Informer Informer: Big Sauk Lake Association Big Sauk Lake Association

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President’s Message noticed that our annual meeting has been postponed
by Mike Disher until the Governor deems it safe for us to hold it. Keep
an eye on our Facebook page and website for an
Amidst the pandemicamonium announcement of the new date and time, when its set.
(thank you...I coined that myself!)
Many of you are aware that there has been a request for
there are some hopeful things on the
a new feedlot just across Highway 71 on the northwest
horizon. Ice went out early (Good Friday),
end of Big Sauk Lake. While all of us need, appreciate,
docks are popping up everywhere, a few boats and pon-
and love our farmers, we have to be good stewards of
toons have been seen enjoying the beautiful days we’ve
the resource called Earth that we’ve been gifted with.
had of late, and this morning we got some nice April
With that in mind, I encourage all of you to remain
showers that will help nourish and grow those amazing
informed on this issue. As citizens concerned for the
May flowers. I hope this finds you well, and weathering
lake, we know that given its close proximity to the lake,
these “C” (I don’t even want to mention it, I’m so tired
there is a high probability that unwanted nutrients from
of hearing it) restrictions as the Governor begins the
this feedlot could easily make their way into our lake.
process of easing them.
So please take the time to speak up and make your con-
A Few Updates cerns, either in favor, in caution, in concern, opposed,
whatever...make them known to the township officials of
We’ve received notice that there will be no stocking of Kandota township, the County Commissioner for your
walleye in Big Sauk Lake in 2020. As many of you area, Sauk River Watershed District, Soil and Water
know, around 2 million have been stocked for several Conservation Districts, State Representatives and
years, but because of the restrictions the hatcheries have Senators. Remember, whether you are located in
been hamstrung in their efforts. You’ll find a more Stearns County or Todd County, if nutrients enter in the
detailed article elsewhere in this newsletter. While it north end of the lake, they affect the entire lake.
may seem a bad thing, for several years they’ve been
wondering about the ability of walleye to reproduce on To be clear, as a lake association we are not opposed to
their own in Big Sauk Lake, and this may help give feedlots!! What we want to do is to make sure that any
them an inkling. such projects are done in such a way as to reduce or
eliminate the likelihood that those nutrients will have an
You may have noticed the lake seems a little lower than opportunity to degrade the quality of Big Sauk Lake.
normal. We’ve been told they’ve begun raising the dam
and levels should come up soon. With the slow melt Before I close, I wanted to make sure that you are aware
and minimal runoff though, should be interesting to that when we ask for your email address on your mem-
watch what happens. I know of at least one person who bership forms (which you should have received) or
had to adjust their lift to get their pontoon on it, though. when you sign in at meetings, WE DO NOT GIVE
One piece of good news, we think, is that our June 13th this, quite sparingly I might add, to notify of you of
golf tournament/fund-raiser is still on. We’re trying to important issues having to do with Big Sauk Lake that
work out details as to whether we can serve a meal of we feel are important for you to know.
some kind afterward, but until then, there is an ad with
details also in this newsletter. If you have questions, So for now, welcome to Spring, cherish the days, and
there is contact information in the advertisement that keep watching for the date and details of the annual
will direct you where to get your answers. meeting.
On the flip-side, if you follow our Facebook page or
have visited our website recently, you’ve probably
This February a select number of Kandota Township resi- The county currently does not have minimum setbacks to
dents received a letter from the Todd County planning protect existing property owners living in close proximity
commission in regards to a conditional use permit (CUP). to this proposed site. Seventy-seven percent of the other
The request was for a feedlot of 999 animal units of cattle, counties in the state have established setback ordinances.
on land parcel 14-0009900 Section 10 township 127 range Currently there are 3 homes located 275, 591 and 648 feet
34 of Kandota Township. ( The Todd county website has away from the feedlot. All of them are within setbacks
an excellent map function that you can use to get to this established in surrounding counties. If a similar one is
location: added to the ordinances in Todd County, it may keep a
pviewer/index.html?id=7f0264ce662a4e0b9f2efa97ca44f3 feedlot from being put onto this parcel of land and others
a4) like it in the county. This option is currently being
explored. It is important to let the commissioners know if
Many nearby residents in addition to lake property owners you support a setback ordinance. If you have already,
and other interested citizens expressed their concerns to the please remind them!
Todd county commissioners. Subsequently, the permit was ment/meet-your-commissioners/
withdrawn and the same 11 acre site was registered for 125 Given this situation I was dismayed to find out that we
animal units. This is still a concern for many folks nearby (BSLA) have very few email addresses from our members.
as well as lake property owners because the distance The feedlot status may change in a way that would jeop-
between the feedlot, residential houses and lake. Heavy ardize the water quality of Big Sauk Lake and affect the city
rain events, which seem to be getting more common, may citizens, all citizens downstream and YOU! Or, a different
cause runoff problems from the feedlot to travel to the lake urgency like an invasive species (e.g. starry stonewort)
which is approximately ½ mile away. That affects the could be spotted and immediate efforts needed to contain
water quality of the lake that many citizens use for recre- its spread. Consequently, I encourage you to send us your
ation; not just lakeshore owners but others that come here email address via our website at:
to fish and camp. The water quality of Big Sauk Lake may . We would like to have a method to
be at stake here. quickly inform you if a petition or other action is needed.

201 Main Street S, Suite 2 ~ Sauk Centre, MN 56378

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Pres sident
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Are you a business member of Big Sauk Lake

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Association interested in advertising your goods or

services to our members? Well...we can fix that!
Actually, you can fix that and here’s how.

On the back of this newsletter is a membership

Water Treatment Specialists
form. If you aren’t already a member, that would be
step 1. Once you have paid your membership, you Water Softeners
are eligible to advertise with the following rates and
options. You can contact any board member and Drinking Water Systems
they will be able to point you in the right direction, Bottled Water
or you can just inquire at [email protected].
Salt-Water Delivery
Here’s a summary of our newsletter advertising rates
and options: Seasonal Softeners
Full page options: RPZ Testing
A. You provide full page camera ready copy ready
to print and we print the ad for you as a page in RUSTY ROHDE
three newsletters. $300 Toll Free 800-651-3378
OR, Cell 320-491-3580
B. You provide preprinted 8.5 x 11 ad preprinted
ready to insert. $100. (This option is a PER ISSUE

Half page:
A. You provide half-page camera ready copy ready
to print and we print the ad for you in three
newsletters. $175
Quarter page:
A. You provide quarter-page camera ready copy Your dream has many moving parts — and we can protect them all!
ready to print and we print the ad for you in three Bundle your home and auto policies to save, and add on life insurance
newsletters. $85 to opt for convenience, so you can keep dreaming towards what’s next.
Let’s talk about your insurance needs today.
Eighth page:
A. You provide eighth-page camera ready copy
ready to print and we print the ad for you in three
newsletters. $60 BUNDLE AND SAVE!

A good rule of thumb is to have your ad in our Timothy Kampsen, Agent

hands, camera ready, on or before the first of the Tim Kampsen Agency Inc
month for the first issue you want your advertise- 501 Main St S
ment to appear in. That would be February 1, May Sauk Centre, MN 56378
1, or September 1 for the Winter, Spring, and Fall Bus: (320) 352-6115
issues, respectively. [email protected]

If you miss an issue, we’ll pro-rate the cost for you.

(Camera ready means the ad is ready to print. BSLA American Family Mutual Insurance Company S.I. & its Operating Companies,
is not responsible for any edits or corrections) American Family Insurance Company, Life insurance products underwritten by
American Family Life Insurance Company, 6000 American Parkway,
Madison, WI 53783 ©2019 015967 – 2/19 – 11750114
A very nervous first time
crew member says to the
skipper, “Do boats like this
sink very often?” “Not too
often,” replied the skipper.
“Usually it’s only the once.”

One day, two guys Frank and Bob were

out fishing. A funeral service passes over
the bridge they’re fishing by, and Bob
takes off his hat and puts it over his
heart. He does this until the funeral serv-
ice passes by. Frank said, “Gee Bob, I
didn’t know you had it in you!” Bob
replied, “It’s the least I could do. After all,
I was married to her for 30 years.”

Three fishermen were fishing when they

came upon a mermaid. The mermaid
offered them one wish each. The first
fisherman said, “Double my I.Q” so the
mermaid did it and to his surprise, he
started reciting Shakespeare. Then the
second fisherman said, “Triple my I.Q.”
and sure enough the mermaid did it and
amazingly he started doing math prob-
lems he didn’t know existed. The third
fisherman was so impressed he asked
the mermaid to quadruple his I.Q and the
mermaid said “Are you sure about this? It
will change your whole life!” The fisher-
man said “yes” so the mermaid turned
him into a woman.

17 1/2” x 21 1/2” Map—Fully Laminated
26 1/2” x 34” Map—Not Laminated


17 1/2” x 21 1/2” Map—$5
26 1/2” x 34” Map—$10
To obtain a map contact:
Jeff Mayer, 612-710-9866

127(A$10 charge added

to each map that must be shipped.

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By Paul J. Radomski, author of Lakeshore Living

Lakeshore owners have a strong well. Often, the outcome is water ate this buffer is to stop mowing
desire to protect their lake. Healthy quality and water quantity prob- down to the lake. A smaller lawn
lakes provide the recreational and lems downstream or downhill. with a larger shoreline buffer will
aesthetic benefits lakeshore help infiltration and reduce runoff.
residents value. In addition, The second way of managing rain- To signal to my neighbors that my
healthy lakes enhance lakeshore water is to get the water and the yard is tidy, I use split-rail fences
property values. There are three pollutants it carries into the ground to designate the boundary between
ways we can reduce pollution and near where it falls. This can often my cared for lawn area and natu-
maintain healthy lakes. be a small-scale, decentralized and ralized shoreline buffer. These cues
1. Reduce runoff by getting rain- low-cost option. This approach of care show people that I’m both
water into the ground near where it uses rain gardens, grass overflow protecting the lake and caring for
falls. parking areas, grass swales, porous my yard.
2. Beautify the shore. or pervious paver blocks, parking
3. Maintain our septic systems. lot infiltration basins and fewer Maintain Septic Systems
impervious surfaces. Infiltration Finally, for those lake home own-
Reduce Runoff reduces pollutants and nutrients ers who use septic systems to treat
Rainwater runoff is a major source entering our lakes, thus protecting and disperse waste and recycle
of water pollution. Rainwater the lake water quality. water, maintenance is critical.
runoff comes from roads, drive- Sludge builds up in the septic tank
ways, roofs and lawns. Rainwater For lakeshore owners, a simple and should be pumped out every
that does not infiltrate into the start to managing rainwater is to two to three years. If sludge accu-
ground or evaporate becomes redirect gutter downspouts that run mulates to the level of the outlet
runoff. Runoff is not only occur- onto impervious surfaces, such as pipe, clogging will occur, which
ring when streams are full after a driveways and sidewalks, so they will damage the drainfield and
rain, but it also occurs when small run onto vegetated areas instead. reduce the life expectancy of the
sheets of water flow over the sur- Rain gardens are a good way to system. Drainfields can also fail
face of our lawns and head down capture runoff when greater infil- when they are overloaded, either
to the lake. Runoff carries pollu- tration is needed. with too much water or too much
tants, such as dissolved metals, garbage disposal waste. The
pesticides, suspended solids, pet average life of a drainfield is
waste and nutrients, such as 10 to 20 years.
phosphorus, which can lead to
algae blooms. Lakehome owner management of
septic systems is sometimes inade-
Good rainwater management can quate. Regular pumping of the
help reduce pollutants and exces- septic tank is needed to minimize
sive nutrients from entering our pollution problems. Consider
lakes. When rainwater is allowed scheduling maintenance of your
to infiltrate into the ground, the Beautify The Shore system this summer by calling a
soil and plants can purify the water Managing rainwater also includes local septic system pumping
before it reaches the lake or river. protecting natural areas important provider.
There are two ways to manage for water storage and filtering,
rainwater. The traditional way has such as wetlands, streams, and MN Lakes & Rivers Advocates ~
been to move water off fast. This vegetated buffers near water. A PO Box 22262
approach uses stormwater sewers, shoreline buffer of natural vegeta- St. Paul, MN 55122
pipes and ponds. Unfortunately, tion traps, filters and impedes
civil engineers have found that this runoff. The simplest and some- 952-854-1317
expensive approach does not work times most effective way to recre- [email protected]
Special Aquatic Invasive Species Prevention Grant Program
for Stearns County Residents Selling Water-Related
In order to try to stop the spread of aquatic invasive what body of water it is being moved to.
species (AIS), the Stearns County AIS Committee is
offering a $150 incentive to any residential shore owner ▪ Water-related equipment is to be thoroughly cleaned by
on a Stearns County lake or river meeting the following the residential shore owner prior to transportation (no
requirements and restrictions: plants or animals present).
▪ The residential shore owner is selling a dock, raft, boat ▪ A maximum of one incentive per year will be paid to an
lift or other water-related equipment (boats, pontoon, individual residential shore owner.
other watercraft and/or related trailers are ineligible).
▪ Equipment that will be overwintering out of the water is
▪ Eligible water-related equipment is to be moved from a ineligible.
Stearns County lake or river to a different lake or river
after being out of the water for at least 31 days. ▪ Equipment being sold to or being used as a trade-in to
a retail outlet is ineligible.
▪ The residential shore owner will arrange for and allow
first and second inspections at the start and end of the If you would like to apply for the $150 grant please con-
minimum 31 days and allow photographs of the water- tact the Environmental Services Department before the
related equipment on site prior to buyer taking ownership. beginning of the 31 days so the time-out-of-water can be
verified. Please note this program is first come, first
▪ Payment will occur after the owner actually sells the served and is subject to cancellation at any time.
equipment and provides the buyer's name, address and

Visit the following site to download the form to apply:
There will be no Walleye stocking in Sauk Lake this year due to COVID‐19. But with skipping a year this will allow
the DNR to evaluate how much, if any natural reproduction is happening. This will be conducted by electrofishing
which last year yielded the highest catch rate in the 10 years of stocking. They will consider anything under 10
inches as this years hatch. Following is the news release:

DNR News Release

2020 egg take operations suspended canceled due to COVID-19 social distancing protocols
April 14, 2020
The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources will fish species. While this stocking is important to maintain
cancel its 2020 egg take operations for walleye, northern fish populations and angling opportunities over time,
pike, muskellunge and steelhead because the work cannot missing one year will not cause long‐term harm to the fish
be done safely under COVID‐19 social distancing guide‐ population of any waterbody.
“Fish populations naturally are made up of fish hatched in
Collecting eggs and sperm from spawning fish in the wild different years, so a missing or weak year class is not
is a labor intensive effort that requires teams of 6‐8 uncommon,” said Brad Parsons, fisheries section manager
people working in close proximity. After a careful exami‐ for the DNR. “In fact, in lakes with natural reproduction, a
nation of whether the egg take process could be re‐engi‐ strong year class often follows a weak year class, so not
neered, the DNR determined that is was not possible to stocking for one year might actually benefit the following
safely handle fish during the egg take and practice appro‐ year’s stocked fry.”
priate social distancing to protect staff from COVID‐19.
Minnesota joins some other Midwest states including
The DNR collects eggs each spring to hatch, raise and then South Dakota, Michigan and Indiana in suspending egg
release either as fry or fingerlings to stock Minnesota take operations. In addition, the USFWS canceled all
waters that have low or no natural reproduction of these planned lake sturgeon production for 2020.

Open May 1, 2020

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Directions: North Hwy 71 to County Road 2, East County Road 2 to County Road 15, South on County Road 15 for 1/2 mile then follow signs
2020 Big Sauk Lake Association Membership
This page is a list of BSLA Residential and Business members who continue to support us. THANK 
YOU for your support of Big Sauk Lake and the Sauk Centre community!
$$Peter & Bridget Hubbard Steve & Jeanne Shelton
Joyce Huntstiger Jason & Minnow Speidel
$$ - Extra Donation Gary & Renae Illies Jeff & Lynn Spessard
Bold - Board Member Tim & Mary Janish Dorothy Stadther
Alice & Jim Abraham Dan Jaros Wanda & Jim Storie
Frank & Nancy Ademite James & Bernadette Jennissen Kathy & Dale Struffert
$$David & Chasity Armstrong Elaine & Dean Jensen Bob & Linda Swanson
John & Cindy Banovetz Romaine Joarnt Rod & Maren Thornbloom
Kevin & Mari Banz Mike & Lori Jost $$Dwayne & Judy Trisko
Vern & Sue Beckermann Craig & Terry Kasch Richard & Marie Unger
Jerry & Renee Beddow Bill & Milan Keichler Joe & Katie Uphus
Laurie and Loren Beste Dean & Mary Kerfeld Manley & Gayle Vinkemeier
$$Steve Beuning $$Dennis & Beverlee Korte Milt & Charlene Warkentien
$$Roger & Susan Beuning $$Chuck & Bev Kortuem Dwayne Weiner
John & Gail Bieniek Joe & Blaine Kostreba Brian Weinzierl
Eric & Joleen Blue $$Mark & Gwen Kranz Tim & Jo Weir
Mark & Brenda Breitbach Marjorie & Bob Lackmann Marcia Weisbrich
Andrew & Teresa Burlet Brent & Jody Lavoi Matt & Tara Wessel
$$Barbara Carlson Larry & JoAnn Lawinger Lyle & Lynn Yackley
Dennis & Kathy Christianson Peter & Karen Leko Johnathan Yarger
Janet Lien Maxine Lobejko Cory & Jill Yarke
Chris & Katie Determan Jeff & Carol Mayer Wayne & Mary Jo Yokiel
$$Robert & Colleen Diercks Patricia Meyer George & Lori Youngvorst
John & Lorna Dierks Keith & Jennifer Middendorf Victor & Trisha Zeiher
James N. Dolan $$Kimberly Middendorf $$Jim & Mary Zilka
Philip Ehresman J&J Miller Family Trust Jean & Virgil Zwilling
Tony & Irene Felling Brent & Sonja Miller
Cyril & Deb Felling Gary & Stephanie Muenzhuber Business Members
$$Jean & Pat Fiedler Patricia Musenbrock Blairs Marine
Tom & Edie Fischer Micah & Laura Neal Central Minnesota Finishing
Mike & Jackie $$Jack & Cindy Nelson Centre Power Sports & Recreation
Jason & Marisa George Kirk & Carrie Nelson City of Sauk Centre
Greg & Darla Gilb Ken & Mary Nelson Country Cat, Inc
Dawn & Carl Gordon Chereen Norstrud Econo Wash
Bonnie & Roger Grapper Robert & Nancy Peterson Ecowater Systems
David & Kathy Grussing Rod and Jeanne Pettit First State Bank of Sauk Centre
Ed & Sara Hackenmueller Ed & Sue Pfeifer Greystone Golf Club
Benedict & Claire Haeg $$Dupper Polipnick & Deb Shapro Main Street Press
Heather & Tom Hamilton Cheryl Ann Polipnick Minnesota National Bank
Rick & Cindy Haroldson James & Shana Rachey $$Neighborhood Realty
Margaret Heinen John & Mary Rasmussen Sauk Centre Conservation Club
Larry & Debbie Herke Shirley Rice Sauk Centre Public Utilities
Eric & Janelle Hesse $$Al & Joan Rindfleisch Commission
Barb & Mark Hilgers Art & Lorraine Schaap Saukinac Campground
Renee Hinrichs Milo & Julie Scheerle Studio 71 Salon
Paul & Shawn Hintzen $$Tony & Allison Schelitzche Tim Kampsen Agency American
Alyce Hintzen Brendan P Schmoll Family
Paul & Sara Hoeschen Jeff Scholl Tree Top Nursery & Landscaping
Kris & Chrissy Hokanson Mark & Shellie Schreier Kemper Dock & Lift
Randy & Denise Hommerding Doris Scott Winters Recreation


Watch our website and follow us on Facebook for details when it is rescheduled.
Big Sauk Lake Association Membership
q Business Membership q Personal Membership ($25 per Year: Jan. 1—Dec. 31, 20______)
q New Member q Renewal BSLA will never give your contact information to anyone


Mailing Address:___________________________________________________________________________________

Lake Address if Different Than Above:__________________________________________________________________

Phone No:________________________________________________________________________________________

E-mail Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________

Website: _________________________________________________________________________________________

Please cut out and include with your payment to:

BSLA, Box 282, Sauk Centre, MN 56378
The Big Sauk Lake Association is a Minnesota nonprofit corporation, and a tax-exempt, environmental
organization under Article 501 (c) (3) of the U. S. Internal Revenue Code.

Business Member Benefits

Link to your business website on our website l Opportunity to advertise in our 3 newsletters
Facebook shoutout from BSLA l Newsletters


18583 150th Street ~ Sauk Centre, MN 56378
(320) 352-2798 VERY CLEAN

Open 7 Days a Week

We are here to help you with all your boat On-Site Change Capability
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Thank you!
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We are located 1 mile north of County Road 2
201 Main Street South
off of County Road 11 on 150th Street.
Sauk Centre, MN 56378
Less than 4 miles from the North end of Sauk Lake
Big Sauk Lake Association PRSRT STD
Box 282 PERMIT NO. 15
Sauk Centre, MN 56378 U. S. POSTAGE PAID
Sauk Centre, MN 56378
ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED E-mail: [email protected]


Mike Disher – President—AIS Detector, 320-232-0650
Jeff Mayer – Vice President, 612-710-9866
(Lake Watch – North Half)
Wayne Yokiel – Secretary, 612-867-8935
Rick Jennissen – Treasurer, 320-260-3229
Matt Wessel – Membership, 320-492-5052
Vern Beckermann, 320-352-3732
(Lake Watch – South Half)
Tim Weir—320-352-3318
Bob Bjork, 320-351-2513
Kevin Baartman, 612-369-2725
Mitch Manoski, 320-282-8312
Rand Willhite, 612-819-2857
Rusty Rohde, 320-491-3580

Enjoy our famous pizza or your favorite beverage on our deck overlooking beautiful Sauk Lake.

Boat docking - Pet friendly

8, 10 & 12 person pontoons for rent
Cabins for rent that sleep from 2-8
Open Thursday & Friday at 4 p.m. Saturday & Sunday at 10 a.m.
Located in the bay at the north end of Sauk Lake, 22182 Birchwood Loop


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