Thermodynamics-Practice Questions

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2 Heat, Work, Internal Energy, Enthalpy, and the First Law of Thermodynamics Prem unter tina tt ela ela inthe Sink Sone Mr Conceptual Problems 21a caret ys trangh acer maed nied nan bas conn. Thee err fhe var by °C The stem sm sky of he ga Dow et hw arb town eee te sem an sarong Jl Soar og oe he ite hat eg Ha ite the sana nd he Him Roane of he tener dro ‘ 22 Tree mene de rie usin ae ie nding om ee ‘ett ns undies lower han em haha rn era ‘sunaon spia ro hg us no sysem undid egsinl h on ve mit oe Hoaagh Be org of Aca tee he teenie By coat So eek oe thao expso Satine expe of be han ove ts my ee 23 Yankees tigi anit ou fam lsu na pon and lind amy ine oat ‘cope Ge an sample arses ps ‘War dips ono te psu, cen he comesion fs td Ts proses enenialy ‘merle he ae of erp of he nny ea he ae of ee dpe, (24 Dasite hw evabiend eel exo dey ing apse wc ‘ion rma between epsom an he soning Ina vei expen be pt nd sarang ena in ele Who soe. In explant not our te nat 25 Foracontn prenre proces All «gy Dost flow tt 4, ase nt? apn ots nr a isn oe el pms a 25 A ap of mater 28 (te system plod In mre oven a th ovens don Tria ng whch tg twice eg A npn ep “Theat 9 ps Deas He Nos aos the steno oun ioe ‘The work wis megane eae he oping ee ar ee noua sine ‘wes th npr ness nd soe he gi pei 16 (Chapter 2 Heat, Work, Internal Eneray, Eatalpy, andthe Fest Law of Thermodynamics 17 27 tnGecaponen bonnie 24424 Sang <0 amas > 0 Eine sb ‘Trion pile if proc, ech shee ton in hs ue cui tage he compo of he 28 What ng wih te owing eee rca yaa 10°C cn be mere seer than se med ar a O° hc a cots mvs ea haar Rete he ene oan ea intron none wy et ss hn tr When te incon wth your int codes the i fe gry at rey rs ot eh) 29 Wye loreawap oft et oc work ocd waste? an wk ms ha xy th tbe ween qi tts Teee, it ae ‘has ct wh aes tat eke {a2 You hme alga an is goss for n ql in pon wl ink est bn const epee {hth Ge at explo a revel poe Att ts plc on sent comps conversion fens og tr (2.11 Whats mong wth elon sen? face he weld me oe ft te operating (rp uch wor fra aed Reve he nan oc) the ae rman ce ant esd Ds en nya mst. A pose resin lows. Bans th Boe was tell sh wane scat) adabu Tle the per hes do lps Wok Incontng wit te ronda over semper ead ue ten casei als We ata (2.12 Exin how xmas fate inh strung in wo eee g fr por Cae teem nine sending cre by 15°: haan eh saranda teat ows as the toniaybetweer yen he aronllags Xl eo teaching he suroandig piven by AT = L- Forth cow inert car (@219 A chal msn cs in contin volun more pe om he ands by ma wal Con {a hart ene oe uu des ens te sane oe pi Note yee sii ol ocr, pening oh lel ey te in te af ee ‘andi of he ede. ‘eter wil ne te resin cate decree fe acto ender am lange rosie beled ee ean lon ga19 se NIK 520010 24 bela se ecoip ewes eeu rent late ft Ino fr ft fy) te tae con mute oso wie He a ie he rm we (Sa (4) th farm fa wre eis, ts extrema. 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Bese AL) = 4+ A= 0, Base U0, 800 Becee AP AN = AU w= 0 A bonne (alls sah (fc he Mt: the work asec wih ck pro i eee steeper ering is owed w Sco Ge, =I at he man fhe tal pron ya nl fre and (het infin, te oo and apace ne sae Sc w= A prety sai bo is pay led wth wen which an lil et i nol. An exena ce aca comer te ca eps ene) a mas m wc ly era ace bo ‘lee ena wis Is dpe ne ete Wht ae or an SU hve be ye eid at ‘Nerssr inl he wate? ver ing ee ine among Bese eso nthe stem, W > 0, Besa no exc vs oreo stan dt tempere ‘Siee,g =O. AU'= 89> 8 2 td twp om he chal nd pues stack foo 8 te ue, Tey ll he Se the week ‘enced nih uct pre pecs paiva np a? Incas sg stm and srentgs et be ete aver usin, We dt sa 0 1S tesjum eet no ana tr ge usin ppg xg fee adv > Ob ‘use wrt done cn hen psi th ck aes heh sede doe won git al ace {nd ©. dation, cosr th bok ote este Ae Das ao eae ee nd ‘Splat inthe one tna > 0 pli yen ha ge al 8 8H, Ketan 0. ‘tench mor coal ode ha ae et parte 0X ht CO, wih bao ‘onl moe Tht tee ship ae rt 8 tan CO. "apa my Ginn of temperance cane, bu not orga epee gen wich ee ‘on exclu tse, Theta nodes bth Aran thane ely aa ey Item. Ara nt de ‘ican ke pecs, when chane bra el Yael de The Vea mods ony Tiler higher tomperaes 0p sa neon oflenpete ete. ‘Wim earn Between quasar pes? 1 agus ross the tem as ie eterna evete pose, te yt i a ‘inal neato ithe sured. oh 621 Pn ein [Chapter 2 Heat, Work, Interal Energy, Emhalpy, and the Fist Law of Thermodynamics 19 Numerical Problems PLL AA ales in ie wit = 72 italy ts trp ‘anadaate pte and ca ae he gas sempre ty lng 8 TSW ms he so oF cer 24cm Cala he nk one spc an Sora he pt nl Ase at hs ims epnon ese ‘Wefest use exter este th nl alae me _sohpao SEES Pa fa E1080 BE Bea 2a A, 27 mob 8314) mK" IEK Sopp? = 29L 7 1b = Paap)» 2410 Pa (601 wi -9.29:107 m= DID pe HoH 228029 660 m2 The temperate of 7 let fs de pases om 12°C 1 ABC athe as congress act aly Cao, Ud a rs rss seg tC « = 32 (she 1020)-4) 21) = AU + SPV) = aL kA = 830104175 max 8314 ma DEHROC-102°0) a) =1a0%10 3 122 A250 noe wepe of op wi Cy = 32 tata omen ag ste) From 2S.FC mt 1210 F. hg evgnd url pt ost pose of 8.210 a te he i vl.) A the lof he evow poco te gi ctl comet Sola fa 250°C “Bi Cate» a0. 0 feck sg A eb AU A Kr hep os 496107 w? 2, 900.107 15210 P4900? A610) = 784) Chapter 2 Heat, Work, Internal Energy, Entalpy, and the First Law of Thermodynamics Domed XLS BS Fam KC 24K ~ 290K) = L861 gaa = Lette B10 = ally 1) = Hg UT, 1) = 28h male258314 Joa QUK -298K) Aggy OLAS = 5 Man = 0-184) = 184) ad = 754) LAB 1290.4 Mga #0~ 280105 = 2810 | ier md i unt IsNe When Nr ling acmes t S aking neg tons ‘ie fcomplely mab wil le 3M ae pe rn fine cred How mach one at ‘eer cna ola eas toner of Ks a of ens? Ava hoc prety ofthe east war nh ee we Sy Sl ton sempe pa tinelatl _ S110 pe SVK mK «say Count Renfrew ht wing canon Drie mony sige toe eu et ILS Ag of wer (Pa 273k} oT 365K in 2 tom Aanming he sane mf ero high old owe ae 235 righ ie 25 mie? Asie hw cacy of are IK ae = oaeAT AISI EDNGAIOE KOSS— 2K gt ‘i BS hrs atime, 460481506 Moh BSlgxO8lms? ‘8.1.50 ml spe of a gt 285° expt na vos of 2 dn? 1a whine F733 Cae» fr is pos (fr gnome cst ex pes 48> 10 Pa and fremeatieopaaie . aaa = 0498210 Pax 188 ~225)x107 me = 26x10 bear MT 1 soa BSH ma 27S 428) SS = % EON Sant = Asse10s ob 9A a Ai 2.25 ml fn 9 thy = 22 ud eee pe ‘toon ental vchne = 330" tata vee, © SS Thee empentre D275 9 021 ree st Ait = AU tar = 4900900 2.25 mo1xRSTA WOE" (O.K -3008) t= 810s Coie eh adhesion 0 el fn ee a ia e022 tar en lel ‘Sipe 0450. fl emp ofS, Wem xian fre neck Sone he boter ‘lexan ft pa 200 on on el prs of 135 ar Wat a el prs oul the ane vine of tthe i par hte? Aan al Cry = S28 veg AU Mpg” AAP = 2S ASH HK G50.- YK = 448 1683010 (208 a ar ests he aay of water 0957 ges nd Cy = 7835 ma Te chang ‘time wit lmarnre gvon yA = Vf, whee he fice of eal eps, orm tenpraie 0225 ofr wien hy 255, wg Al ao 26104 207x104 TISSK = LEI veo PY =" Ban PDO w= 017) 8 = gh PSE ea 88K = auscewemonies Amc ir onc by 3m a dig oi eight Cate he wrk perme yh ber. sume the muscle heres Hoke’s iw F = x with oe cst of 30. tee wes te? ehermna! xox? 04) ‘hw ste wit fl Kg ce ee a a oon i Stn pl oo oon ney arco tp ‘cvs wih il abt wats i separ ia tw party lees adn psn. Ech fv con 15 L of Hea ean wih Cy = 02 iy, ior Fst Het soy oda no er ng an cece wl he tn a mond ‘lel ot ig wren neal par y= 100 ri be ig prt Cone compen oe et Inthe at pte aren pes 22__ Chapter 2 Hest, Work Internal Energy, Enthalpy, andthe Fis Law of Thermodynamics ‘Cake work doen igh par in hs oes al he temperate nthe ea. ‘Cake shal temperate nef put athe nut het at we ints ipa ‘The mer fmol of asin enh yas ven pn MAP Pa AS02109 my gay Oe ee yo (tzein)f cane une AU aa ap = 6 (418k 290.6) = 468410 (0) Weta the os vane te ight. pw tl» Mbmabne00* Lm at Teo Hy = OU 274 = SL, ey oot 26, AU = aA = 3.16 m0 243165 WOR SEK =30.K) 28.7108 rom pat ah = ABI = AU 2891S eA = 34D 7212 nite ese nut expansion of 175 mo of a Kt 8 om el empaeae f 270°C he Week ‘Sec te anon 180.114 82% elegy, A a BU «malty =) AU = aps 1) = He MT, Sma 2543S GA K -300K) PRIS A sym cessing of 02 gf water a 308K ad ng a mrt ot ot prec saber came 195 seg 59 rr seh ip cog Pn Ean a (Chapter 2 Heat, Wor, Internal Energy, Entalpy, and the Fis Law of Thermody nani t= Pam nll ety = a, patent ENRON EE HT MK Pa14—A.2Samle sale an nl gpd 30, Kaan are of 310 a lps ‘ela nk, = SR Cael forte ling to ee Treason ath md reese Wie srg to sation cpa yh eto pa arene hn test he eo at o ant (0) Becse y= 0.9 = SU, ower aaa AL, we tel ay ay wok doo he sera part) bees inh si expansion he mer sn ‘ere al oune ee tal pa aU = aga = 125 mb eC K 2006) =a 10s [218 4 ote 325K con an ep oreo 1625510 Pa The mer stopper ing ole ‘owed Tho pepe tbc spt Pyne 120% Py and oe ee cep om he {iste poe Wen = Paya he sogpet ily veal The i emai nol sw ‘wet 25K. Wht te fips ne ble fr nostalgic Cy = 72K and 8 ‘Seon pn i wih Cg = 20 Mall —B (Chapter 2 Heat, Work, Internal Ena igtice tae a scnanaymor ke!» 83H AMC Ker390 0 One the peri patil he nk x memati oe, Te 1K =tan0x10' Paw Ty 216 6228 mole mpl of de Gy = 2 nal #310 Kat 125410 a roe vee tia son Ae te ne pe 010 Ps, Ca ete «4 = Obese cea ahi 12am) (20K 310) = 227.005 = 2270101 225 mob ASLAL KH LTR 310K) ba =379810 5 217 A veteran 10 mel fds w= 1.0 bat Cp = 2 ein al conn i wa {eat Tt th segs ltr bah engin thermal gli, nly 98 oe ty sa wal om he et ot von The sepa an war tah havea rg a aptly of C, = 250.3 Teg compel eves fy 20. tt Whats empresa hemlet stents? -Aanen iin th he tempore ie i onal at heerlen cmb ought fone ‘tema vel procs the ve sues hi tsps il 1-180 83 mK 1DK eh era] op Pw an (Chapter? Heat, Work, ntemal Enersy, Ent py, andthe First Law of Thermodynamics __ 28 Watt * CAT are Beano , 2108 G60) The ei asumpn PRIS An Kl gt dois steps mth iil te deci by F 10 false deste by ya 1 ia) pes a econ era ese fw) ina erie poco. Dee xs ‘Grn iepee me dato ied ugh hel earnings in tse re veya w fei a ‘Cy forts aad ee pose Wha as fr w nel you cae eel wee eed Inthe eps dre 12 10 | Pi%i 8 P(bar) 6 at 2 ‘The proceso te sre by ep 1 += 100 Sep AY Fa B93 ih Bai oi 020 Pa in Me 26 Chapter 2 Heat, Work, Internal Energy, Enthalny, andthe First Law of Thermodynamics bt Ndi hoe Ip neg br ot yr, ean OM ewer tet = anrnt tna amt «Lihat gnm san wpe =O 220X106 890K S = IBIS te yt were ween inte ppt ect magne of ch rk em would De ela, ‘gual change 7220, Inn alc scope foe mel fe wh Cry = 5/2 there His 278 K 80 Cale qe AM a a 4 Oecase te roses sal, AU = arg vey =astaey AM = AGip + Rat = $0050 221 ‘The betsy ofl ed aie igen by (oe tage in mt 675 lf PO) scone ea #2510 375 Kanan ere nef Me ee 20 9101-6983 36x10 pg Ran Ea ne (Chapter 2 Heat, Work, Internal Eneray Entalpy, andthe First Law of Thermodynamics __27 F222 4225 me ample of cane dn, fr wie Cp 37. wa a 298K, expand every and ttl fame 450 a tpt of 56K lvl of 3281. i a epee, and AU Asse tt Cy eDSOO OE tpt Ac a a1 = +X =) =D Io 7223 41.75 mle sample of ne gs fr which P= 2b and 7 = 125K xpd ably git ‘onl seo 0235 a el h fil prose 0225 bar Cte he al ompras Aan SM fo a Gye 32K and) Cyn = 52 mal“ Halt -4) se ise n+ Mann atone! AMI MUEIK 0226 ar nat | aarp SDH ES Mi atc + RT = 4410 eae AU nw = ya = 2582111 mo OUT) arn AI =) 4 AT = 4410 P24 4.350 moe amp Ne nasties by 7; = 250K and = 3281 anges other merle ‘punion nl, = 3851 Cali w suming) hat he sre by he a (at ‘eae deh ean er Wan eqn i state Wha se eee ng he el sa oe ‘ee van cr Was ei Te ne Wa pater Nae ited a Tae 7 opsove m1 Pama 28 _Chapter 2 Heat, Work, Infernal Energy, Eathalpy. and the First Law of Thermodynamics So mol 83143 ot 290 KSEE as enn = :

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