SHIFTS (No. of Pieces Sorted) : 1st Worker 2nd Worker 3rd Worker 4th Worker 5th Worker

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of pieces sorted )
Shift A Shift B Shift C
58 58 48 1st worker
64 69 57 2nd worker
55 71 59 3rd worker
66 64 47 4th worker
67 68 69 5th worker

H0(claim) A=B=C By plant manager

H1(hypothesis) Not all shifts are equal
A=B!=C A!=B=C
62 66 56
5.244 5.148 9.000
27.50 26.50 81.00
5 5 5
4 4 4
Across - VAR
Group mean n
Shift A 62.0 5
Shift B 66.0 5
Shift C 56.0 5
total shifts total workers
3 15
Aggregate 920
(demerits are that the variablity within shift n 61.3
Grand Mean orMean time / worker

* Tot Var of GROUP, not ITEMS

Plant Manager : worker performance does not differ across shifts
Finance Head: there is a major difference across shifts

alpha 5%

At first view,Going only be the averages we can say B is most pro

Here 3 groups of samples. 3C2 hypothesis tests could be done.BU
var Total
n 15
dof 12

devn sqrd x f Within (Here we take into accou

2.2 * SSE 540.0
108.9 dof (deno) 12
142.2 Var 45.000

253.3 SSTR Total squared deviation of the 15 workers. SS

(Total no. of diamonds sorted by 15 workers working in all shift using average of eac
126.7 MSTR (Meaure of variance)
Mean time / worker Also called across variance. Here across shifts
2 Across DOF
s not differ across shifts
across shifts

we can say B is most productive

s tests could be done.BUT tiring if groups more

Here we take into account variab. Within shift) F

SSE (Sum of squared deviation of errors) across/within
We lose one DOF for each shift MSTR/MSE
MSE Variance per shift within shifts 2.814815
MSE more believable than MSTR
n of the 15 workers. SSTR= Sum of squared deviation of treament
hift using average of each shift)

ance. Here across shifts.But ignores the variablity within shift

0.099 p-value>alpha Claim wins
p-value of F. for multi product testing, F acts as the Sample mean differernce
We want this value less than or closer to 1
than MSTR
n differernce
Shift A Shift B Shift C
58 58 48
64 69 57
55 71 59
66 64 47
67 68 69
Results of one-way ANOVA

Summary stats for samples

Shift A Shift B Shift C
Sample sizes 5 5 5
Sample means 62.000 66.000 56.000
Sample standard deviations 5.244 5.148 9.000
Sample variances 27.500 26.500 81.000
Weights for pooled variance 0.333 0.333 0.333

Number of samples 3
Total sample size 15
Grand mean 61.333
Pooled variance 45.000
Pooled standard deviation 6.708

OneWay ANOVA table

Source SS df MS F p-value
Between variation 253.333 2 126.667 2.815 0.0995
Within variation 540.000 12 45.000
Total variation 793.333 14

Confidence intervals for mean differences

Confidence level 95.0%
Tukey method
Difference Mean diff Lower Upper Signif?
Shift A - Shift B -4.000 -15.310 7.310 No
Shift A - Shift C 6.000 -5.310 17.310 No
Shift B - Shift C 10.000 -1.310 21.310 No
Scheffe method
Difference Mean diff Lower Upper Signif?
Shift A - Shift B -4.000 -15.827 7.827 No
Shift A - Shift C 6.000 -5.827 17.827 No
Shift B - Shift C 10.000 -1.827 21.827 No
If alpha is =5%, pvalue is >alpha indicating all three shifts are statistically equal
If alpha is =10%, pvalue is <alpha indicating the challenge is right. Having concluded thus, we still do not k
In this case we might have to go back to do pairwise T-test to check who is different from whom. This can

If ANOVA fails ie. Challenge wins, check Tukey test

If Tukey Test fails, check the Scheffe Test
If scheffe test fails, nothin can be done
ncluded thus, we still do not know which shift or shifts is statistically the problem child.
different from whom. This can be laborious. A way out of this is Tukey Test

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