Research Report Vaping

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Daniel Benitez

March 22, 2019
Mr. Finkelstein

​Research Report:Vaping products

In the United states, the first E-cigarette was created in 1963 by Herbert Gilbert as he

considered this product as the first “smokeless non-tobacco cigarette. Unlike regular cigarettes

that requires tobacco to be burned to produce smoke, Electronic cigarettes uses a battery to heat a

liquid known as vape juice inside the cartridge, which is soon inhaled by the user in aerosol

form. As a result, this is the reason of why E-cigarettes are sometimes considered as “vapes”.

This form of drug use has become very popular with young adults and especially with teens as

well. The 2014 National Youth Tobacco survey showed that “2.5 million middle school and high

school students are using e-cigarettes, tripled the number from the year before.”(Elliott 1). Still,

people are wondering to themselves if whether or not, vaping should be banned in the United


Although,the first electronic cigarette was invented in 1963, it was soon introduced into

the marketplace by 2004 where the creators had mostly targeted their products on young adults

by making the liquid into sweet and kid-friendly flavors. Some creators say that their vaping

devices were only intended for individuals who want to quit smoking regular cigarettes in their

life, which is somewhat true. But on the other hand, the Food and Drug Administration had never

considered electronic cigarettes as a safe alternative to tobacco use in the United States since

there isn't much evidence to prove why they’re safe. In 2018, Surveys and researches had

recently been made by the U.S government in which showed that millions of smokers were

successful in quitting tobacco ever since e-cigarettes were introduced in the country as well as
successful in England. However, some argue that vaping poses serious health risks for younger

people as they contain nicotine as their ingredient. For example, the FDA’s Surgeon General

warns us “that youth use of nicotine in any form is unsafe,can cause addiction and can harm the

developing brain, affecting learning, memory and attention.”(Abrams and Myers 1).

Some people say that vaping doesn’t produce as much carcinogens as regular cigarette

smoke because e-cigarettes use vapor technology to produce vape in the air. In fact, certain

people claim that the second hand effects of vaping are considered to be less harmful than

second-hand smoke. However, others state that these cigarettes are known to contain toxic

chemicals that could also be harmful to your body. Diacetyl, the chemical that's used to create

flavors of e-cigs and known as the cause of obliterative bronchitis ,would be an example as well

as formaldehyde, which is associated with the risk of leukemia and nasopharyngeal cancer if

inhaled as gas. As a result, the FDA had now decided to take action on vaping. On March 21,

2018, The Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPR) was officially published to seek

information on the factories about how these flavors attract youth and their roles in helping

smokers quit/reduce tobacco use in the U.S. In addition, A newspaper states that “the U.S. Food

and Drug Administration ordered online retailers to stop selling such products in September as

part of a broad initiative to reduce teen vaping.”(Kaplan 2).

Yet, Electronic cigarette products are still being sold in liquor stores, gas stations, and

even in smoke shops, and the prices are lower than those of regular tobacco. According to the

“Vape Debate”,it says that “studies in the U.K and the U.S. show that vaping habits can be up to
40 percent less expensive than cigarette smoking habits.”(ProjectKnow 1). For people who

oppose teens vaping, the good part would be that restrictions are now going to be made, where

you have to be 21 or older to legally purchase e-cigarettes in U.S. convenience stores.

Consequently, “Over 1000 retailers have been fined by the FDA for selling e-cigarettes to

minors.”(Youngzine 1) This made the e-cigarette companies turn against the new FDA ban as

they saw their creation as a way to help smokers quit and not as a way to get income.

Unfortunately, Some teens and/or pre teens will still find a way to buy these flavored products

online without their parents/family members even noticing in the first place. Because of this,

they will eventually start vaping at a young age and get exposed to the chemicals inside this


The arguments regarding the uses of electronic cigarettes either as an adult or teen is

quite understandable. Individuals argue that if teens/young adults begin to vape, they will get

exposed to nicotine and other toxic chemicals from which they will most likely suffer from

cancer and heart disease if they turn to regular tobacco, showing that vaping isn’t safer than

smoking and therefore support the actions that the government takes. On the other hand, certain

people would say that vaping is less harmful and more safer when it comes to it quality use by

the person who vapes each day. Yet, the government and other cities are still trying to find ways

to stop the uses of flavored vaporizers and E-cigarettes around the country, For example,

according to CBS news, San Francisco became “the first city to approve an outright ban on the

sales of flavored vaping liquids, which voters upheld in 2018. The city prohibits smoking in

parks and public squares and does not allow smokeless tobacco at its playing fields.”(CBS 1) In
addition, Lawmakers in California, are now trying to establish two senate bills,38 and 39, in

order to prohibit any sales of electronic cigarettes and flavored tobacco in their state. These

senate bills will “require e-cigarette vendors to deliver their products in “conspicuously

marked”containers and only with the signature of a person 21 or older.”(Sheeler 1). These bills,

along with AB-131, will also ban vendors from trying to promote/advertise their vape products

that appeal to the younger generation, like cartoons or even ads starring famous people or

characters from popular TV shows.

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