Cia RDP82 00457R005600510012 5

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Approved ForRelease 2001/03/17 : CIA-RDP82-00457R005600510012-5 ¢ \ * CLASSIFICATION . settTe/o..sieLew. S. uwtenas ose ie ‘CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT NO. Oo INFORMATION REPORT cp yo. 25K1A COUNTRY taroetersa/Dagarte reece CONFIDENTIAL DATE DISTR. 22 August 1950 SUBJECT Soviet-Sponsored Area ‘iacedonia Comittes; Soviet NO. OF PAGES ® ruce 25K mongos eatineo geruan 18 - ino, \UBRARY ‘SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. 25X1X 1. A Soviet sponsored ccmaittoe, tho fren iacedonte Conntttee (Odbor Slohedne stabliched for the purpcee of pronotiny ef-wlteneous Ansurreotions in Greok ent Yurosloy lacedonia in the interent of @ unifies uld de riven the ports of Salonika, ts). 2. This Conittes unites sinilor acodontan movenenta in Yugoslavia (Rabrovo) , Bulgaria (Nevrokop), snd Greece (Otos Sofekleoue-Salonike). The latter movenont is directed by a cartnin litpotili 5. Tho Fron theedoniu Connittos rerortedl:r hes the followin; forcos wvatiable Groves: units armed 11th outonstic weapons ani nortars. thors aro under ‘tho conan of Hipatilis and are mainly eoneontrated in the Saloniea rectons bs Yugoslevie: particci units, 20,000 stronz, srmad with Linkt snepon Dainty concentrated in ti Noster ent Rabrovo, The military cormsinder of thesn unite 18 reportedly a eartein Zuhn, foreriy @ onjor in the German amy. Mo allenedl: has no polition! influence, fe Bulrerta: renuler ray force, of approxinatnly diviotenel strencth, sth ecconponyine artillery. The conmnder ie repertadl~ v eastesn Heostors, formerly « lieutorent-colonel in the Garon ary, Pate Force in mninly coneantreted in the ievrobep-Frili (ele) Zone, 4, Tho Free imeedoute Comittee 19 under the polities! dtrocticn of the Soviet ambassador in Gofta, ond the forces are bel; ballt up by the Sovint Uni unten 4s rendine enna and lenders, 5. The informant st.:tes further thet the Sovints are buildin up an anti-Tite armed sovonont ix Yuroolavia, the Konu:tstickl Revoluetcaural Stab with hesteertens in Skor]Jo. This novenont is Airocted by Unidentified pre-Ceuinforn Tuscola, The wovenent recotves ara shizped fro Bulrarin, ant hee treneves thrcashoet Yugeslavis, purtieulorly in Serbia. The greatest difficult? te rerertedin being agpugtnred Le orestiey unten eppnaze te Geraeeey tee Sree ee Cousenne coer eease, 2 Serine ecaa we SS CLASSIFICATION saws 7on.miciat. oS or-noxg Leaner mG secon wt So) Tai 3 ce LT “BUTION, hrector_ot Bert lo. SNe Let rcnva otf Unies seat CONFIDENTIAL [= ts tone A REIRUEG ESSERE APRN TA on BY-GA Approved For Release 2001/03/17 : CIA-RDP82-00457R00600510012-5 ase 2001/03/42 ARBRE NbTIARbosso0s10012-5, sgouGc cama Iernuieaes annoy MOLD. 5, CFITCIALS ORLY 25x1A =. Tho Komnietickt Revoluctonarnt Stab is to leunch o Fevelution in Yuroslavta in order to ouprort activity cintler to that carried cut by tho free Hacodonte Conitten, and would receiva eunport tron Albania, whore, the prosence cf one Soviet rectront 1s raporteds CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2001/03/17 : CLA-RDP82-00457R005600510012-5

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