Major Component Sub Compone Activity Master Physical Unit Cost Financial

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District Name :Dharwad and Year:2020-2021

Major Sub Activity Master Physical Unit Financial

Component Compone Cost
Access & Residential 16 Residential Schools - Recurring (Previous
Retention School / Year) (Capacity 100)
Hostels 16.a Maintenance per child per month 100 0.216 21.6
16.b Stipend per child per month 100 0.012 1.2
16.c Supplementary TLM, Stationery and other 100 0.02 2
educational material
16.d 1 Warden 1 3.6 3.6
16.f 4 - 5 Fulltime teachers as per RTE Norms 5 3 15

16.h 3 Part time teachers 3 1.92 5.76

16.i 1 Full time Accountant 1 2.49 2.49
16.j 2 Support staff - (Accountant/Assistant, 2 2.058 4.116
Peon, Chowkidar)

16.k 1 Head Cook 1 2.208 2.208

16.l 2 Assistant Cook 2 2.13 4.26
16.m Specific Skill training 100 0.015 1.5
16.n Electricity / water charges 100 0.064 6.4
16.o Medical care/contingencies 100 0.015 1.5
16.p Maintenance 100 0.02 2
16.q Miscellaneous 100 0.015 1.5
16.v Physical / Self Defence Training 100 0.006 0.6
Total of Residential Schools - Recurring 75.73
(Previous Year) (Capacity 100)

Total of Residential School / Hostels 75.73

Strengtheni 38 Strengthening of Schools - NR (up to
ng of Highest Class VIII)
Existing 38.k Major Repair (Upto Class VIII) 2 23.615 47.23
Schools Total of Strengthening of Schools - NR 47.23
(up to Highest Class VIII)
Total of Strengthening of Existing 47.23
Opening of 4 Opening of New / Upgraded Schools -
New / Recurring (Secondary)
Upgraded 4.b Recurring Cost - Secondary (Previous) 1 163 163
Schools (Samagra)
Total of Opening of New / Upgraded 163
Schools - Recurring (Secondary)
Total of Opening of New / Upgraded 163
RTE Free 50 Uniform
Entitlements Uniforms 50.a All Girls 65197 0.003 195.591
50.b ST Boys 4313 0.003 12.939
50.c SC Boys 7056 0.003 21.168
50.d BPL Boys 18545 0.003 55.635
Total of Uniform 285.33
Total of Free Uniforms 285.33
District Name :Dharwad and Year:2020-2021

Major Sub Activity Master Physical Unit Financial

Component Compone Cost
Free 51 Free Text Books
Textbooks 51.a Text Books (Class I - II) 5873 0.0025 14.682
51.d Text Books (Class III - V) 10164 0.0025 25.41
51.g Text Books (Class VI - VIII) 18792 0.004 75.168
Total of Free Text Books 115.26
Total of Free Textbooks 115.26
Reimbursem 52 Reimbursement of Fee
ent towards 52.a Reimbursement of Fee against 25% 10610 0.08054 854.529
expenditure admission under Section 12(1)(c) of RTE
incurred for Act 2009 (Entry Level)
25% of Total of Reimbursement of Fee 854.53
Admision Total of Reimbursement towards 854.53
under 12 expenditure incurred for 25% of
(1)(c) RTE Admision under 12 (1)(c) RTE Act
Media & 62 Media & Community Mobilization
Community (Elementary)
Mobilization 62.b Media & Community Mobilization 763 0.015 11.445
62.c Training of SMC/ SDMC 763 0.03 22.89
Total of Media & Community 34.34
Mobilization (Elementary)
63 Media & Community Mobilization
63.a Media & Community Mobilization 108 0.015 1.62
63.b SMDC Training 108 0.03 3.24
Total of Media & Community 4.86
Mobilization (Secondary)
Total of Media & Community 39.2
Quality Funds for 64 Quality Components (Elementary)
Interventions Quality 64.j Shaala Siddhi 763 0.005 3.815
(LEP, Total of Quality Components 3.82
Innovation, (Elementary)
Guidance 68 Project Innovation (Elementary)
etc) Karnataka Public Schools 12 50 600
Nali-Kali implementation class I to III 42731 0.00117 49.995
Teacher IdCards 5188 0.001 5.188
Total of Project Innovation 655.18
75 Foundational Literacy and Numeracy
75. Language Skill Enhancement Programme 1650 0.00167 2.756

Numeracy 1650 0.00167 2.756

Reading Enhancement Programme 1650 0.0025 4.125
Total of Foundational Literacy and 9.64
76 LEP (Class III - V)
76.d Remedial Teaching 1452 0.005 7.26
Total of LEP (Class III - V) 7.26
District Name :Dharwad and Year:2020-2021

Major Sub Activity Master Physical Unit Financial

Component Compone Cost
77 LEP (Class VI - VIII)
77. Remedial Teaching 1492 0.005 7.46
Total of LEP (Class VI - VIII) 7.46
65 Quality Components (Secondary & Sr.
65.b Shaala Siddhi 136 0.005 0.68
Total of Quality Components (Secondary 0.68
& Sr. Secondary)
67 Project - Innovative Activities
(Secondary & Sr. Secondary)
67. Teacher IdCards 1104 0.001 1.104
Total of Project - Innovative Activities 1.1
(Secondary & Sr. Secondary)

80 LEP (Class IX - XII)

80.k Remedial Teaching 1007 0.005 5.035
Total of LEP (Class IX - XII) 5.04
Total of Funds for Quality (LEP, 690.17
Innovation, Guidance etc)
Assessment 82 Assessment at State level (Elementary)
at National
& State 82.a Assessment at State level 1 10 10
level Total of Assessment at State level 10
Total of Assessment at National & State 10
Composite 94 Annual Grant (up to Highest Class VIII)
Grant 94.a School Grant - (Enrol 1- 15) 25 0.125 3.125
94.b School Grant -(Enrol >15 - 100 ) 269 0.25 67.25
94.c School Grant - (Enrol > 100 and <= 250 ) 321 0.5 160.5
94.d School Grant - (Enrol > 250 and <= 1000 ) 125 0.75 93.75

Total of Annual Grant (up to Highest 324.62

Class VIII)
95 Annual Grant (up to Highest Class X or
95.b School Grant -(Enrol >15 - 100 ) 20 0.25 5
95.c School Grant - (Enrol > 100 and <= 250 ) 75 0.5 37.5
95.d School Grant - (Enrol > 250 and <= 1000 ) 40 0.75 30

Total of Annual Grant (up to Highest 72.5

Class X or XII)
Total of Composite School Grant 397.12
Libraries 98 Library (upto Highest Class VIII)
98.a Composite Elementary Schools (I – VIII) 149 0.13 19.37
98.b Upper Primary Schools (VI – VIII) 2 0.1 0.2
98.c Primary School (I – V) 97 0.05 4.85
Total of Library (upto Highest Class VIII) 24.42
District Name :Dharwad and Year:2020-2021

Major Sub Activity Master Physical Unit Financial

Component Compone Cost
99 Library (upto Highest Class XII)
99.c Secondary Schools (Classes IX & X) 108 0.1 10.8
99.e Senior Secondary School Only (Class XI - 27 0.1 2.7
Total of Library (upto Highest Class XII) 13.5

Total of Libraries 37.92

Rastriya 100 Rashtriya Aavishkar Abhiyaan
Aavishkar (Elementary)
Abhiyan 100.a Science Exhibition / Book Fair 20 0.25 5
100.d Exposure visit outside State 2 0.15 0.3
100.h Excursion Trip for Students within State 100 0.01 1
Total of Rashtriya Aavishkar Abhiyaan 6.3
101 Rashtriya Aaviskaar Abhiyan (Secondary)

Quiz Competition 1 0.5 0.5
Study Trip for Students to Higher 100 0.01 1
Institutions (Within States)
101.e Exposure visit outside State 2 0.15 0.3
Total of Rashtriya Aaviskaar Abhiyan 1.8
Total of Rastriya Aavishkar Abhiyan 8.1
ICT and 104 Recurring Components (ICT & Digital
Digital Initiatives upto Highest Class VIII)
Initiatives 104.a Recurring Cost (ICT & Digital Initiatives) 264 2.4 633.6
Total of Recurring Components (ICT & 633.6
Digital Initiatives upto Highest Class VIII)

107 Project- IT/e-governance (Upto Highest

Class VIII)
107.b Shaala Kosh 1264 0.01 12.64
Total of Project- IT/e-governance (Upto 12.64
Highest Class VIII)
106 Recurring Components (ICT & Digital
Initiatives upto Highest Class XII)
106.b Recurring Cost (ICT & Digital Initiatives) 11 2.4 26.4
(Previous Year)
Total of Recurring Components (ICT & 26.4
Digital Initiatives upto Highest Class XII)

108 Project- IT/e-governance (Upto Highest

Class XII)
108.a Shaala Kosh 459 0.01 4.59
Total of Project- IT/e-governance (Upto 4.59
Highest Class XII)
Total of ICT and Digital Initiatives 677.23
District Name :Dharwad and Year:2020-2021

Major Sub Activity Master Physical Unit Financial

Component Compone Cost
Support at 109 Pre- Primary (Non- Recurring)
Pre-Primary 109. Support at Pre-Primary (Previous) (NR) 8 0.55 4.4
Level 109.a Support at Pre-Primary Level (New) (NR) 87 0.55 47.85

Total of Pre- Primary (Non- Recurring) 52.25

110 Pre-Primary (Recurring)
110.l Support to Pre-Primary (Existing) 8 3.7 29.6
110.a Support at Pre-Primary Level (New) 87 1.85 160.95
Total of Pre-Primary (Recurring) 190.55
Total of Support at Pre-Primary Level 242.8
Training for 84 In-Service Training (I - VIII)
In-service 84.a Class I & II 1444 0.05 72.2
Teacher and 84.b Class III to V 1136 0.05 56.8
Head 84.c Class VI to VIII 1701 0.05 85.05
Teachers Total of In-Service Training (I - VIII) 214.05
88 Training of Resource Persons & Master
Trainers (Elementary)
88.c KRPs Travel/Accommodation 42 0.25 10.5
Printing of Integrated Teacher Training 4281 0.0015 6.422
Total of Training of Resource Persons & 16.92
Master Trainers (Elementary)
92 Training of Educational Administrators
92.a Elementary Level (Classes I to VIII) 24 0.05 1.2
Total of Training of Educational 1.2
Administrators (Elementary)
85 In-Service Training (IX - XII )
85. Language Training Under NISHTHA(Class IX- 701 0.05 35.05
Math Training Under NISHTHA(Class IX-X) 319 0.05 15.95

ScienceTraining Under NISHTHA(Class IX-X) 228 0.05 11.4

Social Science Training Under 260 0.05 13

Total of In-Service Training (IX - XII ) 75.4
District Name :Dharwad and Year:2020-2021

Major Sub Activity Master Physical Unit Financial

Component Compone Cost
89 Training of Resource Persons & Master
Trainers (Secondary)
89. KRPs Math Training Under NISHTHA State 4 0.1 0.4
level ( Class IX to X)
KRPs Social Science Training Under 4 0.1 0.4
NISHTHA State level ( Class IX toX)
KRPs Language Training Under NISHTHA 12 0.1 1.2
State level ( Class IX to X)
KRPs Science Training Under NISHTHA 4 0.1 0.4
State level ( Class IX toX)
KRPs Travel/Accommodation Under 24 0.25 6
NISHTHA ( Class IX to X)
Printing of NISHTHA Teacher Training 1508 0.0015 2.262
Package ( Class IX toX)
Total of Training of Resource Persons & 10.66
Master Trainers (Secondary)
91 School Leadership Training of Head
Teachers/ Principals/RPs (Secondary)
91.d Training of HMs (SLDP) 50 0.025 1.25
91.b Training of Head Masters (Class IX to XII) 24 0.05 1.2

Total of School Leadership Training of 2.45

Head Teachers/ Principals/RPs
93 Training of Educational Administrators
93.b Sr. Secondary Level (Classes XI to XII) 19 0.03 0.57
Total of Training of Educational 0.57
Administrators (Secondary)
Total of Training for In-service Teacher 321.25
and Head Teachers
Academic 111 Provision for BRCs/URCs
support 111.e Salary for 1 Accountant-cum-support staff 7 3 21
BRC/URC/CR 111.d Salary for 1 Data Entry Operator in 7 2.64 18.48
C position
111.c Salary for 1 MIS Coordinator in position 7 3.6 25.2
111.b Salary for 2 Resource Persons for CWSN 14 2.4 33.6
111.a Salary for 6 Resource Persons at BRC 40 6 240
111.k Maintenance Grant 7 0.4 2.8
111.j Meeting, TA 7 0.3 2.1
111.i Contingency Grant 7 0.75 5.25
Total of Provision for BRCs/URCs 348.43

District Name :Dharwad and Year:2020-2021

Major Sub Activity Master Physical Unit Financial

Component Compone Cost
113 Provisions for CRCs
113.g Mobility Support for CRC(Strengthening of 84 1 84
113.f Maintenance Grant 84 0.05 4.2
113.e TLM Grant 84 0.05 4.2
113.d Meeting, TA 84 0.05 4.2
113.c Contingency Grant 84 0.1 8.4
113.a Salary for CRC Coordinator (one) 75 4.8 360
Total of Provisions for CRCs 465
Total of Academic support through 813.43
Salary of Teacher 134 Teacher Salary – (Elementary)
Teachers Salary 134.a Primary Teachers- Existing, in position 242 1.8 435.6
(HMs/Teach (Regular)
ers) Total of Teacher Salary – (Elementary) 435.6

136 Upper Primary Teachers (Regular) –

136.a Science and Mathematics 171 2.4 410.4
Total of Upper Primary Teachers 410.4
(Regular) – (Elementary)
137 Staff for Previous Year Schools
137.b Subject Teacher 135 3.6 486
137.a Head Masters 14 4.2 58.8
Total of Staff for Previous Year Schools 544.8
Total of Teacher Salary (HMs/Teachers) 1390.8

Gender & Kasturba 140 KGBV - Type - I (NR) (Previous Year)

Equity Gandhi (Classes VI -VIII)
Balika 140.i Replacement of bedding (once in 3 years) 200 0.008 1.6
(KGBVs) Total of KGBV - Type - I (NR) (Previous 1.6
Year) (Classes VI -VIII)
141 KGBV - Type – I (Recurring) (Previous
Year) (Classes VI -VIII)
141.a Fooding / Lodging per girl per month 200 0.18 36
141.b Stipend per girl per month 200 0.024 4.8
141.c Supplementary TLM, Stationery and other 200 0.01 2
educational material
141.d 1 Warden 2 3.24 6.48
141.f 4 - 5 Full Time Teachers 8 3 24
141.h 3 Part Time Teachers 6 1.8 10.8
141.i 1 Full Time Accountant 2 2.34 4.68
141.j 2 Support Staff – (Accountant/ Assistant, 4 1.92 7.68
Peon, Chowkidar)
141.k 1 Head Cook 2 2.1 4.2
141.l 2 Assistant Cook 4 2.04 8.16
141.m Specific skill training per girl 200 0.01 2
141.n Electricity / Water Charges 200 0.01 2
141.o Medical care / Contingencies 200 0.0125 2.5
141.p Maintenance 200 0.0075 1.5
141.q Miscellaneous 200 0.0075 1.5
141.r Preparatory Camps 2 0.07 0.14
141.s P.T.A. 200 0.002 0.4
141.u Capacity Building 2 0.1 0.2
141.v Physical / Self Defence 2 0.1 0.2
Total of KGBV - Type – I (Recurring) 119.24
(Previous Year) (Classes VI -VIII)
District Name :Dharwad and Year:2020-2021

Major Sub Activity Master Physical Unit Financial

Component Compone Cost
152 KGBV - Type - IV (NR) (Previous Year)
(Classes IX -XII)
152.h Replacement of bedding (once in 3 years) 200 0.008 1.6

Total of KGBV - Type - IV (NR) (Previous 1.6

Year) (Classes IX -XII)
153 KGBV - Type - IV (Recurring) (Previous
Year) (Classes IX - XII)
153.a Food/Lodging per child per month 200 0.18 36
153.e 1 Warden 2 2.16 4.32
153.g 1 Chowkidar 2 1.944 3.888
153.h 1 Head Cook 2 1.75 3.5
153.i 2 Assistant Cook 4 1.73 6.92
153.k Electricity / Water Charges 2 0.8 1.6
153.l Medical care / Contingencies 2 1.95 3.9
153.m Maintenance 2 0.5 1
153.n Miscellaneous 2 0.5 1
Total of KGBV - Type - IV (Recurring) 62.13
(Previous Year) (Classes IX - XII)
Total of Kasturba Gandhi Balika 184.57
Vidyalaya (KGBVs)
Self defence 163 Self Defence Training (upto Highest Class
training for X or XII)
Girls 163.b Self Defence Training (Upto Class X or XII) 108 0.09 9.72

Total of Self Defence Training (upto 9.72

Highest Class X or XII)
Total of Self defence training for Girls 9.72
Special 161 Project- Girls Empowerment
Projects for (Secondary)
Equity 161.a Adolescent Programme for Girls Students 108 0.01 1.08

161.c Career Guidance Programme for Girls 108 0.02 2.16

Total of Project- Girls Empowerment 3.24
Total of Special Projects for Equity 3.24
Inclusive Provision 164 Inclusive Education (up to Highest Class
Education for Children VIII)
with Special 164.a Sports Events & Exposure Visits 7 0.3 2.1
Needs 164.c ICT Resources 14 0.0225 0.315
(CWSN) - 164.e Therapeutic Services 7 1.2 8.4
Recurring 164.h Providing Aids & Appliances 1088 0.025 27.2
164.i Identification and Assessment (Medical 7 0.25 1.75
Assessment Camps)
164.j Reader Allowance 1678 0.02 33.56
164.m Transportation allowance 1213 0.035 42.455
164.n Stipend for Girls 1076 0.02 21.52
164.o In-service Training of Special Educators 11 0.0225 0.248
164.p Environment Building programme 7 0.1 0.7
164.s Salary (Previous Spl. Educators) 14 2.4 33.6
164.v Escort Allowance 693 0.03 20.79
Total of Inclusive Education (up to 192.64
Highest Class VIII)
District Name :Dharwad and Year:2020-2021

Major Sub Activity Master Physical Unit Financial

Component Compone Cost
165 Inclusive Education (Student Oriented
Components) (up to Highest Class X or
165.b ICT Resources 14 0.0225 0.315
165.e Helper/Ayas/Attendant 7 0.6 4.2
165.g Providing Aids & Appliances 294 0.025 7.35
165.i Reader Allowance 426 0.02 8.52
165.k Assistive Devices,Equipments and TLM 7 1 7
165.l Escort Allowance 133 0.03 3.99
165.n Stipend for Girls 251 0.02 5.02
165.o Transportation allowance 262 0.035 9.17
Total of Inclusive Education (Student 45.56
Oriented Components) (up to Highest
Class X or XII)
166 Inclusive Education (Recurring) (Upto
Highest Class - XII)
166.b In-service Training of Special Educators 11 0.0225 0.248
166.f Salary (Previous Spl. Educators) 14 3 42
Total of Inclusive Education (Recurring) 42.25
(Upto Highest Class - XII)
Total of Provision for Children with 280.45
Special Needs (CWSN) - Recurring
Sports & Sports & 130 Sports & Physical Education (upto
Physical Physical Highest Class VIII)
Education Education 130.a Sports & Physical Education (Primary 348 0.05 17.4
Schools )
130.b Sports & Physical Education (Upper 39 0.1 3.9
Primary Schools )
Total of Sports & Physical Education 21.3
(upto Highest Class VIII)
131 Sports & Physical Education (upto
Highest Class XII)
131.a Sports & Physical Education (Secondary) 50 0.25 12.5
131.b Sports & Physical Education (Sr. 7 0.25 1.75
Total of Sports & Physical Education 14.25
(upto Highest Class XII)
Total of Sports & Physical Education 35.55
Monitoring of Monitoring 174 Monitoring of the Scheme
the Scheme Information 174.c Management Information System (Udise +) 330933 0.00002 6.619
System (MIS)
Total of Monitoring of the Scheme 6.62
Total of Monitoring Information System 6.62
Vocational Introduction 168 Recurring Support VE - New
Education of 168.a Financial Support for Vocational Teacher/ 4 3 12
Vocational Trainer (New)
Education at 168.b Financial Support for Resource Persons 2 0.26 0.52
Secondary (New)
and higher 168.c Raw material Grant for new school per 2 1.7 3.4
Secondary course (New)
168.d Cost of providing Hands on Skill Training to 100 0.08 8
Students (New)
168.f Office Expenses / Contingencies for New 2 1.35 2.7
School (New)
168.g Induction training of Teachers VE - 4 0.03 0.12
Teachers (10 Days)
Total of Recurring Support VE - New 26.74
Education at
and higher

District Name :Dharwad and Year:2020-2021

Major Sub Activity Master Physical Unit Financial

Component Compone Cost
171 Recurring Support VE - Existing
171.a Financial Support for Vocational Teacher/ 8 3.37 26.96
Trainer (Existing)
171.b Financial Support for Resource Persons 4 0.47 1.88
171.c Raw material grant for new school per 4 2 8
course (Existing)
171.d Cost of providing Hands Training Students 4 4.68 18.72
171.e Assessment and Certification Cost 357 0.006 2.142
171.f Office Expenses / Contingencies for School 4 1.5 6
171.g Induction training of VE - Teachers (10 2 0.03 0.06
Days) - (Existing)
171.h In-service Training of VE - Teachers (5 - 6 0.03 0.18
Days) - (Existing)
Total of Recurring Support VE - Existing 63.94

Total of Introduction of Vocational 90.68

Education at Secondary and higher
Teacher Salaries of 120 Teachers Educators Salary in TEIs
Education Teacher (Academic Posts)
Educators 120.b DIETs 25 7.377 184.425
(TEIs) Total of Teachers Educators Salary in 184.42
TEIs (Academic Posts)
Total of Salaries of Teacher Educators 184.42
Program & 124 Program & Activities including Faculty
Activities Development of Teacher Educators
Faculty 124.b Program & Activities (DIET) 1 12 12
Developmen 124.c Specific projects for Research activities 1 5 5
t of Teacher (DIET)
Educators Total of Program & Activities including 17
Faculty Development of Teacher
Total of Program & Activities including 17
Faculty Development of Teacher
Technology 125 Technology Support to TEIs (NR)
Support to 125.a Hardware & Software Support 1 6.4 6.4
TEIs Total of Technology Support to TEIs (NR) 6.4

126 Recurring Support on (Technology

126.d Recurring Support on Technology (TEIs) 1 2.4 2.4
Total of Recurring Support on 2.4
(Technology Support)
Total of Technology Support to TEIs 8.8
Annual 127 Annual Grant for TEIs
Grant for 127.b DIETs 1 8 8
TEIs Total of Annual Grant for TEIs 8
Total of Annual Grant for TEIs 8
Total 6998.17
Generated as on Wednesday, April 29, 2020

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