Mapewrap C Uni AX

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p C

ra AX
eW I-
ap UN
High strength
uni-directional carbon
fibre fabric

WHERE TO USE by using the following range of epoxy resins:

This system is suitable to repair reinforced concrete
elements damaged by physical-mechanical action, for – Mapewrap Primer 1, strengthening for the treatment
the confinement of axial loaded or bent concrete of the substrate.
elements and for seismic strengthening of structures in
earthquake zones. – Mapewrap 11 and 12, smoothing compounds to
smooth any rough areas or to seal porous surfaces
Some application examples (Mapewrap 12 has a longer workability).
• Repair, maintenance and static upgrade of
deteriorated structures, where it is absolutely – Mapewrap 21, impregnating agent for fabrics by “wet
necessary to reinforce the tensile strength of the system”.
– Mapewrap 31, impregnating agent for fabrics by “dry
• Confinement of axially loaded or damaged concrete system”.
elements (columns, bridge piers, chimneys) in order to
improve ductility and load bearing capacity. Using the “wet system”, the Mapewrap fabric is
manually dipped into Mapewrap 21 immediately before
• Seismic strengthening and restoration of vaulted placing on the surface. When using the “dry system”,
structures without the increase of seismic mass and the dry fabric is placed directly on a layer of
without the danger of liquid percolation towards the
Mapewrap 31 which has been applied to the concrete
internal surface of an archway.
element that needs reinforcement.
• Repair of structures damaged by fire.
In order to satisfy the most diverse needs, Mapewrap C
• Reinforcement of load bearing elements in buildings UNI-AX is manufactured in two different weights, each
that have been restructured for architectural reasons with different widths (10, 20 and 40 cm):
or change of use. – Mapewrap C UNI-AX 300 (300 g/m2);
– Mapewrap C UNI-AX 600 (600 g/m2).
Mapewrap C UNI-AX is a uni-directional continuous
carbon fibre fabric with a high modulus of elasticity and
very high tensile strength that can be placed using two Because of their extreme light weight, the fabrics from
different methods: the Mapewrap C UNI-AX range, are less labour
intensive than conventional technologies (beton plaquè).
– wet system; With the “wet system” (and with the aid of a machine
– dry system that helps the impregnation process) or the “dry

[sche3] 1002 Inglese - 1 (MAPEWRAP C UNI-AX) (21.06.2001 - 6ª Bozza / 2ª Ciano Digitale/Pell.)

p C system”, the application is carried out in an and 1 part by weight of B. Use the whole
r -AX extremely short time and often without amount in the packaging to eliminate dosage
W downtime of the structure. errors.

ape UNI Unlike the plating method using steel plates Once Mapewrap Primer 1 has been
M (beton plaquè method), the use of prepared, it remains workable for
Mapewrap C UNI-AX fabric will adapt to any approximately 90 minutes at +23°C.
contours of the element that needs repair.
It does not need temporary reinforcement 2. Apply the Mapewrap Primer 1
during placing and removes all risks of Apply an even coat of Mapewrap Primer 1
corrosion of the applied reinforcement. onto the clean and dry concrete surface with
a roller or a brush.
• All workers must wear gloves, masks for If the substrate is very porous, apply a
solvents and protective goggles. second coat of Mapewrap Primer 1 after
the first coat has been completely absorbed.
DIRECTIONS FOR USE Smooth with Mapewrap 11 or
Preparing the substrate Mapewrap 12.
The surface onto which Mapewrap C
UNI-AX fabrics will be applied must be 3. Prepare the Mapewrap 11 or
perfectly clean, dry and be mechanically Mapewrap 12
strong. Depending on the temperature and working
times, choose either Mapewrap 11 or
Remove traces of form release oils, varnishes Mapewrap 12 (Mapewrap 12 has a longer
or paints and cement laitance from sound workability). Pour Part B into Part A and mix
structures, by sandblasting. with a low speed drill fitted with a stirrer until
an even grey paste is obtained. Mix ratio for
If the concrete is deteriorated, remove both products: 3 parts by weight of A and
Preparing the substrate damaged parts by manual or pneumatic 1 part by weight of B. Once Mapewrap 11
bushhammering or by hydro-scarifying. Clean has been prepared, it remains workable for
metal reinforcement and remove any traces approximately 40 minutes at +23°C while
of rust. Protect them with Mapefer, a Mapewrap 12 remains workable for
corrosion-inhibiting cement mortar (follow approximately 60 minutes.
application methods described in the
product’s technical data sheet). Repair the 4. Apply Mapewrap 11 or
concrete surfaces with products from the Mapewrap 12
Mapegrout line. Apply an approximately 1 mm thick coat of
Mapewrap 11 or Mapewrap 12, depending
Mapewrap C UNI-AX should be used only on the temperature, with a notched trowel
on fully cured substrates. over the concrete surface pre-treated with
Mapewrap Primer 1. Use a flat trowel to
If reinforcement must be carried out completely level uneven parts of the
immediately, repair with Adesilex PG1 or substrate surface.
Mapefloor EP19.
Use the same product to fill and round the
Seal any surface cracks by injecting Epojet corners in order to create a profile with a
(suitable if the cracks are dry or slightly moist) bending radius not less than 2 cm.
or with Foamjet T or Foamjet F (suitable if
the cracks are wet or with water infiltrations). 5. Prepare the Mapewrap 21
Pour Part B into Part A and mix with a low
All sharp edges in the concrete elements (for speed drill fitted with a stirrer until a
example beams or columns) that need to be completely homogeneous fluid resin is
Applying wrapped with Mapewrap C UNI-AX, must be
Mapewrap Primer 1 obtained. Mix ratio: 4 parts by weight of A
smoothed with a demolition hammer or any and 1 part by weight of B. The product
other suitable means. It is recommended that remains workable for approximately
the bending radius be not less than 2 cm. 40 minutes at +23°C.

Installing the Mapewrap C UNI-AX 6. Impregnate the fabric with

with the “wet system” Mapewrap 21
Operational steps Manually
1. Prepare the Mapewrap Primer 1. Cut fabric with a pair of scissors to the
2. Apply the Mapewrap Primer 1. desired size beforehand and manually
3. Prepare the Mapewrap 11 or impregnate the Mapewrap C UNI-AX fabric
Mapewrap 12. by plunging it into a plastic trough filled 1/3 of
4. Apply the Mapewrap 11 or Mapewrap 12. the total volume with Mapewrap 21. Remove
5. Prepare the Mapewrap 21. the fabric from the trough, let it drip and then
6. Impregnate the fabric with Mapewrap 21. press it between the hands protected with
7. Place the Mapewrap C UNI-AX fabric. rubber waterproof gloves until the excess
resin is removed completely, but without
1. Prepare the Mapewrap Primer 1 wringing the fabric in order not to damage the
Mix together the two Mapewrap Primer 1 carbon fibres.
components. Pour Part B into Part A and mix
with a low speed drill fitted with a stirrer until With impregnating machine
a completely homogeneous fluid resin is As an alternative, the impregnation can be
Smoothing with obtained. Mix ratio: 3 parts by weight of A carried out with a simple machine fitted with
Mapewrap 11 or
Mapewrap 12
TECHNICAL DATA (typical values)


Type of fibre: high strength carbon

Consistency: uni-directional fabric

Specific gravity (g/cm3): 1.79

Customs class: 6815 10 10


Weight (g/m2): 300

Fabric equivalent thickness: 0.167

Fabric cross area per unit width (mm2/m): 167.6

Tensile strength (MPa): > 4800

Manually impregnating
Maximum load per unit width (kN/m): > 800 Mapewrap C

Tensile modulus of elasticity (GPa): 230

Elongation at breaking point (%): 2.1


Weight (g/m2): 600

Fabric equivalent thickness: 0.335

Fabric cross area per unit width (mm2/m): 335.2

Tensile strength (MPa): > 4800

Maximum load per unit width (kN/m): > 1600

Tensile modulus of elasticity (GPa): 230

Elongation at breaking point (%): 2.1


Mapewrap C with a
Adhesion to concrete (MPa): > 3 (concrete breaking point)

a bucket and a series of rollers that bubbles formed during the application.
automatically saturates and drips the fabric
easily and safely. Joining
When wrapping columns, the Mapewrap C
This machine is particularly recommended for UNI-AX strip must be overlapped at least
the repair of large surface areas This system 20 cm with the same fabric.
ensures the uniform distribution of the resin
over every part of the fabric. Immediately The same procedure must be followed when
place the fabric after it has been several strips need to be joined longitudinally.
Overlapping is not necessary for the width of
7. Place the Mapewrap C UNI-AX the fabric. The different strips of fabric need
Make sure that the coat of Mapewrap 11 or to be applied one next to the other. After
Mapewrap 12 is still fresh, and immediately applying and passing the roller over the
apply the Mapewrap C UNI-AX making sure fabric, Mapewrap C UNI-AX must not be
it is laid without wrinkles. Flatten the fabric, disturbed.
always wear protective rubber gloves, and
pass a stiff rubber roller vertically to the fibres Installing the Mapewrap C Application phase
several times over the surface so it perfectly UNI-AX with the “dry system”
penetrates into the Mapewrap 11 or
Mapewrap 12 epoxy putty. Pass over the Operational steps
fabric an aluminium roller with a worm screw 1. Prepare the Mapewrap Primer 1.
in order to completely eliminate any air 2. Apply the Mapewrap Primer 1.
3. Prepare the Mapewrap 11 or short haired roller over the still fresh
Mapewrap 12. Mapewrap 11 or Mapewrap 12.
4. Apply the Mapewrap 11 or
Mapewrap 12. 7. Place the Mapewrap C UNI-AX
5. Prepare the Mapewrap 31. Immediately place the Mapewrap C
6. Impregnate the fabric with UNI-AX fabric over the still fresh
Mapewrap 31. Mapewrap 31, ensuring no wrinkles are
7. Place the Mapewrap C UNI-AX fabric. present.

1. Prepare the Mapewrap After having accurately flattened it (hands

Primer 1 must be protected by rubber waterproof
Mix together the two Mapewrap Primer 1 gloves), apply a second coat of
components. Pour Part B into Part A and Mapewrap 31 over the Mapewrap C
mix with a low speed drill fitted with a UNI-AX. Pass over the fabric a stiff rubber
stirrer until a completely homogeneous fluid roller so the adhesive can completely
resin is obtained. Mix ratio: 3 parts by penetrate through the fibres of the fabric.
weight of A and 1 part by weight of B. Use Pass over an aluminium roller with a worm
the whole amount in the packaging to screw in order to completely eliminate any
eliminate dosage errors. air bubbles formed during application.
Once Mapewrap Primer 1 has been Joining
prepared, it remains workable for When wrapping columns, the Mapewrap C
approximately 90 minutes at +23°C. UNI-AX strip must be overlapped at least
20 cm with the same fabric. Application phase
2. Apply the Mapewrap Primer 1
Apply an even coat of Mapewrap Primer 1 The same procedure must be followed
onto the clean and dry concrete surface when several strips need to be joined
with a roller or a brush. If the substrate is longitudinally.
very porous, apply a second coat of
Mapewrap Primer 1 after the first coat has Overlapping is not necessary for the width
been completely absorbed. Smooth with of the fabric. The different strips of fabric
Mapewrap 11 or Mapewrap 12. need to be applied one next to the other.
After applying and passing the roller over
3. Prepare the Mapewrap 11 or the fabric, Mapewrap C UNI-AX must not
Mapewrap 12 be disturbed.
Depending on the temperature and working
times, choose either Mapewrap 11 or Installing several layers of
Mapewrap 12 (Mapewrap 12 has a longer
Mapewrap C UNI-AX while still
workability). Pour Part B into Part A and
fresh (within 24 hours)
mix with a low speed drill fitted with a
With the “wet system” repeat the following
stirrer until an even grey paste is obtained.
Mix ratio for both products: 3 parts by steps:
weight of A and 1 part by weight of B.
Once Mapewrap 11 has been prepared, it • Impregnate the fabric with Mapewrap 21.
remains workable for approximately
40 minutes at +23°C while Mapewrap 12 • Place the Mapewrap C UNI-AX fabric.
remains workable for approximately
60 minutes. With the “dry system”: Wrapping columns
• Apply a first coat of Mapewrap 31, place and beams
the Mapewrap C UNI-AX fabric.
4. Apply Mapewrap 11 or
Mapewrap 12
Apply with a notched trowel, an • Apply another coat of Mapewrap 31.
approximately 1 mm thick coat of
Mapewrap 11 or Mapewrap 12, Note: If more layers of fabric are applied
depending on the temperature, over the after 24 hours, the last hardened coat must
concrete surface pre-treated with be sanded.
Mapewrap Primer 1. Use a flat trowel to
completely level uneven parts of the PROTECTIVE COVERING
substrate surface. The protective covering can be carried out
once the epoxy system has cured by the
Use the same product to fill and round the use of Mapelastic, flexible cement mortar,
corners in order to create a profile with a or with Elastocolor, flexible acrylic. For the
bending radius not less than 2 cm. application of these products, refer to the
relative technical data sheets. The above
5. Prepare the Mapewrap 31 mentioned products create an effective
Pour Part B into Part A and mix with a low barrier against U.V rays. The use of these
speed drill fitted with a stirrer until an even products are especially recommended
yellow paste is obtained. Mix ratio: 4 parts when the structures are exposed to direct
by weight of A and 1 part by weight of B. sun light.
The product remains workable for
approximately 40 minutes at +23°C. PRECAUTIONS TO BE Wrapping a hitch
6. Apply a first coat of AFTER APPLICATION
Mapewrap 31 • Application temperature must not be
Spread an even first coat of Mapewrap 31 below +5°C and the structure must be
approximately 0.5 mm with a brush or protected from rain and dust.
• After application, the temperature of the Cleaning
treated surfaces should be kept above Due to the strong adhesion of the described
+5°C. epoxy systems, it is recommended to wash
the working tools with solvents (ethyl
• Protect from rain for at least 24 hours if alcohol, toluol, etc.) before the products dry.
the minimum temperature does not go
below +15°C and for at least 3 days if the STORAGE
temperature is lower. Store in a sheltered dry place.

RECOMMENDATIONS FOR N.B. - Although the technical details and
HANDLING THE PRODUCTS recommendations contained in this product
It is absolutely necessary that the workers report correspond to the best of our
wear rubber waterproof gloves, protective knowledge and experience, all the above
goggles and masks for solvents when information must, in every case, be taken as
preparing and placing the above described merely indicative and subject to
epoxy systems. Avoid contact with skin and confirmation after long-term practical
eyes and if necessary wash with plenty of applications: for this reason, anyone who
running water and soap and contact a intends to use the product must ensure
doctor. If application is carried out in closed beforehand that it is suitable for the
spaces, provide for good ventilation in order envisaged application: in every case, the
to ensure a continuous change of air. For user alone is fully responsible for any
further information, carefully read the consequences deriving from the use of the
product safety data sheet. product.
Applying a second coat
of Mapewrap 31

Mapewrap C UNI-X fabrics are available in 50 m rolls packed
in carton boxes with the following names:
Weight Height Surface Surface
(g/m2) (cm) (m2/m) (m2/roll)
Mapewrap C UNI-AX 300/10 300 10 0.1 5
Mapewrap C UNI-AX 300/20 300 20 0.2 10

Mapewrap C UNI-AX 300/40 300 40 0.4 20 2

Mapewrap C UNI-AX 600/10 600 10 0.1 5


Mapewrap C UNI-AX 600/20 600 20 0.2 10

Mapewrap C UNI-AX 600/40 600 40 0.4 20

An example of a joint:
EPOXY SYSTEM CONSUMPTIONS 1. Overlapping the top
part 20 cm;
2. Placing the two strips
Surface priming, levelling and smoothing next to each other;
3. Overlapping
Consumption (g/m2) longitudinally 20 cm

Mapewrap Primer 1 250-300

Mapewrap 11 or Mapewrap 12 1500-1600

Impregnating Mapewrap C UNI-AX fabric

Type Consumption Height Consumption
(UNI-AX) (g/m2) (cm) (g/m)
Mapewrap 21 10 120-130
300 1200-1300 20 240-260
40 480-520
10 180-195
600 1800-1950 20 360-390
40 720-780
Mapewrap 31 10 100-110
300 1000-1100 20 200-220 Coating with
40 400-440 Elastocolor
10 150-155
600 1500-1550 20 300-310
40 600-620
p C
r -AX
ape UNI


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1002-6-2001 è vietata e viene perseguita ai sensi di legge

All relevant references

of the product are available
upon request.

A microscope
photograph of a
polymeric matrix
This site operates under an
structural composite ® EC
environmental management
system. Its environmental
from the Mapei R&D ECO MANAGEMENT
AND performance is disclosed to the
Laboratories public in compliance with EMAS,
the European Community Eco
CERTIQUALITY Management and Audit Scheme,
No. 250/1 Registration N° I-S-000019.

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