SHIFTS (No. of Pieces Sorted) : 1st Worker 2nd Worker 3rd Worker 4th Worker 5th Worker
SHIFTS (No. of Pieces Sorted) : 1st Worker 2nd Worker 3rd Worker 4th Worker 5th Worker
SHIFTS (No. of Pieces Sorted) : 1st Worker 2nd Worker 3rd Worker 4th Worker 5th Worker
of pieces sorted )
Shift A Shift B Shift C
58 58 48 1st worker
64 69 57 2nd worker
55 71 59 3rd worker
66 64 47 4th worker
67 68 69 5th worker
alpha 5%
Number of samples 3
Total sample size 15
Grand mean 61.333
Pooled variance 45.000
Pooled standard deviation 6.708