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Genius Land College Department of Information Technology Support Service

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Genius Land college Department of

Level II

Unit of Competence :- Update and Document

Operational Procedures
LO2: Update procedures

Instruction LO2- Update procedures

This learning guide is developed to provide you the necessary information regarding the
Following content coverage and topics –
 Determining operational procedure
 Developing / updating operational procedures
 Submitting proposed operating procedures to appropriate person.
This guide will also assist you to attain the learning outcome stated in the cover page.
Specifically, upon completion of this Learning Guide, you will be able to –
 Operational procedure requirements are determined using review outcomes.

 Operating procedures are developed / updated for the system.

 Proposed operating procedures are submitted to appropriate person.

1.1. Operating Procedure (OP)

An Operating Procedure (OP) is a set of written instructions that document a routine on
repetitive activity followed by an organization. The development and use of Ops are an
integral part of a successful quality system as it provides individuals with the information to
perform a job properly, and facilitates consistency in the quality and integrity of a product or
1.1.1. Operational Procedure: Creating, updating and reviewing policies and procedures
This Operational Procedure is issued under the authority of the Assistant Commissioner
(General Counsel) and should be read together with the ACNC Policy Framework, which sets
out the scope, context and definitions common to our procedures.
 This Operational Procedure sets out the procedures for developing, updating and
reviewing policies and procedures used at the ACNC. In this procedure, the term ‘policy or
procedure’ includes Commissioner’s Policy Statements, Commissioner’s Interpretation
Statements, Corporate Policies, Operational Procedures and Work Instructions.

 Each Directorate is responsible for updating and reviewing the policies and procedures
relevant to their business (see list in Policy & Forms database of policies, procedures and
their responsible directorates). Development of new policies and procedures can be
undertaken by any Directorate, as needs arise.

Identifying the need
 You may need a new policy for several reasons, including:
• there is a decision or discretion that the ACNC needs to exercise under ACNC legislation
• there is a need to develop a policy for some aspect of the ACNC’s business, or
• there is an emerging or significant risk.
 You may need a new procedure for several reasons, including:
• to assist staff with implementing a new policy
• to clarify roles and responsibilities, or
• to ensure consistency in administering our legislation.
.You may need a new work instruction for several reasons, including:
• to assist staff with implementing a work process
• to clarify particular roles and responsibilities, or
• to ensure consistency in our work processes.
 You may need to revise a policy or procedure if there is a change to our legislation, policy or work

2.1. Updating Software

Software programmers gradually develop updates for their software packages as they discover
problems with the software and design tools to address or fix these problems. This can be true
for any of the types of software described in section 2.3, but is typically most common and
important for operating systems. It is important for a computer user to find and install software
updates in order to have well performing computers. Updating software can be done in a variety
of ways, described below.

2.1.1. Automatic Updates.

If a computer is on a reasonably fast Internet connection, the easiest way to keep it up to date
is to allow the programs to automatically check for updates and download and install them as
needed. When setting up a new computer with Microsoft Windows, this is the choice that the
software recommends. It does not require any action on the part of the user, and results in a
computer system that is current. To turn on automatic updates for a Windows operating
system, find the Systems and Maintenance options in the Control Panel.

2.1.2. Automatic Alerts for Updates.

If a computer is connected to the Internet, but the connection is slow at some times of the
day, another option is to have the computer automatically check for updates but not download

or install them until the user elects to do so. For Microsoft Windows computers, if this option
is selected, an alert appears in the computer’s system tray stating that there are updates
waiting, and then the user can wait until the Internet is faster to install these updates.

2.1.3. Manual Updating.

A computer user can also turn off all automatic update checking and choose to manually
check for updates. For a computer that is rarely connected to the Internet, this would be a
good option as long as the user remembered to check when connecting to the Internet. Also
some programs do not have automatic update options, and can only be updated in this
manner. A program usually has a menu item titled “check for updates” that a user can click
on when connected to the Internet.

2.1.4. Offline Updating.

If a computer is in a location that never has access to the Internet, a computer lab manager
will need to download updates from a computer that is connected to the Internet and then
transfer them (via a disk or flash drive) to the computer in question to be installed. This option
is also useful if a computer lab has several computers that all need the same update. Instead
of having each computer download the update separately, one computer could download the
update and then it could be shared amongst all of the computers. Offline updates for
operating systems can easily be found through Internet searches. Updates to download for
Windows computers can also be found through www.microsoft.com/downloads.

Method of operational procedures

Automatic Updates software
Step 1- connect to internet the device
Step 2- Allow the program automatically check for update
Step 3- download
Steep4. Install
1.1. Types and purpose of user documentation
Types of user documentation
Users might need to consult a range of documentation in order to install, configure and/or use the
functions of a system or application. There are many different types of user documentation
depending on what users require. For example, a new staff member using a particular IT system for
the first time needs to refer to a user guide and tutorials and online help. In other words, they firstly
need documentation that helps them learn to use the software. As they become more familiar with

the system, they will need access to other types of documentation such as FAQs (Frequently Asked
Think of the types of user documentation you have seen at a workplace. Do some of your examples
include the following?

Documentation type Description

Project specifications specifies the detailed business requirements
of the project including how the system will
work and the underlying functionality
Reports produced by the system, program, network
or application
Help resources provides online Help, quick reference cards,
scenarios, FAQs (Frequently Asked
Questions). Users can search for help on
using of a specific system, program, network
or application
User manual/guide describes how the user will use a system,
program, network or application to do their
Training materials train staff in how to use a system, program,
network or application to do their job
Self-paced tutorials teach staff how to use a system, program,
network or application to do their job. These
may be online or paper-based tutorials.
Brochures outline what a computer application does
The purpose of user documentation
What is the documentation going to be used for? This is the first question to ask before starting to
create any user documentation. When you are satisfied that you have an answer, you can then
decide what type of documentation you are going to produce.

Think about documentation you have used and recall why you needed to refer to it. What was the
main purpose of the documentation? What did it enable you to do? These are some examples of
user documentation and their purpose.

Examples Purpose
A project specification, training manual, user to learn how to use a
guide, tutorials or help that provides step by piece of software
step guidance in how to use the software.
A training manual, quick reference guide or to refer to a specific
user guide that provides detailed commands feature of a piece of
and specifications of a software package to software
assist with troubleshooting problems.
Once you have decided what the purpose of your documentation is and what type of documentation
you are going to produce, you can look at the needs of the potential users of the documentation.

Users’ needs

A needs analysis is a process where the needs of the target groups for the documentation are
identified and analysed. This analysis helps to make decisions on what the documentation should
contain and what format is most suitable. For example, Data Entry staff in a call centre need to know
how to correctly enter data in a database so that orders can be generated correctly from a database.

For training materials and online help a needs analysis should be conducted in person with the staff
who will need the documentation. For other documentation a look at the needs of the users without
speaking directly to staff is sufficient.

After considering user characteristics and needs, possible solutions can be found, for example:

User User need Possible solutions

level of computing beginner to expert create different
experience sections for different
levels of experience
experience with the beginner to expert create different
particular system or sections for different
application levels of experience
frequency of use constant, frequent to there must be initial
with a particular weekly, monthly, training with some
system or annually sort of follow-up
application support
workplace tasks simple, repetitive tasks documentation must
User User need Possible solutions
to complex tasks clearly relate to the
tasks at hand
work practices and eg part-time, shift occupational health
environment work, office, and safety
warehouse documentation is
language skills difficulty reading and  keep language
understanding written simple, use plain
language to very English
competent readers  explain technical
terms and jargon if
they must be used

 avoid long
uncommon words if
simple words will
cultural background language appropriate  use language
to some users may not appropriate for all
be appropriate for users
others  American spelling
often appears in
since it is often
where the software
personal users will learn at make sure individual
characteristics such varying pace needs are catered for
as aptitude, to organisational
educational policies
background, age,

User User need Possible solutions
level of confidence users might be fearful  be positive and
and not confident with encouraging in
computers your approach

 avoid reinforcing
negative attitudes
It’s almost impossible to cater for all these variations. However in preparing documentation for a new
user, you would obviously not confuse them with technical jargon on the first page! You need to find
a balance and remember that any documentation must be consistent with the organisation’s policy,
conventions and standards.

For any form of documentation to be useful it must be designed with the needs of its potential users
in mind. An analysis of the requirements of the users, and the way their needs can be effectively
addressed, is a critical step in the process of determining documentation requirements.

What to include in user documentation

It’s a good idea at this stage to think about the content that you will include in the user
documentation. This is so you can estimate the number of pages, the complexity of the content and
what the graphic and text components will be.

The content will have some influence on:

 design of the documentation, including layout, use of text and graphics

 medium, eg paper-based or online

 the time and resources needed to develop the documentation.

Media for user documentation

You can consider paper-based documentation, online documentation or a combination of both. The
media type you choose will be influenced by the:

1 purpose of the documentation

2 user needs and characteristics

3 content (subject matter).

Always keep in mind that you need to include a range of items that allow users to access the
required information quickly and easily. There are advantages and disadvantages to online and
paper media.

Media Advantages Disadvantages

Paper  conventional, most  hard to maintain
people are used to control of
paper products different versions

 easy and fast to  costly to update


 inexpensive to produce

 requires readily
available software
Online  convenient  can be

 easy to reach many expensive

people geographically  requires

dispersed specialised

 can be colourful and software


 can link to other related


 easy to maintain
version control

 not costly to update


Think about when you would be most likely to use paper and when you would use online.

Paper is appropriate in most circumstances. It is the most commonly used method of delivering
documentation, so most people are used to it and like it. However, when staff are dispersed across a
country or around the world, online delivery is best. Everyone can access the same documentation
and only one version is available. Where user documentation is going to be used primarily as a help
tool, then online help is most appropriate. It allows for easy searching across the documentation.

Designing templates

Once you have determined the documentation requirements, you can develop a template that meets
those requirements and makes the job easier. A template is a file that contains a standard layout,
styles and fonts that are used in the production of the documentation.

When you want to create a file for user documentation, you open the standard template, usually in
Word, and the layout, fonts and styles are already set up in the document. All you need to do is start
writing. Everyone uses the same template, so there is a consistent look and feel to all of the user

The template may be:

 a Word template

 an HTML template

 an online help template.

The medium will determine what kind of template you use.

Features of templates

Paper-based documentation

Features that may be included in paper-based documentation are:

 table of contents

 columns and tables

 page and section numbering

 headers and footers

 graphics and text surrounds

 substantially chunked information.

Online documentation

Features that may be included in online documentation are:

 table of contents hyperlinks

 tables

 links to other pages/sites

 navigation icons

 usability/functionality

 heavy use of graphics.

Obtaining sign-off on templates

Like all documentation, templates also need to be signed-off by the relevant people. The sign off
process will be outlined in the organisational documentation policy.

The content of the template will depend on the purpose of the documentation. A template for training
materials will look quite different to a template for a procedural manual.

The template should be designed in consultation with users or a subject expert. Once the template
has been designed, it should be distributed according to the user documentation policy, or, the
agreed review process if you are working towards final sign-off.

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