Thomas Sharp CPS Final Submission

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RUNNING HEAD: Mechanistic science 1

Preprint 8/6/2018, accepted at Clinical Psychological Science pending minor revision

Mechanistic science: A new approach to comprehensive psychopathology research that

relates psychological and biological phenomena

Joel G. Thomas

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Paul B. Sharp

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Joel G. Thomas, Department of Psychology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 603 E.

Daniel St., Champaign, IL 61801

Corresponding Author Email: [email protected]

Tel: +1 608-332-1110

Paul B. Sharp, Department of Psychology and Neuroscience, University of North Carolina at

Chapel Hill, 124 Howell Hall, Chapel Hill, NC 27514

Email: [email protected]

Tel: +1 267-671-7748
Mechanistic science 2


Efforts to understand the causes of psychopathology have remained stifled in part because

current practices do not clearly describe how psychological constructs differ from biological

phenomena and how to integrate them in unified explanations. The present article extends recent

work in philosophy of science by proposing a framework called mechanistic science as a

promising way forward. This approach maintains that integrating psychological and biological

phenomena involves demonstrating how psychological functions are implemented in biological

structures. Successful early attempts to advance mechanistic explanations of psychological

phenomena are reviewed, and lessons are derived to show how the framework can be applied to

a range of clinical psychological phenomena including gene by environment findings,

computational models of reward processing in schizophrenia, and self-related processes in

personality pathology. Pursuing a mechanistic approach can ultimately facilitate more productive

and successful collaborations across a range of disciplines.

Keywords: autonomy; causal explanation; levels of analysis; mechanism; psychopathology

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Introduction – Why we need to examine the way we explain psychological phenomena

The goals of the scientific enterprise are often communicated implicitly through training

in a particular discipline. Even without a formal course in the philosophy of science, researchers

quickly learn what kinds of scientific questions are considered relevant and interesting to the

field, how research design should inform the exploration of these questions, and what

methodological skill sets are necessary to execute a successful study. An enduring, dominant

approach to explaining psychological phenomena was formalized in the mid-twentieth century

(e.g., Campbell & Fiske, 1959; Cronbach & Meehl, 1955; MacCorquodale & Meehl, 1948),

which set the agenda to elaborate laws between hypothetical psychological constructs and

observable data. Although it has helped generate theoretical advances in psychology, this

approach has fallen short of providing an adequate conceptualization and set of strategies to link

psychological and biological phenomena, and in turn, uncover the causal underpinnings of

phenomena of interest. The goal of this article is to demonstrate how a complementary approach,

called mechanistic science, can make up for this shortcoming.

Integrating psychological and biological phenomena is particularly relevant to scientists

interested in psychopathology, as exemplified by the Research Domain Criteria (RDoC)

initiative of the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH). One of the imperatives of RDoC is

to “integrate the fundamental genetic, neurobiological, behavioral, environmental, and

experiential” data in order to develop a better understanding of the etiology and treatment of

psychopathology (Cuthbert & Insel, 2013, p. 129). In response to this imperative, various

scholars have both emphasized that psychological phenomena cannot be reduced to nor equated

with biological phenomena (Franklin, Jamieson, Glenn, & Nock, 2015; Hershenberg &

Goldfried, 2015; Kendler, 2005; Miller, 2010; Schwartz, Lilienfeld, Meca, & Sauvigné, 2016),
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and have pointed out that popular strategies that attempt link these domains (e.g., the multiple

levels of analysis approach) are inadequate on logical and conceptual grounds (Miller, 2010). If

psychological and biological phenomena are both involved in explaining phenomena in

psychology, how do they each contribute something unique to explanation, and how should we

link these domains without eliminating or giving preference to either camp?

The present article contends that this lack of understanding regarding how to relate

psychology to biology is a major reason for the dearth of causal explanations of

psychopathology. Although this issue remains unresolved, field-wide attention has been

primarily focused on whether findings are reproducible. Demonstrating reproducibility, however,

does not suffice for building strong causal theories. A highly stable correlation between an

intervention and an outcome may do little in explaining why the treatment works, which is

necessary to further advance for whom and under what conditions it works best. In general,

causal theories are vital to improving predictions regarding how psychological processes unfold

under various conditions, and creating more precise interventions on psychological functions that

go awry across various forms of psychopathology.

The present article will demonstrate how an emerging approach termed mechanistic

science provides effective ways to link biological and psychological phenomena, which can in

turn spur the development of causal theories of psychopathology. Developed over the past few

decades out of the study of scientific discovery in fields such as biology and cognitive

neuroscience, mechanistic science maintains that a crucial objective of scientific explanation

should be to move beyond identification and description of phenomena to an explanation of how

particular phenomena are realized in living systems. This objective is achieved by appealing to
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mechanisms—structures defined by their component parts, operations, and organization, whose

orchestrated functioning is responsible for a particular phenomenon.

In contrast to typical practices in psychological science, mechanistic science requires that

psychological scientists constrain their conceptions of psychological functions to those that

might plausibly be implemented in living systems. This requires a reorientation in how scientists

postulate theories towards parts, operations, and organizational dynamics that serve to explain

how information processing is realized. Furthermore, identifying how phenomena are realized in

living systems requires thinking in terms of basic learning processes, embodiment, self-

organizing principles, and developmental features of complex organisms.

The framework offered here, although borrowing from ideas in primary philosophical

literature (e.g., Bechtel, 2008; Piccinini & Craver, 2011), is tailored to issues researchers face in

psychology and clinical neuroscience. For instance, the present article proposes a new concept,

units of organization, which unlike the concept of “levels of analysis,” provides a logic and

strategy to parse the complexity of psychological phenomena. Moreover, the framework clarifies

the difference between psychological and biological phenomena and how they should be

integrated through demonstrating implementation. Exemplars from research on psychopathology

will illustrate how scientists provide compelling evidence that proposed psychological processes

are indeed implemented in biological systems.

1. Moving from a descriptive to a causal science: What psychology can learn from biology

When abstract processes, such as “energy production,” can be explained by appealing to

the dynamics of mechanisms, specific predictions can be made regarding how interventions on

such mechanisms will change the state of a given phenomenon. Several decades ago, biologists

went through this transition from describing their phenomena abstractly to explaining how they
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arise in the physical world. Weinberg (1985), a biologist writing on the history of his field,

described this transition as a shift from a descriptive to a causal science (Woodward, 2002).

This transition in biology, although occurring without reference to a formal philosophy of

science, occurred because biologists began explaining their phenomena mechanistically. Before

biology appealed to mechanisms, explanations of phenomena did not engender the kind of

enhanced predictability and control that allows for targeted intervention (Weinberg, 1985). For

instance, it was presumed that entities in bacteria must somehow switch between metabolizing

glucose and lactose, yet no explanation was offered to account for this phenomenon. Such an

explanation would enable predictions regarding how a given intervention on the bacterium would

affect the rate of lactose consumption. This changed when the relevant parts, processes, and their

spatiotemporal organization were detailed in the lac-operon model (Jacob & Monod, 1961). With

the aid of this mechanistic explanation, scientists were able to construct counterfactual

predictions regarding how a manipulation in the genetic sequence of the bacterium would change

the conditions under which digestive enzymes for lactose would be produced by appealing to the

specific processes (e.g., repressor binding) that would be fundamentally altered (Richardson &

Stephan, 2007). The experimental confirmation of these predictions validated the model as a

rigorous scientific explanation of the phenomenon.

It is only quite recently, however, that philosophers have attempted to arrive at an

adequate analysis of “mechanisms” and how they are investigated in science (Machamer et al.,

2000). This may explain, in part, why scientists rarely explicitly describe what they mean when

they say they are investigating a mechanism. The few times that mechanisms are defined in the

psychological literature, they are done so quite generally. In addressing psychotherapeutic

change, for instance, Kazdin (2007) defines a mechanism as, “the basis for the effect, i.e., the
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processes or events that are responsible for the change; the reasons why the change occurred or

how change came about” (p. 3).

Most mechanisms of relevance to clinical psychological science are therefore yet to be

proposed and refined. Indeed, most existing explanations are described by appealing only to

abstract (i.e., without reference to physical parts) constructs, which hinders the generation of

precise causal hypotheses. Unlike certain medical procedures that are predicated on an

understanding how a system works (e.g., surfactant therapy for infant respiratory distress

syndrome), psychotherapeutic interventions, although effective in many cases, have been shown

to be largely nonspecific to a given pathology (Ahn & Wampold, 2001; Bell, Markus, &

Goodland, 2013; Laska, Gurman, & Wampold, 2014). This results from both not knowing how

the psychological phenomenon is realized in a living system and how the treatment works to

affect the phenomenon.

This lack of progress is due in part to the absence of a meta-theoretical framework that

defines what mechanisms are and how they may be pursued in clinical psychological science.

The remainder of the present article will demonstrate how mechanistic science can address this

problem by providing strategies and concepts necessary to (1) guide the integration of biological

data and theory with psychological data and theory, and (2) causally explain clinical

psychological phenomena.

2. Information processing functions: What psychology has to contribute

In the seventeenth century, Rene Descartes applied the notion of mechanisms to living

organisms, likening the body’s ability to generate motion to the machinery of clocks and mills.

In spite of his advances in understanding the body, he could not conceive of a way to explain
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human capacities of language and reasoning through physical processes and therefore attributed

them to a nonphysical substance—mind (Bechtel, 2008).

Although scientists today reject such mind-body dualism (more formally termed

substance dualism), efforts to define and integrate these domains remain stifled. Mechanistic

science comprises formal concepts and strategies that are involved in successful, early attempts

by psychologists and neuroscientists to do what Descartes could not: explain how psychological

phenomena are related to biological phenomena. The core of this proposal begins with the

following characterization of mechanisms:

A mechanism is a structure performing a function in virtue of its component parts,

component operations, and their organization. The orchestrated functioning of the

mechanism is responsible for one or more phenomena (Bechtel & Abrahamsen,


The key term in the preceding quote is “function.” Psychological phenomena can be thought of

as functions that process information. For instance, vision is the process by which features of

light are represented and transformed into coherent images. For more complex functions like

emotion, the field of psychology is only beginning to formalize what aspects of the environment

are represented and computed on (e.g., Eldar & Niv, 2015).

To understand how information processing psychological functions are related to

biological phenomena, a formal definition of information is useful. Information can be thought

of as the regular effects generated by a given cause, which make it possible to infer the cause

from the effects (Dreske, 1981). Consider the example of a thermostat. A particular thermostat is

a physical system that carries out information processing—namely representing and regulating

ambient temperature. This mechanism can be described in functional terms by appealing to a

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negative feedback process. Ambient temperature is compared against the desired temperature,

which results in a deviation that serves to either increase or decrease ambient temperature.

This functional process can be implemented in a physical system that leverages a

bimetallic strip to respond to deviations from a desired temperature. The bimetallic strip re-

presents the temperature because there is a stable relationship between the temperature in the

room and the position of the metallic strip: when the room cools, the strip contracts, and when it

heats, it expands. To regulate the temperature, when the room cools below the set temperature

the strip makes contact with another piece of metal that completes the circuit to turn on the

furnace. This example demonstrates how a process described in functional terms can be realized

within a physical system. This core idea undergirds the enterprise to link psychological

processes, defined in functional terms, with biological structures that implement such functions.

Because functions (e.g., temperature regulation) might be implemented in several

different physical systems (e.g., a bimetallic strip or an electronic thermostat), functions are not

equivalent to structures (Fodor, 1974). For this reason, a mechanistic explanation of a

psychological phenomenon must involve an explanation of its psychological functions as well as

its biological structures, as each provides unique information pertinent to the explanation.

3. The mechanistic framework: Core concepts to integrate psychology and biology

Explaining a complex psychological phenomenon mechanistically involves breaking

down its component processes and parts from both psychological and biological perspectives.

This strategy is called recursive decomposition (Palmer & Kimchi, 1986). For instance, a

psychological process, such as visualizing an object, which transforms a given input (lightwaves)

into an output (a visual percept), can be decomposed into “a number of component informational

events and a flow diagram that specifies the temporal ordering relations among the components”
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(Palmer, 1999, p. 74). This breaking down of a process into its component subprocesses enables

scientists to understand how a given operation works. Such decomposition is recursive in the

sense that a given subprocess may be decomposed into simpler subprocesses.

However, this reductionist enterprise of breaking down a process is not sufficient to

explain mechanisms. The function of a single or few parts is very different from the phenomenon

realized by the coordinated spatial and temporal organization of many parts. Thus, it may be

much harder to ascend from an understanding of a part (a single neuron) to a system of many

parts (a neural module; Sporns & Betzel, 2016). The effort to elucidate how a mechanism works

is in many cases a nonlinear endeavor, in which discoveries of parts of a system may influence

how a whole system is defined and understood, and vice versa. Moreover, there is a rough set of

stages mechanistic explanations go through as more of their details are filled in. The process, as

presented by Machamer, Darden, and Craver (2000), begins with a sketch (an initial

decomposition that still has many black boxes), then moves to a schema (more linking of

biological structures to psychological functions), and finally to a bona fide mechanistic model.1

This latter “last stage” is not intended to imply that the endeavor to understand the mechanism

has ended; rather, it signifies a discipline-wide consensus that a given phenomenon has been

adequately explained by a given mechanistic model.

3.1 How to parse complex systems: Units of organization in mechanisms

Many have remarked on the ambiguity of “levels of analysis” in psychological science

(Miller, 2010). In service of multidisciplinary collaboration and conceptual clarity, the current

article proposes the term unit of organization as an alternative that refers to a similar concept

articulated by Bechtel (2008). Importantly, this term bears no relation to traditional usages of

An early concept of “filling in” of details through empirical research can be found in Hempel’s notion of an
“explanation sketch” (Donagan, 1957). For a more detailed contemporary discussion of the concept see Darden,
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levels in psychological science. Instead, mechanistic units of organization provide a logic and

strategy to define and relate parts of phenomena to each other in a principled way. Figure 1

depicts a hypothetical mechanistic model of audition, which will serve to anchor the ensuing

discussion of units of organization. The left side of the diagram describes the various functions

of the mechanism, which for audition includes subprocesses like early sensory gating. The right

side describes the physical implementation of these functions.

Figure 1. An example of an incomplete mechanistic model of audition. The phenomenon of audition is realized in
virtue of the parts of the mechanism acting on each other in specific ways. Not depicted here are the arrows relating
parts to each other to denote spatiotemporal organization, which is required in a complete mechanistic model. Both
psychological and biological perspectives are necessary to explain mechanisms realizing information processing
phenomena, and each may inform the other until the field arrives at a coherence across their decompositions.

As depicted in the figure above, units describe various systems within a mechanism,

which may refer to biological (e.g., what the ear does) or psychological (e.g., early gating)

processes. To concretize the concept of units, one can think of zooming into or out of a complex

system. In the diagram, three types of units are presented: the whole auditory system (largest

unit), its major subprocesses (intermediate units), and how each subprocess carries out its

function by appealing to its constituents (gray boxes; the smaller units). In the multi-unit

auditory system, the ear is a sub-unit in which many parts reside, but is also a part of the larger
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auditory system. Likewise, the smallest unit may be very different for one mechanism compared

to another, and thus there is no universal organization to mechanisms (Craver & Bechtel, 2007).

As a result, units are considered to be local to a given mechanism. Units of organization refer to

a group of entities in a mechanism that work together through particular interconnections and

interactions to produce a phenomenon.

The last and vitally important distinction is between a mechanism and its environment.

Only parts within mechanisms are ascribed organizational units, which scientists use to parse the

complex (and usually) hierarchical structure of such systems. Phenomena that are extrinsic to a

mechanism, from large-scale (social/cultural environment) to small-scale factors (chemical

gradients impinging on a given mechanism), can cause changes to multiple units of organization

of mechanisms. This is not a passive process, but one in which the organism affects its

environment resulting in cycles of bidirectional causality. For instance, it is necessary to explain

how patterns of exposure to light affect visual processing mechanisms to account for the

ontogeny of visual acuity (Boothe, Dobson, & Teller, 1985). Similarly, many factors have been

shown to promote, scaffold, or impinge on the development of mechanisms realizing emotional

processing (Hart & Rubia, 2012; Sheridan & McLaughlin, 2014).

3.2 Adopting multiple perspectives to elucidate mechanisms

Whereas units of organization parse the multilayered dynamics of mechanisms, the

present article proposes three perspectives that serve to define the essential features of a

mechanistic explanation. First are the two perspectives that describe the activity within a

mechanism. The psychological perspective delineates how information is processed, and the

biological perspective demonstrates how such functions are implemented in biological systems.

These perspectives are influenced by Marr (1982), who referred to them as the algorithmic and
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implementational levels of analysis; however, the psychological perspective here also

emphasizes the role phenomenological experience can play in explaining phenomena-of-interest.

Explanations of mechanisms in living systems are also advanced by taking an environmental

perspective. Broadly, the environmental perspective seeks to characterize how a mechanism is

affected by its environment. Taking into account, for instance, how the environment imposes

challenges on an organism can help to re-conceptualize the phenomenon to-be-explained, as was

the case for vision in ecological theories of perception (Bechtel, 2008).

The environmental perspective also delineates conditions under which mechanisms

change their functioning. For instance, under certain environmental conditions, the mechanism

may cease to function properly, as is the case when parts of the brain are exposed to intrauterine

pathogens. The need to maintain stability under varying environmental influences is a universal

challenge for all mechanisms of living systems. Some have referred to this capacity as self-

organizing systems resisting entropy (Bechtel, 2008).

The (1) three perspectives (environmental, psychological, biological), (2) units of

organization, and (3) strategy of recursive decomposition, comprise the foundational concepts

employed by mechanistic science. The goal of mechanistic science is to arrive at mechanistic

models of phenomena that engender counterfactual predictions. To do so, phenomena can be

recursively decomposed from both biological and psychological perspectives. Throughout this

endeavor, various parts and operations of the mechanism may be identified or revised, and the

conceptualization of the phenomenon itself may be redefined (Poldrack & Yarkoni, 2016). The

success of these strategies and concepts in elucidating psychological mechanisms can be

illustrated in the multidisciplinary approach needed to understand vision.

4. Mechanistic explanation in psychology: Vision as an exemplar

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How can visual processing be decomposed into coordinated informational processes, how

is it realized in a biological system, and how does the environment constrain its functioning? The

psychological perspective delineates how information is processed, and the biological

perspective demonstrates how such functions are implemented in biological systems. Moving

back and forth across these perspectives is essential to elucidating how a mechanism works. This

section will describe the multidisciplinary effort to discover the mechanisms realizing vision,

perhaps the most successful endeavor yet in elucidating a mechanism giving rise to a

psychological phenomenon.

4.1 A rough mechanistic sketch of vision

Important early efforts to decompose the visual system used clever experiments to ascribe

where in visual space and to what kinds of stimuli the cells in a given brain region would

respond. Seminal findings by Hubel and Weisel were derived from experimenting on cat primary

visual cortex in the 1960’s and 70’s through recording single cell activity of cortical regions as

cats were exposed to various simple stimuli (Enroth-Cugell & Robson, 1966; Kaplan & Shapley,

1986; Livingstone & Hubel, 1984). These discovery-oriented experiments allowed Hubel and

Wiesel to inductively associate psychological functions with neuronal regions, such as detection

of a given stimulus orientation in a specific location in space in simple V1 cells, or detection of

stimulus orientation regardless of its location in space for more complex V1 cells (Reid & Usrey,

2012). This productive research enterprise demonstrates how pursuing a biological perspective

can inform, and in some cases, begin the effort to define and explain various psychological


Moreover, the initial sketch that resulted from such endeavors (Van Essen & Gallant,

1994) yielded counterfactual predictions regarding which functions would be disabled if a given
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region were to be damaged. For instance, with broad damage to inferotemporal cortex, one could

expect an inability to distinguish faces. This condition, called prosopagnosia, occurred in stroke

patients with damage to this brain region, thus supporting such a counterfactual claim (Tarr &

Gauthier, 2000).

The decomposition (both psychologically and biologically) of visual processing

according to this initial sketch was quite crude. For instance, it remained open to inquiry how

each subprocess carried out its function, and how such processes were temporally organized. To

begin to advance the mechanistic sketch of vision beyond these seminal findings would require

the collaboration of neuroscientists, computer scientists, and psychologists.

4.2 Recasting what visual processing does: The environmental perspective

Theoretical advances in psychology and neuroscience contributed to reconceptualizing

what problem the visual system must solve for an organism. An early contribution came from

Gibson, an experimental psychologist, who proposed the ecological theory of perception (1979).

This theory argued that because organisms are active agents interacting with their environments,

sensory input and processing are related to action, movement, and an organism’s goals. Visual

processing thus must facilitate an organism’s need to respond adaptively to rapidly changing

environments and use visual information to exploit the world for essential resources. The need to

conceive of the organism as situated in a social context bridged contributions from various fields.

For instance, Bechtel (2008) describes how this theoretical development in psychology

was related to independent developments in neuroscience regarding the organization of visual

processing that were pioneered in part by Churchland, Ramachandran, and Senjowski (1994):

One aspect of an organism performing ongoing activities, noted in Churchland et

al.’ s characterization of interactive vision, is that it forms expectations of what it

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will see in the future. These predictions serve not only to facilitate selection

between possible movements but also provide a powerful basis for learning. (p.


Such theory was informed by various behavioral studies in psychology. For example, in

Biederman’s (1981) work efficient categorization of objects (measured with reaction time) was

inversely related to where in visual space such objects tend to be (e.g., a mailbox on top of a

house took longer to process than a mailbox on top of sidewalk). These studies established that

visual processing was not a static process, but even for simple recognition tasks and early

processing stages, is likely influenced by prior beliefs and predictions regarding how the world

ought to be.

4.3 How the psychological perspective constrained the biological perspective

Although Gibson (1979) and Churchland et al. (1994) were seminal in advancing how

visual perception is organized, further advances in information-processing models were needed

to more formally test how biological mechanisms realize visual processing. A recent, successful

enterprise that has pursued this aim is called predictive coding (PC). Broadly, PC suggests that

visual perception and other perceptual modalities are realized by the brain predicting incoming

sensory signals, and iteratively refining either (1) its top-down predictions or (2) actions taken to

change sensory input via the mismatch between the prediction and the sensory signal (Friston,

2010; Rao & Ballard, 1999).

From an evolutionary vantage point, PC seems advantageous relative to other forms of

information processing. Without predictions of perceptual experience, our sensory systems

would need to continuously decode incoming sensory data from the “bottom-up,” which may

unnecessarily tax an already metabolically expensive mechanism. Conversely, if sensory systems

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do implement PC, predictions that match stable sensory input (e.g., the tree is stationary) do not

burden the visual processing hierarchy because those aspects of the visual scene do not require

cognitive updating. Importantly, this development in how the visual system processes sensory

information demonstrates how an advance in the psychological perspective constrained the way

in which neurobiology would be studied.

For instance, Spratling (2010) proposed a variant of PC, called the predictive coding /

biased competition (PC/BC) model to explain various functions of cell types within V1. This

model proposes how edge and orientation direction functions are realized by the temporal

organization of artificial neurons modeled computationally. Simulations involved exposing the

model to the same images (represented as pixels in 2-D) used in Hubel and Weisel’s experiments

with cat visual cortex. The results of simulations (see bottom row, figure 2) showed remarkable

similarity between how the model behaved with how V1 cells behaved in Hubel and Wiesel’s

experiments (see top row, figure 2).

Given that the PC/BC model was capable of predicting to a high degree of accuracy the

shape of the data, one can be quite confident that it has many things correct about how this part

of the visual system works. By contrast, when one tests a theory by merely hypothesizing that

two variables will be correlated to an unspecified degree, or that two groups will differ in their

means (two commonly used versions of null-hypothesis testing in psychology), one should not

feel confident that one’s particular theory has been greatly supported. More specifically, this is

because the test itself is not risky and many other explanations could predict the same outcome

(Meehl, 1967; 1990). The point here is that the PC/BC model is an exemplar of a strong

substantive theory because of the specificity of its predictions.

Figure 2. Top row: V1 recordings; Bottom row: V1 computational simulations. Identical stimuli were used for both
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cellular recordings and computer simulations, which are in the gray boxes below the bottom row.

4.4 From the psychological to the biological perspective: How do neurons implement PC/BC?

In the previous example, computational neuroscience pulled from theory and empirical

findings across psychology and neuroscience that resulted in a strong substantive theory of how

simple functions of the visual system may be realized. However, it remains a question if and how

real neurons implement the PC/BC model. If it is found that the PC/BC model is not biologically

plausible, it will need to be refined. It is this iterative crosstalk and mutual refining between

psychological and biological perspectives that is a pillar of explicating mechanisms that realize


Presently, the psychological description of PC/BC and closely related variants of

predictive coding for vision are still in their infancy. However, there is an increasing body of

experimental work which has shown that such functions seem to be carried out by basic neuronal

units in visual and other sensory cortices (Bastos et al., 2012). The collaboration of scientists

across the many fields pursuing various perspectives of the visual mechanism has resulted in a

comprehensive sketch of the visual system. The following section will demonstrate how the

elaboration of a mechanistic account of visual processing is similar to recent efforts aimed at

elucidating phenomena involved in psychopathology.

5. How the mechanistic framework similarly applies to psychopathology research: Negative

symptoms in schizophrenia

Efforts in clinical psychology to elucidate mechanisms are beginning to take root,

perhaps most prominently in the enterprise of computational psychiatry (e.g., Montague et al.,

2012; Wang & Krystal, 2014). The central imperative of computational psychiatry is to integrate

biological and psychological data in order to seek, “computational algorithms and generalizable

principles that are reflected in the observed biological signals” (Wang & Krystal, p. 639). The
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present section reviews how prominent negative symptoms of schizophrenia – anhedonia and

avolition – have begun to be explained mechanistically.

5.1 The start: Basic biological investigations of reward processing

The history of attempting to explain prominent negative symptoms of schizophrenia, such

as anhedonia and avolition, began with basic efforts to understand reward processing (disrupted

in anhedonia) and motivation (disrupted in avolition). The earliest insights came from biological

investigations of reward processing in model organisms. The first development occurred when

scientists found evidence for the “anhedonia hypothesis” (Fouriezos, Hansson, & Wise, 1978),

which claims that the absence of dopamine results in anhedonic behaviors and subjective

experiences. Evidence for the theory was accrued by direct manipulation of dopaminergic-

producing regions as well as psychopharmacological dopaminergic antagonists (Berridge &

Robinson, 1998). Although this theory pinpointed the midbrain dopamine system as being

crucially involved in reward processing, it did not explain how this occurs beyond the overly

simplistic notion that increases in dopamine signaling realize feelings of pleasure, and lack of

dopamine realize anhedonia.

5.2 Demonstrating implementation: Reward prediction errors encoded in dopamine neurons

Further work would be needed to decompose the processes that together realize increases

or decreases in pleasure. Progress occurred when scientists began applying advances in modeling

how organisms learn and make decisions in order to garner reward or avoid punishment (i.e.,

“reinforcement learning”; Sutton & Barto, 1998). The impetus for such an application was the

finding that the association between receiving rewards and dopamine activity would attenuate

when rewards were delivered in a predictable fashion (Berridge & Robinson, 1998). From this

observation it was hypothesized that dopamine encodes reward prediction errors (i.e., the
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deviation between internal estimates of expected reward and actual received reward). Indeed, this

theory was corroborated by demonstrating that the time-course of reward prediction errors in the

psychological model mirrored the actual neural time-course of dopaminergic neuron firing in the

striatum (Schultz, Dayan, & Montague, 1997).2 It was then concluded that positive prediction

errors (not expecting a reward and getting a reward) are crucial to the experience of pleasure.

Although the preceding breakthrough began the effort to explain reward processing, the

model lacked comprehensiveness in terms of explaining the dynamics of dopamine signaling,

and the psychological subprocesses it implements in complex behaviors and dysfunctions

characteristic of schizophrenia. Most prominently, dopamine deficits were shown to be

associated with a lack of motivation (resulting in avolition in schizophrenia), which at the time

was not explained by the existing model of reward learning. It remained to be explained how

aberrations in prediction error encoding might lead to both anhedonia and avolition.

5.3: Combining biological and psychological perspectives to explain anhedonia and avolition in


Recently, Collins and Frank (2014) proposed the opponent-actor-learning (OpAL) model,

which integrates insights from basic biological work on the effects of dopamine on motivation

(Berridge & Robinson, 1998) with the successful efforts of computational psychiatry detailed

above on reward learning (Montague et al., 2012). In a unified mechanistic accounts of these

phenomena, it was demonstrated that the model is capable of predicting motivated effort effects

found in incentive-probing tasks (e.g., Aberman & Salamone, 1999), optogenetic manipulation

of dopaminergic signaling at the phase of making decisions (Tai et al., 2012), and many other

Formally termed the temporal difference algorithm, it comprises the following general structure: values (total
estimated future reward) are computed for state-action pairs (e.g., choosing one of three possible choices to obtain
reward) through iterative learning, in which such values are updated according to a weighted reward prediction error
(deviation between the expected reward and experienced reward).
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phenomena involved in reward processing. Scientists have recently applied the OpAL model to

investigate negative symptoms in schizophrenia (Maia & Frank, 2017). Various subprocesses of

the mechanistic model have been mapped onto the relevant implementing structures in the brain,

including parts of the basal ganglia, thalamus, and cortex. Through simulations of the

information processing functions involving dopamine, it was shown that reduced phasic

dopaminergic responses to unexpected stimuli and increases in spontaneous dopamine could help

explain reduced reward learning, slow psychomotor responding, decreased activation in the

ventral striatum during reward anticipation, and reduced effort to seek rewards (Maia & Frank,


5.4 Similar efforts have begun for a range of psychopathological phenomena

The example above in which symptoms of schizophrenia were partially explained

through formalizing models of internal information processing and demonstrating how they are

implemented in various brain structures has begun to occur for a range of psychopathology.

These include compelling models of mood instability (Eldar & Niv, 2015), depression (Huys et

al., 2013; Bishop & Gagne, 2018), anxiety (Charpentier et al., 2017), and autism (Lee, Lee, &

Kim, 2017) among others. Many of these early efforts are rudimentary and rely heavily on

similar algorithms (e.g., reinforcement learning), but still serve as prominent foundations on

which to build mechanistic models.

5.5 How a mechanistic approach relates to computational psychiatry efforts

The mechanistic framework offered here should not be thought of as entirely distinct

from the computational psychiatry enterprise, but rather as a way to comprehensively highlight

its strengths and place its successes within a broader philosophical context. Moreover, the

framework provides concepts and language that can help integrate a range of clinical
Mechanistic science 22

psychological research with the computational psychiatry enterprise. The environmental

perspective, for instance, highlights promising areas for such integration. This perspective

includes aspects of psychopathology such as ontogeny, etiology, and how placing the organism

in various environments serves to constrain the range of functioning of a given mechanism. For

instance, taking an environmental perspective has helped to understand basic reward processing.

Indeed, Reynolds and Berridge (2008) have shown that dopaminergic signaling in the nucleus

accumbens rapidly alters its function depending on the environment in which rats are situated.3

Future work should endeavor to demonstrate how varying contexts affect the algorithms and

neural implementation of reward processing, which may be especially relevant for demonstrating

how certain manifestations of psychopathology arise.

6. Applying the mechanistic framework to personality pathology: The challenge of

situating smaller units of organization within larger units

A major challenge for psychopathology research is to arrive at causal theories that show

how information-processing functions like prediction error encoding are situated within and

constrained by larger systems of the mind/brain. To demonstrate how thinking in terms of parts,

operations, and units of organization can further an understanding of the whole organism and its

development over time, this section will explore the beginnings of a mechanistic explanation of a

personality schema associated with early childhood abandonment.

Explaining certain forms of psychopathology requires understanding the dynamics of the

self. A starting point for gaining traction on the self involves the observation all living organisms

are autonomous beings that recruit matter and energy to maintain an internal homeostatic

Although there is typically a rostro-caudal organization in which cellular stimulation will result in appetitive,
neutral, and aversive behaviors, this organization shifts in rich and deprived environments. In rich environments, the
region predominately generates appetitive behaviors, whereas in the deprived environment, there is a larger
representation of aversive-generating signaling and less appetitive-generating signaling.
Mechanistic science 23

environment, sometimes referred to as the autonomous self (Bechtel, 2008). As autonomous

beings, much of the activity of living organisms is typically organized around perceptual

processes that specify where the organism is in its environment, its opportunities for action, and

its roles in relation to others (e.g., predator, prey, family, friend).

While human selves also possess these attributes, they can be distinguished from simpler

organisms in the degree to which they have developed additional mechanisms critical for

behavior we consider characteristic of free responsible agents. For instance, human selves have a

highly-developed memory system that enables them to recall important autobiographical events

regarding the past and to project themselves into the future. In addition, human self-awareness

allows individuals to conceptualize their own existence as separate beings and enables them to

consider choices for active engagement with their environment (Neisser, 1988). In this sense, the

human self can be considered a highly differentiated and rich regulative system capable of

directing a person’s choices through moment-to-moment valuing of opportunities for acting in

the world.

It is this nexus of adaptation of human selves to their changing environment that is

implicated in many forms of psychopathology. For instance, early in development a child’s self

must adapt to the demands of a caregiving environment (i.e., an attachment experience).

Although the individual behaves in ways that are adaptive at the time, in later life contexts these

behaviors may become maladaptive and result in signs and symptoms of adult psychopathology.

In the case of personality pathology, common symptoms could include interpersonal difficulties

such as “efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment,” “unstable relationships,” and “affect

instability.” The following mechanistic model will seek to provide a potential causal explanation

for such phenomena.

Mechanistic science 24

Take the hypothetical case of Julie, an individual who experiences early childhood

abandonment. As depicted in figure 3 below, Julie’s self-structure can be characterized as the

series of representations of herself that she has stored in long-term memory. From a mechanistic

perspective, this self-structure can be further decomposed into various parts, some of which are

particularly relevant for explaining the effects of her experience of early abandonment on her

functioning as an adult.

Figure 3. The initial functional decomposition of self-structure into various schema, as well as the components of
the schema for abandonment.

Julie was raised in a home with a father who had to manage the death of his spouse when she

was only two years old. Due to the chaos surrounding the loss of her mother, Julie’s memory

system records this loss as the experience of abandonment. In line with attachment theory, Julie’s

need for a stable, accessible, and attentive caretaker likely went unmet. If repeated attempts for

security were thwarted, Julie forms an abandonment schema, a representation of herself as

unlovable and unworthy of care, attention, and protection.

In a mechanistic framework, the abandonment schema can be functionally decomposed

into its various parts. First, due to a lack of emotional support and care early on in life, Julie has

encoded an expectation that care and attention will be withheld or withdrawn in close

relationships. Second, a feeling of despair and depression is represented in long-term memory

Mechanistic science 25

that is activated when she experiences rejection later on in life. This is a phenomenal experience

associated with her early memory of hopelessness and isolation. Finally, Julie will lack a secure

base event-script, which is a sequence of events between child and caretaker that includes: (1)

constructively interacting with a caretaker, (2) being interrupted by an event or actor, (3) a bid

for help and (4) the bid being met with support and emotional soothing (Waters & Waters, 2006).

The example demonstrates that the mechanistic perspective can be pursued even without

mapping psychological functions to biological structures. Of course, eventually the functional

decomposition will be refined by the delineation of constraints that biological structures impose

on its implementation (and vice versa). However, even before this linking occurs, the proposed

mechanism motivates an experimentally verifiable counterfactual prediction: if Julie does not

exhibit a well-consolidated secure base event-script, then she will display a pronounced feeling

of despair and depression when experiencing interpersonal rejection as an adult.

Such a model expands on prior research that has demonstrated that a self-report measure

of the abandonment schema “explains” a large portion of the variance in adult symptoms of

personality pathology (Bach, Lee, Mortensen, & Simonsen, 2015). Indeed, the mechanistic

model contains additional specific predictions regarding symptoms such as “efforts to avoid real

or imagined abandonment,” “unstable relationships,” and “affect instability.” For instance,

triggering of the schema would likely occur in moments of perceived interpersonal rejection.

This initial sketch paves the way for modeling how the dynamics of symptom intensity would

likely vary over time, thus moving beyond Bach et al. (2015) which does not offer an internal

mechanism that might account for their finding. In addition, increased specificity regarding parts

and operations can lead to more direct and precise intervention. For instance, if this model were

validated, one might (1) assess the presence of a secure base script, (2) challenge expectations of
Mechanistic science 26

abandonment in the therapeutic encounter, and (3) use exposure and provision of a corrective

emotional experience to address the feeling of despair and depression associated with early


The mechanistic sketch above therefore moves beyond traditional approaches that rely

solely on statistical analysis of variance to understand personality pathology because: (1) the

testing of parts and operations extends the goal of explanation to how behavioral output of the

organism can be accounted for in terms of internal processes, (2) the delineation of these internal

processes provides a prototype or model system that can be investigated in real time (e.g., by

varying environmental rejection conditions), (3) further experimentation can elucidate the

manner in which various components of the schema are realized in mental machinery (e.g.,

memory encoding or retrieval), and (4) the proposal of an information processing account of

self-structure can begin the difficult endeavor of demonstrating how such self-related processes

are realized by biological systems. Such empirical validation of a decomposition of an

abandonment schema represents the kind of substantive theory testing that may eventually lead

to more appropriate and precise clinical intervention in complex distress syndromes such as

borderline personality disorder.

7. Why perspectives and units of organization should replace “levels” talk

The exemplars above illustrate how thinking in terms of psychological, biological, and

environmental perspectives and units of organization can guide the practical activities of

psychopathology researchers. The following section will elaborate on the specific reasons that

these concepts are preferable to various formulations of “levels” frameworks that are typically

used to bridge explanations from different disciplines.

Mechanistic science 27

There are two main reasons why employing levels of analysis results in underspecified

relationships between psychological and biological phenomena. First, “levels” are often

ambiguously defined. For instance, Cicchetti (2010) states:

I use the term level of analysis to refer to the different scales into which behavior

or the brain can be represented. The ultimate criterion of what constitutes a level

of organization is its utility in elucidating the understanding of a particular

biological or psychological phenomenon. (p. 33)

Based on this definition, levels might be used to separate disciplines (biological vs.

psychological; Engel, 1981), denote the size of phenomena (molecular vs. cellular), or

distinguish the kind of perspective one might adopt to understand a phenomenon (algorithmic or

implementational; Marr, 1982). Second, the efforts to “bridge” these levels of analysis are

similarly ambiguous. Usually, the “bridging” is done by merely restating statistical terms, such

as “mediate” or “interact.” Figure 4 illustrates the conceptual problems that result from these two

related concerns.

Depression at differing “levels of analysis” versus explained in a mechanistic framework

Mechanistic science 28

Figure 4. On the left, “levels” are depicted with uniform bidirectional arrows (based on a figure from Ilardi, Rand,
& Karowski, 2007). On the right, the substantive differences between these relationships are clarified in mechanistic
terms. (A) Patterns of interaction between the individual and others (social and behavioral levels) unfold through
cycles of bidirectional causality. (B) These patterns of interaction with the environment influence the activity of the
internal mechanism of a depressogenic schema (mental level) which can be decomposed into various functional
units of organization. (C) Fully explaining the internal mechanism eventually involves identifying how these
psychological processes are realized in biological structures (neural, neurochemical, and molecular levels). (D)
Units of organization capture the notion of constraint from a biological and psychological (not shown) perspective.

The diagram on the left reproduces a common representation of the relationship between

levels with bidirectional arrows that are often interpreted as indicating a hierarchy with causal

relations between levels. On the right, these “levels” are depicted in terms of perspectives and

units of organization. Although the arrows in the diagram on the left are often investigated in

terms of statistical dependencies such as correlations, the diagram on the right clarifies that they

may indicate a variety of different relationships in living systems: (A) bidirectional

environmental causal relations, (B) implementational relations, such as how information

processing is realized in biological structures, (C) internal causal relations, which explain how

separate processes act on each other within a mechanism, or (D) whole systems constraining the

activity of its parts (Borsboom, Mellenbergh, & van Heerden, 2004). The discussion below

illustrates how the concepts proposed in the present article capture these differences in a way that

provides a common language for multidisciplinary collaboration as psychopathology researchers

seek to elucidate phenomena of interest.

7.1 Perspectives language prevents misattribution of causal relations between psychological and

biological phenomena

The same way one would not say software interacts with hardware, one would not say

psychological phenomena act on biological phenomena. For this reason, mechanistic science

regards causal relations across psychological and biological perspectives as logically untenable.

As was shown in the examples above, the difficult work of integrating psychological and
Mechanistic science 29

biological phenomena in unified models involves decomposing a psychological function into its

component processes, and demonstrating how they are implemented in biological structures.

Causal claims relating biology and psychology are thus considered logically flawed and non-

explanatory. Mechanistic science by contrast regards the concept of implementation as the way

to think about how psychological and biological perspectives are related, which when

empirically demonstrated leads to comprehensive explanations.

Causal claims relating psychological to biological phenomena such as “depletion in

synaptic serotonin causes depressed mood” are considered to be as problematic as the converse

claim, “depressed mood causes depletion in synaptic serotonin.” Mechanistic models instead

explicate causal relations within both psychological and biological perspectives, resulting in two

non-competing accounts. The greater the coherence in predictions across these perspectives, the

greater the evidence there is for implementation. Practically, this involves comparing the

predictions made by biological models with psychological models, typically using variants of

Bayesian model comparison (e.g., Daw, 2011). The diagram on the right in Figure 4 makes clear

that a depressogenic schema cannot be caused by neurological, neurochemical, or molecular

events. Instead, researchers must decompose the schema into its various informational processes

and demonstrate how they are realized in the relevant biological structures.

This of course does not mean that conceptually psychological functions are identical to

biological structures. In principle, there could be a psychological function realized by more than

one biological or non-biological mechanism (Fodor, 1974; Miller, 2010). Among the variants of

reductionism debated in the field, mechanistic science thus rejects what has been called

“eliminative reductionism,” or the contention that biological phenomena underlie or can replace

psychological phenomena. Experimental investigation clarifies the relationship between

Mechanistic science 30

psychological and neural phenomena in a mechanistic framework. Depending on the

phenomenon under investigation, it may be that a psychological process has only one or many

implementations in neural systems. The present article proposes that this autonomy of

psychological functions from biological implementations can be characterized as autonomy of


Autonomy of perspective also refers to the practices and assumptions that differ across

psychological and biological perspectives. First, scientists studying psychological functions may

use different observational and experimental techniques than those focused on biological

implementations (e.g., psychometrics versus lesion studies). Second, the conceptual vocabulary

adopted by each scientific enterprise may be considered irreducible to each other (e.g.,

hallucinations versus neural networks) (Piccinini & Craver, 2011). Third, the mechanistic

framework makes room for subjective awareness, meaning, and parts of folk psychology that are

particularly relevant in fields such as psychopathology research where phenomenal experience

(i.e., “private” data) and communications of beliefs and desires appear central to understanding

particular phenomena (Bechtel & Abrahamsen, 1993; Bolton & Hill, 1996; Kapur, 2003). For

instance, a strategy termed “heterophenomenology” (Dennett, 1993) assesses subjective

experience by combining self-report with other available evidence such as observation by other

humans (e.g., thin-slicing procedures). Integrating subjective experience and meaning into

mechanistic explanations may be necessary for generative theory construction. In modeling

psychotherapeutic change, for instance, it is unclear that a rigorous explanation of the

phenomenon can be arrived at without appealing to subjective experience.

Adopting this view on the relation between psychological and biological phenomena

facilitates productive interdisciplinary work. Authors that argue for a bidirectional, causal
Mechanistic science 31

relationship between mind and brain (e.g., Kendler, 2005) fail to characterize how a

psychological process, either described in informational terms or referring to phenomenological

experiences, might be acted on or interact with biological structures. Indeed, endeavors to

demonstrate such causality have led to confusion regarding how to appropriately link such

phenomena (Miller, 2010).

For instance, it is often suggested that “epigenetics, reminds us that linkages among these

levels are typically bidirectional” (Lilienfeld, 2017, p. 7). Such a seemingly innocuous statement

suffers from two missteps. First, it confuses the distinction between psychological and biological

phenomena with the distinction between internal mechanisms and external environmental

phenomena. Epigenetics involves the environment (e.g., parental stressors) influencing internal

mechanisms (e.g., genetic expression), and vice versa. The environmental variable should not be

conceived of as psychological, and the internal mechanism as biological, given that both

psychological (information processing) and biological phenomena (parts and operations in the

brain and body) describe internal mechanisms from different perspectives. Moreover, both

psychological and biological phenomena are bidirectionally causally affected by aspects of the


Second, it implies that biology and psychology are acting on each other causally. As

stated above, causal relations involve distinct processes, and so the unintended result of using

epigenetics in this way implies that psychological and biological phenomena are separate and in

some unspecified way acting on each other. Of course, those who think of epigenetics in this way

most likely do not subscribe to substance dualism, a doctrine universally rejected by modern

science (Lilienfeld, 2017). That said, we use this example to illustrate the subtle but ultimately

deleterious way in which the typical levels of analysis approach results in untenable conceptions
Mechanistic science 32

of how to relate psychological and biological phenomena. The mechanistic approach avoids

these problematic claims by focusing on the problem of demonstrating implementation, which

requires the collaboration of scientists from both psychological and biological perspectives.

7.2 Units of organization facilitate the delineation of causal and constraint relations within a


Although causality is not the appropriate way to think about integrating or relating

psychology to biology, explaining causal relations is crucial to explicating a mechanism. Within

a psychological or biological perspective of a common mechanism causes are proposed in terms

of units of organization: a group of entities that work together through particular

interconnections and interactions to produce a phenomenon. A biological example would be how

structures act on the generation, degradation, and transport of serotonin in the synaptic cleft,

whereas a psychological example would delineate how schema activation leads to changes in

mood generation.

When working parts are separate (either temporally or spatiotemporally), they may act

causally on each other. Units of organization can also be situated hierarchically, in which a

larger unit (e.g., visual processing pathway) contains a smaller unit (e.g., general feature

detection). Relating larger to smaller units cannot be causal, because they are not separate.

Rather, it is important to demonstrate how larger units constrain the activity of smaller units

(e.g., through positive and negative feedback processes). Indeed, this principle of constraint is

part of most hierarchical control systems such as the human brain and body (Bechtel, 2016).

Typically, scientists investigate how the state of the whole system constrains the possible

activities taken by parts of the system. For instance, the state of the cell cycle constrains the

range of possible genes that are expressed (Bechtel, 2016). In visual processing, the goals of the
Mechanistic science 33

whole organism (e.g., hunger) bias how simpler functions within the system respond to incoming

visual input (e.g., by prioritizing objects that appear like food).

Using units of organization can also help clarify major findings of interest to

psychopathology researchers, such as gene-by-environment findings. Consider a study in which

exposure to severe childhood maltreatment is interpreted as “interacting” with the short allele

promoter polymorphism of the gene encoding the serotonin transporter (5-HTT) to increase risk

for major depression (Andersen & Teicher, 2008). Such correlational evidence is indicative of an

important effect, but fails to explain how both the environment and 5-HTT affect the mechanism

realizing depressed mood. A mechanistic explanation must include how the protein product of

short allele 5-HTT may act on various other cellular structures so as to alter the neural system

implementing mood regulation. Moreover, the explanation must demonstrate how traumatic

events affect mechanisms realizing mood regulation at multiple units of organization. Advancing

G-E findings beyond their descriptive nature is crucial, given that the reliability of G-E

associations such as the one used in the example above have been called into question (Duncan,

Pollastri, & Smoller, 2014). Mechanistic explanations may reveal that the variability in the size

of G-E effects are due to differences in the implementation of mood regulation across

individuals, including variation in learning history, genes impacting multiple parts of the system

beyond neurotransmitter production, and likely many other factors.

Thinking in terms of units of organization therefore clarifies what researchers still have

left to explain. Take for instance the multiple levels of analysis approach to study the etiology of

impulsivity in children and adolescents proposed by Beauchaine and colleagues. They developed

a model suggesting, “inherited genetic (dopamine related) and psychological (impulsiveness)

vulnerabilities interact with environmental factors (high risk or protective) to result in a range of
Mechanistic science 34

behavioral outcomes (conduct disorder and ADHD, or ADHD only) across the lifespan”

(Franklin et al., 2015, p. 285). The problematic, underspecified term in the preceding quote is

“interact.” Since a gene cannot physically act on impulsiveness, the term “interact” is

misleading. If certain transcribed genes produce proteins that alter dopamine in the brain in a

manner that is related to impulsivity, this is the mechanism that must be elucidated. A

restatement of the claim above within the mechanistic framework would therefore read,

“Endogenous factors such as genes that code for dopamine activity appear to alter mechanisms

responsible for impulsivity in such a manner that is yet to be explained.” Shifting language away

from ambiguous terms such as “interact” brings attention to the further work that must be done to

arrive at more rigorous and comprehensive explanations.

7.3 Illustrating autonomy of perspective and autonomy of organization in vision

Returning to the mechanistic account of visual processing described earlier, one would

not say that patterns of light “interact” with the retina in order to cause visual percepts. Rather,

the specific actions by which light affects sensory receptors are explained (i.e., the specific

causal relations) in mechanistic models. The number of units depends on how many iterations of

recursive decomposition one carries out on a complex system (see figure 5). With one iteration,

there is the unit of the whole system (e.g., how the parts of the entire visual system are

organized) and the unit of the parts (e.g., how V1 works). Another iteration of decomposition

explains the parts of the parts (e.g., the subprocesses of V1, such as lateral inhibition patterns).

Units of organization thus describe the working parts of a mechanism at various scales of

complexity, and importantly, from both psychological and biological perspectives.

Mechanistic science 35

Figure 5. An incomplete mechanistic model of vision based on the discussion in section 4. Autonomy of
organization indexes the notion that the whole is more than the sum of the parts (e.g., general feature detection
involves interconnections and interactions between the PC/BC algorithm and other subprocesses). Autonomy of
perspective indexes the difference between decomposing a phenomenon in terms of psychological functions versus
the biological structures that realize these information-processing functions.

To summarize, autonomy of perspective captures how psychological functions are

distinct from biological structures and defines their relationship as implementational. In figure 5,

contrast computation is not caused by the retina, but is implemented in this biological structure.

Autonomy of organization captures how both psychological functions and biological structures

can be decomposed into parts whose coordinated operation accounts for a particular

phenomenon. From a psychological perspective, vision can be broken down into subprocesses

such as general feature detection. The coordinated activity of these various processes is different

than each process considered in isolation. Mechanistic explanation consists of the delineation of

these causal relations from both a psychological and biological perspective as scientists

demonstrate how the former is implemented in the latter.

8. How mechanistic science furthers substantive theory building

Mechanistic science 36

The progress of clinical psychological science depends on the strength of its

explanations, which are more formally termed substantive theories (Meehl, 1990). Substantive

theories delineate the causal structure of the world including the entities and processes that serve

to explain phenomena (Meehl, 1978). Many scholars have remarked on the need for clinical

science to improve the rigor by which it develops and tests its theories in order to advance

etiological understandings of clinical disorders, and have offered visions to facilitate progress

(e.g., Montague et al., 2012).

Explaining a phenomenon requires more than explaining variance. In psychological

research, statistical significance testing has played a prominent role in scientific explanation.

While explaining variance through significance testing is critical for identifying and describing

phenomena of interest, mechanistic models extend the project of scientific explanation by asking

how these statistical relations come about. In the personality pathology exemplar from section 6,

factor loadings and regression coefficients that demonstrate an association between the

abandonment schema and signs and symptoms of Julie’s distress do not provide a causal

narrative of how these phenomena are related. Instead, what is necessary is an articulation of the

parts and operations of a living system that explains the basis for the statistical association. Such

a substantive theory would then function as a model system tested through specific predictions

regarding the temporal and environmental factors that impact the behavior of the proposed


Mechanistic models therefore enable specific predictions characteristic of strong theories.

In the study of vision, when the dynamics of cortical region V1 became rigorously formalized in

the PC/BC computational model, strong predictions were made regarding the shape of the

model’s output when it was exposed to various visual stimuli. Predicting the shape of a
Mechanistic science 37

mechanism’s behavior through simulations or in real biological systems with a high degree of

accuracy is compelling evidence that one’s theory is veridical. These predictions differ markedly

from the typical ordinal hypotheses in psychology, which assert that one group will have a larger

mean than another, or that two constructs are correlated (sometimes made stronger with an a

priori defined effect size estimate). Meehl (1990) argued that a large number of explanations

could account for such predictions other than the substantive theory one has in mind. Ultimately,

the mechanistic approach can help avert systemic impediments to theoretical progress that Meehl

(1978) lamented, in which theories come in and out of vogue without an apparent logic to such


8.1 Summary of heuristic strategies of the mechanistic framework: Recursive decomposition,

units of organization, and counterfactual predictions

A mechanistic model develops in stages from a sketch, to a schema, to a bona fide

mechanistic explanation. Researchers begin with a phenomenon (e.g., construct) of interest that

is decomposed into an initial set of parts and each part-whole relation defines the units of

organization in the overall mechanism. From a psychological perspective, recursive

decomposition involves iteratively breaking down a function into its component subprocesses.

From a biological perspective, recursive decomposition involves iteratively breaking down a

structure into its physical parts and the activities between them. As each unit of organization is

clarified through empirical work, researchers begin linking psychological functions with

biological structures. The phenomenon is explained when there exists a discipline-wide

consensus that a complete decomposition of functional operations and their implementation in

biological parts has been adequately conceptualized in a specific mechanistic model. Throughout

this process, the phenomenon itself may be repeatedly re-conceptualized. Ultimately,

Mechanistic science 38

mechanistic models engender causal hypotheses. Such hypotheses involve predictions regarding

how intervening on a mechanism, at any unit of organization, will result in shifting the state of

the phenomenon it realizes.

Concluding Remarks

The goal of the present article is to demonstrate the potential of a mechanistic approach

to channel and refine efforts already being pursued across the many fields seeking explanations

of psychopathology. The use of mechanistic science can therefore complement existing

approaches used to conceive of and explain phenomena of interest, and thus should not be

thought of as replacing common experimental and statistical methods. Rather, mechanistic

science can facilitate improved collaboration across diverse fields by providing a common

language and meta-theoretical framework used to advance explanations that span several units of

organization. As a generative proposal, the mechanistic framework should also be thought of as a

working template for scientific explanations of living systems that engage in complex

information-processing activities.
Mechanistic science 39


Biological structure: A physical part of a living system that implements an informational

process and/or a phenomenological experience

Psychological function: An informational process and/or a phenomenological experience that is

realized in a physical system.

Causal relations: Processes or entities acting on each other in specific ways

Substantive theory: Theories about the causal structure of the world, or the entities or processes

that underlie phenomena.

*Psychological perspective: Delineation of the information processing functions of a


*Biological perspective: Delineation of how psychological functions are realized by biological


*Environmental perspective: Delineation of how factors outside a mechanism affect its


*Unit of organization: A group of psychological or biological entities that work together

through particular interconnections and interactions to produce a phenomenon within a


*Autonomy of organization: The independence of different units of organization

*Autonomy of perspective: The independence of psychological and biological perspectives of a


* Denotes new terms offered by Thomas and Sharp.

Mechanistic science 40


We thank Gregory A. Miller, Peter A. Ornstein, Wendy Heller, and Eva H. Telzer for their

comments on previous drafts. All views expressed are our own.

Mechanistic science 41


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