What Is The Financial Action Task Force
What Is The Financial Action Task Force
What Is The Financial Action Task Force
FATF was originally started in 1989 in Paris to combat money laundering. It has
been expanded to target the financing for weapons of mass destruction,
corruption, and terrorist financing. It distribute its member countries into
three categories:-
1. White list: It is a safest zone, the countries which are part of this list possess
the good reputation and fulfill all the requirements of FATF. They don’t find to
be involved in money laundering, financing for weapons of mass destruction,
corruption, and terrorist financing.
3. Black List: Only those countries are included in this list that FATF considers
as undo-operative tax havens for terror funding. These countries are known as
Non-Cooperative Countries or Territories (NCCTs).FATF began to blacklist the
countries since 2000 which it judges to be non-cooperative in the global fight
against money laundering and terror funding.
The Pakistani delegation is led by Federal Minister for Economic Affairs Hammad Azhar,
who is also accompanied by officials of the Ministry of Finance, the State Bank, and Federal
Board of Revenue (FBR), in Paris. Discussions were held regarding the measures taken
against convicting persons involved in terror financing.
At the conclusion of its plenary meeting, the FATF stated Pakistan's progress or
implementation on its recommendations as 'satisfactory'.FATF on Friday 21st Feb,
decided to keep Pakistan on the greylist for another four months till June 2020.