Reservoir Lab.2.: " Porosity Measurment "
Reservoir Lab.2.: " Porosity Measurment "
Reservoir Lab.2.: " Porosity Measurment "
College Of Engineering
Petroleum Department
Reservoir lab.2.
“ Porosity Measurment ”
The porosity of a rock is a measure of the storage capacity (pore volume) that is capable of
holding fluids. Quantitatively, the porosity is the ratio of the pore volume to the total
volume (bulk volume). This important property is determined mathematically by the
following generalized relationship:
expressed as either a
percent or a fraction. In
equation form
Two types of porosity may
be measured: total or
absolute porosity and
effective porosity.
Total porosity is the ratio of
all the pore spaces in a rock
to the bulk volume of the
Effective porosity f
is the ratio of
interconnected void spaces
to the bulk volume. Thus,
only the effective porosity
contains fluids that can be
produced from wells. For
materials such as
sandstone, the effective
porosity may approach the
total porosity,
however, for shales and for
highly cemented or vugular
rocks such as some
large variations may exist
between effective and total
Porosity may be classified
according to its origin as
either primary or
secondary. Primary
or original porosity
is developed during
deposition of the sediment.
Secondary porosity is
caused by some geologic
process subsequent to
formation of the deposit.
These changes
in the original pore spaces
may be created by ground
stresses, water movement,
various types of geological
activities after the original
sediments were deposited.
Fracturing or formation of
solution cavities often will
increase the original
porosity of the
From the viewpoint of
petroleum engineers, the
two most important
properties of a
reservoir rock are porosity
and permeability. Porosity
is a measure of storage
capacity of
a reservoir. It is defined as
the ratio of the pore volume
to bulk volume, and is may
expressed as either a
percent or a fraction. In
equation form
Two types of porosity may
be measured: total or
absolute porosity and
effective porosity.
Total porosity is the ratio of
all the pore spaces in a rock
to the bulk volume of the
Effective porosity f
is the ratio of
interconnected void spaces
to the bulk volume. Thus,
only the effective porosity
contains fluids that can be
produced from wells. For
materials such as
sandstone, the effective
porosity may approach the
total porosity,
however, for shales and for
highly cemented or vugular
rocks such as some
large variations may exist
between effective and total
Porosity may be classified
according to its origin as
either primary or
secondary. Primary
or original porosity
is developed during
deposition of the sediment.
Secondary porosity is
caused by some geologic
process subsequent to
formation of the deposit.
These changes
in the original pore spaces
may be created by ground
stresses, water movement,
various types of geological
activities after the original
sediments were deposited.
Fracturing or formation of
solution cavities often will
increase the original
porosity of the
From the viewpoint of
petroleum engineers, the
two most important
properties of a
reservoir rock are porosity
and permeability. Porosity
is a measure of storage
capacity of
a reservoir. It is defined as
the ratio of the pore volume
to bulk volume, and is may
expressed as either a
percent or a fraction. In
equation form
Two types of porosity may
be measured: total or
absolute porosity and
effective porosity.
Total porosity is the ratio of
all the pore spaces in a rock
to the bulk volume of the
Effective porosity f
is the ratio of
interconnected void spaces
to the bulk volume. Thus,
only the effective porosity
contains fluids that can be
produced from wells. For
materials such as
sandstone, the effective
porosity may approach the
total porosity,
however, for shales and for
highly cemented or vugular
rocks such as some
large variations may exist
between effective and total
Porosity may be classified
according to its origin as
either primary or
secondary. Primary
or original porosity
is developed during
deposition of the sediment.
Secondary porosity is
caused by some geologic
process subsequent to
formation of the deposit.
These changes
in the original pore spaces
may be created by ground
stresses, water movement,
various types of geological
activities after the original
sediments were deposited.
Fracturing or formation of
solution cavities often will
increase the original
porosity of the
WhereV p: pore volume; V ma: matrix volume and V b: bulk volume. Also, the porosity is an
intensive porosity describing the fluid storage capacity of rock.
Classification of Porosity Based on Mode of Origin:
-Primary (original).
- Secondary (induced).
Pore-Space Classification
Absolute porosity
The absolute porosity φ a (or total porosity φ t) ) is defined as the ratio of the total pore space
in the rock to that of the bulk volume. A rock may have considerable absolute porosity and
yet have no conductivity to fluid for lack of pore interconnection. The absolute porosity is
generally expressed mathematically by the following relationships:
Effective porosity
The effective porosity (φ e) is the percentage of interconnected pore space with respect to
the bulk volume, or
Porosity increases as angularity of particles increases.
Porosity increases as the range of particle size decreases. In contrast, porosity
decreases as the volume of interstitial and cementing material increases.
Porosity decreases as the compaction increases (greater depth generally means
higher overburden stresses, higher compaction forces, and lower porosity).
Vugs and fractures will contribute to porosity, but understanding their effect on
effective porosity requires careful study of cores and special logging measurements.
Porosity of packing
For a uniform rock grain size, porosity is independent of the size of the grains. A maximum
theoretical porosity of 48% is achieved with cubic packing of spherical grains, as shown in
Fig. 2a. Rhombohedral packing, which is more representative of reservoir conditions, is
shown in Fig. 2b; the porosity for this packing is 26%. If a second, smaller size of spherical
grains is introduced into cubic packing (Fig. 2c), the porosity decreases from 48% to 14%.
Thus, porosity is dependent on the grain size distribution and the arrangement of the grains,
as well as the amount of cementing materials. Not all grains are spherical, and grain shape
also influences porosity. A typical reservoir sand is illustrated in Fig. 2d.
Fig. 2 : Cubic packing (a), rhombohedral (b), cubic packing with two grain sizes (c), and
typical sand with irregular grain shape (d).
To explore the concepts of porosity by observing what effect particle size and shape have
on the amount of water that can be held in the open spaces between particles and also how
these two factors impact the rate of water flow.
you will measure and compare the volume of water needed to fill pore spaces in each
sample and then calculate the porosity of each sample.. You will measure the amount of
water which exited the tube, then calculate the percentage of water each sample retained,
as well as the rate of drainage
Porosity Measurements
From the definition of porosity, it is evident that the porosity of a sample of porous
material can be determined by measuring any two of the three quantities: bulk volume,
pore volume or grain volume. The porosity of a reservoir rock may be determined by:
-Core analysis
- Well logging technique
- Well testing.
The question as to which source of porosity data is more reliable cannot be answered
without reference to a specific interpretation problem. These techniques will yield correct
porosity values under favorable conditions. The core analysis porosity determination has
the advantage that no assumptions need to be made as to mineral composition, borehole
effects, etc. However, since the volume of the core is less than the rock volume which is
investigated by a logging device, porosity values derived from logs are frequently more
accurate in heterogeneous reservoirs.
In the following sections the estimation of pore-, grain- and bulk-volumes from core plugs
will be discussed.
Although the bulk volume may be computed from measurements of the dimensions of a
uniformly shaped sample. This can be accomplished (1) by coating the sample with
paraffin or a similar substance, (2) by saturating the core with the fluid into which it is to
be immersed, or (3) by using mercury.
Gravimetric determinations of bulk volume can be accomplished by observing the loss in
weight of the sample when immersed in a fluid or by observing the change in weight of a
pycnometer with and without the core sample.
Grain Volume Measurement
The grain volume of pore samples is some times calculated from sample weight and
knowledge of average density. Formations of varying lithology and, hence, grain density
limit applicability of this method. Boyle’s law is often employed with helium as the gas to
determine grain volume. The technique is fairly rapid, and is valid on clean and dry
The measurement of the grain volume of a core sample may also be based on the loss in
weight of a saturated sample plunged in a liquid.
Grain volume may be measured by crushing a dry and clean core sample. The volume of
crushed sample is then determined by (either pycnometer or) immersing in a suitable
All the methods of measuring pore volume yield effective porosity. The methods are based
on either the extraction of a fluid from the rock or the introduction of a fluid into the pore
spaces of the rock. One of the most used methods is the helium technique, which employs
Boyle’s law. The helium gas in the reference cell is isothermally expanded into a sample
cell. After expansion, the resultant equilibrium pressure is measured. The helium
porosimeter apparatus is shown schematically in Figure(a).
A schematic diagram of the helium porosimeter is shown by Figure (a). The helium in
reference volume V 1 (cell A), at pressure P1, expands into the matrix cup with unknown
volume V 2 (cell B), and initial pressure P2. The reference cell and the matrix cup are
connected by tubing; the system can be brought to equilibrium when the core holder valve
is opened, allowing determination of the unknown volume V 2 by measuring the resultant
equilibrium pressure P. (Pressures P1 and P2. are controlled by the operator; usually P1 =
100 and P2. = 0 psig). When the core holder valve is opened, the volume of the system
will be the equilibrium volume V, which is the sum of the volumes V 1 and V 2. Boyle’s law
is applicable if the expansion takes place isothermally. Thus the pressure-volume products
are equal before and after opening the core holder valve:
Solving the equation for the unknown volume, V 2:
Since all pressures in Eq (1) must be absolute and it is customary to set P1 = 100 psig and
P2 = 0 psig, Eq.(1) may be simplified as follows:
Where V 2 in cm3is the unknown volume in the matrix cup, and V 1 in cm3 is the known
volume of the reference cell, P in psig is the pressure read directly from the gauge.
When a rock has a small fraction of void space, it is difficult to measure porosity by the
mentioned methods. At this case, mercury injection will be used. The principle consists of
forcing mercury under relatively high pressure into the rock pores. A pressure gauge is
attached to the cylinder for reading the pressure under which measuring fluid is forced into
the pores (Figure a). (Figure b ) shows a typical curve from the mercury injection method.
The volume of mercury entering the core sample is obtained from the device with
accuracy up to 0.01cm3.
1. Measure the diameter and length of the core using calliper.
2. Give the porosimeter a helium supply, 10 bar.
3. Determine the volume of the matrix cup with core, V2:
- Put the cleaned, dried core inside the matrix cup, and mount the cup in the cup holder.
-Open “source” and then “supply”.
- Regulate the needle at 100. 3.4 Close “source” and then “supply”.
- Open “core holder”. 3.6 Take the reading on TOP SCALE, V2 = cm 3 .
4. Determine the volume of the matrix cup without core, V1:
-Take out the core from the matrix cup, and mount the cup in the cup holder.
- Open “source” and then “supply”.
-pen “cell 1”.
- Regulate the needle at 100.
-Close “source and then “supply”.
- Open core “holder”.
- Take the reading on middle scale, v1= cm
1. Weigh dry Berea plug Wdry, measure its diameter D, and length L, with calliper (1
core for each group).
2. Put the cores in the beaker inside a vacuum container, run vacuum pump about 1 hour.
3. Saturate the cores with 36 g/l NaCl brine, ρbrine = 1.02g/cm3 .
4. Weigh the saturated cores, Wsat.
Porosity data are very important to Petroleum Engineers as they are used to classify
reservoir sand to estimate the potential volume of hydrocarbons in a reservoir. Thus
reservoirs with high porosity indicate abundant fluids in their pore spaces while those with
low porosity indicates low capacity to hold fluids. At the end of the experiment, the
following conclusions can be drawn:
Geometric method of bulk volume estimation for porosity determination can be effectively
applied for regularly shaped cores.
Comparing the direct measurement (geometric) method and the buoyancy method, it can
be concluded that the buoyancy method could be more accurate. This is because, the direct
measurement or geometric method can only be effectively applied for regularly shaped
cores or core plugs, and this does not paint a true picture of the shapes of the various core
samples that can be encountered in the Field or lab in real life.
For the gravimetric or buoyancy method, it could be more accurate in better quality rocks
if effective pore spaces can be completely saturated. Otherwise, in poorer quality rocks, it
could be difficult to completely saturate the samples.