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J Fam Viol (2016) 31:941–947

DOI 10.1007/s10896-016-9885-0


Changing the Domestic Violence Narrative: Aligning

Definitions and Standards
Briana Barocas 1 & Danielle Emery 1 & Linda G. Mills 1

Published online: 25 October 2016

# Springer Science+Business Media New York 2016

Abstract Many states use a broad legal definition of domes- and assigning a narrative to a lived experience. Unfortunately,
tic violence that includes intimate partner violence along with domestic violence1 – a very complex social problem – has
family violence, and it is from this broader conceptualization been reduced to a simple formula story that excludes many
that the criminal justice system intervenes and often treats all of those who perpetrate and experience it. This story includes
types of offenders in the same way. This judicial response can severe physical violence, intimidation and controlling behav-
include a mandate to attend a Batterer Intervention Program- iors among intimate partners, and almost universally portrays
type group, which does little to address violence that occurs women as victims and men as perpetrators — Bpure victims
outside of the Btraditional^ partner violence paradigm. In or- and evil villains^ (Loseke 2001). While this formula story
der to advance interventions for physical partner violence that raises awareness and highlights the seriousness of the issue –
adequately address both male and female perpetration, as well and may be applicable and useful to some women (Guthrie
as the broader conceptualization of domestic violence, we and Kunkel 2015) – it does not reflect the broader legal defi-
must align definitions and standards among researchers, ser- nition of domestic violence used by states across the country
vice providers, advocates, policymakers, and the public health and those who are arrested and whose cases are adjudicated by
and criminal justice systems. Examples of how this misalign- the criminal justice system. Researchers, service providers,
ment has stalled progress in offender treatment are discussed advocates, policymakers, and the public health and criminal
and a plan for enabling continued innovation in the field is justice systems need to re-examine and modify the language
presented. and definitions used in both the spheres of criminal justice and
social service provision in order to advance the field and im-
prove our responses to domestic violence. This article demon-
Keywords Batterer Intervention Programs . Domestic
strates the disparity between definitions, state standards, and
violence . Family violence . Intimate partner violence . Legal
domestic violence offender treatment approaches, and how
definitions . Offender treatment . State standards
these disparities stall and prevent innovation in domestic vio-
lence offender treatment. More specifically, the article focuses
Formula stories are constructed in order to understand a social on changes needed in state standards to enable the provision of
problem and to help those affected by that problem in defining treatment options that align with the broad legal definitions of
domestic violence and to promote innovation in offender treat-
ment, such as the possibility of involving victims in the of-
fenders’ treatment should victims want to be included.

* Briana Barocas 1
In this article, domestic violence is being defined broadly as abusive
[email protected] behavior (physical, sexual, emotional, economic, or psychological) per-
petrated by an intimate partner or family member against another. Thus,
domestic violence is the board term being used to include both intimate
Center on Violence and Recovery, New York University, 194 Mercer partner violence and family violence (e.g., adult child and parent or adult
Street, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10012, USA siblings). The terms are not being used interchangeably.
942 J Fam Viol (2016) 31:941–947

Court-Mandated Treatment in the US grassroots activists who helped move the issue from the pri-
vate to the public sphere.
In the United States (US), many jurisdictions use a broad Treatment approaches for domestic violence offenders
definition of domestic violence that includes intimate partner were developed using the same narrow conceptualization of
violence along with family violence (e.g., adult child and par- domestic violence that emphasizes gender and power inequal-
ent) – and both male and female offenders. Table 1 shows a ity in opposite-sex intimate partner relationships (Pence et al.
sample of state definitions of the relationship that must exist 1993) and this perspective continues to influence how treat-
between offenders and victims for a crime to be considered ment is provided today. This creates a significant disconnect
domestic violence. It should be noted that while there are between the statutory definitions of domestic violence – and
differences between states, none define domestic violence as therefore, who is prosecuted for domestic violence crimes –
only between intimate partners, or only males as perpetrators and the legislative standards for treatment programs that of-
and females as victims. These legal definitions are starkly fenders are court-mandated to attend. This disconnect has
dissimilar to the formula story above and the conceptualiza- been heightened by pro-arrest and mandatory arrest laws for
tion of domestic violence by the feminist movement and domestic violence enacted across the US which have

Table 1 Definition of relationship between domestic violence victim and offender

State Definition of relationship between domestic violence offender and victim

Arizonaa … Relationship between the victim and defendant is one of current or former marriage, residing in the same household, when the
relationship is or was formerly a romantic one, when they have a child in common, when one party is pregnant with the other’s child,
or when they are related by blood, marriage, or court order.
Californiab … Abuse perpetrated against a current or former spouse, a current or former cohabitant, a person with whom the offender has or had a
dating relationship with, a person with whom the offender has a child in common, a child of such a party, or any other person related
by consanguinity within the second degree.
Floridac … Against another household or family member, including current or former spouse, people related by blood or marriage, people
currently or formerly residing together as a family, or people who have a child in common.
Georgiad … Between past or present spouses, people who are parents of the same child, parents and children, stepparents and step children, foster
parents and foster children, or other persons living or formerly living together in the same household
Kansase … Against someone who is a family or household member including current or former spouses, parents, stepparents, people presently or
formerly having lived together, people who have a child in common, or a man and a pregnant woman who alleged to be expectant
New Yorkf … People related by consanguinity or affinity, people who are legally married or were formerly married, people who have a child in
common, people who currently or formerly lived in the same household, people who have been in an intimate relationship regardless
of whether they have cohabited or not, and any other category of persons defined by the office of children and family services.
North … Against a current or former spouse, someone currently or formerly living with the offender, a child, a parent, someone having a child
Carolinag in common with the offender, someone currently or formerly sharing a household, or someone with whom the offender has or had a
dating relationship.
Texash … By one family member against another … Family violence also includes abuse against a family or household member, and dating
Utahi … By one cohabitant against another. With cohabitant defined as a person 16 years or older who: is or was a spouse of the other party; is
or was living as if a spouse of the other party; is related by blood or marriage to the other party; has one or more children in common
with the other party; is the biological parent of the other party’s unborn child; or resides or has resided in the same residence as the
other party.
Wisconsinj … Against a current or former spouse, against an adult the person lives or lived with, or against a person sharing a child in common.
Arizona Revised Statues § 13–3601
California Family Code § 6211
Florida Statute § 741.28
Georgia Code § 19-13-1
Kansas Statute § 21–5414
New York Social Services Law § 459
North Carolina Statue § 50B-1
Texas Family Code §§ 71.004; 261.001(1); 71.0021(a)
Utah Code § 77-36-1
Wisconsin Statute § 968.075
J Fam Viol (2016) 31:941–947 943

significantly increased the number of female offenders across the variance in state guidelines for domestic violence offender
the country. treatment programs and the resultant complexity of develop-
Domestic violence offender treatment has long been dom- ing and adopting new interventions within this context.
inated in the US by Batterer Intervention Programs (BIPs)
with a singular focus of changing men’s sexist attitudes and
related behaviors while holding offenders Baccountable^ for What Change is Needed?
their crimes. Though research suggests that attention to of-
fender heterogeneity improves the ability to predict treatment The disparity between legal definitions and the common con-
outcomes (Stoops et al. 2010), homogenous domestic vio- ceptualization of domestic violence as between intimate part-
lence treatment continues to be the most common approach ners with a male perpetrator and female victim is a problem
in the US. The prevailing treatment models for BIPs were that must be resolved in order to improve our responses to
developed based on the work of feminist scholars to address domestic violence. It has become a marked impediment to
the formula story scenario noted above. The Domestic innovation in the field, and in particular to innovation in treat-
Violence Intervention Project (DAIP), created in Duluth, ment for offenders. To overcome this barrier two things must
Minnesota in 1983, became the predominant treatment model happen:
to mandate domestic violence offenders to attend and it re-
mains the leading model of group treatment today (Aaron and & State standards for offender treatment programs need to be
Beaulaurier 2016), with some states specifying the BDuluth modified to accommodate the broader legal definition of
Model^ curriculum as the standard BIP response (Barner and domestic violence (i.e., both intimate partner violence and
Carney 2011; Gondolf 2010). Additionally, some programs family violence, both male and female offenders) and,
now also incorporate elements of cognitive behavioral therapy & State domestic violence coalitions, and the trainings and
(Aaron and Beaulaurier 2016; Smedslund et al. 2011). certifications for providers serving both victims and of-
It is estimated that there are over 2,500 BIPs active in the US fenders, need to depart from the domestic violence formu-
today (Boal and Mankowski 2014) despite research that raises la story in order to better match legal definitions and the
serious questions about their effectiveness due to high attrition variety of offenders and experiences.
rates (Babcock et al. 2004; Jewell and Wormith 2010; Price
and Rosenbaum 2009), little evidence of attitudinal and be- These changes will allow for offender treatment programs
havioral change (Gondolf 2000; Jackson et al. 2003), and to address the complexity of domestic violence and the unique
inconsistent contact with victims (Mills et al. 2006; Price needs and circumstances of those involved. The broad re-
and Rosenbaum 2009). Additionally, this treatment approach conceptualization would also help in addressing some of the
was not developed in response to empirical findings about current controversies over gender differences in perpetration
domestic violence, such as the prevalence of female offenders, of physical partner violence (see Winstok and Straus 2016)
the frequency of cases where family members or intimate as it would allow for and encourage responses to domestic
partners Bcontinue to cohabitate or must remain in close con- violence that are not only based on gender and issues of
tact due to children in common or religious beliefs and cultural cultural sexism, but rather on type of violence and subgroups
norms^ (Aaron and Beaulaurier 2016, p.5), or that many cou- of offenders. More specifically, within intimate partner vio-
ples reunite after state intervention (Mendez et al. 2014; Stith lence, research has demonstrated the complexity of the issue
et al. 2004). Furthermore, while some states require gender- and has highlighted the fact that the standard treatment ignores
specific groups for treatment, not all do, and depending on the intimate partner violence typology and may be ineffective for
size of the community female offenders may be placed in a particular types of violence (Holtzworth-Munroe and Stuart
group along with male offenders (if allowed by state stan- 1994; Johnson 2006). This shift would also enable advocates
dards). Additionally, intimate partner violence offenders and service providers to offer assistance to victims and
might be placed in a group along with family violence of- families whose experiences do not match that of the formula
fenders (e.g., adult child and parent). Both of these situations story victim.
pose a challenge to service providers who are required to
deliver the Bstandard^ curriculum.
There is a growing body of research suggesting the need for The Possibility for Innovation in Offender Treatment
more customized domestic violence treatment approaches
(Cantos and O’Leary 2014; Dutton and Corvo 2006; Mills Within the domestic violence field, court-mandated offender
et al. 2013; Murphy and Eckhardt 2005; Price and treatment is an area primed for innovation. Work is being done
Rosenbaum 2009; Rizza 2009; Stuart 2005), in no short part in communities across the country to develop treatment ap-
to address the variety of defendants who appear at social ser- proaches that reflect the broad conceptualization of domestic
vice agencies for court-mandated treatment. Table 2 illustrates violence, but due to restrictive state standards these
944 J Fam Viol (2016) 31:941–947

Table 2 State guidelines for domestic violence offender treatment programs

State Minimum length Curriculum Gender Conjoint Limitations


Arizonaa • 1st offense: 26 sessions • Group or individual counseling, or both • N/A • N/A • N/A
• 2nd offense: 36 sessions • Established timeline and criterion for successful completion
• 3rd offense: 52 sessions • Professionally recognized, with supporting research within
the last five years

Californiab • Specified number of • Lectures, classes, group discussions, and counseling • Single gender • No couples • Perpetrators
sessions by court • Program staff must have some specific knowledge of abuse or family not allowed
• Approval from probation department, renew annually counseling to enroll

Floridac • 24 sessions within • Based on psycho-educational model • N/A • N/A • Perpetrators

29 weeks addressing tactics of power and control not convicted
not allowed
to participate

Georgiad • 24 sessions within • Educational model • Same gender • No couples, • N/A

27 weeks • Hold the offender solely accountable, marriage, or
challenge and identify control tactics, family
identify myths and effects of abuse. therapy
• Facilitators must have either a bachelor’s
degree or two years work with batterers,
victims or victim advocates

New Yorke • N/A • N/A • N/A • N/A • N/A

Kansasf • At least 24 weeks • Separate IPV and child abusers • May combine • BIPs shall not • N/A
• Group processing approach genders use couples
• Develop relationship with judicial under or family
system to increase offender caution therapy

North Carolinag • 26–30 weeks • Group sessions • Single gender • No couple • N/A
• 39 h total • Programs establish procedures for therapy or
required staff qualifications counseling
• Must not treat violence as due to
mutual process, psychopathology, or anger

Texash • 18 weekly sessions • Gender-specific services for adult males • Single gender • No couples or • Solely
• At least 36 h total • Consider perpetrators solely responsible marriage provided to
• Batterers agree to be drug and alcohol free counseling adult males

Utahi • 16 weeks • Psychological and educational service • N/A • Available • N/A

• 1 h/week • In-depth interviews and assessments of new clients after 12
• Accompanied by counseling/ sessions
individualized treatment
J Fam Viol (2016) 31:941–947 945

Table 2 (continued)

State Minimum length Curriculum Gender Conjoint Limitations


Wisconsinj • N/A • Groups run by 2 facilitators • Single gender • No couples • Standards do

• Facilitators must have at least 40 h of training on DV or family not
• Focus on male power and control issues, counseling address
issues of sexism and gender stereotyping • Allows a female
Bcouples perpetrators

Arizona Administrative Code R9-20-208 & R9-20-302
California Penal Code § 1203.097
Florida Statute § 741.325
Georgia Administrative Rules and Regulations 125-4-9.06, 125-4-9.07, & 125-4-9.08
Kansas Attorney General, Essential Elements and Standards for Batterer Intervention Programs, 6–7 (2012),
North Carolina Administrative Code 17.0706, 17.0708, & 17.0711
Texas Department of Criminal Justice Community Justice Assistance Division, Battering Intervention and Prevention Program (BIPP) Accreditation
Guidelines, 11 (2014),
Utah Administrative Code r. 5001-21-6
Wisconsin Batterers Treatment Provider Association, Certified Domestic Abuse Batterers Treatment, 6 (2007),

approaches are limited in their reach. A change in the state responsible parties accountable by addressing the needs of
standards for offender treatment programs would allow for the those harmed instead of focusing on punishment or retribu-
testing and replication of alternative approaches, enabling ser- tion. Restorative justice is practiced in different forms (e.g.,
vice providers to implement programs that show promise else- peacemaking circles, victim-offender dialogues, and confer-
where in their own communities. As the field operates now, encing) and has been used across the world to address a vari-
even programs that are shown through rigorous research to be ety of crimes.
safe and promising are either forbidden or cautioned against The Circles of Peace model, created in 2004, is the first of
by statute, or are rejected by the field for not fitting into the its kind in the US to use restorative justice principles to treat
narrow formula story. To illustrate the challenges of innova- offenders arrested for domestic violence crimes. It is flexible,
tion in domestic violence offender treatment, an example culturally sensitive, and works with the criminal justice sys-
based on the authors’ work in developing, implementing, tem to interrupt patterns of abuse. Furthermore, the model can
and studying an alternative treatment approach is provided be used to address the broad variety of domestic violence
below. cases that come into contact with the criminal justice system
New York University’s Center on Violence and Recovery including family violence cases (e.g., adult parent and child),
has collaborated with local criminal justice systems, treatment female offenders, and same-sex intimate partners. The model
providers, victim advocates, and community members to both has been implemented in the criminal justice systems in
develop and study one such alternative treatment approach to Nogales, Arizona and Salt Lake City, Utah.
domestic violence. The approach, Circles of Peace, is a restor- A randomized controlled trial in Arizona comparing a tra-
ative justice-based program that accommodates the participa- ditional batterer intervention program to the Circles of Peace
tion of victims who choose to do so, and was developed as a model, supported by the National Science Foundation, as well
response to an emerging interest in alternative treatments that as years of anecdotal evidence, indicates the restorative justice
included victim participation (Mills 2008; Mills et al. 2013). model has concrete benefits for individuals, families, and
Restorative justice is an approach to addressing conflict that communities and could provide a viable treatment alternative
focuses on repairing harm and creating meaningful change in that moves beyond the standard BIP offered in most US juris-
the lives of those involved in or impacted by an incident. It is a dictions (Mills et al. 2013). The Arizona study suggests that
theory that understands violence and crime to be violations of Circles may be more effective in reducing overall arrests and
relationships rather than violations of the state, and holds falsifies the claim that it is dangerous to use restorative justice
946 J Fam Viol (2016) 31:941–947

for domestic violence (Mills et al. 2013). To build upon and experiences of individuals – both victims and offenders. If we
potentially affirm these findings, National Science Foundation are able to broaden the conceptualization of domestic violence
and National Institute of Justice-funded studies are currently that is used by service providers, advocates, and policymakers
underway in Utah examining the effectiveness of a traditional to match that of the criminal justice system, then we can ex-
BIP compared to an approach that incorporates Circles of amine and begin to offer solutions to intimate partners and/or
Peace. families that are more effective than BIPs have proven to be.
While this research has shown that an alternative treatment The ubiquity of the formula story for domestic violence in
approach for domestic violence offenders that includes victim both the legislative and service provision arenas has left the
participation can be implemented safely, Circles of Peace can field in a devastating and perpetual loop that does little to
only be offered as a treatment option in states that allow for address the issue: courts are mandating a treatment that has
conjoint treatment in their state standards. Both Arizona and been shown to be minimally effective and yet judges are lim-
Utah are two states that allow for conjoint treatment. In Utah, ited in their ability to do anything else. Matching definitions
offenders must complete a minimum of 16 weeks of treatment between standards for offender treatment programs and the
and conjoint treatment is allowed after an offender has com- criminal justice system and a broader conceptualization of
pleted 12 weeks of offender only group treatment. In Arizona, domestic violence that departs from the formula story will
first time offenders must complete a minimum of 26 weeks of better reflect the reality of those who come into contact with
treatment and victim participation is allowed from the onset. the criminal justice system for domestic violence crimes.
The Arizona study included all domestic violence (both inti- These changes will help promote needed innovation in offend-
mate partner and family violence) cases mandated to treatment er treatment across the country, with the overall hope to alle-
during a year and a half long period. Sixty-two percent of the viate the burden of domestic violence in our society.
cases that started the Circles of Peace program had a victim
voluntarily participate in at least one treatment session with
the offender (Mills et al. 2013). This finding highlights the
desire for victims to be involved in their offenders’ treatment. References
However, many states do not allow for conjoint treatment and
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