A USER-CONTROLLED ARC-LENGTH METHOD For Convergence To Predefined Deformation States
A USER-CONTROLLED ARC-LENGTH METHOD For Convergence To Predefined Deformation States
A USER-CONTROLLED ARC-LENGTH METHOD For Convergence To Predefined Deformation States
The arc-length method has been widely used in non-linear analysis of structures. While it can handle
complex load-de¯ection paths eectively, the analyst has no control over the load incrementation scheme to
achieve convergence to speci®c locations along the load-de¯ection path. There are a number of situations in
which such control is necessary, for example when convergence to prede®ned load levels, displacement levels
or stress levels is required. This paper describes an improved arc-length method in which this de®ciency is
overcome. # 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Commun. Numer. Meth. Engng, 14, 51±58 (1998)
KEY WORDS arc-length method; user control; accumulated arc-length control; non-linear analysis; prede®ned
deformation states; convergence
Among the many existing incremental iterative non-linear solution methods, the arc-length
method1±4 as given by Cris®eld4 for application in ®nite element analysis appears to be the most
popular.5 The arc-length and other non-linear solution methods with similar capabilities
generally rely on iterating for a constant increment in a control parameter which is neither a pure
load nor a pure displacement parameter. Instead, the control parameter captures the eects from
both load change and displacement change, so both load limit points (snap-through points) and
displacement limit points (snap-back points) can be handled eectively. While the arc-length
method (or other methods with similar capabilities) can handle complex load-de¯ection paths
eectively, the analyst has no control over the load incrementation scheme to achieve converg-
ence to speci®c locations along the load-de¯ection path. There are a number of situations in
which such control is required.
When non-linear structural analysis programs are used in structural design, both the ultimate
load carrying capacity and the deformations under service loads need to be found. The arc-length
method is suitable for the former task, but not the latter. Precisely for this reason, Chan6 argued
for the inclusion of a number of solution procedures in such programs. The analyst needs to
conduct two separate analyses if he needs to know both the ultimate load and the state of the
structure at a particular load level. This is inconvenient for both programming and program
* Correspondence to: Prof. J. G. Teng, Department of Civil and Structural Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic
University, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong.
j j ÿ1 j j
fDda gi fDda gi Dli fdI gi fDdR gi
in which Dlji is the change of the load factor for the jth iteration within the ith loading step, {dI}i is
the tangent displacement vector under an arbitrary reference load level, and {DdR}ji is the vector
of displacement increments due to residual forces. The change of load factor Dl is constrained by
the arc-length increment li for the ith loading step through the following equation:
fDda gij fDda gij l 2i
The arc-length increment li for the ith loading step is determined by the following procedure:3
l i l iÿ1
J d =J iÿ1
in which li71 is the arc-length increment of the previous loading step, Jd is the desired number of
iterations for the ith loading step before convergence and Ji71 is the number of iterations required
to converge in the (i 7 1)th loading step.
The concept of an accumulated arc-length was ®rst proposed by Teng and Luo7 for use with
the conventional arc-length method in non-linear bifurcation analysis to achieve convergence to
an anticipated bifurcation point. The accumulated arc-length at the ith loading step Li is de®ned
as the sum of all arc-length increments up to and including the ith loading step
Li lk
in which lk is the arc-length increment of the kth loading step. The parameter L represents the
current state of the structure and depends not only on the characteristics of the structure and its
loading but also on the process of load incrementation during the analysis.
COMMUN. NUMER. METH. ENGNG, VOL. 14, 51±58 (1998) # 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
c Li li ÿ ld 5
The desired arc-length increment for the (i 1)th loading step ld is to make the accumulated
arc-length Ld satisfy the following equation:
c Ld 0 6
Li 1 d2 c
Li 2
Ld c
Li l d c
Li ld l 0
dL 2 dL2 d
Omitting third and higher order terms as ld is small compared to Li results in the following
quadratic equation:
Li 1 d2 c
Li 2
Li ld l 0
dL 2 dL2 d
The ®rst derivatives of c with regard to L at loading steps i and i 7 1 are approximated by the
following backward ®nite dierence formulae:
# 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. COMMUN. NUMER. METH. ENGNG, VOL. 14, 51±58 (1998)
and the second derivative is again evaluated based on the ®nite dierence approximation
Introducing (10)±(12) into (9), the new arc length increment for the (i 1)th loading step to
reach the prede®ned load level can be found by solving the above quadratic equation. The
appropriate root is the one which is closer to the linear solution. By analysing the roots of (9), it
can be demonstrated that this root is in general much smaller than the other root in terms of
absolute values (the sign of the appropriate root may be positive or negative depending on the
location of the desired point). Theoretically speaking, imaginary roots are possible in some
special cases when the value of dC(Li)/dL approaches 0, but this very rarely occurs in numerical
calculations. In all the numerical calculations presented later, the problem of imaginary roots
did not appear. If the magnitude of ld given by (9) is larger than that given by (3), then the value
from (3) is used instead and a subsequent re-evaluation of ld will be carried out for the (i 2)th
loading step. Generally, the analysis converges to the prede®ned load level with a small number
of repeated applications of (9).
Introducing (10) into (13), the new arc-length increment ld for the (i 1)th loading step to reach
the desired load level is found as
ld ÿ l i l ÿ li
L ÿ Liÿ1 d l
li ÿ liÿ1 i li ÿ liÿ1 i
after convergence has been achieved at a load factor of li at the end of the ith loading step, the
accumulated arc-length is equal to Li . Expanding the desired value of the accumulated arc-length
Ld corresponding to a load factor of ld about Li leads to
dLi 1 d2 Li 2
Ld L
ld L
li Dld Li Dld Dld
dl 2 dl2
COMMUN. NUMER. METH. ENGNG, VOL. 14, 51±58 (1998) # 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Dld ld ÿ li 17
Retaining only the ®rst- and second-order terms in (16) leads to the expression for the desired
arc-length increment
dLi 1 d2 Li 2
l d Ld ÿ Li Dld Dld
dl 2 dl2
in which the derivatives of L with regard to l are approximated by the following ®nite dierence
dLi L ÿ Liÿ1
dl li ÿ liÿ1
d2 Li dLi =dl ÿ dLiÿ1 =dl
dl2 li ÿ liÿ1
If only the linear term in (18) is retained, the resulting formula for the desired arc-length
increment is the same as that of (14).
The method proposed here has been coded into the latest version of the NEPAS program,8,9
which can perform elastic±plastic large de¯ection analysis of shells of revolution subjected to
combined axisymmetric loading including torsion. Two numerical examples are presented below
to demonstrate the validity and capability of the proposed method.
A clamped spherical cap under a reference load equal to the classical buckling pressure p0 for a
spherical shell is considered ®rst (Figure 1). The NEPAS program was instructed to trace the
load-de¯ection path for a cap with a shallowness parameter l (Figure 1) of 5.5 and in the
meantime to converge to all points with a load factor of 0.6. The load-de¯ection path determined
by the conventional arc-length method (Figure 2) shows that no converged point lies close to a
load factor of 0.6. Figure 3 shows the load-de¯ection path traced with convergence to a load
factor of 0.6 using the linear version of accumulated arc-length control. The converged points
with the load factor equal to 0.6 are shown as large crosses and other converged points as circles.
The method is seen to be able to locate all three points corresponding to the prede®ned load
factor of 0.6 along the whole load-de¯ection path precisely. A comparison between the results
from the linear version and those from the two quadratic versions shows that the simple
linear version works best for this problem, requiring only three trials each time; the alternative
# 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. COMMUN. NUMER. METH. ENGNG, VOL. 14, 51±58 (1998)
quadratic version is the worst (3, 3 and 5 trials for the three points, respectively) and the quadratic
version is in between (3, 3 and 4 trials). The linear version appears to oer a simple and eective
approach, but a general conclusion cannot be drawn until further evidence becomes available.
The arc-length solution procedure was carried out with the following values for the control
parameters: the tolerance for convergence of the non-linear iterative process for each loading
step 0.001 based on the criterion speci®ed in Reference 8, the desired number of iterations for
each loading step 4, and the starting load factor for the ®rst loading step 0.2. In the analyses,
the prede®ned load level was judged to have been reached if the dierence between the converged
and prede®ned load factor is less than 1075, which is tighter than may be needed in many
practical situations.
COMMUN. NUMER. METH. ENGNG, VOL. 14, 51±58 (1998) # 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Figure 4. Load-de¯ection path tracing with convergence to multiple prede®ned stress levels
The proposed approach is equally eective for convergence to a prede®ned value of any other
parameter and to multiple values of a parameter. As an example, an elastic circular plate with a
completely ®xed edge was analysed for convergence to multiple stress levels. The plate has the
following properties: radius 100 mm, thickness 1 mm, Young's modulus 2.0 105 MPa
and Poisson's ratio 0.3. The reference load of the plate is 1 MPa. The NEPAS program was
instructed to ®nd the load levels at which the maximum von Mises equivalent stress is equal to
100 MPa, 200 MPa and 250 MPa, respectively (Figure 4). A prede®ned stress level was judged to
have been reached if the dierence between the converged and prede®ned stress level is less than
0.1 per cent. This kind of analysis is useful in design application of non-linear analysis where
®rst yield constitutes a limit state as it can precisely determine the load level corresponding
to ®rst yield. The starting load factor for the ®rst loading step 0.001 and the values of the
other two control parameters in the arc-length solution procedure are the same as for the ®rst
# 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. COMMUN. NUMER. METH. ENGNG, VOL. 14, 51±58 (1998)
This paper has presented an improved arc-length method which can converge to prede®ned load
levels, or prede®ned values of other parameters. This user control is achieved by coupling the
accumulated arc-length control procedure of Teng and Luo7 with the existing arc-length method
of Cris®eld.4 The method is easy to implement in both existing and new computer programs for
non-linear analysis, and can be useful in many practical applications. A particularly useful
application lies in the use of non-linear analysis in structural design as demonstrated by the
numerical examples. The study also shows the way for augmenting other non-linear solution
procedures to achieve convergence to prede®ned load levels, or prede®ned values of other
parameters. Numerical examples have demonstrated the eectiveness of the proposed method.
This research was supported by a research grant from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University,
for which the authors are most grateful.
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COMMUN. NUMER. METH. ENGNG, VOL. 14, 51±58 (1998) # 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.