Justi 2000
Justi 2000
Justi 2000
International Journal of
Science Education
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authors and subscription information:
To cite this article: Rosaria Justi & John Gilbert (2000) History and philosophy of
science through models: some challenges in the case of 'the atom', International
Journal of Science Education, 22:9, 993-1009, DOI: 10.1080/095006900416875
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INT. J. SCI. EDUC., 2000, VOL. 22, NO. 9, 993- 1009
It is suggested that the contribution of history and philosophy of science (HPS) to science education can
be enhanced through a consideration of scientific models which are relevant to major sectors of the
curriculum. The possibilities for so doing are considered through the discussion of six assertions. A way
of characterizing such models, based on the work of Lakatos (1970, 1978), is outlined and applied to a
typically important sector, that of the nature of the atom. An analysis of the way that the curriculum for
14-16 year olds and typical textbooks in Brazil and the UK treat historical models of the atom is given.
The use of ‘hybrid’ models was identified in those treatments. Hybrid models, by their very nature as
composites drawn from several distinct historical models, do not allow the history and philosophy of
science to make a full contribution to science education. They do this by denying the role of distinct
models in the history of science and of the role of progression between these models in the philosophy of
science. The consequences for the teaching of science of an appropriate treatment of historical models
are outlined.
In recent years the systematic inclusion of the history and philosophy of science
(HPS) in science education has been viewed as a way of making the latter more
closely related to the processes and conduct of science per se (Allchin 1995, Carson
1992, Hodson 1985, 1992, Matthews 1994, Monk and Osborne 1997). The inten-
tion has been that, if students’ understanding of how scientific knowledge is devel-
oped, and of how historical, philosophical and technological contexts influence its
development, then they will acquire a more comprehensive view of science and, as
a consequence, become more engaged by the learning of science.
How might the inclusion of HPS in the science curriculum be brought
about? This paper proposes that the field of ‘models and modelling’ can provide
one suitable basis. Some possibilities for this inclusion are discussed with the
aid of six assertions i.e. that: models are a suitable basis for HPS in science
education; historical models can be characterized; a finite number of models of
the atom exist; school curricula do not refer clearly to historical models; textbooks
do not make appropriate use of historical models; and hybrid models are used in
International Journal of Science Education ISSN 0950- 0693 print/ISSN 1464-5289 online # 2000 Taylor & Francis Ltd
suggestions about how to modify the protective belt (Lakatos 1970). According to
Lakatos, when a hard core of a given research programme has to be changed, it is
overthrown. This is a result of a competition between the ‘progressive problem-
shifts’ of one research programme (in which novel empirical facts are both pre-
dicted and discovered) and the ‘degenerating problemshifts’ of another (in which
successful predictions can no longer be made) (Lakatos 1970).
This approach can be used to characterise the major historical models in
topics, which are important for science education (Justi 1997, Justi and Gilbert
1999a, b). As an exemplar, this is done below in outline for ‘the atom’. At each
stage in the historical development of understanding of the nature of ‘the atom’ we
have identified:
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Dalton’s model
One major problem with the Ancient Greek model was that it provided no basis for
distinguishing between types of atom i.e. between the elements. Dalton’s model
addressed this directly, within the core notion of ‘atom’ as a indivisible entity
carried forward from the Greek model. The hard core of Dalton’s model was that:
success, Dalton’s model was only slowly accepted, being viewed as ‘audacious’
because of the degree of novelty that it contained relative to the centuries-old
Ancient Greek model (Calvet et al. 1992).
From the second half of the nineteenth century onwards, there was a great deal
experimental evidence amassed, for example from studies of specific heats, which
could not be explained by Dalton’s model.
However, the electronic structure of his model was described by the use of
classical mechanics. It soon became clear that classical mechanics fails when it is
applied to electrons in atoms. If electrons were stationary, they must be drawn into
the nucleus due to the attractive force between positively and negatively charged
entities. On the other hand, if they were in circular motion, calculations from
classical mechanics predicted that they would lose energy and fall into the nucleus.
surface enclosing say 99% of the probability can be drawn: the electron is almost
certainly within this ‘orbital’ envelope at any given moment. This approach has
proved very useful in explaining the more complex occurrences of bonding.
the historical models of the atom given above. The textbooks are identified in the
Appendix and are referred to below by the numbers allocated to them there. The
analysis produced data, which can be presented in three categories.
As the Greeks did not have ways to check their ideas, they were not universally
(t. 4: 60).
The author does not specify what he means by ‘ways of check their ideas’, but from
the overall tone of the textbook this can be taken to mean ‘the conduct of experi-
ments that could be explained with the use of a given model’. However, if our
inference is correct, there would be an inconsistency in the use of such a criterion.
This is because, although the laws of proportionality, for instance, were explained
by the atomic model in the nineteenth century, atomism was not universally
accepted at that time (see above). This point is ignored in all the textbooks.
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proposal by Sommerfeld of the elliptical shape of electron orbits was the result of a
more detailed study of atomic spectra. This does not characterize a new model
since the hard core that based his studies was the one proposed by Bohr.
Nevertheless, among the five textbooks that make reference to Sommerfeld’s
work four (t. 2, 6, 8, and 9) say that he produced a new model. Even when the
textbook author recognizes that the two sets of ideas are very close to each other, it
is assumed that Bohr’s and Sommerfeld’s ideas reflect substantially different
models. This is the case of textbook 6, in which we read that:
Sommerfeld did not completely disregard the Bohr’s model. He proposed that the
circular orbit would be a special case of the elliptical one. Thus you see a model which
has changed from the previous one.
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(t. 6: 21).
Figure 1.
Figure 2.
The same textbook asserts that the idea of an orbital is a basic characteristic of the
Quantum Mechanics model. It represents an atom in two ways. First, as a nucleus
surrounded by a circle called ‘an orbit’ in which there is a small ball (presumably
the electron). Second, as a nucleus surrounded by a region containing a lot of
points called ‘an orbital’ (presumably electron probabilities). See figure 2 (transla-
 rbita’ is ‘orbit’, whilst ‘orbital’ is ‘orbital’)
tion: ‘o
By so doing, the difference between ‘orbit’ and ‘orbital’ is visually shown to
students. However, after this, the textbook states that the identity of the electron is
given by its quantum numbers. It then gives a visual representation in which a
nucleus has semicircles cut into one of its sides. In figure 3, each semicircle or shell
(camadas) is identified by a letter (K, L, M,. . .) and by its main quantum number
(nu mero quaà ntico principal) (1, 2, 3, . . .) respectively.
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Figure 3.
In our view, the semicircles strengthen the idea of an orbit as a path in which
electrons move. This is exactly contrary to the distinction made two pages earlier
(t. 8 : 91). Such ambiguities result from an attempt to create a pictorial representa-
tion of a model that was essentially the result of a mathematical-statistical treat-
ment. This seems to be evidence that the author does not understand what the
phrase ‘quantum mechanics as a theoretical background of a model’ means.
Textbook 12 introduces the confusion, perhaps as the result of an attempt to
simplify matters:
The electrons move around the nucleus. They move at random and in a chaotic way,
but to make the picture simpler we’ve shown them as if they travel in ‘orbits’ around
the nucleus.
(t. 12: 248)
Authors of other textbooks are more coherent whilst discussing the quantum
mechanics model by asserting that:
This model is recognised as more satisfactory although it is a little bit abstract.
(t. 3: 102)
or by explaining that:
The movement of electrons around the nucleus was described by SchroÈ dinger
through a mathematical equation that relates the corpuscular nature (particle), the
energy, the charge, and the mass of an electron. The numerical solutions of such an
equation, called quantum numbers, make the characterisation of each electron by its
energy possible.
(t. 9: 173).
class of particles. Therefore, the relationship between the masses of protons and
electrons was unknown at that time. ii) Textbooks 4, 7, 8, and 9 show pictorial
representations for Rutherford’s model in which there are circular, defined, orbits.
The movement of electrons in such orbits is part of the hard core of the later Bohr
model. iii) Textbook 1 associates attributes of the Quantum Mechanics model (the
existence of sublevels called s, p, d, and f, and the maximum number of electrons
in each of them) with the Bohr model. These ideas are introduced after the pre-
sentation of Bohr’s model in the text, but without saying that they constitute
another atomic model. These ideas are introduced to show how to distribute
electrons in sublevels. It seems that the author of textbook 1 assumes that ‘atomic
models’ and the ‘distribution of electrons’ are completely distinct subjects, that he
does not realise that they are closely related, and that the ‘distribution of electrons’
is an attribute of several atomic models. As the author states:
In each level of energy, electrons are distributed in sublevels of energy, represented
by letters s, p, d, and f in an ascending order of energy.
(t. 1: 31)
This suggests to students that the existence of sublevels is an attribute of the model
in which energy levels were defined (Bohr’s).
Students, when taught in the conventional way, where little if any attention is paid
to the history and philosophy of science, inevitably develop a poor understanding
of the processes of change in science and of the epistemology of science. There is
ample evidence for this outcome, whatever its cause e.g. Lederman (1992). For
example, Blanco and Niaz (1998) investigated students’ understanding of HPS in
the context of the ‘atom’. Their methodology involved the application of a ques-
tionnaire about a month after the teaching of atomic structure. Students made
explicit what they knew about important experiments from the historical devel-
opment of the structure of the atom, as well as how they interpreted some of the
findings of such experiments. It was found that students think that: there is an
absolute and unchanging conception of the atom; the production of experimental
data, and not the hypotheses on which they are based or the interpretations derived
from such data, are the most important part of a scientist’s work, and; if a given
model is changed by another scientist, the scientist who had proposed that model
had made experimental mistakes.
Given a choice, students prefer models of the atom which are easily visualiz-
able. For example, Harrison and Treagust (1996) elucidated students’ models of
atoms and molecules in order to discuss their influence on further instruction in
chemistry. The study used semi-structured interviews. In the initial question,
students were asked to talk about their ideas of atoms and to draw their models.
Next, they were presented with a set of six diagrams of atomic models often used in
teaching the atom. They were asked to choose which diagram had a best fit with
their model. Although the understanding of each of the presented atomic models
were not probed in detail, some of the outcomes of this study are relevant here. For
instance, it was demonstrated that the majority of the students ‘prefer models of
atoms and molecules that depict these entities as discrete, concrete structures’
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(Harrison and Treagust 1996: 532). The orbits model was preferred by 46% of
the students. 55% of the students thought atoms are balls or spheres, whilst 32%
drew simple diagrams containing a nucleus and electrons. Around 25% of the
students believed that atoms are protected by a substantial outer ‘shell’. As the
authors themselves emphasized:
In this situation students have shown that, in the main, they see atoms as concrete
particles with discrete parts.
(Harrison and Treagust 1996: 524)
Such outcomes could have come about as a result of (1) a gap of meaning between
teachers’ and textbooks’ discussions of different pictorial representations of the
atom, and (2) the lack of connection made between the presentation of a given
model in its written and pictorial representations - which is typical when hybrid
models are invoked.
The students may not have realized that their mental model was a hybrid of
several historical models. For example Harrison and Treagust also state that:
When the ‘‘clouds in the sky’’ ideas was pursued, several students added that the
electron cloud was like a cloud in the sky and the electrons were like the droplets of
water in cloud. Further discussion indicated that these students saw the cloud as a
separate entity, containing the electrons.
(Harrison and Treagust 1996: 525)
The students’ view is based on the hard core of Thomson’s model. However, the
electron cloud is presented as an attempt to create a pictorial representation of the
Quantum Mechanics model. If students were mixing such different representa-
tions and reducing a very abstract model to a more simple and concrete one, this
may be a result of the use of hybrid models in teaching.
Such views may be a consequence of an inadequate understanding of both the
historical development of models of the atom and of the epistemological status of
models in the development of scientific knowledge by teachers and authors of
textbooks. Both of them are aspects that contribute to the existence of hybrid
models in teaching. When hybrid models are used, the gaps of validity between
attributes of a given model cannot readily be addressed, no questions requiring
different ways of thinking about a phenomenon can be raised, and no different
approaches to the interpretation of a phenomenon are possible.
These problems may be compounded by students’ lack of comprehension of
what a model is. In the most cited study on this topic, Grosslight et al. (1991)
interviewed school students and ‘experts’ about their notions of modelling and
models. They identified three ‘levels’ of understanding: a naÈõ ve realist view in
which a model is a copy of some aspect of reality; the meanings currently accepted
by science, that see modelling as an imaginative attempt to represent some aspect
of a phenomenon so that predictions can be made and tested; and a rather unclear
intermediary level which has some elements of both the other two.
A way forward
The textbooks analysed do not reflect a reasonable interpretation of the nature of
models and the role of models and modelling in science and in science education. It
does seem essential that curriculum designers, teachers, and the authors of text-
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Several specific ways of introducing HPS into science education have been pro-
posed. Kauffman (1989), for instance, quotes reports of the use of a unit about the
history of a given subject after the completion of conventional teaching. Using this
approach, one could teach the development of the historical models after the
consensus model had been explored. Other researchers propose the introduction
of HPS by integrated it more with contemporary scientific content itself. Some
examples can be found in Ellis (1989) and Kipnis (1995), who propose the repro-
duction of several key historical experiments in classrooms: this could be done for
‘the atom’. Arons (1988) proposes the discussion of the historical contexts within
which the development of a specific theme took place. These contexts are readily
available, for much of the history of the atom, through websites such as http://
maple.lemoyne.edu/~giunta. Solomon (1989) advocates the dramatization of
historical debates: the discussions in Rutherford’s laboratory must have been
fascinating. It is not too much to hope that an entire course could be based on
the models and their development: Project Physics Course did this for the history
of physics in general (Brush 1978).
We believe that a comprehensive understanding of historical models of key
scientific themes is essential for the elimination of hybrid models. The intro-
duction of comprehensive discussions concerning historical models into science
teacher education courses does seem called for. By understanding not only isolated
episodes in the history of science, but also aspects concerning the development of
scientific knowledge and the characterization of distinct models, teachers will be
able to introduce HPS into science education in a more authentic and coherent
way. By understanding how the ‘research programme’ associated with a given
model was succeeded by that of the next, teachers will be able to introduce the
dynamism of science into science teaching. Science teaching should improve as a
consequence because students would be given a historically defensible view of the
achievements of science - a view in which the understanding of the ‘movement’ of
distinct models play an important part. An improved understanding of the nature
of science would seem to be an inevitable corollary.
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