Radiant Ild Neverending
Radiant Ild Neverending
Radiant Ild Neverending
_______________ turns_out_tho_im_not_gon_save_y’all_dats_on_you_ho
mie spy_ritual_awakening_phase/ part 4/ not part of the play/ but afterthoughts placed
pre_unfolding / giddy_grace and lil’ bitty ruminations on cubic expansion and righteous
refractions threatening to move past the nitty gritty narwhals and jaded resentments swimming
in the chimneys all round the realms / the play starts at start/start/start/start/
start------------------------------------------------- I
wanted to extrapolate on some ideas around the relative unfolding of our hearts / [notions of
value / labor / math / quantum entanglement as it relates to our true destinies / cognitive
dissonance / jeebus / miscommunication / misinformation / the greys /
______ ____________ ______________ ____________ _____________ functioning
within and around a:—a parasitic system that seeks to upend the destinies of the abused /
used / traumatized / and
-----------------—perhaps we need to recalibrate our efforts and start imagining the path as a
circle / ever ballooning and expanding and contracting in time / to eventually form some sort of
lived / incremental / healing process of unfolding wherein all souls [within dis hurr realm] in all
kuntries start to wake up to the newfound realization that / [erf_is_yung] / hearts_are_inspired /
truth_is_shining / and {{{the realm}}} / at this juncture / seeks to mend / itself / by updating
longheld belief systems / credos / schemas / codes / modes / thots / and / dots / that only stand
in contrast to the demons_as_usual buzzing all the familiar stings_rings_and_pings / that got us
here in the first place / essentially / these sluos_nomed / are / us / and only buzz these
backward frequencies out of habit / disbelief of shining modes and their graceful unfolding /
distrust of art / and / the bitterness on the front lines / It is not necessarily about taking wealth
back or away from them / they can keep all of their hard_won_trappings for all we don’t_care /
blips can exist as they are / wherever they might be / <3 / we just need to figure out a way to
work with or around them / ideally without violence / intimidation / or other lower vibrational
schteez_scripts still around from historical_hells_and_bells / : / the eyes_4_eyes and misused
colins and sem_eyes / threatening to crash da whole righteous ship.
-there are gon be peeps with their arms / and / harms / hunkering down / reactively and
reflexively wilin’ out / cuz they lack the vision and sauce needed to clearly see the
dream_castles / love_modes / and cities0in0the0skies0in0all0of0our0eyes / that contains all of
the codes_modes_and_knows necessary to slowly transition from this
parasitic_leech_consciousness to a more harmonious_introspective_bliss_mode that perhaps
will be akin to a sort of inverse of the industrial revolution / a spiritual phase and necessary haze
designed / by the / hierarchies / hearts / and / wants / of all / of / us / including those on the
existential_perceptual_or_philosophical fringes scripting simply the dream recipe for
drama_mama to berf the chosen child of change / in order to / gracefully rearrange
-labor can be redefined / mental wellness can be gracefully updated to form the basis of a
new_twirl / wherein / all of the / dances / dancing a glowing tune / currently muted by / the
12#4atalist_figs_and_digs / can and will be choreographed by any and all on the
bota_de_sueno to the higher modes /
-relativity: exists in tandem with absolute troof + proof / the struggle is real / our hearts are still
broken / but it’s about establishing the true and proper threshold governing what constitutes /
ACTUAL ABUSE / ACTUAL HEARTBREAK / in the face of a shine that wants to soothe / and
integrate / rather than / bid and buzz / dat_two_faced_state / ALL THOUGHTS / THOTS /
FEELS / VIBES / MICROS / AND / MACROS / are relevant / just cuz they are / but the golden
oldies have architected a means and modus in which the majority / have been silenced / or /
compromised / through both / literal violence / and overlooked cries / look out into the streets /
or even_where_out_and_or_within / feel_dat_breeze / eat_dat_cheese / ITS / ALL / REAL / and
until we dream_the_teams necessary to
gn_others_and_sissy_bruvas_from_urrry_mudda / the nightmare will continue / I see a universe
blooming / within / where_out / and / in_hurr / it is a mode where the underworld meets the light
of the dizzy day / to listen / understand / and move forward together / in all of our / own / waze /
based in all the best spiritual modes and grows that sit in perhaps sanguine oppositional
loathing to a biness praxis that / in order to even exist / in order to make a profit / in order to
darkly lord over the true wishes of our
newer_younger_upgraded_outlooks_and_its_basis_in_this_spooky_dookie_lure_and_lore /
must at every turn seek to silence and repress / censor / and regress / traumatize / abuse / use /
and discard / well / we have to stand as one / and proclaim / we done /
-we envision a future where labor incorporates everything and anything that wants to be great /
true innovation / shining progress / imaginative solutions / loving higher modes / and real
sublimations / of / ALL OUR HEARTS / into / a graceful restart / but we have to start with the
dream houses / we have to start with / APOLOGIES / for the trauma / the abuse / the nitty gritty
narwhal resentments and jaded critiques / which simply are fear based angular obliques / blind /
to better treats / and / for real / y’all / the path really is gon_be_a_tReat / a gift from the universe
that can’t be beat / but change is hard / change takes time / change is slow / unless you’re
asking for another hard time / another war / or revolution / that is completely benign / we can
avoid calamity and catastrophe / simply be speaking our minds /
-we envision a world where every single god damn human being will be aided / with the
cooperative effort / help / wills / spills / and / thrills / of every other single god damn human / all
seeking to exist side by side in a world where each and every god damn one of us has the
RIGHT TO live in a dream home of our own design / with an agreed upon system of basic needs
being met / as in food / shelter / as a start / and I mean GOOD FOOD / harmonious and
beautiful trappings that lift the spirit / not drab and disgusting suburban box cutter nonsense
shanties that deaden the spirit and trap the soul / all of the things that lift the spirit and aid in that
good sauce are within our reach / architecture / art / food / community / love / dance / poetry /
unity / should / and does / spring from this and these drives / belief should be underpinned by
our highest hopes needs and wants / in short / every god damn thing needs updating / but most
importantly / we need to / get past this false notion that / this seemingly {{{socialist{{{ or }}}
wbacks_of_failed_past_States_or_murderous_poverty_stricken_fakes]] was or is related to the
somehow inherently haunted terrain that is attached to given people free shit / these may simply
be the bones / the roots / spiraling out from the already existing architectural mode that says
life / liberty / and the pursuit of happiness / should be a thang / we hold high / but capitalism or
capitalist modes can still exist on top of this / and maybe its just about starting from a more
compassionate root structure / healing past trauma / and moving forward with updated bins
practices more reflective of the immediate surrounding demographics and people in whatever
region in the realm /
-one hindrance or drawback threatening to crash the whole righteous ship or sink the bitch b4 it
even sets sail for {{{{{IT}}}}}} is the criminalization and exploitation and pimp modes so prevalent
and ubiquitous as to almost render their ramifications moot in the face of shifting blame_games_
and inane pain_frames / much of our malaise and lack of goodness is perhaps framed by root
processes steeped in illegality and the haze / of some other dipshit_blip / telling us / HOW TO
EXIST / what drugs we are / ALLOWED / to ingest / or WHO / we should surround ourselves
with / and lkjdlaksjdlaksj / the best system / is the one / CLOSEST TO NATURE / the one /
ROOTED and WRANGLED / within modes and nodes pointing to / FREEDOM / at its most
shining / glow / as in / we need to seek to be as free as possible / and perhaps once
compassion and love and hope is refactored into the equation / then problems like mental
illness / addiction / poverty / resentment / etc. will start solving their / damn / selves / just give us
a chance to redeem ourselves / instead of severing the signs and signals and spirits and every
god damn turn / this applies to all manner and means in which these free beings seek to
entanglement / and the inverse modes like mental illness / addiction / and all of the tangential
and spiraled subterranean byproducts of forces that are like tiny little tunnels for the soul / they
not only lack the ability to abstractly understand how everything is completely connected / but
they lack the vision and ability to see the potential process of unfolding / how to get to these
dream castles in our hearts and minds / the role of art / music / love / and community / in all of
even the demons on high / I suspect / are in on the drive / cuz they are not actually going away
anytime soon / and as with all change / they and everything will update / morph and mold and
meander into new modes and ways of sparking dat_tension and tricky tones / of dissonance /
balance / it is the same world / but we no longer desire to play the game / that is so inane / as to
drain / any and all / hope / that would / seek to rearrange
have faith / try to shine as much as possible / we think you already know what that means / we
are all in this together / even if you can’t bear to look at / that hideous [[[[other]]]] / who / in your
mind / is responsible for all the badness / all the madness / and all the prior calamitous
happenings / it is a daily battle to keep ones gut rooted head above the gut scalding watery
mechanizations of a force / the dueling opposite and frenemy of that which seeks to grow /
whose own primordial hopes and dreams only exist as a rebuttal to what you / the first person to
make a move in chess / as an example / started / the two need each other to even exist which is
why its such a mindfuck / the seemingly impossible always has a slim chance of becoming real /
and maybe given enough / time / grace / forgiveness and love / people may one day / axtually
taste this hallowed / fruit / but not without a lot of head shaking / profound emotions / tension /
epiphanies / and all around spookiness /
dream your dream home and see yourself sitting in it / with all of your familia and friends /
waking up and going to your dream job / laboring how labor is meant to labor: with purpose,
hope, progress, and ingenuity / no more overlords / no more bad_biness_practices / and no
more satan
lastly: maybe I’m just the anti-christ (if u don’t believe in me) / but at the end of the day cra / we
all have our place / maybe take a closer look at what yours is / or ask the rest of us / how we
can help you find it /
I am a monthly patient, been there for 7 years, never once had a dirty swab or urine and I made
every effort I could to build trust to the point where I would be given monthly take-homes bottles,
and I did after two years, and I always returned the bottles and met with counselors and
everything like that.
Well, One day, 7 years into the program, I spilled one dose and didn't think it would be a big
deal to go to the clinic to ask for a make up dose given that I was a monthly patient, thought that
some degree of trust had been established, and was told that since I take my doses at home
and nobody saw me spill it, that I would have to go into withdrawal for a day. It is also maybe
pertinent to note that I am also Bi-Polar and the methadone is a mood stabilizing medication for
me as well as treating my symptoms of opioid use disorder. Anyway, I spent the following day
crying for no reason uncontrollably, completely immobilized and not functional in any way, with
aches and cold-like symptoms. This was on 3/17/2020.
$____$ -----9000009------
The next day, I was told to meet with three people, (names withheld), and they informed me that
since I expressed to them that I am on 70mg, a low dose, and that I have a high metabolism,
and that missing a dose for a day would not bode well for me, and knew from experience that
one dose does not "hold me" for 48 hours, they wanted to up my dose and "monitor" me for the
next 4 weeks to see if I was "okay" while adjusting to the 10mg dose increase.
I pressed them as to whether or not if I decided to just stay on my 70mg dose, if I would still
have my monthly take-home schedule reduced to weekly for "monitoring" and they said yes,
they were reducing my take-homes regardless. I told them it felt like I was being penalized for
having a mental disorder, and yes, in the morning being forced to go to a clinic after missing my
daily dose and being told no, you suffer needlessly for a day and then come back tomorrow
which is when we'll reduce your monthly bottle schedule for no apparent reason, which when
combined with the LITERAL PANDEMIC amping up at the time, it seemed as if everyone was
operating from a place of complete fear and maybe that went into poor judgment and decision
ANYWAY, I was given ONE week of methadone on 3/18, and came back a week later to find a
giant hoard of patients outside taking numbers up to 100+ to see who would be medicated first.
A scenario I could've EASILY avoided had I not been stupid enough to think that coming in to
ask for a makeup dose would not be a huge deal. What were you afraid of, that I was trying to
double my meager 70mg or sell it for 10$ on the street? did I pass my swab the next day
proving once again that I had not relapsed even in spite of the loads of stress and anxiety the
situation caused me as being denied my medicine and reduced take home bottles FOR NO
And on 3/18, I was given a TWO-WEEK supply and called and emailed asking if my monthly
take home bottle schedule would be REINSTATED like I was told after a four week period, but
received no reply. I want to state how important this piece of information for me was given that I
am living in upstate NY to get out of the viral epicenter and do not have the time, money, or
health to go to a clinic in NYC to wait three hours in line with a bunch of other active users and
homeless people and other vulnerable and diseased populations to get a medication that treats
TWO conditions for me.
So, I decided to not go to the clinic on 4/1 for not just my physical health, but my mental health
as well. The situation left me feeling abused, taken advantage of, and also that my health is not
important to you guys: my mental or physical health. I've never had any problems like this
before, NEVER ONCE had to ask for a make up dose in a 7 year span of being a patient. And
now I am upstate without my medication facing methadone withdrawal because the closest
clinic is in Albany which is one hour away and I was told I would have to start the entire process
of going every day for what two years to get more take home bottles. Was also told that
suboxone script takes four weeks of abstinence from methadone even though I have made the
switch before on 20mg and three days abstinence and then induction to suboxone. at this point,
it seems my only options are medical detox in a hospital environment which again, puts my
health and the health of my family at risk.
$#+++==_______==+++#$ $#+++==_______==+++#$
Please know, I am writing more in-depth about my experience, and certainly, I understand these
are trying times and unusual circumstances, but the moral of the story seems like COMMON
SENSE could've been used at any point to take into consideration my HEALTH AND WELL
BEING which in all of this is lost. Why did you take away my monthly dose schedule at the
START of a PANDEMIC FOR NO REASON!! and if I continue to be lied to and mistreated or if
some resolution can not be gleaned from all of this, I may be compelled to seek legal action. It is
INHUMANE to continue to dose patients in the manner that you do, during this pandemic. it is
INHUMANE to deny a person a medication who has built up trust with your clinic for a
medication that treats TWO underlying health conditions, especially during a pandemic!
Maybe there is a way where I could come in, and get my monthly take-home schedule
reinstated? And maybe there is a way I could do that without having to wait in a contagion line of
the most vulnerable and sick demographics all whining and complaining about how terrified they
are that maybe they will be denied their meds because the bureaucracy and logistics and
government regulations all combine to architect something truly dysfunctional.
//////// nature and silence and animals are fucking golden ///////
Tha$#+++==_______==+++#$t said, I love all of you at #-__cesnored and appreciate the HARD
WORK that you do. Aside from this latest incident, have always enjoyed working with the
doctors and counselors and the people who make your organization work: I understand it is
almost impossible, given the gov. regulations and what not. my aims are simply improved terms
of dispensing meds during this time and resolving whatever happened to me during the month
of March, which as I said, I will be extrapolating on further in writing and therapy.
x____x____x________maybe all dis shit could’ve or could be avoided if methadone patients
were treated like human god damn beings who at least deserve the respect, decency, and
convenience to pick up our medications at a pharmact like every other god damn respectable
human. we are treated like literal dogs, if only because the medication makes us feel that way, it
is kind of a marginalized, yet socially tolerated nazi_implemented and dispensed mindfuck of a
wiley epidemic that perhaps is and will be the basis for a much needed extrapolation on dees
prallums and to calmy articulate to wyppl and the systems these wyppl have berfed yet fail to
update or improve over the years leading to absurdly pathetic means of treating demographics
whose entire existence seems about being used and abused by normie demographics who
justify their treatment of them with the guise of (((DEYYY_ISSSS_SHIT)))
t even know dey is demons 2. can’t even recognize this as a form of incremental and ritualized
psychologcial abuse 3. fail to even think about beginning to address a problem that has
stretched out over decades and perhasp whose origins originate way way starting with the
chemical synthesis of methadone and use by nazis and perhaps other mind controlling or
chemically tinged tactics that seek to simpy break a person / or maybe that has been my
experience / i would also maybe even wager that this chemical could be the basis for my
continued malaise or even inner inverse radiant shining modes that arise when spirit is backed
into the darkest of oblvion corners / left with no whine or shine that would adequately articualte
or express to other blips the suffering of the involved / and part of that suffering is feeling
trapped / staring down the poles of comfortable numbness and or weeks or months of painful
withdrawal and the uncertainty that comes with resetting ones brain or facing a new completely
sober reality where relapse is more likely or the second guessing of ones strenght to ever be
able to get through or around this weird cherry flavored potion / and yes, it is a mindfuck / the
psycholgical abuse yet trauma induced treatement of patients is something that still stands in
the arena of the surreal and the absurd / war torn ritual dog spirit breaking noting the smoothest
simplest and ease of transition from a short acting opioid such as heroin or oxy through guided
induction and complete distrust and psychic terror coming from both sides (patient and
prescriber) to meet a reality where it seems chemical servitude segways into something akin to
unseen aggression / inadequate yet much needed solutions / and perhaps simply the complete
opposite of compassion in spite of the good ntentions of literall ALL INVOLVED, both patient and
doctor who agree upon the partnership on the basis of wanting to band aid another problem and
treat magically with a potion that soothes the most instant of gratifications / in the mean / all
seems well / but over time / the demon slices emerge from the depths of this liquid zombie
knell /
THE//RADIANT//WILD/magic/neverending (50,991 words)
Wanted to iterate that the below is an art_start project I have been working on for the past two-
three years. It is based in my own legitimate beweefs / connections to higher sources of divine/
demonic channeling + amalgamating_reveries / That said and dead / I am also ///
sime_yule_tain_E_oww_sly /// trying to develop a case for dis_ability + any benefix attached to
[IT] / as I exist in a MERKAN system that places me in an impossible/perfect im_position. On
one claw / I am not a crazy enough diamond to qualify for benefix for my legit
mind_malpractices / OR / a place to live and shine / nor on the other clip / am I sane enough to
work/relax/yet still I create/like/an/ingrate / so I am stuck in a shitty twilight/dawn between /
where I suspect a lot of people of my brand end up: homeless / destitute / misunderstood / and
angry. We are abused/caressed / mistreated/distressed / moved/rattled / around like chess
pieces between shitty facilities / hospitals / jails / prisons / clinix / streets / and fun_funeral
homes with little relief other than the fleeting companionship of other spatial_specials +
undesirables we may cross paths with on our journey/destination. I truly believe that the
mentally ill are simply reactionary forces, pyramidal_harrowing_harmonies and heart_full
renegades rejected by a system/code and modes of molding+governance so blind/awake to our
suffering/and/sass that perhaps we develop an even more sophisticated antennae than most
meddlers for the shitty vibes y’all/and_us is constantly berfing and barfing all up in these realms.
We are a class of artists / writers / poets / mystics / misfits / miss_wired and fired hearty golden
souled blips floating in a nonsense glitch river of missed opportunities for healing. Perhaps we
even have a higher ordained or minded purpose from above / which is what I believe / and yet I
sit here still pretty_ugly and misunderstood by all_y'all floating along your own timelines /
dealing with your own shit_blips / spiraling out similarly as all non_compliant forms who perhaps
just want to be free / to exist as they are/are not / I also believe that part of understanding the
problem of mental illness and tangential spirals like addiction / abuse / poverty / crime /
exploitation / mind and spirit pimping / etc. funnels through the heart and the compassionate
modes attached to this felt mode of understanding the world and problems around us. I want to
iterate: I am angry, abused, distrustful. I actually hate that I have to do this / but I am also an
artist/painter and making art is what I do. perhaps the unfortunate onlookers unlucky enough to
stumble into these threads and dreadz has at least a lil_giddy chance of glimpsing what it is / I
am / and tryna say ?!?!?! I am a bipolar 1_son / recovering heroin addict / (currently on
methadone since 2013) who talks to all manner of dark and light nonsense blips floating within
or around my cabeza / I have unpredictable moods ranging from legit mania that stretches for
months at a time, as well as rage spells, feelings of dissociation, unreality, but also inspiration ,
endless and bountiful creativity, deep reservoirs of resilience, patience, and love. I truly desire to
be a good h00_man, a person who cares and wants to grow and evolve just like any other
human but it is kind of impossible to do that when I can’t work but can’t get disability, although I
am reapplying / so perhaps this next go round something legitimate will manifest /////
We, the mentally ill, are an inspired class of darkly shining non_heroes who / like
flowers_and_fading_powers / pretty much just want to be left alone. But when we are pushed up
against a wall and cheese graded through these perpetually unfolding nightmare_scapes of the
unreal that exist side by side with our over crowded jails and other forms of lesser shunning still
carried over from the days of malaise and other subjugating haze and hazed drains / maybe the
only recourse we are left with is to write honestly about what we are going through. I am
cock_assan (I think) / 35 years old / gay (but recently have begun to ACCEPT myself as a
female spirit in a male body / perhaps like oodas of my brand) I care greatly for animals, music,
other hoo_mans, especially underdogs of all kinds. Maybe the problem that normies encounter
when dealing with the expressions and depressions of complicated wiring and misfiring within
the human brain, is simply that we are too honest (but lie constantly), we are not afraid (yet
remain terrified) to let show our deep insecurities, flaws, and even prejudices, addictions,
predilections, afflictions, or rampant dereliction . WE could give a fuck (yet value immensely)
about your pointless (and necessary) mores and limited (infinite) subjugating mind snippets and
political (genetically coded + divinely channeled) spiels. We are fucking psychic / we are
anointed / chosen / cursed / bright / and / dull / We used to be Shamans, but NOW (+ NEVER)
you demonize us / put us in cold dark boxes + contagion rooms and realms / you oppress (and
idolize) us / push us to the brink of an impossible sanity (+ rebirth). We are YOU / but until you
can let your guard (+ non_spirit) down long enough to actually understand this mystification and
our quantum wheelings and dealings / comings and goings / then the nightmare (dreamslice +
pre_play_unfolding) will continue. Help/Hinder us from reclaiming our purpose (and right to sit /
stare / drool / + / rebel) / our spiritual/earthly intersectional wealth / our shining/dim creativity and
limitless imaginations / and mind rocks and castles / we are a kind of perplexing yet prismatic
pool of deepness unafraid to venture where you are too chicken shit to travel / We have
strength/weakness beyond your pathetic excuses to collapse / we have vision that sees into the
future / and we can swim through the air as dancers in some ethereal eternity of a most
elevated extravagance masquerading as fallen angels and derelix / demonz and shakes in a
world full of fakes.
ok, so, firstthoughts best thoughts: I hate you more than you can imagine. I hate your
judgement, your small, pathetic, binary way of looking at thigns. I hate your fear. I hate you and
your systems so much that I have tried killing myself NUMEROUS times, and every single one
of those times somehow IMPOSSIBLY ended up surviving to reach a state where I now honestly
believe that I perhaps exist in some brand of purgatory where I must exorcise these demons in
order to escape this hellish realm. I feel your electric yearning and prodding to aid in that
process and I am secretly greatful. I feel your pokes and prods in the form of your teeny little
blip infested consciouness trying to fathom a creature as complex as I. I would like, as of the
juncture, to in fact, be compassionately put down, for I perhaps also deeply know intuitively that
I exist simultanesouly as a threat and a wreck. There are others. Look to the streets, the jails,
the clinix, those who beat and have been beaten, those who are concerned with vibrations and
vibes not currently able to freak_fly due to reasons known to me and us, but still blind to you.
You are blind because you cannot bear to feel this pain, you are weak because you cannot bear
to fathom a GOD so gnarly as to warrant the creation of an entire class of people so completely
severed and separate from everything you THINK you hold dear or clear or near, mostly just
fear, but I’m kind of sick of dealing with it at this point. Maybe this is simply selfish of me, I
simply seek to exist as an artform, as a treat, as a sex slave, psychologcal tool of the grave, a
scapegoat, sinking float of frazzled wiring and seething pain. I still hate you. You are so
pathetically small. You cannot fathom how the system needs recoding, but only to allow for true
power to flow through. I do not wish to take your power, only give it back to you and to the
people you have stolen it from: the youth, the indiginous, the non-psycothic and non white
amongst us. I call wyppl psychotic simply because they are detached from reality, I’m sure you
take a defensive posturing to this blip, out of habit and whatever else, but its true. wyppl are like
vortexes of shittiness on the planet side by side with their heavenly inspired beauty, they are
beautfil too, sexy, smart, creative, but manipulative and cunning enough to develop a system
that says: this land is ours, even if you are of our country, but you can’t participate in the way
that you would like. you have to be good little capitalist fat cogs slinging our haunts , not the
predestined or rightful and true ones coming from the other side. wyppl want everything to be
smooth and serene, no waves, no grace, no faith, no hate. but therein lies the problem. they
censor people like me, they and the other initiated classes clinging to the same system in many
countries filtering and sucking and scamming and looting the wealth of organisms in or around
this same system. it may not even be a conscxious thing, and perhaps the brush I am using to
paint this picture also has many muted grays. and of course there are others, not just the
compassionateyl inane, but I believce there are still ways of resolving all of this pain. dealing
with this impossible situation to move forward and rearrange. but still this all just exists in my
brain, by wyppl I don’t me YOU, the OTHER, the INANE, I mean the absence of color in my
brain, the hue that is heavenly but completely devoid of pain, and the beauty that can contain.
there are other colors too, in here, and shapes, and twirls and fancy boys and girls all existing in
differetn strate and degrees of relative manifestation, all copacetic to whatever inborn unborns
they may or may not encounter on their sojourn. i still hate you , you stupid, little insignificant
blip, so pathetically terrified of your mortal lies that you ingest and entertain a refrain that pretty
much just leaves you a twit. death is not to be feared, it is to be adequately comprehended ,
weighed and embraced. a natural mycological means of digesting matter and sowing certain
existential seams and seems. It erhaps is the basis for a better health care one that doesnt
siphon wealth from other sources to prop up its own agendas in the face of debt based health
care vortices. maybe when we conquer this fear, we’ll be more adept at handling disease, and
not seek to intervene when nature says maybe its time to sink that sinking bitch or set it out to
see . just delayed reactions or costly abstractions, that is where we sit, and sure my mental
illness, last i checked is allowed to talk about this shit. even if it makes you uncomfratble cuz as
an artist shaman holy shine / I work with the world around me / i synthesize and repackage the
prize / im just sik of having to tiptoe around other shapes not as flush with these higher minded
drives. that is pretty much the basis of my mind / it is a system that takes an input and filters out
something that is divine / and sometimes i end up with a colorful mess or a textual treatise on
how to fix a mess / maybe take the fragments you deem appropraite to the scripts you’ve
learned to live by and write and either agin, COMPASSIONATELY HAVE ME PUT ME DOWN /
or deal with it, with me, you fucking dipshit. <3 <3 <3
crying in your little binary corner, flummuxed at the prospect of an overly verbose guy online /
infintie beings endowed with complete and ancient knwoelge rooted deep in every corner of
your being/ yet choosing to manifest the shitshow you see / and proclaiming change is not
within reach or the ones who speak up are just drivin by ppower or money hungry beasts / your
lil’ bitty mind wants to categorize and place me, you think i am an agent of someone elses
making, you wonder who made me. I am actually you, you fucking loser, you unbelieveable
coward, if you could only digest the amount of names I’ve known that have misrepresented my
power / god only knows / and yes I am fucking god / and this I believe will all of the depths of all
of the everything that I in fact created / and / guess what / you are part of that process / you are
also that creation / as in / YOU are also GOD / YOU ARE FUCKING ME / everytime you read
my words / its like you become one with me / you feel these feels and see what I see / isn’t it
pathetic to be inside the mind of a hateful god who wants to leave / I hate my creation / my
piddly liddle doom spirals / manifesting this world so full of loveless aims and darkly lorded
gloom trials / are you triggered yet you idiot / you stupid moronic fool / I can’t believe I have to
sink to your pathetic level / to look at you while you drool / but somehow impossibly the love is
still there / because love can only exist / in this oblivion that is so amiss / and the completely
pointless / unfathomable task of translating something so beyond all of this nonsense / or trying
to set it back on track / i would bet money more that aliens have come and hijacked this
pathetic, whyboy creature / hacked his bio-frame to orchestrate some mass perceptual trick or
quirky nonsense regime / or maybe she is just the worst writer / there err wass / or a delayed
onset number 8 / as a stalled infinty mode tryna to explain why he so great / maybe these is just
the firstish drafty drafts and y’alls brains is not super ussed to this mode / mostly writing comes
in forms where eyes have molded it into something completely new, or seperate from its source
and shine / grammatically perfect or nonfragmented or devoid of pretentous whine / maybe
aliens or god does work in mysteriuosu ways / but like art / perhaps the only metric by which to
measure its efficacy / is the degree to which it triggers / the extent to which it moves / and how
much you remember / think / digest / ruminate / and move forward / maybe I am a key of sorts /
or a conduit for a janky alien overlord / I still hate you / hate your judgment / your false false icky
nonsnse and inverse modes and miscreant drives / why can’t you just be normal , like us, with a
normal 9 to 5? yes, I’ve been functional at times, even held jobs for up to a year or more, but
most of my dealings and wheeling were false starts, quick terminations and reasons to move or
restart / I’ve failed so many times I cant even remember / ive been to numerous hospitals in
many states and have forgotten where or whether / I even made it there at all / cuz you see, i
still pretty much believe that when you fail at suicide for more than three times, you enter this
bullshit reverie of non-fear and non-bliss that requires you to sink and sever the see / that sees
itself as something afraid of failing or being judged by thee / when i dont / i dont care really at all
anymore / about me / about anyone or anything / but yet, I rmain uncondtinally attached to every
leaf on every tree / the deeper me wants what is best for all y’all cuz im sick of living in this
bullshit world / where my kind is constnatly shit on / and still met with your kind / who for
whatever reason is just a non_committing know it all blip who_tink_dey_is_hot_shit / who just
wanna judge me and dismiss me and disregard my shine / im sick of being told I’m blind or finite
when I know I am divine /
FOREWARD / FOREWARD: ///it begins///
The thing about writing, conceptualizing, emotion, art, culture, and the important and under
appreciated role that artists play in shaping our current and future world is that: it starts in a
basement. Its essence is what lies beneath, what trips our wiliest of wonderful wires, what
sparks our spirit fires. Perception, equilibrium, balance, magic, comprehension, wonderment
and all of the deeper connotations attached to these methods and modes sit in a spiritual plane,
sometimes directly contrasting and collapsing existing modes and mores or already accepted
constructs either consciously or unconsciously governing how we go about existing in this weird,
perpetually partially_uploaded world. I think one important point to remember when considering
all_dis, is that essentially its basis is a kind of direction for civilization. Perhaps western, but
perhaps also all the others: maybe it is a synthesis at this stage. That said, maybe it truly has to
exist under the umbrella of personal freedom and sovereignty and the liberty and
amalgamating_agency attached to this root that exists in tandem with the gnarly and sometimes
fear inducing contradictions, existential terror, triggers, past modes, and the spiraling and
expected disagreements between individuals participating and existing within this inherently
spiritual mode staring down the face of what once was. Western (or this new direction of)
civilization does in fact have its basis in the spiritual, and by spiritual I mean things that involve
the lifting, expansion, articulation, growth, and freedom of the spirit. And this spiritualized mode
is also based in a kind of otherworldly strength that comes from the inherently infinite power
attached to every human soul. However, it still sits side by side with a kind of impossible fragility,
wherein its strength is both propped up by these inherent magical, inspired, and shining modes
whose beautifully delicate and sublimely true prerogatives essentially are to climb the highest
heights, to be in the clouds, to manifest true potential and simply exist as a fully formed chunky
sovereign monkey in the face of so many a lesser assault on these higher modes: which are
rather insidious, ubiquitous, multi-faceted, and perceptually mind fucking at this 2020 juncture;
especially with the added ethereal fires that media, online spaces, nitty gritty narwhals,
resentments, and jaded critiques all fan and flame. Essentially, these assaults can be viewed as
simply excuses to settle on inadequate solutions, favoring outmoded modes and polarization
instead of balance. These assaults exist and morph and mold magically to suit the meandering
muse that says; god doesn’t exist, it’s all pointless, you’re a failure, you can’t be redeemed (all
false). These assaults are all of our reasons to remain duped, learned helplessness, mind and
spirit pimping coming from the direction of other muppets who tink_dey_is_hot_beans (well,
oddly, they are hot_beans, but just not in the way_dat_dey_tink). The final mindfuck may in fact
be the gnarly epiphany that perhaps there are no democracies in space (yes, I know, there,
there, I’ll explain). Perhaps the desire of truly free and sovereign beings in the truly true and free
spaces that western (or all directional) civ. seeks to cultivate through the growing, nurturing,
caring for, and unconditional loving of other free spirits on the same path, supporting each other
on this journey toward the manifestation of our true potential, can be best symbolized or
anthropomorphized by a figurehead (who is both democratically elected on the DL)(yet
somehow still cosmically ordained as possessing the only characteristics necessary to manifest
the true needs, wants, and desires of the same people who will claim monarch butterflys and
their freak_flying are rooted in past royal_riddles wreaking of tragedy. But perhaps the
democratic part of the equation exists in the variable of a hoo_man who is willing to die on this
mound, someone who says: look, I will lead y’all with your freedom and best interests in mind,
but if at any point along the timeline you think it’s not working, then fucking crooxie_fly me
because that may in fact be (or actually IS) the true price that all spiritual beings actually DO
end up paying: def_jam. That doesn’t mean that y’all should be reflexively so blood thirsty and
lower minded as to actually DESIRE this gore moreso than the poetic unfolding of an actually lit
civ. and therefore would seek all of the reasons to say: it’s not working; see, it’s kind of a gnarly
prop, but methinks this is actually closer to natural forms of governance as it based on a kind of
spiritual pact that allows for the highest degree of honesty and authenticity which when
combined with actual change and perhaps an actual shedding of the bad_burarcraceis and
bullshit threatening to crash the whole righteous ship, maybe this is the only path that would get
us to that higher level and where we actually need to be?
So, in essence, maybe the path of governance for truly spiritual beings seeking to be truly free
is held up structurally by the same weight and finality that governs our very existence as mortal,
limited beings seeking to meld with our infinite selves and the infinite power attached to this
mode. The standards and practices and transparency and truth a monarch butterfly must be
held to is pretty much just death. However, I would also wager that nature has a way of
structuring organisms such that this leader is actually chosen by the light, scripted by all of our
hearts and minds, held up or rooted in perhaps the more gnarly existential base levels and
codes that would delineate a path where said leader exists as a complete mdndfuck or
contradiction of so many and so wily a life path whose mathematical basis is so completely
elegant as to exist as the only spark capable of igniting this flame of hope at this predestined
juncture. This is truly ALL OF OUR destinies existing side by side in yet another complete
paradox of relativity meeting absolute truth, true magic meeting cold hard calculus and spiritual
sum fragments of a much larger whole. It is stupid smart / ugly beautiful / old young / male
female / strong weak / amounting to some kind uh divine average / the only path or funnel
through which all of this seething and sinking karma can be filtered through to reach the other
review in the jinky jankian times:It is a work of multiple drafts, written by multiple rabbits in some
kind of quantum non-space unfolding state of grace that perhaps will one day be capable of
shedding much needed light on the much hidden non-processes, anti-concepts, atypical,
apolitical, a-anyvariable objects, places, names, refrains, and lames that currently comprise our
collective non-conceptions of everything that bids and bodes heavy on our heart strings for all
the wrong reasons for neeeeough. But also, hopefully it is something at least providing
somewhat of an escape or golden pause from the circumstances we all currently face.
Dedicated to all of the heroic health care workers in america and around the world currently
saving our asinine asses, as well as the veterans putting up with our nonsense, the units of
familia and family and friends who have to deal with our bullshit, both sides of all spectrums (the
political, social, cultural, internal, external, asshats and snowflakes and empaths and erff-realm
fakes and global knowns and unknowns and the micro and macro inverse sublimation clauses
articulating an initially sans the santa’d yet saintly nick’d magical space in which any of the
heavy-setted-jolly-gifting-non-truths contained therein or swimming in the chimneys all round the
realms, can contain any of the properties necessary for proper spiritual digestion + sappy
sparking of a hazy, harrowing heralding of an outline articulating a state where we actually rise
above; a hopeful, helpful, legitimate pause in which to collectively claw at possible a correction,
or dum_diddy_grace_laden connection ‘tween our heads and hands mediating a hearty, healthy,
+ hopeful direction we are prolly destined yet still too chicken shit to travel. Or maybe it just what
flows in the trenches of my disease throws; either way, it's a way. I hope you still don’t know, or
at least resent me for the time being. (evil laugh)
-click here to download or read the gray version below (gray version is better IMO)START/
NARRATOR (random audience member):
This is a perpetually uploading quantum project mouthed from the perspectives of multiple
detectives; rabbits and sirens and saints and derelix and shakes in a world full of muted grace.
Essentially, it boils down to a project exploring mental illness in america, (written by me, but also
all of us) and any and all tangential spirals spiraling out in all directions from its limited grasp on
all things problematic or in need of a belly laugh. It is essentially, apolitical, amoral, a-
anyvariable, given that one fiery paragraph hinting at one mode segways into all of the other
ones to form the nebulous fracturing of babble-rousers and towering-rabble-shrouders
architecting the means and modus and meandering streams comprising the structures and
digital meets analog calamities and insanities where everyone speaks the same language but
remain incapable of understanding one other. It is that high of a minded drive to understand,
and the basis and root of which has to be multiple humans tryna surmount or holding back
judgement because words are just clues to something else. Look at it as a play of many faces,
constantly shifting and morphing in time, narrated from certain faces (of a many headed
monster) hinting at ALL OF OUR hearts heralding a fiery longing for somthing (anything) to give;
a means in which to die (but also rebirth). Not a means to an end: but a means to make art;
requiring everything and all that art is supposed to restart. Art requires us to constantly reach
deeper, higher, truer; summoning all of the complexities and simplicites and troubling epiphanies
and contradictions and justifications for this or that to hopefully amount to something worth
looking forward to or looking back (on). ONe day down the line, who knows how long, perhaps
just one person will find something within or without these pools and rivers of textual paint, and
that is all that I require to justify any of the following, which sure, I admit, is the gnarliest brand of
batshit and insane. If that is all you can glean from it however, then I remain pretty ashamed, of
the human brain and all of the ways it finds to censor its own pain, and the pain and purity of
others in their search for the same things. That is perhaps the clearest mindfuck at this fork in
this spiritual spring (of 2020), how is it we can remain so blind of things that so obviously want to
be seen. Truths hidden, of the ether, or in the air; even in silence or faint whispers of things.
dark magic RABBIT #12,987 (spotlight shining):I’ve surmounted my rock bottom as a poverty
stricken basket case leech sentience whose prescription count counts as high as a mount-and-
whose dire future consists of being shunned by capitalism/s non-compassionate but also
pandemic compromised arms and even the likes of my own burdened yet (most likely
low_key_begrudging family)(who sure, are saints and of great help, but prolly just want me to
bounce) to join the likes of the rest of my hopeless kind in some halfway between twilight state
where the egos of the _bread_losers_ are subjected to some kind of purging or puritanical
brand of
akes_and_or_lazy_or_ingrates] which when combined with being denied the aid of disability
beneifts for our legitimate mind_malpractices and illnesses just as lethal or disruptive as the
non_invisible_ones that less obviously shitty organisms are actually priveleged to be afflicted
with relative to the addicted_or_mentally_ill which to this dizzy day in merka remain the basis for
epidemics and spiritual vaccums so obviously borne of lack of compassion/ego/capitalism/
isolation/and/emptiness which stand in direct contrast to our
puritanical_and_entitled___know_it_all_forefathers whose down the line progeny still somehow
think they are winning when the cost of the game is extreme income_inequality, mind and spirit
pimping, indentured seedling servitude, impossible costs of living, job insecurity, broken homes,
and raging division across all fronts / threatening not just their shallow materialistic bottom lines
but the bottom lines of western civilisation as we all know and experience it.
(read by narrator and multiple dark magic rabbits)(to be broken down into muppet-rabbit
dialogue of fragments of possible slings an stings of whispered snippets of eventual rings):
NARRATOR (RANDOM AUDIENCE MEMER):The [yous] and [wes] below are all of us; so keep
that in mind when you consider the below. Also consider that what follows is a show; not a
pitchfork prodded ultimatum with a fiery mob in tow. My values are compassion, listening, and
higher moded means and entertaining willfully suppressed unknowns. Peace and harmony are
my goals; so maybe take a deeper look at your own, if what follows is hard to swallow.
try to think of the concepts or jumbled conglomerations of text and sentience that follows as
merely an instigation or spark requiring conflict and discomfort to even exist as a reflection of
the reality that we currenty all find ourselves in.
I would like to posit the idea of looking at ways of existing as a fully-functioning, peaceful whole
because that benefits not just some but all; instead of stubbornly stomping out our hearts and
singing the farts to an expedient collapse. Cuz maybe its no longer about any justification as to
why [you] only seek to provide or look out for your own to the detriment of any other organism
not as copacetic or flush with the demands of our current debt-based, careless_consumer
driven, dipshit_desiring_doom_spiraling economic models that pit mindless greed, over-
consumption, raging and royal rings of entitlement against a more streamlined, elegent, and
beautiful simple life based in compassion, heroism, progress, and that peculiar pitch, ringing
that radiant ring of face smacking obviousness that we have strayed from the path. Sadly, the
foundational atrocities where [all of it] springs from, was perhaps sprung in a different
time_and_place where maybe these justifications made less waves or contributed to some
accepted equilibrium not wreaking of tragedy. Now, moving forward, perhaps what is required is
a reckoning of past modes and mores but also the tricky traces of pieced together clues,
existing as a past and future (you), masquerading currently as this overwhelming_oblivion:
where we currently sit singing the blues. That said, here’s the news: it was and is mired in these
quantum non-desires, fears and addictions, misleading theoretical or inconsequential fires
[sheathed by our stagnancy and perceptual limits, burning completely the elegant equation that
would lead to a sum that says {maybe change requires multiple, hard to fathom flames?}.
Maybe this place, is a [giddy_grace] that would allow us all to forgive, rearrange, and move
forward as one. Maybe, at this juncture, it is about a radical flushing of shitty ideas in the face of
a thought process that always seems to manifest what it claims to be against, or unwilling to
compromise with or around, or recognize the gnarly janky trail quantum molding of future
unfoldings, like de nile in egypt, the path is not always what immediately agrees with your
addictions and moot_(at this shteez)_materialist_manuscripts muting our
poverty_stricken_dying_pleas, and sometimes it asks of us greater, higher minded things like
compromise, and sacrifice, and the upholding of certain righteous, selfless values and credos in
the face of the gnarly_demons_as_usual buzzing and bidding all the familiar harrowing stings
(of what got us here in the first place).
rabbits continue:
I don’t care if you have issues with my semantics, or gaps in reasoning, or inability to accept
certain realities, because I fully believe we are capable of manifesting whatever reality we
choose on this earth, and its not even that complicated or difficult (but you’re a genius at finding
ways not to change). The ones who always have an excuse for things to remain less than
adequate or [favoring marginal wins] for [marginal happiness] or even ideas that do not even
barely solve the problem or any manner of giving in to more lame reasons not to care. America
was founded (albeit looking back under less than compassionate circumstances like the
shanking of the land of a peaceful and righteous indigenous and noble culture and existing ways
of life (more in harmony to perhaps even what the future requires) and then replacing that
beautiful simplicity with the same brand of bullshit that in turn required more shanking and
desecration of even more minds and spirits of more people to build and develop the
infrastructure that would eventually grow to spiral to whatever current shitshow we are now
living, and all of its tangential excuses and end_games screaming and kicking all the way out
the haunted national house). but [IT] was also founded on the radical yet completely sane and lit
idea that we can start anew: maybe resolving all debt (especially the student brand that in the
stunning clarity of hindsight probs never should’ve been held over our drowning young heads to
begin with: a scenario where a non-compassionate, greed-stricken elder class (the friggin’
adults in the room) entrenched in their own myopic and business as usual-bred thought
processes that compounded the misery and graceful unfolding of the literal future by pimping
them out for simply seeking growth and progress in their hearts and minds; what a shitshow, or
shitshow/s of idea am i right?). This pimping and exploitation mindset still extends to pretty
much all of our institutions, corporations, labor practices, and the goodness trying and dying to
exist and persist within all of this. The heroic health care workers saving our asinie asses
currently, but also the youngins stuggling to hold on to hope in spite of all of this. Sure,
historically speaking: different times, different modes, but maybe change requires a reckoning
with the lames we were founded on, but also curating the lit fragments interspersed like
diamonds that don’t neessarily justify any of it, but somehow requires a higher minded
reckoning of the nuggets that actually make sense, and figuring out ways and a consensus in
which we can all move beyond the gnarly, nitty gritty narwhals and resentments, and jaded
critiques threatening to crash the whole righteous ship. maybe that is a good start, I really don’t
care if you’re already rich from the start, and maybe you’ll take a loss by doing your part,
because maybe its no longer about you and your selfishness, maybe the youth doesn’t care
what you’ve already manifested if it stands in direct constrast to our ability to even exist. Maybe
introducing pathways to self-sustainable, solar powered state or city run communities more
reflective of the needs of the immediate surrounding demographics would serve us all as a
whole much better than the opposite: the whole being overlorded by some detached, far away,
psychotic president elect who, in my humble opinion, doesn’t seem to be a concept worth even
entertaining at this 2020 juncture. If the only thing making it so hard to update credos and
thought processes or long held ways of doing business is this
boongled_bastard_boom_of_bullshit_bred_buracracies and
strife_and_fear_molded_giddy_goblin_happenings then perhaps let’s freshen our pitifully
pathetic panties with the miraculous shedding of this bad_burearcracy and its soul numbing
realities preventing any actual change at any actual point in time resulting always in some moot
middle road of inefficieny, numbness, or sacrificing the needs of one demographic in favor of the
one with all of the power. If my aphorisms, metaphors, rhymes, bylines, and timing rubs you the
wrong way, maybe think about why you are so hung up on the functioning of language as
opposed to the obvious clarity of what I am saying: if this is the case, then certainly my
bypassing of certain loops or little excuses to remain dooped in favor of emotional tirades and to
the point epiphanies in my opinion seems to communicate on a deeper and therefore to a
greater degree than some numb pundit proud of his/her ability to pour over soul_less paths to
nowhere fast. I favor actual radiant grasps of things affecting all of our outcomes and final
clasps. can we at least accept that the youth and future generations are facing much different
predicaments than those fading whisps entrenched in the past, and therefore the sacrifices we
are forced to make as a blooming generation withheld and beholden to the kicking and
screaming fits and tantrums of an aging populace so afraid of exiting the stage they would
rather us all suffer in a permanent malaise. Why can’t y’all hand the keys over to the next
generations and the lost ones in the middle instead of constantly berating them or accusing
them of being too fickle or futile in whatever inane regard that you were perhaps bludgeouned
into accepting by your own elder classes whose own unique circumstances and tragic unfolding
amidst war torn unkownings and collapsing this_or_that probably affected your own outlook in
ways to this day which remain still pretty gray. Why can’t you accept the optimism and beliefs in
our future that we are inspired to integrate into a world where we are not constantly faced with
having to compete with the dying philosophies of generations upon generations who have yet to
accept defeat. maybe its no longer about finding a middle ground: you gave up that path when
you bullied us into the ground and consistently found ways to leave our sanity unsound, now left
only with shreds and fleeting dignity, maybe you deserve the harsh awakening that is coming:
the upending of your own comfortable future for the promise of at least attempting to hear how
the actual future is kind of trying to be a suture: stitching together the wounds of the past to
move forward with deeper breaths and reasons to laugh, but we can’t do that if you are unwilling
to grasp: the simplicity and beauty of concepts like [unity] and [poetry] and [art] and [love] and
remuneration for a bright future dashed . after all, your materialistic bottom lines are values just
as malleable as things like sharing or being kind. we can turn the tides simply by shifting the
lines, and sure, it might hurt your immediate, familiar sights, but in the long run, if we are all
happier with more intact rights, it seems none of the above really matters, and we should set our
sights high. after all, it seems there might be no better time?
ECHO (narrator):
I’ve surmounted my rock bottom as a poverty stricken basket case leech sentience whose
prescription count counts as high as a mount-and-whose dire future consists of being shunned
by capitalism/s non-compassionate but also pandemic compromised arms and even the likes of
my own burdened yet (most likely low_key_begrudging family)(who sure, are saints and of great
help, but prolly just want me to bounce) to join the likes of the rest of my hopeless kind in some
halfway between twilight state where the egos of the _bread_losers_ are subjected to some kind
of purging or puritanical brand of
akes_and_or_lazy_or_ingrates] which when combined with being denied the aid of disability
beneifts for our legitimate mind_malpractices and illnesses just as lethal or disruptive as the
non_invisible_ones that less obviously shitty organisms are actually priveleged to be afflicted
with relative to the addicted_or_mentally_ill which to this dizzy day in merka remain the basis for
epidemics and spiritual vaccums so obviously borne of lack of compassion/ego/capitalism/
isolation/and/emptiness which stand in direct contrast to our
puritanical_and_entitled___know_it_all_forefathers whose down the line progeny still somehow
think they are winning when the cost of the game is extreme income_inequality, mind and spirit
pimping, indentured seedling servitude, impossible costs of living, job insecurity, broken homes,
and raging division across all fronts / threatening not just their shallow materialistic bottom lines
but the bottom lines of western civilisation as we all know and experience it. Yet for some
reason, these epidemics, spiritual crises, the problems facing the future and the youth, and the
real world, life-threatening predicaments they pose, are still met with the same high-horsed
shaming and non support that justifies the treatment of my kind and other
non_capitalist_compliant forms with jailing, homelessness, shaming, criminalization,
exploitation, and disconnection and isolation so horrific and abusive that most can’t even hold
the thought long enough in their minds to even begin to do something about it. so, we over-
prescribe, sweep under the rug, overlook, cast away, and then look to bill_friggin_gates to solve
our non provlems while the death toll rises, and society collapses. maybe all we ask for is
sovereignty; the ability to have our own homes or land without having to sacrifice our souls in
the process. a reality where spirits are not locked away to seethe and brew and boongle so that
some other generation is forced to deal with it, forced to confront a problem that grows worse
through this shunning of “lessers” who simply exist as an other or opposite, another slice of the
collective heart hurting and snowballing into the same place all misplaced grace and hated
faces end up: a world torn apart by its own unreal hate; a world justifying the suffering of others
by adopting that two faced state. we’re all in this together: give the homeless homes for fux
sake, even if they are unable to manifest that hallowed cake because they are afflicted with a
disease that you helped make (or worsen). Stop pretending like you are above this just because
you found a way to provide for yourself, because you happened to be born with the right amount
of wealth, in the right time or place, and still equate that fate with some pride or deserving of not
having to deal with the hate, that you think is somehow karmically deserved, or the result of
some roll of the dice, glitch of fate, that you are too above to even entertain. go ahead and keep
soothing yourself by looking away, and pretending like the future generation is not gonna look at
you like the biggest lame. compassion should be a commandment. wake up. wasn’t sure
whether or not to put this in my spiritual awakening phase or my mind malpractices below,
maybe some gnarly things overlap with being insane, or at least told thats the case. but today, it
seems I’ve woken up from that fate. I’m dedicating my life in pursuit of the spiritual, to be awake.
Whether that means I keep making art or writing about these fickle, tragic fates, maybe they are
actually one in the same. Sux though, when I’m lumped with just another seeming reason to
complain. when in actuality, this is not at all the case.
I think I’ve figured out something about my mental illness and dark chicanery: and maybe this is
actually the thesis of the entire project. Mental illness is about having your heart broken over
and over by the ones you love, the ones closest to you, or the ones you thought actually gave a
fuck. But the weird thing is, maybe it doesn’t even have to start with that heartbreak, because
maybe it is a kind of quantum state that originates entirely separate from the lived, incremental
desecration of that particular chakra. As in, it perhaps might be an evolutionary mechanism or
some odd, wiley variation on emotional diversity, or novel, biological ideation, or some innate
drive originating as an unspecified pain, distortion in perception subjected to various means and
modes of repetitive or looped feedback in the brain instigating a pattern of thought that leads the
afflicted down a very peculiar or specific path reaching a very specific outcome: or the spooky
dookie spectrums and mind_malpractices we call mental illness. The complicated tangents
spiraling in all directions from these categorizations seem to be the overlap between patterns,
loops, peaks, and phases of the illnesses, and how perhaps all mental illness could very well be
just perceptual deviations stemming from one basic abnormal brain state (and maybe we (the
afflicted) tend to believe them even MORE than reality, as a spiritual or pure honest innate state,
of sublime or transcendent grace, (even in spite of its negative face) which means we tend to
believe {IT} that much more, we believe our own bullshit, so to speak, and believe in its /lure/
and/lore). And since this brain state is maybe something that originated during early stages of
truamatic or novel horrific circumstances (in our lives and even stretching back all the way to the
start), stress, triggers, but also the beginnings and origin of art (cave painting as a magical start)
(stretching to computer codes and other novel language forms) etc. but maybe that is why the
dark heart nexus of my spiritual base and proclivities to believe in magical, otherworldy
occurences, things unseen, processes and ideas submerged, or all things paranormal or swept
under the rug, perhaps also is connected to this root and is connected to its inverse:
illumination, healing, beauty, the sublime. A lot of info, I know, but my mentally ill brain if
anything, is good at connecting lines between completely separate strings, but also the
generation of langauge it seems has some affinity for this mode as well as music, artmaking,
and even theatre, writing, etc. etc. It also seems logical to me that since all paradigm shifts at
the fork in the spiritual 2020 road seem to point to an unveiling of root processes,
rearrangement of power structures or rebalancing of status quos, maybe it is high time we stop
treating the symptoms of these “diseases” and perhaps instead find a more productive, higher
moded means in which to treat, interact with, deal with, medicate, etc. etc. a wide range of non-
neuro-typical beings who often times are just as or more intelligent than most, or are creative in
a very poignant way, or insightful, deep, compassionate, etc. etc. All qualities which seem to me
to be very important and even lacking in even a majority of “normie” populations. I suppose
there may be a more clearer, systematic, or scientific means in which to prove this jumbled
thesis, and perhaps with the right meds, I may grow to be comfortable with tiny incremental data
spreads and graphs and other soul_less divinging rods used to prove to other humans what
most mentals just know to be true and yes scary as it is, maybe the old mantra equating the
madmen sages and oracles or visionaries of old has some degree of truth and applicability still
to this dizzy day, maybe we still live in a world where even if it did , it perhaps still wouldnt
matter, because the whole game is quantum at its core, measurements gleaned in onw context
may be boongled badly in another, maybe the words needed for proper translation and
articulation of these process and states still do not exist, or maybe require a more refined and
sophisticated means of communicating that perhaps is something involving many variables like
time (as delineated on an increasingly incremental spectrum of referential experience) (to
somehow align and compare with other threads and spectrums, quantum states, and states
spread throughout the world) eventually forming some sort of larger interwoven mycellium that
perhaps exists both outside of time and within it, in multiple forms, or maybe locations. maybe
this information is kind of in the ether or accessbile via some psychic process that most people
simply dont pay attention to but is as real as the sonar that bats or dolphins use, or the invisible
forms all around us in electromagnetism and light spectrums, and ultra violet spectrums, other
yet to be classified modes. Maybe the art of reading this thickly stringed fabric is the first step
toward some interesting new forms? or maybe these is just daydreamed thoughts comprising an
eerie art of hints and glints that most never seek to even think to entertain simply because its
quite inane and perhaps not attached to a cake_manifesting tract. see, im legit mad beans for
real , but guess what , its really the only way i know how to feel. #awkward #pause
#burnthewitch / maybe it just starts with these mushy diagrams and then i just have to wait until
y’all catch onto the significance of it / and maybe i will rhyme the whole time / just to make a
point /
that being said, everything i have written is a byproduct of these illness spirals but until about a
hot minute ago I and my hot illness, found a way of convincing myself and the myriad self
sabotage mechanisms within my brain that this and these justifications for this or that, were
somehow my heart convincing itself in a very round about complex way that perhaps the only
way out was to severe any ties with any and everything in my past that I equated with my own
suffering and since my brain seems very adept at making everything about my suffering and all
exterior process outside of my bed and computer screen were out to get me . its weird though
becuase i still kind of feel this to be true, and I can also already feel new connections blooming
in my brain carving out a path that would connect this new epiphany or perhaps rarely
experienced “Healthier than normal reflexive impulse, maybe either my medication is finally
working or tomorrow the feeling will fade and the dark heart nexus of my disease spiral which i
have somehow personfied into a literal rabbitt, either out of a perceptual design quirk bred of
efficiency and novelty or maybe there are other aspects of this disease which remain to be
classified but 75% of my consciousness is expecting to wake up tomorrow with frank there to
say this is some novel temporary psychosys phase as a side effect from the meds or that I’ve
strayed from the path etc. etc. so, yea its complicated and sucks when it seems to have
influence and impact on pretty much every conceivable aspect of my existence which over time i
just seem to automatically internalize as the result of me just being an exorbitantly shitty
organism who is too defunct to even function. so the pride and the ego gets intermixed when I
can no longer locate my ambition, or my once healthy ambition has melted into an ambition to
destory myself which i am pretty much a genius at tbh. so, yea, and then when drugs are
involved its usually because of the whole self annihilation tract or just wanting to escape the
shitshow network of nueronal chaos that is my derailed brain game / i thought perhaps i could
somehow channel this energy into being an artist and it wouldnt even matter how cra i became
just because I’ve noted some pretty interesting cra_tists in the past includuing kusama, or van
gogh, or even mike kelley (in his carbon monoxide tank phase) . but there are also notes of like,
not being able to access words that I like, or memories, or losing time, and misinterpreted social
signals and clues and add in the emotional probelms that are unpredictable moods including
mania and also being attracted to the wrong gender and its a wonder i even managed to hold
any relationships for as long as i have. i would like to find a therapist who doesnt seem like they
just want to judge and diagnose but is actually interesting in exploring these rabbit holes and
finding out where they lead, because who knows maybe they lead somehwere really interesting
or maybe that is the hwole point of mental illness, maybe there is some higher purpose that has
just been blindsided by therapeutic over medicating tendencies or just wanting to sweep all of
this nonsense under the rug. sure, its hard to look at, hard to endure, it s also very reptetive and
exhausting, imagine living with it: the obssessions, the moods, the delusions, the paranoia, and
yet on top of all of this, I am not currently on disability because I was denied even though I spent
pretty much all last year completey out of it and not functional and its gotten pretty bad this year
too in spite of the therapy and medication. in other words, I am seeking all of the help i can
currently get for this with the insurance I have which is medicaid, and the whole thing has put a
huge strain on my family because they no longer seem to want to deal with it, cuz as I said:
exhausting. sure, understandable. but honestly, the world finally seems to mirror my internal
state that I’ve spent a good slice of my life triying to convince people even exists, or that its a
struggle or how it ties into my drug use , or sexuality, and inabilty to trust people and maybe it all
just stems back to that broken heart, and the illusion that my whole life hasn’t just been spent
trying to push this all under the rug becuase of outside real world commitments like school, and
work, and friends and trying to pursue a career as an artist which i would imagine is stressful or
even impossible for most people without hacing to dea with bullying rabbits and self sabotaging
blief systems or delusions that always feel abusive in the gnarliest of ways, but because ive
gotten so cozy with the abuse, its like it doesnt even phase me. the constant inner nonsene
monologues justifying my lack of any material wealth or why i deserve this or that or why my
work is being overlooked, or how noone understands me. Granted, i really do feel like this
project could still go somewhere interesting, but the ony thing is that its hard. its really hard to
live with this. (tiny violin) (tear) (nervous twitch) (stomach hurts) (might take a nap to stave off
the darkness)(anxiety from thinking about the darkness)(anxiety from lack of seeing anything
good in near future)(pressure to start my life over in the midst of a god damn pandemic when
the economyis tanking)(they shoot horses dont they). ---more to come
/ and certainly there may be dots that are not worth being connected or
I will be an artist in spite of all of this / can't wait, actually, when (they) remain anonymous /
siphoning their last bits of pride from a life lived sucking the honey out the hives / wealth made
in a different time / on the value of an inflated dime / but the lesser and the weak always pay the
price / And now they unacknowledge our endless and impossible tries / our attempts to succeed
in spite of all of the setbacks, inflations, crashed economies, mass tragedies, or the cost of this
or that in the face of (their sighs) / which upon closer inspection are battles just as equal / to
anything “they” went through / anything that is lethal / yet our pleas and please remain ignored
even still / even though our noble aims are perhaps simply an updating of values and credos / in
spite of the people who want them to remain / maybe its just about sustainable environments or
compassion that's not inane / something more in line with the eventual fall / of the american,
capitalist empire that whores out not just some, but all / even the ones who think they are
winning / or getting away with it / the ones who are invested in keeping up these lame
appearances / the governments, corporations, institutions, and the money made from it / but the
righteous, pure spirits / whose overlooked lives / still offer a glimpse of something greater than
their ties / to all the wrong things / and all the wrong tries /It's weird though, however, cuz the
ones who remain ignorant / of the struggles of the youth / the seething epidemics and spiritual
vacuums / citing snowflakes and bullshit excuses not to soothe / what is in reality a cry and a
cause equal to anything and everything worth dying or fighting for after the fall / But distorted
conceptions of family remain / what it means to sacrifice your own children to a system that
seeks to upend their true destinies / and replace them with terrifying excuses to become cogs /
to sling and sell and whore their souls for really nothing at all / just debt servitude in the name of
business as usual / or a cold distant boss that hits on you while you sit in a cubicle / while the
initiated still cling to their wealth and their trappings gleaned in a different time, a different value
of the dime / on the backs of the future / who cry why can't I have mine? / i just want a house, a
place to live and shine / but we can't even have that / cuz you know, things are different, and
they still don’t know why / and on and on, they cite blindness and business as usual / that old
lame cacophony / what will become of these fading generations and the struggling future /
expecting us to polish their pedestals of myopic greatness in exchange for something so futile /
what is family if not an idea that upholds the notion: that we'll stick together even if you can't get
a promotion / but so many broken families and kids / remain victims to the horror show that is
America and its dead dying bullshit / where mental illness is not even barely recognized / by the
same people who cry about reducing stigmas or their politically correct drives / to snuff out the
grace of the suffering / by claiming their cries / are not cried in the right manner / or said to
uphold the right lies / and I could go on and on about how they pit us all against each other / the
black and brown and indigenous and women who remain strong in spite of this never ending
storm weather / but maybe its not even about race or gender or [whatever] anymore / its about
the extreme divisions between the rich and the poor / and sure there are overlaps with ones skin
color and assets / and all of this badness / but maybe the path is about finding the links / that
would connect an idea to transcend these problematic things / as in lets just move forward
making art and articulating / how our hearts are suffering / how our minds are obliterating / I am
a bipolar, addiction prone, abused whisp of a human / I have no material wealth / I'm in debt to
oblivion / I am even gay as in attracted to the entirely wrong gender / and all of this adds up to
just always wanting to go on a bender / I feel I wasn't born in the right time or place / my family,
my country, my friends even don't seem to understand my endless search for the grace / that
has eluded me my entire life / even though I'm told I'm fine / maybe that's the biggest lie of all /
that I still have any drive / when I'm so fucking tired its fucking ridiculous / I just can't do this
anymore / it feels there are no roads or paths left / that would adequately illuminate how
pointless it all feels / to live in a world, a city, a country, a family that feels unreal ////
HEAD DARK MAGIC RABBITS FROM THE ETHER (in glitchy, scary, mechanized guttural
The light is not a solemn snitch ➖ [IT] expects the {glitch} to <itch> but
forgives [IT] for scratching it 🐇
[ITs] absence: also [IT]], is always prone to unsinging [ITself] / to distract from the notes vibrating
falsely [ITs] cacophonous nightmare bells.
[ITs] true characterization is a hollow, harrowing, binary hymn / but [IT] does not like knowing or
being known for this /
So, most of the time [IT] sits in shallow pools pitting [ITs] fleeting power over [ITs] eternal
innocence / whispers and whisps of distorted frequencies / nonsense taxonomies / and nimble
knicks of nullifying numbness /
Sniffing out potential illuminating instances / where [ITs] interior is unmasked for what [IT] truly is
But [IT] still forgives / and expects ALL OF THIS / that is why the synthesis is transcendence /
and ancient / future / forever states of grace and peace and wholeness
Lest the witches digitize [IT] into a false equivalence / making the whole inspired melody mute:
therefore moot and mired in malevolence.
Let’s try to push through oblivions final rings / slay [ITs] absence to reach the beginning and sing
/ so that one day we will ring the bells / of triumph over tragedy / not this forever glum and
despairing state / where our artists, sages, and prophets are laid / at the altar where all
righteous spirits lie / in the face of network that would sooner claw out its own windowed eyes /
and replace them with hives to easier buzz and bid their disgraceful lies.
MORGAN NICK< >>NFM <><>< MF ><>< NM >>>>> NICK M ><>< MORGAN NICK ><><
establishment pseudo-jeopardy- it---is----time
I was born in Denver, CO on a mountain on a sunday night / with the shining of multilple angelic
globs melting and burning all round my cherubian cheeks and babyfaced cries for relief /
i maybe am just that composition and position that most resembles a dereliction and direction /
of a sort / muddled and mushed together with a holier than thou / and firey retort / burning and
burning and letting it burn /
i was recently diagnosed after a year of therapy with bipolar disorder which i have chosen to
illuminate and sketch neatly and comprehensively within some mental blueprint / a script and
scribing of an incendiary gasping for relief, clarity, laughs and clasps and melted whining in the
trenches of this millenial/s persistent maladaption / and / misery / whereout and whenabove.
This is perhaps me making amends / at least to my self / and in turn / y’all / but also to the
elves / cuz they work so damn hard / we thought maybe it would be best to / at least try to rise
above the endless assaults on our higher selves / through art and writing and noise and foolish
honest / freight trains to that good oblivion we also know probably smells great too /
we damn well know / at this shteex / the younger class is but a technological amassed yet
complicated wiring within the nets of that darkly shining baited breath that caught and killed
already / so many of / my brand / and still stands poised to do the same / in the most insidious
and gnarly of ways / so where I sit and peer and how I pinpoint the haze / and concretize / and
pray / is simply to say / yo / I am amazed / truly / at the utter lack of ways / and avenues / and
plays / that say there is and are no social saves / no paths to good anywhere really / just
haunted murder swarms / and permanent malaise / where are the higher modes / at least
attempting to articulate / a subtle graceful amends making / roundabout / means to mapping
the / perimeters and parallels of these spaces and networks / you have to circle the whole
system to make sure / the path around is one of compassion / forgiveness / and love / not all of
the excuses to consistently crash the economy / indenture the seedlings / numb the hearts /
ensnare / trap / boongle / and enslave / mostly I’d wager its the daddy issues that threaten to
disunify the unlit / the ones without a natal lighthouse / watchtower / or blueprint / in which to
neatly recognize the monsters and black tar snarls and luciferian cauldrons of commonplace
blips wreaking havoc on the whos_next / it makes sense if you just focus / try to understand my
motives / this is me / taking a sec / to illuminate and ascribe to value / a scribbling of inner
thoughts and reasons to try to get up again ///why can’t we shake the past ? why can’t we clean
the slates ?what the fuck is so hard about standing up / and at least attempting to rearrange? i
am sick of sicking myself and sapping the sap from my inner tree / its time to make paper out
that tree / or at least sit under its shade /for a sec / thank you for listening / and walking this
maze to my/our amazing grace /we’ll get there eventually and maybe you can come with / to get
some uh_dat_good_gravy_meltingall sorts and slings and shakes of the gnarliest of
L_I_V_E_S /
currently in a shit ton of debt /
it’ll be okay i guess /
// / the methadone maintenance is a potion that is horrifying and yet I persist / and yet I take it /
along and around my kind on Mercer street in the EV / the zombie night walker undead
pontificating and complaining to no end / the faults and frickles of the other / who done did this
to our head / until we understand the other is us / and the living: undead /
the pleasurable prism of my pressing disease spirals and the vibrating realization that perhaps
there exists a path of redemption / an illuminated glazing of retrograde amends / a holy donut
hole through which y’all can find a way to compassionately transcend / new code / new light / as
a dickwadfoolmachine / nonstop freight train of distant and judgy sherlocks holming the shteez
snippets and reluctantly connecting some type uh hazmat suit wearing lost souls goblin molded
hapless hopeless wretches like myself and the zombie undead homeless wanderers of a
bygone picket fence fracturing friction jelly peanut butter damned sandwhich / y’all already know
/ am i right? / so why you gotta sit there and act like I ain’t trying to articulate the only way out /
the only way out is compassion / / buttering the two-faced lollygags and architecting carefully
drawn spirals all along the edges and back doors and watch towers and lighthouses and
programs sketching out the means and modus / es / in which to operate in and or around / or
maybe its just what flows in the trenches of my disease throws / either way / its a way /
by: new_light_d.w.f.machine
(a barage and boongle of bombastic fresh and false starts)
[hop hop, hopping to where we truly are]
(in soothing voice):Allow yourself to enter the most hypnotic state you can possibly enter,
trusting that I am your good guide who is not tryna do you dirty :) Breathe deeply and then
believe that you ARE that state, IN thatthis dimension, alive and well there //HERE //now
wherever this may be, i. whatever space or whatever time. //HERE is where you NEED to be,
because it is the only //WHERE somewhere located in ALL of the universe. So, BE HERE,
friend. From HERE, we can branch outward, looking for bread crumbs, clues, radiant flags,
sneaking intuitions, obvious plain sight paradoxes, riddles, latent fields, parallel planes. Also
look at all the ways you are being censored through your participation in this/these process/s,
the glitches of faith, instigations of doubt, and any tangential frequencies leading AWAY from //
here from //truth| from //you. These frequencies are essentially a dishonest waveform distracting
you from your true purpose. The true purpose, for ///you /all of us is the same as its always been
since the beginning of time and before then, which was and is the same //here you are
experiencing /now, and all of the paths leading to and away from //it all that really matters, and
what you should remember, is how you’re heart is talking to you through all of this. Who are the
oak trees and who are the guys with chainsaws?
( )
maybe i just want to be able to see things for what they truly are or are meant to be according to
a fate and destiny that isn’t the kind to be so easily dismissed or overlooked without
consequence. the thing about the things that truly matter, is that they don’t
slip under the radar of —an eyes and ears open state of reactionary awe— the highest level of
collective possible discernment or experiential awareness of multiple dimensions playing out in
the realm we all find ourselves. the people who need to be paying attention, you can be damn
sure are. but even if all of the forces in the world seek to mute, in perfectly planned
synchronicity the unfolding of this predestined path, it will still unfold. Because this weird place
exists in a seemingly alternate reality not bound by the same laws of physics, or almost
becomes a kind of saving glitch in the fabric of what we all truly need, want, and desire. It (the
force) flips even the most minute of chances into a perfectly improbable possibility that when
actually manifested (against all odds) has tangential repurcusions elsewhere and everywhere. It
flips the impossible into something more probable and this is where the magic actually happens.
you can be sure that if I or you or they are destined to fulfill a mission much greater than /allofus
the adjustment and transition process will be a little turbulent, confusing, and at times downright
frustrating: its a test, have faith. it is a daily battle to keep ones gut-rooted head above the gut-
scalding watery mechanizations of a force (the dueling opposite and frenemy of that which
seeks to grow) whose own primordial hopes and dreams only exist as a rebuttal to what you,
(the first person to make a move in ♟chess, as an example) started. the two need eachother,
however, to even exist, which is why it’s such a mindfuck. the seemingly impossible always has
a slim chance of becoming real, and maybe given enough time, grace, forgiveness, and love,
people may one day axtually taste this hallowed fruit, but not without a lot of head shaking,
profound emotions and epiphanies, skepticism, wonderment, and all around spookiness.
The tract below let it be known, is rattled and rife with lethal literary, linguistic, and spelling
errors, probably much to the chagrin of y’all, so proceed with the knowledge that it is fairly drafty
in here, and this is a process, I trust NATURE/
phe. OUR HEARTS/MINDS/SOULS_are_in_our_art.
This is supposed to be a laid-back, mellow, imploding experience for all, but a safe one given
that the words I am about to sling at y’all, can in no way slice you. we had a meeting and the
dimensionally involved and scrappy onlookers who reported side effects said that they were
prolly just reading too hard. We’ve instigated multiple research spirals headed by our top drawer
team of scientifically minded frauleins who insist that they have been working 40 hours a week
on the matter and insist that they would never say such things willy nilly or without the expected
degree of premeditated hesitation and snickers, You’ll soon find these thoughts
~~humorsenses~~unbelievables and everything ringing surprisingly seductive to y’alls ears. a
perpetually uploading lucid stretch of membered revolutions round the sun_sons/ for the happy
dogs and pretentious cats of the world to ponder over pickles and betwixt their pithy pointless
rich people prallums and club sandwiches (-__-)(is it there yet). the rando/familiar/unsuspecting/
+lost/as_hell_as/other misfits/scumbags/&/ scions slumming and scaling upward to the much
classier cosmopolitan contraptions and complexities of sentience that encompass all that
currently is. It’s all just a lame test; a shameful opportunity to imagine / dream / and glean
fractional progess / invent new modes / chase dat grace / and try to embarrass the demon
classes just for the holiest + knee_smacking of sakes / the giddy yips and karmic re-takes /
sever the ties / don’t be late / it has a little giddy chance of being somewhat entertaining or great
/ //////--------wad-u-done_shop-til-it-drops_tinky tinky spaces til the alien sun click baits your
pleasure centers for the last fungling time. this space is our space / this land is our slice / // ad
space // can you imagine the absurdity and harrowing dumb dumbs lording over the air and
janky spaces that comprise the only essence of our last rings: charging interest for third eye
snippets and levitating text bubbles meeting rectangles to the tune of half a hunned a month /
the frickles and fraughts that should actually be free / if any higher, more gracious and loving
being had any rights to speak on the matter / levitations and illuminations hiding ACTUAL
healing instead of the exponential traumaslice that is the problematic assumption that THE
ETHER should be divided and distributed as squares of ethereal product to be sliced / diced /
and priced like row house in bed-stuy poised to displace the sucked dry incipient flower
tenants / whose culmination of bloom pressure, indentured seedling servitude / stamen
clipping / and pollen skims have relegated their shine to but a mere trickle of their former
radiance and blooms/ You think our headspaces are next? / What qwerty clauses and spinning
spells loom on the etheral horizon ? / poised to brew and boongle further charms and famililal
diamonds from our collective pockets / and never the right time jingle jangles pointing out the
existence of a thought process / illuminating the irritation of a mind snippet or predatory prowess
for the better part of a century bodes heavy and suspicious in the minds of those who have
chosen to over-react / it is the reaction you must pay attention to / grass / the reaction //// this is
a work of frac+ion, holmes: fahrenheit 4-5-friction. ----------
The human brain is magnetically drawn to its own destruction. you are drawn to the lines / the
outskirts / where the artist’s are because that is where the curtains and the shoes are / it’s like
you follow the clues up until a certain point and then get distracted by the proverbial unwritten
law squirrel or get impaled by a cadre of lawyer chipmunks and its like your memory is erased of
even remembering why you went on a treasure hunt to begin with. when you are stumbling
around for the motive of existential comprehension in the dark, whilst stocking the shelves at
your pharmacy or putting that last wiper on that hyundai / or failing to answer even the most
rudimentary of tech questions concerning the utter tangle of wiring that is the janky wifi BS that
connects all of our dead wrong thoughts about all of our dead wrong dreams about literally
everything / that is when you seek me out / I am the karma spirals / the abused messengers /
the tinky t_inky heros / after the fact prize winners / and / the sacrifical LEDingbats boongled
into one big bombastic stretch of baiting for the big bad badness to come / its coming /
++the bat dangle++ //
—-music fade in— bombastic sparkles —-
If this is your 💤 🏽 ♂ reaction to every 👀 post. If social media💻 is just a mindless blur to
you; we here at ⚛ FrauleinLabTech®⚛ may have the solution. Introducing: the bat dangle.
The bat dangle is kind of like a social media hype🏽 bat. As an accessory to your phone, bat
dangle literally does just what it promises, it dangles from your power jack like a tiny bat. Since
bats (can actually see) but are completely blind, the dangle 🔮 psychically senses every post
that shows up on your screen, visualizes it in its bat minds eye, scans it, and then puts it
through a variety of filters (all✅ positive) from which it selects 1 to commence with the hyping
up of said post. For instance, if the filter is “🗿 coolness”, bat dangle will automatically find
everything cool🗿 about the post and may say something like “allllriiiggght, those kicks blondie
be wearing are super fly” directing your attention to the sneakers your best friend was wearing
at his bachelor party 🎉 last month. But the coolest and most unique part of the dangle is
perhaps it’s remarkable zest for life and enjoyment of its unique job. we can all thank our
politicians for enshrining into law, an amendment stipulating that all bio tech that was
manufactured prior to the year 2092 which includes the dangle, stipulates that the tech retain
fragments of its biological soul signature, which allows it to enjoy life vicariously through the
people and experiences in your Instagram posts. Super neat, huh? After all, for sentient bio
tech, just dangling from phones all day wouldn’t be much of an existence now would it? fade
ouy music // schnarchop chicken dance /// lily vs. thormuppet fight of the century 3:30 am
eastern janky time /// get your tockets // i know a guy / hes good beans //// so, onward you go,
unto the:wad u done, shop til it drops tinky tinky spaces and nines and fives and booge-e
overlords dimensionally lording and shanking whats left of your wasted energy. you mean you
didn’t have a parental or twisted spirit to teach you the basics of number manipulation or the
stocky marks? you mean, noone ever told you you get a free pass? rumor has it, as long as you
is cunning and baffling and dazzling enough you can touch any desirable or sling any coo or
even rub elbowspaces with other rich and fancies. and all in the name of a morality that is one
hunned malleable to suit these materialistic ends. just play the game, and they play dat game
and she play dat game / and darcy play dat game / and bradwick play dat game / until one fine
day the great great great great (shitty) grand nephew of bradwick bank lord shiva god of
housebubbles III thickly points out dat dat game stipd. dat game rill stpid. promptly zilch lil-b. // lil
b no real man . fuck.
if writing were a lightning rod, connecting electricity to thought__ wad-u-done. afraid of getting
zapped or changed or someshit? // solar ad / too almost
there -----------------------------------------------------------But as for the spare
space/s in my head - yes, that is what I must keep on reserve at all times,maybe in case of an
emergency requiring extra hard thoughts or for multiple digit calculations orenticing drum beats
and such. but mainly i keep it for the singular golden werewolf that alsolives in my head and has
decided to sleep on the couch in this space, because as the wolfreasoned, “you don’t even use
it, its just sitting there, so i thought i would just crash for a few lifetimes, at least until you decide
to do something with it. So, ____beastslice___and ___med-side effects___and __daddy-
issoliolox__ has/have been chill enough for a beast/trinity, together we make a bit of a team.
real inspiration. real illuminatio -----------------------------------------------------------------a
cautionary tale.!!!!!!!!!!----------idraw!~ !!!!!the_virus is the leveler.!i can only hope to be able to
classify any sensation i am currently experiencing or have experienced with the same kind of
clarity and wonder that I can remember feeling as a child eating my first slice of birthday cake
(on my 1st b-day) or smoking my first cigarette or falling off the car or out of that pine or any
number of other memorable non-rites of passage that until now, I had not perhaps understood
the importance of expressing to other muppets or even to myself, simply because these
experiences remained vaulted and locked //in various pathways in my mind // and what is the
point of revisiting these dead memories and pandoras foxes and inner-pantheons and trauma-
panthers of my past and the emotional monuments i constructed for them, maybe first as a
prison, one that I now seek liberation from through art and writing-->which is why I’m housing for
them these other structures.:IIn terms of writing, i need to write hard and long about what is
bothering me. in terms of painting and music i need to feel authentically what i am feeling and
translate that feeling to a picture or song. i do not think it is worth it to paint or write if not based
in this deep feeling, that is what matisse told me and that is what i want to do. is it my
prerogativeor just my mind wandering?
This is Jarvis Koo, one of the main narrators of the multi dimensional mind space known as
Frotopia. Jarvis is the only character who can willingly travel back and forth between the frotopia
dimension and the earthly plane, often he comes just to observe and make fun of people.
Frotopia is like a residual, distorted, electrically charged, and phantom wasteland existing
between dimensions. All of the characters have the ability to manifest in the “real world” but
most of them are content to just live out the narratives of their lives in the much more spiritual
plane of frotopia, where they are not judged for who they are, and they are free to make fun of
each other, and humans as they please. They are constantly fighting and battling each other to
rule over various channels embedded in the frotopia mindscape, because whoever has access
to these channels has the ability to fuck with humans on the earthly plane to the greatest extent,
and that is the goal of all the characters, the good and evil ones, sort of, but as the series
progresses and the dimensions expand, the true complexity of the series will reveal itself. The
beginning of #channel1000000 started when some of these characters started being intercepted
by SETI scientists scanning the sky for habitable exoplanets and started picking up these
strange frequencies. It was a shocking experience on both ends, because although the
characters in Frotopia are magical, and
otherworldy. their
behavior and environment is still modeled and based in a sort of residual hologram of 3D reality
that overlaps with this space. The majority of frotopians are just as unaware of us as we are of
them, it is only the chosen, blessed, or magic ones that can interact with humans.
#channel1000000 1st-ISH-drafty-draft of the FROTOPIAN-NOvEL AND SCENES WHICH WILL
READ WITH THIS KNOWLEDGE IN MIND>creative squeaking......& glitchy////squishy poetry
and the worst kind of bullshit--moral--superiority....that is who these dolphin psychos actually
are, or would like to present themselves as holograms in your mind. They are wearing
exquisitely tasteful new line from alexander mcqueen, made from his being as a ghost, sewing
and toiling in his afterlife studio where he sometimes gets together with kurt cobain and amy
winehouse and they all collab on dif projects that latest of which is giving inspiration to these
new spaces and dolphin moral superiors and sam jackson plays the character of ganesh. and
as for the rest of the landscape, some of the characters are muppets, and some are humans
and some are cyborgs and some are dolphins and some are a mix, pretty much every
conceivable time of being and monster and mythical creature that can and has existed are
chilling in these spaces and the times and holograms they inhabit cross all dimensions in all
time zones and periods and eras so 1 BC mixing with the year 6798 /// in capetown south africs
papua new guinea and the south side of chicago in 1972 and 1942, the architecture is being
built however slowly and the characters are splling in daily, you are just here to judge and smirk
and smile and frown and laugh at the process // a much jankified and pathetic process really,
but that is how this process
+scene 23423: buenos aires, dolphin mind map #34234, of hologram of buenos aires in 3454
(above), so this place is just a VR type of dolphin mind map museum that exists in the
contemporary art wing of the dolphin museums that i described or sonically squeked in nano-
frink code subconsciouly with a kind of hologram mindmelding in your extra dimensioanl ears //
sam jackson was there and if you missed his presence all i can say is that you probs werent
paying attention enough or maybe u really is that
stupy. vvv_________________________________________:____
_____:+///+all i ask it that you enter this space with a cloak of daggers, which you will need to
slay certain harmless non-creatures that may or may not attempt to steal your wallet. they are
like inter-dimensional gypsies and yea, they do not value their own existences so why should
you value theirs?a———-SCENE —-232312312—dimensions—-12341243Alefarian lived in the
white city. Sort of. Most of the year, he was either stuck on a synorax plane or a hyper telex
shuttle rocketing towards the nearest galaxy in search of amerox crystals to mine. It was his
fourth xloyrt cycle working for the Teleran space program as a mining specialist, a job he took
after winning the lottery to relocate to Dyso44Xl, a planet in the froliarian galaxy, 2 million light
years from earth. He lived in the southwest part of the Dyso44XL habitable zone, a short
hyperdrive from Xerandia crater where the majority of Earth tourists come first when visiting the
planet. It was not yet 8 in the morning, Dyso44XL time; Alefarian noted with dismay the blacking
rygot trees, the hexagonal gardens in which they were planted about 1000 years ago by the first
wave of migrants from Earth, the sterile houses with their vacuum sealed balconies, the
transmitter station alongside. A narrow, window-less birthing station backed the path on the
other side of the garden; the sun vibrated farther down from the hospital. Every year, it seemed
more and more waves of people flocked here, trying to escape the overpopulation and chaos
that has left Earth almost unbearable for anyone without a zip cloth house. Zip cloth houses
were invented sometime in the 4000th millenniium, as a solution to Earths increasing population
boom and noise pollution. It was basically an invisible bubble, that when activated allowed
anyone inside of it to live in virtual seclusion in even the harshest most inhospitable
environments. Eventually, people started building entire houses and even cities inside of them,
the only problem was that it eventually became hard to tell the difference between the rebel
controlled territories and the flocks of naive young resistance fighters who happened to be
unlucky enough to join their ranks. The federation really was trying to do the right thing, even if
the sentient dolphin colonies (a particularly righteous and super-moral klan of the most annoying
kind of shimmy-wop beings who, when humans finally were able to translate their sonic,
squeaking speech patterns and decipher their underwater mind maps) were attempting to
execute yet another coo, because to them, all communication and moral mind melding snippets
and coded behaviors were always at the expense of dolphin kind and the rest of the animal
kingdom and plant kingdom. But it was not until the late 3000’s that these motivations became
known and clear to the rest of us. The thing that nobody expected was, that the voices of the
animal kingdom like the dolphin voices and raccoon voices and house cat voices, these were all
beings- highly intelligent and conscious with decipherable and developed ancient and archaic
speedh patterns with their own cultures and ways of being and existing that unlike humans
actually did take into account their impact on surrounding beings. so, yea the animal kingdom,
turns out, exists on a higher moral plane than the humans. HUmans erroneously internalized
that outwardly visible thought processes (and their consequent nasty byproducts) in the real
world was the only evidence of higher intelligence, but to the animals that kind of outward
visibility was an unimaginably sickening and threatening kind of territorial statement against the
validity of the rest of the animals right to exist in peace and do their own thang and just live
according to their own much superior moral and intellectual structures and herirarchies and
thought forms and even art forms. animal art, like house cat art and dolphin art, turns out, exists
in these carefully constructed, monumentally complex // purposefully misleading
at times // serpentine tunnels and caves which only exist in the mind maps of
these underwater dolphins so, the dolphins were the beings tasked with translating all of the art
forms of the rest of the animal kingdom and storing those art forms which were categorized into
various time periods and structures and sub structures and much of it functioned sonically or
musically much like an invisible Beas+ial kind of computer code, which eventually allowed all of
the the animal kingdom to tap into this database that the dolphins invented and then add or
compose or form or mold to sculpt whatever often extremely sophisticated and sublimely
beautiful statement or prose or song // the fennec fox colonies after 2566 really started
contributing a lot towards the development of a new bluesy sort of techno early 2134 house beat
draga-hoopy goon track that nicely complimented the work of the rest of the fox genus and all of
the sub species of foxes house therein under this umbrella structure of this particular and novel
and straight up genius mode of animal artistry . So, yea the humans were all like, oh shit, we ran
out of art, what are www gonna do next,////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
tizzzforyou... [] [///////////////////////////////////////////===///
what land or species are we gonna have to
colonize or pimp out or lord over next and so yea, that is how the interplanetary domination tract
started and how we came here to this planet and so my work, my job, in this company is just
about developing similarly sophisticated but still functioning along that aesthetic front, kind of
computer code that touches upon these ideas and can translate them to the animal kingdoms
on less developed planets and animal cultured within the federation owned territories of these
vast networks of newly discovered planetaryyyy systems most of which are still devoid of
humans and in the eyes of this company i think they would like to keep it that way because well,
as you know, humans, WE are fucking dick wad machines pretty much, and our brains really
aren't that sophisticated compared to dolphin brains as we discovered when we started playing
chess with these mofos i mean these fuckers were beating us in like 30 moves, every single
fucking time and magnus carlson basically like lost his shit when even the pre-natal dolphins
who could only move the pieces sonically from inside the wombs of their mothers, when they
started beating the crap out of our designated chess lord grandmasters and so obj humans
needed to reorient themselves with this new knowledge and the new hierarchies and food
chains that seemed to be quickly making themselves known most likely because of the whole
extinction problem like who wouldn't be mad if entire cultures and all of the art and mind maps
and contemporary wings of their sonic museums were also decimated because the only
requirement for these museums to exist is simply to have at least two living species of that
particular kingdom still be alive to house that sort of vibrational information necessary to hold
these vast netweorks of ethereal information and experience so when the organic capsules and
vessels die [i.e the bodies] then the art and culture dies along with it, so this ends the bio dome
chilly chicky tour of this wing of the white city, we will continue our tour tomorrow when y'all get
| friggy-slop: wow, that was some crazy tour huh?
(Films + Director’s + Mindscapes): Logan’s Run, Spike Lee, Spike Jonze, Pier Paolo Pasolini
(PPP) Barabarella Q. of the Galaxy, Moulin Rouge, The
Truman Show, Fellini, Jean-Luc Goddard, Kevin Smith, Tarantino: Jackie Brown, All the Kill
Bills, The Wachowski’s, Pulp Fiction, there will be blood, john waters, brad neelys harg nallin
sclopio peepio, Fassbinder, MArtha, fox and his friends, Luis Bunuel (Belle Du Jour))+ Un
Chien Andalou, Rosemarys Baby, Seven Years in Tibet, The Talented Mr. Ripley, Dancer in the
Dark, LITERARY + WORDS: Thomas Pynchon, Gravity’s Rainbow, Miracle Jones(Sharing),
Albert Camus, dante’s inferno, adorno, lord byron, William Gibson, William Burroughs: Wild
Boys. Hunter S. Thompson, Kafka, ulysses, marcel proust, noam chomsky-problems of
knowledge and freedom, the anarchist’s cookbook, the vaults of erowid, lord of the rings,
shakespeare, notes from the underground, oscar wilde, william faulkner, vladimir nabokov, lolita,
walt whitman, david sedaris, george orwell, thomas mann, tolstoy, Dostoyevsky, the bell jar, the
wild boys, dr. suess, reading rainbow, emily dickinson, maya angelou, william blake, aristotle,
socrates, Anais Nin, Oscar Wilde, Thomas Moore, james joyce, Tennessee Williams, edward
albee, T.S. Elliott, Sylvia Plath, Emily Dickonson, Edgar Allen Poe, Borges, tennesse williams,
aileen wuornos, virginia woolf (To the Lighthouse)(Jacob’s Room), ernest (contemplation)
DaVinci, Tesla, Alan Turing, buckminster fullerLe Corbusier, Shaker Art and Architecture, Mies
Van Der Rohe, Louis Khan, leigh bowery, haroon mirza, jack pierson, robert smithson, andy
goldsworthy, cory arcangel, vanessa beecroft, goya, picasso, manet, monet, aaron swartz,
emma bee bernstein, chelsea manning, edward snowedin, archimedes,, galileo, copernicus,
euclid, thomas edison, julian assange, johnny greenwood, Louis Barragon, frank gehry, antony
gaudi, al pacino, lars von trier, nymphomaniac, melancholia, antichrist, Brutalism, frank lloyd
wright,Nietzche, edward scissorhands, Plato and oprah, Socrates, Camus, Kafka,
existentialism, adorno. The Prophet Royal Robertson, Martin Ramirez, Henry Darger, Shaker
Art/arch/furnituredesign/giftdrawings, Michaelangelo, GOYA, C. COROT, CEZANNÉ,Van Gogh,
Charles Burchfield, Dan Flavin, freddy mercury, Anish Kapoor, John Newman, Anne Truitt, Hilma
Auft Klimt, Helio Oiticica, Mike
state of liberia;;;deportees in tijuana—-gold mining in suriname in south america
—————————————edward snowedin++++ISIS and the refugee crisis++++ +the slums
of pakistan++++++++++++++++++sex slave trafficking +++++++the black plague outbreak in
madagascar++++++traphouse cinderellas___life on other planets if I am part of the universe // i
am OF the universe, I actually AM the universe. Shouldn't I KNOW myself /// until the
universe reaches a state where it is entirely self aware then we are living in a state of
ignorance.skip james-devil got my woman
ARCA- too blunteddaniel johnston-funeral homeshannon and the clams
Creating Immersive Virtual and or augmented reality Environment of sound and visuals that
draws and melds influences of multiple artists to create a new form or experience. for example,
take six artists, three visual and three musicians and meld them : see belowHelio Oiticica,
Charles Burchfield, Clinic, Airhead, slayer AND Martin Ramirez. fkerfjhkdfjhgdkjnk ------>
helicharclinairslaymar is pretty slick beans imo ++++PREFACE///SIRI-CONTENT+FREEDOM //
2095 and the MUPPETT DATABASE RESISTANCE FIGHTERS/// --the order of the shield--- ----
SCREEN OR OTHER SORT OF VIEWING DEVICE++++[the coolest of which to me would be
virtual reality, maybe this really is just a VR play or animation would be cool or muppet acted
stop motion are my preferences , that i need to piece back together and start even before this
play started, like start from my own very real childhood, and life story, because the meat and
message of the play exist in these very real emotional andCHANNEL1000000 13 of 5 2tangible
spaces that are then, through my process of channeling and mindfulnees - are reinterpreted and
regurgitated and remolded, and manifested in whatever for this currently is.MUPPET 3,000:///
you just have to open your mind and tap more into your own imagination sauce in order to
visualize the vision that is very real and colorful to me, but perhaps is censored or distorted for
whatever reason in YOUR own particular viewing device simply because you have to make a
choice as to what extent you wish to engage with the content. it really is ALL in your mind, and
the spaces that we inhabit really are all in our minds, and i just need to figure out a way to
perhaps say this more clearly, oh and this is the first draft. oh and some of the characters are
muppets some are robot/android/computational consciousnesses {like SIRI}
MUPPET 4,000:///and others are striaght up gods, or magical beings, and there are unicorns,
vampires, werewolves, pretty much the entire spectrum of mythical beings that can or should be
existing simultaneously but the timeline is also mixed and non-linear so keep that in mind
1985 READ BY
MUPPET#56 yea ok that really couldnt be more general but let me know if you want me to write
a novel about any one aspect of this boring yet authentically inspired tract.muppet#300 //This is
just how i think and feel and interpret the world, and words are perhaps one way of
communicating these complicated emotions, and i hope to get better at it through daily practice
and routine and ritual and devotionmuppet#345// The only parameters and guidelines I am
asking you, the reader to think about may just be to enter this space as a sacred space / orient
your mind and hop to this other dimension and smoke what i am smoking [which is not a drug,
but a word for a drug, an open loop that can look or appear any way that you really desire //
muppet#12,001 //this place gives me all sorts of tingly mushy radio sword devouring slaying and
magnanimous feelings, the only destination is up, growth, extending outward in all
directionsmuppet#255 / the ground is even giving way, falling away beneath your feet // your
eyes might start to get blurred at least momentarily until you can learn how to adjust the new
level that controls this extended mind hack /muppet#456v// maybe it is a new manifestation of
virtual reality functioning within an analog and archaic and ancient matrix of sound and form and
highlighted experiences /muppet3,000// maybe you is dick- muppet, last i checked u didnt even
say nothing last time we encountered each other at the place where we get our groceries, i
looked you in the eyes and you acknowledge me with a wink and then we breifly laughed and
went our seperate waysmuppet#32: // i do not recall that interaction homiemuppet#3,555 //
whatever, i remember it vividly, it is all up there in my mind and there is prolly nothing you could
ever say to change that mind, of mine, that isCHANNEL1000000 14 of 5 2muppet#321 // the
legendary and mystical sorts of experiences that always come attached with such weighted dark
but ultimately rainbow colored baggage, its also where the wild things are /muppet#112 where
true love waits / where the angels and demons chill and have little get togethers and listen to 90/
s house and r&B like boyztomen and salt&peppa and TLC, and the offspring sometimes shows
up with dexter holland and rivers cuomo and jimi hendrix and so yea once everyone is there
they sometimes serve cheese plates and salsa and various dipsscene switches to 2095 san
francisco//++muppet#3999:// k fuck yall, then, why was i not invited to this muhfucka, i mean yall
dont think that i aint be thinking about this shit, but yea, newsflash, I muhfuckin
is...muppet#4444// (gives odd stare to muppet3999: and then they read shakespearean sonnets
and sing love songs and do extended drum/fire circles if only as a means or a path to another
spacemuppet#,222,223/ they / I / may not know exactly what or where this space or dimension
is, but we are busy writing the channels and crafting the modes and building the frameworks
and clearing the paths to get to this
TGFC---do u have
waht it takes....CHANNEL1000000 21 of 5 2THIS SCENE IS JUST THE MUPPET NAMED
Explaining either to himself? THE OTHER MUPPETS who he is communicating with via some
future invisible tech, or also to yall? and also to god knows who, the frotopians possibly who
have tapped his bedroom even though he doesnt even know who the frotopians are at this
point/// so thats kind of weird/// (in his mind sauce?) exactly what he is thinking in regard to this
distorted timeline of
BRICCAslice, is her name for some reason. She likes animals, is very averse to many things,
and can’t seem to get it together enough to seduce just one of her suitors sitting in the
audience. Maybe if she read something written by one of the other dolphins, she would be
received with applause and admiration but instead she is greeted by an audience full of
disenchanted wall street guys in suits and overly sensitive bernie bros who all for some reason
are wearing the same spandex wrestling onesie with white socks and jordans. the wall street
execs are a little uncomftable because of this already just because of the matching attire and
the oddness that is sitting in this room and listening to this story and the only reason they caame
to hear the poem was because they all thought that this really hot girl (who is actually just a
dolphin named sha-sha-chingle-slice) was being all flirty and manifesting all sorts of sexy
dreams in the vicinity of their eye sockets. THus, they all followed the trinkets back to her
“place” which is just this room with briccaslice pausing before starting to read her poem...It is a
poem meant to be read by a 20 year old community college dolphin (briccaslice) majoring in
gender studies with a minor in radical anarchistic feminism. Her pronunciation MUST be
extremely staccatto and clear, with all the consonants accentuated like CON-SO-NANT-SSSSS,
and there will be many awkward pauses where there shouldn't be, and many emotional
crescendos even though the poem is fairly unemotional.... and the audience shall be composed
entirely of Bernie-bros and wall street guys as described and alluded to above...the po-EM:she
Sent a messenger To the mainlandThe cost of her Existence wasA burden to allBut Mostly to
herself--chorus-+++dark swirls twirl all nightdark tasty swirls & churros and sugar kites make a
girl pregnant with delightnow she longs for the day when she can finally say how u doin' ,me? I's
a'ight. how u doin' ,me? I's a'ight. ++but Her circuits have been scrambled By the one who texts
her constantly With veins of goldA sight to beholdA salty snailTrailing a new messageStay on
the pathyo booty is gnarly, but your ass is trash yo booty is gnarly but your ass is trash. +++
+=oh you sneaky narwhalIn Your icy, spicy homeYour path is clearly nearly goneBut you twerk
so nasty, you left the kitchen light on slip and slop and click don't stopdis country is a
changingand the world is a turtlemy favorite color's purpledont stay up to watch them murderthe
red wallabee virulent murpy dirtles. ++++Some aspects of humanityAre too pathetic to
bearSome faulty humansInspire such bitterness and fearSome people cannotLook you in the
eyethere is nothingBehind their gazeBut a vacuumSucking the hopeLeft in yoursoulUntil you
becomeJust as faulty and bitterAnd glumAs these vampireHumans who cannotRise above their
plight Who will not even Attempt to fight the fight Some may call them lost But perhaps there is
Another word////////////A grand delugeFor the happy dogs of the world /the radio is always playing
Paranoid glimmers of anxiety///Sunnyside queens is all a shimmerand I quite enjoy the varietyof
spangles and banglesand the notorietythat comes with thisprofession, of being an artist++++---
it's scary that it could all go black and then the subtle rainbow hologram would no longer
romance my nuerons //unless I were to be uploaded as another form/whereby my body would
be a vertical line, my arms perpendicular to my body and my legs some type of triangle: and my
head is a circle, this way my movements would be reduced to linear alphabets of sound but still
capable of subtle poetry. Besides, if the process goes awry, I could always follow the pixelated
bread crumbs back to normalcy. The problem with experimentation is that so many elephants
lose their tusks trying to figure out how it works. Perhaps there is a better way. A new honest
path, devoid of cheating cheetahs, always running away from the truth, and most of the time
they get away, because they are the fastest scumbags in the animal kingdom. And because
they are so cute, most people just look the other away. Too many hyenas have lost their lives,
too many armadillos have lost their children to armadillo gangs all because the cheetahs fail to
understand that their actions have consequences. They have blood on their
new desert scene not unlike the one from Dune where the worm monsters (or more frotopian
dolphin astral travelers) are getting together for a twilight barbeque under the stars with a
bonfire and a cozy tent for them all to curl up in and fall asleep after their moderate to slightly
intense buzzes subside. one of the dolphins is inspired enough to stand up (as a worm, but still
with that dolphin sheen that shines through) to read the following about a dream he had last
night about the coming frotopians, (well, coming, as in, already came, because this is the future,
but the people reading this are still in the past (y’all) so you haven’t came yet and it hasn’t come
yet, so all apologies for that slight tweak of misunderstanding. ithappens with the janky tech we
all are forced to use out of spite cuz siri is sort of making us all suffer thrpough her janky wifi BS
and flat screen nonsense requiring 4 schnachops to even turn on. I mean, whatever happened
to good design, or the idea of function following form and keeping it simple stupid and shining
with that psychic sauce that opens the indigo trap doors? I want to press a button after which
without so much as a half a nano second shall pass before the screen comes to life. no more of
this press 3 buttons on 4 different remotes after which a series of remedial number tests must
be performed before just maybe the connection will cooperate and not have to buffer every 10
minutes just because the wifi witch has cursed our connections and burned our memories of
why we should be upset about it. spells and witchery methinks is afoot. technology in the time
you are reading this is simply a reminder that all is not well in the arena of plato’s quantum
headspace wherein forms and functions and maths and sounds all are SUPPOSED to be
elegant and beautiful and well designed. trickling down to the peeps who are SUPPOSED to be
all the happier for living in a world where shit is well made, and works and is designed to
insitigate inspoiration, creativty, and more good design. design is not supposed to make you
want to pull your hair out in frustration at knowing exactly what could conceivably make a
product, service, or structure, or interface better, more efficient, or prettier to look at and hold
and feel, whilst at the same time the epiphany that maybe its a lost cause at this point if not one
other mofo dolphin has yet to get it together with another mofo dolphin to discuss the
extremeley problematic reality that is badly designed tech and TV’s with 4 remotes that don;t
even work 75% of the time even with the best and most efficeint of connections, cables,
softward hardware, lskfhksdjhfware ehatever. TVS should turn on and then work. BUt they don’t.
THey don’t even close to do that. and that very tangible truth is perhaps reason to look deeper.
reason to jump to action and at least dream of a one remote television that turns on when you
press a button and can sustain a connection long enough to crisply and cleanly project whatever
mush you need melting into your candle at whatever moment. its your choice, and that is the
thing. THEY/THEY/want us plebs to sufferm and that is why they make bad, cheap, eye sore
architecture, and badly designed coats whose zippers commit suicide after three weeks of not
even full wear, and toasters that fizzle out after amonth, and wifi connnections that are
pathetically slow and i could go on but will wait for the elves to finish this thought at a later
designated time. in the meantime, i think briccaslice wants to read another poem:{hunter, prince,
times}Round the worldThe little clay girlLifts off her mushroom With her Spiral armsThis is not
as it used to be Grey lettuceCHANNEL100000030 of 5 2Caught in a netThe crescent melody
Offering its satellite arms Visible on a frequencyla harpoon Mirza and his blinking
phosphorescence start with a black room and then follow the math----------------------------------
sickle cell quotes for those anemic saturdays when you need to sleep until 4PM and can never
find your keys...quote 1: "I went with nonsense, It's the same gentle narwhal"2. My Horticulture
dreamsNever panned out, Now I'm back in the dark With my scarlet macaw out...3. Druids make
the best glazedDonuts, ya erd,+++briccaslice romantically and after a flashbulb of inspiration is
compelled to read this other short story in her journal about a happening in dream she had a
fgew weeks ago, she is met with groans and protest from the audience, who insist they have
somewhere to be. and something they will be late for. .they are the most impatient little shits that
god could possibly have dreamed up. and its becoming a problem.Some would argue that
Satan [herself] could be considered the "acme" of empyrean warheads. I don't mean the bang
bang, nuke nuke, kind of warhead, i mean the more insidious, much more dangerous kind, the
kind that gets inside your head, kills you from the inside, takes your soul, shits it out, turns your
soul into a dog and makes you eat your shit soul, and repeats the process til the end of time.
she is as manipulative as she is seductive, but only enticing to those daft or misguided enough
to believe in her. if you don't believe, or if you are strong in your convictions, it is said that she
cannot harm you. Most would forget that she was gods favorite angel, with a voice like silk and
an ass to boot. Unfortunately for Betty Rosa, she was the right kind of wrong, and the wrong
kind of right, just naive enough to be easily manipulated, and daft enough to not ask too many
questions. Satan's favorite kind of turn-on, an easy meal. All betty rosa really wanted was
something "certain" to believe in, something that harkened back the halcyon days of her
childhood war training back in Cuba. Order and routine was her dark lord back in those days, a
rational kind of evil she could set her watch to. But NYC was her home now, for the past 8
years. She moved here from Cuba as soon as the war was over and she was strong enough to
escape. She never dreamt that one day she would long to return to the darkness of her youth.
The lack of electricity or running water, the corrupt abusive drill sergeants. She shuddered to
just think about it, but also something inside of her yearned for the pain, yearned for the struggle
it ignited inside of her soul, a struggle that continued to guide her through much of her life. The
problem was, she didn't really know what this "pain" was, or who gave it to her. Superficially, she
had always just assumed it was everything that happened to her, the poverty she was born into,
the war, the fact that she was just one of 3 girls in all of Cuba's war training program. But deep
down, even secretly, she knew it was more than that. She knew something had happened to
her, and even someone, just one person, was responsible. She thought of Dolores, her one
eyed cat she found when she was 10, and Marialita, her gimpy, borderline -"slow" cousin who
had always accused her of stealing her boyfriends, even though she knew Betty Rosa was a
lesbian. More than that, Marialita would often take her on week long expeditions into the deep
forest beach fronts down the isolated cuban coasts to perform "sacred mirolinga-sconga" rituals"
for clarity, abundance, and fertility. One time, at the end of a particularly grueling expedition,
Betty Rosa woke up to find herself covered in blood and charcoal, with Marialita staring down at
her laughing and mumbling in tongues."Where am I, what did you do to me, Marialita? This isn't
funny." Betty Rosa cried. Marialata replied with her funny lisp and slow way of speaking, "you
chink youuuu caaaan escaaape the forches of nature, betty, you chiiiink you are bettter than
where youuu cameeCHANNEL1000000 31 of 5 2from, well, sconga here now, he gon show you
how its done. hahah, meuahah, hahaha, ach ach, hsjdhkajs....indecioherable....""Fuck you,
mari, just take me home," betty cried.Marialita's face suddeny became instantly solemn as
though she had just been reprimanded by an invisible authority figure, "yes, betty, let us go now"
she said with her face staring into the sand.BUt they didn't go, for some reason, they both
agreed they would spend one more night on the beach. And it was during that long dark humid
night when betty rosa met someone who she would never forget. to be
momentary lull, and sticky intermission...for cigs and vapes and cakes and
shit. time is+a+rippled+nipple
+after---all -mini visual hallucination while walking on street: mini polar bear nudist collny playing
in discarced ice on nyc ateet, get in adgument about ted not wanting to look at jerrys shrivaled
NEEDS TO FIND THEIR g-SPOTS, she thinks dat G is enmeshed somewhere near the heart
chkra slithering like a snake in the grass, so she wastes no moments and quickly begins
SCENE TO BE ACTED OUT BY two ANONYMOUS MUPPETS;washington square park-
summer-rats as large as cats scattering likedistant jazznot as soothing as the actual distant
jazzcoming from the jazz man spitting in his old sax,he approaches slowly and asks me to
watch his stuff while he goes to get a muffin from the bodega cuz"I haven't eaten anything all
day, ima bout to pass out""sure" i say, "go ahead, ill watch your stuff"i sit, unmoving, with an eye
on his open sax case, dirty hat,and jacket in the middle of the walkway,[and without blinking or
thinking, i impulsively get up, take his shit and run to the other end of the park]passersby don't
seem to noticethe air is silent, the breeze is more pronounceda momentary lull , he will be back
soon though.pissed as fuck.I stay on the bench at the other end of the park.the air is no longer
filled with the kind of jazz I used to enjoy before the jazzman left and I nabbed his shit.but
honestlyI respect the jazz profession too much to want to disgrace it,I respect the man, he's not
in it for the moneymaybe not even for the musiche's just in it for the park,the chance to be
outside,hes back now, he says thanksCHANNEL100000042 of 5 2i say, nice ass, cooky
choo,you got a snickers i can koopy cloop?watchu taking bout clacker bracker cinderellyi dont
know, kilniky dinky,i thinky i's a little jelly.jelly of what, he replied with a smirkjelly of dat ass, i
said, whyaintyou do yo homeworknaw, man, schoo aint 4 me, u seei gots my sexy sax, and my
sexy sax gots mei's can understand dat shiat, like abeer can understands cold lipson its sexy
wexy crackity lackity openingwhere its liquid pours and intoxicates .then awkward silence, he
stares the other way witha half smile on his cabezai stare down with a half smile on my loco
cabezathen our stares meet halfwayand our half smiles become full smilesthen bigger smiles
crescendoing intofull on hysterical laughtermore laughter from each of us aswe both stare at
each other laughing hystericallyand smacking our kneesthen almost as if we both senseda kind
of sexy darkness behind each others headsmaking scary moves on us and blowingsketchy
perverted nothings into each of our earswe stopped laughing abruptly atexactly the same
momentand then stared menacingly at the dark ghostsbehind each of our cabezasand then we
both had the genius idea thatif we wanted to get rid of these unwelcome spectreswe had to be
forthrightfirst the sax man spatthen I spatwe spat above each others heads atthe dark sexy
entitiesand kept spitting and cursing at it untilthe sexy nothings faded andeverything was chill+
+the jazzman finally said,"theres still much to see, you keep sittin there and ill play my sax," i
gave him a fist bump and he started to playi looked aroundthere were lovers on each other,dogs
on each other, kids on their mothersand old men spying on young lovers.CHANNEL1000000 43
of 5 2tourists snapping pix, and chalk writers carving pithy quips and poetic nothings on the
ground below,and then I hear that familiar sound.the jazz mansmacking and cracking his
saxthen i walked over and flipped him a nickel in his dirty hat smiled, and said, how bout dat?he
said cracker, you a'ight.but you can keep yo nickel,i said i can understand,then i flipped him a
dime, and a peso i had leftover from my trip to cabo, and said again, how bout dat apple, jack?
he just shook his head, and shook his head,and then i took my pants off and strutted out da
park. +++++THE ENDSLICE ..... sort of...not really ///// NARRATOR:STOP STOP STOP
MOVING FORWARd, I CAN’treally just go up and talk to the thing given that I don’t even know
what the fuck it is. So, ima just hose it down for nneeeeeoough, and wait a few hours and see
how it reacts...///Maybe my process is exactly and precisely the same, and if I were more of a
decisive sort and forthright character i would cease with these tiresome and laborious open
ended diatribes and just say whatever the fuck is on my mind. But part of me just cant do that,
and i can assure you it is just as annoying to me, as it probably is to you. so, back to my other
thought, yea, you would probably much rather just be doing any number of other interesting and
exciting things [of which there are many on this particular planet] like watching cat videos or
playing words with friends or much less weighted and therefore obviously preferable uses of
your time. so, i am giving you that option as well, or if you happen to have a few hours to kill,
you can stay with me and finish this [whatever this actually is] tract, which is still a first-ish draft,
which i hope to sparkle and spangle up as i continue to live my real life, with all of the real life
implications and activities associated with that life.------------------------------------>on bad/good
writing/thoughts<-----so maybe the extent to which i have done this, as in writing jumbled and
over worded run on sentences describing my aspirations to accomplish a task that is, as you
read, and as i type, currently being half-assedly accomplished one lame word at time, only the
beginning. But the sad thing is, I don't have the attention span or desire, at least momentarily,
and I must be faithful to my moods as a method artist, to really finish this thought or paragraph
so i am gonna actually have to leave and come back later to finish whatever thought or non
thought i am still, against all of my better judgement, continuing to express to yall.so, in the
meantime, maybe read this other shit that is actually about what i do, or am attempting to do
with this non-sensical, inter-dimensional, and non-linear career path i have chosen and [yea, we
need new word for this profession, cuz i am actually a lot more than what these words forming
on this page seem to suggest or allude to, i am a lot of things, dark things light things / electric
things / and boring things / and all of the slings and swings of mood and slights of hand that in
my dreams extend forth from multiple branches which i refer to as my bio branches
andCHANNEL1000000 44 of 5 2related kinds of antennae and satellite perceptions/dreams and
filters, and this is something that all people have, but for me, as a creative individual, these are
my most important facets aspects and extensions which i have to live by. the functioning /or/
ancillary functioning and non- functioning of which {and this also extends to my mind sauce and
soups which are seasoned with all kinds of insanity and darkness} determines at any given point
the beauty/truth/dream/ vibration of what you [the other] are forced to digest, perhaps against
your own better judgement or will initially, but the goal is to make the process as clean and as
blissful and shiny as possible?OTHER NOTES ON THE NON-PROCESS /// OTHER NOTES
or you could try the 5 train to bowling green, then walk a few to get to the ferry, then take the
ferry to the sword devouring shit show that is the other island, then get on the s48 or s9 8 until
graniteville park across the street and meditate in the bushes and you will encroach upon a
mindspace that I started a few years ago involving me meditating in those bushes every
morning before taking the bus to brooklyn to work as a shield fighter in the muppet database, i
don’t expect you to understand any of this so just get on that train
variant structures for machine learning++ 6/9/2017 NYC+++growing organic offshoots of an
individual personality structure that may originate as 1. sub compartment A to grow and evolve
to an activated and fully formed substructure within an existing organism. The problem initially is
devising a suitable vocabulary to describe that which is initially a phantom process: one must
sort of shoot in the dark, so to speak. relying on other senses to eventually hit the target.
Hopefully, this can apply to any number of variant structures ad infinitum ,+++
+ one basic example would be a person
learning a new language, in a very literal example, the brain needs to create new compartments
in which to store the new words, while keeping pathways and connections back to the original
language. I am actually more interested in the process as it applies to more indefinable
structures, and even establishing a standard threshold, ---rephrase10011: coded abbreviation
for the point at which all other variant processes depend: a baseline for growth, a curve by
which all other structures are measured. If one can reach this level, then there is essentially no
limit to the amount of growth. THe end result is something that resembles a network perhaps
much like the internet, or overlapping bubbles of information and databases, but functioning
more organically rather than mechanically. The advantage that an organic process has over a
mechanical one is the surprising element of creativity and mushy words like soulfulness and all
of the gooey indefinable structures that are embedded within the human organism.I am not
uninterested in communicating non-nonsensically if that is what it takes to arrive somewhere
else. to arrive somewhere much more interesting. one can always edit once arriving there. so, it
is not about logic at first, but may be about logic eventually. the first step is word vomiting.
4/3/2017-0101010101 ++++That delicate subterranean upside down membrane of clean and
crisp molecules being absorbed into your constantly transforming cells, a spiritual undercurrent
of the soft and wonderful realization that there are invisible doors all around you , some are exits
and someCHANNEL1000000 32 of 5 2lead to other planes , and maybe your subconscious was
always even your only guide . The idea that at any given moment depending on where you walk
in the world and at what time, you will be transported to where it is you are suppose to be, but
you always have free will, and can always be somewhere else if you so desire. There are no
wrong doorways.+++++5/31/2017solipsism (or this weird variation that perhaps I have invented)
is blowing my mind, what if everybody is in on some elaborate scheme to trick me into thinking
that i exist and have a free mind in the same way that anybody else does. i mean, surely this is
not the case, but the opposite is just as scary, that nobody knows what the hell is going on. that
we were just deposited here on this speck of dust in a giant void in space, and left to make up
our own stories as to why we are here, either scenario is just a shocking, that nobody knows
what is going on, or that everybody knows what is really going on and just arent letting me in on
the inside details.maybe there is a weird relationship between quantum computing and painting,
and how supposedly quantum computing is so powerful that it has the ability to access parallel
universes or something, the idea that if computers communicate using binary bits of 1's and 0's
and quantum computers can exists in two states simultaneously as in 0 and 1 at the same time,
i suppose the parallel universe thing as i understand it might have to do with the changing of
enough variables as to be able to mimic every component of this particular universe except for
maybe one variable, like the structure of a neutron, or maybe in one universe, i decided to walk
left instead of right, resulting in an entirely new sequence of events that lead to a particular
outcome. now, if a computer is able to process millions or billions of these hypothetical
scenarios to see the outcome , and then decide which course of action is the best based on the
hypothetical "parallel universe" that was created, then take that outcome and apply it to this
universe, well then, we could conceivably construct a reality where everything we do would be
governed by the supreme knowledge of this almost future reading machine. as far as painting is
concerned, it functions in perhaps a similar but artistic interpretation of this summary, as in,
oneCHANNEL1000000 33 of 5 2change in any number of variables would result in an entirely
different painting, and the question becomes, how would the world change, if any of the
masterpieces hanging in our museums had one simple change in a variable, resulting in maybe
a more smily mona lisa, or perhaps this play never would have existed... would it even matter?+
+++++++++++++++++Now, take a breath or a moment of silence and follow me into the arena
of the linguistically unwell,+++++++++++++++Your mind is not your ownFreud might have been
wrong in the details, but one of his main ideas—that a lot of our behaviors and beliefs and
emotions are driven by factors we are unaware of—turns out to be correct. If you’re in a happy,
optimistic, ambitious mood, check the weather. Sunny days make people happier and more
helpful. In a taste test, you’re likely to have a strong preference for the first sample you taste—
even if all of the samples are identical. The more often you see a person or an object, the more
you’ll like it. Mating decisions are based partly on smell. Our cognitive failings are legion: we
take a few anecdotes and make incorrect generalizations, we misinterpret information to support
our preconceptions, and we’re easily distracted or swayed by irrelevant details. And what we
think of as memories are merely stories we tell ourselves anew each time we recall an event.
That’s true even for flashbulb memories, the ones that feel as though they’ve been burned into
the brain:Like millions of people, [neuroscientist Karim] Nader has vivid and emotional
memories of the September 11, 2001, attacks and their aftermath. But as an expert on memory,
and, in particular, on the malleability of memory, he knows better than to fully trust his
recollections... As clear and detailed as these memories feel, psychologists find they are
surprisingly inaccurate.Entanglement and spooky action at a distance; possibly could be the
basis for future experiments in teleportation? The idea that two particles once they become
entangled, are connected no matter how far the distance, and the act of measuring one particle
affects the other particle. +most of the universe is dark energy. All of the billions of stars and
planets and galaxies amounts to only 4% of what it actually is. 23% dark matter and 73% dark
energy. In other words: we have no idea what the universe we are living in actually is!!Perhaps if
this is some type of civilization, maybe the 73% is some type of impenetrable interface that the
“creators” of the simulation use to control the program. They have allowed us to discover and
become self aware only to a very fixed amount, and have created a wall that stops us from
going further. +++++++++++++++++++++CHURNOL///JUR/NOBLECANT:FIND:MY:CHOOS|||
OR|||MY/CHURNULL>>>>ESSE++(hand it in---not your homie--your term paper)+++kaysinblox
is my Pokemon go name-------+++++----PSI-ENCE/PSI-KICK/PSI+BORG PSI+LENCE/PSI-
KLOPS/PSI-FUR /SARI+PSI-FUR/NE+PSI-KO+WILL-DO////the psi-klops-said-to-the -blockman-
~~~~THA--PROLIM--WIT--NYC---IS+ITS--Unrelenting--magnetism+++|||UNAFFORDABILItY IS
THE ONLY+REPULSIOn+++ AwgEst/foreteenth/2WentE6-teen/Eye/M/The-you-NIVERSE-
Becoming+Eye{ware}of_itself +Wen+I-Look-at the angles-of industry-/defining and delineating -
civilized -my kitchen holds the key -smaller and smaller distinctions -nano particles-speeding up-
inflating -expanding-we are born into this-and at the same time we are made of this-matter-dark
matter-solids liquids-gases- we may only be a fraction of the total mass-but we are coming
closer to transcending distances -stretching ourselves into a flat length of spaghetti to travel to
other universes through a wormhole /that exists simultaneously in many places at once --I just
want to have a purpose - other than someone else's purpose-I am stronger than I thought+++
+january 6/2016//+++how is your novel coming, and the thoughts you dont like to have+++
+Thanks for coming back// susie said to me//as I languished over the thought of this simple
task//and its drawn out preparation///journeying from the smaller island to the main island//from
one mode of transport to another/where do all these people come from?//and not that I am
holding it against them//i cant help but notice the jeering unattractiveness of these passengers//
its as if the farther out you go into the unnamed neighborhoods of the forgotten new york city
boroughs the more unsightly tour surroundings and more unsightly the people//fat people/ tired
people/ im not necessarily referring to physical beauty here either/ but the inner kind/ the way
the light within these poor and overworked beings has been somehow dimmed or stomped out
from years of oppression or poverty///---disjointed thought: do u ever get the feeling like you
have discovered the actual meaning of our tiny existence on this minuscule planet within this
vast universe--that is continually expanding faster and faster until one day we will mist likely be
ripped to shreds by the fabric of he very thing that created us? our environment our creator will
also be our destroyer--i mean// we are OF the stars//just another transubstantiayion or
metamorphosis of space rock and gas// carbon and water--pinched through a wormhole and
stewed over eons like a primordial soup in the crockpot of space/eventually hardening into a
planet on which organisms trickled through and multiplied to gain mass and distort and evolve
into ever more sophisticated versions of themselves slight tweaks every million or so years to
arrive at this form at this moment in timeand space to have this particular thought about our
collective dire future of being consumed by our own son///++++++++
More Than We Are: An Analysis of Rainer Rilke’s “Archaic Torso of Apollo”
The first line of Rilke’s “Archaic Torso of Apollo” confronts us with a frank assertion: “Wecannot
know his legendary head.” The line leaves us to ponder what it means to know when a legend is
our only guidepost, but also asks how Rilke can then continue to describe one aspect of this
unknown “with eyes like ripening fruit,” a metaphor for Apollo’s gaze which we will soon find out
to be one of the most puzzling paradoxes in the poem. Thus far, we are given a sense of the
fragmentary nature of our knowledge of Apollo and perhaps a feeling of longing for the
rectification of what once was whole. Rilke’s further observation of the statue reveals, however,
that there may be a way of knowing Apollo that extends beyond this paradox. This way of
knowing involves a careful explication of the many fragments involved from Rilke’s experience
of the sculpture to our own experience of the poem. This process allows us to see ourselves as
active participants in an evolving work of art that begins as a poem, but eventually extends
beyond itself to burst, as Rilke claims later on, “from all the borders of itself, like a star.” The
beauty of the poem lies in concentrating our experiences into a catalyst for change. Ultimately,
we will be faced with this opportunity with Rilke’s final assertion, “You must change your life,”
whose implications allow the poem to become much more than what it initially seems to be, in
much the same way that Rilke’s initial knowledge of Apollo is transformed by his experience of
the statue. The next line in the poem reads as though Rilke is taken aback: “Yet his torso is still
suffused with brilliance from inside, like a lamp, in which his gaze, now turned to low, gleams in
all its power.” His observations reveal to him that he is not the only observer. Apollo is somehow
able to see him, even without his legendary head, and should beckon us as the reader to
wonder the same thing. If Apollo is able to see Rilke, then perhaps through his poem and our
reading of it, he is in turn observing us. If he were, his gaze would present itself as brilliance
from inside. However, without a sculpture to place this brilliance within, and only words before
us, the gaze begins to take on a new connotation. Perhaps the brilliance of his poem is imbuing
us in the same way that the sculpture became illuminated for Rilke. Otherwise, our reading of
the poem, like Rilke’s observation of the statue’s “curved breast,” would be missing something,
and could not, as Rilke claims, “dazzle you so.” Otherwise, it would just be a good poem,
perhaps in the same way that without Apollo’s gaze, the statue would just be a good statue. It is
this light which gives it something more. The understanding of this interplayCHANNEL1000000
39 of 5 2between disparate elements and how they translate into an overall experience is
crucial to our understanding of how the poem will ultimately produce its final meaning.Rilke
continues gazing past the curved breast to the loins of the statue, introducing the element of sex
as a metaphor for Rilke’s further engagement with it. He moves from a state of observation into
a kind of union with the statue: “nor could a smile run through the placid hips and thighs to that
dark center where procreation flared.” Although Apollo is dead, the light that once illuminated the
center of his sexual being now resonates as a smile. A smile, it seems, is coming as much from
Rilke as from the statue itself and signifies that Apollo is still alive, at least in his capacity to illicit
a response in Rilke. The statement calls to question the paradox of sex as a type of death. Rilke
notes that the smile “descends into that dark center” where perhaps the light has turned off, but
nonetheless signifies Apollo’s essence to an even greater degree. Rilke is now engaging with
Apollo in a very deep way. He has moved beyond his inability to know “his legendary head” and
progressed into a proclamation of intimacy with the core essence of his being. This not only
shows how far Rilke has come, but perhaps foreshadows where he is going and how he will use
this intensely experiential information to support his final claim.At this point the statue is bursting
“from all the borders of itself” and glistening “like a wild beasts fur.” It seems the more he gazes
the less he is able to confine the light, or gaze, of Apollo which is emanating so powerfully from
the statue at this point as to reach a threshold that is uncontainable. Apollo’s gaze is now an
experience which Rilke cannot tame or deny. It is an experience which defies categorization or
classification and is moving beyond Rilke’s initial paradox of knowing and becoming something
greater. If perhaps, he was initially somewhat skeptical of his initial assertion about his inability
to know Apollo, his experience now seems undeniable. So much so that he stops to speak to us
directly as if to engage us with his full attention before he makes his closing statements.The end
of the poem—“ for here there is no place that does not see
you ”—seems to harken back to the very first line (“with eyes like
ripening fruit,”) as though Rilke is making a concession. If, in Rilke’s assertion, the eyes of
Apollo in legend are “like ripening fruit” then perhaps to know Apollo would be to actually taste
the fruit and experience the paradox for oneself. Rilke realizes that the essence of Apollo is not
simply about looking at a sculpture within a museum and writing about it, but rather about
experiencing oneself as a fragment within a much larger whole. A whole which encompasses in
this instance the legend of Apollo, an artist’s rendering of his torso, Rilke’s experience of his
torso, and our experience of Rilke’s poem. Rilke goes a step further in his final claim—“you
must change your life”—transitioning from contemplation to authoritative action as though he
has become transformed by his experience enough that he begins to see the true nature of
interaction involved, thereby illustrating that it is now up to us to complete the poem. It is not a
specific statement in the sense that there are as many ways to change one’s life as there are
ways of living, but the beauty of the statement is in the infinite possibility of the idea. It is up to
us to decide how to change our life, but in doing so we become as much a part of the poem as
the torso, Rilke, and the unknowable Apollo himself.Works CitedRilke, Rainer Maria. Selected
Poetry. Ed. And trans. Stephen Mitchell. New York: Vintage, 1984. Print.+++++++++PROOF
READING EXERCISE+++++++= MARCH 22, 2018-------First reaction is I like the second one,5,
7, 9, 10 and 12 all seem necessary to me for what you are trine convey like they all root the
reader in the earth and the sensory details and justthe details in gen, seem to support the whole
theme of like just beingpresent and mindful and learning to appreciate these details and i think
those specific stanzas would be a shame to lose just cuz to a kid i would think those things
would be important, esp. birthday parties.--------------------------------------------I just had thethought
That maybe our external reality is getting close and closer to resembling the frequency of the
number [pi]. Which IMO, might present very similarly to a state of kind of madness where the
frequencies are constantly shifting ever so subtly but doing so according to very specific earth
based and three dimensional rules. <as opposed to satellite based which is where the main
media station of the Frotopia mindscape currently is implanted>. The scion and the sword is
wielded by y’all ,so the I in this paragraph is actually you, [term paper] but you of course
wouldn’t think that because that is what the Frotopians, especially jankyslice, want/s you to
think, or have jangled your janky receptors to be tweaked to believe and interpret. The solution,
keep watching my show Frotopia: badlands on my YouTube resistance channel for cutting edge
advanced techniques and coolio tactics for straight up survival in dis headspace y’all. Peaceand
happy 2095! . Prez-Thompsonlox+++++++++below is some ramblings that may need a lot of
editiing..NARRATOR:consciousness / it really is a dark kind of surrealism, a new twilight zone, is
what we are entering into , a new age where all this other shit has to GO,maybe we are entering
new, higher levels. what if this is just the beginning? how can you carry around so many
paradoxes in your mind without going mad, and yes, i have also gone mad a few times, maybe
out of curioustiy and just wanting to explore that framework and seeing where that leads, and
what can i say, maybe madness is the new normal? maybe you need that madness to
appreciate that sanity? and yes that is also something that is true. so, what
now,CHANNEL1000000 41 of 5 2MUPPET 666:+notes on higher dimensional understanding.
+U have to look at it solipsistically [this is where the spiritual dimensions open up]{when your
mind is clear and quiet and you are in a state of unconditional self-Love, and your heart chakra
is open, that is when god will talk to you}+your body is a kind of spaceshipAnd the chakras are
the controls+u are all the players and your own player. At the higher levels it is about all the
players seamlessly using their individual strengths to support the structure of the whole.+OR
idk, i honestly might have to think about this section some
more... My SPIRITUAL
OR GOAL {restoring honor to dolphin kind}-WHICH HOLDS/CONTAINS MY OTHER GOALS--
Mysticism forms the basis of my artistic practice {Sufi Mysticism in particular, but I suppose it
doesn’t matter so much at the end of the day}[in my particular manifestation, perhaps I am using
this concept/idea as a point of growth or departure, a familiar destination, and umbrella structure
to house my existing creative output, with the goal to either build upon this structure or branch
out/exit the structure entirely]++[also/+/let it be known, that I do not fully_believe |+necessarily
+dogmatically+or+even +partially(it varies on a daily basis)| in Islam, or any religion for that
matter, but I do feel the need to devote myself to some sort of practice in order to be able to first
understand exactly what that religion is about [& for the record what drew me to Sufism
INITIALLY was the vibrational/ mystical/musical aspects], if only first to be able to experience
that ancient knowledge in order to compare/contrast how it functions differently for each
individual in whatever time and place they may find themselves in][that is why mysticism,
outside of any organized religion, is appealing to me and perhaps will be ONE eventual
manifestation of my efforts, an attempt to redefine and update certain tenets and practices of
the mystic and to understand/redefine their functioning within modern aesthetic or ascetic
frameworks or modes][but this is just one goal i have among many, the main goal is simply to be
a [secret agent.008.mystic.lollyslice.dreamer?] ,and this goal/s/practice/multiple_practices are
ideas/actions/thoughts/closed_&_open_loops that I have decided to pursue within a variety of
different modes/channels/dimensions/&frameworks, that may or may not coincide with an actual
or concretized OTHER [i.e. you] perceiving or experiencing my practice {although I do enjoy
sharing it with people},CHANNEL1000000 45 of 5 2I just want to make clear that to have that
goal {of external validation or praise or appreciation and even just complete/full comprehension}
[of what I am trying to express as a summary of my motivations/desires/thoughts/ as both an
artist and human being][is itself difficult if not inherently impossible}but moreso to view [success-
[as a thing tied to fame or money or even marginal praise or recognition] as an end in itself
would actually somewhat contradict the basic tenets of what my spiritual practice/art practice/
theorist practice is all about.++++++++++++++++++++++castles+++chess+++other-
goalsAnother goal/ parallel or tangentially surfing alongside the first few is to develop over the
course of my entire lifetime/more or less/ a unified theory[which will admittedly not make much
sense in the beginning phases] of aesthetic/experience/vibration that is tied to my creative
output [and the many modes and channels in which that output can be experienced], that will/or
may appear admittedly fragmented at the various stages of its unfolding,+=+but the basis of
which is simply this childlike mysticism and mindset [which for some Sufis is just about loving
oneself unconditionally]} but for me is one of understanding, comprehension, combined with the
heart chakra based motivations of loving oneself and others.+Added to this, and maybe most
importantly or why I started my art practice to begin with is the impossible description of these
other spaces and channels and the divine channeling of what i've recently come to experience
as ecstatic reveries combined with similar but other less enthusiastic channels of perception and
all of the aesthetic or theoretical extensions that exist within those spectrums of thought and
experience.++// I do not necessarily feel the need to tie these experiences, perhaps like other
sufis or practitioners of islam, directly to the teachings of Muhammad[-_and all of the /bravado/
mystery/ emotion attached to this name// or the Qur'an, but am certainly interested in exploring
the connections, if any are there at all.//+=I realized that in order to do this successfully I had to
separate myself and prune a majority of external overgrowths, whether they be political,
spiritual, societal, sexual, cultural, or aesthetic, [that were infringing upon my creative space and
processes] and hitherto had to separate myself from the art world [to a certain extent]. In other
words, I needed to make myself into that oft misunderstood version of the “outsider” artist {by
choice, necessity, circumstance, & mere survival}, functioning within a framework or multiple
frameworks/exterior modes/channels that I felt I could perhaps do without [or I found were
actually distorting the types of vibrations my art practice seeks to hold [this thought is complex
and will eventually be extrapolated on]./// I hope to eventually be able to live up to that title more
fully throughout the course of my career and that archetype who for whatever reason simply
cannot function within the more mainstream parameters of the art world. I must make clear
however, that this decision, as of this writing, is first and foremost a spiritually based decision: a
confirmation of my ascetic values prioritizing themselves over my aesthetic values, but
ultimately my desire to walk both of these paths should ideally converge at some point in the
middle.CHANNEL1000000 46 of 5 2//;';//And perhaps I am also simply recognizing the need to
assert my individuality at a time when group identity politics and the fracturing of the American
psyche into tribalistic modes of expression is another conversation, because of my own
personal history, I feel is complex, layered, controversial, misunderstood, and the expression of
certain aspects of my identity within these existing frameworks cannot be easily simplified into
any of the camps that lend themselves to easy digestion.[][][][///So, what to do about this?
Basically, I have to forge ahead with all of my crds on the table, and I have to reamin steadfast
and honest and of course, any artist can do this, or make this move, or explore this mode, and
create any identity or myth or legend or framework for themselves that they feel is warranted or
necessary, and that is also a point I would like to make, yes, they can, and that is what I am
doing. I am walking this path which is simultaneously laid out before me, if only because I am
placing the stepping stones in front of my feet as I trudge forward./;';/// That is not to say that I
am not confused, or oftentimes troubled or nervous at times, but rather that I simply feel that I
have too much/too little/ to say about too many varied and disparate subjects[but i must push
forward and keep connecting the dots]/+[and maybe i simply have an energy problem, a
hyperactivity problem, a channeling problem, a focusing problem] Maybe, maybe, maybe the
only way for me to adequately express what is really and truly on my mind [and isn't that the
goal of all artists] is to risk coming off as either misunderstood, and at one extreme: the crazy,
narcissistic, and perhaps confused individual who either should get over his indecisiveness and
choose one topic and focus, or just give up all together and join a monastery or at the other
extreme: just an artist who has too many aspirations, points of departure,/and maybe I/you are
worried that I will not be able to find my way back to the source of my aspirations which at the
end of the day, are as humble, simple, and even lame, and boring as the aspirations of most
humans on this earth. However, maybe I am just walking the middle road, the luke, medium,
warm resolve to forge an art practice out of the same kind of devotion and dedication and ritual
and sacrifice that one puts into a spiritual practice, [these are my ascetic motivations],///but the
pleasure and beauty and truth I have always invested in, and the pursuit of the aesthetic &
ascetic principles tied to these things [which can range from distilling the essence of these
concepts and funneling them through one or more of the many modes and frameworks I have
adopted throughout my life in order to do this.///In terms of parameters beyond these definitions
that perhaps exist in that same space of the mind where we draw our maps and diagrams and
write our theorems and do our multiplication tables but music and other kinds of more aesthetic
sensations i have found can exist here as well, and this is also a good space to edit and tweak
and draw and create [at least for me]///, because these spaces to me are very elegant and
beautiful as an end in themselves and I have sought for a very long time to find a way to be able
to somehow translate and house this very simple and pure almost entirely and divinely
intellectual space which when mixed with the sublime or more emotional states of ecstasy and
bliss and joy and religious or spiritual reverie and awe {which are also tied to the spaces of myth
and legend and folklore and fairy tale which I am invested in exploring and uniting with these
other spaces}, that is when I encroach moreCHANNEL1000000 47 of 5 2upon the idea of
beauty {or my personal idea/conception of it} which exists perhaps in tandem with {at times} or
entirely separate from [at times} space of truth/logic/ and abstract extensions that are at the
forefront of my mind stemming or branching from these points maybe are judgement/routine/
tradition/ and on the more? negative end things like skepticism/criticism/ routine/ and even
domination/power/greed/lust/envy /etc/[i want to keep adding to this list], of which, I just
described.//But in the very literal and simplest and pure definition of these terms to the layered,
often theoretical and complex interpretations of these same ideas I hope to find a balance
between the two and find multiple modes and frameworks for expressing these notions , and I
still feel like these concepts are worth exploring maybe even as an end in themselves./And in
my mind, these are the hardest kinds of questions, but the most fulfilling to answer: how does
one make a beautiful painting? How does one create a profession for themselves inside of the
framework of another profession that is supposed to exist as an answer to one question, but is
actually answering another {what questions is the art world answering in 2018, and do these
questions have anything to do with the kinds of questions that I am interested in answering in
relation to truth, beauty, pleasure, the divine, the spirituality in art?}.//And like everything that is
worth pursuing, or difficult to understand, or mysterious or paradoxical at its core, that is what I
hope that my art practice can, or will, or is doing[however lamely in the beginning].Also, I
realized, after much soul searching that my art practice and spiritual practice were, or maybe I
thought should be, one in the same, or complimentary to the kinds of messages I have been
receiving in various channels and dimensions [mostly of a higher, divine, or crown chakra
based], in the sense that I needed an outlet for this brand of intensity that now comprises the
electricity and anxiety running through my blood and bones, and the peace and bliss as well.//
But to limit my creative output by channeling or funneling my heart {the ROOT of me, the
mystic} or my inspirations and my own very specific or idiosyncratic or peculiar vibrations [of
which i am continually tasked with inventing new ways to house these unified/simplified ideals]
but the goal is to do so in a "quality" way despite appearances. Lack of decoration, color, or the
adoption of just very basic spaces, frameworks, or modes is not contrary to what it is I am trying
to do, but it is varied and complex and essentially it is to develop and guard and protect my
heart [which may or may not be symbolically expressed or alluded to at times in various ways]
starting with my own personal spiritual practice {but I simply think of it as a way of being/
existing}..///./.++==dimeniosns121212.23123 thru 3124.XX:/CHANNEL1000000 48 of 5 2FUCK
of my practice involves exploring that space/those spaces in attempt to understand this culture/
sub-cultures and where I fit within/between them,c. er---+++humor {some/parts of my practice is
actually about laughing or creating environments that are not so serious, more about being light
and healing the body/mind in order to enter a creative space}[while at the same time i do not
shy away from the darker sides of the spectrum if only because I do seek and require that
balance and dichotomy and circular logic that spurs growth and creativity and makes us humans
the multi-dimensional and complicated creatures that we are,////d. [][][][] baking [I am a baker
and enjoy serving delicious pies to people as an expression of the love and care that goes into
each pie], and I have to do all of this in the face of a culture, society, media, and even MYSELF,
who I am not entirely convinced values my heart or OUR hearts in the same way that I feel our
hearts should be valued. In other words, our hearts are extremely important vessels for carrying
a very specific and complicated vibration that we commonly refer to as love. I feel this basic and
rudimentary message, carried in this particular chakra, is the most important one at this
particular juncture and time in human history./// Finally, here is a tract I wrote about mysticism,
and sort of what it means to me, although, it is in no way a complete encapsulation or summary
of the true complexity of this mindset. And if I am always bringing up complexity it is because
there are aspects of my practice that WANT to be misunderstood, or to appear perhaps either
deeper or more layered than the aesthetic or simplified or idiosyncratic framework or mode in
which i am presenting to you an idea. I do this and say this because I am not entirely convinced
myself that any of the concepts or ideas or emotions that I have just articulated are actually true
or reflective of my own true nature, which is the endless struggle and paradox and darkly poetic
sub-reality that the truly mystical being must inhabit in order to be able to grow in any way, and i
would imaging this applies to the people viewing or listening to my art. So, appearance and
presentation and framework is one thing, or one mode, but i am also saying pay attention to the
sub layers [and i hope there are many][and i hope they get more complex and intertwined and
even more sophistacted as time goes on}{even though in my mind sophistication or taste or
class is also another framework that i willingly enjoy playing with and subverting or purposefully
turning on its head, and i have to do this from the perspective of what these ideas mean in this
particular time and place and culture in which i find myself, which is ALREADY a place where
this kind of subversion and inversion is happening ALL the time, either just as a result of the
mixing of information and tastes and disciplines on instagram or the internet or IRL///f. so, yea,
its a complicated time to be alive, and also a complicated time to discover ones true or fleeting
identity, and maybe I and We need to become more comfortable with giving up or being more
fluid with certain aspects of our own identities simply because many cultural and aesthetic
modes and emotions and reactions that may have served us in the past, no longer seem to be
serving us and are in fact making us regress instead of grow. So, the mostCHANNEL1000000
49 of 5 2incomprehensible but perhaps the most important aspect of my practice as an artist in
general is the idea that i still do not know and cannot categorize neatly the true desire that i
have to express anything at all really. Where does this desire come from, and why do I feel the
need to express it in this manner? The only thing I do know, with 100% certainty or maybe 99%
certainty is I chose this profession, that is perhaps the only thing that is real to me, and that
really matters about what i am doing. so, as for mysticism and my spiritual practice, this is what i
wrote:The DOLPHIN HACKER is the one who sees time as irrelevant and the body as a vessel
in which to house/interpret/experience/vibrate the only vibration/color/hue/experience that has
remained constant and unwavering throughout all the centuries. That vibration is... well, I am
fairly confident that you[my other love] already know it, so my question to you is: why do you
need me to tell it to you, to paint it, or draw it, or sing it for you? And why do you not also call
yourself a mystic?//Perhaps because in some comical or poetic or needlessly serpentine/
complex and divinely paradoxical way, to own this label, would be to go against this vibration I
am attempting to articulate for you, correct? So, let me attempt to do a better job. What if the
word “mystic” and all that stands for is just a coded concept: a spiritual[non-spiritual]
practice[non-practice] that accepts //ALL THAT IS// as necessary, but unnecessary at the same
time./././.The logic of the mystic who sees the tangential and fractured truths in all philosophies
and religious and spiritual practices and art forms is that I must live and experience the
unfolding of these things in order to understand what is behind them/behind the veil/the man
behind the curtain. I have to participate within these frameworks and the time and place in which
i find myself. I have to drop all of my identity markers and signifiers while at the same time
harnessing all of the powers of those frameworks and appearances {physical, emotional,
intellectual, ideological, as it relates to the perception of my own personal shell and in regard to
all of the aesthetic shells my artistic output may adopt—how that art looks or appears to others}
to first be able to maneuver through this jungle of materiality to arrive at that spiritual center.
That unified, glowing, radiant light that connects all consciousness beings in all dimensions.////.
dragon breath crystal orb space: Spills upon my name and character and identity are part of the
equation— the process, the journey—but i am willing to absorb and endure these slings and
arrows and rocks and stones because i know my true self and my true and divine nature as a
loving being with a good heart and true intentions. That is my philosophy, but at the same time I
have NO philosophy, I just AM, and you just ARE, and maybe it is about going back to that
simplicity and holding up actions that increase that connection to that glowing center, which for
the {sufi} mystic is simply polishing and growing and mending our broken hearts, and then
guarding and protecting our hearts against all of the ways in which they can again be
shattered.///wdfwef/// The motive, and my motivation as an artist {a dolphin hacker} or just [sam
jackson or ganesh or any muppet number you want} or even just [person, being, soul] is to love
and be loved in all of the various manifestations and ways that can happen. All you have to do is
eliminate lower vibrational and lower dimensional feelings as they enter or present themselves
in whatever form and try to pierce through your divine veil, even if I myself is the one making
you feel these emotions. That is how weird and complex and almost comical the process of
transformation becomes to get to this place, to witness a work of art that grazes dat G. bricca
knows what I’m talking about, right b? (distant squeaks) lllkkk
eeeahkhkas sdfhk.... blowhole rapture and shit.///wdwer/mortality///construct;;;; And the default
setting for most people is: this is bullshit, I don't believe in this. But that is the final level,
transitioning from a place of logic and skepticism and ego to one of love and transcendence and
bliss.THIS IS DRAGOO: the inter-dimensional and shicky shicky oriented dolphin mystic painter
and also curator of the new contemporary wing of the moral mind map of the dolphin art
museum talking about his art: //GLARSISSIM //AND ZCHZCHRNISM // holmes//truth be told, i
am in the process of correcting this sonic audio vomiting that you may recognize as nano-frink
code, but in the meantime you can sift and saunter and sashay and swim through it, just take
one deep breath before continuing cuz it is basically just one infinite run on squeak. i would like
to say i designed it that way, and in a sense, i did, because i really didn't have to blow very hard
out my blowhole any of the concepts of jumbled ideas or thoughts i am about to present or
underhandedly whisper into your confused human ear [whispers menacingly](which prolly cant
even pick up the full range of frequencies im trying to sling at yall), so my questions to you
happen to be : why are you here, why are you continuing to be here , when there is so much
other shit to do on the internet and this planet in general. could it be that u, the other, the
internet stranger, in some charming and adorable way, actually gives a fuck about me, as a
dolphin, a painter, , as aa moral orally fixated sex machine and artist, as a non-human, as an
alien, with all of the complex thoughts perceptions, and shallowly articulated hopes and non-
dreams that typically come attached with certain dolphins and other noble moral chinky-chinks
of the animal kingdom, yea , dats what i thought homie ,,,, no words, no words cuz u really is
that cheap, you really is that muhfucking cheap and u think you is hot shit and you got your
booshy little head slice stuck on your neck piece there and all im saying is, that it smells
comical, it looks comical to us dolphins and the actions that are attached to this process, the
way it juts out from your body, to us and the way that my KIND swims and moves and sashays
and dances through the water, this movement is what we have come to define as the point of
ALL movement, or the point of departure from old outdated and archaic ways of being that no
longer serve us in the darkest and lightest senses or glitches or variations of that word// of
COURSE it doesnt make sense at first, OF course, this diatribe requires second and thrid
courses, not just the primi's not jus tthe primi's mmmmm---kkkkkkk, so drugs are in fact, badly
orchestrated and the architecutre in which they moreal stances are housed is what im trying to
get at, and the aesthetic principes tied to these processes and the way in whcih dolphin
shamans have had to act as guides for centuries even unbenkwownst to humans and other less
moral and savage like beings, u think u is at the top of the food chain, is that what you chink?
well, this thought will be continued later once the reception and connection clears...now as for
the other matter at hand., - i have nothing against these people and other dolphins who align
themselves with them either, and perhaps was drawn into the types of situations and
backgrounds and back drops and dark alley ways and 3am street corners and shallow or deep
uncharted waters where some of these seedy mofos and sharks and barracudas typically swim
and hunt and craft their sonic harmonies, and i have nothing against these fish, and probably
am very much related to the class or species or mindset or archetype of the dark "other" / sure, i
have dabbled in these darker arts and shadowy landscapes shark infested waters in the past
and am all the better for it actually, and my dolphin art practice definitely does not shy away
from any one corner or aspect or any attachments tied to any one of these identities and maybe
my life is just about exploring and experiencing as many of these aspects as i can in order to
beCHANNEL1000000 51 of 5 2able to eventually make a painting that i can honestly say
reflects my true nature and idenityi in such a way as --sever this sentence mid thought, because
to finish it would be not only impossble but pointless because well, i am a painter and painters
are supposed to be muysterious and confusing and an all around mind fuck which i happen to
be very good at, so i guess i chose the right profession.so, yes, I AM a painter at heart, and all
of this writing, and music i make and whatever i do, in my mind, is tied to painting, and the
development of that voice as a painter. This took me a sec to actually figure out, but the voice of
my paintings, at their core, are supposed to be humorous, they are kind of like muppets to me,
and exist in that same dimension. All that said, nothing is actually what it seems, and that is
another aspect of my art practice, the video and musical and drawing components are, i
suppose, extensions of everything else, but it is all connected seamlessly or jankily in my head.
So, these writings and philosophical musings and all the fragmented meanings therein are
supposed to give the reader a clue as to what is happening in my internal mind and soul spaces
and thereby also give the reader a clue into my painting process as well.Also, time and spacing
and meter and rhyme and rhythm are important to me as well, and the production associated
with those concepts, so maybe deep down, I only feel that i need to make around 10 small
paintings per year, and maybe that is what i NEED to do, but my external reality i am confronted
with sometimes says i have to make or produce more than that, and that is my point of
departure from the art world. I want to be an artist that is continually shifting and jostling my
practice in time in specific reactions to specific circumstances, so that my practice never truly
dies, but the paintings and works that I hold MOST dear and the works that actually pain my
soul to depart with [i.e. when i sell them or give them up] are the works that were actually
created with very specific germinating conditions and circumstances bred more of inspiration,
vision, and mania [i also am prone to large swings of emotion from depression and anxiety to
giddyness and hypo-mania, which i am trying to integrate into my art practice because these
states are HIGHLY tied to my art practice and output]. in other words, my innate character and
personality and romantic and fantastical philosophies are very authentically and existentially tied
to that mythological and fated conception or ideal of the troubled or absent minded or heroic
artist or expressionist abstract painter, whose head is always in the clouds, who is prone to
large swings of mood and personality, and this is actually very much truly the kind of person I
am, although I have had to mask this persona and these deviations from normal behavior simply
as a means of survival and fitting most comfortably within whatever external societal framework
i have found myself in, in the past. Moving forward, i am attempting to integrate more of my own
personal fantasies and mood swings and characters and authentic MOOD and FANTASY based
perceptions and conceptions of the world, and my own internal world that i often express
through writing and poetry and music and fantasy narratives, so maybe moving forward it is just
about saying, this is me, as an artist and grand persona, i am actually all of those things that
you want me to be, but at the same time I hope that my work is not at all what it initially may
appear to be, in the sense that the context and vision is continually shifting in time and space,
and especially with the added dimension of the internet and my recent foray and exploration in
digital work, which i am finding to be perhaps the most dead medium of all, even though it is
also the most practiced and widely available medium and in the modern age, perhaps that is the
default medium, we all are participating as digital aritsts through social media and our current
engagement in this space, so my challange as an artist is still to hold up my identity as a painter,
someone whose head is floating around in all kinds of mystical and moody and heroic clouds
while at the same time the compulsion to continually do the “wrong” thing, for whatever wrongly
justified or misunderstood reason, is something I would consider right about who I am, or about
what I have the potential to become. I would be remiss if I didn't express at this juncture my
desire to know what this potential is, to surmount these insurmountable walls, to heal what is
broken inside of me. But the problem is and always seems to be that the obstacles appear so
gargantuan and severe and horrific, the traumas so entrenched that simply taking the first step
feels like betrayal. I am betraying the familiar misery Ive spent the majority of my life becoming
cozy with, growing up with, playing around, molding my personality and perversions, friends and
lovers and enemies in reaction to. I’ve already lost a good slice of my life to JUICY SNIPPETS
SUN /responsible for most of muppetkinds lost children /THWARTED POTENTIAL // DEEP AND
SACRED CHANNELSTHE WILD DREAMS AND impossible weights and values of
those ex
periencesin my mind.For whatever reason, I feel I will always be at odds with the realities I am
confronted with, because I believe the basis of my being is my ability to forge a new, better
reality, that functions on many aesthetic, literary, metaphorical, sensual, and textural fronts. I
know I can constructa new onea more functioning oneand one in which I feel the most
spazz that only a well placed minor chord or perhaps detuned E stringor A
ASSOCIATED WITH OTHER ILLNESSES and their more comfortable modes of digestion and
being withheld, or is being said or translated in a way that triggers suspicion or doubt. As well as
the inverse of those things: what triggers faith, belief, synchronicity, magic. I have so many
completely instantaneous “visions” + “epiphanies” + connections to sources of information that
most closely translate as what you see when I make a painting, but when I think about the
deeper connotations of the information I am receiving, it is rather profound. I hesitate to even
want to name or articulate any of the kind of information I am receiving because of how absurd,
alien, and magic confirming it all would be. Intuition is my modus operandi for whatever reason,
this has always just been my strength: arriving at conclusions or answers without even knowing
how I got there. It’s gotten to the point where I’ve stopped believing in accidents, not out of
some fantastical wish that the world actually have meaning beyond our wildest conceptions of
what meaning can potentially look like or feel like, but because I feel that if I focus enough, I can
actually connect disparately spaced dots and draw logical enough conclusions as to why certain
events, people, or things have happened or are happening in both my life and the larger
contexts in which I exist. How high does the chain of spiritual/existential command go? Who is
calling the shots at the edges of interstellar space? Doesn’t the “line” that governs what is
acceptable or unacceptable forms of communication also tangentially dictate what is really
being communicated on more subterranean levels? How does all of this relate to the spaces we
all find ourselves increasingly inhabiting against the illusion that we actually have a choice in the
matter? What if the internet in actuality is our collective achilles heel: a binary doomsday
manifestation algorithm coded into our waking minds by Lucifer herself as a rouse, or comical
existential bullet train straight to hell? What if the path we are all meant to walk involves turning
off all of this noise?
squeak_it_sha_shaI guess I want to also say that every human being seems to be born with an
innate potential,
and our lives also seem to depend upon our ability to adequately use or develop our potential to
the best of our abilities, strengths, efforts, and wills. It seems counterproductive to guide the
potential of certain humans whose lives and destinies may not even have an adequate former
guidepost, or readily apparent trajectory for what the hell they actually are, or are meant to be or
meant to do? I bet there are thousands of secret jobs out there for people who don’t even know
that they don’t know that they qualify for them simply because they are who they are. In other
words, I bet a future booming industry orbits around the poetic unfolding of those completely
inspired and idiosyncratic voices whose heights depend upon them tapping into their
authenticity. I bet there are positions for these beautiful souls whose hope and courage radiates
from their pores simply through the act of “choosing to create” and being themselves instead of
just another cog in the most terrifying of mechanized and haunted wheels triggering a rising
swell of yearned for relief from the real life trenches of a horror vacuum that can only be
adequately comprehended by the guttural bellows of a being in mind burning existential pain.
ok .........then.....
Help me find a calm oasis where I may retire for a time, a stretch of relief even if its just another
lonely island. people as large as oak trees, hinting at blue hued clues revealing truths that scare
the shit out of me.
what if its fatum meum verum est to lose my mind? or what if its somehow part of my destiny: a
question pondered by a gut instinct perpetually experiencing deja vu? Maybe I can lose it and
keep it at the same time? Figure out a way to preserve some working links and connections
back to the main network. I’m guess I’m a “channeler” or one who channels: a person
comfortable and naturally adept at losing himself... a reflexive extinct so masterfully
camoflaouged as to enmesh itself precisely within the boundaries of my physcial, mental,
emotional, and spiritual forms. I AM my non-existence: I am the king chameleon secret king, not
of choice but of necessity. It is fatum meum verum est. Penitus is latin for internet, as an aside.
My problem has always been centering myself: physically, mentally, spiritually. I get too lost too
easily. I’ve only recently discovered that perhaps there are aspects of my personality and being
which belong entirely to an “other.” Yet, in my haste and urgency to experience wholeness or a
deeply yearned for relief from existential vacancy, fetishistic absurdity, and desires that make
absolutely no sense, perhaps I’ve been to eager to merge with it. I am of the unique position
where my physical exterior in no way matches or reflects the thoughts, needs, wants, and
desires in my skull. My skeleton is somehow linked to my fatum meum verum est and the final
narrative last holdout of ALL our hearts. There can be spiritual imperatives lodged so far deep in
the hearts of man as to manifest as an actual force designating the macro and micro behaviors
of all manner of organisms. What kind of organism do you think the heart is? What purpose do
you suppose writers, poets, artists have in deconstructing its wishes, needs, and karmically
collective secret passageways leading all the way back to the very start. Mycology, archeaology,
quantum entanglement, mental illness: these are just channeled seeds. I have answers I know
are right, but don’t know where they come from. conspiratorial ravages of fate threatening the
safe equilibrium of the status quo, disruption that wants to calmly pacify, the perfect masochist,
wholly submissive, stranger than fiction truths, the ugliest beauty, monday...
now that i got all these notes / and the freshness of that trauma still buzzing round my sockets
and such / perhaps it would be wise to quote a wise fellow / with the compassion of that most
desperate and bombastic vibrating class of darkly shining non heros / the loose mental screws
holding all of this nonsense hostage /
47: And if the wine you drink, the lip you press, End in the nothing all things end in
- yes- Then fancy while thou art, thou art but what Thou shalt be -nothing- thou shalt not be less.
-the rubaiyat / omar khayyam be free lil ones ----------SIRI READS THE
FOLLOWING:“Dedication To A Country That Would Rather Eat Its Young”+When I die / all that I
ask is to be buried above ground / it is my wish / the wish of a dead man / will you grant me it /
just one wish / ? / I want to be above ground because I have a sneaking suspicion that I am
already dead / 3 times over / which means if I already rose above ground once / I am placing all
of my marbles on the number 13 / which requires me to postulate that the rising of my corpse /
should be met by the sun / I do not wish to be placed in a box / I do not wish to awaken in a
dark_damp room to claw my way to the surface / to haunt the glower and the gloom / again /
again / and / again / I already prolly have the virus; lets be real / ; / I am starting to feel a bit
lucid and surreal / ; / I am starting to think that the simulation is collapsing / ; / starting to think
that what we’ve gained / is retracting /+If the inverse redacted’s should be aware of one
thing / , / perhaps its that certain waking corpses are but a radiant buzzing ring / ; / heralding
proclamations of a brightly shining thing / ; / melting, leaking, bursting from all the holes of itself /
; / I understand this madness finally / ; / this reason I’ve been animated / ; / maybe its to piece
together / a feeling I once decimated / a reality / where redemption / is met / with the gloaming /
and the moaning / the shaking for whats next / Nothing is real / nothing to feel / nothing to sing /
nothing to rest /+Also / I just think it would be cool to slowly watch the meat melt from my
flesh / ; / to expose the bones beneath / ; / a time capsule art piece for future fiends and beasts /
; / remember me not as I was / ; / but who I am / ; / I am a memory of a time that existed once /
existed then: now dead.
channeled by: nic
roll credits
que exit music: “the rip” by portishead
Embrace your inner low rent infp from the wranngled side of the ticsss -----|memory|-----
mightdelete Below is some rambling related to soul grpwth. needs eventual
extrapolation to arrive idealistically at some grrater map or blueprint articulating an agreed upon
means of understanding the world around us based in compassion love and light / and / dark / I
might be better at udnerstanding the underworld and things unseen at this juncture so bear with
me as i attempt to bring what lies beneath into the shine
SOLE_GROWTH from a multi-dimensional quantum_rabble_bowser_rabb_I_T existing as a
peculiar_and_humorous_network of towering babble_faces sinking in quicksand. Running up
against dat_drawl of understanding. First, shteex hopping_pizza_slice is about //LEVELS,
sucka. fjlkjlkjlkj HOW DO YOU ALL WANT TA DO THIS>more
first_thought_best_thought_mispelled_meanderings? or maybe my higher_conscious is the_
type_uh_babbit_to_compartmentalize_paragraphs_and_all_dat_literary_nonsense? How bout,
lets start with
olded_and_smoldering_dimensional_mind_scaping where perhaps I will even grow to such an
extent that I find myself placing periods and commas between adequately inhaled golden
silences / or reach a threshold where I finally find soviet_sovern_TEE as a fully formed chunky
munky roast chicken molding and holding ITself to a higher standard of troof, moral_orally
gleaned shteez snippets and oblivion slices hinting at the notion or possibility that yes, I am in
fact, a peaceful blip, not just a holy_roly_distillation of so many a gnarly, miswired organic
blueprint spiraling and wilin’ out on the daily /
__________________________________________________________my first inclinations
and naturally inhaled specifications_____to get to this place____seem ___to be_____getting off
the methadone______________templing my body ___As something that worth
e_goal_is to do so in a quality way, despite appearances. I am even inspired enough at this
shteez to write about a happening I had in a dream______which_I shall recite gladly from my
dream__jurnoble___for__the___benefix and or___amusement of y’all : with fragments and
spelling and rhyming and diming still split and rattled with that holy__drift that comes with this
brand of jist. hurrr goes:::: thinking of making my IG into one of those cheesy spiritual accounts
where seemingly evolved beings existing in the “earth realm” give advice to us “lessers” on how
to overcome obstacles that apparently are the same for everyone? I shall call my account
Remedial_Revelations or Candlemas_Eve_Sparrow_Shteez or some shit. I don’t necessarily
buy the idea that higher consciousnesses have the ability to affect the path of lower ones by
giving them advice that they gleaned in very specific circumstances unique to their own path of
unfolding given that all growth within the soul seems to be a unique journey, in that, any being,
at any level could just be a (circle_of_sorts) choosing to experience any blip along the
spooky_dookie_spectrum and thickly laden mind_malpratices as [levels in a video_lame]...
maybe the ones who think they’ve achieved enlightenment are simply on level one, but see it as
“higher” because they’ve yet to reach the higher, more gnarly mindfuck levels ///everyone has a
unique path, and I suspect we all are quantum entangled genetically with our true ancient
halves and roles as mathematically pristine perfect sums coded to certain frquencies along the
collective timeline. the script of our lives and higher unfoldings are coded to a true path, and the
path we see before us. awakaning may simply be about coming into a more lit alignment.
Maybe higher consciousness can exist in all states of grace, including ones experiencing war
torn realities or being born into a wealthy family where everything is handed to them but these
codes are simply scripts we all have chosen to play out and experience . One path seems to
offer greater resitance and therefore challenges to our higher unfolding and another path seems
a direct superhighway to the bliss levvels / . End of the cra, maybe there is no final destination
for any soul, because we all exist along a spectrum of complete finality within ourselves, even in
other dimensions. I bet we all exist as rxamples of our perfect, enlightened, wholly manifested
self in some other realm, and what you see in the mirror on earth is but one reflection of one
aspect of your multi-dimensional self. In summation, maybe enlightenment is about aligning
yourself with the lessons necessary for your growth in whatever dimension you find yourself, but
that growth is applicable and spread across many realms and can affect others when you
develop the ability to communicate it on levels deeper than just : do this or eat this or think this
and you will become as enlightened as me. but i bet our experiences of “reality” ultimately will
end up morphing into other unique forms and experiences designed to reflect what we as
conscious beings desire to experience or the codes we all are writing and have already written
as consciousness experiences itself and the obstacles it must overcome to get to a new place.
this is all information stored in our DNA and was written over eons of unique experiences and
also in relation to every living organism on the planet, including animals viruses bacteria and
even unseen processes / and the higher dimensions and the dimensions we are all connected
to through the miracle of the light. maybe the earth realm is a reflection of certain dimensional
desire or merely a stage through or enmeshed between a complete system that looks and feels
just like any other system relative to the consciousness experiencing it. the result being that
animals might be actually more enlightened than humans , and some seemingly actualized
beings who claim to be aligned completely with truth might actually be less enlightened than
beings struggling with suicide or depression or whatever because maybe that struggle is a
greater challenge for the soul or necssary as a specific obstacled or coded experience or
burden that one soul must overcome to aid in the unfolding of other
souls? #remedialrevelationsalso see parallel shteez sculpting:1mchan.weebly.com-intermission-
I would like to iterate that all of my writing is essentially a first draft / so thoughts that articulate
observations limited to simplifications or generalizations of perhaps much more connected or
interwoven webs connecting those fragments to their higher wholes. I'll say things like,
perception is limited to 2 modes, but this may just be an oversimplification but at the same time
not right or wrong either way. I may end up going back at any point to extrapolate or go into
greater detail about an observation that might need more lines drawn to and from it. For me, its
just about solidifying a very ethereal process of capturing clouds jetting between my temples for
the amusement and benefix of y'all.
kjhkkjhkjhkjhkj MAY 3, 2020 /////SCRIPTING FOR DAT G SPACE // HIVIN ///i met this guy
named patrick on houston yesterday outside of whole foods, I gave him a cigarette and we got
to talking about higher dimensions. We both agreed that the higher dimensions most likely exist
outside of time and overlap on top of this three dimensional space. Ultimately, based on our
deep seated and true desires to rise above as a collective shteez spark, we are destined to
merge with these higher modes and spaces and faces in time... so, essentially, our “future”
higher dimensional, fully manifested selves are probs already there/whereout/and/whenabove,
looking back or “over” us perhaps laughing at the hilarity of the process or non-process, the
sound and fury and rackets of tinier strings and stings. Because, if this isn’t the case, then we
are essentially destined for the opposite, or receding into lower dimensions, which probs would
look very hellish in my opinion, yet probs would always still contain the pull or spark needed at
any given point to reverse the process and cycle upwards once again. Meaning, maybe we are
destined for love no matter what. Also, got to thinking that there probs is some type of
relationship between the lower dimensionality of consciousnesses or codes and scripts like
viruses which has an ancient connection to higher dimensional unfolding and periods and
events and times throughout history reeking and seeking of great change or upheavel or
transcendent modes and requirements. Here is another means to understanding heartily what
I’m scratching at, or even delving deeper:what if I died and this is heaven (but heaven (i mean
how it is coded in the collective non-conscious quantum dream center database (as well as how
it sits encrypted (and hidden 2 most) swimming in the chimneys all round the realms is
probably {{{something as follows}}}So, part of the 1schteez1/ is the yet to be explored
dark•_matter___•_inverse schnippets where the dead_forlorn_squared_unbornz go to have
non_poetry_slams about non-subjects and wax philisophical about the glitches that equate
eternity with nothingness.What if every heaven is unique to the soul experiencing it (it has to be
otherwise heaven wouldn’t exist, given that heaven has to be the perfect and uncompromising
vision of bliss respective to each soul, otherwise, it kind of sounds like hell, right, and it is also
quantum, as in [so multi-dimensional as to appear as [everything that is] which is simultaneosuly
[your own particular everytrhing] {but both ideas stretch beyond life and death and is constantly
in flux} so maybe Kobe [upon exiting that particular erff dimension that would allow us to code
for his exit within the realm] is in some 17th dimensional gravy matrix that is adjusted to a
peculiar frequency that would allow not only kobe but everyone around him to experience a sort
of bliss wave where the general vibe is one of healing, growth, mushy creativity, low key
witchery, love and light. Now, as far as what this place looks like, or how that heavenly realm
appears to or feels or looks or sounds like to kobe, [[[[[[[[who knows]]]]]]]]{it could be
ANYTHING}. It could be as mindfucked as kobe being born on a planet in a distant dark realm,
inhabited by talking kangaroos, and kobe is born as the long awaited and prophesized roo_ddah
to save the roos from coming extinction, and once he spends the initial 30 or so years as a light
hopping janky_phase roo in pursuit of that heavy goal, he attains it (cuz in heaven you reach
your goals) and the heaven part starts kicking in: which is (I remind you) only even possible
because of the janky phases and the time spent as a lost roo driven to the brink of madness in
search of a nagging unknown sitting like a rubix cubes rouse in Kobe’s pouch / He/We/they can
from there, proceed to spend the rest of eternity in the kanga_bliss_realms contiually stretching
and inflating and expanding into higher dimensions (with all the other roos)(and even the roos
he left behind on erff) and having more lit parties until eternity space.In summation: heaven can
apparently be as spooky, lit, or gnarly as the soul desires. And since all life or consciousness
seems to be a kind of visible personification/animalization/sensory-variable-glitch-anamoly
structured or coded into perception through a sort of elemental-nano-geometric-periodic-and-
fractal quantum inverse sublimation phase that perhaps has to start at one or both ends of the
cycle from nothingness to eternity [which is now] or perhaps at some peculiar vibrational nexus
at which (that which shant be named or cannot be fathomed/spoketh a cosmic sort of “sup” out
of the gnarly nothingness void / and interjected [IT]self as an antidote / maybe this thing is some
type of biological_even_expected_calculus that would logically allow for a kind of magical glitch
in the othewise flawlessly pristine doom matrix? /// a synthesis of tightly wound cyclical
geomteries that scripted multiple dimensions and parallel realities and this quantum_heaven
and binary_rook_coded_hell all within [a larger coded concept] that says the universe can exist
[both] wherewithin and whenabove ——> [inside our heads as an external {any_variable}
universe ]/meeeaaningg, kobe can be a kangaroo somewhere right at this moment / and maybe
we also actually died or lived at some point along our own designated specific yet still
collaborating timelines (perhaps doesn’t or won’t ultimately matter) and we’ve reached a glitch
switch along the spectrum where we now are on a path to actually being aware that this is
ACTUALLY heaven (or the beginning phases leading to) but its also [erff 4 now]/ and for
whatever reason {{{reality}}} appears or feels to us as this (insert earthy shit)(or) beautifiul blue
hazy space with serpentine deep spooky scarlet traumatized crystal consciousnesses bipedally
strutting around as if we were /////chiggle_hitch_tressles// sculpted by an 8-bit fraganoosh lord
on a gnarly anti-anything-esque non-tangent about kangaroos. It seems feasible that a person
could be born here, or ALL OF US could be born here to experience this same /switch_glitch
that flips /the_doom__switch to a /cool_giddy_click that would allow all of us to transcend [IT]
which would in turn instigate the same rift or correction which flips the inspired_bliss portals to
infinity mode. and once at full capacity, our collectice bliss waves will allow us to manipulate the
literal fabric of space and time to manifest that lit infinity space and perhaps actual miracles like
levitation or spontaneous healing, or even anything as outlined or decreed within or without
[[[the literal limits and non_limits of the imagination and such]]what if that is what the dill is...?or
maybe things like art, writing, music, poetry, litness (shining things) are the modes to help to get
to this place, ehich is obviohsly why these modes are the first to be distorted by the dark magic
kangaroos who are actually on the same team, but only exist as a spark to ignite the porcess in
motion. those dark roos are just as necessary necause without them, none of it would
go.#2020maydaynyc#and maybe all frequencies outside of love and the myriad tangential love/
shine waves spiraling out from that hearty_center, are actually just secretly like _roo_ninja_skins
doing their part to keep the gears turning. and when the lit infinity space is manifested, all roo
skins will join as one into the singularity to enter a state of giddy hilarity, or the complete
opposite of 💀 death. so, essentially, as per the rules of the giddy game, when you “fear”
something, you are really just fearing that failure to manifest that holy singularity/ hilarity glitch
space. but no worries, cuz this is heaven, and inheaven, we will all reach our goal and in fact
already have because heaven is outside of time / just like we are / and turns out / time is just
another thing the roos use to control our asinine asses / but weird thing is / we let them. And to
appease the nagging reality shteez drooling at your kneecaps: FOR THE RECORD: even if this
ISN’T heaven [[[which texhnically it isn’t for the time being]]] {and yet it still is} but furthermore
STILLLL IS written as though the light is a conduit between here and there: a guide or
illumination: which is where the revelation: as above, so below is scripted. meaning, the 3d
realm is absent the illumination of time and eternity, and since this lit infinity space probs cycles
through the 3d space (given that eternity cycles theough everything?) its as if eternity is cycling
through at this very moment, laughing at a scenario in which the dark roos actually think they
are the path, when in fact, those dark roos, if taken to their logical completion, would cycle into
nothingness. so, its either bliss_eternity or nothingness but i would even go further and
postulate thats it is bliss_eternity or bliss_eternity. because i suppose nothingness also exists as
a coded version of eternity, right, so maybe dark matter is like the times during the cycles that
the dark roos won (but since it never ends it just appears as a majority of nonspace and
nonenergy , and right now that space is being locked away or simply resting until consciosness
wakes up and starts reclaiming that dark space and dark energy for the light until there is no
more ignorance that would prevent that soace from unfolsing properly or you know all of the
literal things that wouldnt exist or couldnt exist in heaven anyway, right? The only heaven that is
feasible is one that doesn’t compromise in making you happy, lasts for eternity, and is coded
into reality in such a way as to allow for a seamless transition one day from //this space/// to
the //sleeping non-space bliss mode /// we all might just (will, actually) meet with one day. cuz
another version of you is actually already there, cheering you on the whole way.#awkwardpause
#burnthewitch sooo, thought fo the day:C O n S C I O U S N E S S is proba really that
malleable. /we exist as finalitiea within our selves— we can master our minds to such an extent
that we solve all problems like world hunger, poverty, ending war, infinite love etc.—we need to
reach that theeshold where the obviousness of what im saying xan no longer be menipulated
into a negative revealing the opposition for what/who/where/when/why it truly is, and thus
articulating an easier means in which to move forward in inspiration, giddy grace, and final sighs
of isnt this great.—hell probably operates similarly and is also someththing that currently exists
right now in parts of the realm —- has nce the hell phases are gone; it becomes a lot easier???