Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai: Corrigendum-I

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No. Dy.Ch.E. / AYC / 10 Date: 06.05.2020

Sub: Appointment of Design & Built Turnkey Contractor for construction of dwelling Units
under Ashray Yojana for 11 Groups.
Ref: Bid Nos.: 7100177559, 7100177560, 7100177561,7100177562, 7100177564,
7100177565, 7100177566, 7100177567, 7100177568, 7100177569, 7100177570

The administrative approval to the draft tender of subject work was accorded by Hon’ble MC vide
no MGC/F/362 Dtd:-18.03.2020. Accordingly, tender notice for the subject work is published in the
newspaper on 28.04.2020 and MCGM portal on 28.04.2020 Under no Dy.ChE/Civil/05/AYC dtd
Due to extension of Lockdown 3.0 period up to 17.05.2020, Prebid meeting as scheduled on
11.05.202 needs to postponed. Accordingly corresponding dates are rescheduled as follows:-

Particulars As Published Modified and shall be read as

Section-I Tender Notice 28.04.2020
Header Data
Last date & time for sale of 29.05.2020 upto 12:00 Hrs 01.07.2020 at 12.00 hrs
Submission of Receipt of Bid 29.05.2020 upto 16:00 Hrs 01.07.2020 at 16.00 hrs
Security Deposit ,Packet A,
B & Packet C (Online)
Pre-Bid Meeting – 11 .05.2020 from 12.00 Hrs 05. 06. 2020 from 12.00 Hrs
Date, Time & Venue Office of : Jt .MC (SWM) Office of :A.M.C. (P),
Conference Hall, 3rdFloor, Conference Hall, 2nd Floor, MCGM
MCGM Head Office Annexe Head Office Annexe
Building, Mahapalika Marg, Building, Mahapalika Marg,
Mumbai- 400 001. Mumbai- 400 001.
Opening of Packet A 03.06..2020 after 16:01 Hrs 06.07.2020 at 16.30 hrs
Opening Of Packet B 10.06.2020 after 16:01 Hrs 13.07.2020 at 16.31 hrs
Opening Of Packet C 08.07.2020 after 15:00 Hrs 10.08.2020 at 15.00 hrs


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