Solutions For Homework 4: Two-Way ANOVA: Response Versus Solution, Days
Solutions For Homework 4: Two-Way ANOVA: Response Versus Solution, Days
Solutions For Homework 4: Two-Way ANOVA: Response Versus Solution, Days
Note: Some of the problems may not be exactly the same as in the text book.
4.4. Three different washing solutions are being compared to study their
effectiveness in retarding bacteria growth in five-gallon milk containers. The analysis
is done in a laboratory, and only three trials can be run on any day. Because days
could represent a potential source of variability, the experimenter decides to use a
randomized block design. Observations are taken for four days, and the data are
shown here.
Solution 1 2 3 4
1 13 22 18 39
2 16 24 17 44
3 5 4 1 22
(a) Analyze the data using the two-way command, and also using GLM. Compare the
Minitab Output
Source DF SS MS F P
Solution 2 703.50 351.750 40.72 0.000
Days 3 1106.92 368.972 42.71 0.000
Error 6 51.83 8.639
Total 11 1862.25
The Model F-value of 40.72 implies the model is significant. There is only a 0.03%
chance that a "Model F-Value" this large could occur due to noise.
Individual 95% CIs For Mean Based on
Pooled StDev
Solution Mean ----+---------+---------+---------+-----
1 23.00 (----*----)
2 25.25 (----*----)
3 8.00 (----*-----)
7.0 14.0 21.0 28.0
There is a difference between the means of the three solutions. The CIs indicates that
solution 3 is significantly different than the other two.
Same as two-way analysis of variance, both treatment and block factor seems to be
I used Tukey method. From it, effectiveness of solution 3 significantly differs from
those of solution 1 and solution 2. There is not enough evidence to conclude that
mean bacteria growth of solution 1 and solution 2 differ.
Minitab Output
(c) Try to analyze the data with the last observation (Day=4, Solution=3) missing
with the two-way command (Replace the observation 22 with an asterisk in Minitab)
and note the error message. Now, approximate the missing data value from the
remaining data (See 4.1.3 and replace the asterisk with the estimated value. Then
use the two-way command to analyze the data (Remember to reduce the error
degrees of freedom to account for the estimated data value).
Using a two-way ANOVA will result into an error because of the incomplete data set.
Using equation (4.21) from the text book, we can estimate the missing value as follows:
Source DF SS MS F P
Solution 2 610.13 305.063 43.89 0.000
Days 3 1258.23 419.410 60.33 0.000
Error 6 41.71 6.951
Total 11 1910.06
It should be noted that we have estimated the missing value, so degrees of freedom for
error will reduce to 5. Now we need to recalculate the MS (error) and F-values
MS error 8.342
FTrt 36.57
p value 0.001
(d) Also use the GLM command on the data set with the missing value replaced with
an asterisk. Fit the reduced model with just the block factor and then fit the full
model with both the block and treatment factor. Compute the general linear test
using the full and reduced model by hand. Compare it with the test for treatment
from the GLM output from the full model.
4.9 The effect of three different lubricating oils on fuel economy in diesel truck engines
is being studied. Fuel economy is measured using brake-specific fuel consumption after
the engine has been running for 15 minutes. Five different truck engines are available for
the study, and the experimenters conduct the following randomized complete block
Oil 1 2 3 4 5
1 0.500 0.634 0.487 0.329 0.512
2 0.535 0.675 0.520 0.435 0.540
3 0.513 0.595 0.488 0.400 0.510
From the analysis below, there is a significant difference between lubricating oils with
regards to fuel economy.
Minitab Output
Source DF SS MS F P
Oil 2 0.006706 0.003353 6.35 0.022
Truck 4 0.092100 0.023025 43.63 0.000
Error 8 0.004222 0.000528
Total 14 0.103028
The Model F-value of 6.35 implies the model is significant. There is only a 2.2% chance
that a "Model F-Value" this large could occur due to noise.
(b) Use the Bonferroni method to make comparisons among the three lubricating
oils to determine specifically which oils differ in break-specific fuel
consumption (Perform the test and report the respective confidence intervals
for difference of the means)
Based on Bonferroni method reported below, the mean fuel consumption for oil 1 and 2
are different. However, the fuel consumption for oil 3 is not different from oil 1 or 2.
Difference SE of Adjusted
Oil of Means Difference T-Value P-Value
2 0.048600 0.01453 3.3449 0.0305
3 0.008800 0.01453 0.6057 1.0000
Oil = 2 subtracted from:
Difference SE of Adjusted
Oil of Means Difference T-Value P-Value
3 -0.03980 0.01453 -2.739 0.0764
The residual plots below do not identify any violations to the assumptions.
-0.04 -0.03 -0.02 -0.01 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05
Versus Fits
(response is Response)
0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.70
Fitted Value
Residuals Versus Oil
(response is Response)
1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Minitab Output
One-way ANOVA
Alpha = 0.05 Assumed standard deviation = 0.02297
Factors: 1 Number of levels: 3
Maximum Sample Target
Difference Size Power Actual Power
0.04 10 0.9 0.919122
Hand Calculation
Order of Operator
Assembly 1 2 3 4
1 C=10 D=14 A=7 B=8
2 B=7 C=18 D=11 A=8
3 A=5 B=10 C=11 D=9
4 D=10 A=10 B=12 C=14
The Minitab output below identifies assembly method as having a significant effect on
assembly time.
Minitab Output
Square 1 - Operator
Order 1 2 3 Row4
1 C=10 D=14 A=7 B=8 (39)
2 B=7 C=18 D=11 A=8 (44)
3 A=5 B=10 C=11 D=9 (35)
4 D=10 A=10 B=12 C=14 (46)
(32) (52) (41) (36) 164=y…1
Square 2 - Operator
Order 1 2 3 4 Row
1 C=11 B=10 D=14 A=8 (43)
2 B=8 C=12 A=10 D=12 (42)
3 A=9 D=11 B=7 C=15 (42)
4 D=9 A=8 C=18 B=6 (41)
(37) (41) (49) (41) 168=y…2
Assembly Totals
Minitab output 1 shows the model that the two variables (operator and order) are nested
within variable 'Square'. It is the model suggested in question 4.32.
Minitab output 1
General Linear Model: response versus method, Square, order, operator
Factor Type Levels Values
method fixed 4 1, 2, 3, 4
Square fixed 2 1, 2
order(Square) fixed 8 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4
operator(Square) fixed 8 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4
Minitab output 2
General Linear Model: response versus method, Square, order, operator
Factor Type Levels Values
method fixed 4 1, 2, 3, 4
Square fixed 2 1, 2
order fixed 4 1, 2, 3, 4
operator fixed 4 1, 2, 3, 4
Note that the conclusions from the two models are the same that is ‘method’ is significant
at the level of significance 0.01. However, the second model, without nesting is the
appropriate one in this case, with the assumption that order means the same in both
squares and the 4 operators are the same, therefore there should only be 3 degrees of
freedom for each of these factors. If there were 4 different operators in each square, then
nesting operators would be correct. See Minitab output 3 below.
4.42 Seven different hardwood concentrations are being studied to determine their effect
on the strength of the paper produced. However the pilot plant can only produce three
runs each day. As days may differ, the analyst uses the balanced incomplete block design
that follows. Analyze this experiment (use a = 0.05) and draw conclusions.
Hardwood Days
Concentration 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2 114 120 117
4 126 120 119
6 137 117 134
8 141 129 149
10 145 150 143
12 120 118 123
14 136 130 127
There are several computer software packages that can analyze the incomplete block
designs discussed in this chapter. The Minitab General Linear Model procedure is a
widely available package with this capability. The adjusted sums of squares are the
appropriate sums of squares to use for testing the difference between the means of the
hardwood concentrations.
Minitab Output
4.48 (Optional) Perform the interblock analysis for the design in Problem 4.35.
Analyze the data in problem 2.28 (7th edition) or 2.34 (8th edition) using both the
paired t-test command and the two-way ANOVA with girder as the block factor.
Hint: Consider the nine girders all distinct, despite the labels, two of which are the
same. This exercise is intended simply to emphasize the power of blocking
Source DF SS MS F P
Method 1 0.337568 0.337568 36.99 0.000
Girder 8 0.117101 0.014638 1.60 0.260
Error 8 0.073007 0.009126
Total 17 0.527676
The conclusions of two analyses are the same.; Two methods, K- and L-, are significantly
Brief comments.