Eb LR 1350 - 1-LN - GB
Eb LR 1350 - 1-LN - GB
Eb LR 1350 - 1-LN - GB
Liebherr LR 1350/1-LN
beautifies the Brussels Atomium
Renovation in Brussels Acrobatics high in the sky
When the Atomium was erected for the 1958 World Fair in Every day, one or two segments of the new skin are carried
Brussels, the plan was to dismantle the structure – a billion-fold aloft by the 350 tonne crane. An ingenious system between the
enlargement of an iron molecule – 6 months later. But just like crane hook and the load ensures that the large steel sheets can
the Eiffel Tower, which was originally destined for dismantling also be installed on the underside of the sphere. This structure,
after the Paris Exposition, the Belgian sphere also escaped this consisting of three remotely-controlled winches and a steel
fate. The people of Brussels could not bring themselves to dis- frame for attaching the load, alone weighs two tonnes. In that
mantle this symbol of their city, by now famous worldwide. But way, the section to be attached – a good 16 square metres in
now, 47 years after being built, the 102 metre high Atomium size – can be tilted in almost any direction. If there is enough
needs a complete overhaul. clearance around the segment, one of the Atomium fitters
ropes down to the load. There, another winch rope is attached,
The entire outer skin of the 18 metre thick globe will be replaced the section to be installed is pulled under the sphere and fixed.
with corrosion-resistant steel plates. A Liebherr-crawler crane,
model LR 1350/1-LN belonging to the Belgian crane and heavy
transport specialists Sarens, is being used in the renovation of
the topmost globe.
Job data:
Crane: LR 1350/1-LN
Configuration: 66 m main boom
78 m luffing lattice jib
38 t central ballast
125 t superstructure ballast
Load: Steel segments
Load (gross): 4.3 t
Radius max.: 76 m
Size of load: 16 m²
LR 1350/1 with “light” Cost-effective transport system
boom system LN
The entire boom system was constructed so that all equipment
The lattice boom system of the crawler crane type LR 1350/1-LN parts, right down to the basic machine and the footing, could be
is a new development from Liebherr. This so-called LN version transported on standard trailers (loading area approx. L 13.4 m x
is lighter and above all easier to transport. Liebherr have added B 2.45 m x H 2.6 m). Using specially adapted ballast weights, the
it to their programme, alongside previous heavy equipment for maximum additional loading of 25 t can be fully utilised.
this type of crane.
Hendrik Sanders, the crawler crane expert at Sarens, who had
The advantages of lighter equipment are evident. Substantially expressed a wish for this sort of transport solution to the engi-
bigger lengths can be erected without additional derrick neers at Ehingen, is very pleased with the result. “For us, this is
equipment, and loads at a larger radius can be bigger than very practical, as we have building sites all over Europe, and we
with a heavy system. The LR 1350/1-LN has a maximum main are always sending out lattice boom parts by haulage contractors.
boom length of 108 metres – unique in this crane class. The The cheapest variant is the standard truck. Besides a semi-low
maximum combination – main boom 66 m + luffing jib 84 m loader for the base unit, and a flat transporter for the footing, we
– achieves a hook height of approx. 146 m. Optionally, derrick only need another 11 standard trucks in order to transport the
equipment can be attached for operating the main boom. maximum equipment for the crane.“
H 146 m
H 105 m
N 84 m
L 108 m L 66 m
Compact basic machine with a transport weight of 40 t
The base unit is the same for both heavy and light systems. can be self-assembled using optional accessories. In the fully
The very compact dimensions – crawler length 9.7 m, crawler equipped state, the maximum counterweight is 125 tonnes. But
width 8.4 m and maximum turning radius 8 m – have no com- in many configurations, the maximum load is achieved with a
petition among cranes in the 350 tonne class. With a minimal partial ballast of 105 tonnes or even 85 tonnes – which further
transport weight of 40 t without winches, the basic machine minimises transport and assembly.
can be driven anywhere in the world without limitations, and
R 8000
L 9700 x W 8400
LWE P 357.04.05 Illustrations and data may differ from standard equipment. Subject to change without notice.
40 t