Introduction of The Radial Basis Function (RBF) Networks: February 2001
Introduction of The Radial Basis Function (RBF) Networks: February 2001
Introduction of The Radial Basis Function (RBF) Networks: February 2001
116 3,867
1 author:
Adrian G. Bors
The University of York
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In this paper we provide a short overview of the Radial Basis Functions (RBF), their
properties, the motivations behind their use and some of their applications. RBF’s have been
employed for functional approximation in time-series modeling and in pattern classification.
They have been shown to implement the Bayesian rule and to model any continuous input-
output mapping. RBF’s are embedded in a two-layer neural network topology. We present the
physical and statistical significance of the elements composing the network. We introduce a
few RBF training algorithms and we show how RBF networks can be used in real
1 Introduction
Radial Basis Functions emerged as a variant of artificial neural network in late 80’s.
However, their roots are entrenched in much older pattern recognition techniques as for
example potential functions, clustering, functional approximation, spline interpolation and
mixture models [1]. RBF’s are embedded in a two layer neural network, where each hidden
unit implements a radial activated function. The output units implement a weighted sum of
hidden unit outputs. The input into an RBF network is nonlinear while the output is linear.
Their excellent approximation capabilities have been studied in [2,3]. Due to their nonlinear
approximation properties, RBF networks are able to model complex mappings, which
perceptron neural networks can only model by means of multiple intermediary layers [4].
In order to use a Radial Basis Function Network we need to specify the hidden unit activation
function, the number of processing units, a criterion for modeling a given task and a training
algorithm for finding the parameters of the network. Finding the RBF weights is called
network training. If we have at hand a set of input-output pairs, called training set, we
optimize the network parameters in order to fit the network outputs to the given inputs. The
fit is evaluated by means of a cost function, usually assumed to be the mean square error.
After training, the RBF network can be used with data whose underlying statistics is similar
to that of the training set. On-line training algorithms adapt the network parameters to the
changing data statistics [5,6]. RBF networks have been successfully applied to a large
diversity of applications including interpolation [7,8], chaotic time-series modeling [5,9],
system identification, control engineering [10], electronic device parameter modeling,
channel equalization [4,11,12], speech recognition [11,13], image restoration [14], shape-
from-shading [15], 3-D object modeling [8,16], motion estimation and moving object
segmentation [17], data fusion [18], etc.
This paper is structured as follows: in Section 2 we explain the network topology, in Section
3 we provide the RBF properties, while in Section 4 we describe some training algorithms for
RBF networks. Some experimental results when applying RBF networks are provided in
Section 5, while the conclusions of this study are drawn in Section 6.
2 Network topology
Radial basis functions are embedded into a two-layer feed-forward neural network. Such a
network is characterized by a set of inputs and a set of outputs. In between the inputs and
outputs there is a layer of processing units called hidden units. Each of them implements a
radial basis function. The way in which the network is used for data modeling is different
when approximating time-series and in pattern classification. In the first case, the network
inputs represent data samples at certain past time-laps, while the network has only one output
representing a signal value as shown in Fig. 1. In a pattern classification application the
inputs represent feature entries, while each output corresponds to a class as shown in Fig 2.
The hidden units correspond to subclasses in this case [11].
Figure 1. RBF network in time series modeling. Figure 2. RBF network in pattern classification.
Various functions have been tested as activation functions for RBF networks [8,12]. In time-
series modeling the most used activation function is the thin-plate spline [12]. In pattern
classification applications the Gaussian function is preferred [3,5,6,10,11]. Mixtures of
Gaussians have been considered in various scientific fields. The Gaussian activation function
for RBF networks is given by:
φ j (X ) = exp − (X − µ j ) Σ −1j (X − µ j )
] (1)
for j = 1, K , L , where X is the input feature vector, L is the number of hidden units,
µ j and Σ j are the mean and the covariance matrix of the jth Gaussian function. In certain
approaches a polynomial term is added to the expression (1) as in [7,9] while in others the
Gaussian function is normalized to the sum of all the Gaussian components as in the
Gaussian-mixtures estimation [14]. Geometrically, a radial basis function represents a bump
in the multidimensional space, whose dimension is given by the number of entries. The mean
vector µ j represent the location, while Σ j models the shape of the activation function.
Statistically, an activation function models a probability density function where µ j and
Σ j represent the first and second order statistics.
The output layer implements a weighted sum of hidden-unit outputs:
ψ k (X ) = ∑ λ jkϕ j (X )
j =1
for k = 1,K, M where λ jk are the output weights, each corresponding to the connection
between a hidden unit and an output unit and M represent the number of output units. The
weights λ jk show the contribution of a hidden unit to the respective output unit. In a
classification problem if λ jk > 0 the activation field of the hidden unit j is contained in the
activation field of the output unit k.
In pattern classification applications, the output of the radial basis function is limited to the
interval (0,1) by a sigmoidal function:
Yk (X ) =
1 + exp[− ψ k (X )]
for k = 1,K, M .
RBF networks have been implemented in parallel hardware using systolic arrays [19].
3 Properties
The RBF’s are characterized by their localization (center) and by an activation hypersurface.
In the case of Gaussian functions these are modeled by the two parameters µ j and Σ j . The
hypersurface is a hypersphere in the case when the covariance matrix is diagonal and has the
diagonal elements equal, and is a hyperellipsoid in the general case. In the general case of a
hyperellipsoid, the activation function influence decreases according to the Mahalanobis
distance from the center. This means that data samples located at a large Mahalanobis
distance from the RBF center will fail to activate that basis function. The maximum
activation is achieved when the data sample coincides with the mean vector. Gaussian basis
functions are quasi-orthogonal. The product of two basis functions, whose centers are far
away from each other with respect to their spreads, is almost zero.
The RBF’s can be thought of as potential functions. Hidden units whose output weights
λ jk have the same sign for a certain output unit, have their activation fields joined together in
the same way as electrical charges of the same sign form electrical fields. For hidden units
with output weights of different sign, their activation fields will correspond to the electrical
field of opposite sign charges. Other similarities are with windowing functions [8,10] and
with clustering [5,6].
RBF’s properties made them attractive for interpolation and functional modeling. As a direct
consequence, RBF’s have been employed to model probability density functions. RBF
networks have been shown to implement the Bayesian rule [3,11].
4 Training algorithms
By means of training, the neural network models the underlying function of a certain
mapping. In order to model such a mapping we have to find the network weights and
topology. There are two categories of training algorithms: supervised and unsupervised. RBF
networks are used mainly in supervised applications. In a supervised application, we are
provided with a set of data samples called training set for which the corresponding network
outputs are known. In this case the network parameters are found such that they minimize a
cost function:
min ∑ (Y (X )− F (X )) (Y (X ) − F (X ))
k i k i k i k i
i =1
where Q is the total number of vectors from the training set, Yk (X i ) denotes the RBF output
vector and Fk (X i ) represents the output vector associated with the a data sample X i from the
training set. In unsupervised training the output assignment is not available for the given set.
A large variety of training algorithms has been tested for training RBF networks. In the initial
approaches, to each data sample was assigned a basis function. This solution proved to be
expensive in terms of memory requirement and in the number of parameters. On the other
hand, exact fit to the training data may cause bad generalization. Other approaches choose
randomly or assumed known the hidden unit weights and calculate the output weights λ jk by
solving a system of equations whose solution is given in the training set [7]. The matrix
inversion required in this approach is computationally expensive and could cause numerical
problems in certain situations (when the matrix is singular). In [8,10] the radial basis function
centers are uniformly distributed in the data space. The function to be modeled is obtained by
interpolation. In [13] less basis functions then given data samples are used. A least squares
solution that minimizes the interpolation error is proposed.
Orthogonal least squares using Gram-Schmidt algorithm is proposed in [12,20]. An adaptive
training algorithm for minimizing a given cost function is a gradient descend algorithm.
Backpropagation adapts iteratively the network weights considering the derivatives of the
cost function (2) with respect to those weights [3,4,11,21]. Expectation-maximization
algorithm using a gradient descent algorithm for modeling the input-output distributions is
employed in [14]. Backpropagation algorithm may require several iterations and can get
stuck into a local minima of the cost function (2). Clustering algorithms as k-means [1], or
learning vector quantization [22] have been employed for finding the hidden unit parameters
in [5]. The centers of the radial basis functions are initialized randomly. This algorithm is on-
line and its first stage is unsupervised. For a given data sample X i , the algorithm adapts its
closest center:
Xi − µˆ j = min Xi − µˆ k
k =1
The Euclidean distance denoted by ⋅ can be replaced with the Mahalanobis distance [6]. In
this situation we use the covariance matrix in the computation of the distance. In order to
avoid the singularity of the covariance matrix a sufficient large number of data samples must
be considered for the covariance matrix calculation used in the Mahalanobis distance. The
center is updated as follows:
µˆ j = µˆ j + η ( Χ i − µˆ j )
where η is the training rate. For a minimal output variance, the training rate is equal to the
inverse of the total number of data samples associated to that hidden unit. In this case the
center corresponds to the classical first order statistical estimation. Similarly, second order
statistical estimation can be employed for the covariance matrix. The output weights are
evaluated in a second stage by means of Least Mean Square estimation. Outliers and data
overlapping may cause bias in the parameter estimation. Algorithms using robust statistics as
Median RBF [6,17] and Alpha-trimmed Mean RBF [16] have been employed for hidden unit
estimation. A set of generator functions is proposed in [21] for hidden unit activation function
selection. Stochastic selection has been considered in [23] for the radial basis functions.
As we have observed in Section 2, RBF network topology is determined by the number of
hidden units. Various procedures have been employed for finding a suitable network
topology. Usually, topology adaptive approaches employ an additional regularization term to
the cost function (2) depending on the number of hidden units. Criteria such as Akaike [12]
or Minimum Description Length can be used in this case. Other approaches employ cluster
merging [20] or splitting [11].
5 Experimental results
In the following we show some of the capabilities of the RBF network. We implement an
RBF classifier on a set of artificial distributions. We considered four two-dimensional (2-D)
Gaussian clusters grouped in two classes. The distributions are shown in Fig. 3.
the 3-D shape from Fig. 4. In order to assess the modeling we have considered two error
measures. The first error measure estimates the bias in sphere center estimation. The second
error measure computes the error in shape estimation by comparing the given shape and the
shape implemented by the network. The comparative results are displayed in Table I. We can
observe from this table that algorithms using robust statistics provide better parameter
estimation than classical RBF network estimation.
Figure 4. Initial shape representation using 6 Figure 5. The shape learned by an RBF
spheres. network.
6 Conclusions
In this study we provide an introduction to the Radial Basis Function Networks. RBF’s have
very attractive properties such as localization, functional approximation, interpolation, cluster
modeling and quasi-orthogonality. These properties made them attractive in many
applications. Very different fields such as: telecommunications, signal and image processing,
control engineering and computer vision used them successfully for various tasks. We provide
some of their properties and a few training algorithms. We present some examples when
applying RBF network to modeling and classifying artificial data.
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