Importing Financial Data Into Excel - Indian Stock Market
Importing Financial Data Into Excel - Indian Stock Market
Importing Financial Data Into Excel - Indian Stock Market
Siddharth Shukla of Thrify Investor fame (@shuklasiddharth – are you following him yet?) and I had a short discussion on imp
Some websites do not have an option of downloading financial information from their portals directly into Excel (unless you
etc., which is very cumbersome. Come to think of it, even downloading into Excel is an issue, because for one company, you’ll
consolidate them into one excel for easier analysis – painful!). As it is, financial analysis is strenuous. We would not want the t
This post will explain a very simple method to import financial data (in fact, any data from any website, but financial data f
recently. If you already know this trick, do suggest any improvements on this one (or accede to my request at the end of this p
I will explain this with an example of importing Balance Sheet data of Infosys from Economic Times website. (I will go throug
increase the number of steps (there are only 2 main steps though). It might also look like these 21 steps is too long a process,
a minute or two).
1) The first step is to open up Economic Times website ( and type in ‘Infosys’ in the Sto
2) In the Search Results page that gets displayed, click on the hyperlink of ‘Infosys Technologies’
3) The next page details Infosys under different tabs like Summary, Prices, Financials, Reports etc etc.
5) The sub-tab of P&L, Cash Flow, Balance Sheet etc etc appear below the Financials tab.
7) Since we want to download Balance Sheet data for this example, we will go ahead and click on BalanceSheet subtab hyperli
9) We now minimize the browser (IE/Mozilla/Chrome/Safari – works for all browsers) and open Excel (for this example, I am
and Excel 2010)
11) Under that ‘Data’ menu, go to ‘Import External Data’. Another sub-side bar opens up which has options like ‘Import Data’,
12) Click on ‘New Web Query’. A new pop up window opens up within Excel.
13) Now, we use the Economic Times Balance Sheet web page URL (step 8), copy that URL and paste it in the Address field of t
14) The Balance Sheet page of ET should open up in this pop up window. (If you get some error saying, ‘Scripts error’ etc., just
15) Scroll down within this pop up window to the Balance Sheet table.
16) On the top left corner of the Balance Sheet table, there is an image of a little Arrow inside a Yellow box. Click on it. The Arr
17) Click on ‘Import’ (on the bottom right hand corner of the pop up window)
18) Excel will prompt you with a window ‘Import Data’ and ask you to specify where it has to import the data.
19) Let’s say it’s a new excel sheet and you want to import it in cell A1. Specify that cell as A1 and click Ok.
20) Excel will say, ‘Getting data’ etc (it must be pulling data now).
21) In a couple of seconds, Voila! You have the BalanceSheet data imported into Excel sheet without any effort J
You can do similar stuff for P&L, CashFlow and practically any page and enjoy your results.
1) You can do this for Money Control too. They have 10 years of Cash Flow data which is obviously more useful in analysis than
2) I am not too sure about Consolidated vs Standalone results in ET vs Moneycontrol vs Valuenotes etc. Please check the sam
different URLs (with Ajax and XHTML and what not these days, you can have a lot of data within/between tabs within the
Between, it is always recommended to do analysis off consolidated results (unless you want to do a Sum of Parts valuation usi
3) Siddharth’s tip – Smallcap/Microcaps usually don’t have subsidiaries. They only have Standalone results. MoneyControl’s re
if you are researching small cap/microcap stocks. (Warning: Please do check the Annual Report if these small cap/microcap h