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Trudvang Starting Wealth & Equipment

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Starting Wealth & Equipment

Starting Wealth & Lifestyle Prosperous

Starting Funds: 75 + 1d10 x 20 silver pieces
D20 result Lifestyle
1-2 Thrall-like
3-12 Poor
The prosperous always dress in colored
13-18 Martial garments, rich with embellishments. More
19-20 Prosperous women wear dresses and you can start to see
different fashion in the dresses depending on
Thrall where they are made (the further west, the
Starting Funds: 25 + 1d10 silver pieces higher the waistline). Jewelry is now made
You are not necessarily a thrall, but you do from silver (or sometimes gold) instead of
look like one. Your clothes are often made bronze, the furs are more expensive and both
from burlap or other rags, and are often are worn more frequently.
limited to a simple tunic or loincloth, with a
pair of simple sandals, if shoes are worn at Coins Value
There are three different measurements of
value for coins: copper, silver, and gold.
1 copper coin (cc) = 1 cc
Starting Funds: 50 + 1d10 silver pieces 1 silver coin (sc) = 100 cc
1 gold coin (gc) = 10 sc = 1,000 cc
Poor individuals wear simple clothing in 1 kg copper = 100 cc
natural colors, often without any patterns or 1 kg silver = 100 sc
embroideries. The most common garment is 1 kg gold = 100 gc
the sark, which varies in length, and is worn
with or without pants. The most common Adventuring Gear
materials are wool, linen or fur from smaller Item Value Weight
animals like fox, hare or goat. The shoes are Ammunition
Arrows (20) 50 cc 0.5 kg
often sandals or stringed up the leg. Elves
Crossbow bolts (20) 50 cc 0.5 kg
and wildfolk might use birch bark to create
Sling stones (20) 25 cc 0.5 kg
shoes. Clothes
Slave clothes 2 sc 1 kg
Martial Poor clothes 4 sc 1.5 kg
Starting Funds: 50 +1d10 x 10 silver pieces Average clothes 10 sc 2 kg
Rich clothes 50 sc 3 kg
The families that are a bit better of wear Royal attire 250 sc 5 kg
similar clothing compared to the poor, but Dark jacket with hood 25 cc 1 kg
with more expensive colors and maybe some Shoes or boots (soft) 15 cc 0.5 kg
patterns. Some women wear simple linen Shoes or boots (hard) 30 cc 1 kg
dresses, often with a single patterned Goods
band. They also add more accessories and Amulet 1 sc 0.5 kg
jewelry, like gloves, mantles and proper Axe, woodcutter’s 1 sc 2 kg
boots. Shoulder furs are used by all ages, Backpack 50 cc 1 kg
Bag, leather 10 cc 0.5 kg
races and genders.
Bandages (10 uses) 20 cc 0.5 kg
Barrel 50 cc 30 kg

Basket 15 cc 1 kg

Bell 25 cc 0.1 kg

Trudvang Chronicles
Starting Wealth & Equipment
Blanket 20 cc 1 kg  ordinary 1.3 sc 5.5 kg
Block and tackle 1 sc 3 kg  large 2.3 sc 10.5 kg
Bottle, glass 10 cc 1 kg Kit, folk musician
Bow string 10 cc 0.1 kg  small 1.5 sc 3 kg
Bucket 10 cc 1 kg  ordinary 3 sc 5 kg
Candle 5 cc 0.1 kg  large 2 sc 2 kg
Case, crossbow bolt 50 cc 0.5 kg Kit, healing
Case, map or scroll 25 cc 0.5 kg  small 2.2 sc 2.1 kg
Chain (3-meters) 1 sc 5 kg  ordinary 2.4 sc 5.4 kg
Chalk or charcoal (1 piece) 1 cc 0.1 kg 3.4 sc 11.4 kg
 large
Chest 1 sc 12 kg
Kit, hunting
Clay (0.45 kg) 5 cc 0.45 kg
 small 1.45 sc 3.15 kg
Cooking equipment 20 cc 0.5 kg
 ordinary 8.95 sc 8.15 kg
Comb 3 cc 0.01 kg
Crayon (1 piece) 5 cc 0.1 kg  large 14.65 15.95 kg
Decoy, hunting 25 cc 2 kg
Kit, thief
Dry wood, bundle (6 logs) 10 cc 3 kg
 small 1.5 sc 2.2 kg
Eating utensils 15 cc 0.1 kg
Fishing bait (10 uses) 10 cc 0.1 kg  ordinary 4.9 sc 8.05 kg
Fishing hooks & sinkers 10 cc 0.2 kg  large 7.15 sc 14.5 kg
(10 of each) Kit, weapon
Fishing net (1.5 x 2 m) 50 cc 4 kg  small 0.75 sc 2 kg
Fishing rod 20 cc 0.5 kg  ordinary 1.85 sc 3.1 kg
Fishing line (3-meters) 10 cc 0.2 kg  large 2.7 sc 5.1 kg
Flask, tankard, mug or 10 cc 0.3 kg Kit, writer
drinking horn  small 4.69 sc 2.18 kg
Flint and steel 25 cc 0.2 kg  ordinary 10.73 5.06 kg
Grappling hook 50 cc 2 kg sc
Hammer 25 cc 1.5 kg  large 15.79 8.09 kg
Hammer, sledge 1 sc 4.5 kg sc
Herbs, simple (pouch) 50 cc 0.2 kg Knife, utility 75 cc 0.1 kg
Hourglass 10 sc 0.5 kg Ladder (3-meters) 50 cc 12 kg
Hunting trap or snare 25 cc 2 kg Ladder, rope (6-meters) 30 cc 5 kg
Ink (28 gram bottle) 1 sc 0.02 kg Lamp 50 cc 0.5 kg
Ink quill 2 cc 0.1 kg Lantern, bullseye 1 sc 1 kg
Intoxicants (pouch) 50 cc 0.2 kg Lantern, hooded 75 cc 1 kg
Jug or pitcher 25 cc 2 kg Leather pieces (one 1 sc 0.1 kg
Kettle stand 50 cc 1.5 kg calfskin sheet)
Kit, camp Leather Tent, two-person 1 sc 4 kg
 small 2.05 sc 5.3 kg Lock 30 cc 0.5 kg
 ordinary 2.25 sc 10.7 kg Lockpicks 1 sc .2 kg
 large 7.65 sc 25 kg Magnifying glass 5 sc 0.5 kg
Kit, craft Manacles 2 sc 3 kg
 small 2 sc 3 kg Mirror, steel 20 cc 0.2 kg
 ordinary 4 sc 8 kg Musical instrument 1 cc-5 0.5-5 kg
8 sc 15 kg sc
 large
Oil (flask) 20 cc 0.5 kg

Kit, fishing
Pebbles (bag of 1,000) 15 cc 0.5 kg

 small 0.5 sc 1 kg
Perfume (vial) 1 sc 0.01kg

Trudvang Chronicles
Starting Wealth & Equipment
Pick, miner’s 75 cc 4.5 kg Flask, tankard, mug 0.47 liters liquid
Piton 5 cc 0.2 kg or drinking horn
Pole (3-meters) 5 cc 3 kg Jug or pitcher 3.79 liters liquid
Pot, iron 50 cc 4.5 kg Pot, iron 3.79 liters liquid
Pouch 15 cc 0.45 kg Pouch 0.006 cubic
Quiver 50 cc 0.5 kg
meters/2.72 kilograms
Ram, portable 5 sc 15 kg
of gear
Rations (1 day) 50 cc 1 kg
Ribbon (1-meter) 5 cc 0.01 kg
Leather bag 0.03 cubic
Rope, hempen (15-meters) 20 cc 2 kg meters/13.6 kilograms
Salt, 0.45 kg of 25 cc 0.5 kg of gear
Scale, merchant’s 2 sc 1.5 kg Vial 1.9 deciliters liquid
Sealing wax 5 cc 0.25 kg Waterskin 1.9 liters liquid
Shovel or spade 50 cc 2 kg
Signal whistle 5 cp 0.01 kg This section describes items that have
Signet ring 1 sc 0.01 kg special rules or require further explanation.
Skis or snowshoes (pair) 50 cc 5 kg
Ski poles, sharpened 25 cc 0.5 kg Pebbles: As an action of opportunity, you
Skin, waterproof (0.28 25 cc 0.5 kg can spill these tiny stone balls from their
square meters) pouch to cover a level, square area that is 3
Sleeping pelt 30 cc 2 kg meters on a side. A creature moving across
Soap 5 cc 0.01 kg the covered area must succeed on an Agility
Spikes, iron (10) 40 cc 2.5 kg
(Body Control) Dexterity roll throw or fall
Splints (5 uses) 20 cc 0.5 kg
prone. A creature moving through the area at
String (30-meters) 10 cc 0.1 kg
half speed doesn’t need to make the roll.
Torch 3 cc 0.2 kg
Vial 5 cc 0.01 kg
Waterskin 25 cc 2 kg Block and Tackle: A set of pulleys with a
(full) cable threaded through them and a hook to
Weapon scabbard, frog 25 cc 0.5 kg attach to objects, a block and tackle allows
hook or belt you to hoist up to four times the weight you
Weapon grease 20 cc 0.5 kg can normally lift.
Whetstone 5 cc 0.5 kg
Candle: For 1 hour, a candle sheds bright
light in a 1.5-meter radius and dim light for
Container Capacities an additional 1.5 meters.
Container Capacity
Backpack 0.03 cubic meters/14 Case, Crossbow Bolt: This wooden case
kilograms of gear can hold up to twenty crossbow bolts.
Barrel 152 liters, 0.11cubic
meters solid Case, Map or Scroll: This cylindrical
Basket 0.06 cubic meters/18 leather case can hold up to five rolled-up
kilograms of gear leather pieces.
Bottle 0.7 liters liquid
Bucket 11.4 liters liquid, 0.02 Chain: A chain has 10 BPs. It can be
cubic meters solid “wriggled” out of with an Agility (Body

Chest 0.34 cubic meters/136 Control) roll. Breaking them requires a


kilograms of gear successful Agility (Body Control) roll as

Trudvang Chronicles
Starting Wealth & Equipment
well, but substitutes your Strength modifier 9 meters. Once lit, it burns for 6 hours on a
for Dexterity modifier. A penalty of -10 to - flask of oil.
15 is applied by the GM based on the
integrity of the chain. Lantern, Bullseye: A bullseye lantern casts
bright light in an 18-meter cone and dim
Climber’s Kit: A climber’s kit includes light for an additional 18 meters. Once lit, it
special pitons, boot tips, gloves, and a burns for 6 hours on a flask of oil.
harness. You can use the climber’s kit as an
action to anchor yourself; when you do, you Lantern, Hooded: A hooded lantern casts
can’t fall more than 8 meters from the point bright light in a 9-meter radius and dim light
where you anchored yourself, and you can’t for an additional 9 meters. Once lit, it burns
climb more than 8 meters away from that for 6 hours on a flask of oil. As an action,
point without undoing the anchor. you can lower the hood, reducing the light to
dim light in a 1.5-meter radius.
Flint and Steel: This small container holds
flint, fire steel, and tinder (usually dry cloth Leather Tent: A simple and portable leather
soaked in light oil) used to kindle a fire. shelter, a tent sleeps two.
Using it to light a torch—or anything else
with abundant, exposed fuel—takes an Lock: A key is provided with the lock.
action. Lighting any other fire takes 1 Without the key, a creature proficient with
minute. thieves’ tools can pick this lock with a
successful Locks and Traps skill. Your GM
Hunting Trap or Snare: When you use may decide that better locks are available for
your action to set it, the trap forms a saw- higher prices.
toothed steel ring that snaps shut when a
creature steps on a pressure plate in the Magnifying Glass: This lens allows a closer
center. The trap is affixed by a heavy chain look at small objects. It is also useful as a
to an immobile object, such as a tree or a substitute for flint and steel when starting
spike driven into the ground. A creature that fires. Lighting a fire with a magnifying glass
steps on the plate must succeed on an requires light as bright as sunlight to focus,
Agility (Body Control) roll or take 1d10 tinder to ignite, and about 5 minutes for the
(OR 9-10) damage and stop moving. fire to ignite.
Thereafter, until the creature breaks free of
the trap, its movement is limited by the Manacles: These metal restraints can bind a
length of the chain (typically 1 meter long). 1t or smaller creature. Escaping the
A creature can use its action to make a manacles requires a successful Agility
Strength check, freeing itself or another (Body Control) roll. Breaking them requires
creature within its reach on a success. Each a successful Agility (Body Control) roll as
failed check deals 1d5 damage to the well, but substitutes your Strength modifier
trapped creature. for Dexterity modifier. A penalty of -10 to -
15 is applied by the GM based on the
A snare trap functions as above, but does not integrity of the manacles. Each set of
cause any damage to the prey. manacles comes with one key. Without the
key, a creature proficient with Locks and

Lamp: A lamp casts bright light in a 5- Traps can pick the manacles’ lock with a

meter radius and dim light for an additional successful check. Manacles have 15 BPs.

Trudvang Chronicles
Starting Wealth & Equipment
Oil: Oil usually comes in a clay flask that weights up to 907 grams. With it, you can
holds o.47 liters. As a weapon action, you measure the exact weight of small objects,
can splash the oil in this flask onto a such as raw precious metals or trade goods,
creature within 2 meters of you or throw it to help determine their worth.
up to 6 meters, shattering it on impact. Make
a weapon attack against a target creature or Torch: A torch burns for 1 hour, providing
object, treating the oil as a weapon. On a hit, bright light in a 6-meter radius and dim light
the target is covered in oil. If the target takes for an additional 6 meters. If you make a
any fire damage before the oil dries (after 1 weapon attack with a burning torch and hit,
minute), the target takes an additional 1d10 it deals 1d10 (10) fire damage.
(OR 8-10) fire damage from the burning oil.
You can also pour a flask of oil on the Adventure Kits
ground to cover a 3-meter-square area,
provided that the surface is level. If lit, the The starting equipment you get from your
oil burns for 2 rounds and deals 1d10 (OR 8- class includes a collection of useful
10) fire damage to any creature that enters adventuring gear, put together in a kit. The
the area or ends its turn in the area. contents of these kits are listed here. If you
are buying your starting equipment, you can
Pouch: A cloth or leather pouch can hold up purchase a kit for the price shown, which
to 20 sling bullets, among other things. might be cheaper than buying the items
Quiver: A quiver can hold up to 20 arrows.
Camp Kit
Ram, Portable: You can use a portable ram The wanderer’s most important kit is the
to break down doors. When doing so, you camp kit. It is used to pitch a good camp in
gain a +2 bonus on the Agility (Body order to survive in the wilderness. The kit
Control) roll (in addition to any for your includes things like backpacks, blankets,
Strength modifier). One other character can sleeping pelt, leather tent, knife, flint and
help you use the ram, giving you +4 on this steel, string, rope, cooking equipment,
roll. eating utensils, water skins, torches, an axe,
and dry wood.
Rations: Rations consist of dry foods
suitable for extended travel, including jerky, Small: Backpack (1), flint & steel (1), knife,
dried fruit, hardtack, and nuts. utility (1), sleeping pelt (1), waterskin (1)
Rope: Rope, whether made of hemp, has 2 Ordinary: Axe, woodcutter’s (1), backpack
BPs and can be “wriggled” out of with an (1), blanket (1), flint & steel (1), knife,
Agility (Body Control) roll. Breaking them utility (1), rope (1), sleeping pelt (1), torches
requires a successful Agility (Body Control) (2), waterskin (1)
roll as well, but substitutes your Strength
modifier for Dexterity modifier. A penalty Large: Axe, woodcutter’s (1), backpack (1),
of -5 to -10 is applied by the GM based on blanket (1), cooking equipment (1), dry
the integrity of the rope. wood (1 bundle), eating utensils (1), flint &
steel (1), kettle stand (1), knife (1 utility),

Scale, Merchant’s: A scale includes a small leather tent (1), pot (1), rope (1), sleeping

balance, pans, and a suitable assortment of pelt (1), string (1), torches (5), waterskin (1)

Trudvang Chronicles
Starting Wealth & Equipment
Craft Kit musical instrument (1 large or 2 small), quill
The craft kit is a general term for a lot of (1), stage clothes (2)
different kits for each specific craft. A
person buying a craft kit must specify what Large: Charcoal (6), leather pieces (15 with
type of craft the kit is designed for. The kit songs), leather pieces (15 blank), musical
includes most of what is used to perform the instrument (1 large and 1 small), quill (4),
craft, but it does not include large stationary stage clothes (2)
items. A blacksmith, for example, cannot
bring a whole forge. Healing Kit
The healing kit is used for treatment of
Small, ordinary or large: Varies by craft wounds and injuries. It contains water
skins, bandages, simple herbs, chewing tree,
Fishing Kit intoxicants, blankets, splints, flint and steel,
A fishing kit is just like a hunting kit, except a small boiling pot, a kettle stand, a mug,
it’s used for fishing and taking care of the and anything else that can be used for health
catch. The kit includes a fishing rod, fishing care.
line and hooks, bait, fishing nets, a fish
basket, and much more. Small: Bandages (10 uses), blanket (1), flint
& steel (1), intoxicants (1), simple herbs (1)
Small: Bait (10 uses), hooks & sinkers (10
of each), rod (1), line (3-meters) Ordinary: Bandages (20 uses), blanket (1),
flint & steel (1), intoxicants (1), mug (1),
Ordinary: Bait (20 uses), hooks & sinkers simple herbs (1), splints (5 uses), waterskin
(20 of each), net (1), rod (1), line (6-meters) (1)

Large: Bait (30 uses), hooks & sinkers (30 Large: Bandages (20 uses), blanket (1), flint
of each), net (2), rod (2), line (9-meters) & steel (1), intoxicants (1), kettle stand (1),
mug (1), pot (1), simple herbs (1), splints (5
Folk Musician Kit uses), waterskin (1)
A folk musician kit is the most necessary
equipment for a poet or a bard. The kit Hunting Kit
includes things like calfskin with songs A hunting kit is needed to hunt and take care
written on it, larger instruments (such as of prey in the wild. The kit includes snares,
a drum, timpani, harp, or horn), smaller string, rope, a knife, a dagger, decoys, a
instruments (mouth harp, flute, castanets, hunting bow, arrows, a spade, salt,
tambourine), a quill or piece of charcoal, sharpened poles, a leather bag, skis,
extra leather pieces for songwriting, stage snowshoes, and much more.
clothes, and much more.
Small: knife (1 utility), leather bag (1), salt
Small: Charcoal (2), leather pieces (5 with (1), snare (1), string (1)
songs), leather pieces (5 blank), musical
instrument (1 small), quill (1) Ordinary: Arrows (20), hunting bow (1),
knife (1 utility), leather bag (1), salt (1),
Ordinary: Charcoal (4), leather pieces (10 snare (1), snowshoes (1 pair), spade (1),
with songs), leather pieces (10 blank), string (1)

Trudvang Chronicles
Starting Wealth & Equipment
Large: Arrows (20), dagger (1), decoy (1), Large: Arrows or crossbow bolts (20), bolt
hunting bow (1), knife (1 utility), leather bag case or quiver (1), bowstring (1), scabbard
(1), rope (1), salt (1), ski pole (1 pair), skis or frog hook (2), weapon belt (1), weapon
(1 pair), snare (2), snowshoes (1 pair), spade grease (3), whetstone (5)
(1), string (1)
Writer Kit
Thief Kit This kit is for writers, scholars, magicians,
A thief kit is necessary equipment for a and others who need to write things down.
burglar. The kit includes a knife, a lockpick, The kit includes a quill, ink, charcoal,
a reflective metal plate (mirror), soft shoes, calfskin (leather piece), clay, crayons, skins
a dark jacket with a hood, rope, a grappling to protect writing (waterproof skins), ribbon
hook, a rope ladder, pebbles, a sack (leather to tie leather together, and other things
bag), and other things associated with needed for writing.
thieving activities.
Small: Charcoal (2), clay (1), crayon (1), Ink
Small: Dark jacket with hood (1), leather (1), leather pieces (3), quill (1), ribbon (1-
bag (1), lockpicks (1 set), soft shoes (1 pair) meter), waterproof skins (2)

Ordinary: Dark jacket with hood (1), Ordinary: Charcoal (4), clay (2), crayon (4),
grappling hook (1), knife (1), leather bag Ink (2), leather pieces (6), quill (2), ribbon
(2), lockpicks (1 set), mirror (1), pebbles (1 (2-meter), waterproof skins (5)
bag), pouch (1), rope (1), soft shoes (1 pair),
string (1) Large: Charcoal (6), clay (4), crayon (6),
Ink (3), leather pieces (8), quill (4), ribbon
Large: Dark jacket with hood (1), grappling (3-meter), waterproof skins (8)
hook (1), knife (2), leather bag (2),
lockpicks (1 set), mirror (1), pebbles (2
bags), pouch (1), rope ladder (1), soft shoes
(1 pair), string (1)

Weapon Kit
A weapon kit includes all the necessary
accessories for taking care of one or more
weapons. It may have scabbards,
whetstones, weapon grease, and a weapon
belt. It may also include quivers, arrows, and
additional bowstrings for a ranged weapon.

Small: Scabbard or frog hook (1), weapon

belt (1), weapon grease (1), whetstone (1)

Ordinary: Arrows or crossbow bolts (20),

bolt case or quiver (1), bowstring (1),
scabbard or frog hook (1), weapon belt (1),
weapon grease (1), whetstone (1)

Trudvang Chronicles

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