TOL3Cab Three-Phase Thermal Overload Protection For Cables: 1MRS752328-MUM
TOL3Cab Three-Phase Thermal Overload Protection For Cables: 1MRS752328-MUM
TOL3Cab Three-Phase Thermal Overload Protection For Cables: 1MRS752328-MUM
1. Introduction ................................................................................................ 3
1.1 Features................................................................................................ 3
1.2 Application ............................................................................................ 3
1.3 Input description ................................................................................... 4
1.4 Output description................................................................................. 5
2. Description of operation............................................................................ 6
2.1 Configuration ........................................................................................ 6
2.2 Measuring mode ................................................................................... 7
2.3 Operation criteria .................................................................................. 7
2.3.1 Principle of the thermal model applied......................................... 7
2.3.2 TRIP output.................................................................................. 8
2.3.3 START output .............................................................................. 8
2.3.4 CU_ALARM output ...................................................................... 8
2.3.5 COND_TEMP & TEMP_PERCENT outputs ................................ 9
2.3.6 COOL_TIME output ................................................................... 10
2.3.7 TRIP_TIME output ..................................................................... 10
2.3.8 Compensation of ambient temperature ..................................... 10
2.3.9 Reclose inhibit ........................................................................... 11
2.3.10 Temperature sensor supervision ............................................... 11
2.3.11 BLOCK input.............................................................................. 11
2.4 Setting groups..................................................................................... 12
2.5 Test mode ........................................................................................... 12
2.6 START, TRIP and CBFP outputs........................................................ 12
2.7 Resetting............................................................................................. 13
Distribution Automation TOL3Cab
1. Introduction
1.1 Features
1.2 Application
This document specifies the function of the three-phase thermal overload protection
function block TOL3Cab used in products based on the RED 500 Platform.
TOL3Cab is designed for the thermal protection of three-phase power cables and
overhead lines.
For IEC symbols used in single line diagrams, refer to the manual “Technical
Descriptions of Functions, Introduction”, 1MRS750528-MUM.
TOL3Cab Distribution Automation
Distribution Automation TOL3Cab
TOL3Cab Distribution Automation
2. Description of operation
2.1 Configuration
When the analogue channels and digital inputs have been selected and configured in
the dialogue box, the inputs and outputs of the function block can be configured on a
graphic worksheet of the configuration tool. The phase currents IL1, IL2 and IL3 are
connected to the corresponding IL1, IL2 and IL3 inputs of the function block.
TOL3Cab can also be used with one or two phase current channels, the rest of the
analogue channel inputs shall be left unconnected.
If RTD-measurements are used for compensating the ambient temperature, the RTD-
variables are connected to the SENSOR1, SENSOR2 and SENS_IV inputs as
presented in the figure 3 below. If only one measurement input is used, corresponding
RTD-variables are connected to the SENSOR1 and SENS_IV inputs. Provided the
external sensor measurement is not used at all, the SENS_IV, SENSOR1 and
SENSOR2 inputs can be left unconnected. Refer to the section 2.3.8 for choosing
correct settings.
Figure 2. Example for the connection of the SENS_IV input that indicates the
invalidity of sensor measurement when two RTD-sensors are used
Digital inputs are connected to the boolean inputs of the function block and in the
same way, the outputs of the function block are connected to the output signals.
Distribution Automation TOL3Cab
The calculation of the thermal model is based on the TRUE RMS measuring principle.
The thermal load is calculated by means of the highest phase current value.
TOL3Cab applies the thermal model of one time constant for temperature
measurement, which means that both the temperature rise and the cooling follow an
exponential curve. The formula applied in calculating the cable temperature is
presented below.
Θ = [ ∗ (Θ MAX − Θ REF )] ∗ (1 − e - t/τ ) + Θ AMB
ΙCABLE Rated current Maximum sustained load current value allowed for
the cable
ΘMAX Maximum temp Maximum temperature allowed for a cable under
sustained load. The value depends on the
insulation material used; for example, the
maximum temperature for cables with PEX
insulation is +90 °C and for those with PVC
insulation +65 °C
ΘREF Reference temp Temperature in which the rated current has been
defined; for example, +15 °C for underground
cables and +25 °C for overhead cables
τ Time constant Time constant for the temperature rise and cooling
of a cable
ΘAMB Ambient temp Ambient temperature, which can be either a set
value or a one measured by sensors
TOL3Cab Distribution Automation
In the initializing stage, i.e. when the auxiliary voltage is connected to the relay, the
function block assumes that the cable temperature has risen to 50% of the difference
between the parameter values “Maximum temp” and “Ambient temp”. For example, if
the maximum temperature has been set to + 90 °C (cable with PEX insulation) and the
ambient temperature is + 20 °C, the relay assumes a temperature of + 55 °C for the
cable. The same temperature rise of 50% is also assumed for the cable when the
operation mode is set into use i.e. the parameter is set as follows:
1 = ON: no sensors,
2 = ON: Sensor 1 or
3 = ON: Sensors 1&2.
The so-called delayed trip is set into use by giving the “Trip temperature” parameter a
value higher than 100% and the “Trip delay” parameter one higher than 0. For
example, the trip temperature can be set to 120% and the trip delay to 60 min, in
which case the function block trips when the cable load remains above 100% for 60
minutes but does not exceed 120%. If the temperature exceeds 120% during trip delay,
the function trips immediately.
If the TRIP output is chosen not to be used, the parameter is set as follows: ...\Control
setting\Trip & Start = Disabled.
The START output becomes active when the calculated conductor temperature
exceeds the setting of the “Prior alarm” parameter that can be given a value in the
range 40% to 100%. If the START output is chosen not to be used, the parameter is
set as follows: ...\Control setting\Trip & Start = Disabled.
The CU_ALARM output is activated when one of the three phase currents becomes so
high that even if it remains the same, the cable temperature will exceed the maximum
temperature set for the cable.
Distribution Automation TOL3Cab
1 Via the MMI of the relay, in the view MAIN MENU / Protection lib. / TOL3Cab /
Output data
2 Via serial communication provided the event E10 has not been excluded via the
“Event mask” control parameter of TOL3Cab. Note that only the percentual
temperature rise TEMP_PERCENT is sent with the event.
3 Via the MIMIC view of the relay provided the connection presented in Figure 4
below has been configured with the Relay Configuration Tool
TOL3Cab Distribution Automation
The COOL_TIME output indicates in full minutes the time required for the cable to
cool below the set temperature limit i.e. value of the “Reclosure temp.” parameter. The
cooling time left (min) can be monitored in the following three ways:
1 Via the MMI of the relay, in the view MAIN MENU / Protection lib. / TOL3Cab /
Output data
2 Via serial communication provided the event E11 has not been excluded via the
“Event mask” control parameter of TOL3Cab
3 Via the MIMIC view of the relay provided the connection has been configured
with the Relay Configuration Tool. For an exemplary connection, see Figure 4
The COOL_TIME output will show value 99999 if TRIP output is not active or the
cable is still loaded and thus not be expected to cool below the set temperature limit,
i.e. the value of the Reclosure temp. parameter.
The TRIP_TIME output indicates the operate time of the function block when the
current remains at the present level. The time estimate can be monitored in the
following three ways:
1 Via the MMI of the relay, in the view MAIN MENU / Protection lib. / TOL3Cab /
Output data
2 Via serial communication provided the event E16 has not been excluded via the
“Event mask” control parameter of TOL3Cab
3 Via the MIMIC view of the relay provided the connection has been configured
with the Relay Configuration Tool. For an exemplary connection, see Figure 4
The TRIP_TIME output will show value 99999 if the current is so low that the
tripping temperature is not expected to be exceeded. Value 99999 is also shown if the
BLOCK input is activated or the parameter "Trip & Start" is set to "Disabled". After a
trip command, the TRIP_TIME will remain zero as long as the TRIP output is active.
In the thermal model (see the formula above in section “Principle of the thermal model
applied”) the influence of ambient temperature is compensated by the parameter
“Ambient temp” which can be either a set value or one measured by temperature
sensors. Compensating the ambient temperature is crucial for the correct function of
the thermal model since the environmental conditions of cables to be protected vary
Distribution Automation TOL3Cab
The principle of ambient temperature compensation is defined via the control setting
parameter “Operation mode”. When no external sensors are used to measure the
ambient temperature, the “Operation mode” parameter is given the value 1 (=ON: no
sensors). In this case the temperature value applied in the thermal model is the one set
for the “Ambient temp” parameter. On the other hand, when external sensors are used,
the “Operation mode” parameter is given the value 2 or 3. When the value 2 (=ON:
Sensor 1) is set for the parameter, one temperature sensor is used which is connected
to the SENSOR1 input of the function block. The value 3 (=ON: Sensors 1&2) means
that two sensors are used for measuring the ambient temperature, in which case the
function applies the higher of the two temperature values in the thermal model for
compensating the ambient temperature.
At any time, the ambient temperature value used for calculating the conductor
temperature can be checked via the MMI or via serial communication in the menu
... / TOL3Cab / Control setting / Ambient temp.
After TOL3Cab has tripped, reclosing is not possible until the conductor temperature
calculated by the formula above (see section “Principle of the thermal model applied”)
falls below the value set for the “Reclosure temp” parameter, because the function
block holds the TRIP output active. If the reclosing inhibit is chosen not to be used,
the parameter is set to 100%.
If the measured ambient temperature is not within the allowable range from -40 to +70
degrees, the function block sends a "Sensor error" event (E15) and activates the
SENSERR output. The same is done if TOL3Cab detects a rapid change of more than
5 degrees in the measured temperature or if the input SENS_IV is activated. The
SENSERR output is always latched and must be reset as presented in the chapter 2.7.
If the BLOCK input is active, the TRIP output cannot be activated, but TOL3Cab still
continues measuring the conductor temperature. Thus, activating the BLOCK signal
prevents neither temperature measurement nor activation of the START or
CU_ALARM outputs.
TOL3Cab Distribution Automation
Two different groups of setting values, group 1 and group 2, are available for the
function block. Switching between the two groups can be done in the following three
The control parameter “Active group” indicates the setting group valid at a given time.
The digital outputs of the function block can be activated with separate control
parameters for each output either locally via the MMI or externally via the serial
communication. When an output is activated with the test parameter, an event
indicating the test is generated.
The protection functions operate normally while the outputs are tested.
The output signal START is always pulse-shaped. The minimum pulse width of the
START and TRIP output signals is set via a separate parameter on the HMI or on the
serial communication. If the start situation is longer than the set pulse width, the
START signal remains active until the start situation is over.
The output signal TRIP may have a non-latching or latching feature. If the start
situation is longer than the set pulse width and the non-latching mode has been
selected, the TRIP signal remains active until the start situation is over. When the
latching mode has been selected, the TRIP signal remains active until the output is
reset even if the operation criteria have reset.
The circuit-breaker failure protection function provides a delayed trip signal, CBFP,
after the TRIP signal unless the fault has disappeared during the set CBFP time delay.
The CBFP output can be used to operate a circuit breaker in front of the circuit breaker
of the feeder.
Note! The control parameter "Trip pulse" also sets the pulse width of the CBFP output
signal. The CBFP signal resets when the set pulse width elapses, even if the start
Distribution Automation TOL3Cab
situation is still active. Therefore, if the CBFP function is used, a setting value of
200ms or longer for the control parameter "Trip pulse" is recommended.
The default value for the control parameter “CBFP time” is 0.00 s, which means that
the circuit-breaker failure protection is not in use.
2.7 Resetting
The TRIP output signal, SENSERR output signal and registers can be reset either via
the RESET input or over the serial bus or the local MMI.
The operation indicators, output signals and recorded data can be reset as follows:
TOL3Cab Distribution Automation
3.1 General
• Each function block has a specific channel number for serial communication
parameters and events. The channel for TOL3Cab is 47.
• The data direction of the parameters defines the use of each parameter as follows:
Data direction Description
R, R/M Read only
W Write only
R/W Read and write
• The different event mask parameters (see section “Control settings”) affect the
visibility of events on the MMI or on serial communication (LON or SPA) as
Event mask 1 (FxxxV101/102) SPA / MMI (LON)
Event mask 2 (FxxxV103/104) LON
Event mask 3 (FxxxV105/106) LON
Event mask 4 (FxxxV107/108) LON
For example, if only the events E3, E4 and E5 are to be seen on the MMI of the
relay terminal, the event mask value 56 (8 + 16 + 32) is written to the “Event mask
1” parameter (FxxxV101).
In case a function block includes more than 32 events, there are two parameters
instead of e.g. the “Event mask 1” parameter: the parameter “Event mask 1A”
(FxxxV101) covers the events 0...31 and “Event mask 1B”(FxxxV102) the events
Distribution Automation TOL3Cab
TOL3Cab Distribution Automation
Rated current S42 1.0...5000.0 A 300.0 R/W Maximum load current for the
protected cable
Trip temperature S45 80.0...120.0 % 100.0 R/W Tripping temperature, per cent
Prior alarm S46 40.0...100.0 % 90.0 R/W Prior alarm temperature, per cent
Reclosure temp S47 40.0...100.0 % 80.0 R/W Temperature value which enables
Ambient temp S48 -50.0...100.0 °C 40.0 R/W Setting value for ambient
Rated current S72 1.0...5000.0 A 300.0 R/W Maximum load current for the
protected cable
Trip temperature S75 80.0...120.0 % 100.0 R/W Tripping temperature, per cent
Prior alarm S76 40.0...100.0 % 90.0 R/W Prior alarm temperature, per cent
Reclosure temp S77 40.0...100.0 % 80.0 R/W Temperature value which enables
Ambient temp S78 -50.0...100.0 °C 40.0 R/W Setting value for ambient
Distribution Automation TOL3Cab
Trip delay V8 0...60000 min 0 R/W Operate time of the delayed trip
TOL3Cab Distribution Automation
Distribution Automation TOL3Cab
Output TRIP_TIME O7 0...99999 min 0 R/M Predicted time for the trip
in the overload situation
Output SENSERR O8 0 or 1 - 0 R/M Status of sensor error
Output 0 = Not active; 1 = Active General
The information required for later fault analysis is recorded when the function block
starts or trips, or when the recording function is triggered via the external TRIGG
The data of three last operations (operation 1...3) are recorded and the values of the
most recent operation always replace the data of the oldest operation. The registers are
updated in the following order: Operation 1, Operation 2, Operation 3, Operation 1,
Operation 2,...
Date and time The time stamp indicates the rising edge of the START, TRIP
or TRIGG signal.
TOL3Cab Distribution Automation
Trip delay The elapsed time is recorded as a percentage of the set trip
delay. The time starts accumulating when the temperature rise
exceeds 100%.
Primary current The measured primary current value ( TRUE RMS ) at the
moment of recording. Priority
1 Tripping
2 Starting
3 External triggering,
which means that if the function block has started, it will neglect an external triggering
Distribution Automation TOL3Cab
TOL3Cab Distribution Automation
3.3.4 Events
Distribution Automation TOL3Cab
4. Technical data
Operation accuracies Current measurement:
D -