Insolation Unit Exam
Insolation Unit Exam
Insolation Unit Exam
1. At which New York State location would an 5. To a nighttime observer on Earth, how many
observer measure the highest altitude of Polaris? degrees do the stars appear to move around
(1) New York City (3) Niagara Falls Polaris in 3 hours?
(2) Slide Mountain (4) Plattsburgh (1) 60° (2) 45° (3) 3° (4) 15°
2. The graph below shows the general relationship 6. To an observer in New York State, the duration
between latitude and the duration of insolation of daylight increases continuously from
on a particular day of the year. (1) March 1 to May 1 (3) September 1 to November 1
(2) June 1 to August 1 (4) December 1 to February 1
Which date is represented by the graph? 8. In which diagram is the observer experiencing
(1) March 21 (3) September 21 the greatest intensity of insolation?
(2) June 21 (4) December 21
For questions 18-22, refer to the diagram below, which shows the earth orbiting the sun. The Axis and Equator have been intentially
On the diagram:
18. Draw a line through Earth at location A to represent Earth’s tilted axis on the first day of summer in the Northern Hemisphere.
19. Label the North Pole (NP) and South Pole (SP) ends of the axis you drew.
20. Draw a line through Earth at location A to represent the equator.
21. Approximately how many days does it take Earth to travel from location B to location C?_______
22. Approximately how many degrees does Earth revolve in its orbit from location B to location C?__________
Base your answers to questions 23 - 27 on the diagram below, which represents the sky above an observer in Elmira, New York.
Angular altitudes above the horizon are indicated.
23. Place an X on diagram to indicate the angular altitude at which Polaris would appear, relative to the observer.
24. Draw the shadow of the observer in the direction it would be cast at solar noon on September 21st.
25-27. Draw the apparent path of the sun on September 21st, as it would appear to the observer.
25)Begin at the correct location, 26) place a dot where the sun appears at solar noon, and 27) use an arrow to show the direction of the
sun as it sets.