To, Chairperson/Member Secretaries of All The Seiaas/Seacs

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Government of India
Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change
(IA Division)
Indira Paryavaran Bhawan
Jor Bagh Road, Aliganj,
New Delhi - 110003

Dated: 12th March, 2020

Chairperson/Member Secretaries of all the SEIAAs/SEACs

Subject: Grant of standard Terms of Reference (ToR) in respect of

expansion proposals and projects located within notified
Industrial Estates on acceptance of application in Form-1,
within 7 working days, without referring to EAC or SEAC by the
Ministry or SEIAA, as the case may be - regarding.

This is to inform that the Ministry has issued an amendment to the

EIA Notification, 2006 vide notification number S.O. 751(E) dated the 17th
February, 2020 regarding grant of standard Terms of Reference (ToR) in
respect of expansion proposals and projects located within notified
Industrial Estates (copy enclosed).

2. All the officers of IA Division in the Ministry and SEIAA/SEAC shall

implement the provisions of said notification accordingly.
(Sharath Kumar Pallerla)
Scientist 'F'
IA (Policy)

End: Copy of S.O. 751(E) dated the 17th February, 2020

Copy to:
1. PS to Hon'ble Minister for Environment, Forest and Climate Change
2. PS to Hon'ble MoS (EF&CC)
3. PPS to Secretary(EF86CC)
4. PPS to AS (RSP)/AS(RA)
6. Chairman, Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB).

Page 1 of 2
7. Chairman of all the Expert Appraisal Committees
S. All the Officers of I.A. Division
9. Chairpersons/Member Secretaries of all SPCBs/UTPCCs
10. Guard file.
lOOLsEfe T ITIVC-C-cc (
(Sharath Kumar Pallerla)
Scientist 'F', IA Policy

Page 2 of 2

7ftett. ten.-33004/99 REGD. NO. D. L-33004/99

The (Bartette of andia
FRIT 11—n3-39-wo3 (9)
PART 11—Section 3—Sub-section OD

R 686} a¢RRft, nft 18, 2020/Tirsf 29, 1941

No. 6861 NEW DELHI TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 2020/MAGHA 29, 1941

trutnEnfttv19911mink wan

9-FR t, 17 trfaff, 2020

creir. 7510:0.—*Dtr kitmlt, (ham) Rau, 1986 * fn 5 * av 2(44 (3) V Sty 0E0
977 9 yr AAA (AA), an, 1986 (1986 ** 29)41&Ia 3 A 341m (1) at \i'INRI (2) * as (v)
ETD An* 9r a1 At si tilt ma Fr,, tum(Rfit. ANA A< A 4,'vi ifethmkrkk**Atmr art * iA
km-AA ANA AAA 01R- r A.34. 1533(4r) *Am 14 id dot., 2006*61 ti AttArfmt Arum- ittrAr
Fk(imkr, 2006 941.719747telti*9197F- 49T, 2006 *Tr Aare) cr9TDIT ?Um ;
Am4 km Am ntas
kitc, g5 ArfAuftt ARA kfArri a*t , Aft mkfr Air, Rraltw, At A
7479' I AAA, itRtItoir m AkrArt * At, Ak 4* liqi<14.411,{ a.1141" *tr titt t, * 444
vijatufaBMwlcidattur alr ArAtftr Asr IAA a
aqi< 4,A-* ikta4nT nin` igiai triNTOfq
711t aTc Wri=t, fdizEft (I" &- ‘41M4141t &AIR air oars ikAftmmtk tr ;
fdrd [cur a‘,11,,ir AAA aald at Cm 8wm ATM' 4-411- **9- 13114t-twil 3+mcwor old
utAr 3 tAkt k tarry ilikkAr, 2006 ft arkkfr 4 tAkkg Edt 39 7D-71-1-
9- 9119949.9191 * k*
rap 4rARmitAqqt 1, 04,Att ;
at, talt* *rni, 2006 * 49491*MM oDcr i*979- iForiA9t AfkfkNInm fmThren**
AC Amt t th* kraiRt dm ots) (m4 Ar kfra kftql31,-Ildli a9k AtuArA * 44a 4 fat sermr
**AT* A EffiE9T*311MT 4ia R P.m thaThAt Al Aftt A AA* t,
att, fdtniRa siTTP)t aft 31-Ra ahfilitT I GI **MT f419.11R4-1 \ Alf *fr-Ezr 4,1444 m rvm
AA A w im a adf cr 141 t, WIW fi rarmt Atrf ‘11«i Ak #t m <I r soA
1**14 ,rRRarum suftrwrit 7711 1 3 n to le Al ten 9117C (t)tk * wm le. ell-Hie-1 mot re*T714

979 GI/2020 (1)


fa* * 4 4- T-
44 *1e9T7 als Ttk wr ueiIa ere e *Tr** Trrr
47s**-r.6**4 (=Kr: ;=0(11*);rr,
attt, lee 41:6114*r **ft* aititia*r, 2006 *t afri 44414 eta- *Fag, Wet. 4. 4085(4), Mere
11 tria, 2019 T-R7 TATee Owl) #717, 1986 *Fee 5 * alIFV+1 (3)* ail' (4) *Fn' tea- Weer
(thyvT) 6IRP+44, 1986 (1986 e 29)#1 um 34t 3,161t1 (1) se eFEIRT (2)*(s4 (v)yltrA EI aTr
u4l+rmtk swrrgra. Trt 4t, M*71 a* Tr* «,1-3)* 4fA** ,i00- **E1f4*** 4* 610 g;ir ,St1 waft**,
1******aa:1,7[1r 3)r*tr-*****7Pd-zrt was 1 A. avheEr wrr fr wrir f, A ma ffe4 41 3)-416- *faT au**
407)7r* aintfta- .44, Tr*, T
41* .in 4103164T tne** 13 44.1a, 2019 4**.-Kir4*- 34,K*4-cr4trri ;
atc, Tlf Watt ipicifi \.1R-cl a c1‘111,4 aTifin9T*,11t, ATF( 9-4111)4 TK( ;
317., 317, *ft* liCtR, FrisfeeT (4034) lete, 1986 *faaa 5* \Mae{ (3)*#‘ CEO *We rife'
r (thy) 81101444, 1986 (1986 WI 29) *1 FM 3 *I 34(rrcr (1) aft 370-ru (2)* 41r (v) aril a <e
*f*-4*- 4-rs ,(3,r1K6- F, tad* 4461 -
49-r, 2006 4 Wein' *1-*/14*-64- 474t t, *-41*.
*-10-(74-r 4, *Tr 7 * er 70) eReg II a t (2)-Ia <altar ak arAFi-ausrfetal
4rR•tfI cr rer wiwir,
"II. ete (2)-iarditH :
(i) "gel Etul T1a*#aRalwnr anal ml4mwf4, f th74aflt flv )1„ wr(111,*4- ia*
41 )11-11t116 1=4Erk4054/6-43-* **a* itch* 4* Ayr*mad ITh0*. w4t 0-4104- III at 41
)1413E1*r 064***Ekar*i=d4-44413- .40-t)1011(Kifd44r*rIbitc/r4(410*(Trt
397111 *iffr 142" * 44714.7414-4 4411- away =1114.1)vii41*- 1W7 fdr(ii-or **53*

, 44 se 77 tee Ti fdmfad tw ffag 1:1(44 frdltrt

fdwal 1- ‘
.79* doli1R).`17 571717 1%-zrr a lgwr,
(iv) 41*(9. 42r ittl=d- 4iirrn -(1(11*-46* sir** 1-11.14) R=(.14 1**4**4 5l Er 4743(*63-64Pr, IT*
44 6143r*,*rnf4-41**13.1r q01-1-034- trft***443t t I** erliCiMI S4 In
(*) 3x74141 Fe 7(7) *Fee (3) ale (4) e (I) afrc 0)43744491 tee&
(4) lierHe 744****a Kr ;416 K 6-44r413 &war *a* (4-4*- dt 411{4 i(*))*fi**
544rRa- Fnft 4Ral4nl 31771 m14mc11v 4FT fk9*1=07 i),(1 .s14-11.41.1 ft artRfi- o f t ;
q-(14"thiLIR41.4."-"r7ii 11,1*-trn4 'll1tun`U"Nra sirift.
*49 It 474 r zrr (r,(44,(13 *-(44-44*R4r4t4 30 R-4** 4***12.,13AHr trr ml4mara4th-*alnm
eeatia* d(131-1,rn, *It 3444,”( #4*- 1=45371Warcri fa ti<41l%Thift47 pcInfit
(v) 191-1.(,t(-43TIT*diraf4m),N-RPF.fd,1111)11-dw4refawftsr ttk4eq7, (IR 6111471T214-1,1177th-
3Ith* ft wftw 4 30 11.11* al-GT atrzi 34-e044 (4) Riferrar *Free telt 4*
aft Trzim-- ora f3P40-14;Sr “1(.1 trer trr 711743- 4*, ,;(1r 4t Tkftrd- fk* vl1171
wR ,,14itmfer+-77 g1tr -gi-7-1 TIt aziwa
Warr Alnl t**fdR,06i)wifir**altr 30ifInsigt**4*4.114w-i -Tei eir
Ala- R-7r w my' r
(vi) fdwiufi i*** * f n 4-r**( tr 0-4f1;r4 444fr w 66-4*(12( *1 ftrwrit44- trc (44104 41141)
*if-cm-4 r .mydlyr f4mar Tam- I *411- m(-41.1,13*60141, Frcif1 6**11t********irr
;***1'37 *waft wit* M*4 4* Tom 34444 . 43- 3x4-4Ne GO ee * QK 1=Mfdra- 4 4*
(vii) 44.41.140 v**** qT# tYx Faee. mli a Llalalt 3 wEr-m4 tcrtfiNtiv, a1(I afTer7 3ff4it
gang .11141444,zrrt 41-t @,*340-747 terra Hee Itut 4r ***It
4 [TrPr 11-4 3603 Wrld 9r4994. 9976774 3
(viii)« 9199 9A7,67 sitr 747 Gill 41t 49' f9c4 T)- te-47
4,14.ncli3r*I=07•3114Thr4,41-114 fdg9#T ,i110 tftk arc itif *t ft/f1- 9tr aill
ft**,:11241*9r***1**-**=*11*t i 1.13:
[4u. F. 22-1/2019-4r44.111]

*MT*** /11*. *Pa*

ferivr : 9**4-97-49T *7.81-L*3533o, II a r 14 1:6497, 2006 gi<r **if ***Tr* *ma**, lurr II, lat* 3,
94Isk srwrPrat =re tft 31}T n it. sp.:- **rf1
u**t Trt .-
1. 97.37. 1949(4)9709 13 .alt, 2006 ;
2. 97.9r. 1737(9) 9744 11 .979<, 2007;
3. 91.4r. 3067(4)9767u 1 tatitit, 2009 ;
4. 97.97. 695(4)4979r 4 97,7, 2011 ;
5. 9794 156(7) 9476r 25 99497 2012 ;
6. 97.77. 2896(90972W 13 R947, 2012 ;
7. 97.9T. 674(4)9744 13 974, 2013 ;
8. . 2204(9)97f94 1919E 2013 ;
9. 9 97.9T 2555(4) aith 21 99<d, 2013 ;
10. 97.37. 2559(9)9-R7u 22 a led, 2013 ;
11. 97.4r. 2731(90 9R74
0917T947, 2013 ;
12. 97.37. 562(4) 9-1(69 26 97er, 2014 ;
13. 9934 637(4)974U 28 Th-T494, 2014 ;
14. 97.77. 1599(4) 9r<74 25 td, 2014 ;
15. wr.w. 2601(30 aiLltsf 07 3177C, 2014;
16. 9T.xr. 2600(4) I I 4la 09 9147, 2014 ;
17. 91.37. 3252(4) aia4 22 ft4t9T, 2014 ;
18. 97.41. 38200 9x1713 %Ra8, 2015 ;
19. 9E.817. 81100 4474 23 474, 2015 ;
20. 97.97. 996(4) 97694 10 414, 2015 ;
21. 43.37. 114200 735W 17 5174, 2015 ;
22. 4tair. 1141(4) dI99. 29 8itff, 2015 ;
23. 97.77. 1834(9) tieig 06 9i§,2015;
24. 97.94 2571(9)9-R7431 9 i14, 2015 ;
25. 97.34. 2572(4) 49°94 141-9d9<, 2015 ;
26. 97-.9r. 141(4)9474 15 49911, 2016 ;
27. 97,97. 648(3) 03 Trr4, 2016 ;
28. 9x.37. 22690091779r 01 19-rt, 2016 ;
29. Th7.3ii. 2944(20 d I ilS1 14 fi744-t, 2016 ;
30. W-.317. 3518(50 3-0597 23 1409., 2016 ;
31. 97.94. 3999(7697(707 091497, 2016;
32. 95.37. 424100 9474 301-ailt, 2016 ;
33. 9777. 3611(4) m04 25 Zr*, 2018
34. Tr.iii. 3977(31) ai aw 149 ;€9, 2018;
35. 79.87. 5733(4)91374 14 949<, 2018 ;

36. Tram 5736(T) memt 1511lc, 2018 ;

37. Tf.aii. 5845(31) mithm 26 1444, 2018 ;
38. mint 345(31) dIRM 17 411471, 2019 ;
39. Tram. 1960(3) mffli 13 4444 2019 ; mff
40. 7T.37. 236(3;0 111.14 16 ,T1.11{1", 2020


New Delhi, the 17th February, 2020
S.O. 751(E).—WHEREAS, the Central Government in the erstwhile Ministry of
Environment and Forests, in exercise of its powers under sub-section (1) and clause (v) of
sub-section (3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 (29 of 1986) read with clause
(d) of sub-rule 43) of rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules, 1986 has published the
Environment Impact Assessment Notification, 2006 (hereinafter referred to as the EIA Notification,
2006) vide number 5.0.1533 (E), dated the 14th September, 2006, mandating Prior Environmental
Clearance for certain category of projects;
AND WHEREAS, the Prior Environmental Clearance process involves four stages namely,
screening; scoping; public consultation; and appraisal. The moping is the process to determine
detailed and comprehensive Terms of Reference (hereinafter referred to as ToR) addressing all
relevant environmental concerns for the preparation of an Environmental Impact Assessment and
Environment Management Report in respect of the project or activity for which Prior Environmental
Clearance is sought;
AND WHEREAS, in order to streamline the process of scoping and bring the uniformity
across the proposals, as a standard operating procedure, the Ministry has developed sector specific
Standard Terms of References for all 39 class of projects or activities listed in the Schedule to the EIA
Notification, 2006;
AND WHEREAS, the Expert Appraisal Committee constituted under the provisions of EIA
Notification, 2006 can modify standard ToR and prescribe additional ToR . based on examination of
alternative sites proposed and the project specific requirements in respect of green field projects or
AND WHEREAS, to expedite the process of granting standard Terms of Reference (ToR) in
respect of expansion proposals and projects located within notified Industrial Estates, where there is
no examination of alternative sites intolved, the Ministry proposes to introduce the concept of
issuance of an online Standard Terms of Reference (ToR) after acceptance of the proposal in Form-1
by the Regulatory Authority, automatically through the web portal developed by the Ministry to the
Project Proponent;
AND WHEREAS, a draft notification further to amend the EIA Notification, 2006 was
published in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) and clause (v) of sub-section (2) of
section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 (29 of 1986), read with clause (d) of sub-rule (32
of rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules, 1986 vide number 5.0. 4085 (E), dated the 11
November, 2019, inviting objections and suggestions from all persons likely to be affected thereby,
within a period of sixty days from the date on which copies of Gazette containing the said notification
were made available to the public;
AND WHEREAS, copies of the said notification were made available to the public on 13th
November, 2019;
AND WHEREAS, no objections or suggestions were received in response to the above-
mentioned draft notification;
Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) and clause (v) of
sub-section (2) of section 3 of the Environment ;Protection) Act, 1986 (29 of 1986), read with clause
(d) of sub-rule (3) of rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules, 1986, the Central Government
hereby makes the following further amendments in the EIA Notification, 2006, namely:-
(Tin 11—erix 3001 12 1721'014 . aaitlii

In the said notification, in paragraph 7, in sub-paragraph 7(i), for sub-heading II

Stage (2)-Scoping and entries relating thereto, the following shall be substituted, namely:-
"II. Stage (2)-Scoping:
(i) "Soaping" refers to the process to determine detailed and comprehensive Terms of
Reference (ToR) addressing all relevant environmental concerns for the preparation of an
Environmental Impact Assessment and Environment Management Report in respect of the
project or activity for which Prior Environmental Clearance is sought.
(ii) All projects or activities listed under Category "B2" of the schedule shall not require
(iii) Sector specific Standard Terms of References developed by the Ministry of Environment,
Forest and Climate Change, from time to time shall be displayed on its website.
(iv) The Standard Terms of References shall be issued to the following projects or activities
through online mode, on acceptance of application within 7 working days, without referring
to EAC or SEAC by the Ministry or SEIAA, as the case may be:
(a) All Highway projects in Border States covered under entry (i) and (ii) of column (3)
and (4) against item 7(f) of the Schedule;
(b) All projects or activities proposed to be located in industrial estates or parks (item 7(c)
of the Schedule) approved by the concerned authorities, and which are not disallowed
in such approvals; and
(c) All expansion proposals of existing projects having earlier Prior Environmental
Provided that EAC or SEAC may recommend additional specific Terms of Reference in
addition to the Standard ToR, if found necessary, for a project or activity, within 30 days from the date
of acceptance of application.
(v) All new projects or activities other than specified in sub-paragraph (iv) above, shall be
referred to the EAC or SEAC by the Regulatory Authority, as the case may be, within 30
days from the date of application, for recommending the specific ToR in addition to the
Standard ToR, deemed necessary. In case, the regulatory authority does not refer the matter
to the EAC or SEAC, as the case may be, within 30 days of date of application in Form-I,
sector specific Standard ToR shall be issued, online, on 30th day, by the Regulatory
(vi) Applications for Terms of Reference may be rejected by the regulatory authority concerned
on the recommendation of the EAC or SEAC concerned. case of such rejection, the
decision together with reasons for the same after due personal hearing shall be
communicated to the applicant in writing within sixly days of the receipt of the application.
(vii) The project proponent shall prepare the EIA report based on the sector specific Standard
ToR as well as additional specific ToR, if any, stipulated by the EAC or SEAC.
(viii) The Terms of Reference for the projects or activities except for River valley and Hydro-
electric projects, issued by the regulatory authority concerned, shall have the validity of
four years from the date of issue. In case of the River valley and Hydro-electric projects,
the validity will be for five years.
[F. No. 22-U20194MB]
Note : The principal notification was published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part II,
Section 3, Sub-section (ii) vide number S.O. 1533(E), dated the 14th September, 2006 and
subsequently amended vide the following numbers: -
I. S.O. 1949 (E) dated the 13th November, 2006;
2. S.O. 1737 (E) dated the n th October, 2007;
3. S.O. 3067 (E) dated the 1" December, 2009;
4. S.O. 695 (E) dated the 4th April, 2011;


5. S.O. 156 (E) dated the 25th January, 2012;

6. S.O. 2896 (E) dated the 13`11 December, 2012;
7. S.O. 674 (E) dated the 13th March, 2013;
8. 5.0. 2204 (E) dated the 19th July, 2013;
9. S.O. 2555(E) dated the 20 August, 2013;
10. S.O. 2559 (E) dated the 22nd August, 2013;
11. S.O. 2731 (E) dated the 9th September, 2013;
12. S.O. 562 (E) dated the 26th February, 2014;
13. S.O. 637 (E) dated the 28th February, 2014;
14. S.O. 1599 (E) dated the 25m June, 2014;
15. Se. 2601 (E) dated the 7th October, 2014;
16. S.O. 2600 (E) dated the 9th October, 2014;
17. S.O. 3252 (E) dated the 22'd December, 2014;
181 S.O. 382 (E) dated the 3'd February, 2015;
19. S.O. 811 (E) dated the 23th March, 2015;
20. S.O. 996 (E) dated the 10th April, 2015;
21. 5.0. 1142 (E) dated the 17th April, 2015;
22. S.O. 1141 (E) dated the 29th April, 2015;
23. S.O. 1834 (E) dated the 6'" July, 2015;
24. Se. 2571 (E) dated the 31' August, 2015;
25. S.O. 2572 (E) dated the 14th September, 2015;
26. S.O. 141 (E) dated the 15th January, 2016;
27. S.O. 648 (E) dated the 3rd March, 2016;
28. S.O. 2269(E) dated the 1st July, 2016;
29. Se. 2944(E) dated the 14th September, 2016;
30. S.O. 3518 (E) dated 23`d November, 2016;
31. S.O. 3999 (E) dated the 9th December, 2016;
32. S.O. 4241(E) dated the 30th December, 2016;
33. S.O. 3611(E) dated the 251 July, 2018;
34. Se. 3977 (E) dated the le August, 2018;
35. S.O. 5733 (E) dated the 14th November, 2018;
36. S.O. 5736 (E) dated the 15th November, 2018;
37. Se. 5845(E) dated the 26th November, 2018;
38. S.O. 345(E) dated the 17th January, 2019;
39. S.O. 1960(E) dated the 13th June, 2019; and
40. Se. 236(E) dated the 16th January, 2020.

Uploaded by Dte. of Printing at Government of India Press. Ring Road, Mayamni, New Delhi-110064
and Published by the Controller of Publications, Delhi-110054. ALOK KUMAR ===r,

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