Heat Exchanger Network Retrofit For Energy Savings

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Heat exchanger network retrofit for

energy savings
Identifying cost effective energy savings by optimising plant heat integration in
the crude preheat section


Saudi Aramco

ndustrial energy use accounts for preheat train was applied to find crude oil in the market and changes
approximately one-third of the the optimal and most profitable in the quality of crude from tradi-
world’s energy demand. In heat exchanger network design that tional sources motivate the heat
particular, the 1970s oil crises saw yields the highest net present value exchanger network retrofit to be
how the efficient use of energy (NPV). operated in multiple periods for
becomes a priority for policy Energy conservation has become greater flexibility. The application
makers in many industrialised more important as public aware- of energy cost and capital cost
countries. Rising concerns about ness and concerns regarding global trade-off from the retrofit technique
climate change have sharpened the warming and energy shortage of the pinch design method
importance of energy efficiency. continue to grow. Naturally, energy proposed by Tjoe and Linnhoff5,
Energy-related emissions accounted management programmes have integrated with thermodynamic
for 9.9 gigatonnes of carbon dioxide been applied to refineries as they properties, provides the energy
in 2004, which represented an are the most energy intensive oper- saving plots and optimum target.
increase of about 65% from 1971 ations in the manufacturing In the present scenario, the retro-
levels.1 With the current best avail- industry. There are many ways to fit of the heat exchanger network is
able technologies and given the increase energy efficiency, and an important way of improving
huge amount of wasted heat, design and process heat integration energy efficiency in process indus-
energy efficiency is practically tries. An industrial plant of 40
regarded as the most cost effective
tool to reduce CO2 emissions and
The retrofit of the years-plus lifetime may need to be
retrofitted several times to improve
climate change.2 At the company heat exchanger energy efficiency and/or to meet
level, energy efficiency also reduces increased production. There are
the key performance indicators of network is an several approaches to achieve
energy intensity and increases energy savings in a retrofit study:
companies’ competitiveness.1 important way of for example, reducing utility use,
According to the US Energy modifying the network topology,
Information Administration, the improving energy upgrading heat transfer units,
industrial sector consumed 31.4 installing additional heat transfer
quads of energy in 2008, which was
efficiency in process area, repiping streams, and reas-
approximately one-third of all the
energy used in the US that year.3
industries signing heat recovery matches. The
retrofit’s objective is to identify a
Further, more states are deploying cost effective heat exchanger
regulations that will limit the emis- are widely used methods. Heat network, subject to design and
sions of greenhouse gases. transfer from hot products and operating constraints, that will not
Combined, these circumstances pumparound streams to the crude hinder any future retrofits.
present a convincing opportunity feed by the application of heat Implementing such retrofit strate-
for industrial manufacturers to exchanger networks reduces the gies in practice may be difficult due
implement energy saving projects energy demands of both coolers to constraints related to topology,
and processes to lower their energy and furnaces. This reduction in safety and maintenance, which
consumption and reduce their energy demand diminishes operat- often exist in a complex network.6
carbon footprint. ing costs while increasing the As well, the capital cost is usually
Crude distillation units (CDUs) capital cost of the exchanger area high because of the considerable
are major consumers of energy in installation; therefore, a retrofit piping and civil works required for
oil refineries because of the high design is preferable to a grassroots the retrofit and potential produc-
energy consumed in the crude design for oil refineries. In a real tion losses during process
furnace.4 Retrofit of the crude situation, the uncertain quality of modification. Since the late 1970s,

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ology for optimisation, based on the
principles of process integration.
Cooling Recovered Furnace It has been applied successfully
load heat duty
not only to energy systems (heat
Temperature, ºF Combined heat available
recovery, pressure drop recovery
and power generation), but also to
freshwater conservation, wastewa-
Hot streams
ter minimisation, production
Cold streams
capacity debottlenecking, and
management of chemical species in
complex processes.
By applying pinch analysis to
Combined heat required
heat exchanger network synthesis
and retrofit, engineers can calculate
Cumulative heat (Q), MMBtu/h the energy requirement for any
process, and produce thermally
Figure 1 Typical composite temperature – enthalpy curve efficient and practical designs.
Energy savings are typically 20% or
continuous escalation in energy more fuel consumed in a furnace, more compared to previous best
prices has outpaced plant equip- the larger the operating cost. Any designs. Pinch analysis also applies
ment costs. This warrants continual heat recovered from the hot distil- to optimisation of the supply-side,
modification of the facility’s heat lates streams reduces the fuel consisting of on-site utilities such as
exchanger network to enhance consumed in the furnace. The boilers, furnaces, steam and gas
energy efficiency during its life- energy efficiency of crude distilla- turbines, cogeneration, heat pumps,
time. In such cases, the retrofit’s tion units can be improved by and refrigeration systems.
objective/task is to produce a prac- optimising the heat exchanger Pinch technology can play an
tically implementable cost effective network to maximise heat recovery important role in analysis of the
design modification that satisfies and minimise fuel consumption in efficiency of an oil refinery. The
new process objectives and new the crude furnace. technology has been developed
operating constraints. There are Retrofit targets are preferably over the last decade by Linnhoff
many possible modifications to an achieved by reusing existing equip- and others7-13, and has been applied
existing network to retrofit the orig- to the analysis of heat recovery and
inal design to the new objective. It Pinch technology can process-utility interaction in a
can include a combination of all number of industries. The oil refin-
possible process operating and play an important ing industry is one of the major
design condition modifications, users of energy and is also highly
existing topological/structural role in analysis of the heat integrated. It is therefore a
modifications, and existing unit good candidate for the application
design modifications and paramet- efficiency of an oil of pinch technology.
ric modifications (such as heat The first step is to separate the
transfer enhancement to improve
refinery streams into two groups: hot
the overall heat transfer coefficient) streams that need to be cooled; and
as well. ment more efficiently, repiping cold streams that require heating.
This article illustrates through a process streams, reassigning heat In the case of small temperature
case study the ‘plant lifetime retrof- recovery matches, and installing intervals in each group, all required
itability’ concept in a typical oil additional heat transfer areas if enthalpy changes are added to
refinery ADU/VDU application. required. While fulfilling these produce a composite tempera-
retrofit objectives, existing equip- ture-enthalpy curve. In this way,
Retrofitability and pinch technology ment constraints, such as hydraulic we can model a heat recovery prob-
In crude distillation units, crude oil capacity, available heat transfer lem in terms of a single composite
is preheated in two stages before area, and heat exchanger ∆T must hot stream and a single composite
entering the distillation column. be checked. cold stream (see Figure 1). As we
The first stage is a heat exchanger Pinch technology/analysis was are only interested in enthalpy
network, where the oil is heated to developed in the late 1970s as a changes, rather than absolute
an intermediate temperature by technique for optimisation of ther- enthalpies, we can move the two
exchanging heat with hot process mal heat recovery, and rapidly composite curves horizontally with
streams that require cooling and gained wide acceptance as a theoret- respect to each other. The (vertical)
recovery of this heat from condens- ically elegant, yet practical, temperature difference between the
ers. Subsequently, the crude oil approach to the design of heat curves represents the ideal temper-
enters a fired heater to reach its exchanger networks. Since then, it ature driving force for heat
target processing temperature. The has evolved into a general method- exchange, and must be greater than

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Plant 40


KO Reflux CCR J24

52 drum drum
PLT 488/493
1 SC
2 SC
32 Kerosene
3 SC
4 SC
5 Diesel

Preheat Crude
exchangers furnaces
5 SC Fuel oil
6 SC

Preheat 6 7 SC
exchangers 8 SC
Crude from Vacuum residuum Visbreaker
tankage Crude J85


Figure 2 ADU/VDU plant overview

a certain minimum value. The two constraints, there are usually Pinch analysis is used to identify
composite streams are moved hori- enough opportunities for inter-unit energy cost and heat exchanger
zontally toward each other until integration to make the overall network capital cost targets for a
this minimum temperature differ- target calculations valid. A major process, and for recognising the
ence is reached at one point. This advantage of using pinch technol- pinch point. The procedure first
point is known as ‘the pinch’. ogy for target setting is that a predicts, ahead of design, the mini-
As Figure 1 shows, composite structured approach can be used to mum requirements of external
temperature enthalpy graphs can survey a large chemical plant or energy, network area, and the
be used to set targets for process- refinery. The approach ensures that number of units for a given process
to-process heat recovery, furnace attractive possibilities for inter-unit at the pinch point. Next a heat
duty, and cooling loads. Process-to- integration are identified and eval- exchanger network design that
process heat recovery is possible uated first. Once this is satisfies these targets is synthesised.
wherever the hot composite stream accomplished, attractive intra-unit Finally the network is optimised by
is vertically above the cold compos- heat recovery improvements are comparing energy costs and the
ite stream. As this procedure identified and evaluated further. capital cost of the network so that
involves only simple summations The structured approach not only the total annual cost is minimised.
over the streams, it can be applied ensures that no attractive improve- Thus, the prime objective of pinch
to a single process unit, a group of ments are missed, but also avoids analysis is to achieve financial
process units, or even an entire unnecessary effort in screening savings by better process heat
chemical plant or refinery. A intra-unit heat integration possibili- integration (maximising process-to-
number of commercial computer ties when inter-unit integration is process heat recovery and reducing
programs14, 15 are available to make either a better alternative or an the external utility loads).
this task relatively easy to perform. additional part of a revamp effort.
Although it is not possible to heat These features are major advan- Case study
integrate some units because of tages over previous approaches The primary focus of this study
operational, safety or piping cost based on multiple case studies. was to identify the most cost effec-

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Crude feed
324.94 MBD
SG = 0.868
65% AL Primary crude preheat trains
35% AH
SC-6 & VTCR SC-3 D-102
Atm. ovhd Flash drum



Train A 284.81°F Off gas



E-261 E-131 D-103




D-124 E-102 water


Desalter E-101 Off gas








E-142 E-121 E-116 TIC


Train B A/B/C
Hot recycle 555.08°F Reflux
Secondary crude preheat trains E-305

Train C






























E-291 E-145 E-282 E-141 E-115 465.69°F
A/B/C A/B/C A/B/C A/B A/B/C Flue SC-2


SC-8 & VBCR VR & BQ SC-7 SC-8 SC-3




















E-292 E-271 E-283 around
A/B/C/D/E/F A/B A/B SC-4
Train D 585.10°F
555.08°F SC-5
Vacuum F-100 A/B zone 641.94°F
overhead Vacuum
174.57°F furnaces
Stripping steam 673.23°F Vacuum
C-100 Atmospheric
Atmospheric 647.69°F bottoms to
distillation vacuum furnaces
column F-200 A/B

546.97°F SC-5
From C-100

Mid Vacuum F-200 A/B
reflux distillation Vacuum
VBCR P/A column furnaces
Vac O/F

resid 675.21°F

Figure 3 ADU/VDU process flows

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ADU/VDU hot and cold stream data

Cold streams
Stream Heat exchanger Tin, °F Tout,°F Duty, MMBtu/hr
Total feed E-101 87.6 162 145
Feed1 to desalter E-261 162 251 94
E-131 251 285 37
Feed2 to desalter E-142 162 188 26.6
E-121 188 227 40.1
E-116 227 290 70
Feed1 to furnace E-283 284 305 22
E-271 305 346 42.5
E-292 346 429 91.8
E-281 429 534 126.2
Feed2 to furnace E-115 284 332 57.1
E-141 332 379 56.2
E-282 379 424 57.4
E-145 424 513 119.7
E-291 513 560 66.5
Furnace F-100 548 679 383
Reboiler for C-300 E-305 340 364 56.3
Feed to C-300 E-301 130 295 41.4
Hot streams
OVHD of C-100 E-101 264 168 145
E-102 162 130 27.3
VC top SC6 E-261 382 214 94
E-262 214 192 27.3
SC3 E-131 486 280 37.3
E-133 280 66 31.8
SC2 E-121 445 219 40.57
E-122 219 72 22
ATCR E-115 361 325 57
E-116 325 278 70
278 271 1.1
SC4 E-141 565 344 56.2
E-142 344 224 26.6
E-143 223 102 23.7
Bottom recycle E-145 581 501 119
E-305 475 435 56.3
E-146 435 423 16.1
Vacuum bottom E-291 676 603 66.5
E-292 603 489 91.8
Visbreaker feed E-293 489 355 51.2
SC7 E-271 499 324 42
E-272 324 317 1.7
SC8 E-281 628 518 126
E-282 518 465 54.2
SC8-1 E-283 465 392 22
Bottom C-300 E-301 350 170 56

Table 1

tive potential energy saving and The main driver for this study year. This is the earliest expected
enhancement initiatives through has been the expected rise in the time frame in which potential
optimising refinery ADU/VDU cost of energy over time and new design modifications would be
plant heat integration, waste heat initiatives aimed at improving the commissioned in the unit.
recovery and utilities consumption refinery margins and energy inten- According to company project
in the crude preheat section at sity index performance. At the time cost forecasting practices, the net
minimum capital/operating cost this study was conducted, the present value (NPV) will be based
requirements. This would enable a corporate price for fuel gas was on a minimum 20-year operational
considerable reduction in the $5.90/MMBtu. This price is period. In addition, an assumed
required furnace duties and corre- projected to rise significantly within discount rate of 6.5% is used for
sponding reduction in fuel gas the coming years according to economic analysis as an estimate
consumption. This study consid- corporate planning quarterly for a large national corporation oil
ered modifications to both unit reporting. In fact, this study consid- refinery.
design and operation to achieve the ers a starting price of $7.40/ The study is a complete and
ultimate goal of improved energy MMBtu, which is the projected definitive energy assessment along
efficiency for the ADU/VDU and price by the beginning of year 2017 with a preliminary design of the
an overall improvement of the as the established price utilised for new required heat exchangers and
refinery’s energy intensity index. all new projects starting up that crude preheat configuration.

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VR product

424°F VR quench
33.5 Mlb/h to C-200
E-293 42.7 Mlb/h
40 424°F


287°F 314°F 354°F 461°F 543°F

E-283 E-271 E-292 E-281 378 MMBtu/h
33 51 147 121 552°F
Crude oil
287°F 342°F 388°F 426°F 522°F 564°F
E-115 E-141 E-282 E-145 E-291
60 52 45 121 55
Reboiler out 380°F F-100B
to C-300 378 MMBtu/h

488°F 688°F Vacuum

455°F bottoms
380°F E-305
44 574°F ABCR
ABCR 438°F from C-100
to C-100 E-146 356°F Unstabilised naphtha
24.7 Mlb/h 21 to reboiler

Figure 4 ADU/VDU base case crude secondary preheat train

ADU/VDU overview residuum. Two vacuum gas oil until an appropriate level of confi-
A plant’s crude distillation unit streams feed the hydrocracker dence was obtained in the base case
(atmospheric and vacuum distilla- plant. As much as 20 000 b/d of the simulation of the plant.
tion) currently processes 325 000 vacuum residuum can be charged The model output material and
b/d of crude oil feed consisting of to the asphalt section with the heat balance were compared to real
65 LV% (211 000 b/d) Arabian balance of the residuum going to a plant data to ensure the percentage
Light Crude (AL) and 35 LV% visbreaker and later to fuel oil error is accepted within engineer-
(114 000 b/d) Arabian Heavy blending. ing limits.
Crude (AH). The plant also has A plant overview block diagram Lab data was used to assure the
asphalt producing facilities. The is shown in Figure 2. The plant simulation model output product
sustainable asphalt production overview process flow diagram is specification matches the real prod-
(paving and cutback) with 100% shown in Figure 3. uct specifications.
AL charged to the plant is 18 000
b/d, and 20 000 b/d when a mixed ADU/VDU hot and cold stream data Simulation model
crude of AL and 100 000 b/d of The cold streams to be heated and Once the base design model case
AM or AL and 30 000 b/d of AH hot streams to be cooled for the was established and the output
crude is processed. ADU/VDU plant used in this study figures matched real data, there
The products from the plant are: are shown in Table 1. commenced conversion of the
LPG, stabilised whole naphtha, model to a more comprehensive
kerosene, diesel (DGO), heavy Study approach rating model by using the heat
diesel, and vacuum residuum. The ADU/VDU plant process variables exchanger actual rating data. This
atmospheric column receives the (data collection) step involved extensive trouble-
crude charge and separates it into The plant information system was shooting in order to ensure
overhead product, kerosene, DGO, used to obtain relevant plant histor- non-modified parameters at the
and reduced crude. The naphtha ical process data such as flow rates, same values as the base case to
stabiliser receives the atmospheric temperatures, and pressures over maintain the benchmark for accu-
overhead stream and separates it different time intervals, and yearly rate comparisons.
into LPG and stabilised naphtha. average figures were used in build- At this stage the model was
The reduced crude is charged to ing the primary design simulation ready for engineers to propose
the vacuum tower where it is model. This step also involved improvements and alterations to
further separated into heavy diesel, comparing and consolidating actual the plant, thereby developing the
vacuum gas oils, and vacuum plant data to the simulated data, modification case.

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Equipment sizing routed to the hydrocracker plant furnace duties during normal oper-
Once the potential value and as feedstock. ations and will also reduce fuel gas
savings of the proposed improve- The atmospheric bottom pumpa- consumption.
ments were quantified and round (ABPA) stream currently
validated, a preliminary equipment leaves C-100 crude distillation Crude preheat: heat exchanger
sizing exercise estimated required column at approximately 574°F network modifications
capital expenditure and operating (301°C) and exchanges heat with A total of approximately 56.8
expenditure as inputs to the the flashed crude stream in E-145 MMBtu/hr can be saved in crude
economic analysis of the proposed A/B/C, reaching a temperature of furnace F-100 A/B by raising the
improvements. As an outcome of approximately 488°F (253°C). temperature of the mixed crude
the economic analysis, the NPV Following that, the stream feed going to F-100 A/B by 20.1°F;
and internal rate of return were exchanges heat with unstabilised by modifying the circuits of the
calculated to validate the proposed naphtha (C300 BTM) in E-305 vacuum bottom/residue product,
project. (stabiliser reboiler), reaching a side cut 8 (SC-8) heavy vacuum gas
temperature of approximately oil (HVGO) and atmospheric
Technical assessment 455°F (235°C), then is cooled to bottom pumparound (ABCR)
Base case description and model 417°F (214°C) using 150# steam streams, with the introduction of
The current configuration of the generator E-146 (producing three new heat exchangers to the
secondary crude preheat train can medium pressure steam) before secondary crude preheat train.
be described as follows (see Figure being routed back to C-100.
4). The vacuum residue stream The material balance showed Modifications to vacuum bottom/
currently leaves the bottom of the only 0.03% losses, attributed residue product stream
C-200 vacuum distillation column primarily to hydrocarbon losses in Putting a new heat exchanger on the
at approximately 688°F (364°C) and heat-load path (E-293 A/B/C/D,
exchanges heat with flashed crude
stream in exchangers E-291 A/B/C
The material balance E-292 A-F, E-291 A/B/C, NHX1,
F-100 A/B) allows some load trans-
& E-292 A-F, thereby reaching a showed only 0.03% fer from E-293 A/B/C/D to NHX1
temperature of approximately and so reduces F-100 heat load. To
424°F (218°C). Following that, the losses, attributed implement this initiative, another
stream is split into three. Stream 1 new heat exchanger (NHX2) must
returns back as vacuum bottoms primarily to be installed in parallel with E-292
quench to the bottom of the A-F to maintain the vacuum
column. Stream 2 is routed to the hydrocarbon losses in bottoms quench temperature return-
asphalt production section. Stream ing to C-200. Vacuum residue is
3 is cooled to 352°F using 60#
the aqueous phase cooled to 395°F (202°C) using 150#
steam generator E-293 A/B/C/D steam generator E-146 (producing
(producing LPS) before being the aqueous phase (desalter and medium pressure steam) before
cooled by a tempered water system overhead systems of the atmos- being cooled to 345°F (174°C) using
in E-294 A-F and routed to the pheric and vacuum columns). 60# steam generator E-293
visbreaker plant as feedstock. These losses were found to be well A/B/C/D (producing low pressure
The side-cut 8 heavy vacuum gas within acceptable engineering steam) before finally being cooled
oil (HVGO) stream currently limits (1-2% maximum) for crude by tempered water system in E-294
leaves C-200 vacuum distillation distillation units. A-F and routed to the visbreaker
column at approximately 641°F A heat balance performed on the plant as feedstock. This modification
(338°C) and is split into two ADU/VDU plant showed that the will result in a change in the
streams. Stream 1 returns to the crude requires a heating duty of vacuum bottom stream temperature
column as wash oil. Stream 2 approximately 999 MMBtu/h from profiles into E-291 and E-292, which
exchanges heat with the flashed the battery limit conditions to the proved to be acceptable within the
crude stream in E-281 A/B/C and atmospheric distillation column current exchanger’s area of heat
E-282 A/B/C, reaching a tempera- (C-100), of which the crude preheat transfer. It is worth noting that this
ture of approximately 419°F (primary and secondary heat case also takes into account the
(215°C). Following that, Stream 2 exchanger network) contributes modification following completion
is split into two more streams. approximately 622 MMBtu/hr of the Clean Fuels & Aromatics
Stream 2A returns to the column (62.1%) and the furnaces contribute Project, in particular regarding the 5
as vacuum bottom circulating the remaining 378 MMBtu/hr 500 b/d vacuum overflash stream
reflux (VBCR). Stream 2B is the net (37.9%). The primary aim of this (675°F) being mixed with the
S/C 8 HVGO product. This is study was to modify the existing vacuum residue (C-200 bottoms
cooled by further preheating the heat exchanger network integration product) stream upstream of
flashed crude stream in E-283 A/B, to be capable of increasing the NHX-1.
followed by cooling with tempered crude preheating operation. In turn, Two new heat exchangers are
water in E-284 A/B/C/D and this will reduce the required required – NHX1 and NHX2.

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000°F New/old
BFW LPS BFW MPS 000°F temperatures
New heat
VR 352°F
product 395°F

33.5 Mlb/h 19.1 Mlb/h

E-293 42.7 Mlb/h E-146 N/A 422°F
32-40 17-21 424°F VR quench
422°F to C-200 SC-8
424°F 641°F
352°F 440°F 586°F 641°F
308°F N/A N/A
287°F 355°F 388°F
287°F 314°F 354°F 35
469°F 528°F
E-283 E-271 424°F E-281 543°F
87 44 70
521°F 493°F
Crude E-292 461°F 482°F NHX-3 378/349 MMBtu/h
538°F 572°F
oil 95 552°F 44 552°F

287°F 342°F 388°F 491°F 524°F 564°F

287°F 342°F 388°F 488°F 522°F 564°F
E-115 E-141 E-282 426°F E-145 E-291 NHX-1
60 52 52 116 35 54
688°F F-100B
378/349 MMBtu/h
417°F 453°F 689°F
ABCR 438°F 488°F 688°F Vac BTM
to C-100 E-305 Vac O/F
375°F 574°F
Reboiler out 380°F 46 574°F ABCR
to C-300 from C-100
356°F Unstabilised naphtha
to reboiler

Figure 5 ADU/VDU modified case crude secondary preheat train

Modifications to atmospheric E-146 (not in use) will be required. It should be noted that the
bottom pumparound (ABPA) proposed modifications maintain
The ABPA will be rerouted to Modifications to side cut 8 HVGO all column returned temperatures
exchange with crude in E-282 product streams and so the column temperature
downstream E-145, then to E-305 A total load of E-282 will be trans- profile, as well as the product
(unstabilised naphtha reboiler) to ferred to a new heat exchanger battery limit temperatures, will
exchange heat with unstabilised (NHX3) between the SC8 and have no impact on the current
naphtha from C-300 bottom to furnace feed. E-282 will be used to process operation. It is worth
reach 417°F, then back to the exchange heat between the bottom mentioning that a hydraulic study
atmospheric column. ABCR and crude feed as described was performed and validated the
This requires no new heat above. One new heat exchanger is capability of the entire hydraulic
exchangers. Modification to required – NHX3 system, especially the operation

Potential fuel gas savings

Atmospheric furnace summary table Duties and fuel gas rates for F-100 A/B Potential savings from base case
Case Crude Tin, °F Duty, MMBtu/hr FG rate, MMSCFD Duty, MMBtu/hr FG rate, MMSCFD
Base Case F-100A/B 552.5 755.60 23.840 --- ---
Modified Case 572.1 698.80 22.040 56.80 1.800

Table 2

Steam requirement

Heat exchangers Steam type import/export Mass flow, lb/hr Duty, MMBtu/hr Tin, °F Tout, °F
E-293 (base case) LPS #60 - Generation 42 750.00 40.14 287 313
E-293 (modified) LPS #150 - Generation 33 510.00 32.07 287 352
E-146 (base case) MPS #150 - Generation 24 760.00 21.50 366 379
E-146 (modified) MPS #60 - Generation 19 100.00 16.55 366 371

Table 3

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of some product pumps, due Steam modified service temperatures
to the increased pressure drops
resulting from the additional Temperatures for modified STM
exchangers on the product and generation exchangers services E-293 (LPS-GEN) E-146 (MPS-GEN)
crude circuits. The modifications Cold fluid BFW LP BFW MP BFW
Hot fluid VR VR Product VR Product
are summarised in Figure 5.
Hot inlet Tin (°F) 394.90 421.90
Hot outlet Tout (°F) 344.80 394.90
Crude preheat modification: Cold inlet Tin (°F) 287.00 366.00
potential savings Cold outlet Tout (°F) 352.00 370.40
BFW IN pressure Pin (Psia) 79.70 164.20
The potential fuel savings are
Produced steam pressure Pout (Psia) 79.60 164.10
considered to be about 56.8
MMBtu/h of fuel gas consumption
in the crude furnaces, equivalent to Table 4
approximately 1.8 MMSCF/day. A
net present value of $21 832 900.00 New exchanger design data
and a rate of return of 24.01% is
expected. The potential fuel gas
Description Data Sheet CALCULATE
savings summary for F-100A/B is H.EX (Cold fluid/hot fluid) TEMA Duty, Corrected Total eff Capex,
shown in Table 2. type MMBtu/hr MTD, °F area, ft2 MM$
NHX-1 Crude/VR AET 53.880 100.99 14315.2 1.718
NHX-2 Crude/VR AET 35.415 30.41 41283.5 4.954
Crude preheat modification: steam
NHX-3 Crude/HVGO AET 43.601 58.54 18252.2 2.190
requirement Total 132.90 --- 73850.90 8.862
In the base case, E-146 was used to
generate about 24 700 lb/hr of
medium pressure steam by Table 5
exchanging heat with the ABPA
stream with a total duty of 21 Particle size distribution of fresh catalysts and additives (ASTM D4513)
MMBtu/h, while E-293 was used to
generate about 42 700 lb/hr of low
# Item Units Value Value source
pressure steam by exchanging heat A Depreciation period years 10 Assumed
with the vacuum residue product B Project life-cycle duration years 20 Assumed
stream with a total duty of 40 C New exchanger cost* M$ 8862.11 Estimated
MMBtu/h. D Project capex (F X 120%) M$ 10 634.53 Estimated
E Consumption LP steam - considered Mlb/hr 9.24 Calculated
The modification proposed F Consumption MP steam - considered Mlb/hr 5.66 Calculated
changing the steam generation G Fuel gas saving MMBtu/hr 56.8 Calculated
configuration to the following: H Project internal rate of return (IRR) % 24.01 Calculated
• E-146 to be used to generate I Project net present value (NPV) M$ 21 832.90 Calculated
19 100 lb/hr of medium pressure *: The values for new exchangers capex in Table 6 were used.
steam by exchanging heat with the
vacuum residue product upstream Table 7
E-293 with a total duty of 16.6
MMBtu/hr and modified temperatures are modifications to the heat exchanger
• E-293 to be used to generate shown in Tables 3 and 4, network.
33 500 lb/hr of low pressure steam respectively. The proposed new heat exchang-
by exchanging heat with the ers were designed using Aspen
vacuum residue product down- New heat exchanger equipment Exchanger Design and Rating (EDR)
stream E-146 with a total duty of sizing software with stream process data
32.1 MMBtu/hr. The study provides detailed equip- obtained from the Aspen Hysys
A steam requirements summary ment sizing for the proposed simulation for ADU/VDU plants.

New exchanger design data (2)

Description Duty LMTD Estimated CALCULATE

H.EX (Cold fluid/hot fluid) MMBtu/hr °F Ft Factor U, Btu/ft2-°F-hr Eff Area, ft2 Capex, MM$
NHX-1 Crude/VR 53.880 101.30 0.980 46.5 11671.83 1.40
NHX-2 Crude/VR 35.415 31.26 0.980 45.5 25411.02 3.05
NHX-3 Crude/HVGO 43.601 58.97 0.950 55.0 14150.41 1.70

Total 132.90 --- --- --- 51233.26 6.15

Table 6

www.eptq.com Revamps 2015 53

was tested against varying fuel gas
Energy saving FS saving Discount NPV IRR FG saving savings, which were the primary
sensitivity (MMBtu/h) rate (%) (MM$) (%) change (%) source of revenue to the project. As
Case NPV @ +17.5% 66.74 6.50 28,120.80 27.84 17.50 can be seen from the data in Figure
Case NPV @ +15.0% 65.32 6.50 27,222.53 27.31 15.00 5, the project enjoys a very good
Case NPV = 0 @ +12.5% 63.90 6.50 26,324.26 26.77 12.50 position in terms of fuel gas
Case NPV @ +10.0% 62.48 6.50 25.425.99 26.23 10.00 savings, since the project’s NPV
Case NPV @ +7.5% 61.06 6.50 24,527.71 26.68 7.500 would be positive for fuel gas
Case NPV @ +5.0% 59.64 6.50 22,629.44 25.13 5.00 savings values higher than the
Case NPV @ +2.5% 58.22 6.50 22,731.17 24.57 2.50 break-even value of 22.28
Base case 56.80 6.50 21,832.90 24.01 0.00 MMBtu/h, which is approximately
Case NPV @ −5.0% 53.96 6.50 20,036.35 22.86 −5.00
60.78% below the base value of 56.8
Case NPV @ −10.0% 51.12 6.50 18,239.81 21.68 −10.00
MMBtu/hr. As a result, the esti-
Case NPV = 0 @ −15% 48.28 6.50 16,443.26 20.47 −15.00
mated savings would need to drop
Case NPV @ −20.0% 45.44 6.50 14,646.72 19.22 −20.00
in value by approximately 60.78%
Case NPV @ −25.0% 42.60 6.50 12,850.18 17.94 −25.00
Case NPV = 0 @ −30.0% 39.76 6.50 11,053.63 16.60 −30.00
before causing the NPV to turn
Case NPV @ −40.0% 34.08 6.50 7,460.54 13.75 −40.00 negative and rendering the project
Case NPV @ −50.0% 28.40 6.50 3,867.45 10.56 −50.00 uneconomical. This situation is of
Case NPV = 0 @ −60.782% 22.28 6.50 0.00 6.50 −60.78 course highly unlikely due to the
Case NPV = 0 @ −62.5% 21.30 6.50 −623.91 5.75 −62.50 conservative estimates developed
Case NPV @ −65.0% 19.88 6.50 −1,522.18 4.60 −65.00 for project capital inflated by 20%
Case NPV @ −69.0% 17.61 6.50 −2,958,15 2.54 −69.00 to cater for expected extra piping
and fittings costs.
Net present value (NPV), M$

30,000 Results and conclusion

The primary focus of this study
25,000 was to identify potential energy
20,000 savings and enhancement of a
ADU/VDU plant initiative by opti-
mising plant heat integration.
10,000 The main recommendation for
energy optimisation from this study
is to enhance heat recovery (by
0 retrofit) within the crude secondary
−5000 preheat trains by re-routing three
−75 −65 −55 −45 −35 −25 −15 −5 5 15 20 streams: atmospheric bottom
Change in FG saving, % pumparound, SC-8 heavy vacuum
gas oil, and vacuum residue
Figure 6 NPV vs fuel gas savings analysis The modifications save 56.8
MMBtu/h of fuel gas consumption
Designed exchangers were then Economic study in the atmospheric furnaces, equiva-
linked with the Aspen Hysys rating Table 7 summarises the values used lent to approximately 1.8 MMSCFD.
model of ADU/VDU plants to for the project’s economic evaluation. The modifications were simulated
simulate the effects of these new in Aspen Hysys and the new heat
exchangers on the crude preheat Sensitivity analysis for net exchangers were designed utilising
train. present value Aspen EDR software. Following
A total of 10 additional shells A sensitivity analysis was that, cost estimation of capex/opex
have an effective surface area of performed on the project’s NPV for was utilised for the economic anal-
73 850.90 ft2. A summary of the fuel gas savings (see Figure 6). The ysis, which clearly points to the
design data and cost of these base case data is shown in blue, economic viability and feasibility of
exchangers is shown in Table 5. with a fuel gas saving of 56.8 this proposed project with a NPV
Another method was used to esti- MMBtu/h and a discount rate of of $21.8 million and an internal rate
mate the new heat exchangers’ 6.5%. The break-even case is shown of return of 24.01% based on the
effective area and capital cost using in red for the sensitivity test future projected rise in fuel gas
Aspen Hysys calculated duties, Ft performed. The case showed excel- prices. A sensitivity analysis
correction factor, LMTD, and esti- lent project economics, which was performed on the project’s
mated overall heat transfer strengthened justification of the NPV for both the discount rate and
coefficient (U). investment. fuel gas saving, showing excellent
A summary of the design data project economics and so strength-
and cost of these exchangers is Impact of fuel gas saving ening justification for the
shown in Table 6. In the second sensitivity case, NPV investment.

54 Revamps 2015 www.eptq.com

The benefit of fuel gas savings is 5 Tjoe T N, Linnhoff B, Using pinch technology Akram Kamel is Lead Energy Engineer at
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Lifetime Retrofit, USP 8,150,560, 2012. modelling, FEED studies, retrofitting HEN,
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7 Hohmann E L, Optimum Networks for evaluating new energy efficiency technologies,
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The investment required for the 1986, 23. specialist, consultant and Sr. consultant at
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$10.6 million for 10 new heat Tables for the Design of Flexible Processes (1) and Process and Control Systems Department.
- How much contingency in heat exchanger He has over 30 years of experience as a lecturer
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networks is cost effective?, Chem. Eng. Res. and senior lecturer in University of Waikato,
plant. The estimates developed for
Des. 64, 1986, 197. New Zealand, postdoctoral research associate
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investment value would be less 12 Sargent R W H, Grossmann I E, Optimum ABB, GE plastics (currently SABIC) DuPont
than originally planned. design of heat exchanger networks, Comp. Engineering Technology and Reliant Energy
Chem. Eng. 2, 1978, 1. Solutions. He has 20 US patents (Saudi
References 13 Linnhoff B, Turner J A, Heat recovery Aramco); one NZ patent (University of
1 Worrell et al, 2009. networks: new insights yield big savings, Chern. Waikato); several books and more than 60
2 Energetics Study, PNNL Study, 2004. Eng. 2, 1981, 56 publications and presentations in international
3 Energy Information Administration Table S1 14 HEXTRAN Manual, Simulation Sciences, journals and conferences. He holds BSc, MSc
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End-Use Sector, 2008. 15 SUPERTARGET, available from Linnhoff- Cairo University, Egypt, University of Salford,
4 Chem. Eng. Transactions, Vol. 32, 2013. March, Manchester, UK. UK, and Auburn University, Alabama, USA.


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