17 Questionare

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“Customer satisfaction towards Mobile services and Mobile Apps in M-commerce -

Comparative study on selected Companies in Karnataka."

I am conducting research use and usability of mobile services with the goal of
enhancing the usability of mobile services. This survey questionnaire will be used to
identify your cultural profile, which will be matched at a later stage to your
interaction utilization preferences and satisfaction. As a result, it is important that you
fill in your valuable services used by on the designed simple questions template. This
questionnaire will be used purely for research purposes, and will not be part of any
personal evaluation. Your identity will be kept confidential and any answers received
from this questionnaire will not be used against you in any way. The results of the
research will be published in summary form so that you can never be identified
personally. Any response given by you will be kept confidential. There is no right or
wrong answers. Please answer each question honestly and to the best of your ability.
Each and every second spent on answering this questionnaire and the information
given by you is considered valuable and highly appreciated.

Part - A
1 Name
2 Please specify your age a. 15-25 years
group b. 25-35 years
c. 35-50 years
d. 50 years and above
3 Gender Male Female
4 Mobile Number (optional)
5 Education a. PUC
b. Graduation
c. Post Graduation
d. Others
6 Your occupation a. Student
b. Service
c. Business
d. Others
7 Income a. Below 10,000
b. 10,001-20,000
c. 20.001-30,000
d. above 30,001

Part - B
1. Which brand mobile phone are you using?
a. Motorola
b. Nokia
c. L G
d. Samsung
e. I-phone
f. Others
2. Name the mobile network service provider.
a. Airtel
3. What is your monthly spending on your mobile bills?
a. Less than 100 Rs.
b. Rs.100-250
c. Rs.250-400
d. Rs.400-1000
e. Above 1000
4. Mobile phone Service to you is
a. Useful
b. Essential
c. Personal
d. Status symbol
e. Others
5. Which Service scheme are you using?
Post Paid

6. Of this bill amount, how much money is spent on regular calls and SMS?
a. More than 90%
b. 7 0%-90%
c. 50%-70%
d. Less than 50%

7. What is the frequency of using mobile phone every day?

a. 1 - 2 hours
b. 2 - 5 hours
c. 5 - 10 hours
d. More than 10 hours.

8. How do you rate the overall service of your service provider?

a. Very good b. Good c. Average d. Poor e. Very Poor

9. The number of calls done/receive calls/Send SMS / receive SMS/attend missed

calls by you per day approximately is
a. Less than 5
b. 6 to 15 per day
c. 16 to 25 per day
d. More than 25 per day

10. How do you rate the present network of mobile services?

a. Highly satisfied
b. Average satisfied
c. Low satisfied
11. How aware are you about the existence of the value added service like news,
railway, astrology, cricket, ring tones, etc?
a. Have seen the promos and know the intricacies of their services
b. have seen the promos but, not really sure about the service details
c. haven't seen or heard of them

12. How often do you use Airtel or BSNL online service? That is do you regularly
connect to your provider portal?
a. Use it every day on a regular basis.
b. Occasionally when the need arises.
c. Don’t know much about it.
d. Don’t intend to use it.

13. Do you regularly use value added services like cricket, astrology, railway, games
& news?
a. Use all quite regularly
b. Use 1 or 2 services intensively
c. Not really interested in using these services.
14. Is your cell phone 3G ready?
Yes No
15. Are you aware of the benefits of 3G services like video call, live streaming
video, broadband internet speeds?
a. Am Keenly following the 3G updates
b. Have seen it in promos & news articles.
c. Don’t really know, does not concern me.

16. For a 3G services like video call, what rate would you be willing to pay?
a. 2-5/Min b. 5-8/min c. 8-10/min d. not interested

17. Mobile is the best devices for all services

a. Agree b. Don’t agree c. Strongly agree

Part – C
Kindly mark against the number you are satisfied with.
1. Strongly agree.
2. Agree.
3. Not sure.
4. Disagree.
5. Strongly Disagree.
1. Familiar with the apps
1 2 3 4 5
Ticket sales
Mobile conceirge
Mobile marketing
2. Please specify the fault you find with the service provider
1 2 3 4 5
Excessive billing
Poor network coverage
Poor customer care
Excessive call drops
Limited services

3. What factors you consider while choosing Cell/Mobile phone

a. Network coverage b. Fair Pricing c. Quality service d. Attractive schemes
f. Others
Part - D
Mobile services are classified into
1. Basic mobile services
2. Value added mobile services
3. Mobile apps in general
4. M-Commerce apps in specific
1. Basic mobile services
1 2 3 4 5
Make calls
Receive Calls

Send messages
Receive Messages
Attend missed calls

2. Value added mobile services
1 2 3 4 5
Mobile Banking
E-mail and chat
Roaming Facilities

3. Mobile apps in general

1 2 3 4 5
You tube
True caller
Face book

4. M-Commerce apps in specific

1 2 3 4 5

Thank you for your Co-operation and patience

Dr. P Narayana Reddy, Dr. K.S. Gopala Krishana
Director- Research School of Commerce HOD- Commerce

R. Parvathi
Research Scholar.
REVA University


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