchor design as reflected in Appendix D. the anchors are designed for locations 1) where cracking
First, the ACI approach is based on strength design may be expected to occur (tension zones as well as
(LRFD) as opposed to the current practice of providing places that will experience reverse loading in
earthquakes), or 2) that are not expected to crack hef = effective embedment depth of the anchor
(compression zones) during the expected life of the The calculation for both single anchors and multiple
anchor. The basic underlying assumption of Appendix D anchors (for concrete breakout strength) with
is that the anchors will be located in a tension zone consideration for influencing factors is given by Eq. 3.
(cracked concrete). If the concrete will not crack under AN
service loading, then anchors that are prequalified for non- N cb = Ψ1Ψ 2Ψ 3 N b Eq. 3
cracked concrete can be used and a higher capacity is ANo
allowed. The design method allows designs for single as where:
well as multiple anchors, and combined tension and shear Ψ1 = modification for eccentric loading
loading. Ψ2 = modification for edge effects
A third important point is that the calculated or Ψ3 = modification for non-tension zones
reported capacities according to the methods of ACI 318 and AN/ANo is a relationship that takes into consideration
Appendix D are not mean ultimate capacities, but are effects from the reduced breakout cone resulting from
characteristic capacities (called 5% fractiles) that have a nearby anchors and/or edges. See Figures 1 and 2.
90% probability of being exceeded by 95% of the
population. (Simply stated, if 100 anchors are tested, there
is a 90 percent confidence that 95 of the results will
exceed the 5 percent confidence value.) For systems 1.5 h ef 1.5 h ef
1.5 h ef
exhibiting normal scatter, the characteristic capacity is
approximately 75% of the mean anchor capacity. If the 1.5 h ef
test results are tightly grouped, yielding a low coefficient ≈ 35° h
of variation, the characteristic capacity is close to the
calculated mean capacity. Conversely, if the test results 1.5 h ef 1.5 h ef
indicate a wider scatter in the data, then the characteristic
capacity is further from the calculated mean capacity.
A = 2(1.5 h ef) × 2(1.5 h ef )
Thus, an anchor system which is consistent in its No
design method of ACI 318 Appendix D. The following
A N= (c1+ 1.5hef ) (2 x 1.5hef )
gives the minimum basics. The reader is referred to ACI
318-02 Appendix D for details and the corresponding if c1 < 1.5hef
Commentary, which gives expanded explanations.
For steel failure in tension, the capacity can be
calculated for cast-in-place and post-installed anchors.
Alternatively it may be determined by testing for post-
c1 s1 1.5 hef
installed anchors. The steel capacity is given by Eq. 1.
N s = nAse f ut Eq. 1
1.5 h ef 1.5 h ef
the capacity to embedment depth, concrete strength and a AN if c1 and c2 < 1.5h ef
k-factor determined from prequalification testing. and
N b = k f c′ hef Eq. 2 s1 and s2 < 3hef
k = concrete breakout factor from testing
f’c = specified concrete strength Figure 2—Determination of AN for groups of anchors
Another type of failure mode that occurs with many
post-installed expansion anchors is pullout or pull- 1.5c1
through, where the anchor is pulled out of the hole with or
without the expansion sleeves, respectively. While the Vn
pullout capacity for cast-in-place anchors can be 1.5c1
calculated, this capacity for post-installed anchors cannot
be calculated because of the many differences among
post-installed anchors. This capacity must be determined 1.5c1 1.5c1 Edge of concrete
by testing. In some cases, this failure mode may have Plan view
some relationship to concrete strength; possibly linear, as
a function of the square root of the concrete compressive hef
strength, or somewhere between. 1.5c1
If the anchor is near an edge, a reduced capacity will
generally result. This is taken into consideration by the Ψ2 Side view
A Vo = 2(1.5c 1 ) × (1.5c 1 )
factor and the area ratio term in Eq. 3. For two or more
influencing edges, Appendix D gives further guidance. = 4.5c 12
Front view
AVo h
1.5c1 1.5c1
For a group of anchors, Eq. 5. c2 1.5c1
Vcbg = Ψ 5Ψ 6Ψ 7Vb Eq. 5
AVo Av c1 AV = (2 x 1.5c1 + s1) x h
if h < 1.5c1 and s1 < 3c1
And the basic concrete breakout strength, Eq. 6
0. 2 1.5c1 s1 1.5c1
⎛ l ⎞
Vb = 7⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ do f c′ (c1 )
1. 5
Eq.6 Figure 4—Determination of AV for single and groups of
⎝ do ⎠ anchors
Ψ5 = modification factor for eccentric loading Special cases are presented in Appendix D for two
and three edges that influence the anchor capacity.
Ψ6 = modification factor for edge effects
Ψ7 = modification factor for non-tension zones Pryout is another failure mode that can occur with
Vb = basic concrete breakout strength
shallow single anchors or groups of anchors loaded in
do = anchor diameter
shear away from proximate edges. It is characterized by
c1 = edge distance
rotation of the anchors resulting in the formation of a
and AV/AVo is a relationship that takes into consideration
concrete spall behind the anchors in the direction
effects from the reduced breakout cone resulting from
opposite to the direction of loading. It is checked using
nearby anchors and/or edges. See Figures 3 and 4.
Eq. 7 as an approximation for single anchors.
implementation and interpretation of the test procedures.
Vcp = k cp N cb Eq. 7
One such glitch concerning the provisions for
establishing the critical edge distance for use with
where: Appendix D was identified and has been addressed
kcp = 1.0 for hef < 2.5 in. through the addition of a simple modification term in the
= 2.0 for hef ≥ 2.5 in. calculation of Ncbg. This and other modifications
and Ncb is the tension capacity as determined above. required to make Appendix D and ACI 355.2 fully
ACI 318 is adding a pryout equation for groups of compatible are now working their way through ACI
anchors (Eq. 8). Committees 318 and 355, and the resulting amendments
Vcpg = k cp N cbg Eq. 8 should appear in ACI 318-05 and ACI 355.2-04.
Because of these pending changes, manufacturers have
been reticent to embark on full-scale test programs, and
TENSION AND SHEAR INTERACTION to date no anchor systems have been qualified for use
The interaction of tension and shear loading can be with Appendix D. As the processing of these
determined by a tri-linear straight line approximation to modifications in ACI nears completion, however, the
the elliptical curve that has been used in the past. See ACI ICC Evaluation Service (ICC ES) has implemented
318 Appendix D for details and Figure 5 below. parallel modifications in their acceptance criteria
(AC193) that references the ACI testing and design
Nu procedures. This has enabled testing of post-installed
5 5 anchors to meet the requirements of Appendix D to
φ Nn ⎛ Nu ⎞ 3
⎛ V ⎞ 3
proceed. But that is the focus of our next article.
⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ + ⎜⎜ u ⎟⎟ =1
⎝ φ Nn ⎠ ⎝ φ Vn ⎠ Hilti expects to be able to offer anchor systems
qualified for use in both cracked and uncracked concrete
under the provisions of Appendix D in the September
time period.
interaction Richard Wollmershauser is Director Technical Services
for Hilti, Inc. of Tulsa, Oklahoma. He has been active in
the concrete anchor industry for the past 23 years. He is
0.2 φ Nn a registered PE in Ohio and Oklahoma and a Fellow of
the American Concrete Institute. He currently serves as
Vu Chairman of ASTM Subcommittee E06.13, Performance
0.2 φ Vn φ Vn of Connections in Building Construction, and completed
Figure 5—Tri-linear and power methods 7 years as Chairman of the American Concrete Institute
Committee 355, Anchorage to Concrete, currently
serving as its Secretary. He was editor of the ACI State-
For small values of Vu (≤ 0.2φVn), φNn ≥ Nu. Eq. 9
of-the-Art-Report on Anchorage to Concrete (ACI
355.1R-93). He also serves on the Federation
For small values of Nu (≤ 0.2φNn), φVn ≥ Vu. Eq. 10
International du Beton Special Activities Group 3 on
Fastening to Concrete and Masonry.
For larger values of both Vu and Nu,
Nu V
+ u ≤ 1 .2 Eq. 11
φN n φVn