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CHE213: Engineering Mechanics

Lesson I: Introduction to Engineering


Module I: Learning Outcomes

 Describe what makes engineering

different from science.
 List the major topics in the course.
 Identify the systems of units used in the
 Express the typical units of
measurement for the quantities of
distance, force, and mass. SEQUENCE OF TOPIC
Difference between engineers and scientists:
“The scientist describes what is. The engineer
creates what never was.” – Theodore van Karman DYNAMICS:
(Hungarian-American physicist and aeronautical
engineer).  Kinematics
o Velocity, acceleration, time, and
displacement (x,y,or z)
o “How an object moves?”
 Kinetics
o Mass and force
o “Why an object moves?”


PHYSICS: The science that relates the properties  Forces

of matter and energy; and study of mechanics, o Components of a vector (2D and
thermodynamics, electricity and magnetism, and 3D Forces)
nuclear physics.  Particle Equilibrium
o Balance of forces on a particle
 Mechanics: Force  Moments
 Thermodynamics: Movement of Fluid o Moments of force about a point
 Electromagnetism: Electricity and o Moments of force about a line or
Magnetism axis
 Nuclear Physics: Involvement of o Couples
nucleus which contributes to large  Equilibrium equations and equivalent
energy systems
 Astro Physics: Movement at the o Resultants
atmosphere o Disturbed Forces
o Centroids
ENGINEERING: The application of the o Method of Composite Parts
mathematical and physical sciences (physics,  Equilibrium of Rigid Bodies
chemistry and biology) to the design and o Free-Body Diagram
manufacture of items which will benefit o Equilibrium in 2D and 3D
 DESIGN: The key concept that
distinguishes engineers from scientists.  Also called classical method
 ENGINEERING DESIGN: The process of  Based on Principia by Sir Isaac Newton
devising a system, component, or where he published his laws of motion
process to meet desired needs.  Limited to particle motion
MECHANICS: The branch of physics that LAWS OF MOTION
considers the action of force on bodies or fluids
at rest (statics) or in motion (dynamics).  1st Law: Law of Inertia: If a particle is
at rest (or moving with constant velocity
ENGINEERING MECHANICS: The branch of in a straight line), it will remain at rest
engineering that applies the principles of (or continue to move with constant
mechanics to mechanical design (i.e. any design velocity in a straight line) unless acted
which takes into account the effects of forces).
upon a force.
 2nd Law: Law of Acceleration: A VECTOR: Vector quantity contains both
particle acted upon by a force will magnitude and direction.
accelerate in the direction of the force.
The magnitude of the acceleration is Practice: Identify if scalar or vector
proportional to the magnitude of the
force and inversely proportional to the 1. Time
mass of the particle. 2. Volume
3. Displacement
4. Mass
Where: 5. Acceleration
F – Force acting on a particle; m – mass of 6. Velocity
a particle; a – acceleration vector of a 7. Density
particle 8. Force
9. Moment
Derived Unit of Force: SI system 10. Speed
(Newton, N)

 Weight: always present (W, )

 3rd Law: Law of Interaction: For every  Normal Force: always away the surface
action, there is an equal and opposite ( )
reaction; that is, the forces of interaction
between two particles are equal in
magnitude and oppositely directed along
the same line of action.

WEIGHT (W): Force of gravitation acting on a  Tension: rope (T)

body; variable depending on the local value of  Friction: rough surface ( ; where
gravity, g. u, coefficient of friction)
o Significance: “How rough or
MASS: Mass of a body; constant property of a smooth the surface is?”
body. o Large value: Rough Surface
o opposite in direction and
GRAVITY: Gravitational acceleration (free-fall opposite in motion (impending
acceleration of a body). motion)
 Applied Force: given force (F)

PROLEM: A person weighs 150N on the moon,

where g = 1.64 m/s2. Determine:

a. The mass of the person; and

 Spring Force: spring ( ; where (-)
is a correction factor to correct the
design, (k) is the spring constant)
o Significance: Resistance of a
body, power to resist)
b. The weight of the person on earth. o Large value: Thick Spring

ADDITION OF FORCES: The sum is the

resultant. The negative of resultant is called the

 Graphical
o Triangle Law

o Parallelogram Law

Lesson II: Definition of Force

SCALAR: Scalar quantity contains magnitude

o Polygon Law PROBLEM SET NO.1

1. What are the x-component and y-

component of the resultant force acting
on point A?

 Analytical
o Component Method: X,Y, and Z
Components ( )
 Angles


 Ratio of Sides

2. If tension BC=725 N, what is the

Example: resultant force acting on point B?

 Coordinates


o Sine Law

3. A vector B, when added to vector

o Cosine Law
, yields a resultant vector
that is in the positive direction and has a
magnitude equal to that of C. What is
the magnitude of B?
4. If a vector and vector 8. Find the equilibrant force for the system
b , what are the magnitude of forces: Force A is 20 N at 20° and
and direction of a + b? Force B is 40 N at 230°.

5. In the sum A+B=C, vector A has a 9. Find AC.

magnitude of 12.0 m, 40.0° A
counterclockwise from the +x direction,
and vector C has magnitude of 15.0 m,
20.0° counterclockwise from the –x 28°
direction. What are (a) the magnitude C B
15 yd.
and (b) the angle (relative to –x) of B?
10. Find BC.
10 yd.

11. Find AC. A


25 m.
6. Three vectors are oriented as shown in
Fig 1.10, where |A|= 20.0 units, |B|= 12. Find angle A.
40.0 units, and |C|= 30.0 units. Find C
the magnitude and direction of the 7 yd. 28 yd.
resultant vector. 75°

13. Find angle B. C

28° 21 mi.

32 mi.

14. Find angle C.

11 ft.

7. A car moves 150.0 m at 63° N of E. It 19 ft.
stays at rest for a while then moves 300
m at 34° S of W. Find the total
15. Find AB.
displacement of the car. A

27 m.

19 m.
16. Find AB.
REVIEW: A surveyor sights a target at C from
13 in points A and B. Determine the magnitudes of the
93° position vectors A and B.
20 in

17. Find AC.

14 in 117°
8 in

18. Find angle C.

C 14.5 in B
13.7 in

19. Find angle C. A

14 in 6 in

9 in

20. Find angle A.


16 mi

28 mi

Lesson III: Continuation of Forces

REVIEW: The resultant of two forces has a

magnitude of 650N. Determine the direction of
the resultant and the magnitude of P.
PROBLEMS:  Cross Product:

1. Determine the rectangular components of F.

a. Determine the
position vector AB.

o TAKIP METHOD: Color 1 and 2

b. Determine the unit vector of F.

same point of application

Vector Product:
2. The tension in the wire is 2500 N. Determine:
1. Calculate the when
a. The components and
acting on bolt A.

2. Calculate the when


3. Calculate the when and

and the angle between a and b is
b. The angles the direction of force.

4. Calculate the when and

and the angle between a and b is


 Dot Product:
5. Show that a is perpendicular to be when
o To determine the angle between
two vectors
o To determine the projection of a 6. Show that a is perpendicular to be when
vector in a specified direction and

7. Calculate the when and

and the angle between a and b is
8. Calculate the when and Rectangular Components:
and the angle between a and b is
17. The screw eye is subjected to two forces.
Find the resultant force.

9. Calculate the work done given ,

and (the angle between the force
and displacement) when ,

10. Calculate the work done given ,

and (the angle between the force
and displacement) when ,

11. Calculate the when


18. Find the angle between the force and

pole, and the magnitude of the
projection of the force along the pole OA.
12. Calculate the when

13. Calculate the angle between vectors a

and b when ,

14. Calculate the angle between vectors a

and b when ,

Additional Practice on Rectangular


15. Calculate the when


16. Calculate the when

QUIZ No. 1: Bonus Lesson IV: Moment of a Force
Problem No.1: 10 pts. MOMENT: The magnitude
of measures tendency of
to cause a rotation of the
body about an axis along

a. If vector 2 is in quadrant 3, complete the Perpendicular:

table (6 pts.)
If not:

b. What is vector 1 + vector 2? (2 pts.)

Slide the F
c. What is vector 2 – vector 3? (2 pts.) along the
same line of
action to
Problem No. 2:
A 15-ft bar AB has a
 Principle of Transmissibility:
fixed end at A. Steel
cable is stretched from B
to C. If the tension is 570
Any force that
a. What is the unit vector has the same
BC? (3 pts) magnitude and
direction as F is
equivalent if it
also has the
b. What are the rectangular components of same line of
tension BC in vector form? (6 pts) action and
produces the
same moment.

 Varignon’s Theorem (Principle of

c. What is the position vector BA? (1 pt) Moments):

Problem No. 3: Moment of a force

about a point is
If the tension in the equal to the sum
wire is 1500 N, of moments of the
a. What are the components
rectangular about the point.
components of F acting
on point B? (6 pts)

1. Determine: a. the moment about point


b. What are the magnitude and the direction of F

acting on point B? (4 pts)
b. Determine the horizontal force at A 4. If Q and B = 500 N, calculate the moment
which creates the same moment. about point C.

c. Determine the smallest force at A which

produces the same moment.

Lesson V: Moments in 3D

Recall for 2D:

d. Determine the point of ; If

application of 240 lb perpendicular
downward force that
; If line of
produces the same moment.
action passes
through the point

point to line of action

+ For CCW rotation


; If

; If line of
action passes the

AXIS to line of

+ For CCW rotation

1. Determine the resultant moment about

point O:

2. Determine the resultant moment about

3. Determine the resultant moment of the four point O:
forces acting on the rod about point O.
3. If , determine the magnitude of
moment about point C.

4. Determine the moment about point O:

5. Determine the moment about point B:

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