Demand Forecasting
Demand Forecasting
Demand Forecasting
Demand Forecasting
The cost should be controlled by producing correct level of goods in the firm
and also according to the demand for those goods in the market. For the
estimation of demand, demand forecasting is to be done by the firm.
In the first stage we should know what is the aim of forecasting? What we get or
know from the forecasting? Estimation of factors like quantity and composition
of demand for goods, price to be quoted, sales planning and inventory control
etc., are done in the first stage.
There are different methods for demand forecasting. Which is best suited method
that we should select for doing demand forecasting?
4. Interpretation of results:
To invest money and others factors in business; we require a reasonable
accurate forecast of demand. Starting with qualitative methods like survey of
collective opinions, buyers' intention, Delphi approach and its variant, a number
of quantitative methods are used for computing demand forecasts as detailed
Sales personnel are closest to the customers and have an intimate feel of
the market. Thus they are most suited to assess consumer’s reaction to
company's products. Here each salesperson makes an estimate of the expected
sales in their area, territory, state and/or region, These estimates are collated,
reviewed and revised. Taking in to account product design, features and price is
decided and made. Thus, "collective opinion survey forms the basis of market
Analysis and demand forecasting.
Although this method is simple, direct, first hand and most acceptable, it suffers
from following weaknesses
c) Delphi Method
Experts sit around a table in full view of one another and are
asked to speak to each other. An administrator hand over copies of
questionnaire needing a forecast and each expert is expected to write
down a list of ideas about the questions. After everyone has written down
their ideas, administrator asks each expert to share one idea, out of own
list. The idea shared is written on the `flip chart' which everyone can see.
Experts give ideas in rotation until all of them are written on the `flip
chart'. No discussion takes place in this phase and usually 15 to 25 ideas
emerge from this format.
Statistical methods
This technique assumes that whatever past years demand pattern will be
continued in the future also. Basing on the historical data that means
previous year’s data is used to predict the demand for the future. In this
trend projection method, previous year’s data is presented on the graph
and future demand is estimated.
Regression Analysis
Our annual sale is pegged around 40,000 units. But, we are unlikely
to touch sales in excess of 20,000 units, says official of automotive
major Mahindra & Mahindra
Deficit rain during monsoon this year has brought down paddy acreage
during the kharif season. But the shortfall in rains has hit one segment of the
industry very hard.
The sale of tractors, used extensively in the agriculture operations, has shown
a steep dip during the current year. Automotive major Mahindra &
Mahindra has witnessed a significant de-growth in the overall tractor sales
in the State that, in turn, had its echo on the company’s overall
performance in the segment.
Econometric Models