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United States Patent (19) (11) Patent Number: 4,970,082

Huige et al. 45) Date of Patent: Nov. 13, 1990

54 PROCESS FOR PREPARING A (56) References Cited
4,661,355 4/1987 Schur .................................... 426/15
Inventors: Nick J. Huige, Brookfield; Gilbert W. 4,746,518 5/1988 Schur .................................... 426/15
(75) 4,788,066 11/1988 Witt ....................................... 426/14
Sanchez, Menomonee Falls; Alan R. 4,790,993 12/1988 Schedl et al. ......................... 426/14
Leidig, Glendale, all of Wis.
(73) Assignee: Miller Brewing Company, 0151668 8/1985 European Pat. Off. .............. 426/14
Milwaukee, Wis. 0245845 11/1987 European Pat. Off. .............. 426/14
Primary Examiner-Marianne Cintinis
(21) Appl. No.: 498,529 Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Quarles & Brady
22 Fied: Mar. 26, 1990 (57) ABSTRACT
Malt beverages having less than 0.5% w/v alcohol con
tent are made by combining wort with a thick yeast
Related U.S. Application Data slurry and fermenting sugars in the wort at 38' F. to 45
(63) Continuation-in-part of Ser. No. 428,084, Oct. 27, 1989, F. for 0.5 to 10 hours. The wort has a high extract
abandoned. content, at least 14% by weight. The yeast slurry is
obtained from a prior beer fermentation and includes at
(51) Int. Cl. .............................................. C12C 11/00 least 10% by weight of yeast and the balance beer. The
(52) U.S. Cl. ........................................ 426/16; 426/14; wort is combined with at least 10% to 20% v/v of the
426/29; 426/592 yeast slurry in the fermentation step.
(58) Field of Search ....................... 426/11, 12, 14, 16,
426/15, 29, 592, 600 9 Claims, No Drawings
1. 2
and its related patent U.S. Pat. No. 4,746,518 wherein
PROCESS FOR PREPARNG ANONALCOHOLC wort is diluted to about 6 to 12% w/w solids and pH
(ILESS THE 0.5 VOLUME PERCENT ALCOHOL) adjusted to 4 whereafter it is brought into contact with
MAT BEVERAGE yeast that is free of alcohol for a period of 24 to 48 hours
5 at a temperature of -0.4° C. or less; this is followed by
This application is a continuation-in-part of applica yeast separation and carbonation steps to produce a
tion Ser. No. 07/428,084 filed on Oct. 27, 1989 now finished beverage. The process is stated in these patents
abandoned. to result in a carbonated malt beverage with less than
0.05% by weight of alcohol.
The present invention relates to a malt beverage and
process for its preparation that contains less than 0.5% Our present invention provides a new cold contact
alcohol on a volume/volume basis. process for the production of nonalcoholic malt bever
ages including the steps of
15 (1) providing a wort with an extract content of at
The following terms used in this description and least about 14% to 20% by weight that contains
claims are defined as follows: "beer' means a malt bev fermentable sugars;
erage with an alcohol content of at least in the range of (2) providing a thick yeast slurry freshly harvested
3-5.5% v/v, "low alcohol beer' means a malt beverage from a beer fermentation containing at least 10%
with an alcohol content of 1-3% v?v, and "nonalco- 20 yeast by weight and the balance beer;
holic malt beverage' means a malt beverage with an (3) combining the wort with at least 10% to 20% v/v
alcohol content of less than 0.5% w/v. The present of the yeast slurry to provide a cell count of at least
invention relates specifically to the latter category of 100,000,000 yeast cells/ml pitched wort and fer
beverages, i.e. nonalcoholic malt beverages. menting sugars in the wort for a period of one-half
Most of the methods that have been proposed and/or 25 to ten hours at a temperature in the range of 38 F.
practiced for the production of low alcohol beers or to 45 F. to provide a fermented brew with a target
nonalcoholic malt beverages can be listed as including: alcohol content;
(1) fermentation with Saccharomycodes ludwigii yeast (4) removing the yeast from the fermented brew; and
which is capable of fermenting glucose, sucrose thereafter
and fructose sugars but not maltose; 30 (5) finishing the fermented brew by aging, dilution as
(2) interrupted fermentation techniques that halt con required and carbonation to provide a carbonated
ventional beer fermentation at a low alcohol level malt beverage with an alcohol content of less than
by suddenly increasing the pressure or lowering 0.5% w/v.
the temperature; Our invention provides a nonalcoholic malt beverage
(3) high temperature mashing to produce a wort with 35 having excellent flavor and aroma characteristics. The
low fermentability; process of our invention differs from the processes de
(4) the Barrel system involving mixing two beers scribed in Kokai No. 53-127861 and U.S. Pat. Nos.
made from worts of different specific gravities; 4,661,355 and 4,746,518 in various respects, including
(5) alcohol removal from beer by distillation, such as for example, wort composition, yeast slurry composi
vacuum stripping combined with de- and re tion, the temperature at which the wort and yeast slurry
esterification; are in contact with one another, the concentration of
(6) alcohol removal from beer by reverse osmosis; yeast during contact with the wort, fermentation of
(7) alcohol removal from beer by vacuum evapora sugars in the wort, and the greatly reduced contact time
tion; in our process as compared to contact times described in
(8) alcohol removal from beer by dialysis; and 45 the patent literature.
(9) the cold contact method. DESCRIPTION OF PREFERRED
Our development work relating to the present invention EMBODIMENTS
concluded that processes such as those of (1)–(8) above
are less desirable for the production of a nonalcoholic The following sections (1)–(5) present a description
malt beverage for various reasons: some of these pro 50 of the process steps of our invention in such full and
cesses result in a beverage of poor or unacceptable concise detail as will enable its practice by those in the
flavor, some require high energy or capital costs, and brewing art.
others can only be run at uneconomical low rates of (1) Wort Preparation. An extract is prepared by
production. Our present invention relates specifically to mashing malted barley, and an adjunct cereal if desired,
a cold contact process for the production of nonalco 55 in hot water to enzymatically convert the starches of
holic malt beverages and the beverages produced the malt and any adjunct to fermentable sugars. Some
thereby. caramel malt is preferably included to add flavor. In the
An early (1978) disclosure of a cold contact method is brew kettle, a liquid adjunct, such as corn syrup can be
found in Kokai No. 53-127861 according to which wort added to the wort. The wort preferably includes about
of 15-25% Balling is brought into contact with 1.5-2% 40 to 50% each of malt and adjunct and 0 to 10% cara
w/w beer yeast for a period of up to 72 hours, prefera mel malt, on an extract weight basis. The wort is
bly 16-24 hours, at a temperature of -5 C. to 10 C., hopped with sufficient hops and/or hop extract to pro
preferably -2° C. to 2 C.; after separation of the yeast, vide about 25 to 50 Bitterness Units (BUs). The wort is
the remaining solution is diluted with water, its pH clarified and cooled as necessary before combining with
adjusted with lactic acid and the product is then carbon 65 yeast slurry in a subsequent step of the process.
ated. This process is said to provide a carbonated malt Thus, the initial step in our new process is to provide
beverage without forming alcohol. Another cold a wort that has an extract content of at least about 14%
contact process is described in U.S. Pat. No. 4,661,355 to 20% by weight and contains fermentable sugars; the
4,970,082 4.
proportions of water, malt and adjunct, when used, aldehydes in the brew. Thus, aeration of wort and yeast
employed in the wort preparation stage are selected to should be avoided when they are added to the fer
produce a wort of this composition. Our process em menter; it is useful to purge the fermenter with CO2
ploys wort at a higher extract content than processes prior to filling and it also is useful to purge the wort in
described in the patent literature, and the wort is not 5 the fermenter with CO2.
diluted before the fermentation stage. We have found Another novel characteristic of our process is the
that this is an advantage as it enables a higher rate of high concentration of yeast combined with the wort for
reduction of aldehydes in the wort by yeast during the fermentation. Our process uses 10% to 20% w/v of
fermentation without having to add an unduly excessive yeast slurry, to provide a cell count of at least about
amount of yeast. The wort can be cooled with a stan 10 100,000,000 cells of yeast/ml of pitched wort; most
dard wort cooler to the temperature selected for the usefully, the cell count of the wort is about 150,000,000
fermentation stage before it is pitched with the yeast cells of yeast/ml of pitched wort. This is a higher con
slurry for fermentation. centration of yeast in the contact step than generally
(2) Yeast. The yeast used in the process of our inven described in the patent literature. We have found that
tion is to be a thick yeast slurry or cream freshly har 15 the high concentration of yeast is advantageous in that
vested from a prior beer fermentation, and the slurry is there is more reduction of aldehydes present in the
to contain both yeast cells and beer. Specifically, the wort, which in turn, enhances the flavor of the finished
yeast slurry is to contain at least 10% to 20% by weight beverage and decreases the worty taste of the beverage.
of yeast solids and the balance beer. The yeast slurry Another novel characteristic of our invention is that
may be obtained from bottom fermented beer, in which 20 the fermentation is carried out for a short period of time
case it will typically include about 6.5% w/v alcohol, of only 0.5 to 10 hours. This is in sharp contrast to the
and our invention thus differs from prior art cold long contact times taught by the patent literature,
contact processes that are based upon using a yeast that which range from 24 hours to 72 hours. The short
is free of alcohol. We have found that contacting the contact time of our process has obvious advantages,
wort with a yeast slurry containing beer adds to the 25 such as for example, reducing the cost of producing a
flavor of the finished beverage since our beverage in nonalcoholic malt beverage and freeing up fermenter
corporates beer volatiles and flavors to compensate for capacity.
the lack thereof in a typical nonalcoholic malt beverage. We have found it useful that the fermentation stage of
Approximately 30% to 80% of the alcohol in the fin our process be carried to a target alcohol content that is
ished nonalcoholic beverage of our invention comes 30 higher than that selected for the finished beverage, and
from the beer included in the yeast slurry. that the fermented brew be diluted with water to reach
The yeast is most usefully a typical bottom-ferment the alcohol content selected for the finished nomalco
ing brewer's yeast, S. uvarum. The yeast preferably is holic beverage. Thus, we prefer that the fermentation
washed with acid after being freshly harvested from a step be carried out for a time sufficient to provide fer
beer fermentation and may be cooled to the selected 35 mented, or green, brew having a target alcohol content
fermentation temperature before combining with the of about 1 to 2% w/v.
Wort. (4) Yeast Removal. After fermentation of the wort
(3) The next step in our process is that of combining, has been carried out to a target alcohol content, the
i.e. pitching, the wort with 10% to 20% w/v of the yeast yeast is separated from the freshly fermented brew. This
slurry, each as defined above, to provide a cell count of 40 can be accomplished by any of the usual brewer yeast
at least 100,000,000 yeast cells/ml, or preferably at least separation techniques, such as decanting the brew or
135,000,000 yeast cells/ml, of pitched wort and fer separating the yeast with a centrifuge, followed by
menting sugars in the wort at a temperature of 38 F. to filtration.
45 F. for a period of 0.5 to 10 hours, or preferably 3 to (5) Finishing the Beverage. After the yeast has been
10 hours, to prepare a fermented brew having a target 45 separated, the fermented brew is finished by a combina
alcohol content. tion of steps similar to those typically practiced in the
The fermentation is carried out in a closed fermenta brewing art. The fermented brew is first aged for a few
tion vessel. The wort and yeast slurry are cooled to the days, such as about 2 to 4 days, so as to develop desired
temperature selected for fermentation before combining flavor characteristics. The brew from the fermenter is
in the fermenter. The fermentation is to be carried out at 50 to be diluted as required with de-aerated chilled carbon
a temperature in the range of 38° F. to 45 F. in accor ated water to a finished alcohol content of less than
dance with our invention. This aspect of our invention 0.5% v?v. Thus, if the target alcohol content selected
differs from cold contact processes of the patent litera for fermentation is higher than 0.5% v?v, the fermented
ture in which wort and yeast are contacted at a temper brew should be diluted to a finished alcohol content of
ature of around 32' F.; an advantage of our process is 55 less than 0.5% w/v. The brew can be diluted before or
that it eliminates the need for additional cooling appara after aging, and the dilution can be carried in one or
tus or conditions to reach a temperature as low as 32 F. more stages to reach the finished alcohol content. Post
and provides a more practical process for the typical kettle hopping materials can be added in an amount
brewery. Another advantage is that there is no danger sufficient to provide a desired bitterness in the finished
in our process of ice formation in the fermenter or on beverage; in general, we prefer that the finished bever
the cooling surfaces. Further, our process involves fer age has about 12 to 15 BUs. Also, chillproofing agents
mentation of sugars in the wort, whereas the cold such as silica gel or PVPP can be used to stabilize the
contact processes of at least some of the patent litera beverage. The beverage is filtered, carbonated to a
ture discussed above do not include a fermentation selected level, typically in the range of about 2.5 to 3
stage. 65 volumes of carbon dioxide, and then packaged in kegs,
The fermentation is to be carried out with little or no or packaged in bottles or cans and then pasteurized.
oxygen in the fermenter in order to provide a reducing The following Example describes a specific malt
environment conducive to allowing the yeast to reduce beverage having an alcohol content of less than 0.5%
4,970,082 6
v/v that was produced in accordance with the process taining the new nonalcoholic malt beverage disclosed
of our invention as described above. herein that has only less than 0.5% v/v alcohol but also
has most of the taste characteristics of beer.
EXAMPLE 1. We claim:
Eight hundred twenty barrels of wort including fer 5 1. In a process for producing a nonalcoholic malt
mentable sugars were prepared by mashing a brew beverage having an alcohol content of less than 0.5%
containing malt, caramel malt and water in successive alcohol v/v of the type in which a wort containing
stages up to about 170 F. Corn syrup was added as a fermentable sugars is contacted with yeast, the im
liquid adjunct in the brew kettle. The brew was hopped provement wherein the process comprises the steps of:
with a combination of hops and hop extract to a level of 10 (1) providing a wort that has an extract content of at
42 BUs. The wort contained, on an extract weight basis, least 14% to 20% by weight including fermentable
about 51% malt, 6% caramel malt and 43% liquid ad sugars;
junct in sufficient quantities to provide a wort having (2) providing a thick yeast slurry from a prior beer
15.1% extract by weight including fermentable sugars. fermentation containing at least 10% by weight of
The trub was removed by settling in a hot wort tank. 15 yeast solids and the balance beer;
The wort was then cooled with a wort cooler to 42 F. (3) combining the wort with at least 10% to 20% v/v
A thick bottom-fermenting brewer's yeast slurry was of the yeast slurry to provide a cell count of at least
freshly harvested from a prior pellet hopped beer fer about 135,000,000 yeast cells/ml of pitched wort,
mentation and washed with acid. The slurry consisted and fermenting sugars in the wort for a period of 3
of 14% by weight of yeast cells and 86% by weight of 20 to 10 hours at a temperature in the range of 38 F.
beer, and had an alcohol content of about 6.5% w/v. to 45' F. to a target alcohol content;
The yeast slurry was cooled to about 42 F. (4) removing the yeast from the fermented brew; and
The wort and the yeast slurry were combined at 42 (5) finishing the fermented brew by aging, diluting if
F. in a closed fermenter that had first been purged with the target alcohol content is greater than 0.5% w/v
carbon dioxide. The wort was transferred to the fer 25 an carbonating to provide a carbonated malt bever
menter under conditions to avoid aeration of the wort; age having an alcohol content of less than 0.5%
also, carbon dioxide was bubbled through the wort after v/v.
the fermenter was filled. 134 barrels of yeast slurry were 2. The method of claim 1 wherein the fermentation is
combined with 820 barrels of wort in the fermenter. carried out to provide a target alcohol content of about
After pitching, the wort had a content of 143,000,000 30 1 to 2% v/v, and the fermented brew is diluted with
yeast cells/ml wort. After the fermenter was filled, the sufficient deaerated water after removal of the yeast to
wort was fermented for a period of about 6 hours at a provide a beverage having a finished alcohol content
temperature of 42 F. to an alcohol content of 1.14% less than 0.5% v?v.
v/v. After reaching this alcohol content, the yeast was 3. The method of claim 1 wherein the fermentation
removed from the wort by centrifuging. Following 35 takes place in a substantially oxygen-free environment.
yeast removal, the fermented brew was primary filtered 4. The method of claim 1 wherein about 30% to 80%
and pumped to aging where it was diluted with deaer of the alcohol content of the finished beverage is from
ated chilled carbonated water to an alcohol content of the yeast slurry and the balance is from the fermentation
0.6% w/v and aged for three days in an aging tank of the wort.
purged with carbon dioxide. Following aging, the brew 40 5. In a process for producing a nonalcoholic malt
was chillproofed by contacting with 135 pounds of beverage having an alcohol content of less than 0.5%
silica gel and diluted a second time to a finished alcohol alcohol v/v of the type in which a wort containing
content of 0.39% v/v and its bitterness adjusted to 12.9 fermentable sugars is contacted with yeast, the im
BUs by adding post kettle hop extracts. The beverage provement wherein the process comprises the steps of:
was then final filtered and carbonated to a level of about 45 (1) providing a wort that has an extract content of at
2.6 volumes of carbon dioxide and packaged in kegs and least 14% to 20% by weight including fermentable
bottles, following which the bottled beverage was pas Sugars;
teurized. (2) providing a thick yeast slurry from a prior beer
The beverage of this example consisted of a nonalco fermentation containing at least 10% by weight of
holic malt beverage having 0.39% v/v alcohol content. 50 yeast solids and the balance beer;
Blind taste testing of the beverage conducted in accor (3) combining the wort with at least 10% to 20% w/v.
dance with accepted brewery procedures established of the yeast slurry to provide a cell count of at least
that the beverage had excellent flavor and aroma, re about 100,000,000 yeast cells/ml of pitched wort,
sulting in a most satisfying nonalcoholic beverage pos and fermenting sugars in the wort for a period of
sessing most of the flavor and volatile characteristics of 55 about 0.5 to 10 hours at a temperature in the range
beer. of 38° F. to 45 F. to a target alcohol content;
The foregoing describes a new process for the prepa (4) removing the yeast from the fermented brew; and
ration of a malt beverage having an alcohol content less (5) finishing the fermented brew by aging, diluting if
than 0.5% w/v comprising a combination of essential the target alcohol content is greater than 0.5% w/v
process steps including (1) providing a wort with a high 60 and carbonating to provide a carbonated malt bev
extract content including fermentable sugars as stated erage having an alcohol content of less than 0.5%
above, (2) providing a yeast slurry from a prior beer v/v,
fermentation that has a specified content of both yeast 6. The method of claim 5 wherein the fermentation is
solids and beer, (3) pitching the wort with the yeast carried out to provide a target alcohol content of about
slurry at a high concentration of yeast cells as stated, 65 1 to 2% v/v, and the fermented brew is diluted with
and (4) fermenting sugars in the wort for 0.5 to 10 hours sufficient deaerated water after removal of the yeast to
at a temperature in the range of 38° F. to 45 F. The provide a beverage having a finished alcohol content
combination of these steps as defined is critical to ob less than 0.5% w/v.
7 8
7. The method of claims wherein the fermentation the yeast slurry and the balance is from the fermentation
of the wort.
takes place in a substantially oxygen-free environment. 9. The method of claim 5 wherein the fermentation is
8. The method of claim 5 wherein about 30% to 80% carried out for a period of about 0.5 to 3 hours.
of the alcohol content of the finished beverage is from 5 k is is sk











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