CapitalRegionForward202005 PDF
CapitalRegionForward202005 PDF
CapitalRegionForward202005 PDF
Our action plan for safely reopening businesses and
reinvigorating the economy.
Regional Collaboration
From the earliest days of this pandemic, The coordinated transportation system includes services for
County and local leaders throughout the people with disabilities (STAR) with no reductions in this service
Capital Region have upheld a level. Comprehensive communications and outreach are being
developed to support system design. As ridership returns,
commitment to communication, additional phases of service redesign will be deployed. More
coordination, and collaboration information about CDTA and their services and can be found at
concerning developments in our region
and beyond. As was mandated via Executive Order, the school districts have
all developed distance learning programs to bring continuity to
We are committed to continuing these efforts as we reopen student’s development in the absence of classroom learning. In
businesses, schools, transportation systems, and public facilities. areas of challenge, such as limited internet access in rural areas,
partnerships will help expand access for those in less connected
We are fortunate to have a well-developed and managed public parts of the region. Our reopening plan will encourage this kind
transportation system in the Capital District Transportation of creative collaboration to meet other pressing needs.
Authority (CDTA). CDTA is the region’s mobility manager. CDTA
is working on service and ridership models that will provide With County officials having years of distinguished service and
valuable connections as the region begins to reopen. The focus some holding important roles in both New York State
is on main routes, known as trunks, which serve 75% of the Association of Counties (NYSAC) and the County Executives of
region’s employment centers, grocery stores, pharmacies, and America (CEA), the region is well placed to take full advantage of
health care centers. Particular attention is being paid to service collective coordination to address the challenges we face.
frequencies and capacity – with a new standard for vehicle
occupancy having been established. The capacity standards
ensure social distancing, customer and bus operator safety.
Creating a Healthy
Environment for Business
Together we share responsibility for safely A regional sense of cohesion among the
opening the Capital Region. Capital Region business community and
beyond is needed to spark and sustain this
We will only succeed if everyone commits to abide by the health
and safety guidelines outlined in this plan, monitors progress,
and adapts quickly as new information and data is available. Our
We will create a Healthy Capital Region branding campaign,
eight counties are committed to communicating this plan and its
with logo and tagline, that represents the commitment of the
guidelines widely across the Capital Region and providing
region to creating and maintaining a healthy business
businesses with the resources, information, and tools they need
environment. This brand will be placed on materials
to keep employees and customers safe.
communicating the back-to-work recommendations that we
ask our businesses to promote.
We will ask all businesses and employees to sign a pledge
As businesses sign the pledge committing to the reopening
that they understand what is being asked of them and are
strategy, they will be able to download, or have mailed to
committed to doing their part to reopen the Capital Region
them, a poster to display for employees and customers
for business and keep it open.
indicating that the business, and their employees, are
committed to the highest standards for reopening.
Maintaining open communications is a This platform will allow timely dissemination of updates to the
business community, as well as facilitate the collection and
fundamental element of the Reopening Plan. tracking of critical health and safety metrics in real time and
support informed decision-making moving forward.
An online portal is being developed that connects local To populate the platform, a business list will be developed with
businesses in the Capital Region to a comprehensive list of the help of partners throughout the region, and a marketing
health and safety guidelines, as well as resources, grants, campaign will be launched to encourage businesses to sign
loans, credits, offers, and local incentives. up. After 2-weeks of general marketing, a direct outreach
campaign will be launched and businesses that have not yet
logged into the platform will be contacted and encouraged to
Each business will be provided with a unique login to access sign up.
their own business profile and resource page. Through this
page, businesses will be able to: All the above will be conducted in concert with the regional
Sign the reopening pledge economic and business development partners to reach
Report status regarding compliance businesses within their respective geographic and industry
Answer survey questions - 30 days post re-opening networks.
businesses will be surveyed to capture real time feedback
about their experiences Information will be developed in multiple languages and with
Upload their unique safety plans consideration for ADA best practice standards.
Access other valuable information and intelligence
Assuring Healthcare
Table 1. Capital Region Hospital Bed Capacity and 30% Benchmarks
To maintain the phased reopening plan, the Capital 30% ICU
# Licensed # Staffed 30% Bed
Region will have at least 30 percent of hospital County # ICU Beds Bed
Beds Beds Availability
beds and ICU beds available after elective Availability
Albany 1,532 1,479 444 116 35
surgeries resume. NYS DOH Health Emergency Columbia 192 95 29 9 3
Response Data Systems (HERDS) data will be used Greene 0 0 0 0 0
to understand hospital and ICU bed availability. Rensselaer 292 257 78 30 9
Saratoga 259 259 78 30 9
Schenectady 483 351 106 39 12
The table shown here outlines the number of Warren 391 361 109 24 8
hospital and ICU beds that must be kept available Washington 0 0 0 0 0
Total 3,149 2,802 844 248 76
in the Region after elective surgeries resume. In Source: Definitive Healthcare
conjunction with NYS DOH, the Capital Region
HEOCC will facilitate monitoring hospital bed
utilization and availability.
Assuring PPE
Area hospitals and local health
departments will focus on
expanding procurement of
Personal Protective Equipment
At all times, a 90-day supply (based on historical
usage for individual facilities) will be stockpiled.
Regional purchasing consortiums and distribution
policies are being explored, as is real-time
inventory and asset management systems for
hospital and county supplies.
Testing Regimen
The Capital Region will implement a testing Antibody testing sites have also been established and efforts
are currently underway to expand this complementary type of
regimen that prioritizes symptomatic persons testing to increase availability to the public.
and individuals who were in contact with a
known COVID-positive person, as well as The current testing protocol includes provision for triaging
conducting frequent tests of frontline and individuals requesting testing according to need. Symptomatic
individuals are given priority, followed by individuals who have
essential workers. been exposed to confirmed positive cases of COVID-19.
The Capital Region will maintain an appropriate number of Established testing sites are advertised through all forms of
testing sites to accommodate its population and will advertise media and the mobile sites are advertised periodically as they
where and how people can get tested. Data will be collected to are established based on the analysis of data to determine
track and trace the spread of the virus. The Capital Region locations with the highest need.
currently has numerous established testing sites, some of which
were established with significant State support. These sites Each individual member county has the capability to track
consist of private providers, New York State supported locations, the data specific to their county and to have that data
and County supported sites. merged for the purposes of regional planning and tracing.
Tracing System
Local health departments (LHDs) have
been performing contact tracing since the
onset of the pandemic.
Isolation Facilities
The Capital Region has sufficient
resources and rooms available for people
who test positive for COVID-19 and who
cannot self-isolate safely.
Protecting and
Respecting Essential
The Capital Region will continue to ensure
protections are in place for essential workers.
As the Region’s workforce progresses toward a 100% operational
model, we will follow CDC and the Occupational Safety and
Health Administration (OSHA) guidance for reducing workplace
exposure for all employees and maintain a commitment to
implementing the following policies and protocols.
Note that the following pages pertain to businesses included in Governor Cuomo’s four phase reopening plan and may not
include some essential businesses that are currently operating.
Expectations of all employers are described below. Additional actions and recommendations are
described in the Industry Specific Section that follows and at New York Forward’s website, linked here.
Spread of COVID-19
external groups or organizations should be prohibited on
the worksite, until further notice.
All nonessential travel should be limited or cancelled
Including hand washing and use of everyday protective measures
entirely in accordance with state and local regulations and
such as social distancing and wearing a face covering. CDC
guidance, until further notice.
guidance posters may be found at the link here and here.
Entrances and exits should be designated in high traffic
Communicate frequently with workers through digital
areas, and directional foot traffic pathways should be
communications and posters to let them know what measures are
being followed and where they can go with any questions or
Encourage customers to make appointments, if applicable
Conduct training virtually, or if in-person, ensure that social
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distancing is maintained. CAPITAL REGION FORWARD
Hygiene Behaviors
Appropriate disinfectants should be selected and
required to be used by all cleaning personnel.
Disposable products should be used when
This includes soap, hand sanitizer with at least 60 possible.
percent alcohol, tissues, and no-touch trash cans, If reusable products are used, ensure that these
products are maintained, handled and cleaned
wherever possible. per product instructions.
Clean, sanitize, and disinfect frequently touched surfaces at least Use a checklist or audit system to track when and
daily and shared objects between use. Avoid use or sharing of how cleaning is conducted.
items that are not easily cleaned, sanitized, or disinfected. Ensure Establish a contract for external cleaning services
safe and correct application of disinfectants and provide for to address unforeseen circumstances requiring
proper ventilation of facilities. immediate enhanced cleaning as needed.
Limit use of shared materials and/or kitchen items
Employers may…
• Ask questions of employees arriving at work.
Personal Responsibility
All employees should monitor their own
• Conduct routine health checks (e.g., temperature and temperature before arriving to the workplace. They
symptom screening) of all employees daily. are expected to stay home if they have a
temperature above 100.4 degrees. They should
• Establish procedures for safely transporting anyone refer to local health guidelines and contact their
sick to their home or to a healthcare facility. primary care physician if Covid-19 related
symptoms occur.
• Assess staffing requirements, wages, and workloads
frequently with changing dynamics in regulations.
Questions for employees arriving at work:
• Think about cybersecurity risks and software needed • Have you been in close contact with a confirmed case of
to continue with digital/remote work. COVID-19?
• Are you experiencing a cough, shortness of breath, or sore
• Develop resiliency plans for possible health-related throat?
• Have you had a fever in the last 48 hours?
• Assign their Department of Human Resources, • Have you had new loss of taste or smell?
Personnel Manager or equivalent, or • Have you had vomiting or diarrhea in the last 24 hours?
interdepartmental taskforces to be responsible for
responding to COVID-19 concerns pertaining to
personnel policies, practices, or procedures.
Implement modified schedules to include Perform deep cleaning on jobsites, including
staggered shifts, breaks, and mealtimes. disinfecting handrails, doorknobs, equipment handles,
Best efforts should be taken to wear protective tools, and portable toilets.
gear and face coverings on site. Ensure sufficient hand-washing or sanitizing stations
No group gatherings during breaks and lunch. at the worksite.
Supervisors should use precaution when Utilize disposable hand towels and no-touch trash
conveying information to workers. receptacles.
Identify high risk areas such as tight spaces, Remove common water coolers. Use individual bottles
hallways, and elevators, and control them to or personal coolers.
enable social distancing.
Consider a 4-day work week for all crew to allow
for 72 hours of downtime at the site.
Stop employees from randomly walking floors, PUBLIC HEALTH PROCESSES
between floors, or buildings to reduce cross- Designate approved entry points for screenings of
contamination. workers, subcontractors and others.
Designate a site supervisor to enforce COVID-19 Eliminate non-essential visits, such as job tours,
control protocols. vendor demos, etc.
Maintain a daily approved visitor log.
Implement modified schedules with staggered Modify floor space and rearrange equipment to
shifts, breaks, and mealtimes. allow for six feet of distance between employees.
Limit entry of visitors, vendors, and contractors. Use physical marker or tape to reinforce social
Maintain a distance of at least six feet when distancing.
feasible on production lines, in cafeterias, common Avoid large group trainings and meetings.
areas, and building entrances. Leave doors open or remove them to eliminate
Face coverings should be used by all workers. surfaces if appropriate and consistent with code.
Disinfect all touched surfaces between shifts. Increase ventilation rates.
Modify routine shift hand off meetings to stand six
feet apart or communicate digitally.
Designate a shift supervisor to enforce.
Minimize transaction time between warehouse Create dedicated entry points for workers to
employees and transportation personnel. assure all are screened daily.
Perform paperwork digitally where feasible.
Implement staggered shifts and breaks.
Reconfigure, restrict or close common areas and
create alternative space for breaks.
If possible, make narrow hallways one-way.
Investigate the possibility of using apps or cameras
to clock employees in/out.
If a time clock must be used, add floor marks to
ensure proper spacing of six feet. Provide hand
sanitizer nearby.
For other outdoor activity, provide additional seating
and shade structures to allow employees to take
Make hand washing stations available and encourage
• Ensure employees are compensated for time
spent hand washing.
Consider installation of new partitions and signage to
inform and enforce proper distancing and spacing.
Designate separate routes for entry and exit into office and
other spaces to help maintain social distancing.
Establish directional hallways and passageways for foot
traffic, if possible.
Close or restrict common areas, using barriers, or
increasing physical distance between tables/chairs where
personnel are likely to congregate and interact.
Redesign office spaces if necessary and decrease the
capacity for conference and meeting rooms to ensure
spaces allow for six feet between employees.
Consider enhancements to improve healthy ventilation.
Post signage for employees and others on good hygiene
and new office practices.
Continue to follow all employee screening and health Continue to grow online presence.
guidance from curb-side pick ups. Consider role of employees that are considered
Train employees on in-store procedures, customer vulnerable and how they can support the business
interactions, and expectations with coworkers. remotely.
Implement frequent cleaning regimens. Determine communication processes among managers
Establish protocol if staff member is exposed to or and staff for changes to policies, individual health or
contracts COVID-19. other vital announcements. Confirm all employees are
Ensure there are stated expectations and/or signage not aware of communication expectations through
just for employees but contractors, delivery personnel, employee agreement.
and other required visitors.
Establish protocol for monitoring store occupancy.
Install physical barriers where customer/employee interaction
Clearly inform public of new routines, safety protocols and
customer expectations with clear, accessible signage.
Designate space for disinfecting new product or materials.
Frequently assess staffing levels as regulations change overtime.
related parties digitally when possible.
Ensure clients, agents, employees, and inspectors use face
coverings and hand sanitizer. Equip shown properties with proper sanitation products,
Distribute communications to tenants outlining basic CDC including hand sanitizer and sanitizing wipes, for use by
recommendations. employees and clients.
Inquire whether residences for sale or lease have Before a showing, introduce fresh outside air, for example by
symptomatic individuals or individuals who have contact opening doors/windows and operating ventilation systems.
with known positive cases. Display a set of rules for agents and property/equipment viewers
Ensure current occupants are away from property during at the entrance of each property that are to be a condition of
showings. entry (instructions to use face coverings, maintain physical
Maintain detailed log of customer interactions. distancing, and avoid touching surfaces of the shown
Provide estimates, invoices, and other documentation property/equipment when possible).
electronically, if possible.
Tables minimum 6’ apart up to maximum 50% of occupancy
Maximum 6 guests per table, same family or small group that shares trust and follows recommended precautions
Limit employee clustering in meetings, break, or common areas
Prohibit or limit meetings, ceremonies, or dancing
No seating or standing at bars, remove bar stools
Frequent cleaning of keyboards, elevator buttons, stairway and door handles, common furniture, credit card machines, valet carts,
exercise rooms and equipment, etc.
Overnight Lodging
Space between guest rooms
Modify housekeeping practices for towel/linen exchange in lieu of traditional daily service
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As part of the fourth and final phase, addressing education will be a critical and high priority
item as the safety of our children and educators is paramount. The Control Room, working with
the Governor’s office and other local and regional education organizations and leaders will
consider optimal protocols and procedures to ensure that our educational facilities uphold the
highest standards for student and educator safety.
Reimagining Tele-Education
Distance learning programming has been in place
through each school district in the region since the
beginning of PAUSE. These plans address needs of
students to maintain their learning activities and will be
continuously improved. While it is important to note
that distance learning cannot be the singular permanent
solution to our children's needs, it is essential to note
that many of the lessons we have learned during the
COVID-19 crisis will continue to be utilized long after the
immediate effects of the pandemic have passed.
The Capital Region will utilize its reopening
digital communication platform for
businesses to report situations where
protocols are not being followed.