UNIT-5: Realization of Logic Gates and Sampling Gates

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comparison of the important characteristics of various IC logic families.


(i) CMOS inverter

(ii) Tristate logic
(i) CMOS Inverter: It is complementary MOSFET obtained by using P-channel MOSPET and n-
channel MOSFET simultaneously. The P and N channel are connected in series, their drains are
connected together, output is taken from common drain point. Input is applied at common gate
terminal. CMOS is very fast and consumes less power.
Case 1. When input Vi = 0. The    (Gate source) voltage of Q1 will be 0 volt, it will be off.
But Q2 will be ON; Hence output will be equal to +VDD or logic 1.
Case 2. When input Vi = 1, The    (Gate source) voltage of Q2 will be 0 volt, it will be OFF,
But Q1 will be ON. Hence output will be connected to•
ground or logic 0.
In this way, CMOS function as an inverter.
(ii) Tri-state logic: When there are three states i.e. state 0, state 1 and high impendence i.e.
called Tri-state logic. High impedance is considered as state when no current pass through
circuit. Although in state 0 and state 1 circuit functions and current flows through it.

 Propagation delay is the average transition delay time for a pulse to propagate from

      input to output of a switching circuit.

 Fan-in is the number of inputs to the gate which it can handle.

 Fan-out is the number of loads the output of a gate can drive without effecting its
 Power dissipation is the supply voltage required by the gate to operate with 50% duty

      cycle at a given frequency

 RTL, DTL, DTL are the logic families which are now obsolete.

 TTL is the most widely used logic family.

 TTL gates may be:

      (a) Totem pole

     (b) Open collector
     (c) Tri-state .

 TTL is used in SSI and MSI Integrated circuits and is the fastest of all standard logic
 Totem pole TTL has the advantage of high speed and low power dissipation but its

      disadvantage is that it cannot be wired ANDed because of current spikes generation.

 Tri-state has three states : .

      (a) High
      (b) Low
      (c) High Impedance

 ECL is the fastest of all logic families because its propagation delay is very small i.e. of
about 2 nsec.
 ECL can be wired ORed.
 MOS logic is the simplest to fabricate.
 MOS transistor can be connected as a resistor.
 MOSFET circuitry are normally constructed from NMOS devices because they are 3
times faster than PMOS devices.
 CMOS uses both P-MOS and N-MOS.
 CMOS needs less power as compared to ECL as they need maximum power.
 Both NMOS and PMOS are more economical than CMOS because of their greater
packing densities.
 Speed of CMOS gates increases with increase in VDD.
 CMOS has large fan-out because of its low output resistance.

schematic of RTL NOR gate and explain its operation.
Ans. RTL was the first to introduced. RTL NOR gate is as shown in fig.
Case I: When A = B = 0.
Both T1 and T2 transistors are in cut off state because the voltage is insufficient to drive the
transistors i.e. VBE < 0.6 V: Thus, output Y will be high, approximately equal to supply voltage
Vcc. As no current flows through Rc and drop across Rc is also zero.
Thus, Y = 1, when A = B = 0.
Case II : When A = 0 and B = 1 or A = 1 and B = 0.
The transistor whose input is high goes into saturation where as other will goes to off cut state.
This positive input to transistor increases the voltage drop across the collector resistor and
decreasing the positive output voltage.
Thus, Y = 0,when A= 0 and B = 1 or A = 1 and B = 0.
Case III : When A = B = 1. Both the transistors T1 and T2 goes into saturation and output
voltage is equal to saturation voltage.
Thus, Y = 0,when A = B = 1
Truth Table

Which is the output of NOR gate.

DCTL NAND gate with the help of suitable circuit diagram.

Ans. DCTL NAND gate circuit diagram is as shown:
Case I: When A = B = 0. Both transistors T1 and T2 goes to cut off state. As the voltage is not
sufficient to drive the transistor into saturation. Thus, the output voltage equal to Vcc.
When A = B = 0, output Y = 1
Case II: When A = 0 and B = 1 or A = 1 and, B = 0. The corresponding transistor goes to cut off
state and the output voltage equals to Vcc.
Thus, When A = 0 and B = 1 or A = 1 and B = 0, Output Y = 1.
Case III: When A = B = 1. Both transistors T1 and T2 goes into saturation state and output
voltage is insufficient to consider as ‘1’
Thus when A B = 1, output Y = 0.
Truth Table

Which is the output of NAND gate.

Compare standard TTL, Low power TTL and high speed TTL logic families.
characteristics and specification of CMOS.
1 Power supply (VDD) = 3 — 15 Volts
2. Power dissipation (Pd) = 10 nW
3. Propagation delay (td) = 25 ns
4. Noise margine (NM) = 45% of VDD
5, Fan out (FO) = >50
Two input ECL NOR gate?
The circuit diagram of two input ECL NOR gate is as shown:

Case I : When A = B = 0, the reference voltage of T3 is more forward biased then T1 and T2.
Thus, T3 is ON and T1, T2 remains OFF. The value of R1 is such-that the output of NOR gate is
high .i.e. ‘1’.
Case II: When A = 1 or B = 1 or A = B = 1, the corresponding transistors are ON, as they are
more forward biased that T3 and thus T3 is OFF. Which makes the NOR output to be low i.e.
                        This shows that the circuit works as a NOR gate.
TTL inverter.
Tristate TTL inverter utilizer the high-speed operation of totem-pole arrangement while
permitting outputs to be wired ANDed (connected together). It is called tristate TTL because it
allows three possible output stages. HIGH, LOW and High-Impedance. We know that transistor
T3 is ON when output is HIGH and T4 is ON when output is LOW. In the high impedance state
both transistors, transistor T3 and T4 in the totem pole arrangement are med OFF. As a result the
output is open or floating, it is neither LOW nor HIGH.
The above fig. shows the simplified tristate inverter. It has two inputs A and E. A is the normal
logic input whereas E is an ENABLE input. When ENABLE input is HIGH, the circuit works as
a normal inverter. Because when E is HIGH, the state-of the transistor T1 (either ON or OFF)
depends on the logic input A and the additional component diode is open circuited as cathode is
at logic HIGH. When ENABLE input is LOW, regardless of the state of logic input the base-
emitter junction of T is forward biased and as a result it turns ON. This shunts the current
through R1 away from T2 making it OFF. As T2 is OFF, there is no sufficient drive for
T4 conduct and hence T4 turns OFF. The LOW at ENABLE input also forward biases diode D2,
which shunt the current away from the base of T3, making it OFF. In this way, when ENABLE
output is LOW, both transistors are OFF and output is at high impedance state.

ECL OR gate  

ECL or gate : Emitter-coupled logic (ECL) is the fastest of all logic families and thus it is used
in applications where very high speed is essential. High speeds have become possible in ECL
because the transistors are used in difference amplifier configuration, in which they are never
driven into saturation and thereby the storage time is eliminated. Here, rather than switching the
transistors from ON to OFF and vice-versa, they are switched between cut-off and active regions.
Propagation delays of less than 1 ns per gate have become possible in ECL.
Basically, ECL is realized using difference amplifier in which the emitters of the two transistors
are connected and hence it referred to as emitter-coupled logic. A 3-input ECL gate is shown in
Fig. (A) which has three parts. The middle part is the difference amplifier which performs the
logic operation.
Emitter followers are used for d.c. level shifting of the outputs, so that V (0) and V (1) are same
for the inputs and the outputs. Note that two output Y1 and Y2 are available in this circuit which
are complementary. Y1. corresponds to OR logic and Y2 to NOR logic and hence it is named as
an OR/NOR gate.
Additional transistors are used in parallel to T1 to get the required fan-in. There is a fundamental
difference between all other logic families (including MOS logic) and ECL as far as the supply
voltage is concerned. In ECL, the positive end of the supply is connected to ground in contrast to
other logic families in which negative end of the supply is grounded. This is done to minimize
the effect of noise induced in the power supply and protection of the gate from an accidental
short circuit developing between the output of a gate and ground. The voltage corresponding to
V (0) and V (1) are both negative due to positive end of the supply being connected to ground.
The symbol of an ECL OR/NOR gate is shown in Fig. (B)

Open collector TTL NAND gate and explain its operation

The circuit diagram of 2-input NAND gate open-collector TTL gate is as shown:
Case.1 : When A = 0,B = 0
When both inputs A and B are low, both functions of Q1 are forward biased and Q2 remains off.
So no current flows through R4 and Q3 is also off and its collector voltage is equal to Vcc i.e. Y
Case2 : When A = 0, B = 1 and
Case 3: When A = 1, B = 0
When one input is high and. other is low, then one junction is forward biased so Q2 is off and
Q3 is also off. So collector voltage is equal to Vcc i.e. Y = 1
Case 4: When A = 1, B = 1
When both inputs are high, Q1 is turned off and Q2 turned ‘ON’ Q3 goes into saturation and
hence Y = 0. The open-collector output has main advantage that wired ANDing is possible in it.

TTL NAND gate 

Two input TTL NAND gate-is given in fig. (1). In this transistor T3 and T4 form a totem pole.
Such type of configuration is called-as totem-pole output or active pull up output.

So, when A = 0 and B = 1 or (+5V). T1 conducts and T2 switch off. Since T2 is like an open
switch, no current flows through it. But the current flows through the resistor R2 and into the
base of transistor T3 to turn it ON. T4 remains OFF because there is no path through which it can
receive base current. The output current flows through resistor R4 and diode D1. Thus, we get
high’ output.
When both inputs are high i.e. A = B = 1 or (+ 5V), T2 is ON and it drives T4 turning it ON. It is
noted that the voltage at the base of T3 equals the sum of the base to emitter drop of
T4 and   of T2..
The diode D1 does not allow base-emitter junction of T3 to be forward-biased and hence,
T3 remains OFF when T4 is ON. Thus, we get low output.
It works as TTL NAND gate.

Totem pole NAND gate 
In TTL Totem pole NAND gate, multiple emitter transistor as input is used. The no. of inputs
may be from 2 to 8 emitters. The circuit diagram is as shown

Case 1:
When A = 0, B = 0
Now D1 and D2 both conduct, hence D3 will be off and make Q2 off. So its collector voltage
rises and make Q3 ‘ON’ and Q4 off; Hence output at Y = 1 (High)
Case 2 and Case 3:
If A = 0, B = 1 and A = 1, B=0
In both cases, the diode corresponding to low input will conduct and hence diode P3 will be OFF
making Q2 OFF. In a similar way its collector voltage rises Q3 ‘ON’ and Q4 ‘OFF’. Hence
output voltage Y = 1 (High).
Case 4: A = 1, B = 1
Both diodes D1 and D2 will be off. D3 will be ‘ON’ and Q2 will ‘ON’ making Q4 also ‘ON’.
But Q3 will be ‘OFF’. So output voltage Y = 0.
All the four cases shows that circuit operates as a NAND gate.
Totem pole can’t be Wired ANDed due to current spike problem. The transistors used in circuits
may get damaged over a period of time though not immediately. Sometimes voltage level rises
high than the allowable.

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