Design Procedure and Examples: Ttachment
Design Procedure and Examples: Ttachment
Design Procedure and Examples: Ttachment
When requesting Specified Tip Elevations, the Bridge Designer will provide the Geotechnical
Designer with the following loads:
• For foundations designed by WSD, provide the Service-I Limit State loading.
• For foundations designed by LRFD, provide the maximum loads (tension and
compression) for Service, Strength and Extreme Event limit states.
Abut 1
Bent 2
Bent 3
Abut 4
Based on CALTRANS’ current practice, the total permissible settlement is one inch for multi-span structures with continuous
spans or multi-column bents, one inch for single span structures with diaphragm abutments, and two inches for single span
structures with seat abutments. Different permissible settlement under service loads may be allowed if a structureal analysis
verifies that required level of serviceability is met.
Table 4. Design Loads to be sent from SD to GS
Foundation Design Loads
Support Permanent
Total Load Compression Tension Compression Tension
No. Loads
Per Max. Per Per Per Max. Per Per Max. Per Per Max. Per Per Max. Per
Support Pile Support Support Pile Support Pile Support Pile Support Pile
Bent 2 N/A
Bent 3 N/A
Example #1
Standard Plan Piles, CIDH Piles, and CISS Piles
A three span over-crossing with single column bents and seat abutments uses Standard Plan
piles. Standard Plan Class 140 piles will be utilized at the abutments, 24” CISS piles at Bent 2,
and 42” CIDH at Bent 3.
Tables 5, 6, and 7 show information to be provided by the Geotechnical Designer for abutments
and bents. However, design tip elevations for lateral loads are commonly determined by Structure
Designer and will be added to Table 7. Strength Reduction Factors (φ) for Strength and Extreme
Event load cases are also given in Table 6. Abutments are designed based on Working Stress
Design (WSD), therefore nominal resistance will be at least twice of the maximum total Service-
I load on one pile. Typical footnotes shown under the tables are project specific and will be
included in the Foundation Report (FR) and Pile Data Table for clarification.
Table 5. Foundation Recommendations for Abutments
LRFD Service-I
Limit State Load LRFD Service-I Nominal
Cut-off (kips) per Limit State Total Nominal Design Tip Driving
Support Pile Elevation Support Load (kips) per Reistance Elevations Resistance
(ft) Pile (kips) (ft) Required
Perma- (ft)
Total (Compression) (kips)
30 (a)
Abut 1 Class 140 72 1340 1040 138 280 31 (c) 30 280
34 (d)
32 (a)
Abut 4 Class 140 78 1260 870 129 260 31 (c) 31 280
34 (d)
1. Design tip elevations are controlled by: (a) Compression, (c) Settlement, (d) Lateral
Load, respectively.
2. The specified tip elevation shall not be raised above the design tip elevations for
tension, lateral, and tolerable settlement.
3. The nominal driving resistance required is equal to the nominal reisistance needed to
support the factored load plus driving resistance from the unsuitable penetrated soil
layers (very soft, liquefiable, scourable, etc.), if any, which do not contribute to the
design resistance. Unsuitable soil layers at Abutment 4 extend to elevation of 65 ft.
4. Design tip elevation for Lateral Load is typically provided by SD.
1. Design tip elevations are controlled by: (a-I) Compression (Strength Limit), (b-I) Tension
(Strength Limit), (a-II) Compression (Extreme Event), (b-II) Tension (Extreme Event),
(c) Settlement, (d) Lateral Load.
2. The specified tip elevation shall not be raised above the design tip elevations for
tension, lateral, and tolerable settlement.
3. The nominal driving resistance required is equal to the nominal reisistance needed to
support the factored load plus driving resistance from the unsuitable penetrated soil
layers (very soft, liquefiable, scourable, etc.), if any, which do not contribute to the
design resistance. Unsuitable soil layers at Bent 2 extend to elevation of 48 ft.
4. Design tip elevation for Lateral Load is typically provided by SD.
Table 7 shows the foundation information that the structure designer puts on the contract plans.
Resistance factors of 1.0 are applied to Service Limit States, so there is no adjustment based on
load group. WSD is used for abutments, therefore compression nominal resistance for Abut. 1
piles shall be at least twice of LRFD Service-I load (2x138 = 276 kips) to be rounded up to 280
kips. When Extreme Event limit states (such as seismic) control the factored load, resistance
factors for both compression and tension will be f = 1.0, so that the nominal resistance equals the
pile’s factored load demand. The factored loads under tension and compression for both Strength
and Extreme Event Limit States shall be considered when calculating Nominal Resistance for
bent piles. As an example, the Compression Nominal Resistance for Bent 3 piles will be greater
of 285/0.7 and 380/1.0, that is 407 kips, rounded up to 410 kips, as shown in the table. Bent design
tip elevations for compression and tension under Strength and Extreme Event limit states are
compared and only the lower elevations for each load will be shown in Pile Data Table.
Table 7. Pile Data Table
30 (a)
Abut 1 Class 140 280 0 31 (c) 30 280
34 (d)
6 (a)
12 (b)
Bent 2 NPS 390 180 6 420
15 (c)
9 (d)
6 (a)
12 (b)
Bent 3 42" CIDH 410 190 3 N/A
3 (c)
15 (d)
32 (a)
Abut 4 Class 140 260 0 31 (c) 31 280
34 (d)
1. Design tip elevations for Abutments are controlled by: (a) Compression, (c) Settlement,
(d) Lateral Load.
2. Design tip elevations for Bents are controlled by: (a) Compression, (b) Tension, (c)
Settlement, (d) Lateral Load
3. The specified tip elevation shall not be raised above the design tip elevations for
tension load, lateral load, and tolerable settlement.
4. Unsuitable soil layers (very soft, liquefiable, scourable, etc.), that do not contribute
to the design nominal resistance exist at Abutment 4 and Bent 2 extending to elevations
65 ft and 48 ft, respectively.
Example #2
CIDH Piles with Permanent Casing
The following example shows Foundation Recommendations and Pile Data Table for a typical
multi-column under-crossing bent (pinned footings). CIDH piles with permanent steel casing will
be used at the bent. The purpose of permanent steel casing is to facilitate construction. The steel
casing does not contribute to the geotechnical resistance. In addition to information given in
Table 6, Geotechnical Designer will also provide steel casing specified tip elevation as shown in
Table 8. Steel casing specified tip elevation will be also shown in Pile Data Table (Table 9).
Tables 5, 8, and 9 will be provided by the Geotechnical Designer.
Table 8. Foundation Recommendations for Bent
Bent Foundations Design Recommendations
1. Design tip elevations are controlled by: (a-I) Compression (Strength Limit), (b-I) Tension
(Strength Limit), (a-II) Compression (Extreme Event), (b-II) Tension (Extreme Event),
(c) Settlement, (d) Lateral Load.
2. The CIDH specified tip elevation shall not be raised.
3. Design tip elevation for Lateral Load is typically provided by SD.
25 (a)
48" CIDH piles
27 (b)
Bent 2 with permanent 460 120 40 24
24 (c)
steel casing
26 (d)
1. Design tip elevations are controlled by: (a) Compression, (b) Tension, (c) Settlement,
(d) Lateral Load.
2. The CIDH specified tip elevation shall not be raised.
Example # 3
Large Diameter CIDH Piles with Driven Steel Shell
The following example is of seismic retrofit of a major river crossing bridge where large diameter
CIDH piles are recommended with permanent driven steel shell. The shells is required to facilitate
construction and will be required to develop a portion of the required nominal resistance. The
shell is to be installed by impact driving and “Wave Analysis” will be used for pile acceptance.
Shown in Table 10 is the foundation design reommendations provided by Geotechnical Designer.
Table 11 shows pile data table to be shown on the plans.
Table 10. Foundation Recommendations for Bents
Bent Foundations Design Recommendations
60" CIDH
piles with
-51 (a-II)
Bent 2 16 1112 472 586 249 -42 -46 (b-II) -51 700
-48 (d)
Steel Shell
1. Design tip elevations are controlled by: (a-I) Compression (Strength Limit), (b-I) Tension
(Strength Limit), (a-II) Compression (Extreme Event), (b-II) Tension (Extreme Event),
(c) Settlement, (d) Lateral Load.
2. The CIDH specified tip elevation shall not be raised.
3. The nominal driving resistance required is equal to the nominal resistance needed to
support the factored load plus driving resistance from the unsuitable penetrated soil
layers (very soft, liquefiable, scourable, etc.), if any, which do not contribute to the
design resistance. Unsuitable soil layers at Bent 2 extend to elevation of -11 ft.
4. Design tip elevation for Lateral Load is typically provided by SD.
1. Design tip elevations are controlled by: (a) Compression, (b) Tension, (c) Settlement,
(d) Lateral Load.
2. The CIDH specified tip elevation shall not be raised.
3. Unsuitable soil layers (very soft, liquefiable, scourable, etc.), that do not contribute
to the design nominal resistance exist at Bent 2 extending to elevation of -11 ft.