María de Los Ángeles Picone: Appointments
María de Los Ángeles Picone: Appointments
María de Los Ángeles Picone: Appointments
2019- Assistant Professor of Modern Latin American History, Boston College (MA)
PhD. in History – Emory University, 2019.
Co-Advisors: Dr. Jeffrey Lesser and Dr. Thomas Rogers.
Dissertation title: “Landscaping Patagonia: A Spatial History of Nation-Making in the
Northern Patagonian Andes, 1895-1945”
MA. in History – Emory University, 2016.
Licenciada en Historia –Universidad Católica Argentina, 2012.
Spatial History – Nation-Making – Nature and culture – Border Regions – Latin American
Borderlands – Mountainlands – Digital Humanities
Book manuscript: Landscaping Patagonia: A Spatial History of Nation-Making in the Northern
Patagonian Andes, 1895-1945.
Article: “’It is not a mountain’: Science, Authority, and Border Negotiations in the Patagonian
Andes, 1897-1901”.
2018 “Comentario a ‘Orden y comercio. La construcción de estado y ciudadanía en la
cordillera norpatagónica a principios del siglo XX’ por Jorge Muñoz Sougarret y
Eva Muzzopappa”, P. Núñez, A. Núñez, C. Odone, B. Matossian y M. Tamagnini (Eds.),
Araucanía-Norpatagonia: la fluidez, lo disruptivo y el sentido de la frontera, UNRN
– CONICET (in press, ISBN 978-987-3667-78-7).
2017 (book review) Imaging the Great Puerto Rican Family by Hilda Llórens,
Coordinating Council of Women in History Newsletter, Summer.
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2013 “La idea de turismo en San Carlos de Bariloche a través de dos guías”, Estudios y
Perspectivas en Turismo, 22:2.
2011 “El proyecto de turismo en San Carlos de Bariloche a través de dos guías turísticas
(1938)”, P. Núñez (Ed.), Miradas transcordilleranas: selección de trabajos del IX
Congreso Argentino-Chileno de Estudios Históricos e Integración Cultural, San Carlos
de Bariloche: IIDyPCa, UNRN – CONICET.
2017 “Me voy al Archivo” – Departamento de Historia, Universidad Católica Argentina,
Buenos Aires (Argentina).
2017 “Blurry Borderlines: From Border Negotiations to Ambiguous Understandings of
Patagonia, 1890-1915” – Instituto de Historia, Universidad Católica de Chile,
Santiago (Chile).
2016 “Rooting the Nation in Moving Landscapes: Railroad Travel in Chile, 1934-1946”,
Liberal Arts International Conference – Texas A&M University, Doha (Qatar).
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Session organizer/chair
2018 Spatial History in Border Regions of Latin America – Conference on Latin
American History Annual Meeting (CLAH/AHA), Washington, D.C.
2017 Transandean Viscosities: Transnational Spaces between Argentina and Chile
– Latin American Studies Association Annual Congress, Lima (Perú).
Paper presentations
2020 “Ciencia, autoridad, y naturaleza en los Andes Patagónicos, 1895-1901” – Jornadas
Virtuales de Historia de América.
2020 “Mapping the Desert: Constituting Boundaries in the Patagonian Andes, 1895-
1901” – Constituting Boundaries Conference, Pembroke College, Oxford
University (UK) [Cancelled due to COVID-19]
2020 “Policing the Border: Rural Workers, the Border, and Police Forces in Northern
Patagonia, 1910–30” – American Historical Association Annual Meeting, New
2019 “The Argentine Switzerland: Forging an Attractive Landscape in the Northern
Patagonian Andes, 1910-1930” – Latin American Studies Association Annual
Meeting, Boston.
2018 “‘It is not a mountain’: Authority, Science, and Border Negotiations in the
Patagonian Andes, 1897-1901” – Global Mountains Workshop, Department of
History, University of Cambridge (UK).
2017 “Transnational belonging: Nationhood and the Border in the Northern
Patagonian Andes, 1895-1930”– Latin American Studies Association Annual
Meeting, Lima (Perú).
2017 “Agencias estatales y espacio fronterizo: La Nación en los documentos
cartográficos entre 1902 y 1955”– Taller Binacional Argentino-Chileno
Araucanía- Norpatagonia Cultura y Espacio, Universidad Católica de Chile,
Villarrica (Chile).
2016 “Bueno, bonito, barato: Una herramienta digital para el aula de historia” –
Conferencia en Historia Argentina y Latinoamericana, “Alicia Moreau de Justo”
Teachers Training College, Buenos Aires (Argentina).
2016 “Moving Landscapes: Travel and Railroad Press in Chile, 1934-1946”– Conference
on Latin American History Annual Meeting (CLAH/AHA), Atlanta.
2012 “San Carlos de Bariloche: del paisaje no europeo al ideal de la ‘Suiza Argentina’
(1900-1940)”– Congress on Early Modern and Modern History, University of
Buenos Aires (Argentina).
2012 “Problematizando al Estado en un territorio de frontera: El aporte de la historia
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regional”, Conference of Young Scholars – Institute of Social and Economic
Development (IDES), Buenos Aires (Argentina).
2011 “The project of tourism in San Carlos de Bariloche in two guidebooks (1938)”–
Argentine-Chilean Congress of Historical Studies and Cultural Integration,
National University of Río Negro (Argentina).
2020 Oxford Latin American Graduate Seminar – Oxford University, UK.
2020 Panel: Environmental Humanities and the Andean Mountain Range: Science,
Geography, and Climate – American Historical Association Annual Meeting, New
Higher Education – Boston College
2021 “Resisting and Rebelling in Latin America II”, Spring.
2020 “Modern Latin American History”, Spring.
“Borders and Frontiers in Modern Latin America”, Spring & Fall.
“Space Before Google Maps: Geography and Power (Study and Writing of History)”,
2019 “Space Before Google Maps: Geography and Power (Study and Writing of History)”,
Higher Education – Emory University
2016 “Voyages, Culture, and Sex in Latin America”, Spring,
2015 “Culture as a Lived Experience”, co-taught with Dr. Sergio Gutiérrez
Negrón, Summer,
2014 “Brazil, Country of the Future”, Teaching Assistant for Professor Thomas
Rogers, Fall.
Secondary Education
2007-2013 Teacher of History and English at various schools in Buenos
Aires, Argentina.
Primary Education
2002-2012 Teacher of English at various schools in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
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Borders & Frontiers of Modern Latin America (Spring 2020) Final Project – Students created
websites that reflected their research on a border region of Latin America. As the
Coronavirus pandemic disrupted our semester, students had to get creative on tailoring
their interests to the resources available.
Modern Latin American History (Spring 2020) Final Project – Students chose a country and an
aspect that we had discussed in class to design a research project and present it in the form
of a website (instead of a paper). Thus, the project needed to present an argument, use
sources, and arrive to conclusions. However, each group decided how they would present
the information.
Voyages, Culture, and Sex Website (Spring 2016) – For the course I taught in the Spring 2016. The
site features the syllabus, calendar, instructions and rubrics, students’ posts, and the
heritage digital project as a final assignment.
Urban Culture as a Lived Experience Website (Summer 2015) – For the course I co-taught in the
Summer 2015 in Buenos Aires (Argentina) as part of the requirements for the Summer
Argentine Studies Program (Emory University). It features assignments and students’ posts
that blended the use of the Spanish language with their experiences in the Argentine capital.
Windows into English Avenue and Vince City Website – In collaboration with other six graduate
students. This was a final project for “Global Migrations and Local Diasporas” course taught
by Dr. Jeffrey Lesser (Fall 2013). Besides collaborating with the content, I helped code the
2020 Secretary – Conference on Latin American History, Chile-Río de la Plata Sub-
2018-ongoing Review Editor – H-Borderlands,
2016-ongoing Co-editor – H-Borderlands
2018 (August) Facilitator – Teaching Assistant Training and Teaching Opportunity Workshop.
2017-2019 Member – Executive Council of the Student Section, Latin American Studies
2017 Panelist – How to Survive Your First Year in the History Program, Graduate
History Society.
2016 Reviewer – Coordinating Council of Women Historians.
2015-2016 Member – Athletics & Recreation Committee, University Senate, Emory
2014 (Sep) Panelist – Establishing Best Practices in Graduate Mentoring (September 2014),
Laney Graduate School Executive Committee.
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2014-2018 Service Desk Supervisor at Woodruff Library, Emory University.
2017 Hired consultant for AHRC sponsored project “Restrictive Access”
2015 Program Assistant, Argentine Studies Summer Program, Emory University.
Spanish: Native speaker
English: Near native
French: Intermediate
Portuguese: Intermediate
German: Beginner
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