Food Product Proposal Letter Sample
Food Product Proposal Letter Sample
Food Product Proposal Letter Sample
Table of Contents
The introduction of new products is the life-blood of all consumer-driven industries. Nationally
each year some $5 billion are spent developing and introducing new food products. However,
80% of these are withdrawn from the market within two years of introduction, representing a loss
of $4 billon annually (4). It is unlikely that the Georgia Food Industry is more successful than
the national industry with respect to new product development. This inefficiency in developing
sustainable new products emphasizes the need of the industry for assistance to increase the
probability of success. In response to this need, a number of university-based research and
outreach centers have been established in the U.S in the Northeast, the Midwest, and Pacific
coast regions as shown in Figure 1. Appendix I summarizes the very significant economic
impact these centers have in their regions. It is notable that no such center exists in the
In 2001, the five full time Griffin Food Science and Technology (FST) faculty initiated the Food
Product Innovation and Commercialization (FoodPIC) Program. Participation by regular and
adjunct faculty in the Department of Food Science and Technology, as well as other Departments
at the University; faculty from other universities; and private sector individuals and companies
whose mission is to provide specific services to the industry was solicited (See Section 4). The
goal of this program and the proposed Center is to nurture and support the Georgia Food Industry
via efforts and expertise attributable to the University of Georgia. By bringing together such a
wide range of expertise, it will be possible to address essentially any need or problem of the
Georgia (and Southeastern) food industry, not currently being addressed by the College and
University through existing Extension and other outreach programs. The FoodPIC program is an
outgrowth of the traditional research role of Griffin FST faculty who hold ~90% research
appointments and have supported their programs with a combination of State and Federal agency
funding and private contracts with numerous food companies. For example, in 2005 (2006 data
forthcoming), these five full-time and one part-time FST/FoodPIC faculty published 23 refereed
research papers, presented 31 oral and poster presentations, and were supported by $1.7 million
in grant and contract funds. In spite of this level of academic success, this group concluded that
initiating a consolidated program which could become identified by the Georgia (and regional)
food industry as the primary source of innovation assistance would support the University’s
mission and be greatly beneficial to the industry. Many of small to medium sized firms do not
have R&D functions, providing both a need and an opportunity for FoodPIC to assist them in
improving existing and developing new food products and processes. Existing and projected
FoodPIC projects already address many food processing areas including muscle foods,
confections, beverages, fruit products, spreads, dressings, nutraceuticals, snacks and baked
products. Thus, a successful FoodPIC Center will facilitate the University’s role in the success
of this important economic engine in the State and region. The existing program and proposed
Center are complementary to and collaborative with existing extension and outreach programs
within the Department of Food Science and Technology, the Georgia Center for Agribusiness
and Economic Development, and elsewhere in the University. It anticipated that FoodPIC will
serve as a vehicle for outreach to the food industry by both extension and research faculty. It
will provide an opportunity for additional funding for faculty members and invaluable
experience for faculty, staff, and students to work on real-world problems with food companies.
Besides the close relationship with local business, civic, and political leaders, an advantage of
locating a University Center for assisting and promoting the Georgia Food industry on the
Griffin Campus, is our central location within the state on the southern edge of the Atlanta metro
area. This places the Center in convenient proximity to the city, to Hartsfield-Jackson
International airport, and to much of the State’s food industry. Additionally, Griffin is also in a
Tier 2 county, eligible for OneGeorgia funding. Further, the unusual degree of collegiality that
exists among the group of FST faculty on the Griffin campus, who have for some time
functioned largely as a team to pursue a variety of research projects, and which will help
coordinate the Center activities in future, indicates solid commitment by this group of nationally
and internationally-recognized food scientists.
The FoodPIC Governing Board: The Center Governing Board (GB) will develop, approve,
and propose policies to the Membership for their action. Initially, the GB shall consist of the
Charter members, who will nominate a Center Director for consideration by the Administration.
Beginning with the first Annual Meeting and continuing thereafter, the GB, consisting of four
members, shall be elected from among Full Members by majority vote of Full, and Associate
(one vote per company) Members. Board Members shall take office January 1 following the
meeting at which they were elected. At least two GB members must be from the Department of
Food Science and Technology. The Assistant Dean of the Griffin Campus and the Head of the
Department of Food Science and Technology will serve as Ex Officio (advisory, non-voting)a
members. The Industry Liaison Officer (ILO) shall serve as an ex officio member. Members
shall be elected to one and two year terms to provide continuity. Length of term of the first
elected GB shall be determined by number of votes with the two candidates receiving the first
and second most votes serving 2 years, and the two receiving the 3rd and 4th most votes serving 1
year. Each year thereafter, two GB members will be elected to two year terms. The existing GB
shall serve as the election committee, working with the Director who solicits and receives
nominations from the membership. When there are a sufficient number of Full Members to allow
it, a member will be required to be off the board for at least one year before being eligible to
serve again. The Annual Meeting and called meetings shall include an opportunity to discuss
policy whenever warranted. The Board assists the Director in making operating decisions within
the framework of Center Policy. This includes the designation of candidate projects as FoodPIC
projectsb by majority vote. The FoodPIC GB (including the ILO but not necessarily including
the other ex officio members) shall meet with the Director regularly. The GB will require
assistance from the membership to conduct Center business. Membership at all levels implies a
willingness to serve on committees and undertake ad hoc tasks on behalf of the GB and the
It is specifically agreed by the Charter Members that the Director must place the overall good of
the Center before any competing professional interest and that he/she should not compete with
Center members for projects or funding, rather should assist them in garnering such support for
the Center program.
FoodPIC Projects are those projects administered through the University of Georgia and
designated as such by the Governing Board. Specifically, FoodPIC projects are those supported
by grant, contract, or gift from the Food Industry; by funding from State Commodity
Commissions; or by State-supported industry-enhancing programs such as FoodPAC; and which
are conducted by two or more FoodPIC members. Other projects (e.g. Federal – USDA,
USAID; industry projects conducted by one or more member(s)) may be designated as FoodPIC
projects upon request of the PI (and concurrence of his/her collaborators) and by vote by the
Governing Board.
Industry Membership
Repeat business is expected from successfully assisted companies. As this pattern develops, a
membership structure will be evolved by which the payment of annual fees will enable these
clients to receive additional services at reduced cost or as part of the membership. These clients
would also be expected to be given priority as members of the BOA.
For this Center to be sustained over the long term, it will be necessary for members to remain
dedicated to its success and to solicit and conduct projects that will provide significant income.
Membership must be expanded to additional faculty members both within and outside of the
Department of Food Science and Technology. The core faculty in the Food Science and
Technology Department in Griffin will bear major responsibility for the Center’s initial success.
To remain sustainable, it is anticipated that as more funding becomes available from industry
contracts, grants, and fees, non-tenure track faculty, and other personnel will be recruited to
expand the Center’s ability to meet industry needs and provide much of the necessary staffing
requirements. As specified in Policy Statement 7, the Center will be sustained only as its
performance proves it to be a valuable component of the College’s and University’s mission.
News Letter(s)
Published at least once yearly (June 30) with news and updates from the Center
Annual Report.
A detailed report to the members of the year’s activities including marketing information and
‘success stories (while protecting confidentiality) will be distributed prior to the Annual Meeting.
Short Courses
Short courses will be organized and offered in response to industry needs.
In addition, members are working diligently with University Administrators, the Griffin Spalding
Development Authority, and local political and civic leaders to identify significant State and
private funding for construction, equipping, and staffing of the Industry Incubator facility
projected to cost $5-6M. These funds are being solicited from local, state, and federal
governmental agencies as well as a private foundation. The present status is $1M firmly
committed, $1M verbally promised by a state agency, a $2M proposal to a foundation; a $1.5M
proposal in preparation to a federal agency with assurances of a favorable reception. Future
expansion, and research and outreach activities of the Center are expected to be largely self-
sustaining, aside from ongoing state support in the form of salaries for faculty and some staff,
and operating funds assigned to the participating units. This will be achieved by the aggressive
solicitation of contracts and grants to assist in the development of innovative food products and
processes from ideation to marketing. The proposed Industry Incubator will facilitate this
process on a for-fee basis. The gross income to the Center is expected to include actual costs
(supplies and other consumables), space and equipment use fees, personnel costs, and University
indirect costs. Revenue generated from grants, contracts, and fees for services will cover costs
for personnel time and space and equipment usage will be used to support soft-money personnel
positions, part of operating expenses, and acquisition of needed additional equipment. While
specific details are still being developed, an example of a Revenue Generating Services List is
shown in Appendix II. In addition, FoodPIC will continue to solicit substantially funded projects
from medium to large food companies capable of supporting such research and outreach efforts.
Members (Full Members):
a. Charter Members are the 5 Griffin FST Faculty who have initiated and/or continue to
support this Center. (One Charter member has retired, and one faculty member has transferred
from the Center for Food Safety to the FoodPIC program.) Charter Members will have specific
rights, privileges and responsibilities during the first 1-1.5 years the Center is in existence as
specified in this Charter. Thereafter, Charter Member will be an honorary designation without
special privileges.
b. Center Members* are all Charter Members plus other UGA faculty who participate in
FoodPIC projects, who request membership by letter to the Director, and are approved by the
c. Center Associate Members (Affiliates) are non-UGA researchers who participate in FoodPIC
projects and who request membership. These might include researchers from other universities
or other research institutions (for example USDA) and private companies whose business it is to
provide service to the food industry, compatible to the goals of FoodPIC. Associate Members
must agree to work with the Center by identifying at least one project per year as a FoodPIC
project. Certain independent programs within UGA that wish to affiliate with the Center may
also be designated as Associate Members by action of the Governing Board.
Full Time Faculty, Department of Food Science and Technology- Griffin Campus
Jinru Chen, Associate Professor - Microbiologist, Microbial geneticist
Manjeet S. Chinnan, Professor – Engineer, Edible films, frying
Yen-Con Hung, Professor - Engineer, Physical properties
R. Dixon Phillips, Professor – Chemist, Extrusion specialist, Acting Coordinator
Anna V.A. Resurreccion, Professor – Sensory and Consumer Science
Full Time Faculty, Department of Food Science and Technology- Athens Campus
William Hurst, Professor – Extension
Sharon Kane, Public Service Associate, Extension
Industry Partners
Dixon & Parcels Associates, Inc., New York, NY, Strategic package design, brand name
J. Roy Parcels
Moskowitz Jacobs, Inc, White Plains, NY, .Food product ideation and development
Howard R. Moskowitz
Explanatory Notes
These administrators have authority over the FoodPIC program as a part of their duties. They
have no need to vote on specific decisions of the GB. Further, it unlikely that they would be
able to regularly attend GB meetings.
. The GB shall not have the authority to reassign leadership of a project from the member
responsible for obtaining it. However they may make suggestions as to potential research
partners for a given project should the PI request it.
This report will be edited to remove sensitive information to avoid compromising proprietary
research to BOA members who may be employed by firms who are competitors of clients.
. All members of all categories may vote for GB members. Only Full Members are eligible to
vote on other matters.
1. Food & Beverages Industry Statistics (2007) Plunkett Research, Ltd.
2, Anon. June, 2003. Food Processing in Georgia. Georgia Power Community & Economic
Development, Georgia Power Company, Inc.. 52 pages.
4. Brody, A.L. and Lord, J.B. 2000. Developing New Food Products for a Changing
Marketplace. Technomic Pub. Co. Lancaster.
The collaboration between private industry and University-based food development centers has
had many obvious benefits. New products, new processing methods as well as tastier and safer
food are just a few. Less obvious is the economic impact Food Centers have had. Food Centers
have led to business start-ups, increased revenue for existing firms, increase tax income for
communities and employment gains.
Nine food centers in the United States and one center in Canada were contacted by email and
then by telephone if needed. It was found that although all have benefited their clients and
communities, only three centers, those at Cornell University (in collaboration with the University
of Vermont), Rutgers University and Oklahoma State University, have done formal, economic
impact studies. Of these three, Rutgers is current building an Incubator; therefore, this paper will
focus on that center.
Rutgers’ Food Innovation Center during 2003-2005, had over 250 clients who will experience a
cumulative impact of $84 million in new revenue from 2006 to 2010. In addition, these clients
will create over 200 new jobs over the same time period. The Food Innovation Center projects
the Incubator, once complete, will help increase its impact. According to their estimates, by
2010, the center will have had 875 clients, created over $200 million in cumulative new revenue
(at an annual rate of $85 million in 2010), created thousand of jobs and generated over $14
million (annual rate of $5 million in 2010) in local tax revenue.1
The Northeast Center for Food Entrepreneurship (NECFE), a collaboration between Cornell
University and the University of Vermont, has had similar positive, economic impact. It
surveyed 540 of its past clients that worked with NECFE from 2000 to 2004. Approximately, 48
percent of NECFE clients reported business growth (including start-ups) because they worked
with the center. One third of those surveyed had started their business while working with the
This business growth spurred employment. The NECFE clients surveyed hired 809 new, part-
time employees and 1,061 new, fulltime employees during the time studied. NECFE used the
survey results and projected that the total estimated number of jobs created and supported by
NECFE services was 13,116.
The Food and Agricultural Products Center (FAPC) at Oklahoma State University found that of
its clients surveyed, there was a 12 percent increase in fulltime employment, a 32 percent
increase in payroll, and a 144 percent increase in total sales due to working with the center.3
“The Innovator” Food Innovation Center Newsletter, Rutgers University, Summer 2006.
Cranwell, Michele R., Jane M. Kolodinsky, Catherine W. Donnelly, Donald L. Downing, and Olga I.Padilla-
Zakour, “A Model Food Entrepreneur Assistance and Education Program: The Northeast Center for Food
Entrepreneurship” Journal of Food Science Education, Vol. 4, 2005, pages 56-65.
“Annual Report 2005” Food and Agricultural Products Center, Oklahoma State University, 2006.
According to the study FAPC, firms assisted by the center accounted for about 21 percent of the
food processing jobs in Oklahoma.
As stated, since the Food Innovation Center at Rutgers is building an Incubator, it will be used
for comparison. The Center is located near the large population centers of New York,
Philadelphia, Baltimore and Trenton. In 2002, New Jersey, alone, had 1,591 food and beverage
manufacturers according to a Rutgers study.4
Even though the University of Georgia Food Product Innovation and Commercialization
Program (FoodPIC) is located in a less populated area, it is reasonable to use Rutgers’ estimates
to project economic impact of FoodPIC. First, FoodPIC is near Atlanta and the city and the
region is growing at a faster pace than that of the Northeast. Also, an internal FoodPIC study
found more than a thousand food processing and food related businesses in Georgia, a figure
similar to the number in the Rutgers study. Finally, there is no other food center in the
Southeast while the NECFE and the center at Ohio State also serve the Northeast.
There are 15,000 new products introduced into the market place in the United States each year.
Eighty percent of these new products fail. With the establishment of the Center, existing jobs in
the food and food-related industry will be saved. Rutgers’ Food Innovation Center predicts that
by 2010 their Center will have “retained tens of thousands of jobs via its programs in quality
assurance, food safety, food security, and new technology integration.” Rutgers’ Center is
starting construction in early 2007.
Rutgers also estimates that over the next five years, each of its clients will generate, on average,
$230,000 in cumulative revenue. Each client will create an additional $16,000 in cumulative tax
revenue. Using NECFE survey results and assuming 1,500 jobs generated by Food Innovation
Center clients (it claims “thousands” of jobs will be generated), each client is estimated, on
average, to create approximately 1.84 fulltime jobs as a consequence of working with the Center.
Schilling, Brian J. and Kevin P. Sullivan. “The Importance of New Jersey’s Food System in 2002”, Food Policy
Institute, Rutgers University, June 2006
Based on the above estimates, even if FoodPIC serves a fraction of the clients that either NECFE
or the Food Innovation Center has, it will have a large economic impact. For example, if
FoodPIC has 200 clients over the next five years, much less than either of the other two centers,
it will help generate $46 million in revenue, $3 million in tax revenue, and 368 fulltime jobs.
Projecting out to 10 years, approximately 800 new jobs would be created. Moreover, these are
the estimated gains of just FoodPIC’s clients. Additional sales revenue, tax revenues (e.g. sales ,
property, and income) employment gains, and will be generated by suppliers and retailers as
FoodPIC’s impact multiplies through the food system.
Food Product Innovation and Commercialization clients benefit from out assistance and
expertise in the following areas:
Plan a new product launch with an understanding of suppliers, market conditions, trends and
income/expense projections. Food Product Innovation and Commercialization provides
assistance from evaluating market opportunities to quantifying consumer preferences and
characterizing buying habits.
Food Product Innovation and Commercialization can assist with business development
issues, funding issues, and facilitate relationships that will enhance the success of your project.
Food Product Innovation and Commercialization is well equipped to provide a vast array of
business-related problem solving services.
Product, business or marketing concepts brought forward by the client will be reviewed and
analyzed using The Food Product Innovation and Commercialization appraisal method that
assess all aspects of the proposed concept. The concept will be evaluated utilizing current state
of the industry knowledge and practical experience. Reviewers will offer recommendations for
further actions.
NOTE: This service is limited to 1-1/2 hours of meeting time. An optional report detailing the
finding of The Food Product Innovation and Commercialization (including brief analysis of
markets and competition) is available from the Food Innovation Center staff for an additional fee
of $350. Fees for complex projects that require extended time from staff will be determined on a
case-by-case basis.
This educational service provides technical support for the entrepreneur with a food product. It
offers product formula and process review, including basic analytical work including pH, Aw,
Brix; kitchen time and one-on-one bench top work. Also included is nutritional labeling as
NOTE: This service is limited to 10 hours of time. Fees for projects that will require more time
from staff will be determined on a case-by-case basis.
This educational service provides technical support and guidance for food business entrepreneurs
with respect to selection of a single package for a product that is intended for a single target
The Package offers clients an opportunity to work one-on-one with a food packaging
technologist to understand the process and importance of packaging, and potential costs
involved. It also provides clients with illustrations of conceptual ideas using samples from Food
Product Innovation and Commercialization packaging experience.
Included in the package is a report with recommendations for primary, secondary, and
distribution packaging, and, if appropriate, a configuration of secondary packaging and pallet
cube design. Clients are also provided with information about supplier selection utilizing a
Packaging Supplier Database and offered guidelines about how to collaborate and work with
NOTE: This service is limited to 10 hours of time. Fees for projects that will require more time
from staff will be determined on a case-by-case basis.
This educational service is intended to provide business development and marketing information
and tools to early stage, micro enterprise scale entrepreneurs who work with Food Product
Innovation and Commercialization to develop or package a food product or service. It
includes basic materials needed for a brand identity package and development of a marketing
Client entrepreneurs will learn about product branding, trademarking and product launch
practices. They will be provided with appropriate documents and referrals for graphic design
NOTE: This service is limited to 10 hours of time. Fees for projects that will require more
specialized assistance from staff will be determined on a case-by-case basis.
Fees for consumer surveying required for market research activities will be determined on a
case-by-case basis with a member of the Sensory Science Staff or, if appropriate, by a member of
the Marketing Research Staff. Food Product Innovation and Commercialization limits this
service to large projects.
Package performance testing provides the standard tests for package materials/films and
containers, including gas transmissions/permeation tests, water vapor transmission tests, strength
of materials, and food shelf life tests. Fees for the tests vary depending on the type of tests
package materials, films, equipment, and technician time required, testing conditions, and
professional service time required to design and perform the proposed tests.
Shelf life testing of food products can include environmental chambers, sensory testing, texture
testing, analytical laboratory testing, and package permeability testing. Depending on the
quantity of products, length of shelf-life and specific laboratory testing required all factors will
be taken into account to determine the costs necessary for a safe and acceptable market
Sensory and consumer tests of products for market research and product development purposes
are designed with clients’ involvement. These are then carried out at Food Product Innovation
and Commercialization’s Sensory Testing Laboratories, in Food Product Innovation and
Commercialization’s Focus Room, or at sites identified by clients. Data from these tests is made
available to clients and a report analyzing the finding is prepared and reviewed.
The Georgia food industry is a very large, diversified and growing industry.
There is enormous potential for the University of Georgia, and in particular, the
College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, to play a more integral and
leadership role with this industry, especially in the area of Food Product
lnnovation and Commercialization.
Partnering with the food industry in discovery of new knowledge, new products
aiid neiv piocesses, combined with the Coilege's expertise in Outreach and
Extension, is a powerful combination for creating new businesses, new jobs and
helping the bottom line of existing food businesses and their sustainability. To
this end, a proposal to establish a formal center for Food Product lnnovation and
Commercialization has been prepared. The proposal has my full support. I
believe that a Center for Food Product lnnovation and Commercialization will be
a beacon to the food industry that helps attract new clients to work with our
College's faculty. I believe the center will better position the University and the
College to be the recognized leader in this arena in Georgia, and possibly in the
southeast. It is clear to me that if we do not establish a Center of Excellence in
this field, one will be established soon somewhere else in the southeast.